rEPFOT?n MAIL TRTBUXE. MEPFORI). ORKfiON. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932. PACE ELEVEN Local and Personal Vl&ttlnf In South Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Jr., la visiting mends In California this week. From Portland Mr. and Mrs. A X. Russell of Portland are In Medford today. Mr. Russell is with the Union Service Station Inc. Lawnmower Stolen Mrs. Roy Buck ingham reported to the city polloe that a lawnmower bad been stolen from her residence on South Central avenue. None from Distance No guests were registered at any of the Medford hotels today from distant points, all Ktrfwes being given as Pacific coast points. t, Attends Reunion Mr. and Mrs. y Robert Hayes of Phoenix left this morning for Portland, where Mr. Hayes will attend a World war vet trans' reunion. - From San Jose Mlas Marian Nye reutrned to Medford on the Shasta at noon today from San Jose, CaU where she has been for the past seven months. ' Undergoes Operation Mrs. H. H. Marrs of this city underwent a major operation at the Community hospital this morning and Is reported to be getting along nicely. r In Medford Elvln C. Walgomatt of Crescent City, Cal., and E. E. Eddy of Modesto, Cal., were among out-of-state motorists registering in Med ford today. Many to Go Fish trip Many Med ford anglers plan to visit the Rogue tomorrow, according fc talk about town today. Salmon fishing la fine now, they state, and promise to re turn with some "big ones. Business Callers Today Harry N. Y Martin of Grants Pass Is a business I visitor In Medford this afternoon Others from neighboring localities are R. E. Hsgner of Rogue River and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hansen of Reese creek. Leaves by Train E. W. Barr, trav eling representative of the ticket de partment for the Traveler's Insurance company, with headquarters In Port land, left by train last evening for the north, having attended to busi ness matters here yesterday. Vacation Trip A. Goldberg of the National Military home, Co. P. Saw talle, Cal., stopped in Medford this forenoon to register bis auto at the Oregon State Motor association. Mr. Goldberg Is en route to Portland, where be will spend his vacation. Washington Gnests Among the guests stopping at local hotels from Washington cities are J. H. Deerlng of Spokane and Mr. and Mrs. Martin X. Schick, Mr. and Mrs George Miller. K. A. Cross, Mrs. E. Levy, J. B. Golden and Ray O. Barrow of Seattle. Pastor Leaves Rev. and Mrs. John Edwards of Pasadena, Cat., who have been conducting evangelistic meet ings at the Pilgrims Holiness church her for the pant three weeks, left at noon today on the Shasta for Port land, where they will hold services. Fined $10--Curtis Watters was fined 10 in Judge Glenn O. Taylor's court this morning for falling to have a tail-light on his car last night. Ac cording to the complaint made by the state police. Watt ere did not have the light repaired when told to by the officers. Program Unannounced The pro gram committee of the Chamber of Commerce met last night and out lined plans for the coming year. The program de?idd upon will not be announced until It Is presented to the board of directors at an early date. , In City Yesterday Among business callers In Medford yesterday after- non from the Central Point 'section were J. O. Isaacson, former banker In the neighboring town, W. J. Free man also of Central Point, and E. C. Hamilton, rancher of the Table Rock district. Plan Candy Sale Members of the Junior high Girl Scout troop No. 4 are making plans for a candy sale to be held Saturday, April 14, In the Reliable grocery. Proceeds from the sale will be used to finance the pur chase of milk for needy families. Miss Margaret Kerr la directing the proj ect. To Locate Mere S. A. Atchison of blendora, Cal., arrived In Medford to day by motor from the south, and plans to remain for some time at Trail, where he has rented a place. Mr. Atchison Is considering locating here permanently. He registered Ms auto at the branch office of the Ore gon State Motor asoclatlon. Represent