PAGE TEN JIEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1931. FEW ELIGIBLE AS Scrapping of Crowns Leaves Woeful Scarcity Eligible Mates for Daughters of Old World Monarchs LONDON (AP) The wrapping of ciowns, which bu been going on for 20 years, hu left a lugubrious situa tion among the marriageable prm cesses of Europe. There are two or three dozen of these daughters of old world royalty who are eligible to be wives of kings or of princes who will some day be monarchs, but the marriage balance sheet brings tears to the eyes of these 'young princesses. Only the globe-trotting but non marrying Prince of Wales, ' who Is within sight of the British throne, and Prince Frederick of Denmark are on the debit side of the marriage ledger. To be sure there are also the crown prince cousins, Michael of Rumania and Peter of Jugoslavia. But both are but reserves for the distant iu ture. New Tasks for Prince Princes in other countries are either married or vacationing abroad In rather permanent fashion, living off the Jewels ot another era. Some of them, moreover, are in Paris and London driving taxles, act ing as interpreters for travel com panies, or even pegging shoes. The recent marriage of Rumania's Eeana brought Into silhouette the aad state of affairs. Her two sisters, older than ehe, married kings, but she accepted an archduke without a dukedom. Eleven Crowns Left Only eleven crowns remain in Eu rope, those of Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Bulgaria, Jugosla via, Rumania, Albania, Denmark, Nor' way and Sweden. The crowns of Ger many, Russia, Turkey, Greece. spam and Portugal evaporated before the heat of modern politics. The last princess to cross the threshold of throne rooms before the doors slammed were King Albert's daughter, Marie Jose of Belgium who won the hand of Prince Humbert ox Italy, and the tatter's sister Olovan na who Bulgarlzed her name to Iban na when her marriage to King Bcrla paired up the only bachelor throne of Europe. Princess Astrld of Sweden preceded Maria Jose, marrying the latter's brother, Prince Leopold. Astrld should some day alt aa the queen of Leopold III while her elster-ln-law Is destined to share with Humbert the throne of the Mussolini governed peninsula. f House Democrats Caucus On Dec. S Nominate Speaker WASHINGTON, Oct. , (AP) The house Democrats will caucus in Washington,' Saturday, December 5, to. nominate a candidate for speaker and other house offices. Before departing for his home in Texas, Representative Garner, the Democratic leader, made arrange ment with William Tyler Page, the house clerk, for the use of the house chamber for the caucus. They are expected to nominate Garner for the speakership. i Hoover Plan Held Boon By Bankers ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Oct. 9. ( AP) The Hoover bank pool plan waa Interpreted aa a "confidence re torer In which America's bankers will willingly cooperate by Pred I. Kent, director of the New Tork Bankers Trust company, in an ad' drees before the dosing session of the American Bankers association convention today. OoquUle. Fire committee pur chased now chemical truck for fire department. NEW BID SYSTEM By CLAIRBORNE FOSTER. NEW YORK (AP) -Those vlayere who cannot spend the time to be come experts are the prlnc:??J bene ficiaries of the simplified system of bidding contract bridge which was adopted at the first general conven tion of bridge teachers in New York It Is really a combination system. the beat features of a number of well known systems being utilized In these new rules which should re move many obstacles for Infrequent players. First known as the "unlversay., It la now called the "official" sys tem, being sponsored by nearly all well-known bridge teachers with the exception of Ely Culbertson. The changes brought about in this new system are not oomplex, Under Its rules, a one bid shows two and one-half tricks. A two bid shows a stronger hand of three and one-half to four and one-half tricks. A two bid Is not a demand bid, but requirements for a partner helping are considerably less. A three bid Is a demand bid and the partner must respond. This means a hand that la probably i game hand with practically no as sistance from the partner. Heretofore, under old systems, such as the Cavendish, a two bid Is the stronger bid. This Is changed under the "official" system. A two bid is stronger than a one bid. and three bid la etronger than a two bid. And a three bid Is the