PAflE TWO AIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKU. OREGON, TITURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1932. IN BUTTER TO FILL DEMAND PORTLAND, Or., April 31. (AP) -Thera was a acramble for butter during th iMt 34 bouri In tha local territory. Production la not ihowlng t,h Increase generally expected while demand to gaining. Some of the reoelvera of country auppllea were ao short In their itock that they wen freely offering to buy At exchange prices net, while usually there to a discount on the open mar ket. Not all the prevailing strength of the butter tone appears due to Im mediate consumptive needs. Demand for storage to unusually keen and this to taking care of whatever sur plus appears In sight. The extreme low price has caused many small storers to enter the market. Butterfnt has continued at practi cally unchanged prices with most operators bidding uniform vslues. deduction of lo lb. in the price of cheese to snnounced by the Tllla mook association. The new price for the Tillamook to 13c for triplets and 14o for loaf. The resale price to re tailers here to 2c higher. There .hits been no change In the general price structure of the egg trade for the day. Neither co-ops or private firms have changed their sell ing values, etroage operations are gaining. Onion pacific and Norfolk and West' em. Today's closing prices for IB se lected stocks follow: American Can American T. Ac T. Anaconda Curtiss Wright Oeneral Motors Int. T. & T Montgomery Ward Paramount Pub. Radio ........,. Southern Pac. ... S. O. of Cal S. O. of N. J. Trans Am, .... United Aircraft U. 8. Steel 45' 101' K 1 11' m 8 10 aa y4' 8 1174 30 ELLEN F. PASSES AT RIPE AGE AT DAUGHTER'S HOME WA6HINOTOH. April 31 (AP) Only ons serious drought .pot sp pesre on the nation', agricultural map aa farmera, mindful of two de atructlva years, plant new crops. The mid-western winter wheat belt America's granary la In the grip of a persistent dry apell that baa reduced the prospective supply to about 460,000.000 bushels, "Recent moderate rains, Joseph B. Klncer, weather bureau meteorolo gist, said today, "have given tem porary relief, but It 1 only tempo rary. The winter wheat belt needs much more because the present mois ture supply will dry up quickly, Wheat haa deteriorated In more than than two-thlrda of Kansas and ha been harmed In Western Oklahoma, western Nebraska and eastern Colo rado." The remainder of the country, Kin ' oer aald, la In "pretty -good shape." Mrs. Ellen Frances Wanda died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daisy wiuon, at 413 North Central avenue, Medford, Ore., Thursday, April 31, at r,i:80 a. m. at the age of 83 years, months and 31 days. Bhe wa born at Castle Rock, Wyo., crossing the plains, She leaves five children to mourn her loss: Mrs. Mary E. Llnebarger of uranu pass, Daisy o. Wilson of Med ford; W. A. Oarner, Rupert, Ida&o; K. P. Oarner, Oranta Pass; E. J. Oar ner, Bprague, Wash.; and eight grand- cnuaren, Mrs. Wands was a memner of Olive Rebekah Lodge No. 38, I. O. O. P.. Medford, and Neighbors of Woodcraft Circle No. 746, Spokane, Wash.; also member of the Congregational onurcn, Bprague, Wash Services will be at Grants Pass at Vie Hall funeral chapel at 3 p. m. Sunday. Interment In the Masonic cemetery. BELT NEEDS RAIN ARCHlTEiJrDRAWS COURT INTO SUIT Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. April 31. (AP) CATTLE 30, calves 10; ateady. HOG8 800 Including Si direct and 1(7 on contract; steady. SHIS AND LAMBS 300; steady. Portland Produce produce PORTLAND, Ore., April 31, (AP) COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailers: Vealera, 80 to 130 lbs,, 84 040; Iambs, lots lie. Others un changed, ONIONS Selling prloe to retailers: Oregon. 