PA7TP! ETflHT ECITTY FREW by JANE ABBOTT Chapter 1 MARRY IN HASTE T seemed to Kilty Frew that the wheels of the train beneath ber were whir ring along her spine. The world outside the car window ruBhed by In a blur. She felt a little gid dy. She wlshod Oar would waken to talk to ber, to tell her again that bis family would adore ber. But ber young husband of a week was deep In sleep, sprawled In the Pullman cbalr next to ber, uncon clous of ber growing panic. He was a good-looking young husband even so sprawled, and under otber circumstances only to look at blm would have made Kitty supremely happy and oblivious to everything except ber pride and possession. But not now, not wltb tbe train carrying her nearer ao'i nearer to Wlnton and Oar's family. They couldn't know mucb about ber. She remembered that Oar bad written to them little more than that be was married. "I'm not much on lettors, Kit," be had explained to her. fir 'f & "They'll adore you, sweet Row sould they belp It?" And when he said things Ilka that, with his arms close around ber, she eould believe blm. He'd made her bolleve other things too. Tbat they'd been wait ing for one another since the begin ning of time, that It waa the simple working of Destiny that had brought blm to visit Pbll Corey In Brldgewater after graduation, when he'd stood the old boy off for so long Destiny had been keeping her there for him, a precious one-hun-dred-and-ten pound bundle of wo man, wltb hair that looked like hon ey and a freckled nose and eyes that were bluer than the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. "Let's drive over to Albany and Ue up, Kit" But Kitty wouldn't think she waa married It It weren't In church, her own church, before old Dr. Mar wood, wltb her father and mother there, with Sally Withers standing op with her. Oar had yielded that much If he'd marry him at once. John Brandon, Kitty's father, had accepted Garfield Frew because the Coreye sponsored him. Ills family, Gar bad explained, were on the ocean homeward bound from Eu rope; when they got back to Wln ton they'd bs frightfully busy wltb everything and they'd bs glad he hadn't waited. His father'd been counting on bis taking a position In his office as soon as he'd finished college. And now, of course, be'd do that Mary Brandon, Kitty's mother, had seen their love a beautiful thing. Kitty was Just the age he had been when she married John Brandon. Children, she thought of Gar and Kitty as dear children. During tbat week of tbelr honey moon, spent In an nnfrevienteil place In the Adirondack Kilty had had no room In her conscious- Annual Election Is Held, Jacksonville For Church Group JACKSONVILLE, Ore, April ". (Bp).) Annual church supper and lection of Sunday school and church officers for the year was held at the Presbyterian church Wednesday. A Urge attendance was present. The Church quartet sang during the din ner hour. Officers elected were Rev. 8. H. Jones, reflected pastor: O. O. Bsn 4en and W. J. Ciders for three-year terms; B. A. Dew and Brio 'Bryant, trustees for two-year terms: A. 8 Klelnhammer and Henry Nlederrney r, trustees for three-years terms: Otto Ntedermeysr. olurch treasurer. Mrs, Chester Wendt, benevolent treasurer; Mrs. W. J, M. director. Mies Msri'nrft Llndli-y. pianist: Ma'.- elm, Jones, Hubert jrorlwa, Leonard) ness for anyone but Oar. But now, going to them, she saw bis family a part of their future wltb which to reckon. That she might give them reality she brought ber mind, now, to what Oar had told her of his people. His mother was frightfully busy, run ning committees and things llko that, tremendously efficient, that sort "Stunning looking and looks half ber age." His father, Gar had said, worked like the devil; be was a director I' almost every concern of any Impor tance In Wlnton; be hated the so cial racket. Oar bad a sister, two years older than be was. Carol was a good sort when she wasn't running after some queer fad or other. "While I'm laying baro tbe bard facts of my family, Mrs. Frew, I must tell you that I have a half brother. Back In bis obscure youtb Dad married unwlBoly and David Is the hard fruit of that union. I'm not at all hot about blm He doesn't live at home, prefors a mousy apart