Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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Local and
To GfcappooM Mrs. 5. I. Smith f
Scappooae, Ore., who vUlted Dr. M.
B. Miller oi Phoenix for several days,
left here today by train for her home.
Calla In Medford Oscar C. Weber
of Portland, representing Nalley'a,
Inc., la In MedfoM today on busi
ness. In Ashland Today Mr. E. M. Wil
son Is spending today In Ashland.
There she attended the D. A. R.
luncheon this noon.
At the Hotels C. W. Kimball of
New York City and D. M. Johnston
of Vancouver, B. 0.. have registered
at local hotels.
. '
l. Returns from North Ernie Harper,
who left Saturday for Seattle on a
business trip, returned to Medford by
train this morning.
Dr. Temple Leaves Dr. T. H. Tem
ple left Medford by train at noon
today for Portland, having attended
Mrs. Temple's funeral here Sunday.
Deal Visits Here W. K. Deal of
Portland was a visitor In Medford,
his former home town, again the first
of the week. t
To Hllleboro Francis Barr plans to
leave tomorrow by plane for Hills-j
boro, where he will visit his parents
while convalescing from a recent ap
pendicitis operation.
Continues North Oene Simpson,
superintendent of the state game
farm, Corvallls, returned, north on
the Shasta this noon. He spent this :
forenoon in Ashland on business.
VUlts Sister Here Richard law
arrived In Medford last evening from
Washington, en route to Hilt, Cal.,
and visited his sister, Ren a Collie,
)and other relatives while here.
Return" to Persist Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Wllletts, vho have been guesta
In Medford for the past several days,
are leaving today for their ranch
Insorance Man Here Ira Reynolds
of the Commercial Union fleet. Port
land, la In Medford today, conferring
with members of local Insurance
. -
Miss Estes VUlts Miss Kathleen
Zstes of San Francisco arrived In
Medford today on the Shasta to
spend the remainder of the week
here visiting friends and relatives.
In City Today S. O. Selllclt, elgnal
supervisor for the Southern Pacific
railroad, with headquartera In Rose
burg, la In Medford today, having
arrived yesterday by train.
- . .
Business Callers W. H. Gregory
and son Herbert of the Eagle Point
road were business callers In Med
i ford yesterday afternoon, taking ad
I vantage of the cessation of farming
caused by the rain.
Erpected Tomorrow Mrs. Carl Swl-
tomorrow after spending the week
end In Palo Alto and San Francisco,
as the guests of Mr. Swlgart and their
; daughter, Mrs. E. H. Ayres.
Miss Mattson Leaves Sylvia Matt
- aon of Salem, bookkeeper for the ho
tel system of which the Jackson ho
tel Is a branch, returned north by
train today, having been here since
Newbury Returns Attorney dus
Newbury returned to Medford by
, train today from Portland, to which
city he went Sunday. He appeared
as counsel In a case tried In United
States court there yesterday.
- . . .
California Guests The Bear state
registrants at city hotels are J. J.
Alexander of San Francisco, James
)Brlggs and Robert S. Israel of River
side. 0. A. Thurston and mother of
Inglewood, H. W. Lelght and H. Joe
Isaacs, Jr., of Los Angeles.
From (State Points Quests from
Oregon cities outside of Portland who
are registered at Medford hotels In-
1,4. r.h.Hn. Clv1nrA nf Klamath
Falls, George Barbour and S. O. Sel
llck of Roseburg. A. O. Bouquet of
Corvallls, B. r. Sohallhorn, J. E. Har
per, George F. Letron and R. A. Wil
liams of Eugene.
Apollo to Open studio Sebastian
Apollo, well known pianist and or
ganist, who has had a studio In this
'city for some time, has announced
plans to open a branch atudlo in
Ashland, where he will spend Satur
day each week. The studio will be
opened this coming Saturday, but
will not Interfere with his musical
work here, where he will maintain
his present studio.
Portlsnders Here From the city of
Portland the following guests are
registered at hoela In Medford: N.
