pxge two AfEDFOTlD MAIL TRTBUlfE. MEDFOItD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1932. NATIONAM.EAGUE Pitching and Batting Give Clearcut Edge Win Over Giants 13th Victory in Last 16 Engagements ny OAI.E TAI.BOT. (Associated Press "ports Writer) Tearing along three game In front of their closest punuera today, their treat pitching itaff mowing down oppoelng batsmen with relentle el llclency and their hitter thumping In unlaon, the Chicago Cuba threaten to make a runaway of the National leagua race. When young Lon Warns, aet trie New York Olant down yesterday, t to 9. the leaden acored their fourth etralght victory over eaatern eluba and their 13th win In IS en gagement. Unless Rogera Horiuby'a team la elowed down aoon, It will pile up auoh an advantage It will be able to coaet through to the flag, Warnekr's Work llrllllnnt. -Warneke's aeneatlonal hurling haa rounded out one of the moat for midable ataffa In either league. In winning hi flrat five gamea, In each of which he went the full dla tance, the 33-year-old product ol Mount Ida, Ark,, baa given up only nine hlta, hta work haa overahad owed that of auch veteran mate aa Malone, Bush, Smith, Root and Orlmea, and they have don well nougb. The Client could find Warnek for only five hit yeeterdey. two of which cam after two were out In the ninth and provided their aecond run. In all of the nine Innlnge he wa unhlttabl. HI teammate laced three Olant hurlera for 11 eafetle. vary man In the lineup getting at leaat one. mite Stop nedi. Th day' only other National league bout aaw th Phlllle break Cincinnati' o-geme winning atreak, 4 to 0. behind Ray Benge' effective pitching, rive Red hit were widely apaced. Rain checked th scheduled ctlvltlea at Pittsburg and Bt. Louie. Vlo Borrell turned in the day'a American leegu masterpiece when he allowed th Boston Red Box only two hit In pitching the Detroit Tiger to II to 0 victory. Hal Hhyne's two' elnglea knocked Borrell out of a no-hlt game. Lefty Grove wa almost as effective aa th Athletic blanked the Chi cago Whit Box. to 0. The great outhpaw allowed al hlta. The wlldnes of Walter Stewart and "Bump" Hadley, who dlatrlbuted 11 walka, helped the Yankee trounce th Bt. Louis Brown, 10 to 3, In their delayed opener. Cleveland waa rained out at Wash Ington. BASEBALL YESTERDAY R. H. S. 1 0 . 4 14 0 Seattle Los Angelea , Kslllo and Cox; Sweetland and Campbell. R. H. E. Hollywood I 7 1 Sacramento ... 1 fi 0 Page and Bassler; Bryan and Wood-all, R. H. S. San Francisco ......... 10 8 1 Oakland .. 13 6 McDougall and Penebsy; Thomas and Read. i R. H. E. 17 0 13 I Portland ................. Missions Shores, Peterson and Fltzpatrlck; H. PUlette, Brlggi and Hofmahn, Rlccl. ILK IN ITU GIVES BEAVERS (By the Assoclutetl Press) Los Angeles, by defeating the Se attle Indiana, 4-1 In the sortee opener lut night, had it retched He win ning atreak to aeven atralght today. The Angela had a. profitable third Inning In wblch Stats tripled with two on baae to account for two ol the three rune In this frame. A home run by Quelllch In the eighth, which ehased another runner home, turned the tables In favor of Hollywood, aa the Stars took the opener from Sacramento, 8-1. Aa the Angela were winning their seventh straight, Oakland was losing Its seventh consecutive game, this time being victims of the San Fran cisco Seala. 