ment where what he does Is no body's business not that we are Interested In the least." Kitty had not been Interested then, and now she did not think of David. "What If they didn't adore her, that mother and father and sister U-y-s . ; of Gar's? The possibility was so frightening that she felt an' Impera tive need of Oar's reassurance. Slio roached out her band and locked It around his foot where It rested on the edge of hor chair. And as she did so she heard a fnlnt laugh from across the aisle. She withdrew hor hand hastily, flushing, startled, startled because until that moment she bad not been conscious of any follow traveler. Turning hor confused glance toward the opposite chnlr, she saw another girl's eyes slip awny from hera with a Uttlo slant-wise lift while her Hps hold their amused smile. Kitty surveyed the other girl with an unhappy fascination. "She's lovely," she thought, giving full measuro of tribute to the stranger's perfectly molded profile of nnso and chin and slender throat. She ap praised the other's clothes with a new dismay; In comparison with them her own traveling suit her brimmed hat her patout leather pumps, In all of which units this moment she had taken comploto satisfaction, looked cheap, un stylish. Her touch on bis foot had wak ened Gnr. He roused sleepily. "Gosh, Kit, how long have I been sunk? Whoro aro we?" Ho straightened and under protense of looking out of the window kissed her ear. "Have you beon lonely, sweet?" He stretched luxuriously, his eyes feasting ou Kitty's flushing face. Then he turned slowly to look about him, his glance travel ing gradually to tho opposite chair, stopping short there, while an ex clamation of astonishment and de light escaped his lips. He sprang to his foot and held out his hands. "Why, Marge Crosby I When did you get on?" The girl had put both hor hands In Gar's. She left them there, as she answered. "At Rochester. While yon woro sleeping. 1 didn't want to disturb you." Nat tjes Gilbert and Preston Card, ushers: Al Icon Maxwell, Msrfznret Edens, com mittee for communion services; Vlr Ktnla Pick. Margaret Gilbert and Ro berta Metrer, flower commlttte. Officers elected for the Sunday school were Mrs. Vivian Bench, super intendent; Mrs. Otto Nledermeyer, as sistant superintendent; Mrs. Roy Marttn, secretary, and Mine Margaret Gilbert, organist. Roy Martin acted as moderator. J'ville To Accept Water Rent Notes JACKSONVILUC. Ore., April 8 iSpl) City council recently voted that tlicae with delinquent water rent be permitted to give a note for the amount and that future payments be met monthly, and 10 per cent of the principle on the note each month. This order took fleet AptU I. i w ' y r a" i -- mm W s W went past blm to Kitty and back again to bis face, while the faintest questioning, halt-amused, half in credulous, curled ber lips. Oar had seen ber look at Kitty. "Marge, I want you to meet my wife." He colored a little, laughed, "It's no Joke. I'm married been married a whole week. We're going home now." Tbe girl gave the slightest nod toward Kitty She feigned aston ishment and hurt, sinking back In her cbalr with a deep, reproachful, upward look In ber eyes for Gar. "Gar, where, when how?" "Ob, up In Brldgewater aver bear of the place? Phil Morey Uvea there. You've met blm at college. Guess we cheated the society sheet They'd give a good deal to lay their pens to an account of our wedding. Simple stuff, all right, preacher one of tbese blck dominies, wheezy or gan, flowers out of my father-In-law's garden, picked by the bride and groom. Won't Red and the rest of the buncb get a great laugb out of It? But, believe me, they'll find Kitty's a peach" Oar's tone was warm wltb feeling, but be was look ing at Margery Crosby, not at Kitty. And Kitty bad not heard bis trib ute. She was confuBed wltb shame for Oar. How could he spea so flippantly of that moment that had been so solemn, so beautiful fof "Marge, I want you to meet my wife," Oar said. both of them Just to make this gli laugh? But Gar was finishing with fatn ous ardor: "1 want you and Kit tt he friends, Marge. You can line ha up with the bunch." "We will be friends, of course,' Marge smiled sweotly at Kitty. "I'l do my best with the others thougt