MEDFCRB M"5TL TKIBTTCE. MEDFORD, OTCE0JOT. MOTOAT. "MTiTU 18. 1012. WHAT YOU WANT Classified FOR EASY REFERENCE I vo tllltiV 1 VO l-SUV I SULL f". - -ai DON'T FORGET TO PHONE THAT ANT AD HERB ARE THE RATES; Per word first insertion. ' Bach additional Inaertton, per wora per line per month, without copy changes -- i Phone 75 LOST LOST German police dog. Call 234. ujSi Diamond lake, tire cover. Finder please leave at TrlbuneoMce. LOST 11 dog 1 miMink. U llg- FOUND OOND Child's coat on Old Stage road, rnone om-tv. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced waitress. Ap ply Diamond Cafe. WANTED Housekeeper. Will furnish home for married couple. Box 3494. Mall Tribune. HELP WANTED MALE MEN. 18-45. Steady work. 1700 to 3300 year. Postofflce clerks mall carriers. Common education suf ficient. Paid vacation. 35 coached free. Write today sure for full par ticulars. 1238-A, Mall Tribune, WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry nig. Square Deal Laundry. 245 So. Central. Phone 379-W. WANTED Any kind of cleaning, 25c an hour. Call 981-1,. WANTED By experienced man. posi tion to operate orchard or ranch. , either on salary or shares; refer I ences furnished: could take imme diate charge. Address S L. care Mall Tribune, and party will call. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .. FOR RENT 5-room turn, house, $20. Can sub-rent 2-room apt. Key at 214 Cottage. WANTS Stock to pasture. R. H. Bell, Gen. Del., Medford. WANT A loan of $3,000.00. first mortgsge first class business prop erty aa security. Address Box 3524 Mall Tribune. WANTED Cash register. Jennings Loan Office. WANTED Buy used dining set. elec trlo stove. Phone 105. WANTED Must have $8000 Immedi ately. to save $20,000 ranch; 40 acres full bearing orchard. 60 acres under cultivation, pasture, etc., 46 acres free water: $8,000 In buildings; near school; good roads. Address B. J., Mall Tribune. WANTED Kodak, 3'4x314 with f 63 ' anaatlgmat lens. Sunday only. 307 Haven. TURN INTO CASH Idle household stuff furniture. dlJies, glass, b-oks. etc. Receive humane prices, Modern-Antique Shop. West Jack son and Welch, facing junior nign. WANTED To buy all kinds ol rab bits. Tel. 1559. WANTED Wool and mohair. Wool sacka and twine for sale. Medford Bantam House, 27 No. Grape St 1m 1062 WANTED AUTOMOBILES WANTED Light used cars, pay cash Ph. 853, 1761 N. Riverside FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 3-room modern partly furnished houae. $1750. Will sell st your terms. Key at 214 Cottage. FOR RENT Four room modern fur nished house. Inquire 119 Almond St. FOR RENT Furnished house, strlct . ly modern: 8 large lots for garden K lng. fine soil; and small growing garden; $12.50 a month to steady renters. Across street from tele phone office. Central Point or Tel. 1532-H evenings. FOR RENT Unfurnished 6 room bungalow, corner Columbus and Bryant. Interior newly decorated throughout. Two lfrge lots with plenty of garden space. Lota of roe bushes, shade trev and flowers. See owner, H. L. Bromley or phone 1250. FOR RENT New hmue furnished, reasonable. 504 Hamilton. FOR RENT Purn. nouse, 413 King. Phone 165H-J. FOR RENT To adults, clean 4 -room house; range connected. Tel. 583-X. HOUSE FOR RENT Electric range and water heater. Phone 780-L. FOR RENT Modern partly furnished 4-room rottae. esst side. Cill at 414 S Riverside. FOR RENT Attractive 8 -room house, "lose tn 135 8 Holly. Tel. 731-X. FOR RENT Beautiful 5-room fur nished home, close to schools and k store; shady lawn; garden plot; Tery reasonable rent. Phone 146 Of 390- V, . FOB RKNT HOL8E8 POR REN1 hum Furnished at unfurnished. Brawo ft Whit FOR RENT 7 room furnished house, very cheap to reliable part;. Fbone O. A. Oe Voe. FOR RENT 3-room house. 14 acre irrigated garden land. O. Gelln. Howa-d Ave. FOR RENT Modern nouse. close In Fine shade, lawn and garden lot. 26 per month, water paid. Call at 325 South Riverside. FOR RENT t so 0-room houses Phone 106. 0 N Central. HOMES r"OR RENT Call 799. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Includes heat, hot and cold water, electricity, hotel service and lounge room privileges. Holland Hotel. Phone 110. FOR RENT Furnished apartments; cheap. 334 Apple. PLEASANT, furnished, steam-heated apt; refrigeration. 10 Quince. FURNISHED 3 and 3-room apta.; garage. 