Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 17, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
The Weather
Forecast: Tonight and Sunday (air;
cooler tonight.
Highest yesterday 70
Lowest this morning 43
To Subscribers
If your Mall Tribune Is not dellv
ered to you promptly, Telephone 75.
Office open until 7 every evening.
Please call ui before that time and
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Twenty-Sixth Year
No. 206.
on the '
Day's News
JAPAN and China are making faces
at each other, and the league of
nations la telling them that they
MUSTN'T fight.
If, with world conditions as they
an and with the Kellogg anti-war
treaties behind It, the league can't
prevent Japan and China from going
to war in this particular year It
might as well fold up Its papers and
- t
fkVER in Idano, they are talking
of merging a large number of
email counties Into a smaller number
of large counties and thus saving a
lot of needless public expense and
so In time reducing taxes by the
simple and sensible process of
Idaho has done a lot of smart
things in recent years, and apparent
ly is in the mood to go on and do
fJERE In Oregon, a couple of
decades ago, we developed a
mania for cutting up big counties
and making small counties out of
With one possible exception, no
good has ever come of this process,
whereas plenty of barm has resulted
from It.
1 If we had now no more counties
In Oregon than we had a half century
ago, our costs of government would
be smaller and the efficiency of our
government would be at least as
npHE possible exception to this rule
Is Deschutes county, which, along
with Jefferson, was carved out of
mighty Crook. The great growth
of the lumber Industry at Bend has
probably Justified the creation of a
new county.
Jefferson, however, would be bet
ter off if It were back with Orook.
Lincoln county, pried loose from Ben
ton years ago, is another Instance of
a new county that would be better
off If It had remained under the old
family roof.
HERE Is an Interesting statement
made by a housewife of this
community tba other day:
"Tou can't go wrong on any good
standard article In these days
whether It Is an electrlo range, an
lceless refrigerator or an automobile.
If they're standard, well-established
products, they're all good and "will
give satisfactory service."
THAT Is true. And you can THANK
ADVERTISING for It. Advertis
ing has given such tremendous value
to established trade names that the
manufacturers of the articles that
bear thee names can not afford,
under any circumstances, to trifle
with the QUALITY of their pro
ducts. That Is why you can always buy
an advertised article with entire as
surance that it will give satisfaction.
F' YOU read the' duller news In the
papers, along with the sprlghtller
atones, such as the doings of colorful
characters like Scarf ace Al Capone,
you have noted that since the begin
ning of Its fiscal year which means
money year on July 1, the govern
ment of the United States has gone
Into the red to the extent of a half
billion dollars.
This Is partly due to the fact that
Its Income has fallen off and ALSO
due to the fact that It has spent too
Governments, you see, are just like
private Individuals.
AST year, the government of this
" great country ran behind In Its
accounts a little less than a billion
dollars. In the first three and a bait
months of the present fiscal year, It
bas run up a debt of approximately
a half billion.
So far, this Isn't serious, because
in this great and rich and STILL
GROWING country the addition of a
billion and a half dollars to the
public debt Isn't anything to worry
But the process WILL BE SERIOUS
It it Isn't checked.
ALL the serious financial difficul
ties of Europe, and they have
been numerous, as everyone knows,
started with the spending by gov
ernments of more money than these
governments were taking In,
That la exactly what wa are doing
In this country, and If we KEEP
IT UP long enough even we will get
Into serious trouble, great and rich
as we are.
ftNK reassuring' thing about us 1
that down at the bottom, under
all the fluff and the feathers, we are
iCopUaujaJ SB JoJ
ARMY 14 T0 13
Brilliant Work by Captain
Wood Gives First Win
Since 1910 Buckeys
Defeat Michigan, 20-7
WEST POINT, N. Y, Oct. 17 (AP)
Harvard, led brilliantly by Cap
tain Barry Wood, beat Army, 14 to
13, today tor the first time since
1910 in a spectacular game before
a record West Point crowd of 26,000.
Wood's' passing led to two touch
downs by Bernle White after Army
ran up all Its points In the first
period with Ray Stacker starring.
