Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 23, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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; nfrORTliAND. Or. Sept, M-qPI
latest advances p the pries of but
ter, whll justified fully by" current
supply and demand, appear to ie
stretched the value to neu th point
- where consumption will bo eased off
somewhat. While prevailing prions
on butter are itll) considerably Mle
-yesr ago and even the normal (or
this period, th fact appear that
even now there U an Inoreaatng call
for so-called substitutes. , - -r
Market for buttertat la again
trifle mlaed rlth aome of the een.
trallzera atlll determined to lose very
oent of profit tn manufacture.
Trading oondltlona In the local egg
market ara again without general
price change. . "
lava chicken prtoaa ara ruling gen'
erally unchanged In the tocal market.
. Extreme weakness la reflected tn
the market for apple, both at the
Source and at eastern points, Uttle
J.n.b, business hu recently been eon.
firmed at primary points.
There er greater arrival! of tokay
? rapes out of the Oranta Vsaa Me
lon, gome are being quoted weak at
ai.aj while other r; -firm u",to
41.75 orate or lug.
Market for country-kilted meata ia
without quotable change for the day,
eilclng cucumber are leaa plenti
ful with prtoaa higher by a fraction
or eo. '''..
Both onion and potato trad vary
quiet. , ., ',
-Livestock 'M- ,
PORTLAND, Sept. 3S. (AP) Oat
tie So, calve 10; quotably ateady.
Hoga 100; ateady.
Cheep and lamba 1100! quotably
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND, Sept. 9S. (AP)
Open High
Dept. (Old) ,s .to ,4
Sept. (new) .48 ,-, .-M
Dec. ,48?, ' -A
May M JU& ' M
Caah wheat;
Big Bend bluest, , ,
Soft white .
Low Oloae
never been table. . It bag been tltfcer
going up or going down.
aDT mark this l . -.i
Every DOWN In business, since we
have had recorda, ha been followed
by an UP, regardleaa of machinery,
or psychology, or other temporarily
depreaalng Influencaa, and each up
had gone HIGHER UP than prevlou
one. ;
That will bo true In the preaant
Instance. And the big rewards of
tha next DP PERIOD will go to those
who In time of depression got ready
for tha Mrtelnly ensuing prosperity,
Twenty flv representatives from
Medford, Ashland and other parts
of tha county, attended a luncheon
at the Hotel Medford today, when
final plans were made for forming
branch of the National Civic Music
association In aouthern Oregon,
Mlse Ooode, national organiser.
who aeveral' months ago atarted the
local organisation, was present and
again outlined th plana of tha as
sociation, laying particular stress
upon tha fact that It was an Invlta
tlonal project, not a promotion one,
only members of "the association
bslng admitted only on Invitation of
th board of directors.
It was decided to hold a oompll
mentary dinner at the Hotel Med
ford on th evening of October 19,
when speakers and organisers from
th association headquarters will be
present, and tha period of admis
sion will extend to the end of that
week, absolutely closing at the end
of that time.
A minimum of 400 members must
be secured If thla number la not
secured then no unit will be eetatv
llshed hers, and tha money collected
will be returned to tha donors. It
la believed however that than will
be no difficulty In securing .this
minimum, as muslo lovers of south
era Oregon ara hungry for good mu
steal entertainment, which It ha
bean Impossible to obtain In thla
part of th coast for several yeara.
LONDON, Sept. M (AP) A con,
(Went ton prevailed on th London
sioca cxenang this afternoon
suiting from a gradual Influx of buy,
ing ordera and tha absena of big
Th exchange reopened thl morn
ing alter having bean closed two
day as a precautionary meaaur re
aultlng from the governments aus
pension of the gole standard.
Stock late Averages
(Copyright, IBSl. standard statistics
. Co.)
September n
Today ,. 18 7
Prev. day M MA
Week ago. 9.T
Month ago. log
Tear ago.., u
51 .7
138 4
NEW YORK, Sept. 31 ( AP)w-Wall
Street revolted against pessimism
today, striking with a sweeping ad
vane in security prices.
News of wag cuts In several ma,
Jor Industries, rumor that the rati,
road were soon to get rsllaf, and
th confidence Implied by th lxm
don market' good tone and removal
of th ban on short selling her.
gav shars quotation a rapid lift, At
their beat, principal stocks wer a
to mora than 15 higher, with widest
gain in rails. Mid-afternoon profit
taking reduced the gain temporarily,
but buying was resumed In the
late dealings, Sale approximated
3,000.000 share,
Bonds were equally strong. ' Tha
abrupt reversal of the Investment
market was hailed a a change o:
unusual Importance. Cotton rallied
about a dollar a bale and wheat
olosed with advance running up to
cant a bushel.
