v. fEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MltDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931. PAGE TWO BUTTER MARKET LACK PORTLAND, Or., aept. 10. (API Evn tliougb thsr in not ohit In th prlo of BUtUr on th Product Rxehanm for the 11 Mwlon, report indicated thai members of th or gaiilMtlon. M mil M iMdara of th trade, vr openly parlr.; It I" above th quotation offlolally IliUd. Bhortaite of fresh mk U reported the miMt hum In year for Ml pe riod of th season. - Wlthdrawai of butter from atore rt reported m a near record at pro lolly nil point alone the eoMt. Trad leaders My tint unlaaa than la quirk plokup of mas, a famine of all butur will toon result. Thr eontlnuw a (antral lack ol prloa ohanis or aantlmant In tha local etg markat. Local co-op contlnua to nama and maintain 9io tor antral. Withdrawal! from itoram oontlnua haavy. Undartona of tha llva ohlckcn trad appaara a trlfta laaa ftvorabl. Llfht- waliht hana art now lltd down to llo althouih racant pureh have been mada to abova thla mark. A firm tona rnlee for country killed hogs, oalvaa and lamba of top quality Top lamia ara selling to llo. Prlcaa ara about la hliner la tha btittarfat markat hara with anaral offera of Sla for No, I Portland dt- llvry althouih torn ara quotlni 1c abova thla mark. While ther la a atroni ton for artlatt and Anjau peara with treme value continued at local and outalda potnu, Boaoa oontlnua mora or laaa neglected with aalea being forced. a . . Llveilork, -PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. It. (AP) Cattle U7, calvaa SO for week, While tona waa generally ateady during week, left-over created more or leaa peaalmitm In tha trade, flood aUera, under 1100 pound aoVrt gan , arally at 11.00, with tome hearler atuff at .. In-between aorta brought a.ootis; high medium to fairly good heifer told . S.TB. while good cow brought MOO 4 50. Vaalera told generally 14.00 )M0. Hons loia for week. Market wa dollar up for killer. Bulk and generally top light butcher were too, with a tew trucked In offer ing bringing 7lTi. Strong and heavy aorta told at M Mett.U, with parking aowa generally MOO) 0 4 T. with a few at M00. Plga anld to ktllera at M.MltM. ' SIIRKP 780 tor wwk. atrangtb waa generally dlaplayed In aheap and lamba Aw the week. Advance up to for tha better daa atuft waa reitrd. while yaarllng and awe were oonslaererl tdy, ooofl to atrlctly obolo lamb araled la Sao, with 1m dealrabl aorta, f0000, Btn.-Uy thole year ling war quotable at 4 00 and Better, trim to cnoir were quw ably 1 00 and M OO, with tha bulk 1.7 and leaa, Portland Wheat PORTUAMD, Sept. IS. (AP) Wheat! Opto 7lb Low Clo Sept. (Old) . .41 .46 ,4S Sept. (new) .46 .46 v46 .46 Deo, 4 .0t 30 V Map Mi J414 M 44 Oaah wheat; Big Bend OW tera, .1H sort wbiio 1 Waetern whit .41 Hant winter .46 rrnrthern anrtnt .. .46 Weeiern red ,. , . .46 Oatai lea. I whit. 616. Today car receipt! flour, 16; hay, 4, Whaaa, If, Portland Produce PORTLAND, Or, apt. 16 (API But terra direct to ahlppera, track 60-61i tatkta No. t, 81-SOa; Port. land nellrarv prtraa: But tart t, aeur 61-rj aweet -r. UVt POOLTRT Net buying prlo Heavy here. vMored 4W lb. n toe; medium lev; Itgbt ll brotltr tin- 4t 1 It Wk over It lb. 60; olerrd 6s Ra. 6 antcken 7-eV-; oM rooatara tcj durka, pktB IS-ltc; geee U-lc, Butter, . milk, country