R. Leopold, Fred Donaldson, Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Jones, O. R. Thornburg.
T. Mallahant, J. F. Randall, C.
. Barr, F. A. Johnson, H. E. Peck.
Charles 8. Brewster, Oscar C. Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Oreullck. Lenore
Orsullck, W. K. Deal. F. E. Fortner.
O. N. Borresvlk, King Baird and Leslie
at Reduced Prices!
Guaranteed To Fit
Also rtiltirtlons In rn,(1 erown.
brlilt.wors and tllMnts.
Optn Ettnlnta bj appointment
Dr. Thompson
m East Main St.
Ret. Front and Central
Phone 70
Transacting Business Mrs. Reason
Evenslzer of Bybee Springs was a
buslneea caller in MsvifArvf
Ing. Other visitors from neighboring
.ucaiiHw were s. Hanson of Reese
creek and R&lph WUcox of Phoenix.
Mr. Steel Improvlnr Friends of
Will Steel of the Crater Lake park
service areglad to .ear nthat he Is in
an Improved condition today at the
Sacred Heart hospital, where he has
been receiving treatment for a severe
cold, bordering on pneumonia,
Railway Men Here a group of rail
way representatives arrived In Med
ford on the train this morninsr from
Portland. They were O. R. Webster
of the Milwaukee, Charles Burnett of
the Rock Island. Ted Hoke of the
Pennsylvania, and George Thomas of
tne Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul.
Rhoades Going to Run A. B.
Rhoades, well known in many sec
tions of the valley as a soap sales
man, was about town this morning
catling on business and professional
men and announcing his plans to
run for Jackson county sheriff on
an Independent ticket. He promises
"a clean" administration, if elected.
Register In City Washington rest
dents stopping at the hotels In Med
ford are as follows: Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Rowley of Bremerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Preston and Mrs. Fred
Montgomery of Spokane, Lt. and Mrs.
S. R. Bud of Puget Sound navy yard.
R. Q Masters, Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Ketch am. W. G. Mclnroe, R. M. Mc
Lain, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sohwartz.
Receives "Liar's" License George
Lowe of Central Point, who recently
reported a catch of 17 trout at the
close of one day's fishing In the
Rogue. Is the recipient of the first
"liar's license" issuing to this year's
crop of fishermen, fellow anglers an
nounced this morning. The early
Issue of a license leads the sports
men to believe there will be an es
pecially heavy run on this department
of their association this year.
DelZell In Ashland W. A. DelZell
of Salem, Democratic candidate for
congress, who was a welcome visitor
in Medford yesterday, continued to
Ashland this morning, where he
spoke today noon before a meeting
of the Klwanls club. Noted for. his
wit and humor, Mr. DelZell lived up
to his reputation here yesterday in a
short talk before the Chamber of
Commerce forum. While In Medford
he, with Mrs. DelZell, was guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Newbury.
GUI In Bay City Word haa been
received here from James Gill, former
operator of a shoe shop on South
Riverside, and well known lover of
the open road. He la In San Fran
cisco, conferring with publishing
houses regarding the publication of
"Rogue River Valley Moon," The
words of the song were written by
himself and Mr. Newman and the
muslo by Sebastian Apollo. In the
places where lt has been Introduced,
the song has met with much favor,
he writes from the bay city. He
plans to start his return trip to Med
ford Wednesday.
and Clubs
Triangle Members
Honor Mothers
Forty-three members of the Hi
Triangle club of the First Christian
church and their fifteen guests en
joyed an Interesting meeting con
ducted In the church parlors last
evening. Mothers of the members
were honor guests.
Following the regular a business
meeting, in charge of Miss Leneve
Slmklns, the topic, "Training the
Eyes, Hands and Brain," was dis
cussed, with Lois Carter giving a
paper on the subject. Everet Schaef
er gave a talk on "John Ink! ma. Cap
tain of the Oregon."
Misses Virginia Gregory and Gene
vieve Brown, accompanied at the
piano by Miss Marjorte Gregory, sang
A program of musical selections
and readings followed the discussion
of the island Jamaica.