you must realize. Gar, this la golni to be a blow to them. Natural!) we've thought we would have youi undivided attention for a while." "Wbat'a new In the crowd, Mnrgo?" "Ob, nothing startling, In the light of what you've done. Peta Eliot's had his license taken away again; Imprisonment for his next offense." Kitty was scarcely heeding what they were saying, but she was deep ly aware of a new tone In Gar's voice, a dellghtod cagornoss, as If this encounter with Margery Crosby and the nawa she could give him of his "crowd" was a big part of bis homecoming. In which she, a stranger, had no share. Tbe train had slowed down. "We're In," Oar exclaimed. With Marge on his one side and Kitty on the other he steered them through the contusion of the sta tion. He put Margery Into a big limousine that was waiting tor ber. She leaned toward the open window of the door and lifted her hand In a casual farewell. 'Thanks, Gar. Give me a ring soon, won't yon?" Oar promised. He stood tor a mo ment surveying the street "I don't see the family crate waiting any where! Well, we II take a taxi. It's home for us, Mrs. Frewl" And, though he bent a warm. adorlnj smile on her, though he drew her arm closer In bis, Kitty felt cold and frightened. Kitty's ft grows Mhtn sht cti 0r' homi. In ths nt lnrullmtt. What wilt hit mothtr My about Uie tuddon marriage f Willow Springs Youth Honored WILLOW 8PRINQS, April 8 (fpe clall The young people of this vi cinity surprised Roland Btrkhola on his birthday anniversary, April 1. Cards and dancing were enjoyed dur ing the evening. Those present were Misses Slate Harrison. Rose Jones, Ruth Ramstrom, Trance and Wyla niM Parker, and Meesrs. Roland IMrkhols. Cleo Young. Harry Klden, Marlon Caster and Carl Rartutrom. Williams School Will Stage Play WILLIAMS CRFEK. April . (Spl ) Williams high school will give a play, "Hl Uncle's Were." a three-sot com edy. Uila evening at the Williams Oianie hall. Proceeds will so to the student body funds. Fopcorn, and homemade ceadj IU be sold. -- ''mWHW . ; ,&U9ttVWt t ft JB Vfi.r iT? f 1 AT NEXT MEETING PORTLAND, April 8. ( Recom mendation! for far-reaching reor ganization of the tate game com mlsalon were announced here late Thursday after Matt L. Corrlgan of McMlnnvllle had been unanimously elected as chairman of the group. All members of the commission were present at the executive session here. Corrlgan submitted to the com mission the recommendations for re organization and It was announced they will be acted upon Monday at the regular Portland meeting. Organization of the commission Into three bureaus, executive, fish eries and game, and audit, is one of the proposals advanced. The execu tive bureau would consist of a super visor and two as 1st ants who would handle research and the fish and game budget, and the education and financial budget; the fisheries and game bureau would have charge of hatcheries and related work. A chief cleric would be In charge of the audit department. It Is planned to group four de partments, research, legal, education and engineering under the executive department. This would reduce costs and fix responsibility. . (By the Associated Press) Marshfleld, Ore. Leo Lomskl, Port land, outpointed Jimmy Byrne, Myr tle Point, Ore. (6). Tacoma, Wash. Freddie Steele, Ta- coma, outpointed Bobby Steele, Tulsa, Okla. (5). Spokane. Jack Mclntyre, Tacoma, outpointed Hank Vogt, Spokane (6); Paddy Waltler, Chicago, and Mickey Trad, Spokane, drew ( 6) ; Johnnie Walker, Spokane, knocked out Sailor Jackson, Seattle (3). London. Prlmo Camera, Italy, out pointed Dan McCorklndale, South Af rica (10). Mima, Fla. Chico Clsneros, Mexi co, outpointed Vernon Cormier, Wor cester, Mass. (10). Wilmington, Dol. Qeorge Godfrey, Lelpcrvllle, stopped Bob Lawson, Al abama (2). Flint, Mich. Charles Crocker, Mil waukee, knocked out Mlckle Doyle, Plttston, Pa. (3). Green Bay, Wis. Gorilla Jones, of Akron, Ohio, outpointed Bud Saltls, Chicago (10). Mat Results (By tho Associated Press)) Vancouver, B. C Ed "Strangler") Lewis, 329, Los Angeles, defeated Ti ger Duala. 