Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 19, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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Local and
l Leave for School i!lu Juanlta!
' Dftnuner left totUy for Eugene to
oontlnue her course at the University
? of Oregon. i
Spent Dsy tn City Mn. M. D.
.- O'Nell and daughter were among the
: Klamath Ft.ll resident spending
Friday in this city.
Mrs. Hart Be turns Mrs. Floyd
: Bart returned to Medford by train
yesterday from Ban Francisco, where
she spent several days.
Nell son Families VUlt Mr. and
! Mrs. George Kellson were guests last
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nell
son, Sr., and family at Frultdale, Jose
phine county.
Pet Fawn Killed A fawn, one of a
pair which have been pets about the
power house In Ashland canyon this
summer, was killed a few nights ago
1 by a wildcat.
Here Short Time Gene Simpson
and son John of Corvallls visited In
; Medford and Ashland Thursday with
. friends, stopping off while en route
to Lakevlew.
- To Engene Mrs. John Orth and
daughter, Miss Dorothy, left today
v on the Shasta for Eugene, where Miss
i . Orth will enter the University of
Oregon as a freshman.
Jl Flowers at Chamber Mrs. Flora
Welch of 1208 East Eleventh street,
has supplied the Chamber of Com
; meree building with another group of
.' beautiful bouquets. Asters and glad-
- loll in several colors are Included.
v Business Visitors Mrs. Velma Bauer
kf Adrlenne's shop and Mrs. Fern
enort ox ine tieawoooa oeauiy par-
lor were business visitors in Medford
. Thursday from Grants Pas.
, ; From state Metropolis Guests
: from Portland at local hotels Include
W. D. Harrison, Hansel Miller, 0. F.
j Hansel, Mr. and Mrs. h. Combs,
; F. M. Blake, C. C. Bar P. Roop
: and H. E. Dirks. .
-l . .
j Seattle Visitors Seatle guests at
,' .Medford hotels Include C. L. Brown,
' ; B. L. Stevenson, J. L. Brlsbots, S.
-: Stineman, W. W. Guldenger, W. A.
Dramond, Don R. Rolph, W. J. Mc
'Adams and J. H. Sherman.
. . .
Tourists from Distant Chlcagoans
. predominate In the list of guests
' from a distance registered at Medford
: hotels with the following from the
big Illinois city: Mr. and Mrs. Vlo-
itor Allen, John R. Dudley, Walter
j iHarrls, Sherman Taylor, Jas. Frank,
? 'Clarence Benson, M. J, Brown, c. R.
'Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
:Kyhl. Others from distant points
j I included Mr. and Mrs. W. B. West
1 'i and James W. Stewart of Phoenlt,
;t sArla., Miss M. Moeeley and A. A,
Prels of New York City, Mrs. M. La
. -Meslee of Wellesley, Mass., and George
. M, Yeatman of St. Louis, Mo.
t Richard Roberta, 18-year-old Boy
Scout of troop 8, will be awarded
the Eagle rank at court of honor, to
be held at the courthouse Monday at
8 p. m. The Eagle Is the highest
rank In scout progress, awarded after
one year's service ss a first-class
scout. The handbook sets forth the
requirements as "a record of a year's
(satisfactory scout service. Involving
tne practice or trie oath and law, the
motto and the dally good turn."
A scout eligible to the Eagle rank
must pass 31 merit badges, 11 of
which are In required subjects In
cluding first aid, life saving, cooking
and civics. This Is the first eagle
awarded In Medford since , early
A life badge will be awarded to
Raymond Erlckson, also of troop 3.
He Is going up for merit badges also.
There will be a great many awards
of merit badges, scouts coming from
Jacksonville, Phoenix, Talent and
Ashland for this court of honor, the
first since camp closed,
i All applications must be at head
quarters before 5 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Judge Alex Sparrow will
preside, with Colonel W. H. Falne,
chairman of the local court of honor
committee, giving the awards. The
publlo Is cordially Invited to attend
this court.