meat ntoo. potato, wool and bay quo. tatKvn xtnhaiureev Aaa Oaarlec Rtttterfal. AN PR.rCICO, Srpt. 16. (AP) uturtav tab, San Ptaaclaco, M. Wall Stroft Report stock avu Avtstnca (Cojijrrtgtvt, IM1. Standard stataiUo tvtpany) 60 60 SO M tnd'ki MM tnav Total Today 60 6 lo.a sis Prev. day ass at J.v 610 Wek to . .t Ml IMS Ml Dm C..1S M4 144 1163 Tear lao l 11 6 614 1 J iW TORSU 8pi. 16 (AP) Prft lak tvmasl bond and the Brrr tab poutMl aMrttng wee tMbjacacd to karp preenar ra eatay nnaartal arkt, and erk bad teevvt awatnt rJl. Tt rurd Ktiyrdoaa H r rent teat r mi rout bed 6Mb. LaM twt. Wweo bene) aoMl aa blah aa 6IMTM. Th atrtuab pound trtm droried bo M. rot cable bratwrer. Te Mew Tee ettar avtH rVieed weak, wttb tceee el II M l TO tanw. Sale aioeeded a,wy 0M attar, aa ttavaraalu Ikrica tame Bim wnv ek. TVMtayv cXweej prMe lor 16 aeJec d KV f.NUow ; Aaaerteaa Ca " so T, tr " Ammvwhhi Cuua Tjlt -. t Meteorological Report September id, lost, rorerast. Madford and vicinity: Tonight and Sunday fair; wanner Sunday. Oregoni Pair tonight and Sun day; cooler enat portion tonight. lining temperature In Interior Bun- day. Local Data. Lowest temperature thla morning, 83 degree. Temperature a year ago today I Hlghwt, Ml loweat, so, Total precipitation alno Beptenv bar 1, 1M1. 1.11 Inch. Relative humidity at 6 p.m. yea- terday, 1 a.m. today, 83. Suneet today, ;14 p.m. Tomorrow l Suprlae, (:M a.m. Suneet, S:1S p.m. Obaervallone taken at S a. at lto Meridian Time, II city Baker City BoatOil ..m Bolaa .. Ohloago m h Denver D Molnaa Fresno m Helen Lo Angelea Medford New York Phoenix .,, Portland Reno .. .. II II Jl Oldy. 7 60 ... Olaar 74 44 .oa Oldy. 88 03 .... Oldy ss ss m oiear ao oo .ia Rain aa sa . Clear ?a a .oa Ram 14 ea oidy,' an si .og Ran, 71 SS Clear ( 74 P.Ody aa tt .aa oidy, aa 44 aa cidy. aa 54 ,ia cidy ao sa .oa owy. aa 5B Clear 04 54 .04 Rain aa go .oa cidy. 80 84 ... Clear Hoeeburg Salt Uka . San Franclaoo , SeaUl ,. SKikn Waahlngton D.O. Clencral Motor Int. T. T, 11H in 11W isvt saw 6314 M & IBM 75(4 Montgomery Ward Paramount Pub. . Radio Southern Pao. S, O. of Cal, 8. O. of H. t. Trana Am. .. United Aircraft U, S, Steel SUNDAY IS LAST OF CRATER LAKE 0FPIC1SEAS0N Tomorrow la th lat day of the official Crabtr Lake aeaaon, when th ooncmlona ceaea opcratlns How- vr It I not definitely known her at preaent to whthr th cafe teria at Mt rim will cloe or re main open a while longer, Wbll tlit lodge and other oon- oeealon will be clotcd and mad ecur from th winter torm and now, and th lodg dining room cloaed tonu ' time ego. th nUonl park hedqurtra offlo and atafl and tlta employee eook ltoxtea, dining hall and other living fartlltle tor tha park rangar and other nploy, will contlnua In operation, a tha park building and other wtlvttle will continue aa long aa the weather Th ranger ataff and labor force haa baea gradually decreased tor a week or mora paat, Altho!ib th coa enrta tontor- row officially, th conceMlon will b practlctlly lod let today, and tonight meat of tha employe of ut conceaelon will oom down to Med ford to depart tor Uxelr home. lavlni only Mtoturh on duty to morrow to oar lor tiw tw re maining or arriving vtaitora, and attend to the actual Moaing tip. Th but atagea for the national park will leav Medrord and Rlam tb Pall tomorrow tonnoon, and