Today- oloatng prie for 17 t.
leoted stocks foltowi
Amsrtoan Can
American T. T,
.46 V,
van; no. a, wnice, is.oo.
Today' car receipt; wheat 17
flour 13: corn S; oat i; hay 4.
Western whit
Hard winter
Northern anting
western rsd
Portland Product!
PORTLAND, Sept. la.-(AP) But,
tar, buttarfat. eggs, milk, live pout,
try, country mists, onion, noteless.
wool and hay Quotations unchanged.
Ian franolwo Buttarfat
Buttarfat f, o, b. San ftaaolsoo.
' ' . - '.
(Continued front Pag On)
a'Uoh tn an hour as th weavers of
yew ago earned la st week.
' a-pKB cotton gin displaced th labor
of those who baton It In van 11 on
pioksd th seed out ot W ootton
by hand, fh llnotyp maohtna U-
piaosd, temporarily, -th printer who
had prevloualy set typ by hand.
But neither th ootton gin nor th
linotype machine. DESTROYED
FA08PKRTTY. Orsater.proaparlty fol
lowed both of thee maohtna than
had stst been known befor.
DEPORK this wrl'tsr's syas'ls chart
showing bustnas activity olaar
back to 1873. It Is a constant succes
sion of up and downs of peaks and
'valleys. T".. v '.' '
If we had aufttotsnt business rec
ords, which ws hav not, almllar
chart oculd b drawn ahowtng bust,
naa activity for osnturle back, And
II w COULD draw tuoh chart.
It too, would show a constant suo-
ceeslon of tips and downs.
Buslnuss activity, in th past, ha
VANCOUVER, Wash. Sept. 33.
(AP) With a bullet through th
mouth, th body of Ernest S.
Walther, 38, was found on th
Walther farm near her laat night,
Th body was found by th youth'
mother, Mrs. George Bulan. who live
naarby. A not .Indicated Walther
nad killed himself, police said.
Th not said, "Making a raid I
a putup Job, So they won't gat m
Officers said they had no Idea as
to th meaning of th not, as
Walther was not known to have been
a lawbreaker, and no raid against
him was oonttmplatsd.
-try Buttsr Horn, for
breakfagt. They are a
real convenience sud
you'll find the family
delighted with them,
especially when mad
SPOKANE. Wash. Sept. I(AP
senator William a. Borah of Idaho.
expressed tha opinion laat night that
u an International money confer-
no I not called "th money auss,
Ucn will be ons of th Issue of th
nut presidential campaign."
u tha now of gold should con.
tlnue," h added. "In th next five
year In th way It ha for th laat
five, the United State and Prance
would have from 88 to 95 Br cent
or, tne worlds gold. . Tn rest of th
world would hav less than 15 cent
per capita with which to do business.
We should be rich In gold, but bank
rupt in niarkat for our good and
tn products of our farms."
Rogue River Woman
Falls From Ladder
A fall from a ladder resulted In
a fractured pelvis tor Mrs. I. T. Hall
of Bogus River, who waa taken to
Oranta Pass Tuesday In an ambulanr
for phyalclan'e treatment. Mra. Hall
was picking fruit In the Hall orchard
and In some manner slipped from the
inner on wnion ah waa standing.
Card of Thanks,
We wish to express our sincere ap,
preclatlon for th kindness and' ay m
pauiy extended to us during our
recent bereavement; also for th beau
tiful floral nftartnga.
Herbert Ouenther.
Mary Lou auenther,
Mr. and Mra. Con DeVora.
Ronald DsVor.
Mr. and Mra. Hugo Ouenther.
Mr. and Mr. Prank Sulllngar.
Week-end special on fall hate; mod
els from a new ahtpment, as.95 Friday
and Saturday Swank and dashing
for ths young woman, charming and
dignified In large head etaes. for those
slightly more matur. Adrtenne',
Cut flowers Crego asters, slnnls.
16c Jo. Mrs. DressHl 1107 B Mam
Curtis right
General Motor
Int. T. T.
Montgomery Ward
Paramount Pub.
Radio' .