Extra Bill Booked
l kFor Holly Tonight
The Holly offers Its patrons a spec
ial added attraction for tonight
Those who attend the second show
tonight at 8 o'clock are Invited to
remain as guests of the Holly, to we
a return showing of "She's My
Weakness," with Arthur Lake and
Rue Carol.
I This clever comedy played the
Solly for two days, some time ago.
tat being near the holidays, there
vers many patrons who did not see
t, The clever work of Arthur Lake
n "Indiscreet" will make everyone
inxloue to see him In one of his
lest pictures. Those attending the
eeond show tonight will also we
he last showing of "Night Nurse,"
h) sensational feature starring Bar
ra Stanwyck. At 8 o'clock tonight
he Holly will show two pictures for
be price of one.
Dorothy Mackalll. the screen's fav
rlte modernist, comes to the Holly
anioi row In her latest starring ve
kle. "Party Husband."
Brill Sheet Metal Works does ex
sr repairing, fendsr and auto body
.Cut flowers Crego asters, clnnlas.
To doss. Mrs. Dresslei HOT E. Main
Broken windows glazed bjt Trow
rldge Csblnet Works.
Ho daoos at Cold HW.
Gets 8-Polnter Dr. B. ST. Lm re
turned Friday from a hunting trip
near Alturas, Cel., when ha bagged
a big eight-point buck.
Now Using Cratch Bern Lattlken
of the Applegate district, who Shot
himself through the foot recently, ts
now able to get around on crutches.
The accident occurred when the gun
Lettlken was holding accidentally
Oregonlans at Hotels -Among Ore
gon guests at Medford hotels are Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Weeks of Pendleton,
B. B. Barnes and family, Claude Clay
ton of Tiller and the following from
Eugene: J. S. Harper, a. Br Johnson,
W. D. HoUingworth, B. S. Heydenburg.
N. Favors, I. W. Hays and D. H. Wil
son. Leave for Hnnt Court Hall and
Bill O'Hara left Friday morning for
the Lakevlew region, where they will
join hunters In pursuit of the mule
deer Sunday morning. Harry Hansen
and Drs. Jerry and Bob VanValsaa
will leave tonight tot Union Creek
to await the opening of the season.
Egan Spoofs Reporters Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Bgan of Medford were hare
yesterday, and at the Portland hotel.
Mr. Egan Is one of the bright and
shining stars of the American, golf
heavens, but bad little to say about
the game when he first arrived. He
may prepare a statement for the
press later. The oregoman.
New Building Permits Four more
building permits were Issued late
yesterday and today at the city ouua.
Ing department, Including one to
Frank Elsie. 48 Myers street, to con
struct a shed costing $45. Remodel
ing and repair work will be done at
1009 East Main street, to cost
according to a permit Issued Marlon
Lance, Fifty dollars will be expend
ed on the Palm-Nledermeyer build
ing at 101 East Main street, for tho
repair of a fire wall, oostlng $50.
Caltfornlans at Hotels Included
among the California vacationists at
Medford hotels are Mr. and Mrs. I.
D. Qtfford, Mrs. N. M. Hasrlson, El'
lston Harrison of Pasadena, J. H. Pal.
mer and party of Petaluma, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. S. K,
Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shrlner.
Ed H. Hunting, Herbert Elster of Los
Angeles, Mrs. J. F. Day and daughter
of Bakersfleld, L. W. Seeman of Kl
Monte, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hatch, H.
S. Anderson, H. A. Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. S. M. Condle, T. R. McCrady of
San Francisco. Jim Ramsay,' Bob Ful
ler, Tagg Atwood of San Bernardino.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Martin and Mrs,
Mable Ragsdale of, Mrs. M.