Miss Velma Smith played a piano
solo, Miss Dorothy Schaefer gave a
reading. Misses Gregory and Brown
sang a duet. Miss June Davis har
monica selections, Winston Hotell
two solos, accompanied at the piano
by Miss Slmklns. and four readings
by Rev. W. R. Baird.
Refreshments vera served by the
group in charge.
The hall was attractively decorat
ed in lovely spring flowers, and each
honor guest was presented a dainty
The welcome extended the mothers
by the president and Mrs. A. H. Greg
ory, advisor, was responded to by Mrs.
Allen Curry, president of the Wom
en's Missionary society of the church.
CHILOQUIN Contract for load
ing and hauling 15.000 cublo yards
gravel to be placed on Cblloquln
Sprague River road from Bray Mill
eastward, awarded to G. I. Stebblns
Construction Co., Klamath Falls, on
their bid of 111,250.
I lincerely appreciate
the response of Medford
and Ashland friendi and
buiinesi firmi at the
opening of the Hotel
Allen Monday.
Hotel Allen
E. T. Allen, Prop.
(Continued from rags One.)
A complete list from the senior
high school showed the following
boys controlling Medford s lndur.rles;
Melvln Anderson. Mann's Dep irt
ment store; George Brown, KMED;
Charles Champltn, Jr., Holly theater;
Zeno Clay, Medford Fuel company;
Luclan Clement, Craterlan; Jack Col
baugh, Pierce Allen Motor company;
Wltdon Colbaugh. Dally News; Arthur
Cook, Standard Oil; Bob Dietrich,
Western Auto Supply: Thyrs Dodge,
Gates Auto company; Paul Dorf, Ca
melo; Joe Fader, Hubbard Brothers;
Norman Fraley, J. C. Penney; Dur-
ward Gass, Copco; Billy Gentry, Hub
bard Brothers; Harold Grove, Tele
phone company; Ltoyd Hammock,
Lee's Men's Shop; George Harrington,
Rlalto theater; Cleo Hicks, Jackson
Hotel; Russell Hogue, Western Auto
Supplies; Winston Hotetl, Big Pines;
Seeley Johnson, Medford Investment
company; Boyce Kellogg. Marshall;
Bill Knlps, Southern Oregon Gas Co.;
BUI Lamb. Qates Auto Shop; Conway
Latham, Cupp Furniture; Ray Lewis,
Weeks and Orr; BUI Lyman. Pierce
Allen Motor company; Herbert Neil
son, Lawrence Jewelry; Thomas New
comb. Park Landscape Gardens; Lloyd
Nicholson, First National Bank; Le
Clair Northercraft, Puruker; Dan
Olson, (Heath's Drugs; Jean Prock.
West Side Pharmacy; Max Rae. Lam
port's; Maurice Sctaeel, Medford Mail
Tribune; oh Sherwood, Copco; Hugh
Shurtleff, Eakln Garage; Bernal Slead.
Woolworth's; Robert Sparks, Newbury
Variety Store; Veral Stearns, Flck and
Lindley; Ben Stlnson, Holly Theater;
Jerry Trill. Office Stationery and
Supply; Wilton White. Telephone
company: Maynard Wilson. Holmes
Insurance company: Jack Wood, Peo
ple's Electric; Pet Winnie, Larry
Schade; Rufus Younger, Modern
Plumbing. x
A chassis of the new Ford V-8, cut
away to show the mechanical perfec
tion of the newest of Henry Ford's
creations, will be displayed at the
O. E. Gates Auto company's show
rooms at the corner of Sixth and
Riverside all day Thursday. C. K.
"Pop" Gates has extended a cordial
Invitation to all southern Oregon
people to Inspect the special chassis
wnicn snows the construction of the
new V-8 motor as well as the run
ning gear of the new Ford model.
Another talking moving picture
show will also be featured Thursday
evening, according to Mr. Gates, to
which the public will be invited.