Southern Pao.
8. o. ef Cal,
S. O. of N. J,
Trana Am.
United Aircraft .
U. 8. Steel
Oorp't Trust Shs.
8-yr. Fxd. Trust ,
84 14
34 Ml
88 V,
4 '4
A jury tn th circuit court tat
yesterday returned a verdict tn favor
of 9, H. Hawk, tn th suit brought
against him by th Bedford Lum
ber company, for collection ef
Th action Involved transaction
between th Medford Lumber com
pany, Hawk, a plumber, and Jo
Th Medford Lumbar company set
lortn mat Hawk nad escursd tn
house Involved from Jo Oagnon,
and s greed to aesum th claim.
Hawk set forth, that he accepted
th house from, Oagnon with th un
derstanding that he would cancel
plumbing debt owed by Oagnon,
and pay 13800, but that h did not
assume any claims that might be
against It, Including th prlc of th
lot from tn city.
It win bs surprising nsws so th
big mtjorlty ot Medford people
FOR SALE Dining room act.
Oris Crawford, Phone J88-J.
POR SALE On Corona typewriter
just like new; cheap, Jennings
uoen umce, s so. rront.
FOR SALE Weaner plga. Tel. 889-H
RRLIABLK young woman want part
time work for room and board. Will
oar for children afternoon or even
ing, box hiw, Mall Tribune.
FOR peach call 1123-R.
PASTURE to let for cattle. Inquire
at Ashpol Hard war. Eagle Point.
FOR SALE At Invoice, confectionery
sua grocery, aoing caen business
Address 8413, Ttibun.
FOR SALE Larg circulating heater:
wiiutwuii; enssp. fvo 1
FOR SALE Leaving city, must eacrl-
no at once portable typewrite.,
fir extlngulshei1. 32 repeating rifle,
tent. 88 Berkeley way.
LOIT Tapestry pure on Waet 8rd
neturn 10 Man Tnoune. Re-
FOR RINT 8-room apartment, fur-
tuvnea. lie Misuetoe.
1928 Chevrolet Coach.
A-l condition
Factory Equipment
Our ahop U tqulppad with factory author
ised equipment which etublss our Chsvro
1st special lata to offer quick, dependsbl re
pair service at tnoderat coat. Juat try ttl
Pierce-Allen Motor Co.
Ill Sooth Riverside roen 150
CD CAR LOT 8th and Bartlett tt.
Phone (41
learn that th fall season 1 her and
he been ever since let this after
noon, according to th meteorologists
and other scientific slurps, having
sneaked la unsuspected during
bright sunshine st 4:34 p. nu and
causing autumn to efflcttally take
back seat tor thl year, weather
Ically speaking.
Pall, th aumtunal aquinoi, when
day and night srs ssld to be qul
th world ovr, officially arrived at
th above named hour. However,
meet people will probably continue
to apeak of thl time of year for om
time to come as "thla beautiful autumn."
The iouUjsrn Oregon Banker as
sociation held their regular monthly
meeting tt Ashland last night, and
listened to an address by Senator
Frederick Stelwer on general condi
tions, and a talk bv Miss Marr Kim
on "Teeth."
Senator Stelwer eoent ten tin,,,.
la Ashland, n rout to Klamath
Palls where he will rf-lto .
dress to the Chamber of Commerce
wnignt, H I scheduled to apend
a few hour In Ml city tomorrow.
High achool girl attention: For
th done, llffhtweieht wmi
J-rsey from Adrlsna'. Sporting
model with a last umnt nt lsn
pressing with smart sophistication
mo spirit or modern youth, Friday
and Saturday, $13 ab end 818.35,
The assault and battery charge
against Walter Holmes, preferred by
bis neighbor, Frank Kill, growing
out of a dispute about the acci
dental shooting of cow last week,
and aJso as result of which Homes
ws arrested on a charge of unlaw
fully bunting deer, was dismissed In
Judge Taylor's court here after the
oourt had heard the testimony of
both families and decided that It
wae a neighborhood row, and both
families had promised to keep the
peace from now on.
The teetlmony wis very conflict
ing. The deer hunting cbsrge against
Holme wtll be heard September 39
The famtllea reside on the hill
north of Ashland.
Another case disposed of yesterday
we the fining of Joseph Pool, until
recently a Copeo employe at Pros
pect, tioo, and Imposing jail sen
tence of 80 day on him, for driv
ing while intoxicated on the Crater
Lake highway near Eagle Point laat
' Lawrence Davie ot Medford waa
fined 810 for having four person tn
th front seat of hi car.