ANN ARBOR, Mich, Oct. 17(AP)
Ohio State defeated Michigan, 20
to 7 In their annual football game
here today.
The Buckeyes rushed the Michigan
players off their teet to score two
touchdowns In the second half after
the teams were even with one touch
down each In the first two periods.
STAQG FIELD, Chicago. Oct. 17
(AP) Yale conquered Chicago, 27
to 0, today In Its first football In
vasion of the west.
The game, played as a tribute to
Amos Alonzo Stagg. famous son of
Old Ell, for his 40 years of service
to Intercollegiate athletics, was a
complete rout for the Maroons. They
were outplayed and outclassed In
everything except courage.
Football Scores
First Period
Oregon, 0; Southern California, 7.
.California ?; V. S. C, a
Delaware 7; Navy 12.
Dickinson 10; Fenn State 6,
Oberltn 2; Case 24.
Hobart 7; Union 33.
Uunlata 6; Gettysburg 0.
Allegheny 20; T.htel 0.
Princeton 0; Cornell 33.
Michigan Reserves 0; Ohio State
Reserves 6. -
Williams 13; Rochester 6.
Westchester Teachers 0; Drexel 12.
Lehigh 0; Pennsylvania 32. ,
Worcester Tech 6; AmheYt 19,
Colby 6; Vermont 0.
Illinois Wesleyan 6; Michigan State
college 34.
Rhode Island 0; Bates 3.
Western Reserve 0; University of
Pittsburgh 3.
Wesleyan 7; Bowdoln 0.
Conn. Aggies 7; Trinity 0.
Simpson 0; Ohio University 22.
Ohio State 20; Michigan 7.
New Hampshire 13; Maine 7.
VUlanova 12; Boston College 6.
Massachussets 33; Norwich 6.
Manhattan 0; Colgate -83.
Duke 0; Davrctbun 0.
Georgia 32; North Carolina 7.
U. C. L. A. 0; Northwestern 10.
At South Bend, Ina, Drake
Notre Dame 63.
Kansas State, 13; Kansas, 0,
Syracuse, 33; Florida, 12.
Indiana, 0; Iowa, 0.
Holy Cross, fl; Fordham, fl.
West Virginia, 10; Washington
Lee, 0.
Columbia, 10; Dartmouth, 6.
NEWPORT, Ore., Oct. 17- (AP)
A. W. Norblad, of Astoria, former
governor, was elected president of
the Oregon Coast Highway associa
tion at the organization of the group
here yesterday. The association Is
dedicated to work for speedy com
pletion of the grading, surfacing
and bridging of the 14-mlle stretch
on which work remains to be dor?.
G. E. Krelger of Marshfleld was
elected vice-president, and E. W.
McMindes, Astoria, secretary-treasurer.
Of the 396 miles of the coast
highway, slightly less than 14 miles
remain to be completed. In this
distance five ferries operate across
bays and waterways.. Concrete bridges
will replace these ferries where pos
sible. The association announced plans
for a mammoth celebration attend
ing the opening of the highway early
next summer.
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. (AP) Chi
cago's sixteenth theatre bomb seri
ously burned the man, police said,
who caused It to explode.
Peter Mooney, who was released
four years ago from Joliet prison,
was Injured about the face. body,
and legs when the sulpher machine
Ignited beneath his coat during the
climax of a motion picture at the
Colony theatre, on the southwest
side, last night.
Police said the bomb was Intended
to terrorize tba audience q( fiQO.
Associated treat fhoto
This picture shows a part of the large crowd that stood at the
doors of the First Presbyterian church In Englewood, N. J., to honor
the memory of Sen, Dwlght W. Morrow of New Jersey. Thousands
attended the simple funeral.
WILMINGTON, O., Oct. 17. (AP)
Wearied of poverty, a 35-year-old
mother last night killed herself and
her four children. Using a revolver
her husband kept In the home, Mrs.
Russell Ward of Reesvllle, near here,
one by one shot her three daughters,
Arlene, 11, Audrey, 8, and Edith, 7.
and her son, Richard.
