MEDFORD MAIL. TRIBUNE, -IEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1931. PAGE SEVEN a. J WANT AN AD? fih Phone nd n adtskei in the ftiounes Clssolfied, Ad Department will iladly assist yu lD "'ting an aa that Will Get RESULTS! A rightly worded Classified Ad In the Mall ITlbune will Put 'ou Immediately i touch with dozens of GOOD prospects You'll find that adver. tlslng In these columns will pro duce QUICK resultr at surprising ly moderate cost. - HERE ABE THE RATES: per word first insertion 3c (Minimum 25c.) Each additional Insertion, per word c (Minimum loo.) Per line, per month, without copy changea 41.36 LOST Female dog: orange and white pointer, Phone iau-A. LOST Good-looking gentleman's only fen nas. rruuoij iu Medford business office. Small re ward. Please return to Mall Tri bune office. LOST If dog la missing, call 1516. FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOB RENT OR SALE a aousee on . puBNISHED 3 and s-room apts: gar- oT . age. eo w lotn. FOR RENT House in Everette Coutt and Katherlne Court, Wt-t 1Kb St , unfurnished; for family of two; clean, modern, has electric range, breakfast nook set and plenty of cabinet work; large garage. Phone 33g. FOrt RENT 6-room modern furnish ed bouse. 319 North Peach. Phone 408-J-4. Fred 0. Sander. FOB RENT Clean. 6-room uoe. Basement, coo; room, bullt-lna. Oall 722 No. Riverside. Phone 1041-M FOR RENT 3-room partly furnished bouse, 25. inquire 238 S. Holly FOR RENT 6 rooms uniurniabed ex cept range: fireplace: near new high school Key at 146 8 Ivy FOR RENT 6-room modern furnish ed house. 927.50. Water paid. Ca'.l 023. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house Inquire at 223 N Riverside. I OH RENT 5-room furnished house, S. Orange. 364-Y or 1496. FOR RENT Home Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 17tf FOR RENT 4 to 6 room houses Phone 105. to N. Central. 4tf FOR RENT Furnished house. 1101 N Central. Inquire 939 N Central. WANTED Salesmen or women of good appearance, ambitious and full of pep: education uecessary If you are in earnest and ueed to make money, call forenoons after 9, Wed.. Thurs. and Friday, 327 8. Oakdale WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Capable person for general housework In private family: experi ence In cooking required. Mrs. F. Corning Kenly. Tel. 611-J-3. WANTED Mldille aged lady would work for room and board for bal ance of month. Box 8029. WANTED MALE IIELP RELIABLE man to take care store route, distribute and collect: ex perience unnecessary: earn excel lent weekly Income. Berland Pea nut Company, St, Paul, Minn. WANTED SITUATIONS HIOH SCHOOL girl wants work of any kind, nights and Saturdays. Phone 258-W. WANTED Practical nursing, catering or hour work of any kind: reference given. Tel. 345. HATS remodeled, plain sewing, mend ing. Nu-Sllver demonstrator. Tol 623-J. WANTED Housework by a capable and experienced woman. Tel. 43 f-x WANTED Young lady wishes posl. tlon In medical office or typing and bookkeeping In business of fice. All or part time. Box 1876. Mall Tribune. 7 ANTED Family washings. 50c to 61 also boui work Phone U69-X-3. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used washing machine In exchange for groceries. Phone I232-W. KNIflHT and Packard ex pert mechanic. Public Market Bldg., 27 So, Riverside Ave. WANTED Automatic water system, 200 or 400 gallons per hour; second hand. Phone 135 Monday morning between B and 9. WANTED House cleaning or day work. Phone 1345-x or B63-K. WE PAY CASH for used clothing. Jennings Loan Office. MARRIED Man with family wants equipped dairy ranob on shares Box 8011. Tribune. - FOR RENT Modern bouse ust out- aide city limits: 1 acres Call 849 WANTED 2nd hand goods We buy. trade and sell Berrvdale ind Hand Store. 1603 No Riverside RADIOS bought, sold and repaired - Service Electric Co. Ill so Holly Phone 1379 WANTED Washings washed and : ironed, 9o lb. Reasonable mending done If wished, phone 1393-X. LOCAL or long distance hauling. We guarantee to save you money. Ha-v-ley Transfer. 619 No. Riverside Phone 1044-X. WANTED Cars for wrecking at Big 4 1761 N Riverside. WANTED Household goods tools and lunk. or what nave you 7 Medford Bargain House. !7 N Orape St Phone 1062 tf" WILL buy good used tires, tubes. rims 1701 no Kiversiae TOR UAKDE.N and field plowing and. travel and sediment Tel 912-j. Samuel Bateman. tt FOB RENT BOtSES FOR RENT 5-room house, acre of bottom land. 28 Almond St. Tel. 906-L or call at 1016 B. Jackson. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house, modern. 322 No. Oakdsle or Phone 24-R. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house: 609 N. Riverside. Clean, fresh point ed; fine condition. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house. 6 blocks from new Washlng ton School Mi per month for tie winter. Call at 205 South Central. FOR RENT Modern 6-room dwelling Inquire 29 Kenwood. FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 618 No. Orape. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house: hardwood floors and butll-lns. Tel. 1496. FOR RENT Modern fi-room unfur nished borne, close In. at 315 So. Riverside. 425. Inquire at 325 9o. Riverside or Phone 701-J. i FOR RENT Furnished 5-room houe. : 1 wen located, pnone 643 or caii ! 666-W. evenings. FOR RENT 4-room modern hou. (lose la on pavement. Phone 625-W FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4-room furnished apt with garage. 641 Pine St.. 818. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room houne, 824, water paid. Inquire 314 Cot tage St. FOR RENT Furnished modern and semi-modern apartments; moderate rates. Call and see them. Sunrise Super Station, cor. 12th and River, side. Phone 1338. FOR RENT Modern 4-room duplex apt.: furnace, electrio range, elec tric refrigerator, garage. W. A. Gatea- Economy Groceteria, or Tel 442. FOR RENT Apartment, 808 W. Main. FOR RENT Apartment, Durrell Court, 329 No. Holly. FOR RENT 3-room apt. well fur nlshed, at 1205 E. Main. FOR RENT Furnished apts., 2 rooms and bath; prlvtae entrance; gar age. Call 1465. FOR RENT Front 1-room apt. and kitchenette. 1205 E Main. FOR RENT Apt: heat. 10 Quince. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt.; light, water ind garage: 915. 452-H FOR RENT "Best apartments in town" at Schuler Apts corner Btb and Oakdale. Phone 10&3 FOR RENT Apartments: low rent; 801 N. Central FURNISHED 3-rra. apts., clean, walk ing distance; lights ana water paw 343 No. Holly. FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and board. 339 South Central shone 1211. FOB RENT FURNISHED BOOMS MODERN furnished room, adjoining bath; family of 2. Board II desirea. 1417-X. FOR RENT Rooms from 88 up; 835 a month, room ana uicais. w So. Ivy. NICELY furnished sleeping room. Meals If desired. 