Companies K. A. Cross of Seattle, traveling passenger agent, and T. J. deLasaux of San Francisco. f district freight and passenger agent for the Alaska Steamship company, spent yesterday In Medford on busi ness, and left last night by train. Mt. Cross returned to Seattle and Mr. deLasaux to San Francisco. Rheumatic Cripples Kew Medicine Guaranteed to Pw Yonr Mom-Ics and Joints In Lest Than a Week or Mrmry-Bacfc. No matter how cTlppled and help less you are with rheumatism, vou can now eae that pain In a day and break rheumatism's terrible grip on your system in lew than a week. A $1 bottle of RU-MA Is guaranteed to free your muscles and Joints from all crippling stlffnaas. swelling and torturing pain or your money re funded. No long wait for that awful agony to stop, for RU-MA eases pain the first day Masically your muscles and Joints l!mrer up, swelling van ishes, aches and twinges disappear, away go crutches and canes. Ja-mln St Woods have so muv eonfJd-nee In RMa that tlvy wir every rheumatic in town to try It and guarantee money-hack If It does not top your the urn ailc m:sery. Fills VacancyMrs. A. Salinger is employed at the Cinderella. Shop to temporarily succeed Mrs. Horace Sims, formerly Miss Cora Burau, who has managed the Medford store for sev eral years, Garage Fire A partition burning In back of the chimney at the Sabln Sc Rlndt garage t 83 North River side, at 7:15 a. m. today, resulted In about $20 damages, according to the fire department. Fire Chief Roy El liott reported this was the first fire causing any loss In 38 days. Conies for Pilot Lieutenant Reed, flying a B-T array ahlp, arrived at the Medford airport this afternoon from Mather field, Sacramento, to take Lt. B. T. Castor to March field, where he will pick up bis own ship. Lt. Castor crashed near Grants Pass Tuesday, and his plane was shipped south for repairs. Advise Wise Spending Resolutions advising all members of the Business and Professional Women's club In this state to aid In the campaign to accomplish wise spending and an end to hoarding, was passed at the fifth district conference of the club, ac cordlnj to news received here. The conference was held in Albany and copies of the resolution have been forwarded all clubs of the state and will be published In the near future. Oregonlans at Hotels Registered at Medford hotels from points In Oregon .other than Portland, are Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Prltchard and Herbert Wilson of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Winn and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Zimmerman of Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Warner of Marshfleld, S. C Brandeberry of Albany, A. B. Evans of Salem, w. M. Strohmeyer, Mr. and Mrs L. J. Bennett of Roseburg, James R. Brown, Z. w. Agee. F. P Klnghos. B. R Porley and Geo. Ray of Eugene On Business Here Charles Gun ther, membership manager of the Oregon State Motor association, ar rived In Medford yesterday, and Is spending today checking official memberships of hotels, cafes and camp grounds. According to Lee C. Oarlock of the local branch office, Mr. Gunther ts meeting with success in his check, and has found coopera tion from all members, and several additional members. Mrs. Gunther accompanied her husband. From Medford they will continue to Klam ath Falls and Lakevlew. t From the Sonth Hotel guests reg istered in Medford from California in clude Andrew Nisid of San Leandro, S. O. Leary of San Jose, W. N. Mo hondro of Esc ra men to. Motile Ma gulre, Nellie Mathews, Dr. Kleaner and Kenneth Kleaner of Yreka, James E. Ryan of Los Angeles, and the fol lowing from San Francisco: Frank H. Bartholomew, Thos. R. Curran. C. T. Rosen, J. L. Wood, W. P. Hammon, Irene A. Creel, Mell Dahrmann. J. J. Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glbbs, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilson, A. W. Copley, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dennlson and Kenneth A. Hayes. Registered Today From the city of Portlsnd, the following guests are registered at hotels In the city: C. C. Boozier, S. H. Goodman, James E. Bell Wm. Sutherland. Earl E. Tooeh. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Russell, Kenneth R. Ross, W. E. Shields, Arthur 6. Detsch, John W. Hlney. J. W. Han ners, B. Dun Is, E. W. Barr, George Pohl, S. H. RAwllnson, H. Hodgklns and E. L. Barth. On Colege Board With the estab lishment of the new Moran Junior college on Puget Sound comes the announcement that George Rebec, dean of the graduate school, Univer sity of Oregon, and former resident of this City, has been appointed to the educational advisory board of the Institution. U. G. Dubach, dean of men, Oregon State college, and Berry Cert of Reed college, have also been appointed to the board. SatfunE'cnlay Specials A few of the money savers we are offering at our store. It will always pay you to get our prices first. We offer you the latest merchandise at the best possible prices. New Square Shaped Dinnerware Rose Blossom Pattern on Ivory Body 32-Pc. Sets . . $8.30 42-Pc. Sets . . $13.10 ' $1.00 down and $1.00 per week. No carrying charges on these sets. Also sold in open stock Special Junior League Baseball Bat Youth's Companion Baseball Both for fMEDF0RD OF With snowfall of the current sea son totaling 60. feet in Crater Lake National park, the past winter has been one of the most severe on record, exceeding last year's total depth by 30 feet so far. Such ex cessive conditions have resulted In a delay In the opening of park roads, originally planned to be ready for traffic April 1. In terms of precipitation, over e Inches have been recorded at Gov ernment Camp since last October, far in excess of 41 Inches for the corresponding length of time In average years. The alx months' pre cipitation Is also In excess of the annual average of 05 Inches, assur ing a large supply of moisture for the summer months. The winter's snowfall has settled at the present time to an approxi mate depth of 17 feet at the rim and 14 feet at Government Camp, providing motorist with a rare ex perience when park highways are ready for travel In the next week or so, with the south entrance open first. Lake Creek LAKE CREEK, Ore., Apall 8. (Spe cial) There was no school at the Lost Creek school Monday, as Mrs. Davis was too 111 to teach. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith and daughters. Velma and Corabel, of Phoenix were Sunday guests at the William Hoefft home. Mrs. Smith Is a sister to William and Ted Hoefft. Mrs. H. Tonn and son, Harry, were business visitors In Medford Monday. Miss Elsie Wtlhlte, who was re cently operated on for appendicitis at Corvallls, where she was attending college, came home to stay until she regains her strength. Mrs. William Hoefft visited her sister. Mrs. Clarence Cartwrlght, at Medford Tuesday. Mrs. Margarlte Callahan Is the house guest this week of Mrs, A. L. Pech, . Mrs. Henry Wendt, -who has been visiting relatives here for the past two weeks, returned Sunday to her home at New Pine Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ragsdale have moved to Trail for the summer, where Mr. Ragsdale will operate a sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moore were shopping In Medford Monday. O. A. Newstrom of Grants- Pass spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. John Walch. E. W. Davis went out to Medford Saturday, where he expects to work for a w.hlle. MILLINERY SALE: 200 New Hats Just received. On sale at prices that will amaze you. $7.60 Gage Hats at 4.08. Other Hats 95c to 13.08. All are new models. Early Spring Straws going at 50o each. THE BAND BOX Benefit Card Party at St. Mary's Academy, Thursday, April 14, at 2 o'clock. Tables for bridge and 600. Refreshments and general good time, 35 cents. All are Invited. On Business Mayor E. M. Wilson Is leaving today for Portland, where he will remain for three or four days, attending to business matters. Will Attend Convention Members of the Business and Professional Women's club held their regular meeting at the V. W. 0. A. last night and discussed plans to attend the state convention In Klamath Falls. May 30. 