Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 22, 1932, Page 6, Image 6

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    ! M
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Bankers, Lawyers, Medics
Vote Wet While Clergy
Dry in Digest Balloting
The clersy of the Unltl State are
the dryest and the lawyera are the
wetteat professional groups In the
country,- according to returns of the
Literary Digest's special claatifled
prohibition poll aa published In to
morrow's laaiM of the magazine.
The bankers of the nation rank
next to the clergy In their dry senti
ment and the physicians vote prac
tically aa wt as the lawyers, accord
ing to the balloting in these supple
mentary referendum.
In the poll of the clergymen of the
country, 30 atatea are voting dry
while 16 states register wet major
ities and two more vote exactly even
on the subject.
The District of Columbia clergy
men vote more than 4 to 1 for re-
peal of the 18th amendment. Stat
ing that the figures from the na
tional capital In the 1630 clergy poll
were singled out for a special criti
cism, the Literary Digest calls spec
ial attention to the fact that the
names and addresses of this group
were obtained from the latest de
nominational year books and -or the
latest Washington city directory and
Included 797 clergymen of all de
nominations. The clergy In six states vote more
than 4 to 1 for continuance of the
prohibition amendment and the dry
eet of these. North Caroline, votes
more than 7 tc 1 dry.
Of the total of 43,603 balloU re
ceived In the clergy poll, 33,024, or
04.86 per cent, vote for continuance
anl 19,684, or 46.14 per cent, vote for
repeal of prohibition.
In the 1930 prohibition poll the
clergy vote was 67.60 per cent for en
forcement of the prohibition act while
In the current poll the vote for con
tinuance of prohibition la 64.86 per
cent of the total vote.
The poll of the bankera of the
country reveal a sentiment of nearly
a o 1 wet, although five states show
an outright dry majority while the
other 43 state and the District ot
Columbia vote for repeal. Pour states
In this group show a sentiment of
more than 4 to 1 wet. The bankera
o Nevada vote over U to 1 for repeal.
A total of 77,860 ballots were re
ceived from the bankers, of which
26,608, or 34.17 per cent, show a sen
timent In favor of continuance of the
18th amendment, while 61,363, or
69 83 per cent, are In favor of repeal
of prohibition.
The bankers' vote In 1030 was 41.50
per cent for enforcement and the
present poll of this financial class
shows a decline to 84.17 per cent uf
the total vote for continuance of pro
hibition. The vote of the nation's physicians
In their special poll shows they de
sire a repeal of prohibition by a ma
jority of over 8 to I. No. state in
this group gives a majority in favor
of the continuance of the 18th
Karuiaa Is the dry eat state In the
physicians poll with a percentage of
43.07 In favor of continuance while
In the wet column Delaware votes
93 07 per cent for repeal.
The medical fraternity returns a
total of 60.329 baloU which are di
vided 14.770, or 34.63 per cent In
favor of continuance of the prohi
bition amendment and 48,469 bal
lots, or 75.48 per cent, In favor of
repeal of the 18th amendment.
The comparison between 1930 and
1932 returns in the physicians' vote
shows that two years ago they voted
30.34 per cent dry and this year only
24.63 per cent dry.
The lawyera of the United States
are also voting more than 3 to 1 wet
and no atate in the returns of the
poll of this profession shows an out
right dry majority. Kansas tops the
dry column In this poll with a per
centage of 43.63 per cent In favor
of continuance while on the other
hand the lawyera of Nevada give a
majority of 30 to 1 In favor of repeal.
A total of 63,561 balota were re
ceived from lawyera In every atate
In the nation, of which 12,736, or
2453 per cent, were dry and 30.625.
or 75.77 per cent, were wet.
In the 1930 special poll the vote
of the lawyera waa 38.86 per cent for
enforcement and now thla percent
age has been reduced to 24.23 per
cent in the present returns.
JACKSONVILLE, April 33. (Spl.)
Thirty friends and neighbors gath
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Crump Saturday night for a
birthday surprise party. Several
friends from Medford, Jacksonville
and Talent were present. The even
ing waa spent dancing to muslo fur
nished by O. F. Hamilton of Talent
and William Pursel of thl section.
Refreshments were served at mid
night, after which Mr, and- Mrs.
Crump were presented with a set of
book ends as a birthday gift.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Crump of Med
ford spent several days last week
camping In this section. Mr. Crump,
who la employed by the Union OH
company, la having a two weeks' va
cation. Mrs. Mayme Tucker of Medford was
calling on Applegate friends Sunday.