7O0eO0 cental; boilers, 88 7. Butter, butterfat, eggs, live poul try, potatoes, new and seed potatosa, wool and hay quotations unchanged. Portland Wheat A. M. Runtz, draughtsman employed by J. O. Link, court house architect, late yesterday filed an order against the county court through his attor ney E. E. Kelly, Interrogating that body upon payments for court house oontrscts. Runtz recently sued Link for 8487, aasertedly due for labor per- lormea. The county court 'holds that the wage dispute between employer and employee Is a personal matter be tween the two and does not come under tie general agreement for gen eral contracts for court house con struction. Oeneral contractors, such as L. H. Hoffman Co., electricians, plumbers and painters, have 18 oer cent of their monthly bill withheld until unai completion of the lob. The same applies to Architect Link, who has not received full contraot price and will not until finished, Preliminary arguments In the In terrogation are expected to be made late today. US. LANGE DIES OF HEART ATTACK AT C. POINT HOME Chas. E. Langs, well known or- chardlst and rancher of the Central Point region, dropped dead at hla home thla afternoon, following audden heart attac. He had been down town transacting business few hours before his death. Known as one of southern Oregon's most progressive sgrlcultullats, Mr. Langs had lived at Central Point for 33 years. He was born In Germany, Decern ber 18, 1898, and came to the United States for the first time In 1881. He returned to the fatherland several tlmee and In 1893 wae married there to Mary Mueller, who survives him. Other survivors are: Two sons. Hugo Lang, of Medford, snd C. Emil Lange of Corpus Christie, Texas; 1 daughter, Hlldegarde Lange, of Cen tral Point, and a brother, Dr. Hugo Lange, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Funeral announcement will be made later. for the acquisition of timber through which the highway passee. The pro ject has already been brought to the attention of Secretary of the Interior Wilbur, who expressed willingness to exchange federal timber for that ad Joining the highway. Six mllea of scenlo forest will border the propos ed psrkway. FRUIT FUND PLAN TO BE DISCUSSED The Rogue River Valley Agricultu ral Finance committee will meet to morrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock to consider new plana for raising the funds necessary to the formation here of an agricultural credit cor poration to finance the local fruit crop. Through the federal relief loans, granted the small growers and farm era, 83300 had been brought Into the valley when a check was muds by the chamber of commerce today. Most of the loans are for the full amount obtainable, 8400. OryseaJglow Kodak gloss supreme rhs Pauleys opp Holly the tee TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY In line with progress of plans to convert six mllea of the forest high way between Prospect and the Cra ter forest country Into the Alex Sparrow memorial parkway, It waa announced here today that S. H. Boardman, state park engineer, has been Instructed by the highway engi neer to get In touch with the Rogue River Timber company, owners of the land. Ha will negotiate with the owners POR SALE Restaurant, downtown, 1 good location; sesta 61; modern equipment, with steady business. Phone 1333-J. Bargain price. POR SALE Lunch room. neatly. Trackee, cal. O. R. POR RENT 3'4-acre alfalfa and gar. u.u; gooa noiw. rnone 301-K. WANTED Ucly to go to a mine as partner, uau at Ideal Auto Camp, " . uj n a. m., caoin ao. POR RENT Beautiful east room: lady or gentleman. Close walking uiitanc oresKiast and garage if desired. Phone 1S77-X. PORTLAND, Ore., April 31 (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close May .63', Jin .83 14 .84 Vi July 014 .81 VJ .80", .8H4 Sept. .601. .80S 0H .60H Cash wheat: Big Bend blueatem . .74 Soft white .... ......, .84'4 Western whits ... ,64Vi Herd winter , ,9314 Northern spring , gsvj Western red , .(jjj Oata: No. t white. 