Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 24, 1932, Page 7, Image 7

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I Local and PersolME I0N
Local and Personal
On Business E. M. ficroggin. rep
resent In g the Pacific Finance- Corp.,
iu In Medtard yesterday.
Visiting Relatives Here Mra. Lou la
Wyrick of Grant Pass U spending
few days In Medford visiting rela
tive. Guest of Parents Mlsa Mabel Pro
bach of San Francisco, daughter of
B. O. Frobach. Is here for a short via
It at her parent's home.
Successful Miners Bill Plnney tnd
Albert Jones, who have a quarts
claim on Forest Creek, have reported
much success In their work.
Eunice Musty Visits Ml&s Eunice
Musty, a former resident of Grants
Pass, now residing In Medford, spent
Wednesday in the former city visit
ing frlenda and relatives.
Nurse on Vacation Miss Flora. Col
lins who has been taking nurse's
training at the Sacred Heart hospital
Is at her home In Central Point for
a three months vacation.
Dick McElhose, Guest Speaker R.
B. McElhose of Medford. who Is a
member of the Legion post at Grants
Pass was the guest speaker at the
big Jubilee meeting held by that post
last Monday night.
Guests at Pinner Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Petttt and children were guests
at Klamath Falls last Sunday at a
large dinner party given by Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Wilson of that city..
De Toe Confectionery Changes
Mrs. Laura Pierce received a build
ing permit from the city hall yester
day to remodel the De Voe's confec
tionery building at a cost estimated
at $500.
On Business Visit W. H. Morgan
arrived here Thursday evening from
Klamath Falls to remain for s couple
of weeks, attending to business mat
ters. '
Visited the Hernia nson Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Cemaron and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Robinson were callers last Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
H. Hermanson In Central Point.
School Salaries Cut--The school
board of Grants Pass lsst week voted
a A per cent reduction of salaries, the
dropping of teachers and a suspen
sion of salary Increases for a year.
Undergoes Operation Sherman
Ware underwent an operation at the
Sacred Heart hospital Thursday, and
was yesterday reported as getting
along nicely.
K, P. Lodges Unite News of Inter
est to Medford K. of P's. Is that
KniRhts of Pythias lodge of Horn
brook was consodllated with the
Yreka lodge at a meeting held in
Yrcka Wednesday evening.
With Shell, Inc. A group of men
working with the Shell Service. Inc.,
who are spending several days m
Medford Include C. E. Beauchamp.
Lee Mcelee. Milton B- Mattoon, R. C.
Robinson and H. B. Meredith.
Retains North Reginald Par
son of Seattle, who has been in
Medford for several days, left yester
day on the Shasta for the north. Mr.
Parsons has been at his orchard home,
Hlllcrest, here.
Llthla Pheasant Pens A holding
pen accommodating at least 300 Chin
ese pheasants will be constructed at
Ashland In the lot now occupied oy
the elks In Llthla park If the plans
of a group of sportsmen and business
men of that city are realized.
School Bus Contract Lot Contract
for driving school busses for the next
term were awarded by the Rogiie
River school board recently In com
petitive bidding, to Mr. Bostwick,
who will drive the Sagave Creek bus,,
and to Lloyd Smith.
Phlpps to Attend District fire
wardens and state inspectors, operat
ing under the state forestry depart
ment, will hold a conference at Sa
lem May 3, which Dwlght Phlpps, the
fire warden of the Medford district
will attend.
Ruck at Central Point Mrs. Ever-,
ett Poe, formerly Miss F.velyn Buck
lea, who recently moved to Medford.
has returned to Central Point to make
her home. Mrs. Poe Is Just recently
out of the hospltel after an opera
tion. Central Point American.
Mnrtha PeSonw Appointed Wil
liam It. Gossln, elected head of the
Young Democrats' League of Oregon,
has announced that the league Is to
b a state unit of a national organ
Ira t Ion. The executive committee ap
pointed by Gosslln Includes Martha
Health fnlt Meet An all-day meet
ing of the Gold Hill division of the
Jackson county health association
will be held Thursday. April 28. et
the home of Mrs. I. O. Zlerolf, in Gold
Hill. Members are asked to bring a
covered dish for the luncheon to be
served at noon, and thimbles, as a
quilt Is ready for quilting.