Lund and Mrs. J. W. Llnklnson yt
Santa Cruz, Mrs. D. J Desmond and
Miss Eileen Desmond of Sacramento,
W. I. Leech, Mrs. Otis Hoyt of Long
Beach, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell
and Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Marcour of
Anaheim. (
The Medford Realty board, at a
meeting yesterday endorsed the ma
jority report of its committee favor
ing a sales taxv but declined to en
dorse the minority report of J. O,
Barnes, who stood firm for a $1500
exemption for homes owned and oc
cupied by the owners.
The committee was composed of
Ed H. Janney, Carl Y. Tengwald, and
J. O. Barnes.
The majority report simply en
dorsed the principles of the Income
tax, without details.
The Barnes, or minority report,
explained the proposed working of
the sales tax at length.
The resolution follows:
"Resolved: That the Medford Real
ty Board Is In favor of the Inaugura
tion of a sales tax In the state of
Oregon based on a graduated scale,
said sales tax to relieve the present
property taxes of the state.
"Resolve further: That In creation
of said sales tax the aim and purpose
of the same is to effect relief for the
heavily burdened property owners,
and that It Is In no sense created
for the purpose of providing any ad
ditional revenue, other tjban such
revenue as exists at the present
World Mystery Hit
Fox Rialto Sunday
"Oullty Hands" comes to the Fox
Rialto 3unday for a three-day run.
What with Bayard Velller having
written It, Lionel Barrymore acting
and w. s. van Dyke as its director,
this mystery drama packs everything
It needs. It ts swift, thrilling and
climaxed with $ startling Incident
that comes with the sudden jolt of a
thunder clap. Weird effects abound,
eerie camera shots, terrifying screams,
all have their place In the macabre
atmosphere In which Venter's latest
offering hU first original for the
talkies Is placed.
Sally Eilers Star
Craterian Picture
Youth Impulsive, high strung,
daring, groping Its unconscious way
through frivolous flirtations, risque
romances, seeking for itself the st
ent of life. . Such Is the theme of
"Bad Olrl." the film vrslon of Vlena
Delmar's sensational novel, the story
that has been read by millions, which
opens at the Fox Craterian for a
three-day engagement, starting Sun
day. Saliy Kllers selected from the pick
of Hollywood stars, play "Dot." the
bad girl, and James Dunn, already
acclaimed the most Important male
discovery since Charles Farrell, "Ed
die." her boy friend.
Phone 643 We'n baul away your
refuse. City Sanitary Samoa,
A capacity crowd frosted Evangelist
BUI Shannon at the big tent last
night. It was a thrilling sight to
look Into that sea of faoss, old and
young, fathers, mothers, sons and
daughters all eagerly listening to the
evangelist ss hs poured forth one
broadside attar another In defense of
that most sacred Institution on earth
the home. Shannon did not mince
words. He spoke straight from the
shoulder, and with telling effect.
He said In part: "From the home
flow the streams of Influence that
make for good or bad In the life
of the city. No city can rise hlghisr
or sink lower than Its homes. Money
does not make the borne, It Is char
acter that counts for most, but the
big business of this age seems to be
the building of fortunes rather than
the building of character. The home
mskes the character of tne rising
generation and' determines the des
tiny of the nation. If the home Is
right the nation will be right."
The evangelist believes that the
Bible Is the only safe guide for the
direction of the affairs of the home.
Qod says: Children, obey your par-'
ents, and children who do not obey
the parents will not obey the law of
the land. We have In our homes
an unspanked generation and much
of the lawlessness of this, day Is due
to a lack of discipline In the home.
Some parents tie up their thorough
bred dog and let their kids run loose.
They save the dog and lose the chil
dren. The most practical and com
mon sense means of teaching basic
lessons to children is the good old
fashioned spank." -
The audience was greatly pleased
with the special number by the
chorus choir and the solo by DeVere
Penhollow. The playing of Mrs. Coe
on the piano is thrilling and Inspir
ing. Dr. Eaton, pastor of the First
Baptist church led In the evening
Tonight Shannon will speak on,
"America's Greatest Need," and on
Sunday night the subject will be,
"The Tragedy of the Ages."