th la4 duly mall delivery tot th eaon front th Medtord peat office to the prk wtll be mada tomorrow. Mowevtr, deaplt th bno ot houatns and ntartainlng mctllUe after tornorrow hundreds of tourttta and other vlaltor wtll continue, aa annually la lata year, to vtalt Crate Lake until deep mow pre vent. Th park headquarter win net be) moved to the winter quart r In thta rtty until after the federal term of court, about October 16. or perhar later U the weather continue favorable. COLOR PAGE TESTS Vvelyn Bdwarcl ot 60S King etreet w named winner of th ftrrt prta la VS weekl color pare ronteet, ac eordntg to U report front the fwtree, Mr. BuaMO V. MUlta and Mu Manor Curry. Sac end plac w awarded ldell Henry of 6 Dakota. nd third to Itetlj Powatr of mn brhwy. rVttrUt and ftftb plac vrtnncr wer Bdrt Chaatatn of rout s. and Dorothy Oaddt of 4VS Baat Mala etreev Ptnali ot tk tonteot wtll be aa- aounred next wee, whoa Uw lM roter page ot tx eerlee art to b turned la. Th ttnal aheet w-aa prta. lt Tburtdayb taue ot th Mat) Tttbuno. Boy and gtrla ara reattaded to turn bbotr pagea la aa ooa a po t be, aad reoetv tbttr oaady bar. XS fr Iteer- -traliac SiiuiVr- oa aa V, O. Cvtamaa. eutfiieM ure reular apartmeev departod froat tb cttr bit but aibt foe pot ca- wbar la th wttd vrar tko ever r uaueualhr tbtck. e wbtca kv oateoa trr bad a coar-wtial tta.j wttk ib tateottoa of bnaguag kta all th dee tt law aDow. Tb ceeaaon art Uwy wtll ftad a kadr4 e aa rITi mw huai-w ' ' . . igvt oa Um aaa raBMeauaii NAME WINNERS IN ENTERED IN SHOW Pear took th center of th oookery tg at th 4H club and education! fair, which opened at th Jackeon county fair ground yeaterday. Th ehow put on by th woman' club of Medford under th leadership of Mr. Mabel Mack brought on dUplay (varythlng from pear preaervee to upald down cake Recipe were aa plentiful a th flnlahed product and will b avail- abl to vlaltor until th fair do till evening. Tha food ahow la dertbd by th oommltt In oharre a a very aucceeaful venture and on which will bring continued promlnano to th peer, Judging from th lnqulrl received at th booth. Man Win Prla. Showing th women that man know a thing or two about dalnti lo, J, Vam Shangl. local pho tographer, Invaded th femlnln rank with om pear preeervee which wer awarded eecond prla. He prepared th fruit, h telle, whan h had to etay horn on vtnlng and tak oar of hi two young on. Other prla wlnnera In tha oontt wri Claaa 1, pi Doubt cruet; Mr N. Vllm. Medford, tint, at; Mr Sprea-u Rlegal, Medford. acond, 61.60. Single cruet: Mr. B. H. Vllm, Madford, tint, 6: Mr. O. Q DAlblnl. Medford, aeoond. 61.60 Orand prl: Mrs. B N. Vllm. 66-00 Claaa 9, baked foods Pear sauce caket Mr. Shepherd, Rou Rlvtr, first, ta.fl0; Mr, J, R. Thorn peon. Medford. second, 61, Upald down oak; Mr. Donald dark, Medtord. first, a.S0; Mr. A M. Tyrell. Med ford, eecond, 61. Miscellaneous, baked foods i Mr. 0. A. Hsath. Ashland ta.50, Boo brown oak. Class a, cannad and pratervtd Oanned pests l Mr. A. M. Tyrsll, Medford, tint, 61. Preserved pears: r"i, Id Sweeney, Medtord, first, 61; J. Vern Bhengle, Madford, second, 50o. Pear conserve: Mra, J, R Tyrell, tint, 61; Mm, P. J. Bslrd. Medtord, eeoond. 60c Mteoellaneous Oandled pear: Mr B. L. Hunter, Vr-'-rd. 61, and Mn. a. 4. D Alblnl, plod pears. 