TWELVE " fEDroRD "sixth inmryr.. rEPFORD. Oregon, fripay. aprtl i. 1932. Uy (ILtNN CHAr'n.S and UAL r'UUHts TAILSPIN TOMMY The Diamond Thieves Play Sa Ll GRACE PERKINS ' ST.VOrSS.' Jfrrrt.5 tt Rutty Crandalt 9ttm$ dull to Hi'ps KM fc'tfi rfmtnbcr f.rr flop- mtnt MfH t-Lfy Pal: .Ss fir uantfd hr warrlrte ro Piffcv awni,l.J. arsrr fivik ad- vantcae f frinp vnArr UitftX tta m and wtfrp-Afi htr that Vtckty rtgittltd ttia marriaaa. Chapter TS I HAVEN'T ANY PRIDE' IN a desultory way Hops boon to bay her own trousseau. Occasion al piece tiore and tuere. But the bopplnir lost all tans; aa Mama Boos and Good? bosun to lake It over in an experienced manner, run nlnR all out of bounds with their Id mi. Yet Hops as happier a daya went by. With a eate teellns- A quiet satisfaction In Itustr'a tender posaesslveness, A strange comfort In tha thought that aha was belnj owned and taken cars of. Her engagement waa officially an nounced in September, Just a few weeks before Judy's wedding waa to be performed. And Hope went about with a flashlight on her On ger at last, a new diamond brooch at her bosom, and a arrange buss ing In her head. And all would have beo welL Very well Indeed. Were It not tor another newspaper announcement right alongside of her own In the rieies. Another announcement that No uie trying to think thlnn out. There wasn't any anawer to all the endlesa questions no use to do anything except what yon wast to do. What you tad to do regard less of the cost! Quite cannlly Hope made her plana. Quite calmly the next day she marched down the aisle behind Judy and Thomaa Post aa mald-of-honor. Without arousing the slight est suspicions, ahe slipped two of her own suitcases In with Judy's luggage. And in the evening with checks and passporu in her purse, and Sassy under her arm, Hope got into her roadster and followed Tom Post's car Into New York "to see Judy off on the boat!" In her heart was only one wild desire. One thought that drowned out every ahameful guilty feeling that beet in the back of her mind. It she could Just see Dickey! And It by any chance ahe felt aa she knew she would fee', at the sight of him ... I Then devil take all her sine! And might everyone forgive her for the wretched treatment she waa giving them. Too unspeakably bad If Rusty would be hurt, but sometimes people weren't responsible for what they do, or how they feel. . . . With a Jerk, Hope stopped her car In a garage near the wharves and fled out to the curb to call t Hope caught eight of Dickey. ctv.ffi Hope to go weak with panic, with a painful flash ot hot excite ment through her blood. Eileen Argyie, ber picture beside ' Ihe announcement (a nice picture ot a nice, paddy-cake face), admit ted that her engagement to Richard J. Hickson Dale waa postponed In definitely. Now what difference would that make to Hope? None at all! None whatsoever! Wnat possible concern could It be ot hers? And yet. . . . There waa a sharpness In Ruity'a Tolce when be called up an hour later and asked Hope to luncheon. There waa an nnhappn questioning In Rultv s eye aa she sat opposite him and avoided hla direct glance, ensiling broadly and chatting con tinuously. ... Ruly had eeen It In the paper, and Rusty knew ehe had eeen t, and Rusty wondered. ... Poor Rust;! She mnstn't