She also visited the board members
of the Little Applegate school dis
trict, Fred Vanderhoof and son, Hubert,
of Olympla, Wash., arrived at Bun
oom this week for a two weeks' vaca
tion. Bill Jennings of Jacksonville spent
last week end as a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Ansll Ollson.
Mr. and Mrs. Blmer Peters and
family of Medford were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. A, West
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leatr St John and
family and Mr, and Mrs. Orvllle St.
John and family of Central Point
motored to Tale creek Sunday, where
they visited O. B Reeves, who re
turned borne with thera to spend
thla week
All the school children from the
fourth grade to the eighth of the
Little Applegate, Union town and
Ruch schools met at the Ruch school
house Monday to take an achieve
ment test given by Mrs Una Inch,
rural school supervisor. About 40
pupils were gathered there. In the
afternoon Mrs. Inch made a trip up
Big Applegate- to give the teat to the
pupils in the Beaver Creek and Wat
kins district.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Klelnhammer
spent Sunday visiting friends and
relatives near Medford.
Walter Ze Idler has been making
several Improvements recently on hla
house. Besides changing the Interior
he Is building an eight-foot serened
porch on the front. BUI Pursel has
been helping him with the work.
Due to the extra housework and
gardening, the members of the Little
Applegate Sewing club decided to
hold their sewing meetings every two
weeks during the summer months.
Next meeting will be Wednesday aft
ernoon, April 37, at the home of Mra.
J. J, Arant.
(From The Literary Digest of April 23, 1033.)
5ta tea
Alabama Arlzona .....
California .
Colorado .
Connecticut ...............
Delaware -
District of Columbia.. .....
Florida .
Georgia -
KanAAs .
Maine ....
Maryland .
Michigan ... -Minnesota
Montana .. -.
Nebraska .........
Nevada ,
New Hampshire
New Jersey ........
New Mexico ..................
New York . .
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina .....
South Dakota
Vermont .....
Washington ...
West Virginia .
Wlsclnsln .......
State Unknown
Totals ......
For Con- For For Con- For For Con- For jPorCon- For
tin u a nee Repeal Total tlnuance Repeal Total tt nuance Repeal Total tlnuance Repeal Total
357 397 034 363 115 478 193 315 508 336 418 634
23 60 83 47 61 108 28 163 181 85 116 161
364 810 674 368 102 460 348 830 578 290 876 666
527 1,288 1,816 783 723 1.606 473 1,811 3,284 867 3,321 8,188
172 376 647 171 180 861 310 444 054 188 472 660
1,304 8,879 6.183 244 822 666 85 064 749 118 659 772
46 72 118 42 30 72 17 68 76 6 68 63
16 74 89 58 346 304 00 426 625 60 371 840
165 4Wt 628 360 130 ' 608 221 768 989 163 630 692
341 426 766 369 73 442 268 525 793 165 461 016
60 19 1 261 58 4 1 90 70 190 260 66 130 195
1,179 8.014 4.193 1.274 1,400 3.674 603 3,429 8.094 0 8.362 4.292
1.662 3.870 4.522 950 531 1.481 633 1,174 1,707 571 1,467 3,038
806 1,227 3,033 785 465 1,360 417 624 1,041 425 810 1.236
1 .1 89 001 2.090 703 392 1,095 339 438 777 474 604 1 ,078
801 843 1,644 588 279 867 362 718 1,080 470 830 1,309
184 695 870 134 310 453 83 573 666 123 617 630
293 494 787 199 122 321 110 241 faSl 00 296 886
369 870 1 .330 320 424 744 1 56 758 014 120 753 878
557 1.090 1.647 707 921 1,688 366 1.873 3,239 554 1,890 9.444
633 1.667 2.300 6R3 651 1,234 270 1,152 1,422 388 1,533 1,021
724 1,764 3,438 656 596 1,252 375 1,032 1,389 360 043 1,303
274 297 571 276 65 841 ' 130 297 427 179 297 476
1,075 1.328 3.402 737 779 1,516 517 1,233 1,750 562 1,567 3.129
88 386 473 118 225 843 02 270 362 62 160 212
502 744 1,246 366 313 678 285 481 760 233 475 608
6 60 01 0 0 15 4 80 84 6 46 60
124 172 296 164 112 260 38 102 140 50 359 818
540 3,117 2,057 737 787 " 1,524 312 1,932 2,244 261 1,830 " 3,100