604 W. 10th. 3-ROOM APT. Also nice front sleep ing room, ground floor; reasonable rates. Gloria Pan Apts.. 375 South Central Ave. TWO-ROOM furnished modern, nest, new, $15.50: Includes garage. 1015 West Uth. FOR RENT Completely furn. apt.; radio, washing machine, heat, hot and cold water. 229 wo. ivy. NEAT front corner single apartment and small furnished house. Rea sonable. 1205 E. Main St. FOR RENT Modern furnished apt- downstairs. 345 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ment: hardwood floors, fireplace: newly decorated. Address Br-x 3985 Mall Tribune. BEST apartments In town at new reduced rates. Schuler Apta. FOR RENT Furnished apt Lights, garage: $10 & $12 Phone 452-B. FOR RENT 3-room apartments, $10 620 So Fir. Phone 1320. FOR RENT Modern duplex apt; 4 rooms. Phone 443. FOR RENT FUKMSHKD ROOMS PLEASANT room for gentleman; close In: bath, garage. 609 E Main. ROOMS $1.50; bachelor cabins $3 per week. 445 So. Front. FOB RENT ROOM AND HOARD BOARD AND ROOM In private family. reasonable. Call at 414 S. Riverside. PLEASANT room with board. 716 E. Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT IN YREKA Commercial garage, showroom and shop, located on Pacific highway. Address D. M Reld, 825 S. Main. Yreka. Cal. FOR RENT Small ranch close In: well Improved. Phone 437-X. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Restaurant; good loca tion In Medford. Owner must leave. Phone 1332-J. FOR EXCHANGE LOT near Long Beach, lot at San Prancisco: both clear, and some cash: want small Improved acre age. Box 3497, Tribune. CLEAR ranch of around 30 acres, to exchange for grocery stock, nouse or apartments, m guoa iucbliuu. Dairy ranch In first class section, with fine modern 8 room house, barn with cement floor, atanchlons for 18 cows, mllkhouse, garage, chicken house, 18 acres alfalfa, balancs grain land, pasture and timber. Also a 6 room house. Wsnts exchange for Income property here or In southern California, price $25,000. Requires some cash. Stock ranch on good highway, outside range, alfalfa and alslke clover, good Improvements, a well paying ranch, for exchange for small acreage or Income property. Price $10,000. 5 acres suitable for chickens and turkeya. Good garden spaoe. 5 room house In good condition, well chicken house and garage. Only $1600. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO. 44 North Riverside Ave. FOR EXCHANGE Beautiful new modern bungalow, five acres rich garden soil, fine location. Price 1.000.00. Will trade clear with some cash for unimproved acreage Also 150 acres, AO acres In hay and grain. 100 acres free water, com fortable buildings, family fruit. Price 4750.00. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 125 E. th St., Phone 1496 EQUITY In 10 acres for house or car. 1034 N. Central. EXCHANGE 160 acres; 50 under cul tivation; plenty free water: fine 6 room plastered house; bath, with cold and hot water; good equip ment and livestock. Will exchange for smaller farm with improve ments, on or near Boulevard. Box 2808. Mail Tribune. WILL TRADE modern 6-room house In Ashland for acreage. Must be good land snd location: preferably without buildings. Will assume. Box 3488, Tribune. ft ..CRE3. southern California, seij or trade by owner. Phone 837-X. FOR TRADE 12300 Jackson Co. Bldg. Loan stork for small modern house In Medford. Must be clear. Phone IM0-J. FOR TRADE 3 modern housai part ly furnished, for small Irr.provMJ acre ace. 414 S. Riverside. FL'EL OIL OLtTERY FOR FUEL OIL delivery Phone 81ft Eads Transfer and Storage Oo FOR MI.(-H KL FOR SALE Bodv fir. part dry. 16 in 2U0; U-ln 1190; laurel, 12 15 .Uft per tier, Phone o3-R-4. FOB SALE AVi PRICED to sell quick. 30 Essex Coach. 30 Ford Tudor sedan, an rora Coupe, every car guaranteed. Tour ear In trade, easy monthly pay ments. GATES AUTO CO, Used Car Dept. REPOSSESSED CARS We sell them for the balance due. Easy terms. All makes, 30 to choose from. Oakland & Pontlac Garage. 207 So. Riverside. Open Sunday until 3 o'clock. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Thoroughbred Duroc and o. I. c. weaner pigs. Tel 238-J. FOR SALE One A-l cow. 6 years old, Jersey and Guernsey: gives 40 lbs. a day; Tests ti. Knox Service Station, Jacksonville, or call 414-J FOR SALE POULTRY LARGE Bronze turkey and R. 2, R setting eggs. Phone 639-J-2. W. L. CHICKS 9c. May 8c; hardy Hansen strstn, heavy layers, large white eggs. Free range-cockerels, di rect Hansen. 