PA'GE TEN MEDFORD ItXTL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, KPRIL 12, 1932. JERRY'S 'FIREMEN' IN CLEVER STUNT FOR TEXACO GAS E. C. "Jerry" Jerome and hU busy gnnj of "firemen" are letting all southern Oregon know that the Texaa company Is Introducing Its new su per-oc ta ne gasol 1 tie In the Rogue River valley today. This new product dlatlngulshde by the name Texaco Fire Chief and pro vides for motorists here a fuel perfected by the Texas company laboratories for use In fire engines. Jerry Jerome, manager of the southern Oregon district for Texaco, Is on the streets In Medford today, garbed In the costume of a fire chief and members of his energetic bales organization as well as sta tion attendants are dressed as fi ru men. Jerome has arranged for the kiddles to also participate tn the general celebration which Intro duces Texaco Fire Chief gasoline here. Literally hundreds of school children assembled at the city fire department's headquarters on North Front street this afternoon to lis ten to some timely tips on fire prevention by Med ford's fire chief. Hoy Elliott. Immediately following the lecture, the kiddles, resplendent In smart Tpxfuv firs helmet, naraded the principal street of Medford. headed I win d cnoaen from a Donna Caldor, TO The annual Southern Oregon dis trict commercial contest will be held at the senior high school Saturday, April 16, at 9:30 a. m., according to the announcement made by Mrs. La Vera Gatschall, chairman, and Mrs. E. C. Jerome, supervisor. The content Is to be divided Into four divisions; the am a tour and the novice dtvlslons of both typing and shorthand. There are eight prizes offered to the Individuals making the highest score In each group. These prizes are offered by J. W. Taylor of the local Underwood typewriter agency, the Ofice Supply and J. H. Blermia. The winning team Is to be present ed the silver loving cup which is now held by Klamath Falls. All schools of the county, Includ ing Klamath Falls and Grants Pass, are allowed two entries In each di vision, making a delegation of eight students from each school. Med ford's two entries In the ad vanced typing group will be chosen from Helen Edmtston, Ruth Apple- gate and Lillian MUhoan. The nov ice entries will be chosen from Helen Wilson, Harold Barton and Ruby Stone. The advanced shorthand entries by a band. Jerry Jerome's clever publicity stunt has put Texaco's fine' new gasoline oerore tnousanos of people here today. "It Is no wonder we are so en thusiastic over the new Texaco Fire Chief gasoline." Mr. Jerome said today, "actual testa shows this new fuel to be vastly superior, making for finer carbureton and Instant, smooth power. Over 60.000 dealers In the United States will feature this new gasoline today and we, who have given It exacting tents, are sure that many million motor- late will welcome It." ON BETTER BUSINESS WASHINGTON, April 12. (AP) President Hoover today concentrated attention on the nation's financial and Industrial affairs. THls development followed word yesterday the chief executive Is pre paring for more conferences with con gressional and business leaders on ways of bettering the country's eco nomic condition. BIRTHS Born 'to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hols gang of 1020 West Eleventh street. son, at the Community hospital today. Carvel Reomes and BUUe Hammett, while the claimants for beginning division honors are Cecil Sullivan, Helen Edmlston and Mary Chambers. GRANT IRE TIE TO The district attorney's office has been granted 10 days' additional time by the circuit court In which to pre pare counter affidavits to those In troduced by the defense, In. their mo tion for a new trial for Albert W. Reed, serving a life sentence at Sa lem prison, upon conviction for com plicity In the slaying of Victor Knott, Ashland policeman, last November, District Attorney George A. Cod ding said today that the state would refute the claims of the defense "upon every pertinent and relevant point." The defense affidavits attack the credibility of the positive Identifica tion of Officer Roy Laymon, Ash land, and aver he was "scared, ex cited and unable to give any de scription of the killers.1 Misconduct of a Jurywoman, Mrs. Myrtle QeBauer of this city, Is also alleged. , Hearty Here For Fruit Inspection W. J. W. Hearty of New York, head of the Big 7 company, one of the 00 NOW o Is me Time To Buy 8 Famous ARMSTRONG'S LnEuofleuflinm Now that spring ii hero lot ut figure with you on linoleum for your kitchen, bath or dining room We are featuring smart new INLAID patterns at - PER SQUARE YARD UP When you buy hore $5 00 DOWN and one year to pay balance 1 IEDF0R3 FURNITURE & HOWE. ! "From the CHEAPEST that's GOOD to the BEST that's MADE" Corner Sixth and Bartlett Phone 35-K Clear-Cut Choice by Reich Field Marshal Paul Von lllndenb nearly 0,000,000 votes over