Although Mrs. Ward left no explan
ation, Coroner C. E. Klnzel said he
was convinced she was made des
perate by financial difficulties.
Ward, who was not at home at the
time of the killings, said hla wife
had acted strangely recently and com
plained of feeling 111.
The husband, a tool maker who
has been dependent on odd jobs re
cently, found the bodies when ha re
turned home last night. The three
girls were dead In the bedroom, but
the boy died In Ward's arms as be
frantically tried to revive him.
Cornelius D. (Connie) Clark, 35,
former valley resident, was arrested
last evening by state police on the
Davis cut-off road In the Central
Point district, on a warrant Issued
In Klamath county, alleging child
stealing. Clark has been in this val
ley for a week or ten days, and the
authorities atate, had eluded capture.
When cornered last evening Clark, In
an auto, attempted to escape again.
Clark bas been sought for several
months, and la alleged to have taken
his three minor children, Melvln, 11,
Thelma, 9 and Bonnie, 6, contrary to
court orders Issued in Klamath coun
ty, following lengthy divorce pro
ceedings over the custody of the tots.
According to a statement made by
Clark to the police, the children are
not with him now, and he refused
to divulge their present whereabouta.
The authorltlea say that Clark came
here recently from California and
was gathering up his personal effects
for the final "getaway." He has been
In the Talent district during his
present visit.
Klamath authorities will arrive
this afternoon to take Clark to
Klamath Falls. He refused to make
any detailed statement of his present
staggTauded at
yale club feast
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. (AP) Amos
Alonzo Stagg scanned '.Is 40 years as
a builder of youth at the University
of Chicago last night and pronounced
the dogma that has won his acclaim:
"I've had the chance to touch
young men and I've tried to touch
them in the right way."
"The grand old man1 who faced
the climax of his 40th year at Chi
cago with the Tale game today, was
the guest of honor at a banquet of
the Yale club of Chicago last night.
' Surrounded by many of his fcrmer
Yale classmates, he heard the tributes
and cheers of hundreds of sons of Ell,
who hailed htm as the "the head of
bis profession."
Edison Deeper In
Clutch of Coma
WES!" ORANGE, N. J., Oct. 17.
(AP) Dr. Hubert 8. Howe, announc
ed shortly after 2 p. m., that "the
depth of Mr. EdlbOn's coma Is In
creasing. "Mr. Edison has developed a
gradual acceleration of his pulse and
rate of reoperation." Dr. Howe aald.
Harry E. Rowbottom. former member
of congress, convicted of accepting
bribes in connection with postmas
ter appointments, was paroled to
day, effective November 0. Row
bottom a sentence would have "
plied, nsxfc Pahnrjr. ft,
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. (AP) United
States District Attorney George E. Q.
Johnson pleaded with a federal Jury
today to convict Al Capone for evad
lng Income taxes and rid the city of
his "sinister Influence."
"His counsel suggested that this
man is a modern Robin Hood," said
the. grayhaired prosecutor, speaking
slowly and emphatically. "Did this
Robin Hood buy thousands of dollars
worth of diamond belt buckles for
the unemployed? Did this Robin
Hood buy thousands of dollars worth
of meat to feed the poor and hun
gry? Were those 927 shirts to pro
tect the men who sleep beneath the
city's streets?"
Johnson said he was "a little be
wildered" by the defense's attempt to
"place a halo .of mystery and ro-
mance" around the head of the gang
After less than an hour's delibe
ration, the circuit court jury in
the case of Mrs. Nettle Marcho
against Dr. B. C. Wilson, county
physician, and D. W. (Ike) Dun
ford, county Jailer, returned a ver
dict this afternoon, denying Mrs.
Marcho damages on any of three
counts for 113,000.
The verdict was signed by all but
two of the Jurors Mrs. Cordelia G.
Root, housewife and Carl Goetsche,
realtor, both of this city.