266-325. Rocks or Reds 10c. -Jenka Poultry Farms, Tangent, Ore. R. I. SETTING EGOS. F. A. Pefley Tel. 976-W. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE Home. It will pay you to look thla up. Consider trade for auto or radio. Balance like rent. Owner. 209 First Natl', Bank Bldg. HIOH-CaSS 7-room bungalow In distinguished residential district Cash price $6000.00. Owner wants copco stock for his $saoo equity Walter H. Jones, Realtor, jrn Jack son County Bank. Phone 196. FOR SALE Sacrifice five room mod em home, gas and electricity, lsrge lot and treea, $1,500 $500 buys my equity Phone 1082-a. FOR SALE Attractive homes. Phone 105 30 No. Central. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE GOOD HOMES Building lots, acre age: houses for rent. W. J. Roberts, 730 w. and, pnone ioaa-j. FOR SALE Equity In S acres. Fine soil, small house, near highway. Roy Bllderback, Pitt View Ave, Central Point. FOR SALE 3 acres, good soil, neat 3-room house, ount-ina, garage, electric numn. shade treea. Cheap $200 down, balance easy. Call 1523-R, or address P. O. Box 348. 8-ROOM HOUSE, 10 acres; 7 acres pears and apples. 3 chicken houses; clear of encumbrance for 1000. A large stock and dairy ranch; gen uine bargain. Small property un der lease earning .1105 net. C. 8. Butterlleld, 409 Medford Center Bldg. WHEN you think of real estate think of Brown 5i White FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 300 boxes Newtown ap plesvery cheap. H. H. Wilson, phone 1383. KELVINATOR Electric Refrigerator, almost new. bargain and easy terms. Call Phone 31 or 1149. FOR SALE 3 Ruxtell axle for Ford T and T T truck. Phone 653 or 1761 N. Riverside. FOR SALE OR TRADE Harley Davidson 74 motor cycle, like new. Phone 553, 1761 N. Riverside. ROGUE RIVER Yellovr Dent seed corn. C. A. DeVoe. 533-J-3. FOR SALE Tomato and cabbage plants See Carey's, near Phoenix. Phone 341-J-l. GARDEN DIRT, plowing, fertilizer, sand and gravel. Phone 913-J. 1 FOR YOUR old battery on any Severln bat.; 6-volt 13-plate stand ard (1 yr. guar.), 5; fl-volt 13-plate heavy duty, 6. SEVERIN BATTERY SERVICE 1520 No. Riverside. REBUILT FORDSON TRACTOR, tl00. In fine shape. See It. Miller-San-ford Praetor Co., 23 S. Fir, Medford. FOR SALE Lady's almost new black coai with beautiful fur collar and cuff set. Will sell very cheap. Also two evening dresses. Inquire 346 S. Riverside, evenings ft to 7 FERTILIZER and sediment. Phone 976-W. tNLY 3 50 for 6-volt 13-plate Junior battery (6 mo. guar.) SEVERIN BATI-ERY SERVICE. FOR SALE Used tewing machines, all makes, $6 up; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Oo. 34 N Bartlett FOR SALE Dairy and tnrep and horse fertilizer and black loam Lee Hamilton. Phone 919-L. ROLLER canaries Phone C. A. DeVoe MISCELLANEOUS CASH paid for old gold. Jewelry, brodge work. w. Jennings Loan Office, No. ft South Front. WE PAY CASH For furniture, tool or what have you. Medford Bargain H use, 37 No. Grape SU Phone 1063 WALLPAPER cleaned. Just like new, 1,50 per room snd up. Call 627-Y SQUARE DEAL LAUNDRY 345 So Central. Phone 379-W. OOLU dust bought and sold at Red den Co. 3rd floor Medford Bldg. LOCAL or long distanoe battling We guarantee to save you money Haw ley mnsfer, 619 North Riverside Phone 1044-X. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ahtfra.T JACKSON CO. A Its TRACT CO. AM tracts of Title and Title Insurance. 1 he only complete Title System to Jackson County, MURRAY ABSTRAOl CO. Abstracts of Iltte rule Insurance Rooms I and ft. No. 83 NorUj Central Ave uptteira. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY Automobile Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED PAYMENTS REDUCED We nil uo balanc due dealer bank or ftnanos company and sxtendi your payment. Additional money 1 loaned. Phone 31 for appointment Chiropractic pnyiiclao DR B. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Nerve Specialist Of floe hours 9 to tr io e hn a lihertv nliiD vtded by law. all ot the right, tttle Jim. ?h. u ta Pn. 731 H ' ntl ln"rMt the "' l"dant. Office Phone 680. Re Phone J31-H - -., M..r.i,i h.h m,- 97,1, Contracting ' '- '- '-i WE LEND MONEY to worthy people ! to pay their honest debta. Pacific Coast ureal x Association, ui caea lord Bldg. MedXom. Or. X Dentistry. OR ROBERT O. COB 404 Medford Bldg Phone 840 DEN TISTRTE Dressmaking and Remodeling. I-HK FASHION 8HOP Dressmaking and .emo-Jellug. 