MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932. PSQE NINE RECEIVED HERE 10 Two more crop loans, under the provisions of the federal reconstruc tion act, were received this morning by the recording department of the county clerk's office for registration and confirmation. E. W. Phelater, owner of a tract In the Fierce sub-division, will receive a federal check for $266 to be used In cultivation of 35 acres of alfalfa and 33 acres of sweet clover. E. V. Kellogg, owner of a Crest brook Orchard tract, was awarded $400 for the cultivation of pears and apples. Close to 60 applications for crop loans have been filed from this county through the Federal Loan bank of Spokane, Wash. Fred W. Greene was No 1, receiving a $400 loan last Saturday It Is expected the applications will be approved and received with more speed In the fu ture as they are acted upon In the order of their receipt and the urgency of crop planting. Advices from Uma tilla county to the county clerk say the crop loans are being received in that district at the rat of 10 a day. Word received by the Chamber of Commerce says that the executive committee of the board of directors of the Southern Pacific railroad now has the matter of making a $25,000 donation to the local Agricultural Credit comporatlon, with a capitali zation of $50,000, under considera tion. They held a meeting In New York city Wednesday. Pacific coast officials approved the move. The California Oregon Power company and the oil companies will be asked to furnish the balance of the $50,000 capitalization funds, contingent upon final approval by the railroad. CRASH SUIT IN I Selection of a jury for the auto damage suit of Charles B. Humphrey, Klamath Palls carpenter, against D. O. and Tracy Morgan, father and son, Josephine county produce raisers j and sellers, was started In circuit ; court this morning. Humphreys seeks $5000 general damages and $500 damages for wrecking of his Nash car. The Morgans filed a coun ter claim for $161 for repairs to a truck and a $300 claim for loss of use of that vehicle. The suit Is based upon an auto smash that occurred on the Green Springs mountain road August 13 last, in which Humphrey avers he sustained three broken ribs, and severe head Injuries. Negligence, faulty brakes, high speed and operation of the truck on the wrong side of the road Is charged against the Morgans. They are also asserted to have failed "to take the last clear chance to avoid an accident." The plaintiff la represented by Attorney Charles Reames and the defense by Allison Moulton. The next case another auto dam age action on the docket, Is that of Helen Brtmhall against the South ern Oregon Gas corporation and la based on a collision netween repair truck of the gas company and the auto in which the plaintiff was riding. The crash occurred near Phoenix one afternoon last summer. Wins Southern Title $30 AS DAMAGES A circuit court Jury last night re turned a verdict awarding George M. Becker $30 general damages against Axel Anderson. No award was grant ed against Bill Gibson, co-defendant of Anderson's In Becker's $16,000 damage suit against them for alleged Injuries sustained In a fist fight In the Ivy Street market last November. The case lasted two days. The ver dict Is one of the smallest ever re turned In a civil action In this coun ty. The Jury started lta delibera tions at 6 o'clock yesterday after noon. Becker alleged that Anderson and Gibson belabored him with their fists and a meat cleaver during the course of the rumpus. A gallon of moon shine figured In the testimony. Myrtle Point Al poppe purchased Schrlefer'a Interest In Poppe & Schrle- fer bakery. SEEK RATE BOOST SALEM, April 8. (AP) Rail car riers In Oregon have petitioned for emergency rates increasing the tartlf on grain and grain products in tne state, pending the outcome of the interstate commerce commission s hearing cp. the reopened grain rate controversy, the public utilities com missioner announced here today. The rates In Oregon on lntra-state tariffs were reduced by a commission order April 1, 1931, to conform with the proposed Interstate commerce commission's schedule. However, Ore gon was the only state to put the 16 ner cent reduction Into effect, the supreme court holding the federal commission s order invalid. , Rood River Goodrich and The Dalles truck lines combined under one of Mld-Columbla, Motor Freight. Inc., according to local manager. Mllwaukle 4)20,000 rebuilding pn gram completed