R. E. Sweeney was foreman.
President Hoover will board the war
ship Arkansas, probably late today,
for a 36 -hour cruise designed to reach
It-, climax In a ceremonious whirl of
activities at the battle of York town
Planning to remain close to his
desk at least until It Is cleared of
pressing governmental matters, the
president purposely left the time of
starting Indefinite.
Anchor will be dropped off Hamp
ton Roads, Va., at 8:30 tomorrow af
ternoon. Approximately a half hour
later the president will deliver a radio
address at Fortless Monroe on unem
ployment relief.
Fair Weather For
Coast Next Week
Oregon: Pair interior and cloudy
on the coast tonight and Sunday;
cooler Interior tonight; gentle change
able winds offshore.
Weather outlook for Oct. 10-24,
for the far western states: Is for nor
mal temperature and fair weather ex
cept for considerable cloudiness and
cccaslonal showers on Washington
and Oregon coasts.
Slap By Swordfish Pats
Eltinge In Hospital Bed
Julian Eltinge, famous female Im
personator of stage and screen, ate
swordfish In his hospital room with
a vengeance today.
Eltinge was not eating much fish,
however, for he had undergone an
abdominal operation as the result of
a giant swordfish lashing out Its
broad tall against his mid-section.
While fishing early this week
from the Talayak, formerly the
Shamrock III of the late Sir Thomas
Lipton'a ownership, the actor and
Dr. Earl O'Donnell hooked a giant
swordfish. After fighting It more
tb4 two hours the, brought It V
Power One Man to Call
Meetings and Transact
Business Irks Voting of
Meier Proxy Also Irritates
SALEM. Oct. 17. (AP) An opinion
on the power of one member of the
board of control to call meetings, con
sider and order matters of business as
actions by the board was expected
today or tomorrow by Attorney-General
I. H. Van Winkle. A ruling on
this matter and the power of votes
by proxy of absentee members was
requested by William Elnzlg, secre
tary of the board, at the suggestion
of Hal E. Hoss, secretnry of state.
Specific meetings referred to by
Hoss Included that of September 34
when Rufus O. Holman, state treas
urer, called and presided at a meet
ing of the board, with both Gover
nor Julius L. Meier and Secretary of
State Hal E. Hoss absent.
Purchased Cars
At this meeting the board, by proxy
votes of absentee members purchased
25 new cars for the state police.
Following this action, the minutes
of that meeting reveal, the board also
considered and accepted Items In
volving the expenditure of state
money. These actions, Hoss said,
were not by proxy vote but by au
thorization ot the single memoer
present. Action by the board requires
vote or approval by two members, he
In the other Instance referred to.
Hoss pointed to the request for the
resignation of W. H. Balllle, superin
tendent of the state training school
for boys, at the meeting last. Tuesday.
Hoss was absent and voted against
Balllle's removal and the election of
Sam Laughlln to succeed him. Hol
man, alGo present, Introduced the
resolution calling for the action, vot
ed for it and cast the vote of Gover
nor Meier as written him by the
Bulllle Still on Job
The action by the board provided
for the removal of Balllle as of Oc
tober 18. Late yesterday Balllle was
still In charge of the training school,
as provided by his bond, In lieu ot
proper steps taken by officials to re
lieve him of his office. Laughlln at
that time had refused to accept the
duties pending an opinion from the
attorney-general as to the legality of
the move. His bonds, not yet ap
proved, are In the secretary of stato's
office, and Balllle remains In charge
of the school.
The specific requests made by Hoss
for opinions were:
"In the absence of- two members
of the board of control can the one
other member call and hold special
meetings of the board of control, and
have his acts recorded and attested
as the official acts of the board?
"In the event of the absence of
one member of the board, with the
remaining two membera taking op
posite sides on a question, what Is
the status of the said question?
"Can one member of the board cast
either the telephoned or written
proxy vote of. an absent member, and
have It recorded and made the of
ficial act of the board?"
8T. LOUI8. Oct. 17 (AP) Miss
Mary Pontanna of Caruthers, Col
ls "America's champion milkmaid"
for the next year.
Three times winner of the Pacific
slope title, she won the national
championship, a cup emblematic ot
it and 125 In cash at the national
dairy show hero last night.