61. Claaa 4, sslsds Mrs. A . Tyru tint, 61. Class 6, mlcllanou reolpe Mn. J. n Thompson, tint, 61: Mn H. Wgnt, Ashland, woond, 50c. Beet collection l Mn. J. R. Thomp son, tint, ta.50; Mr. O. Q D Alblnl, second, 61. Clue 6. beat display Mn. J. R T--mpson, 66; Mr. A, M. Tyrell, 66 Claa 7, salad pears Beet aingi Mn. A. M. Tyrell tint, 61; Mn. Id;' i- -oond. 50c. Crowds from many Motion tr continuing to vlalt- tha Jackson county fair grounds, where th two- day ctub and school fait dose thla veiling. Livestock Judging I Interesting th olub members and many adult to day, and price winner will b an nounced In Sunday's Msll Tribune. The school exhibit sre receiving much prals from all- onlooker, aa an tha numerous club actlvltl rep resented by flower, cookery, furn ishings and sawing. ' Children Enjoy Program Th program ot stunt and movie preaeuted last night under tha lead ership of A. B. Secre ot Rrana Vsllsy waa sttsndsd- by host of children, who found th vnt an Interesting cllmu to th tint day actlvltl. Th booth operated by th Parent Teacher council ot Medtord rvd luih to many visitor yctrdy and today. Pear food are featured In th menu and add Interest to th pear show being carried oa In the same building. Award Prim Today All prl wtll b awarded this afternoon la th aumtrotut division ot acbool work and to th club an-. Irani. Those who her already o- celved prlee In addition to yvjettr dayt list in: Canning 6 Reulah Hamy. Ash- iMd, tint; Kathrtn Latltrop, Cen tral Point, eeoond, Mary Huntley. Sam valley, third; Vtna Darts, same Valley, fouth, and swtber Darn, Sams Valley, fifth. Canning 6 Beth Joy, Ahlnd. ftret. Only on (ntrant In thla dlvlaloa. Ptowera . Ccrntie DAlblnl. Med ford, tint; Mar tort Phtpp woond; Ben Dtelrlch. third; Ruth Kerron, rourth, and t Verne Johnson, flrtb. Handicraft Mooraa Davta, ftret: Merr Miller, eeoond: LRy ft. Ar nold, third: Lym DeMllla, fourth, aad Wood row Omo, fifth. T MONDAY EVENING Th tint big 'wrupuoa" of ta taU season far th Medford "Crtn" club wtll tak plan Monday night, Sep tember II. at th Hotel strdford. A big session is pHaned under th di rection of O. O. A3nderf?. Loa Raskins and tx. Ram mats aad a reccrd rreodan I aaurtpawd. Today th Crater are beading a spec lal nravaa to Roeeburg and put ting oa a a umber ot clever stun rc Mtkltord at th Sotdtsra' Roa nlebnuoa. Several tsntqu eeaKwss are pisaned for th fall eeaeoa. Mortng pertura of tha lease barf eetobrueoa wtll be takea by H. U waley for the Cvsco os reel. Mr. Bromley left that morning wna the Medtord raravaa to take svM of the pared aad h eat tearum entered by th MMford Crete due, and other ccmwraain onrutmooa throughout tb state. BIRTHS Mr. aad Mra. DoaaM Brtttaoa f tUamatb PaU are tb pareat ot a boy, "eifM ssvea aaa er btt Posada, bora Fnoav avaraics;. Mr. Bmuoa wtll b reavsibered fear s . aaiva arasua. GRIFFIN CREEK ORIFFIN CREEK, Ore., Sept. 16 (Specl!) Orlffln Creak P.