Mrs. Frances Mver Bllllnra. a nln-
neer of southern Oregon, who crossed
tne plains in 1853 with an ox-team,
and settled soon thereafter in this
valley, died thla morning at her home
In the Valley View district of Ash
land. She was 79 years of age. She
was well known among the pioneers
of Jackson countv. and was antlv. in
the Southern Oregon Iloneer associ
ation. All her life she was an earnest
and devout worker In the a' fairs of
the Methodist church of this section,
and the state,
Mrs. Bllllnas in aiirvlvaH nv n
husband, G. F. Billings, and two sons
nomer and Ralph Billings.
Mann's Announces
W hiteSale.With
Opening Wednesday
At Mann's deoartment .tar whir
Will relffn lUnwrnM fnr tfe- hi
which opens there tomorrow morning,
article after article of snowy white
fabrlca will be shown to the Med
ford buying public.
"BabV Week" I. .Un Mmln. In fnr
Its shsre of prominence at the de
partment store, and babya needs
may be satisfactorily taken care of
In thla section of Mann's.
Included In the new dlsplsya In
this department are tlttta hnnnata
of "organdie and net, lace and rib
bon trimmed," according to the
Sharp reductions on spring coats
for Immediate clearance.
Water Hyacinths, Cabomba
Swamp Callat, Spider Lily
Water Iris, Giant Arrowhead
Water Lilies (Pnk. white, yellow)
GOLD I'ttntail'
JrlSH Oalicoi.
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
323 E. Main " Phone 260
Bancroft Coming
Ka,-V r'- KfC TT
Director John Cromwell, George Bancroft, Miriam Hopkins
1. 1 D J MTk. Y-IJ J U Cl-ark"
it wot k on raraii.uum a uiaiua, iiv uuu aim i iwh
The mighty ruler of Red Russia!
Once a member of the "black gang"
. . . now the most feared man in the
Soviet republic I A brutal being of
unbridled passion and drunk with
Such Is the role George Bancroft
portrays In that splendid motion
picture epic, "The World and the
Flesh," with Miriam Hopkins, which
is coming to the Craterlan theatre
tomorrow and Thursday.
Bancroft always played virile he
man roles In the past . . but this
Ben Lyon Coming
Ben Lyon, popular leading man,
cornea to the Holly theatre tomor
row In "The Big Timer," the rollick
ing comedy of a small town chump
who wanted to be a big town champ.
Constance Cummlngs and Thelma
Todd are the featured feminine play
ers. With the feature will show a "Be
lieve It or Not" reel with Robert L.
Ripley, a Ted H using Sportslant, and
Marjorle Beebe in a novelty comedy.
'Hot News Margy." The closing at
traction at the Holly tonight is "Man
Wanted," starring the ravishing
beauty, Kay Francis. It Is a mod
ern, up-to-date comedy of a charm
ing boss who goes on the make and
'gets her man."
Paul McDonald, chairman of the ;
membership committee of the Ash- j
land ohamber of commerce," today led
a drive in that city to raise 12300 in
two hours." Those working on the
plan were well equipped with "sales
talk," according to reports.
The chamber budget calls for 13500,
but 91200 of til at amount will come
from the state, for the out-of-state -car
registration work.
Knights Templar.
ecatea conclave MSitacom
mandenr No. 4. K. T.. Ma
sonic Temple, Ashland,
Wednesday evening, May 4. .
Vw.V Routine business. AH Sir
Knights courteously Invited to at
tend. A. J. McC ALLEN, i
W. H. DAY, Recorder. Commander. !
Harold Oell recently purchased John
Greene service station in South
to 35c
to Fox Craterian
portrayal Is undoubtedly his finest
characterization. As the uncouth and
resistless dictator, he 1 s the true
counterpart of a huge, two-fisted
ruffian . , . whose emotions can only
be aroused by Miriam Hopkins as the
great Russian dancer. The picture Is
one of the year's flnestl
Today will be the final perform
ance of "Tarzan, the Ape Man," thrill
ing adventures of the African Jun
gles, featuring Johnny Wclasmuller,
Maureen O'Sulllvan, Nell Hamilton
and C. Aubrey Smith.