424 Mod ford Bldg Phone 1181. Expert Window Cleaner LET QEOROB DO IT Tel 1173 House cleaning. Floor waxing. Ori ental rug cleaning, specialty. Furniture Repairing. FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERED, re- 02 " "SI" . 'li'l line of upholstery sample. Thloault. Tel. 96B-K Funeral Parlor. PERL'S FUNERAL HOME Distinctive service at moderate rates. Estab lished 30 years. Ambulanoe serv ice. Sth St. at Oakdale. Tel 47. Lawn mo wen LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED. OILED ' mnit HiittH fnt- 7S Cull .nri rln. ' liver liee 33 No. Fir. Phone 381. I Plano-lnjtractltm, FRED ALTON HAJGHi Teacher of piano Classical and popular musio courses H&lght Music Studio. 318 Liberty Bldg. Tel. 73. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY on furnltur and 1 late model autos. Three oer cent! per month on unpaid balance No! or.hir nhnrcM nom in unit tt the cash today, See W E Thomas 45 So. Central. Phone 139 Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant in outhern Oregon. Printing tl all kinds; book binding: toe-leaf ledgers; and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips and everything In the printing line. 38-30 N. Orape Phone 78. Roofing STANDARD ROOFING CO. Builders of water-tight roofs Eatlmates and In.r.anlUn HU.v lnk . Inspection without charge 10th and FIT St. TCI. 1077 Pis no Dealers. SEE the Baldwin lne of Pianos at the Electric Wiring Co- 323 W Main St., or call Mrs. H O. uruckn Tel. 1442. Painting. HARRTc MARX, Painting Tlnttng Paperhanglng Phone 14-F-4, PO Box 304 Transfer. DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGE Service guaranteed 30 S Grape St Phone 644. or residence 106U BADS TRANSFER AE STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No Central Phone 310 Prices right. Service guaranteed. REINKINO TRUCKING SERVICE Transfer and hauling of al) kinds Of floe 309 South Front St. Phone 333 LEGAL NOTICE- Notice of Sheriffs Rnle. Ly virtue of an attachment execu tion duly issued out of and under the sea) of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed and dated on the 25th day of March. 1032, in a cer tain action therein, wherein E. C. Corn, aa plaintiff, recovered Judg ment attalnst A. L. Mee and Llda E. Mee, husband and wife, the defend ants, for the sum of Five Hundred Seventy-two and no-100 (8572.00) uouars, with interest at on per an num from September 3rd, 1929, with costs and disbursements taxed at Eighteen and 05-100 (818.05) Dollars, and the further sum of One Hun dred and no-100 (8100.00) Dollars, as attorneys fees, which Judgment was enroiien ana docxeted in the cierka office of said Court in said County on the 25th day of March, 1033. Notice la he.-eby given that, pursu ant to the said execution, I will on the 7th day of May, 1932, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Mford, tn Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satlsry ald Judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re demption at provided by law, all of the rlffht, title and interest that the said defendants. A. L. M and Llda E. Mee. huAband and wife, had on the 28th day of Jsnuary, 1932, or now have in and to the following de scribed property, situated In the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 9, Block 4. NlckellM Addition to the City of Medford. Dated this 1st dav of April. 1932. RALPH E JENNINOS. Sheriff of JffkRon County. Oregon. By OI1A K. ANDERSON, Deputy. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, on fore closure duly issued out of arid under th. seel of the Circuit Court of the Stat of Orecon. In aid for the Coun tv of Jsrkson. to me directed end dated on the 30th day of March, 1912, tn a certain action therein, wherein City of Medford, a Municipal Cor poration, as Plaintiff, recovered Judg ment against Paul B Me Don aid. the defendant, for the sum of Two Hun dred Forty-five . nd no-irn) i24500) Dollars, with Interest at 0" per an num from Msrrh 21st, 1028, with eots and disbursements taxc-d at E:ht and 85100 il8R5t tll.ra. and the further sum of .Seventy-five and no-100 (17500) Dollars, as attorney s I fees, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk'a office of said Court In said County on the 30th day of March. 