-T. A will hold It tint meeting of th year Thursday vnlng, September 94 at th whit whool hous. All parent nd friend are Invited. School opensd September S with 83 pupil. Th teschers sre Mn. Mia . Bonham, Mr. Edna Be- eon and MU Ocorgtsnna Huwong. B. V. Miller of Medford. J. H. Darby and H. D. Remington rc turnad Tuesdsy from a fishing trip to Diamond lak. Mis Cora and Clara Orandell an attending school at Bagl Point thla winter. They sre etsylng with their sunt, Cora Orandall. Mn. S. J Mssdows h a, her hous gvieet her aliUr-ln-Uw. Mn. Bessie natoi and son, Vern. Mn. Mabl Johnson has returned to her hem after s hort vllt to Weshlngton. Mr. and Mn. Bvn Miner na au- ghUr of Medford apant Thursday evening at th hem of Mr. and Mn. H. D. Remington- Mr. and Mn. Thompson and fam ily from Central Point ara now living on th Oorrut plac. Mr. Besal Field ana eon speni a fsw dy In Medford vUltlpg her suwr-ln-lsw, Mn. Mlnnl Crowell. Robart Ryan left Tussdsy for Washington, D. O, where he will t und achool thl winter. He wtll b grestly mlsssd by th children ot our school. Severel children from here ara attending high sohool at Jaekson- vlll thl winter, a bu come out from JckonvlU for thera, Mr. and Mr. Jim Babb and runny from th Howard district ara now living In Mrs. Dsrty Uttl red hou., Mr. and Mn. 0org PUk and dsushter, Mry and Mis Olcnn Mlnr apant Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Lsldley ot Lak Ortek. Mn. Mabl Johnson apant tu- dsy afternoon with Mn. 1111. " Mr and Mra. O. E. Martin mo- tored to Prospect Thursday. Dinner uet st tit s. J. Mea dows horn Sunday wer Mr. and Mr. Vsroon Ouchee snd children and Ml Ulll McOAilgg. Mr. and Mn. O. O. Bohl and air and Mr. Donald Brown war dinner russt Sundsy ot sir. nd Mr. J. D. Brown. Sersral ot th neighbor cnJoyM th dsno at th Holme ptcklng hou Saturday night. WAGNER CREEK winven crkek. ore.. Sent. 16 anaialt Mr. and Mn. H. I. Som- mere snd daughur. Marl, coom- n,nt,H h Mlae OoMl Abbott. WOT In Medford Monday transacting busi ness. as ri uvm. Iatar Stohn and famtie of Central Point ware unong thOM vUltlng Sunday at tha Frank Berby bom en Holton ouion. Mr and Mra. B. O. Taylor won In Ash! snd shopping Monday. Mn. Ella Abbott ana oaugnssr. Kudell, shopped In Medford Mon day. r. u Lock wood sna aea, una. wer in Madford Thursday oa busl- MS. uia traetnrv Roenmara enrolled la th Mnler high acbool In AWnd Monday. ni ShfcMte a Meetfcrd. aocom- panlad by Prank Beonlre also ot Mdford. spent Tucay s n no.. ot Mr., Abbotts mother. Mn. til Abbott.' . . Mn. O. A Brlner, Mr, i. t Brlner. Mn. O. B. Orren and Blroy Meonw won among those la Med tord Wednesday. p. W. Comb returned from Pros pect and apant-tha day Tuesday. Mn. Jesse Williams ana aauga r of Emigrant creek. pnt Sun lay night at tha horn of Mr. Wit llama' parent. Mr. aad Mr. Prank Kerb. . Mr. and Mr. C X oreea moww n .nes wua ltonds nd pnt th day with Mr. Oreens parent. air. and asra. as. uiwn. Blroy MrOrew and lon toekwood vrar callers at th Sosnmsrs noma Saturday. Oral Abbott apent last sasuruaj nurht at th born of his mother. Mr. Ell Abbott, E Ta msns cemsnt of tn Bagi Point baseball brasa annoannd taia boob, that owing to the three ren in weather, snd th heavy expense ot brtngtnf ta PorUsnd All-Stars here, th gam aclMduleel for to morrow at th falrtrouid bad ba oanoslled. ED A trr-rea Vuatalo oa Orrbard Roan drtv. belccKlTH to Ooorg Craig of Saa Praariaro, and eorussM by J, M. Cook, waa ocap)Mty a ttrored by fir at 6 oVsac thai nor- Bins. Some furniture wa tared tree tb burning Hrarrars, wbstst was pertaally rovered by ramsraan. Tat bia orurmaaed la tb ante. according to rrt. A rail waa pkered at the MMford ftre eMessrt avsav after the bias bed teamed ceaapieesiy. . Io Xac at Oom tbA. Bay Ibssm