Called Here by II1na Mrs. H. A.
Barnlck of Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Boylea of Los Angeles re
guests In the Sams Valley district
this week, having been called here
by she Illness of their mother, Mrs
M. A. Parks, whose condition was
sllahtly improved yesterday. Mrs.
Parks' nephew, E. H. Day of Edge
wood. CaJ., tss also called to south
er Oregon.
Knbll Affaln a Candidate K. R.
Kubll of Portland, and well known
In Medford and Jacksonville, being
a native son of this c-i.nty, and sev
eral times member of he Multnomah
house delegation of the Oregon legis
lature. Is a candidate for return Re
publican nomination for representa
tive Kubli was a member of the
house in the 1917, 1010. 1931, 1923 and
1929 wwsiona. and "peaker In 1923
His slogan Is "Rent: prohibition: es
tablish temperance; reduce taxes;
id unemployment."
Mrs. Wellls HI Friends of Mra. J.
C. A. Wellls are sorry to learn that
she has been lit at her home for the
past two weeks,
Guest In Ashland Miss Edna New
bry of Talent Is the guest in Ash
land for a few daya of Miss Lois Hill
on Granite street.
Pastor Hall Improves Continued
Improvement Is noted In the condi
tion of Rev. Sydney Hall of Ashland,
who was stricken with partial para
lysis more than a week ago.
Legion Committee Meeting A
meeting of the executive committee
' the American Legion post la sched
uled for tomorrow noon at the Hotel
Holland. Several Important Items are
slated for discussion and 100 per
cent attendance la urged by Post Ctm
mander Walt.
Portland Man In Crash Charles H
Elrey of Portland suffered minor In
juries to his spine and neck Wednes
day when his car skidded off The
Dalles-Calif om la highway near Wey
erhauser Junction after hitting a de
pression In the road 8 miles from
Klamath Falls. Elrey wss traveling
east to Klamath Falls from Medford.
Sells Operated On John Sells of
Talent who recently underwent a
mastoid operation at the Community
hospital la Improving.
Wild Cat Stagers Fined Charles R.
Erlckson of Seattle and Jacobo Bal-
bo of California, plead guilty to
charge of operating wild cat stages
on the Oregon state hlghwaya with
Improper licenses when arraigned be
fore Justice of the Peace Robert In
Ashland last Thursday afternoon by
State Police Officer J. S. Fotsom.
Erlckson was fined (50 and costs and
Balbo, this being his second offense,
was fined $73 and costs.
late Applegate Wood worth's Death
Funeral services' were held last
Monday afternoon at the Portland
crematorium for Mrs, Kate Applesate
Woodworth, who died at St. Vincent's
hosoltal, and was the niece of Cap
tain O. C. Applegate of Klamath
FMK of Mrs. H. H. Sargent and Jack
sonville, and Mrs. M L. Alford of
Medford. Mrs. Woodworth was "he
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Apple
gate and the granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs Stanford Watson, pioneers
of 1B49, and also of Lindsay Apple
gate, pioneer of 18-i3, who resided at
Ash' and. Ore. She was born at Dal
las, Ore.
Cvteriart To Have
Music Presentation
Por several weeks past elaborate
preparations have been under way
to present one of the most spectacu
lar musical stage presentations ever
seen or heard In Medford. It Is ti
tled "Kamennol Ostrow," that fam
ous composition being the central
theme of the prologue.
The stage setting has been built
to portray the Interior of a Jesuit
monastery. High up on the back
ground the moonlight streams
through a massive cathedral win
dow as a cowled monk slowly paces
the ancient monastery floor In medi
tation. The great church organ Is
playing a glorious theme as the scene
Gradually the swelling of the mu
sic presages the coming of a mighty
storm and the monk prepares to
sound the great monastery bell in
warning of the approaching hurri
cane. The grand climax cornea when,
amid the tremendous swells of music
and vivid lightning flashes, the toll
ing of t,he great bell can be heard
above everything.