834. Today's car receipt.: Wheat, 87; flour, 14; corn, S; oata. 1; hay, I. an Pranelaro Butterfat. SAN PRANCISC. Aorll 91. I API Butterlat, f. o. b,, San Francisco LADY alone will work for home and man wages. ass no. Holly. FOR RENT To adults. clesn4-room house; rsnge connected. Tel. 8B3-X. FOR RENT 4-room furnished houe, very cheap to reliable party. Tel. O. A. Devoe. FOR SALE (400 piano, like new. 8138. Will take 830 cash; balance terms. Also Airway vacuum clean er, 835. 334 Clark St. CLOSING OUT stock of shoes: 88 and fojnj at 3s. East Side Shoe Shop. "Make Your Dollars Work" Party owning $20,000 In come Property want to bor row $7,000. Will pay 8 per oent interest. 8m D. E. MILLARD 425 E. Main FOR RENT Two B-rooni apartmenta. I furnished, 1 unfurnished: near Library; newly decorated. W. P Cmnh11 nit. w w. Wall St. Report Rloek Kale Averages. (Copyright, 1033. Standard Statistics Co.) April 31 Today .., Prsv. day 4.18 Week ogo . 481 Year ago ...lio.s 80 sr 30 Ind'la Rr's Ufa Total 47.4 340 80 9 48 8 31 0 77.1 83 3 TP 4 88.3 1714 133.4 80 47 9 49 8 Bond Kale Averages. (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) April II: 90 30 Ind'la Rr'i Today 1 Prev. day AO 8 84 4 Week ago . 89 8 81.9 Yeer ago . 88.0 99.7 30 Ufa 787 77.3 100 8 80 Total 87.9 98.1 MAKE YOUR ixu .rini nn Party owning sao.000 Income prop. Will p.y 8 Interest. 1W D. B. Mll- Fat Girls! Here's A Tip For You All over tha world Kruschen Balta la appealing to girls and women who strive for an attractive, free from fat rtgiirs that cannot fall to win ad miration. Herea the recipe that banlshea fat and Drlnga into blouom all tha na tural attractiveness that every wom an possesses and does It SAFELY and nAKMl.FoSLY. In the morning take one-half tea spoon Of KrtUChen Salt. In .! of hot water before breakfast cut oown on pastry and fatty meats go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugHr. Its the little deny dOM that takes off the fat" and "brings that Km chen feeling" of energetic health and activity that la reflected In bright eyea, clear skin, cheeful n vsclty and cl-aimlng figure. But be sure for your health's sake that you get A boitle that lasts 4 weeks costs but little. Tou oan alw.v. omt Jarmln A Woods or Heaths Drug ri.T. iiTi n"r " not aatls " """ "-""is aner nrst oottle. Ke-ie'VTOWywMeAWw "V N 1 t.nrn .u. ,u K ViT I LAW O 5INRIP v WITH BATH NEW YORK, April SI (AP)-The stock market pushed quietly forward along a broad front In ths Istter part of today's trading, apparently in reeponas to publication of names of abort tellers. Oalns of I to mors than 4 points were numerous at the close, but the turnover was only a little over a million eharee. Isauea up about t to 4 points In cluded American Telephone, Ameri can Can, North American, Allied Chemical, Air Reduction, Drug, Johns Mannlle, Auburn, bafeway, Eastman, 1 r in 1 OREGON NT sv BEST THE WEST Portland's riewejrt and fru. hotels. . .located In th hub of the) jrwppinc; and recreational district. . .art tf unquestioned choice of experienced traveleri Connm fwKt cWy co V10O0 onfan CooverVeyabnjerforroj V Me HMSV C. HtATMMASKSfenaew HEATHMAN M"g" aatavksW v tsa ili "W '0B9 I i U l"nTrir",,0l IUl M im.m 1 av----.tA'-' B.'h E AT C. P. Five local high school students June Davis, Velma Smith. Dorothy Colvln, Ruby Hall and Margaret Wol- gamott will entertain at Central Point tomorrow evening, preceding presentation of the Central Point Orange play. Their entertainment will Include several dance numbers, Russian, clog ana highland fling. Oregon Weather Pair tonlcht and Frld.v: h.nre frost tonight: moderate northerly winds oiibhore. PEAR ICING COST Propossle to be submitted to the Western Freight association for a atandardlzatlon of refrigeration rates from this valley to other coast and eastern points, were discussed todsy at the mid-month meeting of the Rogue River Traffic association at the Jackson htoel this noon. The proposals hold that the