With gentle prize-winning cows
for her subjects, she drew 148
pounds and 10 ounces of milk In
30 minutes. Miss Gloria Miller, Pa
cific, Mo., finished second, only 10
ounces behind the winner.
The milkmaid contest, one of the
sidelights of the dairy show, was
conducted In 3-mlnuto periods twice
, .
No Bids Received
On Pooled Prunes
ROSEBURO, Ore. Oct. 17. (AP)
As a result of the circumstance
that no bids were received on the
Douglss County Proune Growers' as
sociation prune pool here yesterday,
another pool Is to be offered Oct.
28 at "the best obtainable price."
gaff. Thinking the fish was dead
after It had been brought aboard
hip. the fishermen approached their
Unexpectedly, the fish lashed out
Its tall, catching Eltinge In the
abdomen and scratching Dr O'Don
nell's hand. Complications followed
In the Injuries to both men, an
abdominal operation being necessary
for the actor and treatment for
blood poisoning resulting for the
Both are In a local nospltal. Both
are being fed awordfUh through the
courtesy of hospital attendants who
permitted them to place their catch
Id, (be (Old, ttorag room.
Wright Confessed 'Torch,'
Gets Ten Years Robbins
Draws Five-Year Jolt
Wives Given Two Years
Two men and their wives con
fessed arsonists were sentenced to
long terms In the state prison at i
Salem this morning, by circuit Judge
J. T. Brand of Marshfleld.
L. B, Wright, admitted "torch" of
the firebug gang, was meted a maxi
mum sentence ot ten years. Ivan
Robbins, his partner, received five
years, maximum.
Mrs. Ann Wright, mother of two
boys, and Mrs. Robbins, each re
ceived a maximum sentence ot two
years at Salem.
Truman Robbins, a brother of
Ivan, who came here from Coos
county to see him, was arrested by
state police last night and charged
with alleged possession of liquor.
Men Take Ulume
Wright and Robbins, In pleas be
fore the court, asked for leniency for
their mates, shouldered all the blame
and declared they had only a passive
role In the Incendiarism. The two
women also asked for mercy, Mrs.
Wright on behalf of her two young
sons, who will now become wards of
the county.
The quartet will be taken to state
prison Monday.
Wright admitted he was the
"brains" of the plot, and received the
heaviest sentence. He confessed to
the state police and sheriff, they say.
that he took part In a similar enter
prise at Sedro-Wooley, Wnah., hie
former home, a year ago. The insur
ance was collected, but his accom
plice fled with It.
Fire Looked Suspicious
On September 14, last, the four
people set fire to a dwelling in the
Buckshot Hill area, after filling It
with their own effects and goods
purchased on the Installment plan.
bc i ore touenmg the match, they re
moved ail keepsakes and personal
property. They held an Insurance
policy for S2000. but confessed that
the value of property burned did not
exceed 400. Suspicious circum
stances were Investigated by the
state police and Insurance adjusters,
with the result that the four were
arrested a week ago and all confessed
the plot.
The Robbins formerly lived at
Empire City, Ore., the Wrights were
VICTORIA, B. C, Oct. 17. AP)
Leaders of the Chinese colony hers
saia today Chinese nationals through
out Canada, numbering some 25,000,
are prepared to organize a volun
teer battalion of infantry to raise
money for an aviation corps should
developments In Manchuria Justify
They said while such centers as
Windsor and Toronto, Ont- and
some organizations in Vancouver are
urging the nationalist government
to declare war against Japan, the
majority of the colonies are adopting
a waiting policy to see If the League
of Nations will settle the dispute.
i ney said several thousand dol
lars have already been subscribed
in victoria and that Windsor, Ont
Is conducting a campaign to raise
$25,000 to equip an air corps.