only one that Is a demand bid. An optional provision of this sys tem Is an artificial two-club game demand bid made only as an origi nal bid. The popularity of this new system, of course, remains contingent upon Its fast spreading introduction in bridge tournaments. There Is little doubt but tnst it is welcome to the novloe player who has not had the opportunity to rn the more aubtle points of the game. APPLEGAIE STOCK APPLEOATE, Ore., Oct. . (Spl.) The fall of the year means work for the cattlemen and several large herda of beef m t a few stock cattle have been brought down from fahe high mountains to the pa.urca In the irrigated sections. Last woek a large herd waa brought out from Silver Fork. This week another herd came out of Sliver Fork and a herd from Freezeout. Several of the lower Applegate cattlemen, are riding In the Squaw lake vicinity this week gath ering beef. S"'"Tal of the cattlemen have aold their beef, some selling as soon as they got out of the moun tains with them. John Cox and Nichols and Ashpole, all of Medford. were the buyers. Little Rainfall In Jacksonville For Past Month How to train BABY'S BOWELS Babies, bottle-fed or breast-fed, with any tendency to be constipated, would thrive if they received dnily half a teaspoonful of this old family doctor's prescription for the bowel. That is one sure way to train tiny bowels to healthy regularity. To avoid the fretfulness, vomiting, crying, failure to gain, and other ilu of constipated babies. Dr. Caldwell's Svrup Pepsin is good for any baby, t'or this, you htm he word of a famous doctor. Forty. Krven years of practico taught him just what babiea need to keep theif little bowels active, regular; keep little bodies plump and heallhy. Tot Dr. Caldwell specialized in the treat ment of women and little ones. He attended over 3300 births without loss of one mother or baby. Da. W. B. Caldwcll' SVRUP PEPSIN A Doctor Family Laxative JACKSONVTLE, Ore, Oct. B. (Spl.) Emit Brltt, weather observer of this district, elves the following re port for the month of September: Mean maximum, 78.13; mean mini mum, 40.4; mean, 63.4; maximum, 101, data 2: minimum, 88, date- 34; greatest dally range, 48. The total precipitation for the month waa M inches with the greatest in 34 hours 67. Number of daya with .01 inch or more precipitation 6; dear, 18; partly cloudy, 6 and cloudy 8. Cardi 4. ,' v all Cardinals Gain Edge On Championship V.K-v--.',$ j -.--S.Mi,-WV'..Xsw. ' tl torn " r" 1' COCHRANE,. Associated Press Photo. Associated Press teleplioto of Hlnh, M. LouU third baseman, scoring on "Pepper" Martin's fly In the first Inning of the fifth World Series game at Philadelphia. St. Louis won Its third game of the series from the Athletics, 5 to t Meteorological Report Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Tonight and Saturday fair; cooler Saturday. Oregon i Pair tonight and Saturday but fog on coast; cooler In Interior Saturday. Local Data Lowest temperature this morning, 37 degrees. Temperature a year ago today: highest 64; lowest 40. Total precipitation since September 1, 1931, 1.23 inches. Relative humidity at 6 p. m. yes terday, 22 per cent; 6 a. m. today. 76 per cent. Sunset today, 6:40 p. m. Tomorrow: Sunrise 6:18 a. m.; sun set 6:38 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 a ra., 120 Meridian Time. City a? IF Baker City 64 33 .00 Clear Boston 68 48 TP Cloudy Boise 66- 40 .00 Clear Chicago 60 90 .00 Clear Denver 88 42 .00 P Cloudy Des Moines .... 64 46 AO Clear Fresno 70 56 .00 Cloudy Helena 60 34 .00 Clear Los Angeles 68 ' 6C .00 Cloudy Medford 79 40 .00 Clear New York 83 60 .74 P Cloudy Phoenix ..... 86 64 .00 Cloudy Portland 70 48 .00 Clear Heno 66 44 .00 Clear Roseburg .. 72 40 .00 Clear Salt Lake .. 70 84 .00 Cloudy San Francisco- 66 66 .00 Clear Seattle ....... .... 64 48 .00 Clear Spokane 64 36 .00 Cloudy Wash. D. o. 88 64 .84 P Cloudy Fire On Applegate Soon Extinguished APPLEOATE, Ore., Oct. 9. (Spl.) A forest fire was reported at the mouth of Squaw creek on Big Apple- gate Wednesday morning. A drift pile along the river waa burning and a limb fell from a tree, carrying the fire across the road to the Collins place, where It did a little damage, Several ftreflghtera from the Star ranger atatlon were called and with help from a few nelghbora It waa soon under control. Portland. Bingham Pump Co. added third shift to local plant, run nlng 24 hours per day to take care oi Increase In business. New High School Science Departme n t of Interest Parm demonstration work la con ducted la 1,287 Alabama, comtnunl ties. Saturday Meat Bargains Q Sugar Cured Lb. Sugar Cured. Lb. 18c 14c 19c iw m Wf v Bacon Bacon Squares, lb. Skinned Hams Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon . i-Lb. box 35c Limit 2 to a Customer Leg of Spring Lamb. lb. 1 5c Lamb Shoulder, lb. . 