PAGE ETflHT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, MOXDXY, APRIL 18, 1932. FOR RANCH PAIR Plnj for th further taunt for ths bodies of Edwin C. Brown and wife, homesteader! who loat their Utiw In t blizzard that roared orer the Dead Indian area laat January, will be mad at a meeting thla afternoon between Sheriff Ralph Jennings, tha county court and Coro ner Conger. Bearchera, headed by William Llnd. aay and William Taylor of the Dead Indian district, have made a thor ' ouirh survey of the terrain over which the Browne are supposed to have traveled in their efforts to reach their own cabin, without suc cess. The hunt haa been under way for three weeks. Sheriff Jennings conferred with Lindsay and Taylor at Ashland this morning and the two asked that the county give financial aid In the final effort to recover the bodies. They desire that a posse be sent "Into the rough country to the east of the Brown cabin, under the sup position the Ill-fated pair traveled In that direction. The other route would have taken them close to ranches and roads. According to Mndsay and Taylor the snow haa melted In the timber . and they believe the bodlea will be found In some deep drift that re mains. PLACE LIMESTONE T Work of placing tha first layer ol Indiana llmeatona on the exterior of the new county courthouse start ed this morning. It la expected to take six weeks to complete the work. The Indiana limestone was secured at a "bargain," being approved by the courthouse advisory committee. county ccurt and eltlzens of the . county generally. Work of Installing the Jail equipment has started and the skyline of the structure is be ginning to take shape. The chimney . for the "hog fuel" burner has been completed, The Interior work Is also well under way, and plasterers will soon start. COUNTY SPREADS OIL WHERE DISTRICTS PAY Provided district desiring toad oiling contribute funds to pay for ' the oil, the county court will spread the oil, hss been announced by the county engineer aa the retrench ment policy for the coming sum i mar. Sufficient contributions from the districts must be obtained to secure a carload of oil the smallest amount that can be purchased. No funds are provided In the budget for oiling, hence the work Is de pendent upon publlo contributions. The Eagle Point district last week petitioned the county court for oil on the road through that city. ESPEE ANNOUNCES LOW SPRING RATE Marking tha commencement of the spring outing season, the South ern pacific company today an nounced plans for another of its so called "dollar day" sales of train rldee, featuring 100 miles for 1. The forthcoming offer of "cent-a-mlle" transportation, scheduled from April 28 to May 1, Inclusive, will be of special benefit to May Day excursionists. It was pointed out by A. S. Koeenbaum. district freight and passenger agent for the com pany. Persons planning long trips, Rosen - baum said, will have time to com plete their journeys within the dates of the low-fare excursions. May 10 has been fixed as the final return limit, according to the announce ment. Aa before. It was stated, th round trips have been authorized between all points on Southern Pacific's lines In six western states. GRANGE INVITES ALL CANDIDATES Tha following letter has been sent to all candidates by Phoenix Grange Phoenix Orange Invites all candi dates to a meeting of the voters of the Phoenix precincts, at their hall Wednesday, April 30, at 8 p.m. Each one will be given a per sonal introduction anl have his campaign slogan repeated, but there will be no time for speeches. "However, In the course of the evening, you will be given the op portunty to get acquainted with the people of our community. "Entertainment and dancing will be provided. , "R. O. WARD, "Master.' Arrest Driver Wildcat Stage George O'Brien of Seattle Is held In the county Jail following arrest yesterday on a charge of operating a wildcat stage. His four passengers had sufficient funds to secure trans portation on a train to their destina tion. It was Me sixth arrest In two weeks of wildcat stage operators In southern Oregon. Portraits of distinction. The peas leys, opp Holly theater. Broken windows iused by Trow orldfte Cabinet Works ecaube... Motorists who have long used Zerolene continue to use it Motorists who "try Zerolene become its regular patrons. Fleet owners and all large buyers of Zerolene prove con stantly by actual test its superior efficiency and economy. In a word "Money Cannot Buy a Better Oil" .Your Zerolene Dealer offers you the most practical proof of motor oil value. He fills your crankcase with the largest-selling oil in the Pacific West! This year-after-year popularity is your assurance of un- surpassed lubrication at low co9t. Kely on Zerolene it is refined from selected and uniform crudes to make your car a better car on the road. Ask your Zerolene Dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA E AT The first demonstration presented by girls' gymnasium classes In the Medford