resapaav started opera- taa trtUt 7 ML FALLS BUTTl PALLS, Ore.. Sept, 18 (Spl.l Corbett Smith broka hi arm wbll cranking a Ford. Don Paber 1 ttndtng Willamette unlverelty and Mr, Kuhn took his plan In th store. Ban Prftdenburg haa reahlngled hi hous here with fireproof shingle. Mn. Frank Carson 1 visiting with friends at Mt. Shasta. Earl Hoover and Owen Lesch took Mn. Hoover's piano to her Sunday. Mrs. Hoover ha a large das of piano students at Chlloqutn. Mr. and Mn. Ralph Nelson moved Wednesday to Camp No. a. Mra. Ray Parker and children, Jean, Jo and Blllle, are her from Port land vUltlng Grandma and Grandpa Parker. School I progressing nicely. Thara an 46 students in the high iohool and more are expected soon, Mra. Clara Edmondson 1 clerking in Carson' confeotlonary during Mrs, Carson' absenn, . Mra. Oscar Hlgglnbotham and son, Dean, hav returned to Prospect after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs, J. I. Patton. Dean 1 attending school In Prospect. Th teachers hav been busy even ing shellacking school book. Mrs. Rod Baker hss six high achool student tylng with her. Byron Stoddard left Monday for Salem to attend Willamette univer sity. Beth Slmervllle will attend the University ot Oregon thle year. The Hustlers' club met t the home of Mra. Smith Thursday. William Cross Is vUltlng Butt RalU alter an absence of 14 year. H spent three yean In China, was In th nary two year and has trav eled axtenslvely. His mother U liv ing In Sacramento. Frank Hoover and Mrs. Alberta Hoover visited at Evans Creek Sun day. ' PERSIST PERSIST, pre.. Sept. IS. (Spl.) Friends In thu district wuh to ex tend their slncarast sympstfiy. to Jest Rsgsdsl and family, recently be reaved of wife and mother. Mildred Young I driving the Perslst Elk Creek achool bus. She Is resid ing with Mr. Ervln Hutchison, who U caring tor her mU on, Ray Don ald. County truck are hauling gravel oa th upper Elk Creek road. This will enable the chool bu to go to tb old Persist school all winter and will benefit other as well. Mr. L. W. Ash U leaving September 10 tor DunsmuL to remain a month vUltlng Mr. and Mr. Cecil Royal. Woodruff Mudowi-Buanrd mln road U now open to travel. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Zlmmer of Woodruff Mead ow drov over that way Saturday en rout to Medford. They were overnlte gueet of tha U W. Ashs. Fat Johnson and Dan Mlddlsbush er were driving post and putting tip signs tor th forest acrvln Sept. 13. Ben Oeary and An Weeks have been hunting cattle th past two days. They stopped at the Matthews cabin to Inspect th saw ranger ata tlon. Hugh B. Rankin called at the new ranger station. He was pleased with the building. Barns Praia ratal. PORTLAND. Sept, 1. (AP) Ben Brown, a loner, died her yester day from burn received September 6 In a gae tank explosion t a mm near Vernonla. He was Burned rcora the toot to the hips and on both arm. t No dance at Gold HIU. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT to sell by 1028 Chevrolet coarti car in good conuiwou. . n. .-o--.. 16-OA. REM1NOTOH bdl-brl. bsm merleae shotgun. Trad for bteycl. Box 60. Rt. 1. Central Point. FOR SALE Circulator heater, chesp Tl. 96-M. FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 61a Ho. Orape. I OTION picture operator wanted, team Western Electric snd R. O A Free practical training. Cstalo. Opereton Assoe, 106 N. Rowan Ave, Lo Angeles. Cal. FOR SA1 Dry fir snd hardwood Dal too Bros- Phone JM-R-1. 