let him be hart. Desperate-ly Hope forced bereeJI to be In love. Earnestly she set out to prove to everyone bow truly eappy she was with Rusty. I'ntil the worried light died down from the ere all around ber that had seen the two annonnceroenta side by side in the fuses. . . . And slama, and rape, and Goody, and Rusty were satisfied at last and silently thank ful. Nervously she refused to set a date for ber own wedding with Rosty, begging Mm to wait until Judy's excitement as over and she bad time to think- With boundlecs energy Hope threw herself tfto the maelstrom ot Judy's wedding to the boy who Had cast away hia aVflat saxophone and engaged a pabltcliy expert. And then, the night before Jady'e wfddme. Hope found one last Item Jn the nespa.rers merely a line tn Wlnche-U's eeltrioua goss-P column that Hu-1mj Dale and eon were "to rnaHe-mvr oa the fane wen'ena" It struck hMre, that a mple state tr.fM. like a bolt at 14 a tales; Into Hc.pea unconquerable Sk--ul! It as as tt she tad beea waiting for some thing just like that! Dickey was to sail on tne rte boat that Jady would take! The same boat going off with his lather. . farther arguments were useless Hope saw that herself before three highballs aid thirty cigarettes m eocsnttej as she pacd her floor. taxi. Down to the boat aha went edging her way through the crowds. Inquiring where Judy's stateroom might be. And suddenly. Juat when she least expected It, Hope caught sight ol Dickey. Right In the center of the grand salon, which waa crowded with excited voyagers and theit friends, she caught sight ot him and atopped abort. Stared over at the tall, erect figure, the unmistakable broad shoulders, the sternly cut pro file of the tanned and handsomi face, the smoothly combed shock ol curly hair. . , . Heard him laugh, . . And caught swiftly at a ehati beside ber to steady the sweeping glorious, dluylng feeling that came over her. , . . She did feel the same only more so! Still she stared, unable to move, until as tt drawn by a magnet. Dickey glanced about and recog nised her. She eaw a ecar acrot-a hla right cheek and law. and wondered If It were the result of a football accident. . . . There waa surprise, and then a tighten ing ot bis lips and a calculated and determined Indifference in Dickey a glance. . . . In a second be had turned away, and at the same moment Hope saw Hickey'a back. "He doesnt want to reoogsiie me, ahe mumbled to herself es clledly. "But I wont mind. I wont let It matter. He's made up hla mind not to recognise me. But hell recognise me all right be-fore the voyage la over!" She turned awlfUy and wended her way to the corridor of Judy'a stateroom. "1 havent any priie," she kept telling herself. "But 1 dont rare. I knit got pride. Too much pride not to make one big whale ot a whack for love." She found Jody'a room and listened to herself eaTirg g-ood-bn sll over again. With tha last bellowing Mast ol the ships siren. Hope left Jody gave her one last hug of goodby blessing. But she diint get cS throat- Small matter how her hear was beating She Just wonldat re oil the boat. j (Crrv-itM G-e rrrtia iHr-es chests a smsrms rt Is Wwe teerrrw, ea ths cam tsiea irer ih 'MISSISSIPPI' MEANS IT II, CM that MiMJMzvp-i riarni "frrt tviwr mvrrfl t4 Si Ivmit County Hit tr-ncft wrjr,-r hut HlHtitm ir Culfcm pn-Afni t4 lb finr-u v-p3m Ihu it! h iuhi-i- rrxiiavn. "tt famr Trw-kTii 'srrk Mtir " Calkin f, 'Vjmk" Trf7U mrc "nW m-vn "r;'-, b FIELD MICE Ml 20 MILES IN NIGHT : rnTKtT oj MihifTava anurun I tll1 m rt's fMj tnmi i in it r.icM. j ev!