1933. Notice Is hereby given-that, pur suant to the terms of the said execu tion, 1 will on the 7th day of May, ". v.w uvun. ..... Bv front door of the Courthouse In the City of Medford. In Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for caah to the highest bidder, to aatlsfy said 'Judg- " ,' '"?," ',"r .Zi .1 1 day of March, 1923, or now haa In and to the following described prop- erty, situated In the County of Jack- ' StaI, or Oregon, to-wlt: West Thirty-three and one-third (33 1-3) feet of Lot Three 3. Block Four (4), Queen Anne Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon; alto the East twenty-five i25) feet of Lot Four (4), Blook Four (4), Queen Anne Addition to the City of Medford, Ore gon. Dated this 31st day of March, 1933. RALPH O. JENNINOS, Sheriff of Jackson Countv. Oregon. By OLOA E. ANDERSON, Deputy. NoMce or Final Estate Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Annie McReynolds, Deceased.. Notice la hereby given by the un dersigned. Eva May Ellis, as execu trix of the estate of Annie McReyn olds, deceased, that said executrix did on the 9th day of April, 1933, file with the County Court for Jackson t for the ttlemenrf Id estate and asking that a decree and 'order be made allowing and approv ing said final report and account and settling Bald estate , and discharging said executrix thereof and making such findings and decree In said mat ter as may be proper under said final report and account and that on said day the County Court for Jackson Co nty, Oregon, made and entered an order setting the hour of ten o'clock a. m. .on Thursday, the I3th UBJ " H "Hlfl IHB hearing of said flnil report and ac- wuii b nnu an uojecuons vo aucn una. account and the settlement thereof. jand requiring all persons having any uijcv Liuiuj, vit-iicr Mj snia report ana account or to the making of the find ings and decree as prayed for there in, to appear In said court at said time and make such objections. All persons having any Interest In said estate or any objections to the allow- or said final account and the approval of said final report or to tne niaking of such findings and de- cree and to tne discharge of aald ex- tutrix are hereby required to appear ai BHia time ana place and make such ejections, utnerwise a decree will be taken in accordance with such re port and account. EVA MAY ELLIS. Executrix of the Estate of Annie McReynolds, Deceased. Not Ire of Sale nf Real Property. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter ot Guardianship of Wilson Church, a Minor. Notice Is hereby given, that In pur suance of an order of the County Court of the County of Jackson. State of Oregon, made on the 17th day of ' Mnivh 1032 in th mH-ttur nf Ml March. 1933, in the matter of Hie estate of Wilson Church, a minor, the undersigned guardian of said estate will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, and subject to con firmation of said court, on Saturday the 13th day of May, 1933, at Room 201, Liberty Building, Medford, Ore gon, all the right, title and estate of the said Wilson Church, a minor, (n and to that certain real property situ ated and being In the County of Douglas, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the center of the county road 1.40 chains west and 9.805 chains north 70 degrees 30 minutes westerly from the corner stone at the sou then st Interior L. corner of the Isaac Jones Donation Land Claim No. 63 In Township twenty-seven (37) south of Range Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS Spread loosely Common fruit Kntansjle Exist Kuropean finch Ancer Kind of eoffse Act of gotting free from something. Come fnrih Large deer Shatter Soft drink Have being Devour Cereal seedt Part of a rnmet Mora willing ly Prevents; Hand Is Female horse Brazilian money of ac count Pronoun fieams Web-footed birds fly means of Sutures Followed secretly Cesse Solution of Saturday's Puizta is js TIA LEiCOR A NIDJA SitieTeir'woTi B E R ' AiT 1r W0O !S T Elv'E jggM AiR SSCiLiAI5l5Tl Bl. Place $. Burn super flcally St. Ksmale sheep I). Word of as- S nt f. Oo in II. Condensed at mospherto moisture MS ip 15 Ulutit ' ' .' , "lii'i i i .'C. , i 41 . A3. 43 :,yh 44 45 - m ":, W4 Aitiift, i ii ! . I, . ,il i niiiUi i a- -.fyis I 41 So Si '.--Si S3 S Ti '. iff32" Sy ''., : six (6) west of the W. M-: running thence north 70 degrees 30 minutes west 3.335 chains: thence north 15 18 chains: thence south 70 degrees 30 , minutes esst 3.325 chains; thence j .-uth 15.1 U, chslns to the place of beginning, containing live acres, more or less. Dated and first published April tlth, 1932. MRS MAYBEI.l.E CHURCH. Quardlan of Wilson Church, a Minor. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution on fore closure duly Issued out of and under the teal of the Circuit court ot tne State of Oregon, in and for the Coun ty of Jackson, to me directed ann dated on the 7th day of April. 1032. in a certain action therein, wnerein R, H. Toft, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Mary E. Austin, as Executrix of the Estate of John A. Moore (also known as John Allen Moore) deceased and the estate of John A. Moore, deceased, the defend ants, for the sum of Three Hundred Seven and 38-100 i307.28 Dollars. with interest at 8 per annum from December 34. 1930, with costs and dlsbursementa taxed at Seventeen snd 55-100 (17.55) Dollars, and the further sum of Seventy-five and no 100 (875.00) Dollars, as attorney's fees, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's office ol said Court In said County on the 7th day of April. 1033. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of the aald execu tion, I will on the 14th day of May. 1032. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the Courthouse In the City of Medford. In Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Judg m.nt, together with the casta of this sale, sxibject to redemption as pro vided by law, all of the right, title, and interest that the said defend ant. Mary E. Austin, as Eexecutrlx of the Estate of John A. Moore (also known as John Allen Moore) deceased, and the estate of John A. Moore, de ceased. Mary E. Austin (formerly Mary E. Wilson) In her own proper person, and Chaa. W. Austin, her hus band, had on the 13th day of Au gust, 1915. or now have In and to the following described property, situated !n the County of Jackson. State of Orecon. to-wit: The Northwest quarter (NW'4) of Section Fourteen (14) In Township Thirty-four (34) South of Range Two (3) East, of the Willamette Meridian. Subject to a mortgage thereon In the principal sum of 8400.00, dated Octo ber 15. 1913, in favor of J. p. Hughes and recorded In Vol. 34, page 186-7 of the Mortgage Records of Jackson County, Oregon. Dated thla 0th day of April. 1933. RALPH O. JENNINGS, Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By OLOA E. ANDERSON, Deputy. Cli imax CLIMAX, April 18. (Spl.) Mrs. Ifeda Comstock returned Thursday from a 10 days stay in Portland. George McLean and Victor Llnlnl of Ashland were week-end guests nere. Mrs. Ollle Mel was a caller at Mrs. Werts' Saturday. L. H. WertE went to Medford Wed nesday. Boyd and Lincoln Charley are doing some slashing for L. H. Werts. Miss Vera Kershaw and Marlon Walters were Medford visitors Tues day. Fred Button carried mail for Mr. Harnlsh Ust week. Mr. Blgham of Eagle Point has r-nted the Emll Pell ranch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurst are busy fixing fences on their farm here. The wind blew hard April IS and about noon It rained for half an hour, doing a lot of good to newly planted gardens. Cross-Word Puzzle t. Kind of fur 10, Segment of a curve 11. Uolf mound is. Stupid person IH. Winged 10. Foot covering 22. Biblical word of unknown meaning SI. Pine trse state th. filarlil ridges 14. Stints of in sects ?. Feminine name tO. Lody of mill- tury troops St. Took Into custody 14. Prospered 15. Star In ths constellation Lyra 19. Aruulesre 43. Ascended 45. City In Ger many 4". Strokes gently 4. Mara-m 49. Secret mili tary agent Re. Color 1, Conquer M. Be Indebted ' M. Pent in church IT. Syllable of hesitation R.IT Simla DOWN I. Tall cap worn hy dervishes f. Ate i. Turns aside 4. LiWe i. South Amr. lean country ?. Clergyman . Cover t. Flnlshtd AKAlNiN E rmn pisit e p AJIUOINE mm ClUDtETbl I (QUOTUMS Eden Precinct EDEN PRECINCT. Ore., April 16. (Spl.) E. C. Lockwood of the White Wing Poultry farm took off about fifteen hundred baby chicks Tuesdiy. They have over a thousand turkey egga coming off soon. Noah Lyon haa 460 chicks he ob tained Tuesday, hatched from eggs from his own flock, Medford Valley Fuel company de livered wood to the Carey plant farm Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Miller of Phoenix abop ped In Medford Tuesdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Nosh Lyon of South Highway, were Medford business vis itors Tuesday. Phoenix Mercantile company haa Installed an electrlo refrigerator and arranged to carry freah