Special program will be presented
at the regular school hour at the
Presbyterian ohurch. September 30,
Mrs, Maynard Putney has charge
of the promotion exercises for the
Junior department, with the follow
ing departmental superintendents as
sisting: Mrs. Belle LlttreU, cradle
roll, assisted by Mrs. Ada Brown
Mrs. Evan Miller, beginners, assisted
by Mrs. Frank Ray; Miss Helen Bullls,
primary, assisted by Mrs. Verl Walker,
Rally day usually brings back from
vacation a large number of pupils
and plans are made tc take cars of
a large number of children. The
senior department has a new teacher
this year, Mrs; W. B. Tumy taking
charge of the younger high school
lrls. Mrs. H. D. Remington has
charge of the older girls; Mr. Porter,
senior boys.
Intermediate department has Mrs.
Frank R. Haggerty as superintendent.
- The juniors, with Mr. and Mrs. at
A. Putney . will conduct a mission
study class and present a pageant at
Christmas time, singing carola as
usual. This will be In. addition to
the required work.
The primary department will have
Miss Helen Bullls as superintendent.
Mrs. verl Walker as assistant.
Mrs. LlttreU Is cradle roll superin
Rer. O. B. Porter will present dl
plomas to the graduating classes. A
special Invitation Is extended to
everyone wishing to join.
We sincerely hops that all our
members and friends have, had an
opportunity to enjoy a delightful
vacation. Your hearty co-operation
in tne activities of the church will
now prove squally pleasant and
profitable. "I was glad when they
said unto me, Let us go Into the
House or the Lord."
Our rally day Is set for Sunday,
September 30. Rally to your church.
Let It be known that you stand
fearlessly for her principles. Dr.
Funk will give his lecture on "The
World As It Ought to Be" at the
hour of worship, 11 a.m. The pub
llo Is cordially Invited to attend.
A new department has been added
to the Presbyterian Sunday school.
Mrs. Ada Brown, with two assistants,
will take care of the children of any
parents who wish to attend the
church services on Sunday morning.
Children will be oared for In the de-
llghtful, well equipped beginners'
room. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to all to take advantage of
the privilege.
The Scoop of the Season
The Greatest rilm Bemtion
Since th Talkies Were Born!
Elected Coadjutor
J. ioniums fress CSela
Rev, Dr. Frederick O. Bttejlasig,
ector of Christ ohurch, Greenwich,
lonn, was sleeted bishop eesdjuter
of the Episcopal dloeeee ef CennaaU
sut, -
St Mark's Episcopal.
Corner Oakdale and 8th St.
8 a. m, Holy communion.
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11:15 a.lm. Holy communion.
Wm. B. Hamilton, Rector.
Fall Gospel church,
Newtown St., near Main.
R, D. Streyffeler, pastor.
Morning worship, 11 a.m. Subject
'Christian Warfare."
Evangelistic service, 7:45.
You are welcome.
Butte Falls Church.
Preaching services at Butte Falls
Sunday, September 30. . Morning
service, "Lost Blessings." Evening
service, "Entreating Christ" at 7:00
o'clock, .
Sunday school at 10 a m. and
Christian Endeavor at 8:15 p.m.
Wagner Creek Missionary Baptist
Talent, Ore. C. H. Fredenburg, pas
tor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
The subject of the evening sermon
will be "The Second Coming of
English Lutheran Church.
Fourth at Oakdale Ave.
"Where the way Is Made Plain"
This Is rally day In the ohurch
and Sunday school. The pastor will
speak on "The World As It Ought
to Be," at 11 a.m.
The Bible school begins at 10:16
a.m., with classes for all ages.
Pilgrim Holiness Church.
Corner of Bartlett and E. 4th Sts.
Sunday school, 8:45 a.m.
Morning worship, 11 a.m.
Peoples' meeting. 7 p.m.
Evangellstlo service, 7:46 p.m.