18 80 08 60 67 117 20 89 100 31 85 106
1,522 5,829 7.351 1,223 3,640 3.863 953 6.454 7,406 1,017 6,550 7.576
669 042 1,311 893 130 1,023 336 015 051 318 647 065
166 636 722 181 168 340 99 240 345 47 200 247
1,418 3.001 8.500 1 448 1,170 3.018 830 2,293 3,133 1.049 3.801 8.910 1
432 655 967 456 117 672 342 655 997 285 617 802
159 333 402 131 108 239 164 377 631 136 326 462
2.464 4,360 6 824 2,403 3,028 4.431 785 . 3,474 8.350 1383 1 4,474 5,857
24 85 100 01 184 265 29 173 202 37 , 303 240
179 238 417 393 02 457 117 321 - 430 111 387 498
222 422 044 186 209 394 143 246 389 70 311 287
852 000 1.452 727 115 842 286 544 830 377 673 050
1,132 1,579 2,711 903 456 1,359 667 . 1,205 1,952 724 1,381 3,105
71 120 101 13 - 13 26 46 127 173 33 123 166
103 187 200 138 07 205 45 100 151 64 09 163
768 1,066 1.834 707 158 865 245 888 1,133 289 789 1,078
232 648 780 309 249 558 167 560 727 164 654 708
474 716 1,189 495 143 638 258 579 837 273 718 941
760 2,820 3,680 439 1,164 1,603 123 448 671 191 1,069 1,260
34 172 200 36 35 70 29 121 150 17 66 72
620 306 820 890 80 479 126 123 248 177 171 348
20,608 61,252 77,860 23,924 19,084 43.008 12,736 . 39,825 62,661 14,770 45,459 00.320
SEATTLE. April aa. UD Current
new business reported today by 31
lumber mills of the stat. tor the
week ending April 19, was 1.7 per
cent over production, totaling about
7.000,000 fee more than for the pre
vious week. Shipments were 0.3 per
oent over production.
Inventories for a group of 144 mills
were declared to be 1B.S per cent less
thsn at this time last year.
A total of 331 mills reported op
erating for the week at 34.0 per cent
of capacity, compared with 34.8 per
cent the previous week and 45.7 per
cent for the same period last year.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 33. PY
Mayor aeorne L. Baker, under In
dictment for alleged malfeasance and
negligence In office, will go on trial
April 28, under an agreement be
tween the district attorney's office
and defense attorneys.
Named In the same Indictment with
Baker, and to tie tried Jointly with
him are City Engineer Olaf Laur
gaard and City Commlaslonera Earl
Riley and John M. Mann. C. Lee
Wilson, Indicted as an accessory In
the malfeasance and negligence case,
also will be tried at the same time.
If present arrangements are carried
1 Literary Digest prohibition poll! ballots were mailed to 707 clergymen In the District of Columbia, whose names and addresses are In the latest
Denomlnatlonsl Year Books and (or) the latest Washington city directory. The list for Washington (as well as that for the whole country) Includes
ALL clergymen and ALL denominations. This note Is appended because the figures for Washington In our 1930 poll (now confirmed by this current
poll) were singled out for special criticism.
Sardine Creek
SARDINE CREEK, April 33. (Spl, )
Mr, and Mra. Frank Taylor and
mother, Mra, S. C, Flene, were Med
ford visitors Monday,
S. A. Duaenberry and son, Arthur,
made a business trip to Medford
and Jacksonville Saturday,
Helen Mercer of Gold Hill waa an
overnight guest of Mabel Duaenberry
Tuesday, and spent the evening at
the Croft home.
Oliver Pierce of the Sleepy Hollow
ranch spent one day this week at
the Flene ranch with his tractor,
preparing ground for the seeding
of alfalfa.
Ralph, Duaenberry and niece. Edith
Duaenberry, were Medford visitors
Mrs. Gerald Herman visited the
Alderbrook school one day thla week.
Bernard Governor la engaged this
week on road work out from Gold
Mrs. C. W. Martin and Miss Jacobs
of Gold Hill were calling on the
parents and patrons. In thla vicinity,
of the Gold Hill school Tuesday.
A. B. .Rhodes of Medford waa
calling on the voters here thla week
a candidate for sheriff in the
coming election.
Word comes from Mrs. Eva New
ton, who accompanied her daughter.