340, India, two falls out of three (five rounds, Australian sys tem). Ted Thye, Portland, threw Ed Monson, New Zealand, second round. Henry Jones, 140, Utah, threw Jack McLaughlin, 150, Vancouver, fourth round. Boston. Henri Deglane, France, won two out of three falls from Ed Don George, Buffalo (Deglane first, 13:47, and third, 14:27; George sec ond, 34:43); Jim Browning, Missouri, and Nick Lutz, California, drew, 30:00. Paterson, N. J. Richard Shlkat, 21S, Philadelphia, threw Renato Gar- dlnl. 212, Italy, 27:15; Benny Gins berg, 208, Chicago, threw Gene Bruce, 205, Finland, 22:17. Officers Elected By J'ville Ladies JACKSONVILLE. Ore., April 8. (Spl.) Ladies' Aid met at the Presbyterian church parlors Thurs day, as It was Mrs. Herbert Hannas birthday. She was pleasantly sur prised with a beautiful birthday cake, decorated with yellow candles and ft lovely present. A covered dish luncheon waa served the twenty ladles present. The afternoon waa spent quilting and making aprons. Officers elected for the year were Mrs. Hanna, president; Mtss Mar Jorle Hart, vice-president. Mrs. Clin ton Smith, secretary;; Mrs. O. W. God ward, treasurer. TILLAMOOK Bids to be called In near future for construction of new courthouse. F IjSll ? S LAST VllCHl Wherever you find this malt with millions of friends WMiaiVIR YOU OO.YOU UNO BLUE RIBBON MALT 4M ERICA'S BIGGEST SELLER Distributed by I. R. RELIABLES RETURN TO STAR FOLD . 'v i '4. fa T3 i .1 1 f SHELLENDACK 4M :"J AV-. . vet M- Frank 8hellenbach, apltball artist, expects to confuse batters In the Coast League again this season. Johnny Bassler, veteran Hollywood satcher, has his work cut out for him. Baseball Yesterday R. R. E. Seattle 7 la 6 San Francisco - 8 13 3 (10 Innings.) Nelson and Bottarlnl, Cox; Mc Dougall, Stlne, Douglas and Feneb sy. R. H. E. Portland 13 13 1 Los Angeles 9 14 3 Shores, A. Jacobs and Palmlsano; Sweetl&nd, Wetzel, Mobs, Stltzel, Her mann and Campbell, Cronln. R. H. E. Mlsslona 8 11 0 Sacramento 3 9 0 Lelber and Blocl, Hofman: Flynn and Wlrts. R. H. E. 8 9 2 B 15 0 Hollywood Oakland .... . (11 Innings.) Shellenback and Baasler; Kaslch, House and Head. APPLEGATE SELLS DAIRY STOCK APPLEGATE, April 8. (Special) As dairying seems to be unprofitable, Willis Scott of Little Applegate Is going to try sheep this year. Willis traded his dairy cows for nearly 100 head of sheep to Jeff Llndsey of Eagle Point. The sheep were trucked to Charlie Dunford's home on Little Applegate Saturday and Sunday, where t.hey were corralled until Mon day. Willis also bought 23 head of sheep from Maud Buck of this vi cinity. Sterling STERLINO. April 8. (Spl.) Mrs. George Buckley of Rucb visited Sun day with friends on Sterling creek. Pete Denoff of Medford visited on Sterling creek March 39. Harvey Dutton snd family of Med ford were house guests of P. P. Dut ton Sunday. Mrs. Laura French and Mrs. Alton Brownlee were recent all-day guests of Mrs. F. P. Dutton. W. H. Davis made a business trip to Medford March 30. Dan Pierce la seriously ill at this writing. F. P. Dutton has been laid up with lumber poisoning.. Mrs. Laura French of Red Bluff, Cel., Is still enjoying her visit with her son, Alton Brownlee. Mrs. C. Dunnlngton of Jacksonville visited her brother and alster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brownlee, last week. It was no accident, but a thorough appreciation by America's millions of its unbeatable quality that made Blue Ribbon the leading malt of the nation. There is only one Blue Ribbon Malt Qual ity to qet it, buy 6luc Ribbon Malt FfUDEGER, Ashland iii Wei AM?') BASSLER How They Stand (By (tie Associated Press) Coast League W. L. Pet. 3 0 1.000 2 1 .667 2 1 .667 3 1 .667 1 2 .333 1 2 J33 1 2 .333 0 3 .000 San Francisco . Sacramento Portland ', Pollywood Missions Oakland Los Angeles . Seattle WILL GO ABROAD BERKELEY, Cal., April 8. (AP) Invasion of European tennis courts this year by two famous California Helena waa aBsured today with the announcement lost night of Miss Helen Jacobs she would leave for Berlin, Germany, Tuesday. Wednesday, Mrs. Helen Wills Moody announced she would ball from New York April 27 to compete In tourna ments at Paris, London and Wimble don. Miss Jacobs said she would enter the German championship tourna ment next month. She had not de cided If she would compete In ot.her tournaments, she said. TIBET S1E 1 Pruitt's Melody Shop Medford Center