Hugh Will Shaw was held to ans
wer to the grand Jury when he ap
peared before Judge Glenn O. Taylor
this forenoon for a preliminary hear
ing on a: charge of non-support In
behalf of his two-year-old daugh
ter. Shaw was later released on his
own recognizance, to furnish H000
bail within three daya .time.
The charges were filed by Mrs.
Winifred Shaw November 3, 1931,
but ha was not located until re
cently. He has been on a ranch
near Pendleton, he told the court.
Members of the city council will
devote aome time tonight at their
regular meeting to an ordinance to
Issue improvement bonds to take up
warrants Issued to date for Improve
ments In the city for the past year
No other Important business has
been announced to come before the
city dads.
May 4, 8 P.M.
"The New
Verona Hull
Xnted Psychologist and Katllo
St. Mark's Guild
Fifth and Oakdal (ta.
May 4, 5, 6, and 8, 9,
10, 11, 8:00 P.M.
A dramatic, forceful msusga
Uachlng ths sound, practical,
Invlnclbla laws of Ms, whereby
you may rlae to complete self
mastery, and throw off fear,
self-consctousnass, Inferiority,
worry, disease, and failure.
No admission o'large, rree will
Inspiring radio talks dally
KMI l, 8:30 A. M.
(For Information or consulta
tion plinna lit.
Tuei, and Wed,
'Good Bad Girl
Mae Clark
Any teat 18c any time
av'Wu.. "ML ' i 1 "Hum itmrj
Proclamations, announcing annual
poppy day In Medford and granting
the American Legion Auxiliary per
mission to sell the memorial poppies
May 20 and HI, were Issued today
by Mayor E. M. Wilson.
They read:
To the citiceris of Medford:
Poppy Day, and its veteran
made Memorial Popples, have been
recognized nationally since 1030
for their symbolism of World war
sacrifice. It is fitting, therefore,
that during this memorial period
our citizens, deeply patriotic,
should pause and reflect In hon
oring those whose lives were sac
rificed for the principles of lib
erty and to give aid to the living
victims of an heroic strife which
gave to those troubled nations a
new life and restraint from op
pression. From these poppies,
made by disabled veterans within
our hospitals, may there be rea
lized a fund that will give them
renewed pleasures and happiness
and Indicate to them that our
American citizenship Is ever
mindful of the service rendered.
E. M. WILSON, Mayor.
The American Legion Auxiliary
Is hereby given permission to sell
the veteran-made popples, spon
sored by the American Legion and
American Legion Auxiliary, on
May 20th and aist, 1033, funds
thus created being for special
relief for needy World war vet
erans. E. M. WILSON, Mayor.
Medford. Oregon.
April 27th, 1032.
EMPTY TRUCK going to 8an Fran
cisco this week wants load for there
or points en route. Hawley Trans
fer. Phone 1044.-X.
FOR RENT A nice house for small
family. Inquire 264 Beatty 8t.
FOR SALE White weaner pigs. Luke
Ryan, R. F, D. 1, Central Point.
LOfrr Horn-rlmmed glasses In case.
Reward. Phone 758-J.
PEKIN duck eggs for hatching. The
Covered Wagon, Phoenix.
CABBAOE PLANTS 6.00 per 1000.
Phone 634 -L.
WANT 3 neat appearing young men
for Immediate work. Guarantee
and commission. 200 First Natl.
Bank Bldg.. 7:30 to 9 tonight, 8:30
10 Wednesday a. m.
LOST Brown leather billfold con
taining drlvor's license and cur
rency. Reward. Thomas Culbert
son. Phone 603.
FOR SALE 1029 Chevrolet truck,
stake body and lOKalru trailer with
log chains; 1930 model A Ford Tu
dor and small trailer; 1 model 03
Atwater Kent radio. Phone flofi-W.
FOR SALE-Cow. T. V. Williams
Tel. 14-F-ll.