6 blocks from Washlnttoo: also new high srnoc. rnon nr-. FOR SALE Small Heatrola suitable for fireplace; burn briquet or coal; 6J0, Inquire 716 W. Utb. FOR SALE l-too wait nblaet with drawers aad store span. A bar- gala. Call st Mail Tribune ork WILLYS RJilOHT and WbtppM ex pert mechanic. Public Mrkt Bldg. 67 So. RrveraM Ave. FOR SALB 10 cords dry fir cord wood ca ground rnxrurre Mall Box 16. Route 1. 5rwrt ST. WAjmis Car ol eatVSrea afternoon or atghv Pbon i:li-R- PCft Joaauuua call lixt-lt. FOR REXT Apartaveav tV W. Mata. FOR SALI I Afncaa gees. 64 Wil lamette, FOR SALE- Altnoat aew plever psaao and rail. 6U; term. H wuisxe. ttte. FOR SALS Oocd 1-toa truck wttb It SLted forwars. Vcssr oea eraB Fa 1044-X. rV SALB Owd orchard run Rart srtta. suitaM to eaacu&f . eacooei At Day. POft SJtl S rureared Dure boar. 16 aaoetii osa. also oat bay. St-grey. Sprtag St, POtt SALS Or tad iaad -Vo ' seeet raar. :t H J MerV.ee j Cratat Lata aawax. Is a Pat-l HUNTERS ON TOES FOR OPENING DAY; DEER PLENTIFUL Th fact that there are more deer in southern Oregon and other state hunting territory than tor years pa&t. together with the falling of more rain up to early this morning, with the prospect of more falling during the day, brings Joy to hundreds of anx ious deer hunters from Medford and other parts of the valley, as the com bination creates the outlook for splen did deer bunting. The season opens tomorrow morning. The general rain has wet down the forest and other ground ao that the movements of hunters cannot be heard so plainly by the wily deer, and the more It rains the better pleased is the average experienced deer hunter. Many hunters began leaving yes terday for the hills, more departed last night 'and still more will leave today and tonight, so as to get lo cated In their favorite distant hunt ing grounds, and start hunting with sunrise tomorrow. However, the majority of the one day or few hours' hunters will dee part early tomorrow morning to hunt In the nearer localities. The forestry officials warn all hunt ers that smoking while traveling through a national forest la forbid den, no campflres In a national for est can be made without permit, and that the closed areas are still closed to travel, and the state police warn that no loaded guns can be carried tn cars. Lands under complete enclosure In Crater national park are the .Ashland watershed south ot Ashland. 20,000 ao es; area on Middle and South forks ot the Rogue river east of Prospect and Butte Falls. 135,000 acres. A permit area of Crater national park ta that east of Butte Falls, 30,000 acres, (Secure intry permit at na tional forest office In Medford, Butte Falls and Camp rfb. 3 of Owen-Oregon Lumber company. In connection wLth It being un lawful to carry an; loaded firearm In an automobile, the state police Inter pret the word "loaded" aa meaning with cartridge oi shell In the maga gine or cylinder. Rifles and shot guns can be carried tn an automo bile without a permit, If unloaded. .A pistol. or revolver can be carried, unloaded. In a car If the possessor ot the firearm is going to or from a tar get shoot. A loaded revolver or pistol can bs carried on the person or In