10-1. The game was a hurler's duel until the eighth when the Seals scored three runs and broke a one-all tie. They came back In the ninth to add six more on two hit, plus some ragged baseball and four errors by Oakland. Portland defeated the Mission Reds, 6-5 after the Missions had tied the score In the seventh. Brlggs walked Chosen In the ninth when the bases were full, forcing In the win ning run. SPONSORS PLAYS AL SPEED DEMONS IN Word was received today from Qeorge Hurley of Albany that both he and John Ftersteln would be on dock to compete In the next speed boat race meet which will be held at Emigrant lake Sunday, May 32. Both Hurley and Fie rate in are old timers In the speed boat racing game and have raced at practically all regattas held here during the last three years. Ftersteln was second high point man In the first regatta held here this year. He drove Miss Albany and gave a wonderful exhibi tion of consistent driving. Fter steln last year held the northwest championship and la holder of the famous Baker trophy which goes to the man winning the northwest championship two consecutive years. Hurley, who drives the Golden Slipper, had bsd luck In the lw.t meet and caved In the whole side of his boat when ho collided with Beech er of Portland -vhlle Jockeying for position in one of the starts. Hurley haa a great outfit and had he stayed on top would have placed In the money. There were a great many casual ties In the first meet at Emigrant because of the large number of entries, which crowded the course to capacity. Arrangements are being made to take care of even more entries In the races of the 32nd and an extra buoy will be added to the course, which will bring the starts closer to the view of the spec tatora and will probably result In leas smashups. All the drivers who attended were enthusiastic over the course and the way the races were run off In spite of the great num ber of turnovers and collisions. Hurley In his letter to the Med ford "Navy, which Is sponsoring the show, also mentioned that he is bringing down dark horse from Corvallls. who has purchased a brand spanking new 1033 boat and motor and expects to give It Its Initial race here and expects to clean up. Local drivers merely grinned and remarked that the dark horse would probably get his Initiation to the cool waters of Emigrant lake as the course when crowded, Is no place for an amateur dark horse who expects to clean up. Elect Frank Perl coroner. How They Stand (By th Associated Press) American W. L. Pet. Washington 17 .778 New York . 18 S .684 Detroit 13 S .619 Cleveland St. Louis Philadelphia Chicago Boston .. it 10 Alt 11 14 .440 . la .429 i 17 .391 17 .109 Chicago Boston Philadelphia Cincinnati St. Louis ....... New York Brooklyn Pittsburgh ... W. L. ,Pct. 17 13 .730 .810 12 10 .843 14 13 .838 11 13 .488 8 13 .400 7 13 .880 7 16 418 San Francisco Loa Angeles Portland Hollywood Sacramento . Seattle .. Oakland Mission ......... W. L. . 34 13 Pet. .807 , 31 14 .800 31 18 .883 . 31 IS .583 . 30 18 .558 . 18 31 .417 13 33 .871 . 8 28 .322 PLANNED FOR MAY 30 Announcement of the second an nual Southern Oregon Archery tour nament, to be held at the Jackson county fairgrounds May SO, has been made by the secretary, C. W. Davis of this city. An extensive program, opening with registrations at 8:30 a.m., and the final events scheduled at 4:30 p. m., has been planned by the club. Many entrants are expected to par ticipate In the tournament day ac tivities, and the public Is also in vited to the program. COUGAR BASEBALLERS LEADING CONFERENCE SEATTLE, May 11. (fl) Washing ton Slate's baseball team took the lead In conference standing here yesterday when they defeated Uni versity of Washington. 