- nit, i0 fcr -r .-n 1 fw. TCR6,S YOUR ROurei T 5UR.E-AND IF ITS ALC Alt Wf. Bt7 &V&f60- "v-i I MARKED IT OH TH' MAP! M THE SATOE WITH YOJ C SALSC AStO 'U PliS M Vn FAMILIAR U.TM TH JJ KCP THAT SUM , V AAO SAKS tk SGfKAC' & PLACCS I MARKED- -AtOAY FROM MY BACK- WJVA' Jfr JlZZ, DO YOU T THAT HIT SOf-ie -- Ifi TO CALL THAT QlUff rrr r - jjr-r jOPF V0T 0sVL Y 4 'bSam sass m a-r-r- A .. II 1 TSi W LDLSf aV f-Tl. 'X . -3 S'MATTER POP "Imitation Bark" Not Acceptable 3y C. M. PAYNE Vf 1 ' I I HOW TOt A l-lTTLE. VM.To T-4i ALL I 1 A. VyKZJ&sjffr KkC, liii-3t ,jrf '. we. Sotts, s&T p In Ml tJ14 BOUND TO WIN "Butch" Boyle Won't Leave! By EDWIN ALGER WE MOW KNOW THAT CLAPTON) BELL HAD AT UEAST A THREE HOUR fcTAHt ON JONATHAN AMD CH1EP DI6NHART, ALTHOUGH HE SMAS UNAWARE THAT TrVE OTHERS WERE ' FOLlOWINa M1M BUT BELL OlO HAVE A PREMONITION OF DANGER! OPEM THE sTil V OOORTTHIS WOtl r f STANTON TRlEOTOTRlCKp VOLJ THAT'S WHAT 1- yOLl HEARD YES HHPiRO ME.'BUTCH'MSPOTTED MEAN SAID 1 SWAP OiOtsl'T VOL) ? WHAT H you, ELL;. BUT SOM6 6UY6 WITH RIFLES IN jSi WE'RE K$W INTO IT, AND tSBSSSS ARE YOU STANDING . IM NOT GOING THE BUSHES NEAR THE 2 6DIN& 6ETTHEKID THERE FOR.STAWNSft WITH VOU j HOUSE 1 WOULDN'T HAVE YZ TO JKS DOWNSTAIRS T ?$' AT VIE LIKE A yrrSl . ilM . HAD A CHANCE IF fO GONEL LE AVE3 VgV,".. : r . i WALL-E7EO Willi! k LEA1S,4S S3 UP TO THE DOORSTEP - JfS-j HERE? KsKSsSv i,4 , ' 7 . PlXE ? JarP I cowE on now . wevvEr r lS 111 1 THE NEBBS A Cruel World By SOL HESS jo, e-jr ive eeexi Pl'SV VlTVt My HAD VERv, UTTX.E TT5. TO McET RCXS MO ACE. MOT SOO ALLV , v.'CLISjtCV 7 I uavektt seevi Imixw of VOl I tf-TE-V vEEJ I i awav r y f- ? X Si m ft iV : 1 -c i. see the bugle: gave, SOL.l wuSrV-tsjO A LOT OF" rca,cE.THEV CAU 1-lirO THE UTTxe NftPaEOM of fimajce -HE STOOD TWe RUSJ ONJ TWE &AKJK AMD fSAiD COLLAR COLLAR KE WAS TME I seEATTO-'OE AKJD CO.'FlDeK.'Cfc' L-r" M.L m& l-CWL Jy n?j . M ( A)Ot T ALSO TELLS TWH STORV TMAT CAOSE-O THE RL'NI HE WAS SEEM COMIWG VOL-'iS HCCSE WITH WIS WASH AT UlSHT anjO rip watkinjs tvou&wT we lvas cocimg FeOM TVe 6AKJ WITH A frUWDLE OF MOMEV AMD SP3EAD TWe STCtV THAT Hf UAS gtl T IMS READV TO ROM A WAV ITS SJCE. , NOF SCO, SLLV, TO TAHTir! FROMVOUR. lSCOAL cxwes to ?t,DO WIS' MUTT AND JEFF Every Bit Of Gossip Has A Silver By BUD FISHER T HA CMt VLC6AM COLUMN- TeiAVs OrRT i ToMtitrtcHsj's I nmti wit jrr? tm s wll ilia Ma. JAipeR4 m,vc i I SHMJT TWiPS coT of Teu)M- v.t 7 MCT. VVf 'VP; ? LTulis T- rt Hit LUift Kpolo 1 i ?3v)T IT ? . r o I CKtAP SKT AM) JYi ie co j felM-ewAl fVM X Kjlj AtjT IT j TMNK lsl Felt PRNTlMl rZ. rra L--e - rs,? s: , a , I VT 1 ' 1 - T l I V 1 . I (I IKr ri e I I BRINGING UP FATHER Hay Hfr-if's s:-t i.-tp 0r. Sen to .LJ As-i. ivm ses Stv eta) f nl- Xt aeAiLa sma. MS-CUCWWE RirA.iM.TH.t I TTT.- SLTIM CiTTiM' -T COfi OS6-'M COitvCi , ,',T TO aCJE ALL cts- COfi I ... 1 ' ' ''- THAT TW ! O-U! ' ' "4 K.'RT ? I - 1 , il s. . j l-jsa, , if -v I T-J Vm Ffsesr . .eets-ss. ev rWt n 'I s o-u: v v, lt ; .Sl I i i ! By George McManui 'sea. I i y I