This same musical prologue has
been staged previously in many large
metropolitan theatres by Jack Ret
In w, with tremendous success. Madge
DeLasaux will present the musical
accompaniment. "Kamennol Ostrow"
will be presented at each perform
ance during the showing of "Arrow
smith," beginning today.
Bill Boyd Starring
In Rialto Thriller
A vivid and exciting story of the
great backwoods country Is to be
presented on the Fox Rialto theatre
screen today and Monday. The origi
nal title or this feature picture was
"Carnival Boat" but it has been
changed to "Big Timber," to conform
with the motif of the story.
Big Bill Boyd, supported by many
other stars of note, plays the prin
cipal role In this exciting action play.
Additional attractions on this pro
gram Include a clever Mack Bennett
comedy, "Line's Busy," and a song
subject, "Just One More Chance."
The First Annual County Home
maktxs Day for member of home ex
tension units and all other coopera
ting organizations wilt be held In
Medford. next Wednesday, April J7,
at the First Christian church, com
mencing at 10:15. Mrs. Mabel C.
Mack, home demonstration agent an
nounced today.
The purpose of the meeting is to
measure the progress in the county
extension program during the past
year, and to recommend work to be
undertaken next year.
Any organisation desiring work tn
home economics extension next year
should be represented at this meet
ing, even though they have not been
enrolled during the past year. Mrs.
Mack stated. Many requests for pro
ject work are received by the home
demonstration agent throughout the
year, that cannot be granted because
of an over-crowded schedule. The
County Homemakers Day, which will
be devoted to county program plan
njing will relieve this situation.
The meeting will open promptly
at 10:10, with group singing of a new
home economic state song lead hy
Mrs. Mabel Sims, Jacksonville. Miss
Alice Honley, chairman of the coun
ty extension committee will preside.
Miss C-aribel Nye, state leader 'f
home economics extension will talk
on the state extension program.
Measures of progress in Jackson coun
ty extension program will be given by
Mrs. Mabel Mack, home demonstra
tion agent.
Following this the assembly will
be divided into six project or Interest
group sections. Each community Is
asked to have at least one representa
tive in each group. The sections are:
Administration Chairman. Mrs. Ef
fle Birdseye, Rogue River; secretary.
Miss Clarlbel Nye. state leader.
Foods and Nutrition Chairman,
Mrs. Virginia Bohnert. Central Point:
secretary. Miss Lucy Case, nutrition
Child Development Chairman,
Mrs. Lee Port. Applegate; secretary,
Mrs. Mabel O. Mack, H. D. A.
Clothing and Textiles Chairman.
Mrs. J. R. McCraoken, Valleyvlew;
secretary, Mrs. Sara Wertz, H. D. A.,
Jasephlne county.
Recreation and Dramatics Chair
man. Mrs. Ethel Lathrop, Central
Point: secretary. Miss Dorothy Mitch
ell, Y. W. C. A. Sec.
Home Management Chairman,
Mrs. Carl Olasgow, Valleyvlew; sec
retary, Mrs. Zelta Rodenwald, home
management specialist.
There will be a covered dish lunch
eon at noon. At this time chairmen
of extension units will give a brief
report of their work during the past
Interest group meetings will be
conducted after lunch until 3:30,
when a general assembly will be call
ed and reports and recommendations
of projects will be given by the chair
men. The county calendar will he
made from these recommendations.
Toy Takes Charge
Del Monte Sales
C. J. Toy of the California Packing
corporation moved Hero from Port
land last Week to take ' charge of
tht Oregon territory from Eugene
so-". Mr. Toy will have charge of
the promotion and distribution cf
Del Monte food products In this ter
ritory and will make his future head
quarters in Medford.