schools was enjoyed by a large and enthusiastic audience at the high school gymnasium Friday night. Directed by Miss Caxln B Dagermark, supervisor of physical education, the demonstration of fered much of beauty, aa well an expression of the high type of training the department Is featur ing. One hundred girls participated, voluntarily. The girls' athletic association of Medford is organized for the purpose of stimulating Interest among girls In sports and athletic games, and of providing wholesome recreations and social contacts for Its members. The demonstration Friday showed what haa already been accomplished In view of thla aim In the physical education department. One of the most colorful elements In the evening's program waa the garden dance, In which the girls appeared In pastel frocks and hats to dance under lights, shaded by flattering colors. The tennis racket drill waa also very Impressive, 75 girls, clad in white sport togs, appearing In the exhibition. In "Pyramids," black costumes and colored lights were used to achieve an equally pleasing effect. Other high spots were the Rua- alan dance "Kamarlnakala," the dem onstration of "Quoltennia," game re' cently introduced here by Miss De germ ark, which Is proving very popular; and clown stunts by little Sally Lee Russell. As finale to the program the Southern Oregon Archery club gave a demonstration, shooting a round of 30 arrows etch, at a dlstanct of 30 yards. Other numbers on the demonstra tion program were: Overture, med ley of popular airs, by Four Aces orchestra. Grand march by girls In gymna sium costumes. Scotch da nee. Highland fling. games and relays. Exercises on the balance bears. Negro clogs, "Ltca Jane" and "Plan. tatlon." Volley ball game Reds vs. Blacks. Frances Arnsplger was captain of the Reds In the latter event, Mana Hedges, captain of the Blacks; Mtsa Marjorle Kelly, referee; Catherine Chaney, scorer, and Leona Conger, time keeper. The Intra -mural Athletic league In the girls' physical education de partment provides competition for seasonal sports, beginning with speed- ball In the fall and finishing with baseball In the spring. In this league all girls In the physical edu cation department are given an opportunity to learn the funda ment sis of various sports, to gain skill in playing them, and to enjoy competition with the many other teams In the league. Points won for sports in this league count for the Medford "M," awarded girls who earn 100 points. More than 300 girls have played games In the league this year. SAVAGE RAPID Testerday waa a big day for fisher men wio cast their lines Into the Rogue at Savage Rapids dam. A rain bow H Inehes In length leaped Into one man's boat ana 40 aalmoa were taken from the river during the day, 13 between 12:30 and 3 o'clock, ac cording to reports brought in laat nignt. Harry Hansen, well, known local sportsman, who haa been more suc cessful with the gun than with the rod In the past, landed his first sal mon Sunday. It tipped the scales at 30 pounds but la expected to dou ble that weight before the telling of the story is completed today. One day last week a San Francisco tourist with but one hour to devote to fishing at Savage Raplda felt hit first strike before the first 10 min utes had elapsed. With the aid of Rainbow Gibson he landed the fish. He broke bis line during the process. .however, and got the fish only by a neiper graDOlng the string aa It started to swim back to freedom. Another story from the fishing haunt telle of an angler tiring of the sport and swimming to the bank, unmindful of the snow water flow ing In the Rogue. One woman waa been landing trout with ease In num bers, doubling those of her male com petitors. Fishing at Squaw lake la reported best for trout. The roads are routfi but passable, and many limit catches have been brought In from there aince ths opening of the season. PASSES SUNDAY John Riley Maxedon, a resident of Jackson county for more than 20 years, all of which time he had re sided at Ashland and Talent, passed away Sunday evening at a local hos pital at the age of 69 years. He leavea one son. Arthur Maxe don of San Diego. Calif. Funeral services will be held at the Conger chapel at 2:00 p. m. Tuesday with interment in Mountain View ceme tery at Ashland. 