Prayer meeting Wednesdays, 7:30
Our attendance has Increased so It
Is necessary to get a larger place
of worship. Ws ars glad for ths new
location, as there Is adequate space
for all departmental of the church.
We Invite you to attend the services
W. Marvin Gilliam, pastor.
Valley Radio Church.
Broadcasting from studio XMED
every Sunday night between 6:00 and
This service has been dedicated
to the pastor. Bill Ray,, founder of
this pioneer church of the air, who
will preach a requested message
before leaving for southern Cali
fornia. Subject: "Building Altars and
Pitching Tents."
Special requested song by Mrs.
Raymond Doran, Mildred Hutchlna
Lulu Saulsbury, Joyoe Doran and
Virginia Flck at piano.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract society.
Broadcasting a lecture by Judge
Rutherford over KMED every Sunday
morning from 10 to 10:15. These lee.
tures are given by electrical tran
scription and the subject of the one
Sunday, September 30tt Is: "Judg
ment of Christians."
Jehovah's wltnessee meet tor study
every Sunday morning at 10:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Bailey, 103 Mistletoe street and every
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Anna Brewer, 717
South Central avenue. All Interested
In Watch Tower Bible study are wel-
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
East Main street and Portland ave
nue. H. H. Young, pastor.
No morning services Sunday.
Evening service Sunday at 6 o'clock.
"Jezebel, the Most Wicked Woman In
the Bible," theme of ths sermon.
Choir meets after services for re
hearsal. The strangers are always weloom
tn our services.
Our Sunday school Is In process of
organization. "Bring up your chil
dren tn the nurture and admonition
of the Lord," so Ood spesks to the
fathers. How else can the parents do
this unless they teach the children
the fear of the Lord? The ohurch
wants to assist the parents In this
duty. Make use of the splendid In
stitution of the Sunday school. Send
f o v v ?a
V:'.- -V; ' "' 'V?m
your children to Sunday school. Par
ents who would like to enroll their
children In the Lutheran Sunday
school will kindly confer with the
pastor at 10 Portland avenue.
First Baptist Chnrch.
W. H. Baton, minister.
8:46 a jai Sunday school.
11 a. m.. Morning worship.
6:30 p. m. Young People's groups.
7:30 p. m.. Evening service at the
tent, two blocks north of tbs churcn.
Mr. Shannon will be ths preacher at
both morning and evening services,
and Mr. Penhollow will direct the
music and sing solos at both serv
ices. The evangelistic serrloes at ths
tent will continue all next week,
every ev-nlng at 7:30, except Mon
day. A cordial welcome la extended to
Msln Street Methodist Church, South
N. D. Wood, pastor.
Our program for Sunday and the
week tallowing Is as foUows:
Sunday "hool, :8tS a.m.
Sermon L the pastor, U am.
Ep worth League worship service,
7:00 p.m.
Evangellstlo service, led by the
pastor, 8 p.m.
Tuesday. 8:80 p.m.. there will be
a covered dish dinner, and get-together
meeting at which time we
welcome our new presiding elder.
Rev. R. H. Waldraven and his wife.
We an anxious that all of our
church workers, members and friends
of the church, attend this meeting
Rev. Waldraven will give an ad
dress, snd we will have a good so
cial time. -
Free Methodist Chnrca.
Corner Tenth and Ivy.
E. N. Long, pastor.
Splendid congregations hare been
In attedanoe at the services. We
appreciate the good spirit and fel
lowship. The pastor will be pleased to greet
anyone without a church home and
give a warm welcome.
We plan a big day In the Sunday
school for rally day, September 37.
If you are not In attendance else
where, plan to be with us.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:45.
Mid-week prayer service Thursday
evening. .
First Christian Church
Ninth and Oakdale Sts.
W. R. Balrd, Minister
Bible School at 8:46 a. m, M. E.
Olson, superintendent.
Morning worship begins at 10:50.