CORVALLIS. April 23. (AP) A
thrilling 3 to 2 12-lnnlng victory
went Into the record books .for Ore
gon State college Friday when the
Orangemen defeated the Willamette
University baseball team in the
first game of the season.
"Arrowsmith" at Craterian
To Grant Pa Mrs. W. H. Oard
enjr and Mrs. Rees Baughman motor
ed to Grants Pass Friday afternoon.
'Snug. ,t ,ikividSiK';?,5 Wf-J
vyes 1
Unsula Parrott's "Love Affair"
opens a three-day engagement at
the Holly today. Tills author of
"Divorcee." and "Strangers May Hiss"
has written another gay, modern
and sophisticated comedy drama ot
the youth of today, and the lead
ing characters in the plcturizatlon
are ably portrayed by Dorothy Mnc
kalll as the girl who had a man's
ideas about love, and Humphrey
Bogart as the ambitious young aviator.
"Love Affair ha dash, class and
is Intelligently acted and directed.
Other in the cast who help make
this picture fine entertainment are
Hale Hamilton, Bradley Page, and
Jack Kennedy. The short subject
program will consist of a Graham
McNamee News Reel, a Mickey Mouse
Kartoon. "Blue Rhythm" and Benny
Rubin In "The Perfect Suitor." The
shows at the Holly today will be
Rehearsals are progressing rapidly
for the presentation of the Lions
production, "Dollar Down and Dol
lar a Month," under direction of
George Olsen, according to reports
from the club.
The play will be staged at the Hol
ly theater May 18. Written by Lor In g
Kelly, who recently died during a
conference In New York, the play is
filled with smart dialogue and clever
situations, the unravelling of which
Involves much humor. The author,
who with his wife wrote 80- copy
righted plays, was a personal friend
of Mr. Olscn's and traveled with him
in the production, chosen for staging
Mr Kelly then played the rola of
Mr. Watts, which Mr. Olsen will por
tray In the show's presentation here.
Other members of the local cast
are Mrs. Ruth Olsen, Mr. and Mrs.
5rnest Scott, J. Verne Shangle, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Barr, Lawrence Pen
nington. Leland Brophy and Don Col
lier. All are members of the Lion
club or the Lady Lions.
Tickets for the club production will
be sold by members o the Lions club
and at the box office.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 33. (AP)
Portland scored It fourth consec
utive victory over the Missions today.
a to 4.
The Ducks were trailing in the
seventh until Hlgglns hit a home run
scoring a man ahead of him, and
Fred Bergher, a pinch hitter, repeat
ed the performances a moment later
ani tied the score.
In the eighth, with two out, John
son made two bases on Texas league
fl" and came In on Hlgglns' single.
R. H. E.
Missions 4 9 1
Portland . 8 7 1
Caster "and Rlccl; Shores, KUleen.
McDonald, Peterson and Fltzpa trick.
Seattle '
. 8
. I
H. E
15 4
7 I
tflljus and Bassler; Kalllo, Freltas,
Hartwlg and Bottarlnl.
Postmasters Named.
President Hoover ha nominated Wil
liam P. Skeins as postmaster at
Burns, Ore., and Odden L. Dickens
at John Day, Ore.
lino INK!
(Continuous Shows Today)
Elect Frank Perl coroner.
Today and Mori.
"The Mad Genius"
John Barrymore
Any Seat 15c Any Time
7oilU fed at Wome bi
tlt Jpadmii. Janx Foblui
The U!frrwte In comfort ond tfenuine enjo
ffent -"Selected by lessoned vuiton as
Son Francisco's ideal hotel-'-runninrt ce
0Tef--t)rcelleni Drvnc, Rbomfr Coffee Shop
Home of KRO Wrote
Vnit the itudio
ft NJO-LAHft
,0DS ' "
-r IT . V
Dorothy Mackaill Humphrey Bogart '
The Author of "TlTorree,
nil "Slranipn Mmf Kin."