8tatod Convocation of Cra ter Iake Chapter No. 33, R. A. M., Tuesday, April 19th, at 7:30 p. m. Visitors In vited. E. li. LENOX. H. P. GEO. ALDEN, Secretary. ' Elect Frank Perl coroner. CRATER'S BEAUTY; NEW SNOW FALLS Because of the stormy weather prevailing almost all day at Crater national park the 160 persona visit ing the park Sunday did not get to see the lake, but greatly enjoyed themselves with t,he deep snow sights and in playing In the snow. Following the fall of snow on Fri day and 8aturday It anowed almost all day In the park Sunday, the total fall amounting to la Inches, which made the total for tha year ao far at the park In excess of 68 feet. The year of 1937 at the park saw a total of 66 feet, and about 15 years ago the total waa 60 feet. Late Sunday the snow depth at the park waa 14 feet at the rim, 13 feet and four lnohea at government camp, and eight or nine feet at Anna Spring camp. The snow mass at the park haa been settling down fast, especially at the lower levels the Klamath and Medford entrances. The park snow plow crew, despite the falling of fresh snow. Is keeping the park roads cleared from the Klamath entrance to the rim, and also la working at clearing the Med ford entrance between Anna Springs camp and the west entrance. Lewis Station Installs New Plug Cleaner An entirely new service for motor ists haa been Initiated by Lewis' ' Exceptional Auto Service" atatlon at Eighth and Front streets. W. L. Lewis haa Installed a new spark plug cleaner, the first of Its kind In this section of Oregon, which thoroughly cleans old carbon from plugs by a silica blast. It takes but a minute to clean a spark plug ao that Itla aa shiny and bright aa new. For the motorist who wishes to know Just how efficient his plugs are, Lewis' have also Installed a plug testing machine that shows tae fir ing of a plug under varying pres sure. The plug cleaning service will be offered to patrons at Lewis' without charge with an oil change or com plete lubrication Job. The silica blast la employed by the United States air service In cleaning airplane plugs, ac cording to Mr. Lewis, 10 All American Legionnaires are urged to be present at the meeting in tne armory this evening to hear the program being broadcast over the N. B. C. network. Interesting num bers will be given following the ra dio program, and Jamea V. Parkhlll, well known local banjo artist, will play several pieces, other musical selections are also Included on the program, whlah la In charge of Paul McDonald, past commander of the local post. FREE ONJUESDAY A real treat a In store for south ern Oregon people Interested In the smart new Ford models. A talking moving picture, "The New Ford V-8." will be presented In the showrooms of the C. B. Or tee Auto company at 8 p. m., Tuesday evening, according to an announcement made today by C. E. Gates. As a special added attraction, an other interesting film, "The Story of the Little River,' will be presented. This film depicts activities of the Ford Motor company along the River Rouge. The talking moving picture show at the Gates display rooms will be open to the public and C. E. Gates has extended a cordial Invitation to all southern Oregon people to at tend. The new Ford V-8 will also be displayed during this show. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT 23 Glen Oak Court, fi rm, stucco home: hardwood floors, fireplace, basement and furnace; furnished or unfurnished. Charles R. Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. FOR SALE Wood range. Inquire 208 Crater Lake Ave. WANTED To rent 2, 3 or 4-room unfurnished houses; cheap. Bob Taylcr, 416 Laurel. FOR SALE One o-horaepower electric motor, cheap. Jennings Loan Of fice, 5 So. Front. WANTED Girl for housework. 785-M. WANTED Plowing and cultivating with tractor. Phone 408-R-3. WANTED Load for empty furniture I truck going to Oakland, cai. Tel. i 1044-X. Hawley Transfer. j FOR SALE! Sow and 10 extra fine pigs, $30. W. R Lamb, Eagle Point, Butte Falls road. FOR SALE Good work team, weight 1500 each, or will trade for cows. L. McCulloch, Talent. - WANTED Saleslady that has had ex penence eel 11 rig cosmetics, state I age and extent of experience. An awer Box 3599, Tribune. FOR RENT Partly furnished 3 -room house and good garden, inquire 701 W. 11th St. EXCHANGE Modern residence In Klamath Falls for small acreage near Medford, or for late model small coupe or good furniture, with balance at 820 per month. Address 2813, Tribune. YOUNG married man MUST have work. Any kind, any place. Odd Jobs or steady. If you have any thing, please let me have It. Box 3598, Mail Tribune. PLEASANT front room, sepsrate ent rance, zzu no. o&Kaaie. FOR SALE Service atatlon, small grocery store, living rooms by How ard school on Pacific highway. 1 ml. north Medford; good location. Claussen'a Station. Greaham Buaineaa Houm belDf tracua nt ior e. a. nua. A Friend Making Thig Week Only all of our SAN T0X Drug and Toiletries will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Listen to oar program on the radio. Nurse Brand Rubbing Alcohol COMPOUND Pint Size 39c 50c San-Tox Nurse Brand Milk of Magnesia A superior product de void of strong alkaline taste. Pint size 37c Nurse Brand Vitamin Tested Pure Norwegian Cod liver oil It tastes better and is guaranteed to contain 13,000 units of Vitamin A and 7,500 units Vitamin D per oz. Pint size 79c 4W Dyton. O. J. William purchu4 i yiywa ion repwr aaop. San-Tox Tooth Pastes 60c Scientific 39c 40c Milk of Mag. 19c San-Tox Nurse Brand Antiseptic Solution Full Pints 59c Quart size 98 Nurse Brand Tasteless,' Odorless, Russian Mineral Oil Of maximum specific gravity and viscosity. Pure and harmless. Qt. size $1.19 Pt. size 69c DRUG STORE 109 E. Main St.