Mrs. Mary Sutherland home to
Portland two weeks ago, for medi
cal treatment, that she Is slightly
Improved. They had X-rays taken,
which show an Injury to several
vertabrae in the neck, which ne
ceasltates the wearing of a brace
to hold them in place.
Quite a number of the Ladles'
Sowing club from here met at the
home of Nora Bailey In Gold Hill
Thursday, where they pieced the
hostess a quilt. A covered dish
luncheon was served at noon. Those
from here attending were Mesdamee
B. C. Flene. Frank Taylor. William
Wright. George Smith, S. A. Dusen
berry and Nina Dusenberry.
Eden Precinct
"Serves You Right"
Phone 743
606-608 E. Main
Free Dishes!
One or mors pieces of a 32-pioce green
glass dinner set FREE with the pur
chase of one package Luckol'i Borax
Granulated Soap.
Bed Rose Flour
10 lbs 29c
24 lbs 63c
49 lbs $1.17
1 quart vinegar in attractive decanter
Choice of twelve colors and design.
Special s4.Ut
Wheat & Oat Flakes
31b. pkg- Beg. 30o value
Even Tho
We lost our sign We still carry a
fine line of choice
Fresh Meats
Lunch Meats
Fountain Candy Pastry Dept.
Ask about our Whitelava Candy for Mother's Day.
J. E. Spence La helping Mrs. Lock
wood with the feeding this week while
Mr. Lock wood Indisposed.
Howard Murry, brother of Mrs. Geo.
Parker of Phoenix, is making her a
visit after spending a couple of
months In California.
E. C. Lock wood has been under th
care of a doctor for a couple of days,
and is much better.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spence of the
highway south of Phoenix spent last
Sunday In Ashland visiting Mr.
Spence' mother.
Mrs. Pred Rapp and Mrs. Will Bruin
of Talent were business callers at the
Crey plant farm Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mast and son
Fred and daughter Delia were vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Noah Chandler last Sunday.
Mrs. Mark Hardesty of Phoenix
called on friends along the highway
last Friday.
Mrs. Anna Simpson of Medford
spent last Sunday with her daugh
ter, Mra. Noah Chandler of North
Quite a number of the small ranch
holders in this locality still have
faith In the hen and are raising sev
eral hundred baby chicks again thla
All highways will be dotted with
cars, heading for Emigrant lake, Sun
day, Is the forecast read In the sun
beams today by members of the Ac
tive club and southern Oregon boat
men, who are sponsoring the cham
pionship events on the well known
waterway Sunday afternoon.
Entries are pouring In from all di
rections and the weather promises to
be rosy. "It has broken," was the
boat- fans' optimistic cry this morn
ing. Sacramento drivers are expected to
arrive this afternoon with their out
fits ready f or en trance. The balance
will reach Medford tomorrow after
noon. The largest party of drivers to as
semble at any one race In Oregon
Is releaved In the entry blanks, which
show, to date, 13 to 18 entries In
each of the five events scheduled In
the program.
Many spills are predicted, which
will make Hell Divers of several boat
men not yet members of the order.
Several drivers due here partici
pated In and won honors at national
championship finals at Lake Merrltt,
Oakland, last fall.
Parking space has been arranged to
afford all spectators a view of the
complete race course from starting to
finishing line.
The advance sale of tickets Is mov
ing along at a rapid pace. An an
nouncing system Is being Installed to
keep all fans Informed of details.
Earle Davis will preside at the micro
-4 -
Idaho University
Barn Is Burned
MOSCOW, Ida., April 33. ffy-Fire
destroyed the University of Idaho col
lege of agriculture dairy barn early
today, causing loss estimated by F.
W. Atkeson, professor of .dairy hus
bandry, at $30,000.
EDEN PRECINCT, April 33. (Spl.)
Marian Hartley butchered a nice fat
pig this week and sold the merit out
in sausages and small lots to locai
people. .
Mr. In man. who is running a fruit
ranch west of Phoenix, waaat the
Carey plant farm Tuesday on busi
Mrs. Howard, who stayed at the
Barneburg home last summer, but
now Is In Oranti Pass, visited Mrs.
Barneburg Wednesday.
Mra. Anna Simpson and Mrs. Noah
Chandler called on Mrs. Cora Evans
jifbeFtty Food Stfoi?e
LibertyBldg. "The Home of Pure Foods" W.MainSt.
Alexander Grocery Inc.
E. F. ALEXANDER, Gen. Mgr.
Phone 143
We are trying to make folks happy by selling clean, wholesome foods at low prices.