Buudinf VARSITY CREWS Ad EVEN MAP SEATTL, April 8. (AP) Ths eyes and ears of the rowing world were turned toward this far western city today as the great racing crews of California snd wsshlngton put on the polishing touches for the 29th Pacific coast rowing regatta on Lake Washington here tomorrow afternoon. The annual event Is the crew classic of the west and will mark the open- lng of the 1932 rowing season In the United States, the most Important In history with the Olympic games championship furnishing a sparkling climax at Long Beach, Calif., In August. Based on time trials, power, stam' Ina, weights and smoothness of stroke the dope as figured by the experts stood today as follows: California the favorite to win the freshman two-mile event, but with Washington concede a possible chance If the Husky yearlings can row an Inspired race. Washington, to take the Junior varsity three-mile pull. The varsity three-mile event, the feature battle of tbe regatta, a toss up. Fern Valley Club Officers Elected For Ensuing Year FERN VALLEY, April 8. (Spl.) Fern Valley Literary society met April 1 for election. New officers chosen were: Ed Marshall, president; Chas. Ferns, vice-president; Mlsa Helen Kantor, secretary; Ed Put man, mar shall; entertainment committee, Dal las Reeder, Louis Putman and Ray Brownrlgg; refreshment committee Mrs. w. Ferns, Mrs. Hensier and Mrs. Hlgdon. The program presented was: Or gan selections, Harry Steele; bean guessing contest, won by George Con nor, Ivan Lowdcn and Harold Sloop er; reading, Roy Barnes; April fool Joke by the school children; recita tion, Evelyn Ferns: songs, Ray Brownrlgg and Roy Barnes; reading by Francis Putman; violin selections by Louis Putman, accompanied by Ed Putman with guitar; reading. Miss Irva Fewell, and Howard Ferns; talk by Mr. Higdon. The refreshment committee an nounces sandwiches and coffee as re freshment for the next meeting, April 22. ASSISTANT TO CHIEF OF S. P. SUCCUMBS LOS ANGELES. Cal.. April 8. (AP) Thomas H. Williams, 65, assistant general manager of the Southern Pa cific railway the last 14 years, died Thursday In a hospital from a cere bral hemorrhage. KLAMATH FALLS Service Elec tric Co. moved to focatlon at 824 Main street. THE ROLLATOR A roller rollt and iWi ic,..tht Norgt mechanism is as simple as that. It bos bat three mov ing parts.. .ssahnost everlasting. R With new features of convenience and advanced methods of food preservation, Norge today offers ven greater value than ever before. Among the latest Norge advancements are the Iceroir, for making quick and easy-to-remove ice bars, the Watervoir that keeps a gallon of cold water on tap, and the Prescrvoir for extra cold storage. With these and many other original advan tages, and with the simple, sturdy, powerful, almost everlasting Rollator mechanism, it is no wonder all who see the new Norge are enthusi astic about Rollator Refrigeration; Before you invest in Electric Refrigeration, by all means see the Norge; Serge Is manafactarej by Nerge Corporation, Division ef Berg- Tamer Corporation, one tf tbe uvrUs largest mabert of precision partx including automotive free vbeelmg. 1 f 1 "Where Musie Lovers Feel tt Home" ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMS Tl BOSTON. April 8. OP) The flying Toronto Maple Leafs were heading for hnm todsv with the coveted Stanley cup almost In their grasp. Victorious in two games on ioniju Ice, the Leafs seemed sure of winning i..-. An. nut nf three from the New York Rangers at home and bringing the world'a championship emblem to the place prepared for It in their new Maple Leaf Qsrdens lob by. The third game ol tne oeat uirew out of five series and as many more ss are needed to decide the title, will be played at Toronto, beginning to morrow. BLY Construction started on for est service office for newly created Bly forest district, north of Stump's garage. ' Arogc Spm4 97 7 ervp tv MAM tX CARS FOWEttD WITH GlLMOSE UUGMB TREATED GASCHM fATROMIZt 1MB INDEPENDENT PEAIM ABOUT Phone 1247 SO GOOD 1 Is Crown Flour Ia that the baking -S. has to be good. rX$ What Oregon (45 A malw" i p ELI U yOnc Mild (Qualifying) on Ef'y Crcular Dirt Track O? Twenty-five Miles on r Crcular Dirt Track T- '5 . MM MC IK