meat and edibles requiring cold storage. Mra. Mark Hardesty of Phoenix called on Mra. Lulu Hamlin and Mrs. C. Carey Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Bell Furry returned from Oak land, Calif. Tuesday, after spending the winter with her daughter, Mra. Farmer and her son. Leo. Oak Circle, No. 243 of Phoenix en tertained five members from Acorn of Ashland Wednesday. Oranta Pass Pass Circle waa invited but on ac count of Illness none came. The Phoe nix Juvenile circle put on their drill beautifully. Refreshments were serv ed after the session and everyone had a delightful time. Mrs. J. E. 6 pence returned Tues day from s week spent on Coleman creek where she nursed a sick friend Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Milter called at the C. Carey home Sunday evening, Mr. Alvord and son are busy land scaping the grounds about the home and preparing their land for spring garden. Lula. Hamlin and son Mervtn and nephew Leroy Marlow had the flu the past week. Water from the Medford Irrigation ditch was being distributed to some of the users near Phoenix, Tuesday. Mra. Luella Rease and daughter Vivian and Mr. and Mre. Thurber Cole and daughter Thelma of Ashland visited here enroute to Medford to trade, Tuesday. Pear orchards that lie to the west of Talent on the foot-hills, resemble a fall of snow as nothing but a aheet of white can be seen as far as the trees extend. Some of the most ex tensive pear acreage In the valley Ilea In this locality. Mr. and Mra. Jack Palaton accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. O. Carey went up Sardine creek flower picking Sun day and came back via the Carpenter soenlo hill, where they viewed the four cities of the valley. Many home seekers are In the val ley, snd as usual. North Talent Is coming In for its share of approval, i Reese Creek REESE CREEK, Or.- April 19. (Spl) Marshall Mlnter left (or Port land last wtrk for a frw days. Mrs. Mlnter I. staying with relative dur. lng hla absenoe. Art Andrews and family mored from Prospect April 13 to th O. B. Eakin place on Crater Lake highwajr near Eagle Point. Mr. and Mra. Fred Lorentren war. business callers In Medford April It. Mr. and Mra. J. T. Wood spent April 10 wlh Mr. and Mm. A. I. Allison. John Lucas .old his place and re turned to California. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ruaho sold their old home In Rogue River April 13. Chas. Humphries moved Will Shearln and family Into the o'.d Stevens place last week. The P.-T. A. meets the afternoon of April IS at th Reese Creek school house. Election of officers will be held and all parent an requested to attend. Meadamea Fred Lorenteen, Herb Perry, J. T. Wood and W. E. Pulton enjoyed th matlne at the Holly Tuesday apoiuored by th Medford Amerlcsn laundry. Ous Carlson moved his family on April 13 near the gorge, where he will be closer to hla work on the highway. Mr, and Mrs. Elmert Aobertaon took their daughter to Medford April 13 to have a smalt tumor removed from her ankl. Brownsboro BROWN8BORO, Or., April 18 (Spl.) Mr. and Mr. Jack Heckner had aa their week-end gueat Mr. Brannon of Portland. He 1 employed In the biological department at Port land. Mr. and Mr. Ocll Pool of Talnt were guest at th Lout Bias home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyl Hard spent Sat urday at th Maxfleld bom. A oemetery meeting waa held April L. at th Brownsboro stor to vote on Improvement In th road. Mr. and Mr. J. D. Henry and Mrs. L. J. Rohrer shopped In Medford Fri day, They were dinner guest of Mrs. France Nelson. Leland Dyainger of Aplegat Is visiting for a few day at th Ralph Tucker horn. Mr. Ralph Tucker and son Lloyd spent a few days visiting at Horn brook, as guest of Mra. fliella Lyons. . aervlr was held in th school house. Tuesday vnlng. by Rev. D. . Randall. Verses from Roman, i were used a hla text and hla sermon was en Joyed by all. "Th Fsrmett." sponsored by th Royal Neighbors, will be given at the I. O. O. F. hall, Thursday. April 31, at I p. m. Adult 35c, children 10c. Jacksonville JACKSONVILLE. Or., April 18.