Tell. ,tnllirr Krvrnllni
Slorj ol "Our Modern,"
If, nAMiivri! rMRixnt
Ornham MrNimee Sew,
Mtelcry Moom Rflrtoon
"Bin, Rrthm"
Matinee (till 9:00 p. m.) toe
Ktenlng, 80c
KliMIe, 10c
'Love Affair on Holly Screen
W Is
ft v W I 1
(By Jack Ret law)
An event that Medford theatergoers
have been anticipating probably
more than any other, begins today
at the Fox Craterian theater with
the showing of that muchly-discussed
feature picture, "Arrowsmith."
Ever since this picture was first
announced several week ago, at
which time the plnylng date had to
be changed, owing to the huge
Washington floods, making It Im
possible to receive the foature pic
ture when advertised, scores upon
scores of phone calls and letters
have poured Into the theater in-
quiring when "Arrowsmith" would
be presented.
Tliis great story. "Arrowsmith."
which remains on the Pox Craten
screen over Monday and Tuesday,
la regarded by moat critics as Sin
clair Lewis finest literary work. The
sales mark of the book has passed
the million mark, making it one
of the world's "best sellers."
A unique and elaborate combina
tion stage-organ musical presenta
tion "Kamennol Ostrow," which la
outlined In detail In another column
of this newspaper, Is also an im
portant part of this grcot program.
Performancea todny will be continu
ous from 3 till 11 o'clock p.m.
(Conunurd from Pag, On.)
CARLTON, Ore.. Aprl 3S. (AP)
Great flocks of wild geese, north
bound, flew over Carlton yesterday,
During the past few years only
scattered flocks have been seen and
yesterday's flight was the greatest
noted since 1021,
About 100 wild swans were seen
flying north recently.
decision In the new trial pies is an
tic l pa ted.
Whether or not a new witness a
woman will be allowed to testify for
the defense, will be decided Monday
morning, when court resumes. The
court Indicated Prlduy that such a
procedure would re-oien the case,
that it would mean the Introduction
of testimony in rebuttal, and likely
moan "the Issue woulc become in
terminable." The court took the ques
tion under advisement.
The defense refused to reveal the
Identity of the woman, but claimed
she refused to make an affidavit, and
would be a reluctant witness, as to
a conversation with Mrs. Myrtle Ge
Bauer at a meeting of a secret order.
In which the Jurywoman Is alleged
to have expressed prejudice against
Editor Pehl and his publication.
The defense centered its attack on
Mrs. GeBauer and filed affidavits, al
leglng misconduct and prejudice on
her part. Attorney Kelly at one point
scouted Mrs. GeBauer's claim, she
had 'voted for Pehl." and described
her as "a vol liable woman," who "at
tempted to engage me In conversation
during the trial, in the hall, and I
grabbed hold of Allison Moulton,
Parr's attorney, as a matter of pro
tection." A small courtroom crowd heard the
8TRATPORD -ON - A VON. England, ,
April 23. ( AP ) The prince of Wales
flew here from Windsor today and.
with a golden key, opened the new j
$1,000,000 Shakespeare memorial the-i
atre. It was a day of colorful I
pageantry and ceremonial tribute to
the genius of England's greatest
bard. 1
838 east Main, Upstairs
Phone 873-J
Mats.-Week Days 20
Eve.-Sun. Mats. 30
For Three Mighty Days!
Ill I t
I w
Week Day
and Sun
Matt. 30
The Picture They
Praise Enough
They came. They saw.
They were conquered.
Public and press alike have
been lavish in their praise.
No other age could have
told this story No other
world has known such a
man fighting humanity's
battles his restless mind
searching for truth his
steadfast heart clinging to
the woman he loved.
Stage and Organ Spectacle!
ECamennoi Ostrow'
Most Dazzling of all Musical Novelties!
Marveloui Ef feats , , . Beautiful Betting!
All Modford will rave about this!
Continuous Today from 2 till 11 P. M.
wm.,n,iu Today Monday dr
m i m'Mi ,u"y with
"Big Timber" "cRaral BILL BOYD