at Mllwaukle Lumber and Shingle Co. 4 Stayton New building at flax plant about completed and machinery wui be Installed aoon. I I t y & 4 K Associated Press Photo Mrs. Opal S. HIM (above) of Kan sas City, Mo., western champion, defeated Maureen Orcutt to win the second annual southern Invitation golf tournament at Augusta, Ga. BUS DRIVER HELD BY LOCAL POLICE Jacobo Baldo and alx fellow Fili pinos, en route to Seattle to Join the Alaska fishing fleet, are detained here by the state police today. Baldo Is charged with operating a "wildcat stage" and operating an unregistered automobile on a conditional sale con tract. Baldo Is held awaiting further word from California relative to the final disposition of his case. The arrest was made last night. James H. King of Seattle was also detained last night by the state po lice, charged with operation of l "wildcat stage" without an Oregon license. King purchased an Oregon license and went his way. Kenneth Wilson, who gave his home as Los Angeles, was given five days In Jail and fined (4.60 for fail ure to register a foreign licensed VELIN FAILS TO FILE PETITIONS O. E. Ve!in of the West Side, a potential candidate for county com missioner on the Republican tlckt failed to file petitions, as required by the election laws, according to tne county clerks office, and there fore his name will not appear on the primary election. Velln filed his declarations of intentions in Febru ary. The elimination of Veltn leaves three Republican candidates for the commlsslonershlp Lew la m. Sweet of Sams Valley. W. E. (Shorty) Mor ris of the Table Rock area and Ralph Billings of Ashland. Thomas H, Pankey of Central Point Is the lone Democratic entrant. Mrs. Mary E. Grieve of Prospect, who filed for precinct committee woman from the Flounce Rock dis trict, withdrew her candidacy when it was discovered that the Flounce Rock precinct already had a Demo cratic precinct committeeman. The county clerk's office has started preparation of the ballot for the primary election May 20. The names of the candidate will be ro tated on the ballot. tvlAJOR BASEBALL SEASON LOOSENS PURSE STRINGS By At.AN GOU.n Associated Press Sport Editor NEW YORK, April 8. (AP) Ma jor league baseball, even If it drawn no better than last year, figure to put between $90,000,000 and $10,000, 000 into circulation during the 1933 campaign. In addition to this substantial con tribution toward stimulating the country's business, close to $1,000,000. under the proposed new tax bill, will be collected by the 10 National and American league clubs for the benefit of the United States treasury. Despite its proportions and well established organization, the big league game as a whole will be lucky to break even In 1933. Nine of the lfl clubs finished "In the red" last year. The majority this season again will likely have dif ficulty keeping off the financial shoals, despite economies effected by the reduction of salaries and player limit. Only three clubs can count on do ing a million dollar buslneas the New York Yankees and Giants and the Chicago Cubs. Brooklyn was in this class two years ago and la one of the biggest potential money mnk era In either circuit, but the Flat bush folks are fickle. Liberty Bldg. "The Home of Pure Foods" W. Main St. Alexander Grocery Inc. E. F. ALEXANDER, Oen. Mgr. FREE DELIVERY Phone 143 We Sell Good Food and Will Treat You Right! FISHER MILLING GO'S. Cracked Wheat Farina Yellow Corn Meal White Corn Meal Flour Pancake Flour Whole Wheat Flour Graham Flour and Cake Flour. SATURDAY - MONDAY SPECIALS All kinds of flour mentioned above, ack.. Sweet Sugar Corn, 300 size cans, 3 for ..- Wheaties, 2 pkgs. Qt. Glass Jar Sweet Pickles, 3 jars Large Can Oval Sardines, 3 cans . Large Can Corn on the Cob, 1 can Wheatsworth Graham Crackers, whole wheat, pkg. Pink Salmon, tall cans, 3 cans Broken Slice Pineapple, large can 0. V. B. Coffee, vacuum packed tins . No. 1 Klamath Potatoes, 100 lbs Battle Creek Health Foods . 10 - 29 13? 99 19 23? 10 29? 13 29c4 $1.19 Manning's Coffee Phone 611 Joe Doblmeier Model Bakery SATURDAY'S SPECIAL Raise Do-nuts Potato Nut Cake 15c doz. 24c each Honey Cookies Dutch Raisin Bread 10c doz. 15c each Chocolate Angelfood Bran Raisin Bread 24c each 10c each That good Homemade Bread, 3 for 20c Phone 164 Liberty Market E. R. Pech "The Home of Good Meats Gov't. Inspected Swife 4 Co. Steer Beef" SWIFT'S BEST STEER BEEF and PORK Aged meats contain 1-3 more food value than fresh-killed meats. SATURDAY SPECIALS BACON, per lb. 15? VEAL STEW, lb 7 LAMB STEW, lb 7C PURE KETTLE RENDERED LARD, 3 lbs. 25C I have a choice line of Beef Pork Veal Lamb Chickens Turkeys and fancy Rabbits, 100 per cent Pork home-made Sausage. 