10c Lamb Chops, lb. . . 15c Fancy Roasting Chickens Lb. 23c These Are Only a Few of the Many Bargains A Full Line of Cold Meats 4 FREE DELIVERIES DAILY City Meat Market Phone 324 121 North Central 0E3OEO O 0130 (This la the fourth of a aeries ot article on departments in the new high school). Elephants' teeth the size of a gal lon Jug . . . whale rlba 10 feet long wriggling alx-lnch bull snakes Other equipment of Interest In the biology department will be plaster cast models of the human ear, Jaw, heart, brain and head. Live snakes, bugs, fish, frogs, and turtles will be seen In aquariums. tiny bird nttjlctons . . . th?se trrrarlums, and glass Jars .and are are a few of the things which will all used In teaching the students be on display n the biology section of the science department nt Med ford high school's open house to night. Tor perions more Interested In the technical s!t!e of science there will be displays of the chemical way ot making water, cxpcr.menta showing the making of crystals, the passing of electricity through various solu tions, and the breaking up of drops of water Into two gasscs hydrogen and oxygen. H. F. Cope, chemistry .and physics Instructor, la arranrng apparatus in the physics laboratory to Illustrate various principles of pull lea and levers. He will be assisted by several students from his classes. This section of the science department occupes three rooms, two of them laboratories for physics and chem istry, and the classroom. In the biology rooms across the hall will be arranged all manner of animal. Insect, and fish life In glass Jars, aquariums, museum cases, and pictured in charts. M. Hussong and Cllta Walden are Joint teachers of biology. This subject Is one of the most popular In school this year, with one out of every four students In high school enrolled In one of the six classes. On the walls will be hung pictures and oh arts, some of them prepared by students, showing development stages of Insects. Three large mu seum display cases will show every thing from birds' skulls , to fish, snakes and elephants' teeth. the various forms of life that exist on the earth today. Tonight's open house program be gins at 7:15, and lasts until 10, with the fore part ot the evening 'devoted to musical programs by the orchestra and glee clubs. It Is a program for the parents primarily, although a few students will be on band to as sist In showing ott the new school. SCIENTIST TO LtCTURE HERE NEXT THURSDAY The noon hour has been announced as the meeting time for the next Christian Science lecture to be given In this city. John Randall Dunn, O S.B.of Boston, Mass., will be the speaker. The lecture will be given at the Ctaterlan Thursday. October 15, at 13 o'clock. Mr. Dunn has an nounced as his subject. "Christian Science, the Remedy for Pear." Ilorn-Tooters Break Through MADJSON, Wis. (AP) The school of musio at the University of Wis consin finally has broken Into the sport pages. For the first time the school has produced a student who Is a contender for varsity honors on the gridiron. He Is Don Cuthberg, tackle and trumpet player. WITH 0. S. EFFORT IN VIRGIN ISLES COPENHAGEN (AP) Some sharp criticism' cf the low state to which the Virgin Islands have fallen since their sale by Denmark to the United Statee has been heard here. The chief plaint la that the United States has failed to fulfill a moral obligation to compensate the Island ers for thlr loss of the bay rum In dustry through enactment of prohi bition laws or to provide some other means of livelihood. "President Hoover recently called the Virgin Islands the poor house of the United States, but nothing ef fective is being done to prevent their becoming a pauper's churchyard," said Hans Nielsen, chairman of a number of parliamentary committees, who recently returned from a trip there. "When Denmark agreed to sell the Islands to America we believed an era 6f prosperity waa at hand for them. But the ever growing unem ployment has been catasthroplc." HOLLY'S FEATURE A real treat la In store for lovers of harmony singing, particularly negro spirituals, for those who at