You'll like our intelligent food service.
25c pkg. Sperry's Pancake and Waffle Flour JQ
2Bo jug Cane and Maple Syrup. 50o value for .. . stsiJC
2Bo pkg. Pearls of Wheat 2-lb. pkg. Mother's Cocoa- 54o value for
White Corn Meal Yellow Corn Meal Farina Graham Flour Cake
Flour Pancake Flour All you want, sack
3 cans Del Monte Tomato Juice, 30c value 1 Bottle Snider 's Catsup, 16c
value Total value 4Bc All for
Fresh Peanut Brittle, 2 lbs
Jewett Brand No. 2 Golden Bantam Corn, from Maine, 2 cans
Good Grade Green Beans, No. 2 sise, 3 cans ...
Regular BOc box Chocolate Covered Cherries, box
High Grade Teas in bulk, English Breakfast, Japan and Gunpowder, lb
Phone 611
Model Bakery
Joe Doblmeier
Sugar Cookier Raisin Coffee Cake
doz. 10c ea. 10c
Choc. Malted Milk Cake MJalted
Milk Bread
ea. 24c 3 loaves, 20c
Phone 164
Liberty Market
E. R. Pech
"The Home of Good MeaU Govt. Inspected Swift & Co. Steer Beef"
Aged meats contain 1-3 more food value than fresh-killed meats-
Swift' Premium Hams, half or
whole, lb 23c
Pure Lard, 3 lbs. 25c
I have a choice line of Beef
Pork Veal Lamb fine col
ored Fryers Turkeys and fan.
cy Rabbits, 100 per cent Pork
home-made sausage. 100 per
cent Beef Hamburger with so
cereal or water in it.
Local Grocers Say Customers
Delighted with Kellogg's
Grocers are now featuring a new
shredded biscuit which offers many
new features. Kelloggs whole
wheat Biscuits are "pressure.
cooked" by a special process that
retains the complete food value of
the whole wheat. At the same time,
delightful flavor is baked in.
These new biscuits have been an.
alyzed by the Medical Arts Labora
tory of Philadelphia and found to
be so rich in food value that every
package is certified. Any mother
can now be certain her family is
getting a well-balanced and tempt
fng dish whenever she serves these
new Kellogg biscuits with either hot
or cold milk or cream.
Other Improvements are a bis.
cuit of more convenient, economical
T.., tl.aoA HOW hitUMlitS llUtl
Bl&C. w . " " 1 -
fit the cereal bowl. You also get 11
to the package instead of the usual
dozen. And every biscuit is toasted
a rich golden brown on both top and
bottom not just one side. This
makes them exceptionally crisp and
Kellogg's whole wheat BiseurU
are tasty for breakfast, lunch, chil.
dren's suppers. Extra good with
fruits or sweetened with honey.
You can identify these new bis.
euits by the name, Kellogg's, and
the red-and-green package. Mads
by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
I I I I II IK 1" &&Y&3
active bodies
Righi up through. lhe "lean age,"
Ihal girl 1b almosl as strenuous as a
boy. She mtist be fed well and
often. Fortunately White Star Tuna
helps you do it, easily and at small
Dozens of delight
ful dishes that will
appeal to every
member of the fam
ily. Satisfying and
hearty without be
ing heavy. While
Star Tuna is al
ways easy to
Only fresh while meat from young
tender tuna fish Is packed. Proteins,
fats and carbohydrates in abun
dance. Phosphorous, calcium and
other minerals, and rich Vitamin D
content, to help make sturdy bones
and teeth. Extremely potent in
Iodine, that foe of goitre.
Begin now to servo While Star
Tuna at least once a week. You
can serve it every day In the month
without repealing the delicious
Low in cost and a most satisfying
addition to the menu.
Packed by the largest canner of
tuna in the world. For over 19 years
the preferred brand because only
the tender while meat is packed.
While Star Tuna Chowder
Chop medium sized
onion, bacon, salt pork,
fry all a light brown In
two ounces of butter.
Have ready three cups
of cooked diced pota
toes, season with salt
and pepper. Mix all wilh
one can of Whltn Kirr
Tuna. Heal one Quart of
rich milk, add mi.
r era and buiter.Serra
' T7Proven Recipe
for White Star
'Tuna." Ask your
grocer for it or
write to Van Camp
Sea Food Compa
ny, Inc., Terminal
Island, California.