21 and 22. They will take with them to the neighboring city souvenirs and Uerature descriptive of the Rogue River valley, to be dis tributed to guests from all sections of the state at the Oregon luncheon. for the BOYS FURNITURE & KDWL CO 'From the CHEAPEST that'i GOOD to the BEST that's made' WHO'S THERE? OR $fh Uv . -i Hare a Buster Keaton, film funmaker, and hit ons, Robert, 8, and Joe, 9. upon their return to Hollywood alter an airplane ride to San Diego where It was ended by police at the request of the Mre., the former Natalie Talmadge. William Haines Stars In Novel Craterian Film William Raines, celebrated and popular star of fllmdom la starring today and tomorrow at tlie Fox Cra terian theater in that clever and widely-read J. P. McEvoy atory. "Are You Listening?" The story, laid behind the scenes of a national broadcasting station, gives Balnea his first dramatic role. In which he abandons his more fa miliar comedy tricks for a com pelling delineation aa a radio ex ploiter whose happiness crashes about his ears aa the result of an unfor tunate marriage. The plot revolves around a three fold romance and deplete the va rious careers of three email-town sisters who come to New York to win fame and fortune. Ail of them end up In radio work and It is the inside slant on their broadcast ing activities combined with the depiction of what goes on In their private lives which gives the picture its dramatic structure. Humorous Interludes In the broadcasting sta tion ... a Jazzy 'party In a New York penthouse apartment, and other frolicsome details lend comedy relief to the serious narrative which underlies the drama. The atory includes what ts be lieved to be one of the most excit ing "chasea" yet depicted on the screen. It la In this sequenoe that Haines, accused of the murder of his wife, attempt to make his get away by automobile, but Is subse quently tricked Into revealing his whereabouts by the ruthless editor of a tabloid newspaper, who makes an Ingenious use of radio In catch ing his prey. Besides Haines, the noted cast of featured playera Include Nell Hamil ton, Anita Page, Wallace Ford, Joan Marsh, Jean Hersholt, John MUJan, Karen Morely, Tully Marshall, Madge Evans and many othera. Gripping Mystery Film Coming Soon The screen's most mysterious fig ure came to tore In the weird vam pire drama. "Dracult," when Bela Lugosl was presented In the title role which he had previously played for three yeara on the atage. Lu gosl comes to the Holly theatre on Sunday In the leading male part of "Murders In the Rue Morgue," Universale plcturlzstlon of the fa mous Edgar Allan Poe atory which la said to furnish the ultimate In strangeness and mystery. Sidney Fox plays the feminine lead. NYE BEACH Wallace Jenkins opened new market on Coast street. 69C KEATONS' RETURN Winnie Ligntner In Holly Picture "Play airl,' the attraction at the Holly theatre featuring Winnie Light- ner and Loretta Young, continues to please large and enthusiastic au diences. The picture Is thoroughly human, which probably accounta for Its tremendous appeal, not only to women, but to the men as well. The story relates the experiences of two working girls In their search for happiness. Loretta Young is youthful and attractive as the ro mantic Interest, while Winnie Light ner again comes forth with an other of her boisterous comedy parts. The short subject program Is more than worthy of mention. Featured Is Babe Ruth, the baseball home run king showing some school boys the fine art of baseball In a reel entitled "Perfect Control . The April Horoscope, a Graham McNamee News Reel, and a comedy entitled "Shake a Leg.' featuring Thelma White and Fanny Wntson, complete the program. For the entertainment of the kiddles, the flth chapter of the aerial. "Battling With Buffalo Bill." will be shown tomorrow after noon at 1:30. Dana To Rpenk SEATTLE. April 8. (AP) Marshall N. Dana, associate editor of the Ore gon Dally Journal in Portland and candidate for U. 8. Senator, will speak at the Democrats' Jefferson Day ban quet here April 13, lt was announced today. . 