Th trial of Verne Larktn, 80, well
known Medford man who ha re
sided here sy his Ufa, on th charge
of vagrancy, will take place tomor
row morning, folio wing hla arraign
ment yesterday and pleading not
guilty. The warrant, sworn out by
state police, alleges tbst Larkln has
repeatedly refused to work, although
job were offered him; that he asso
ciate with evil companions and re
fuses to aid In supporting hi aged
parents. .
Two caaea occupying Ashland wo
men and liquor occupied the atten
tion of the state police and district
attorney offlc today.
Mia Josephine Csrter. waitress,
faces a charge of driving an auto
whll Intoxicated, as a result of
which she 1 alleged to bavs Ignored
th top sign at Sixth and Oakdale
avenue last night, and crashed Into
a car driven by Miss Peggy Olnn,
and causing painful Injuries to Mra.
O. W. Otnn, 810 Dakota avenue.
Th car belong to A. O. McCoy of
Ashland, who was a companion of
Mis Carter, who waa slated to ap.
pear In justice oourt late today,
Florence McDonald, Ashland room.
Ing bouse landlady, waa detained
last night charged with possession
of liquor, and the alleged theft of
a dog. Lawyers were endeavoring
to secure the return of th dog.
and the liquor charge wa scheduled
for a later hearing.
a 1
Broken wlndowa glased by Trow
bridge cabinet works. .
Ivory or brown bed with 2-inch posts, 40-pound
felted mattress and single deck, coil bed springs.
Bed Spring Mattress
$5.95 $g.50
Set $19.90, with Double Deck 90-coil Bed Springs
A delegation of cltlsen represent
ing th Bams Valley Orange and the
Gold Kill Chamber of Commerce
appeared before the county court to.
day, and asksd that the Bums Val
ley highway be designated, aa a por
tion of the secondary highway aye-
tern. The court gave assurance that
before January I, next, the deshms-
Alon would be made, along witw
other road of th Mat and county.
1 110 uw.m u. wiuiiubhui the
curve and corner at the Table Rock
store was discussed, but no definite
action taken. The owner of the
store desires tlOOO for th right-of-way.
Th county agreed to move
the store, but refuses to pay any
sum for the right of way.
A, number ot other plea for road
Improvement and extensions and
extensions and change were filed
with th county court, and given
Tr" remainder of the court ses
sion was devoted to routine busi
ness, and discussion of tha coming
tax budget sessions, and the county
courthouse plans. 1
"Why '
My Next Car
will be
When you boy a Ford there) are two things yon newer ItaT)
to worry about. One is reliability. The other ia long Ufa.
Here' an interesting letter from a Ford owner in North
"My Ford waa purchased May 8, 1928, and nat been ran 111,767
miles. It hst never stopped on the road for repairs of any kind what
soever except ponctures.
"The brakes were relined at 101,000 miles. My gas mileage ever
sged 21 miles to the gallon, and on tires, 19,000 miles per tire. I travel
ever all kinds of road conditions mountainous and flat
MI consider title a wonderful record and I assure yon my next car
, will also be a Ford,"
This is juat one of many tribute to the reliability and
long life of the Ford. A Ford owner in Iowa tell of driving
his Ford 73,000 miles in a single year. Another writes of
120,000 miles of good service. .
Think ahead when you are considering the purchase of
an automobile and consider what it will be like after thon
sands of miles of driving. Will yon still he satisfied? Will
you still say "it's a great car"?
If it's a Ford, you know everything will be O.K. It will
be taking you there and back in good style, juit aa it ha
always done. And you will have saved many important,
worth-while dollars in cost of operation and up-keep and
low yearly depreciation.
430 -640
F.O.B. Detroit, plus freight and delivery. Bumpen and spar fir
extra of low cost. Convenient, economical time payment! can 6
arranged, Se your dealer for detail.
Your Hair Should Be Waved
Phone 1526
$5 $6.50
Cinderella Beauty Shop
jti AS LOW AS dCSt
100 nOOMS J
distinguished hotel, and on of
tie West's most popular, offer
you a new inducement to be It
guest All th (tmou eld com
fort, service, boipltallty. many
new Improvements . . and the
lowest rat vr offered la inch
a Aa hostelry.