- Anthem, "Be Joyful In the Lord.
Sermon subject. "A Vacant Chair."
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m.
The evangellstlo service beings at
8 o'clock. Special music by the choir
under the direction of Elfle Herbert
' Anthem, "All Hall Immanuel"
Vocal solo, "Be With Os Still."
Oenevleve Brown.
Sermon sublect. "A Great Trazedv
of the Sea."
First Church of Christ, Scientist
. Authorized branch of The Mother
Church, The First Church of Ohrlst,
Sclentlcst, In Boston, Msss,
Ssrvloes are held every Sunday at
11 o'clock, church edifice, 313 North
Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Sep
tember 30, "Matter."
Sunday school at 8:46. Applicants
under the age of 30 may be admitted.
Wednesday evening meetings, which
are testimonies of Christian Science
healings, at 8 o'clock.
The reading room, which Is located
at 401 In the Medford building, is
open dally from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
The Picture
Wheeler &
SEPTEMBER 19, 1931.
except Sundays and holdays. The li
brarian Is in attendance from 11 to
4, at which time the Bible and all
authorized Christian Sclenoe litera
ture may be read, borrowed or pur
chased, The public Is cordially Invited to
attend the services and visit the read
ing room.
First Presbyterian Church
Beginning this Sunday, there wilt
be ten minutes or organ music pre
ceding the regular morning worship.
This will begin at 10:60. "American
Racketeers and American Christians,"
will be the sermon topic.
The music will be ss follows:
Organ preludes
"Rock of Ages" Old Hymn
"Elevation" . Batiste
Trio "If with All Your Hearts"
.-.'-... Mendelssohn
Elsie Csrlston Strang, Edna
Elfert Isaacs, A. J. MacDonough
Organ Moments "Air" Cluck
Offertory Solo "Oh, Light of All
the World" ...;.... Hamblem
Miss Eleanor Curry
Organ Postlude "Postlude"
,. Shelley
Ministry of music: Elsie Csrlston
Strang, soprano; Edna Elfert Isaacs,
contralto; A. J. MacDonough, tenor;
Dr. W. W. Howard, bass; Eva Hszel
rlgg Marsh, organist.
At 8:45 there will be a special Rally
day program In the Sunday school.
A Rally Day program will be given
Sunday evening, September 30, at 8
o'clock, at the First Methodist church
A religious drama entitled "As We
Forgive," by Marguerite Harmon Bro,
win be presented.
The drama represents a day In the
pastor's study. The various groups
or people calling on the pastor rep.
resent a newspaper reporter, Junior
department of Sunday school, 'a com
mittee from the Epworth League,
members of Ladles' Missionary socie
ties from various churches of the
city, and a pbyslolan.
Following are the name, of the
cast; Rev. A. O. Bennett, Katharine
Stearns. Dr. R. W. Stearns, Blllle Hol-
loway, Curtis Darby, O. H. Paske, Nor.
man Satterlee, Oeorge Billings, Frank
Van Dyke, Madge Kuneman, Mildred
walker, aeraldlne Fox. Robert Ben.
nett, Mesdames Wm. Hotloway, M. L.
Dairy, B. h Ray and A. J. Hanby.
Officers will be elected to head
the Southern Oregon Bar associa
tion tor the coming year at the
meeting called for tonight at .he
Hotel. Medford.
The annual banquet will be at
tended by attorneys from 'all south'
em Oregon cities and plans will be
made for attending the State Bar
association convention In Marahfleld
next week. The Southern Oregon
assoclstlon will be represented by a
Colonel . E. Kelly Is retiring
president of ths Southern Oregon
association and T. J, Enrlght secretary-treasurer.
Krystalglow, kodak gloss sunrstna.
rne peasisys, opp. Holly theater
Everyone Is
'Bad Girl'
With Two Brilliant Stars of
At the reoent meeting of the of
ficial board of the First Presbyterian
church effective and unique plane
were made tor the winter, with the
stress upon evangelism. Things aux
iliary to the preaching were alo plan
ned. Those which will go Into effect
Sunday, September 30, are: First,
lengthening of the prelude to the
morning worship. .