SALEM, Oct. 17. (AP) Announce
ment was made today by Rufus Hol
man, stats treasurer, thst he hss suc
cessfully negotiated a loan of 1,000. -000
with which to finance the return
bj the ktat of approximately 930,
000 In refunds ot the 1029 atate In
tangibles tax declared Invalid In the
Work of drawing the warrants for
the more than 19.000 Individual re
funds Is now going forward In the
office of the secretary of stats under
the authority of an act of the 1931
The interstate commerce commission
let It be known at noon that Its de
cision on the railroads petition for
a 15 per cent Increase in freight rates
would not be handed down today.
There was; no official Information
whether the commission has formu
lated Its opinion. In commission
quarters It was regarded as likely
ttoa a decision had beta rsachsd,
Is Trample
' n
By Mrs. '
. (AP)
3f which
Ite proud
Another old precr
the American navy
Is at the edge of ' v
Custodians of nnV lore can
not recall that any officer's wife
bas ever been given official per
mission to sail aboard a battle
ship. One did take such a trip
some years ago and an admiral
was put ashore without command
as a result.
But Mrs. Hoover has Invited
the wife of Admiral William V.
Pratt, ohlef of naval operations,
to accompany the presidential
party to Yorktown on the battle
ship Arkansas.
Ruling That Troops Must
Evacuate Zone Would
Place Administration in
Bad Predicament, View
GENEVA, Oct. 17 (AP) Pren
tiss 11. Gilbert, American repre
sentative, and 12 members of
the League of Nations council
agreed tonight that their gov
ernments should send a note
to Japan and China, now in
conflict In Manchuria, calling
attention to the engagements
of the two nations under the '
Kellogg-Brland pact.
TOKYO, Oct. 17.-(AP) Japan was
undecided today as to whether It
would defy the League of Nations In
the event the latter refuses to re
consider Tokyo's contentions on
questions of legality Involving the
league council's discussion of the
Slno- Japanese dispute over Man
churia. If the league doclded uncondition
ally that Japanese troops must evac
uate Manchurlan territory outside
the Japanese controlled South Man
churlan railway zone, the Tokyo ad
ministration likely will have to face
a very serious' situation to say the
least, In the fact of the army's stand
opposing the Interference of any out
side agency In adjustment of the
main problem.
Question Decision
A spokesman for the foreign offloe
"Tokyo still has very grave doubts
as to the propriety or strict correct
ness of the league's decision that is,
the question of whether the Ameri
can observer, rightly or wrongly Is
entitled to sit In the council ses
sions. Therefore the government has
every hope that some sensible way
will bs found eventually to satisfy
all parties."
As v'owed In government circles,
Japan will continue to adhere to Its
contention that the Kellogg pact was
not violated when Japan occupied
certain Chinese territory "In self de
SALEM, Oct. 17. (AP) Circuit
Judge Hill heard arguments today
of attorneys for Oeorge W. Hobson,
Multnomah county, and E. 8. Porter,
Marlon county, In which they are
seeking to allow their client to
Intervene as real property taxpayers
In the case of Maude B. Oreene
against the state tax commission.
The case Is one brought to attack
the validity of the Intangibles tax
law of 1031.
The argument for taxpayers who
would Intervene In the . suit was
to the effect If the Intangibles tax
law were Invalidated their taxes on
resl property would be Increased,
that levies made under the 6 per
cent limitation amendment were In
part purely guesswork and that
plaintiffs In the suit attacking con
stitutionality of ' the Intangibles law
were simply attempting to evade
payment of any taxes at all
ATLANTA, Oa., Oct. 17, (AP) Ths
Rev. C. Ryder Smith, president of the
Wesleyan Methodist church of Great
Britain, told the sixth ecumenical
conference of Methodism that the
Individual's loyalty "is to Ood. and
for the glory of Ood nations may
need to deny themselves.
Bishop James Cannon, Jr., who was
Indicted yesterday by a federal grand
Jury for violations of ths ocrrupt
practices set, was given an ovation as
hs entered the church to attend the
first session.