tend the Holly theater tomorrow night to see the last performances of George Arllss In "Alexander Hamil ton." The Elko Colored Singers from Alabama will appear on the Holly stage tomorrow night, once only, at about nine o'clock, in a presentation that will be entirely different from anything ever heard In Medford before. The singers comprise a mixed double quartette, children ranging from 10 years of age to 16 years ol age, and they render harmony num bers, characteristic of their race, in a manner that will delight every one. - The Elko Colored Singers are na tionally known and are making a tour of the United States to raise funds to purchase a farm, they hav ing to abandon their old location, owing to flood waters. They are an Interesting group of entertainers and the Holly management feels that they will be a pleasing and unusual added stage attraction. Myers Suffers Strain. WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. (AP) Jefferson Myers, Oregon member of the shipping board, will be confined to his home for IS or 20 days as the result of a strain Incurred when he attempted to aid In righting an overturned automobile after a collision. Snider's Gold Medal BUTTER I 1 .u Is the Best to Buy Housewives prefer Snider's butter for cooking purposes. They appreciate its rich flavor, high food value and freshness. But the real test is the fact that all members of the family prefer Gold Medal for break fast, lunch and dinner! 1 TRY OUR SPECIAL 1 Old Fashioned Favorite H Egg Nog Flavor H ICE CREAM I Snider Dairy & Produ:e Co. IF IT'S SNIDER'S IT'S THE BEST TO BUY N. Bartlett Phone 203 Rifle Range Here Will Be Improved A $400 expenditure for Improve ment of the Medford rifle range mil be financed by the government, ac- Mfriln. tji mArie received bv C&D t C. Y. Tengwald. range officer, from the war department. Improvements will Include con struction of an additional target and a target bouse. There are now three targets at tbe range. People's Market Groceteria No. 2 Cor. Sixth and Grape CUTS Meat Prices SATURDAY SPECIALS Fat Hens, each 50c SeeS Veal -e !! I Roast, lb. . . Boil, lb. .... Steak, lb. . . Roast, lb. . .- Stew, lb. .r. Chops, lb 8c , 7c ..14c . .10c . 8c .:.18c Pork Shoulder Boast, lb. 15c Shoulder Steak, lb. 15c Sausage, 2 lbs 25c Hamburger, 2 lbs- 25c Leg , lb 170 Shoulder, lb. 10c Stew, lb. 5c Chops, lb. 15c Vt ' Bulk, lb. 10c FU1Q jLl3S?i 1 eal' Pail - 95c ' Yi gal. pail 50c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams y3 or whole, lb. Hams ' Sugar Cured Bacon 21c Bologna, 2 lbs. 25c Weiraers, 2 lbs. . 2S& D. M. WATT, Manager Spec OFFER? LMI LUSTRE k m ideal firuih for kitchen ami bathroeoi m "alb and woodwork (i u el to ctperutlv Mrnfxtorr m 0 bedrooa aad bttikful nook wtih and fairniiire where a durable, washable ninth a required Comr ia rtle pleasing p!el colon wbkfc caa easu be ntermued M auny other (hades, tap to apply oa plaHcred au and (tibnp. coomtt walb. waif bond, hollow tiife, brick and wooden wrfatcs where beauty as well at utility must be coandered. Semi Lustre colon do not fade and may be stippled, if destrcd. to obtain the to-called awlti color or Tiffany effects. Shenoin- Williams FLO-LAC Stains and Varnishes in One Operation The easiest wbt to renew worn, shabby woodwork, furniture and Doors. Flo-Lao la rapid drjlng and come! In six popular QA wood colors. Per pint . . iUC FLOOR ENAMEL Rapid Drying Floors need color, too. Here Is a beanMinl enamel (or wood, con. ?rete or worn linoleum floors. Dries with a rlrli Jnstre that wears and wears $1.00 Per quart A NEW ROOF IN EVERY CAN Shrrwln William Liquid Root I'ement glres yon a seamless, one-iilo new roof that can be applied OTer the most "hopelets roof on jour place. $ 1 .30 Per gallon X ROGERS Brushing Lacquer Dries While You Wail The home lnrqner of n thonsnnd and one iisesi Cnslly applied, It dries while you wnlt. Smooth nnd free from laps. Your far-..! 1 .00 orlte colors. Per pint. . . 1 ALUMINUM PAINT For Radiator, Pipes, etc. A most nttrodlre finish for pipes, tanks boilers, radiators, and stores. Goes on smoothly and easily, corers solidly In one coat. Brlcht as sllrer. or. Per quarter-pint .... OOC PORCH and DECK PAINT Driet Overnight to Walk. On Withstanding ontslde exposure and hard wear on porch floors steps, decks of boats, etc. M.10 Price per qt. 1 Paint Now Lowest Prices Since 1917 Browne Hardware Co 221 West Main Phone 300 WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN SAVING STAMPS