100 per cent Beef Hamburger with no cereal or water in it. Klamath Woman Is Jailed Here Mrs. Emu Chlzel of Klamath Palls ia held In the women's ward of the county Jail at the request of the Klamath county authorities on a bench warrant charging sale of mort gaged property. Mm. Chlzel la al leged to have been In this section for two weeks, moving frequently. She la 45 years of age and of comely appearance. Auto glass Installed while yon wait Prices right. Brill Sneet Metal Works auto. He has been living near this city for two weeks. Earl Dockendorf, charged with op erating an auto without a driver's license, and Cecil Smith, charged win ownership of a revolver carried In an automobile, were scheduled to appear before Justice L. A. Roberts of Ash land for disposition of 'their cases. City Meat Market Featuring FINER FLAVORED STEER BEEF raised on ground hay, molasses, cotton seed meal Veal Roast Lamb Shoulder Pork Roast lb. 12 FRYERS, RABBITS, Home Dressed CHICKENS if FOUR FREE DELIVERIES DAILY Phone 324 121 North Central Cincinnati and Detroit, two olubt thai war hit bard at the "gat" laat eaaon, hope to do much better aa a result of energetic measure taken to make them mora conspicuous In the pennant races. The world cham pion Cardinals don't make much. even when they win. All the magnates an hoping there will be no duplication of the ons sided finishes of 1831. Florence Mr, and Mrs. O. fl. Bine leased their restaurant to Ohaa, Brown. St. Helens 550gallon underground tank Installed at Arney's Service station. VALUABLE PREMIUMS FOR ALPINE LABELS! F1EE ALWAYS USE ALPINE MILK IT'S SO PURE AND CREAMY AND SAVE THE ALPINE LABELS THEY'LL. BRING YOU MANY FREE PREMIUMS -"v n MAJOR QUALITY CAPT. COUPON f HOT) TM oMmtam Mr wdSm to --nil Rnltf ! lUlaa, iolinlln AkVoJ Pusma. anS li M In an llil" a-hnra mi (nipt Inn nf pi m font Send for FREE Folder Showing Hundreds of Premiums Wrii. to ALPINE MILK Premium Dept. 1065 Mission Street San Franolioo, CaL Buy 6 cans at a time We Give S and H Green Saving Stamps Shop at the M. M. Store and Save! TOMORROW at The I main floor I I JgM.M. Dept. Store SPECIALS 111 (fV' 0 fD Children's Dress LX iSSjvJ ' l-95 Pantie Dresses V:" - VPiiS! 'Krll fSWlw'l illll'? lfyN 1 close-out of sizes 2 .j " fflif to 6 yea" in fast colored ml ' M ' ul W t:',:A, )A $1.00 Luncheon ;; 1 IMli Hip E 59c. I tmi f j; iillA I II1, 'ill S'ilfli 'iV'P1 ft llrlM Extra special for Saturday. P 1) -II M ' ''i Nearly half rearular prices. Ill V !j ' ' , J J ''' : ' Fancy stripes with wide bor- I FfhL iip MiM lipi $1.65 Pure Silk . 'Bell Boy" fl Trl7& tih Shantung. II K- No. 400 1 I .halJmJ ISIin14.1t, VI l ., III , KY A IN ASli.. 16, II, M -I 1i, tO ! II 11,40,41 fl 1 flfl yf ' fy U t Vr n New low prices on printed or V " V PoCKetJoOOK W plain shantung 38 Inches i wmo, iiuib uuiurs, i ini . ana ureas SALE of Wash DRESSES as advertised in r i ft i ousekee An unusually attractive lot of smart wash dresses in novelty prints and plain patterns, while this group last, your choice, $1.00. A wide range of sites. Another Dress If Yours Fades $ 11 SALE Queen of the Home and Pequot Sheets 98c All sizes at one price, Only a limited number in the lot. Be. lect early tomorrow. Special Bargains Tomorrow in Our Basement! 36 inch fast color Voiles, plain or printed patterns 20c Fast color wash and ready crepes, all colors, plain or fancy ,. ... .15c White Daisy Cloth, 27-inch. Reg. 25c value ., 15c Women's fast color wash frocks, all sizes, 39c each or 3 for $1.00 Women's knitted union suits, tight or shell knee . . 49c Women's rayon mesh hose, all sizes, new shades . 25c Children's muslin bloomers, white, pink and peach, sizes 4 to 12 . ..... ..... ,.25c Men's waist overall . ,89c Boys' cords, tan. fawn or cream color, 6 to 18 years , $1.39 to $1.75 Children's patent straps or oxfords, sizes 3 to 8 . $1.00 Children's elk tan two strap sandals ....... ....... .$1.00 Boys' gun metal blucher oxfords . .,... . $2.49 Boys' heavy black work shoes, composition sole $1.59 Men's heavy work shoes, plain or cap toe $1.98-$2.98 Women's sea sand kid one strap pump riot $2.98 Women's black kid center buckle sandal .... .,...$2.45 Women's low heel brown, black or two tone oxfords . r-..r.T.i.m ..... ..i... .. ..t...i.$1.98 i J