Adolf lilt (right), was elected president jester urg (left) by rolling up a plurality of ler, the national socialist candidate day for another 7-year term. largest distributors of fruit In the nation, Is In the city on his annual Visit Of Inflection to this valla v nnH other northwest sections where he has Interests. Mr. Hearty had no statement to make anent Vie business and eco nomic situation but was carrying on as usual. Real Estate or Insurance Leave It to Jones Phone 70S E The Mall Tribune will publish the following notice tomorrow, upon the written directions of George Renker of Loom Is, Neb.: 'In Memory of my kind and loving wife. Amy Renker Krleger, who waa Influenced by in-laws, to leave me Just one year ago, the 13th of April, 1031. "In my heart your memory lingers, Tender, loving, kind and true, Each and every day that passes, I am thinking, Amy, of you. (Signed) "George Renker." The notice tells the heartache of a lonely man, who gives cognisance to the anniversary date of bis abiding sorrow, with an arrow for "ln-laws," but with no trace of bitterness. There Is no record of Renker in the books of the county cjfrk, the tax collection department, or the district, nor does bis name appear In the telephone book or the city directory. No one Interviewed reca'?d him. Renker is evidently using the columns of this paper as an agent of Dan Oupld, in affecting a possible reconciliation with his estranged mate. Auto glass Installed wme you wait Prices right. Brill Sneet MetaJ Works HI IS THE BEST TEA! A delicious blend of matchless quality. CHOICEST ORANGE PEKOE or GREEN JAPAN. OUAHANTCtD IV THIS SI0NATUU M 'ANNUAL SHIRT SALE Continues ' ' All This Week GROUP ONE consists of our reg ular $1.00 Fast Color Broadcloth Shirts in plain and figured patterns. During this Shirt Sale GROUP TWO includes our regu lar $1.60 Pre Shrunk Shirts of Fast Color Shirtings, all sizes and styles. During this Shirt Sale GROUP THREE Our regular $1.05 "Shirtcraft Airman" Shirts, Fast Color, Pre-Shrunk and per fectly tailored. Your choice for 79c $100 $ 1 49 EVERY SHIRT IS GUARANTEED PERFECT Mail and Telephone Orders are Promptly Filled. We Pay Postage ON MANN'S SECOND FLOOR WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 200 Crisp New W7 1 rN w asn uresses A great two day sale of women's and misses' fast color wash frocks. 200 new sprint; and summer styles In prints and novelty weaves. Dresses that are as good as any $1.00 dress yon ever bought. Extra special for Wednesday and Thursday at Mann's Double 9 Day sale. (See these dresses In our Central street window tonlgcit) 2 for $1 00 OR 59c EACH Big Buy in Knitted Blouses We have Just bought 100 new knitted blouses In while and colorful pastel hles. So out they go tomorrow and Thursday for $1.00 each. All sizes and almost any style you could wish for will be found In this big special. Get yours at once. $100 EACH J v EACH WASH SILK Frocks $6. Greatest Dress Value of the Year I Direct from our Eastern Manufacturer come these new wash silk dresses of genuine "Rip pldu Crepe."' New summer styles in glorious pastel shades, smart trims and exceptional tailoring. A real $9.95 dress on sale tomorrow and Thursday. SEE OUR CENTRAL ST. WINDOW $60P Dollar Day Bargains in New Wash Dresses FOR GIRLS . ' The best sjlrls' wash dress ralue In Medford! 100 new spring and summer dresses of color fast fabrics for glrli from 7 to 14 year on tale tomorrow and Thursday at .5,9c each or S for $1.00. Every dress guaranteed to wash perfect If. Every one a new stjle, 2 for $10P $6.95 SILK DRESSES $200 A noHsx Day clcan-up of many odd silk dresses In both light and dark shades. hrewes that have sold nil season up to SG.95 are Included In (his special group. WASH WAISTS Special tomorrow and Thursday, 100 new rayon silk wash naWs In all' sizes and colors ror S1.00. These ore regular 91.33 Tallies and Include many of our recent arrivals. $1.25 VALUE $ op Children's Wash DRESSES Children's Knitted Blouses A special group of children r e t u I r fl.tA knitted blouses for $1.00. Tttese coma In all the new styles and ahadea Just like blf slater's. $100 $1.25 Value Children's Knit bints' Extra special for the bit; double $ Tay sate at Mann'i. Children's sires 7 to 14 knitted suits In beautlhil sprint; colors and newest t)tes, A real super value tomorrow and Thursday. Your Choice for Wed. and Thurs. for $99.5 1. A marcclons rroup of children's 7 lo 11 year size wash frocks for only 11.00 each. These are all new sprint styles and are made from lovely fast color materlnls. All are real l.;.l tallies. Black Leatherette Slippers $1.25 value, all sizes 1 pr. All Suits Greatly Reduced $19.75 Printzess Suits. Special at $14.75 3-piece Spring Suits. Special at $12.50 50 New Tailored Suits. Special at $10.55 $29.50 Spring Suits. Special at $24.75 All New 1932 Styles Mann's Second Floor On0E30E3QIa0X