4 SILK DRESSES tomorrow at 14.05. Amazing values. Shoet el.OB to $4.05. THE BAND BOX Be SHOE BOX. - . Eugene Estimated expenditure of $243,500 will be made on Lane county roads this year. DONT MISS THE BIG MILLINERY SALE at The Band Box. 300 new hats Just received. MARSH FI ELD City Council au thorized purchase of 500 feet of fire hose. Coming SUNDAY More Wild and . Weird than "Dracula" Yon 11 ba utterly raaclnatcd anil tnterUlnnl by th turlflcally ranTlnK pleturlKntlon of ttie irlMMt, wtlrdr.t, mmt wonder ful atory avery written by EDGAR ALLEN F0E1 mURDHK f) THE QUE D10R6UE FEATURING BELA LUtiOSI SIDNEY FOX J More Amazing Than I ; "Frnnken- f DANCE AT ROGUE ELK Saturday Night Come where everything is clean and a good time assured. There will be extra music. Admission and a first class lunch 80S W. 0. McDONALD, Prop. SLASH DRY FUND MILLION DOLLARS IN ECONOMY MOVE (Continued from rage One) public until passed on tomorrow by ths full committee. The cut In the prohibition fund came as somewhat of a surprise, ns opposition to lt had been expressed on the senate floor by those who sponsored the economy move. Will Oppose Pry Slash. Senator McKellar (D., Tenn.), au thor of the motion to send the bill back to committee, announced he would oppose reductions In the fund for enforcement of the dry laws. The senate rejected a motion to eliminate virtually all appropriations for prohibition enforcement when the bill was before lt. McDuffle told newspapermen the economy committee aimed to effect economies In the fiscal year 1933 to ad In wiping out the treasury's an ticipated deficit. "We recognize that this Is no time to play partisan politics and with a matter so vital to the people and that concerns so seriously the funds of the public treasury." McDuffle said. Bare on Veterans. Here are some of the moves for re- T0NITE - TOMORROW The amazing story of a girl who tried anything once . . even marriage! r 9 Winnie Lightner and Loretta Young 'PLAY GiRL It's human ... it's appealing . . . You'll love it! FOR THE KIDDIES Tomorrow Matinee 6th Chapter of "Battling with Buffalo Bill" rte aiire and be In Theater by 1:80 AIRO BAIIF, RUTH In "PERFECT CONTROL" April norocope Graham MrNatnee Netra Thelma Whit - Fanny Wataon In "SHARK A LEO" Had. llb.H I. tki. .ni.i.a k . I . tmmm4 he ! Ul Mia laa R.oai ud ca tb-v UaaS V I I Silv UJ warn mm duclng government spending now ln! President Hoover's mtud, many of them requiring new laws: Alteration of the veterans' bureau activities designed to save between 50,000,000 and 60.000.000 a year. Consolidations of hojpltallzatlon and other veterans' activities, not re quiring legal changes, designed to save several millions more. Decrease In agriculture depart ment outlay for agricultural experi ment stations and activities. Possible alteration of the activities of rural mall carriers, designed to save several millions more. TODAY and The thrills and romance of a radio crooner 1 Their New Laugh Mirthquake! inUSi&BOX' nut SATURDAY if 11 9 uallopin A t A j WILLIAM A 7 HINES , ALSO -. '' MAT8- l'sS. EVE. ' H p$ -w Also Another Exciting Chapter 'THE MYSTERY TROOPER' Com.SUNDAYtoFoxCraterian Hop Off t,. i. " . .ltu. And Look Who't In ltl EDDIE QUILLAN DOROTHY LEE MITZ1 ARLINE JUDGE An RKO RaJio Picture Directed by Wm. Setter i GEORGE GERSHWIN'S SMASH SONG HITS I EUGENE A. W. Martin, Portland, took over management of Glenwood Sand and Oravel Co., operators of plant on Willamette river between here and Springfield. Catching Cole? VICKS NOSE DROPS NEW AID IN PREVENTING COLD: TOMORROW Also featuring ANITA PAOE NEIL HAMILTON JOAN XMISII JEAN HERSHOLT MADOH EVANS WALLACE FORD KAKEN MORLKY A Clever Drama of the Modern Broadcast Station! 1 MVs K.. LAST TIMES TONIOHT Janet Gaynor 'Deliciouus' ONLY f3T af l Vi 9 'with TOM I hru tyler with TOM on the Bandwagon I We're to the Wild and Whoopee West to Get Golden Laughs ANY SEAT 15 c j v)v"s. from the Routine Rockiest Westward Ho! The Big Chiefs of Comedy and Hollywood's Neatest Parade with WHEELER GREEN tffv