4 to 3. The Cougars scored all their run In the fifth Inning In which Ollle Arbelblde knocked a homer with two on. FOREST OROVE 88 ton Of dried prune packed and ahlpped during recent week at local packing plant of Oregon Prune Growers' association. CHEERFUL NEWS WASHINGTON, May II (AP) Prospect for higher wheat price I -nt brighter today with th agri culture department's aecond report on winter production, placing It at 440,781.000 usbel against 787,488, 000 for last year. Continued unfavorable growing condition brought th Indicated harvest down 18.000.000 bushel from th April 1 forecast of 488,000,000. The May 1 condition waa 78.1 per cent of ..vmal. Market? Livestock. PORTLAND. May 11. (AP) Cattle 100: calve 10; about steady. Hogs 100; about steady. Sheep and lambs, 800; quotably steady for better grade. Portland Produce PORTLAND. May 11. (AP) On ions selling price to retailers: Ore gon, $8.008.60 cental; boilers, 88$ 7; new Cochell, 32.281 3.60 crate. New potatoes California Gamete, 4 ft 41-10. Butter, butterfat, eggs, live poul try, country meat, potatoes, aeed potatoes, wool and hay quotations unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., May 11. (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Low Close July .00 H 41 -80H .81 July .68 '4 .89 MV, M Sept. M'i .57 .58 1, .87 Deo. M JS9 M .19 Cash wheat: Big Bend bluestem . Soft white western whit Hard winter ... Northern splrng .u. Western red .71 .8114 .61(4 .8014 6914 .88H Oat N. 3 white, 828.00. Today' car receipts: Wheat 1. flour 10. corn 1, oat 1. San Francisco Butterfat. SAN FRANCISCO, May 11 (AP) Butterfat, f.o.b San Francisco 20c. Wall St. Report Stock Sale Averages (Copyright. 1932, standard Statistic Co.) May 11: 80 30 30 30 India Rr-s Ut's Total Today 46.0 19.7 78.4 47.7 Prev. day 46.0 20.1 78.4 47.7 Week ago ... 43 5 10.8 78.8 48.8 Year ago -.116.8 82.3 170.8 120.6 Bond Sale Averages (Copyright, 1932, Standard Statistics Co.) May 11: 20 20 Zndl'i Rr's Today 87.8 88.7 Prev. day 87.8 68.8 Week ago 613 68.4 Year ago 84.4 101.7 30 Ut's 76.4 76.7 78.1 100.3 am nivrisrn Mav 11. (AP) The University of Wsahlngton won first place and Washington oi College aecond In the senior national intercollegiate rifle team matches, army ninth corps area headquarters here was Informed by the war de partment today. The beat college rifle teams In the country participated In th matchea. Oregon Stat College won eleventh place. TOLEDO Farmer plan to establish public market here. 60 Total 84.3 64.4 1 64.1 j 96.6 ' I NEW YORK, May 11. (AP) A cau- tlou rally In the stock market today : waa upset by a contrary tendency In the rail sharea. Early gain of 1 to 2 point were largely lost, and th close found most of the list negligibly changed, with soma losses of 1 to 3 points. The day's turnover was only about 700,000 shares. Th market wa helped for a time by favorable Interpretations of the coalition economy move In the sen ate In Washington, and th upturn In wheat but trader remained cau tious. Today's closing price for IB se lected stocks follow: American Can ... American T. T, Anaconda ....... Curtlas Wright General Motors Int. T. Jt &T u Montgomery Ward Paramount Pub. Radio . Southern Pac. S. O. of Cal. 3. O. of N. J. Trans. Am. FEED Crown YOU'LL NEVER BE SORRY Sold by MONARCH Seed & Teed Co. 80 H 99 8 1(4 HH 6 4 7(4 3'A 4 It 20 26 sA 8 39(4 Oregon Weather. Generally fair tonight and Thurs day, but becoming cloudy north and west portions, probably with rains northwest portion: cooler northwest portion Thursday; moderate southerly wind offshore. United Aircraft U. 8. Steel 5 MIDGET 1()c PHOTOS IUU The Peasleys Opposite Holly Theatre A Splendid Investment COPCO 6 PREFERRED STOCK Ppricent $86 Per Share Yields Approximately 7 On the Investment Buy Direct From Investment Department The California Oregon Power Company E SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., May It. (AP) With nary a husband In eight, th American women golf team which will play an English team at Wentwortb next week, ar rived today. After all. husbands ar only a nuisance and w thought they had but be left behind," said Mr. Glen na Collett Van. "Oee, I'm Just craa; at aeelng old England again," Helen