Through the courtesy of Mrs.
Marsh, a 10-mlnutae preliminary pe
riod of sacred music, starting at 10:60
a. m., will be a part of the regular
morning service. Effectiveness of this
music will warrant the earlier at
tendance. Also, to enable parents of
small children to attend worship a
nursery will be maintained in room 7
of the educational building, under
supervision of Mrs. Ada Brown, which
will assure competent care for these
A unique and attractive evening
service will be Inaugurated October 8.
A leadership training class will be
conducted by Rev. O. B. Porter In the
Presbyterian ohurch, beginning about
October 8. The 34-lesson course se
lected will be on ths Old Testament,
and wlU carry credit toward the lead.
ershlp diploma, the highest honor
granted teachers and leaders In the
Presbyterlsn church. It Is considered
a Junior college course for those who
complete all ths units, and Is In
valuable to those teaching In the
church echool.
It Is desired that a largo class be
registered and a special Invitation to
the teachers In all other churches of
ths city Is extended. Mr. Porter la
especially fitted to conduct this study,
having formerly been director of re
ligious education in a large ohurch
In California.
Anyone wishing to register should
call Rev. Porter.
Hattle Reames White, teacher of
piano. High school credits given
Studio, 330 Laurel. Phone 448-M.
1 ;
F. W. Bartlett, Medford's taxiderm
ist and furrier, has opened shop,. 308
E. 8th, Just back of Burelson's.
Best lump coal, .13 and 818.80 per
ton, any time. Medford Fuel Co,
Tel. 831.
No dance at Oold Hill.
Coming Sunday
WITH you Af
A crime com'
mitted.. a plot
so baffling. .a'
climax so amaz
ing.. that you
dare not believe,
your own eyes!
susss strain sour sins: ass
wetweM sv ssvsea vsntea
aiessvss sv a s. vaa evae
AM m-s-m aaoaaviH
Peremount's Fseelnstlng Drama of
ths Sooth Sees
Nights .
Children lOo
i v .1
Illustrattvs of ths manner In
which the pear advertising campaign
Inaugurated by the Northwest Grow
ers appeals to eastern concerns Is
shown In the following letter, from
Christine Fredericks, director of ths
Applecroft Experiment etatlon. New
York City, to William Horsley, Beau
tie, manager of the pear advertising
The letter follows:
"Noting that you are to have tho
pear growers account, 1 write to urge
you, by all means, to maks use of my
services In producing recipes and
publicity of value.
"The Sunmald raisin growers, also
the Florida citrus fruit growsrs, have
had ma develop new recipes and
write booklets for them, and I have a
long experience In developing pub
licity. I am household editor of the
American Weekly, with Its 614 mil
lion readers a week.
"At my experiment station at
Oreenlawn, L. I., 1 am splendidly
equipped to develop new recipes for
pears, and to writs booklets, articles,
etc. I am by the way. In the middle
of some experiments on fruit break
fasts, and pears should benefit front
"You should also consider having
me prepare half a doeen signed ads.
"Fears ars an exceedingly Interest
ing part of ths diet, snd millions of
women would use more It they knew
more about them. I recently asked
a doxen women If they ever at a
baked pear and not a single on
had. Pears used with other foods In
cookery are splendid, and I would
like f up a book of recipes tor
you Christine Frederick, director. '
ViUll Dramatiol
"Night Nurse"
, Ben Lyon Joan Blond ell
Clarke Gaols
News - Comedy
Attend ths second show and
remain as onr guest for a
return showing of
"She's My
Something New
In Stories
Alt e , t i
i vea!swU
Tan ' s
The Screen's
sbV . gea atPB arista
A First National and
Vluphone Hit
Mat. toe I Eva aft
Kiddles 18c