507 s. oakdaie. PURN APTS. for rent, 96 a week Apply at Peoples Electrio store. LARGE, pleasant turr-lshed corner room; neat, airy; not ana cum water In room. 1205 E. Main. FOP RENT Sleeping room tor work ing lady. 123 uraond bt. MISCELLANEOUS FOR ESTIMATS on roofing with cedar shingle or JohnsMenvllls asbesfs or flexible ehtngies. call on BIG PINES LUMBER COMPANY. Tel. 1 FOR ROOF repairs Phone 629 or oall 119 N Fir St. FENDERS enameled. 98 to 913 Auto Beauty Shop. FURNITURE repairing, bnus-liu, cup board doors; anything made to or der. 34 S- Cenenu, near Pacific highway. Pnone 282. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DAIRY farm, 20 acres, pakt-up water right: south of Talent on Wagnir creek; cheap. Address Mrs. Mary E. Work, Talent. FOR SALE. TRADE OR KENT A stock ranch, all stocked I miles up Thompson creek, or write to L. J. Gober, Applegate, Ore. FOB SALE HOMES FOR RENT Modern sleeping rooms, 610 per month and up. 320 so. Riverside Ave. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store room. Ill No Riverside. Phone 848-L. FOR EXCHANGE 12-GA. REMINGTON bdl-brl. ham- merless shotgun. Trade lor oicycie. Box 386, Rt. 1, Central Point. TO EXCHANGE 2 city lots for good light car. Box B147, lTioune. FOR TRADE 160 A. unimproved land; 60 A. under irrlg.. a mi. aouwi of LaJunta. Colo., for Improved un lrrig. land near Medford. Address Mrs. Elsie Durham. R. 1. Box 63, Medford. Phone R-l-S-L. FOR EXCHANGE Modern country home, practically new; basement, furnace, bath, splendid view; close Millionaire Drive; 3 acres, fruit, berries, garden, plenty of shade. Price 83700: Want Medford resi dence, 5 or 6 rooms. Will assume. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 135 East Sixth St. Phone 1496. TO TRADE 1927 Dodje sport road ster and trailer, for 1 or lYi-bm truck. No model T Fords wanted. Geo. Hellmeyer, R. P. D. 1. Box 803. Ashland. Ore. WANTED To trade belters tor Guernsey bull 6 months to year old; 50 good ewes tor sale. Route 1, Box 43. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE Owing bo physical con dition we must lease our ssrvlce station, at once. One ot the best on . Pacific highway In Medford; three pumps and full equipment. If - terested see either E M. Alcock or A. Rowe at Sunrise Super Serv ice Station, cor. 13th and Riverside. FOR RENT OR SALE Service station and store. Good business for the right party. Tel. 423-L or 21 Gen FOR SALE Apt, nousa and nice building lot, 808 W Main 113 FOR SALE Own your own home. Why pay rent in Mediord wnen you can buy a modern, newly painted. 5-room house In Central Point for only 975 down and 935 month!;, worth 93000. Can buy for 91750, Call 873-J or 419-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In new o-room colonial Dungalow at big bargain. Will take farm tractnr or cows. Box 8051, Mall Tribune. FOR SA.LB Attractive homes Phone :05. SO N. Central. 4tf LOTS near new WashlnKton school. paved: from 8560 up; unpaved from 9250 up; large lots, clear title BROWN is WHITE, Realtors. FOR SALE TRUCKS FOR SALE Good 1-ton truck with 10 speeds forward. Your own terms Phone 1044-X. FOR SALE 1926 Chev. truck; or trade for light coupe. Phone 1389 FOR SALE 3 model 1 Ford trucks; one with Ruxtell axle and one with gear ahlft and 14-ft trailer. G. B. Trlbett, Rogue River, Rt. 1. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Cheap, 3 brood sows, 3 feeder pigs, or trade for saddle horse, or 13-gauge Winchester pump shotgun, c. S. Mcculloch. Talent, Wagner Creek road. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. W. W. Gregory. Crater Lake highway. FOR SALE Thorougab.ed Guernsey bull, 2 yrs old Phone 301-R-8. FOR 8ALB POULTRY FOR SALE A few Austrolorp pullets and lew k. 1. Red puiiets; aiso one purebred Cornish game cock G. W. Dewey. Route 1, Box 368, Central Point, near Agate school. FOR SALE 35 Red pullets. Mrs . Dressier. Phone 1569-u FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1926 Star touring, ex. cellent condition. Bargain. Call at 414 S. Riverside. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Late model sport road ster; 6 wire wheels, rumble seat; perfect shspe; Just overhauled and valves ground. Deal with ownf-r direct. Address Box P. O, Mill Trlbuns. SCHERER'S WEEK-END SPECIALS 1937 Bulck Sedan asss 00 1926 Bulck Touring 195.00 1930 Bulck Roadster . 985.00 1323 Cadillac Touring 185.00 1926 Essex Coach 85.00 Prices Include License. SCHERER MOTOR CO. 138-30 So. Riverside. Open Sundays and Evenings. Tel. 78 FOR SALE Cheap, used sedan, newly painted. Big pines bumnei co. FOR SALE 8 cows, 4 oelfers, also mower, rake, hay wagon, barrow, etc. Best offer takes it. F Senn, 3U, miles south of Ashland on highway. WHEN you think ot real estate, think 01 Brown dc wnite. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Canning peaches. Bring boxes. mile west rnoenix on Calhoun road. G. E. Carpenter. FOR SALE One 95 heater, cheap Inquire at 904 W. 10th. , 9145 CIRCULATING heater, Used 3 months. Will sacrifice at 497.50 Will accept old heater at reason able price. FOR SALE Set of Spalding register ed golf clubs with bag: cheap If sold at once. 189 Harrison St.. Ashland. FOR SALE Threshed third cutting alfalfa fertilizer, also wheat and shelled com, last year's crop. Phone 63S-J-4. Otto Nledermeyer. FOR SALE Wood, hard and soft mix ed, 93.00. Write M. F. Barlow, Tal ent. FOR SALE One day bed . Wood heater Refrigerator One bedstead . One rocker -830 00 . 13.00 8.00 4 50 2.50 Drestng table - 6 00 Lawn mower, hose, shovels and many other useful articles. 520 So. Central. ' Phone 838- FOR SALE One 3nd hand 6-hoie steel range, w15. H. J. Merklee, Crater Lake highway. Eagle Point, FOR SALE Good orchard run Bart. letts, suitable for canning. Sgobel 6s Day. FOR Jonathans call 1122-R. FOR SALE 15-foot well cabinet with drawera and storage spsce, A bar. gain. Call at Mall Tribune offUs. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Dalton Bros., Phone 623-R-l. FOR SALE! Plenty petite prunes th:s week ana next, ic id. pick tnem yourself. No picking Sunday, r S. Carpenter. Jacksonville highway. FOR SALE 3 burner oil stove, 94.00; two all wool overcoats, like new size 13 years, 43 50 each. 116 Wr lamette Ave, FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Universal range, warming oioset. not water connections. 912 for quick sale. 960-J-5. BUSINESS DIRECTOR! FOR dALE Bed. spring, mattress. sanitary couch, rocker, dining room set. Monarch all-steel coal or wood range; all excellent condition; cheap. Phone 194, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 6-gallon tlr kegs, 60c each; gallon jugs, 30q each, Qold Seal Creamery. PO? SALE Grapes, Missions, Tokays. Oeary orchard, orltlen creek. BEST lump coal, 413 and 916.60 per ton, any time. Mea. ruei uo. rei. 631. FOR SALE Mission wine and Jelly grapes; also Sweetwater and Tokaya 3o lb. Manke ranch, 3 miles wont and 1 south of Medford. T. L. Reedy. FOR SALE Fine Winter Banana cull apples. Sgoble and Day. FOR SALE; Tomatoea lo; pick them yourseix. sprlngbrook Farm Fol low arrows from Buckshot corner and Crater Lake highway. BALED alfalfa bay ot highest qual ity. Kogue tuver uo. pnone 1300 FOR SALE Nearly new upright piano, excellent condition. Priced right. 