Hlcka. Ameri can champion, exclaimed. "W are Just a nice quiet party of golfing glrla and none the unmarried ones t engaged on th way over." Other member of the American team are Mrs, Leon a Cheney, of Los Angeles, Virginia Van Wte. of Chi cago, Maureen Orcutt of Englewood. N. J. Mrs, Opal S Hill of Kansas City. Mra. Barley Hlgble of Detroit and Marlon Holltns of Santa Cms. TED THYETOULS WOKANTT, Wash.. May 11. K foul rbbit punch by TXt Thy, Portland hraTj-wtght, tT Aba Kaplan, Nsw York, th (.teuton tn a feature wrs tUng bout hra last night. Each had won ft fall warn th foul tk oallM. Thy 4llvrM hit punoh In the fifth round, and waa declared lossr by Rfr Frrtman at Kaplan writh ed on the mat. Kaplan look the flrtt fall with a ( iff rlfttit to th Jaw that atrtYhd Thy on the mat tn the third round, and Thy took Uw v ortd with a ertfi of shoulder butt in th fourth. Thy weighed ICS pound and Kaplan 320. Billed aa tha aemt-windup, th match lfiwn O. U Hupp. Moecow, Ida., and Bd Mtyer, Coutr d' Alert. Id-, took all th cuttomrrs' cheer. Th middleweight grappled over fir fart rounda to a draw. 1, 11-5 COR V ALL! A, Or. May 11 Oregon dutv baseball team defeat ed Idaho. 11 to 1. her ytrday, maklnc & clean aweep of th two ram teiie.. Error contributed treat IT to Idahol downfall, th Vandalt twin chanred with 10 bobble. Ore gon att moved: up to th -00 per cent column In conference atandlng with threw wlna and thre toe. Idaho motfafj to Kupene, where the? open ft two-gam acriea. Uuv tag todaj, - Th Jackson County Recreation club la aponaorlng thre one-act playa , to be given Saturday evening. May 14, at a o'clock, at th aenlor high school. Medford. Then thre playa hav been judged th beat In a coun- 1 ty-wld con ton by Rev, Balrd. Flrat Christian church, Medford; Mlaa Dor othy Mitchell, T. W. O. A. secretary; , Mlaa Pay Wooltey, county librarian, ! and Mlaa Margaret Hentley of the j Medford Mall Tribune. Th Jackaon County recreation club la ft county-wld organisation com- prlted of local leader from IB com- J muntlea which meet once month. Thi organisation grew out of the j recreation and dramatic achool bold her torn tlm ago by Mr. Bradford I and Mr. Knapp of th National Play- ground association. Last year nine communities took part In th dramatics contest and this year trier wer five. Next year the three best play will be taken to the Horn Interest conference t Oregon State college and ft atate-wld con-' test held. So much Interest haa been taken in the final judging of the county contest that It waa decided to pre sent the playa at the Medford aenlor high school, where ample seating room will be provided. There will be good imislc and ft splendid two and one-half hour program at a email admission charge. Miracle Winner Newmarket Stakes NEWMARKET, England, Mny U. (AP) Lord Roeeberry'a Miracle, sec ond choir for th derby at Epsom Downs Jun 1, today won Vi New market atage at a mil and ft quar ter for three-year-old a. Miracle won by four length from Mra. I. RlM's Rolling Rock, with the Aga Khan1 Bulandahar third. The stakes were 1000 pound with extra. The First Event of Its Kind In Our History! STARTING A GIGANTIC FURNITURE A T7 V T FTTw AUL n ON tf J ciu. rim l tavorcu ! . vws aii-ftt jrom the roasters (Swells (offee Two 2:00 Great Sales and 7:00 P. M Hundreds of Amazing Bargains Throughout Our Store Not Included In the Auction Sale 1ep v t-' 'jWaaiV .'. - - v 1 ft It? V ' j - iJJI tj-d , (ft v. 4 i . . . . t J SEE OUR BIG AD IN FRIDAY'S TRIBUNE! Sjv V V TS1 v- N4 VU m ilmea, V Mm t I Ma TrlrfJv Tie CASWELL COFFEE MAN Tel. M-J-4, Medford Automatic Electric CofTtt Hoastint Acxompluhcd by the cm w r.Aswn i cn in EDFORD FURNITURE & HOWL CO Our Store Will Remain Open Evenings During This Sale naaaaaaaraaaT.