Twenty-five federal soldier were
killed or wounded near Ixhautlan,
state of Vera Crus. In an engage
ment with an unidentified rebel
band, a dispatch to Excelsior said
Body Discovered On Trail,
Umpqua Divide, Identi
fied as Well Known
Mountaineer Seek Clues
The body of Lor is Martin, 03, a
mountaineer, well known throughout
Jackson county, waa found yester
day afternoon by Joe Roe. on a
lonely trail. In the Umpqua divide
country, 14 miles from Trail. Posi
tive Identification waa delayed until
the arrival of Sheriff Ralph Jen
nings and Deputy Coroner Walker,
near dusk yesterday. The Mall Trib
une yesterday published the news
ot the finding of the unidentified
body at press time.
Death, probably Instantaneous, was
caused by a rifle bullet, fired by
unknown hands, which entered Mar
tin's body, Just below the heart and
passed out the right aide. He was
found lying face down ana had evi
dently crawled for a short distance
on his hands and knees before ex
The tragedy occurred within a
mile ot the spot where 10 years ago,
dame warden Arthur Hubbard or
Ashland was ahot and killed, fol
lowing a dispute over game law In
fractions. In one of ths most sen
sational trials in the history of Jack
son county, Martin was acquitted on
a plea of self-defense.
Slain by Hunter, meory.
The authorities hold strongly to
the theory that Martin waa acci
dentally slain for a deer by an
unknown hunter, though the trail
was open and a person was visible
for a distance of 200 yards. Sheriff
Jennings, Deputy Coroner Joy
Walker, Assistant District Attorney
Oeorge Nellson and Harry Skyrman.
attorney, and nephew of Martin left
this morning to search for clues by
daylight and to unravel evidence
that might Indicate foul play.
Martin's rifle, without which he
never ventured Into the hills, and
his hat are missing. Sheriff Jen
nings thinks that a woodchuok
carried off the head gear, but la
unable to explain the absence of .
the weapon, except that the slayer
aocldently or purposely removed It
to destroy evidence.
Planned Trap Line.
Martin lived In a cabin six mile
up Trail creek, and from telephonlo
Information waa planning on set
ting out a trap line. An aged man
and neighbor of Martin's had a long
conversation with him Monday or
Tuesday, be does not remember
which, He visited Martln'a cabin
yesterday and found a pot of cold
beans on the stove, and a pall of
water with a light scum. It Is
thought Martin had been absent
from home two or three days. Con
dition of the body Indicated that
he had been dead from 36 to 80
Martin waa an experienced woods
man and knew every foot of the
rough section In which he waa killed.
He was a trapper In winter and in
the summer tolled as a farmhand,
miner or laborer. He was an expert
powderman. He was a bachelor and
led a lonely life. He was a friend
of Ed Foetor, prospector, mysteri
ously killed, while hunting near
Jacksonville, six weeks ago. The
two worked In the Pennsylvania
mine. In the Blue Ledge district
two yesrs ago.
Had No Enemies.
Martin had no known enemies.
He was of a quiet disposition, a
crack ahot, with a rugged sense of
honesty. He wss widely known
throughout the northeast section of
the county, where he had lived
practically all his life. Martin's
last visit to this city was about a
month ago. He was employed on
a surveying crew near Prospect the
past summer.
Roe found th. body of Martin
while walking down th. Trail shortly
before noon yesterday. Horror-
stricken, he rushed to a forest service
station and phoned to the coroners
office. A guard was established.
(Story On continued on Page Two)
BOSTON, Oct. 17. (AP) Th Bos.
ton Transcript today say paper
have been drawn and will be filed
at th atate house next week for
th Incorporation of a company to
acquire the navy's two great airplane
carriers for use as exoreM steamers
between this port and Europe.
Tne acquisition, me wanscnp.
says, will be contingent upon ap
proval of President Hoover and th
navy department. The carriers are
the Saratoga and the Lexington,
Three of the railroads entering
Boston, the New Haven, th Boston
Ac Main and ths Bo. ton as Albany,
together with th Pennsylvania, have
urn- tn endorse the financing and
n Mtnnl Lh. mRIUWmtDL Th
First National Bank of Boston and
th banking house of Higglneon m
company will raise funds up to for the Initial financing.
the newspaper saje.