refrig eration rate of 810 per car more on ears to the east, than apples, la "un reasonable," Inasmuch ss pre-coollng ana scientirie handling of peers by shippers eliminate deterioration claims. . It is also ssked that the refrigeration rates from Medford ,be the same as those In effect from sim ilar points In Washington and Cali fornia. It is also proposed that ths refrig eration rate from Medford to Port land not be over 95, Instead of the present 87.50 charge. It la cited that from LaOrande, a 59 -mile longer haul, the rate Is 93.80 higher then from this city. It Is expected that the proposals will be acted upon before the open ing of the 1833 fruit shipping season. word received hers today by Super intendent E. C. Sollnsky. However, the tnowplow crew is spending to day at Its difficult work on the Med ford entrance road Instead of clearing the snow that fell yesterday, as It will be easier to do the Isttsr work later, and there Is 8 general clamor for the Medford entrance road In the park to be opened. FALLS IN PARK Bo mUCfh nW snow AnntfmiM n fall In Crator Lake national park that It kps the park anowplow crew huatllng during daylight hours to keen the rtnA tcava t.hra ini4 cleared, clear, and v.nt!mis t mrk of clearing the Medford entrance road iiMiav ine parjt. Nine more Inches of snow fell at the Dark riftAtarrlnv hut. tvarlfav t.H sun was shining, according to phone PLANT SOT IBEANS FOR HAY OR ENSILAGE WE HAVE EXPERIMENTED FOR THREE YEARS ON SOYS AND KNOW VARIETIEB ADAPTABLE. ASK US ABOUT SOYS Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 323 E. Main Phone 260 pssr:,wgs?v'M mm 11 , awpunMpjKttirr 0 The lowest prices you ever paid for Goodyear quality T TERE'S something; to think about if you climb in your car every morning with the question: "Will my old tires get through the day?" Here's something you ought to know if you're riding on treads so smooth that your brakes have no grip, and taking chances on what may happen if a weak, worn tire blows out. You can put on stout new Good year Speedways today at ths low est prices you ever paid for a Goodyear Tire. Read these prices and remember, they buy Goodyear quality full oversize tires built with patented Goodyear Supertwist Cord bal anced tires for long, even wear lifetime guaranteed tires, marked with the Goodyear house flag and Goodyear name. You get such quality for so little money because more people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. This tremendous pref erence naturally means extra value. "Why buy any jcconti-choice tire when first-choice costs no more?" 03 ISO PATHFINDER 29 x 4 40-JI JI Each ".Vsf In pairs .nr. 9 per iosi 19 x 4-50-ZO - v Each In pain Price per sinale fir. OS 30 x 4-50-X1 1 Each sjbjv In pairs Pries $e43 per stall, dr. 9 28 x 4-75-19 16 Each In pairs Price per die Price per sinslc tire 6s 31 x $.25-11 Jf Esch U In pairs Price pet ilnti. rlre sip; Full oversize-29 X 4.50-20 Chevrolet Full Oversize 29 X 4.40-21 Chevrolet Ford J Esch Vssa I Pain Price per tinnle tire 3 P"'ce per single tire Full oversiie 28 X 4.75-19 Ford Chevrolet Plvtnomh Price per single tire .gll Price per single tire Each In pairs Full oversiie 29 X 4.75-20 Chrysler Plymouth Poetise agv In pain Price per single rlre '5' Full oversiie 31 X 5.00-21 Nash Essex Each In pain TUNE IN on the Goodyear Program every Wednesday night over N. B. C Red Network. WEAF Price per single tire g7 Price p., ,ng. rire 66S Full oversire-30 X 4.50-21 Ford Chevrolet mmJ In pain Price per single tire 47 Full oversiie 29 X 5.00-19 Chrysler Dodga Nssh Esch In pain Price per tingle tire Full oreniie-31 X 5.25-21 Buick Dodge Nash 43. JJ Each la pain and Associated Stationj Medford Service Station "YOUR TIRE SHOP"--C. C. Furnas, Prop. Corner Main and Pacific Highway Phone 14 " " int. PACIFIC C O A f T ' ..ilWW-sjaf.SaW,' awswsEsmv'iiJV.'.''- rMBiTlraMlrsBii ' IN 1 1 MMeMBeBBBmB.MeHssaaw - rr-arsT.