243 8. Grape. FOR SALE Refrigerator, cveam sep arator, saaaies, tools ana ocner articles Must sell. 406 Bern art. FOR SALE Complete trap drum out fit with cases (Ludwig Riaito) 9(5. 1131 W. 10th. FOR SALE Used sewing ms chines, all makes. 15 up; terms If desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Maehlne Co., 34 North Bartlett, tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts MURRAY ABSTRACI CO. Ab stracts of Title. Title Insurance Rooms I and 6, No. II North Central Ave., upstairs JACKSON CO. ABST1CAOT CO. bstraifa of Title and Title Insurance rbe 'July complete Title system la Jackson County. Furniture tte pairing FURNITURE RE Uc-HOLSTEKElJ re-flnlsbed, re-glued, we cam full line of upholstering sam ples. A. N. Thlbault. Tel. 9-R Financial WE LEND MONEY to worthy pso pie to pay thelt honest debts. Pa cific Coast Credit Association. 4J1 Medford tilde Medford, Ore. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB OEPARTMEN1 Best equipped plant in southern Oregon; printing of all kinds; book , binding loose leaf lodgers and blanks, billing systems, duplicating cash sales slips ani everything In ins printing line. 3ts-ao n. uraps Phone 78, Glass MEDFORD PLATE) GLASS CO. Auto glass while you wait. Glass for ell purposes. Phone 444. Iltf Money to Loais ' f fJ Long; Time Lo. RuU Estate J fj elortirage Loeae ' S Phone 1831 Oommerolnl Flimnce Corp. Melford. Oregon WB LOAN MONEY on furniture and late model autos. Three per cent ner month on unpaid bai anoe. No other oharges. Corns . in and get the sasb today, see W. E. Thomas, 328 W. 6th St. Painting and Paperhanguig M. A. BLISS A COMPANY Point. Ins. paperhanging and Interim finishing 802 Crater Lake Are Phone 1604. 41 ground floor Holly Theater Bldg Piano Instruction FRED ALTON cLAlGHT Teaohet of piano. Classloa) and pop u 11 muslo courses. Height Musli Studio. S18 Liberty Bldg Tel II Aooonntnnte WILSON AUDITING COMPANI Tax and Corporation Counselors Auditors and Accountants. S M. Wilson, C. P. 4 Liberty Bid Phone I57-H. Expert Wtndo Cleaners LET OEOKUB DO il Tel 1171 Houce uleanlng FI001 waxing Oriental rug cleaning, special!) Chiropractic ft lysines) DK. IS. W HOFFMAN Chlro . practlo Nerve Specialist Offlot hours 9 to 13. 1 to 6 801 201 Liberty Bids Offins Phone 480 Res. Phone 731-H. MRS. E. H. BINNS. TEACHER OF Piano. Studio 326 King St. Special attention given to beginners. Tel. 003-B. Radio Service, RADIO SERVICE ..u any makt radio H. O. Pu-uoner ill Weal Main St Office Phone IS5 residence 144 2 EXPERT rndlo repalilng on all makes 01 sets. Ben L. Hiuier, pnone 437-L. Iluofliig. STANDARD ROOFING CO. Bulldsts of water-tight roofs Estimates and inspection without charge. 10th and Fir St. Tel. 1077. 