-. (Spl.) Mrs. 8. Wheeler, Xtrs. C. B. DtmnlnRton, Mrs. C. Pllntcroft and Mrs. Hodges visited Mrs. Anderson at the Sacred Heart hospital Thurs. day. Mr, and Mrs. Oro Wyant of Klam ath Falls recently bought the Sam Coffman place In North Jacksonville and have moved there. Lewi Thompson of Medford ne tted relatlvea her Sunday, Mra. Ed Smith of Cascade, Idaho, returned .home laat week after two months here with her brother, Frank Wooten, who ha been very HI at th Jacksonville ssnltarlum. He 1 im proving nicely at this writing. Mra. Smith received word that her hua band la ill. Arthur Lewis and son, Howard, Wa ited In Klamath county Friday. Mr, and Mra. Vernon Wlnnlnghant of Bakersfleld. Cal., ar spending sev eral dava wlt.h relative here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney wr host at a birthday party Saturday. Forty gueata were present, aom from Applcgate. Dancing waa enjoyed with music by Robert Watklns and Heater Knutaen of Copper. Refreshment were served at midnight. An enjoy able tlm was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Jonea and Albert McCumber of Klamath Falls visited at the J. A. Oober horn Fri day and Saturday. 1 Raymond Crumley and Mrs. Geo. Tranta of Buttea Falls spent ttaa week end at th Fred Butcher home Mr. and Mr. Ik Coffman wen la Medford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Norrls mad a business trip to Klamath Fall Fri day. Mtas Violet Olson spent Friday night wlU Mrs. Nettie Thompson In Medford -and attended th girls' ath. Ietlo rlub at th high school. Saturday. Mr. Tom Colllna, Ha, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and Mra, Jim Cook of Medford visited Mrs. Ray. mond Crumley, who Is 111 at th horn of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frd, Butcher. Mra. Band of Medford visiter hn son, George Sc.'iumpr. who Is 111 at tit Jacksonville sanitarium, Sunday, Social meeting of th Royal Neigh bor lodge will be held th night ot April 10. Mra. Oeorge Backus and, Mrs. F. A. Hens peter will entertain with program and refreshment. Several of th Royal Neighbor lodge plan to attend a play by th R. N. A. ladlea of Medford April at. The money taken In will be used for the Southern Oregon Royal Neighbor convention at Klamath Fall May 13, Local health unit met with Mra. Herbert Hanna April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burdell and chil dren of Medford vlalted Mr. and Mra, Walter Burdell Friday evening. Dr. D. A. Forbea of Eagl Point at tended th Royal Neighbor rally hero Thursday night. Mrs. Jo Martin of Medford visited Mra. Anna Gilbert of Boutb Jackson ville. Mr. Laney Stevenson I qnlt 111 at her daughter's, Mr. Cheater Moor. County doctor and county nun for thla district visited th local school Thursday and gave th Schick test to the children In th grad school. Fred Schmlti of South Jacksonville I quit 111 at his horn. Mra. Al Boone, Mra. Anna Gilbert and Mra. Chester Percell visited Mr, Boon on th Crater Lak highway Sunday. Griffin Creek GRIFFIN CREEK, Ore., April 18--(Spl.) Mr. and Mr. Seward McClal lan and Mrs, Verne McClellan and, children of Klamath Fall spent ft few day last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Simmers. Miss Lillian Brown spent th week end with her aunt, Mr. Peter Pick of Jacksonville. Kleland Baylor pent th wnk-end at Grant Pas.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Touchatt and Mr. and Mr. Leon Brown motored, to Gold Ray dam Sunday, Finis and Vern Harris of Klamath Fall. ar. .pending a few day. with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bohl wer din ner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mr. J. D. Brown. Mr. Oeorge Flak attended th R. E. O. meeting April at Mr. Henry Conger' of West Side. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Douglas and son, Manford, motored to Butt Fall. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Judy and dau ghters, motored to Ashland April 3 and were dinner guest of Mr. and Mra. B. Llnlnger. Mr. and Mr. W. R. Thomaaon and family spent Sunday at Cen tral Point visiting Mrs. L. A. Thomaaon. Mrs. lasldor Meadow, left Saturday for Ashland to visit a while with her grandmother Mra. F. S. Lyman. Mrs, Petr Flck and aon. Dale, ot Jacksonville, spent Friday with Mr. J. D. Brown. Mis Eleanor Hart spent th week end at Jacksonville with Mis Freda Butcher. Last Friday after school th eighth grsd boy. ot Jacksonville played the upper boys' bsseball team. Th score was 30 to 0 for Jackson ville. , All sle of screen doors at Wood Lumber Co. IT BUT good usabt clothe, etc MONEY LOANED ON Radio. Electric Washing Maehlnes nythlng of real value, see a. today. JENNIN08 LOAN OFFICE No. 8 8. fmn1 Nash Hotel Hid