A Rollicking Comedy I
"The Bigtimer"
- with
Don't Miss This Rparkllnf
Comedy Romance!
News R. I. Van Dint Mastery
"Nailers at tha Opera"
jir , Until,
i -2J Cheer
I Jli "rill
? wiih tn
'Vii im11" Ton
; Y Chump Who
I Became
,y.wi?'. I a bl
i. .'aJ Town
N Chsmpl
A not of Indignation was received
today by the chamber of commerce
from a man, who obviously feels that
hla natural-born copyright in being
Infringed upon.
The note wag accompanied by
wrapper from a Del Rio pear. The
e rider's name, also Del Rio, prefixed
by the Initial E., appeared only on
the outside of the envelope. Inside
waa the following measage: "Dear
Sirs: Permit me to call your attention
to the enclosed circular and kindly
withdraw my name from your adds."
The letter was addressed to "Messrs.
Medford Chamber of Commerce" and
mailed by E. Del Rio, 9218 Snyder,
Brooklyn, n. T.
Jimmy Henry and Tim White, pre
siding as president and secretary, re
spectively of the chamber today, dtd
not announce tha course they will
follow In answer to the request. No
comment haa been received by the
youthful administrators from the Del
Rio orchards, where the pears with
the Spanish brand are grown.
Victor O'Byrne of San Francisco, Is
being held In the county Jail, follow
ing his arrest last night by county
officials for disturbing the peace.
Officers were called to the aacred
Heart hospital, where O'Byrne de
manded a "shot In the arm," they
reported today.
O'Byrne'a car had been attached
previously, as he had been la two
A V V Ta eV eV v eaa mm
1 arzan
)m "MM.
u. mramoum yiatiK gj& c
si r n . v-n. .
A swashbuckling- adventurer
in an empire upside down
with revolution, he lusts for
the power
to princes.
of steel to get
More he gets what the
prinoes can no
sessl A gorgeous dancing
girl of the palaces
The prize of his
strength of arms!
'The Guardsman'
When in the Ricif ic Northwest
Stop at tithsr
of the
efstadtri hotiJi i tqueilry pprad
td by tprltncd trtvtttrt. tn tb
hub of tr Ihopplr M tfhMtriral
rld-t tvtry comfort 4 low
CM 0rdt aoss tt ttrtet
sWIA bath. C,
Ooubi tOSOono'us
mta both. . : w.
, J ..; -S
1 VKfK " '" Vr' . .".-.V,
wrecks In this vicinity recently,
records show. O'Byrna said that he
waa here fishing In Rogue river.
PORTLAND Piiomin Bras. onn-
td their Anatolian Carpet and Rug
Co. at 1U0 Sandy Blvd.
Just One of the Improvements
Developed for Kellogg'a
whole wheat Biscuita
When the Kellogg Company were
perfecting their new shredded bis
cuit, they decided that one of the
improvements would be in the size
of the biscuit. Kellogg'a WHOU
wheat Biscuits are a new, conve
nient size. Two are just right for
a serving and fit the cereal bowl
without crumbling. Also yon set
15 to the package, instead of ths
usual dozen.
The new Kellogg biscuita have
a most delicious taste and erisp
ness. They are "pressure-cooked'1
a special process that bakes in
the rich flavor. And every biscuit
is double toasted browned on both
top and bottom.
Of even greater Interest Is the
fact that Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT
Biscuits are so rich in food value
that, every package is certified by
the Medical Arts Laboratory of
Philadelphia. "Pressure-cooking"
retains all ths food value of tti
whole wheat, as well as making the
biscuit easier to digest.
You'll find these new shredded
biscuits a very welcome improve
ment. Delightful served with milk
or cream fruits or honey added
for breakfast, lunch, the chil
dren's supper.
Grocers say that sales are stead
ily increasing. Identify this im
proved cereal by the familiar red-and-green
Kellogg's package. Made
by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
Thrilling Adventures
in African Jungles!
that once belonged
He breaks chains
longer pos
'With Lynne Fontanne
Fitts-Todd Comedy