11 n il- -1 Hand and liravel 0 A HARTLEY- land and Grave jiant Clean washed sand and gravel, oruehsd gravel, all elsee rnone piani isus. or rxnoe 117 THE NEBBS The City Fathers By SOL HESS TttVIKI O.Of(S FOR POOR COP, FOR FALUM ASLEEP AMD LETTIWG THa PRIZE PRISONER ESCAPe o 9-21 THATS A tIKje "N Ahpli , He:S -Tup r VJMAT SOD GOT " f POLICEMA.M1! VOURE a N. " ALOEPMANJ !!? BOTW OP VOO i . ALL "V. I CHIEF OF POUCE maSorS COUSIM t l """"AT UMIFORM VpouCEr-IAM VWWEM KIS. DOfsIT SOU EVER DOME IS TO SOTO TWe CS &OT -TMS VERV ALUJS said THERE V OM FER T-SMMERE'S AwEED CMS. I'M TELLIMS MEETlMSS A0JO F1MD FAULT. ALWAVJ , FIRST TIME. AJE SIT M ,AS too MUCH 0 SO'R OTAR?WueRES)you I'M A ALDERMANJ MERE I OBOECTIM'- SOU COT A POUCEMAJO I R2Al- PRISOISER, S POLITICS IIO Tula JISCR PISTOL.?- AKJD 1 rjOWT CARE A DIW6 vajOOKIM' MOORS A DAV AMD BECAUSSl J WEf;r tOnaJM WERE HE Arf? f ?I J.JSS J HE TAKES A LITTLE NJAP, VOU VAANIT TO J -VfoCAPe jrf X"comes mow rVh IS PYS fire coosiw tol6 me that at L SSSpS tern"2r- in IrfWfW ii. evekv coumol meetiw' he had to r-Q il E BliSINKSS DIRECTORS Storage WAREHOUSING Storage, Distri bution Medford warehouse. Ill South Front St. Phone 111. Transfer DAVIS TRANSFER STORAGE. Ssrvlce cuaranteed 10 B. Orape St., Phone 144. i residence '060. BADS TRANSFER 4s STORAGE CO. Office 1016 No. central. Phone 816. Prices rl -tat Service guarantsed. REINKINO TRUCKING 8ERVICS iransrer ana asuuos: ui as kinds Office 101 South rroni SL Phons 131. Typewriter Repairing MUTT AND JEFF Mutt Loses a Million Dollar Bet By BUD FISHER VHHVT PUTRID ARCHER 1 AW,MUTT- I fj'LC BCT A. MILUOM 11"-- "1 f.,. t,iu1ic I U1VP. A SCO Mac. r COOLO p L (tjollARS TO N0TH.WS LJfx l rr H ( eciWPmQ DO BETTeR. VIITH r- YOOAWWOV ) THAT TOO DibrsCT J Sl M"K"M-Jj riGHT- tV iCFF. TOU'Rfe I 'fOURt Z;JylJF s JjS rAT VS SHOT. rJ rAC SOrAe-TMlNS ( BULL'S 35 -11 TH WORLft'S VOORST RIGHT. .-JU TOOVfc AWFUL; J TCRRlBLej- ev;6 60T OF TH ) 0 ' 1 ARCHCRt OOWAHl J i TetHeejJ 1" 7 1 TN ARROWS J r ST La 1 rf!5&aii.-.'l iin-Htii.iacr,i. w shim itfTik 'i(.Rrr.. rm.. I " j ALL MAKES typewriters overhauled and repaired. Free estimates given. All work called for and delivered. Telephone A. Mluer, 4M-R. Violin Instruction THORVAL H. FOLKENBERt Teach. er of violin ensemble ana reaie practice tor students. Instruments furnished. Studios. S and 4 College ul 81 N. Grape St. Tel. H69-J. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (continued from page 8) J. O. Smith, labor... F. D. Ntherland. labor H. F. DeArmond. lumber O. X. Gates Auto Co, parts. E. R. parsons, driver.- Provost Bros., repairs Knut sen brldlto Shell OH Co., supplies..... SUndard OH Co., supplies. Union Oil Co., supplies Fermln Zana, right of way. John E. Smith, supt. con struction -..i. - W. L. Wright, truck driver... 0. L. Dusenberry, powdermsn 1. E. Merrltt, foreman.. M. P. Pence, labor. O. L. Smith, cat. driver Geo. Smith, cat. driver Air Reduction Sales Co.. acetylene - - Colyear Motor Sales Co, gear California Oregon Power Co., . moving power line . .. Howard-Cooper Corp.. greaso. Mrs Eva Peters, garage rent. John E. Smith, mileage Trowbridge Cabinet Works, lumber . - Western Read Mchy. Co, crusher plate .. Medford Lbr. Co., cement. Roland A Smith, transltman Wm Bruin, road master dep. ut-y Wm. Fox. truck driver..... Tom Lamb, truck driver..... Al Hopkins, lsbor and team. J.. Williams, labor and team. E.. Hopkins, labor......,..... V. Hopkins, labor.....,, Sam Ohllders, labor....,.. Robt.. Finney, labor...;..... William Edens, bridge car penter ........ ........... Lyal Hartman, bridge car- penter - Wesley Hartman, bridge car. peuter ........... W. M. Tetherow, supervisor.. Henry Meyer, truck driver Joe Rutrer, labor.... . Henry Miller, graderman.. Jack Thrasher, foreman... Jack Clark, cat, driver L. J Blgham, graderman., Lus Loffler, labor.. A. Wattenberg, cat. driver..,; A. Wattenberg, eat. driver wm. perry, supervisor... A. Wattenberg, cat. driver A. Pelle, powdermen...... E. i. stoweu, truck driver. Lorraine Tolls, truck driver. Geo. W. Trusty, truck driver. Weston Miller, truck driver. a. W. Penes, truck driver.. A. wattenberg, ear hire......... Paul B. Rynnlng, engineer salary Lester E. Smith, draftsman Eina oneiard . atenosranhar Thoe. Rose berry, master me chanic .......... R. J. Rlnabarer, mechanlo.. B. H. Moulton. watchman A. c. buss, watchman.. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus bv COn.f-1 Can't stamd itamt! lomger- rv cot to "Smoke- doctors oroers or too DOCTORS ORDERS- rr I'LL. ClT AWAY OP HERE IM TH 1 MOUMTAIM& SO WO OME WILL SEE ME SMOK'M - 1 stiirt Vrrtee. 1. flr.rt Brf lain rlptili rerH. IF MACGlE FOUND OUT-SHED KIL.UME IF SHE KMV WOZ IMJURIN' ME HEALTH r 1 RATS', t FOR0OT TO BRING A MATCH- $k i P.. W. Crawford, mechanlo E. H. Morse, blacksmith. w. j. Burnidge, driver.. L. A. Esrlv. welder Henry Maps ton, meohanlo. R. N. Finney, compressorman jnie wimer, erusnerman.. H. L. Sears, graderman . Chas. Dooms, shovelrunner. Harold Tolle. driver.... D. O. Modrell, foreman. John Moulton, driver , Ed stuiwell, shovelrunner. R J. Knight, driver. O. R. Adamson, driver. Loralne Tolle. driver. L. D. Frye, dumpman.. Wm. Bruin, mileage Mli- Wesley Hartman, mlleafrs., W. M. Tetherow. mileage.... Jack Thrasher, mileage., vmi rerry, mileage ........ Clyde Equipment Co., sup. pues .....,... . . A. O. Clements, material W. L. Chlldrath, blacksmith lne .... Eagle Point Oarage, labor . Ashland Lumber Co, lumber Auto Supply Parts Co. supplies - Colyear Motor Sales, gaskets California Oregon Power Co. shCD service . - J. A. Denn Pdr. Co., stump. ing - Esgle Point Irrlg. Dlst. In stsillng pips Frsd J. Flck. hsrdwsrs.-. Hubbard Bros, tools. Horns Tel. Tel. Co., tel. shops - Koke-Chapman Co, engineer supplies ........ Llttrsll Parts Co.. supplies... Loggers tt Con. Mchy. Co. speeder parts Medford Service Station, tlrse Medford Con. Cons. Co. cul verts ...... ..... Medford Furn. A Hdw.. tools Office Stationery at Supply Co., engineer's supplies Owen-Oregon Lbr. Co., fir... Portland Oxygen Hydro Co. oxygen . - Shell Oil Co. supplies Wlthsm Super Service, grease Stats Industrlsl Accident Com. Insurance Total 18,808.81 BOUNTY REPORT Karl . Anderson. 14 38 11.18 8.48 7.85 39.08 1.05 51.83 791.63 807.38 50.00 107.82 . 75 SI 71.84 85.31 35.63 94.81 76.J3 11.60 4.86 ism 43.9? I. 50 54.65 11.00 ' 17.39 18.46 100.74 139.74 99.78 82.94 17.98 19.33 8.88 9.58 18.95 34.98 3.99 11M 107.08 91.04 68 84 ft .57 . 4 .09 165.14 10.-4 103.74 73 87 33 48 40.41 84 3 81.48 33.94 108 74 91.T7 88.34 63 80 79.80 3.50 380.91 184 31 105.00 181.74 139.74 93.38 130.78 94.81 114.00 109.81 116 88 119.78 85.78 117.36 114.38 95.83 133.35 3130 1466 81.69 100 63 13.73 34.43 63 80 II. 36 10.45 70.30 60.48 90.60 13.38 13.10 6.45 4.78 804 6.67 46.86 6.78 97.30 1085 5.10 10-6 1.30 8 93 78.94 31.66 138.70 1J6 8 98 159.48 1104 39469 1.00 191.88 Leslie R. Markham. Walter Hash T. A. Spltamlller Msry Smith ... R, Oardner, Jr Bd ward Baer 1. T. Lovsll John Sultesr Oeo. M. Bryan.. R. O. Morslock.. Ben Das-son . 8. T. Hollopeter.. W. R. Johnston.., W. R. Rolman. O. A. Rowden. 8.00 6.00 9 UO 1.00 3.00 800 6.00 6.00 8.00 800 600 3.00 600 3.00 8.00 8.00 463.00 DELXL1A STEVENS METER. Count- Clerk.