possession of the owner. It he has ob tained a duly certified permit to do V- BETTERMENT CLUB KAQLX POINT, Orw Sept. 19. (Spl.l Civic Improvement club met September 17 tor the first Urn since summer vacation: Twenty-eight mem ber were present and th bustnese session was conducted by Mrs. Prances Campbell, owing to th absence of Mrs. Cora Morgan, president. Three new member ware present: Mrs. Floyd V. Barrett. Mr. George T. O'Brien and Mr. Roy Stanley. Re freshments were served by Mesdsmrs W. B. Young, o. I. Ouiterhsut and B. A. Clark. Th nxt meeting will be held Octo ber 1. and hostesses will be Mrs. R. T. Seaman. Mra. John Smith and Violet Spencer. - Special convocation of Cra ter Lake Chapter No. sa, R. A. M, Tuesdsy. Sept. 22nd. at 7:30 p. m. work in M. M. decTee. Visitors welcome. By order of C. M. HOUSTON, H. P. OEO. B. ALDEN, Secretary. No dance at Oold Hill. PORTLAND AND RETURN Sept. 25 & 26 Return limit 7 dirt. Greatly reduced tare to permit you to see these special events. OREGON STATE U. oS COLORADO PORTLAND 8 P. M, Sept. 26 Shrine Hospital Bcaciit Game 70th STATE FAIR at SALEM Tare tickers sHcw s troroier at Sales oo enaer SNxnt or rerura n. trip. Sre rbe nor. Rodeo aad score of an Southern Pacific . C. f tat . Urat ' 4 RESUMES MEETING STORY 1 (Ooo tinned Froa Pace Om) ken away, but tfte topper le still In, and the Jug etands erect, A lew Inches distant Is a large nugget. Indi cating nU first pocket. Going from left to right around the chAir,four other nugget are found at frequent Intervals, carved Into the sign lan guage ot the chair. Pacing south a cougar reposes on the first side opposite him a deer, facing north. Below them a buffalo skull points downward and above a new moon is shining in the cracked wood, Wrhleh Is streaked here and there with white markings In Indian style. A snake colled at the front of the chair, a frog crawling over the back, seem to attempt a significance be yond the understanding of the mod ern miner. A piece of saddle also decorates the front and the head of a China man the back leg. Another head, less distinctive, appears on the left side. Flowers of elx petals appear several times In vie pattern and other animals, whose Identity has been defaced. . An acorn has been given a promi nent place In the story, constructed several times Its natural size. The carvings ara all fastened to the crude branches, which compose the chair. Three small pieces of rusted wire dangle from the front rung aa if placed there In an old attempt to mend the queer piece of furniture. Old miners recall, Mr. Stlllman said this morning, the story of an easterner, who owned and operated a rich mine at the headwaters of the Applegate. He made his stake and returned east without disclosing the location of the diggings. Years later his eons came to southern Oregon and searched through the Applegate country and found nothing. T,hey missed the cabin, missed the diggings and went east again. The chair that stands in Stlllman's shop on North Front street today, to him reveals the old man's only story. His pardnera and he may never be able to read It, but they have found the gold. 10 SPOKANE DISTRICT Jack Puhlman. local manager ot th Shell Oil company received no tice last evening of his promotion to assistant district manager of tb Spokane, Wash, territory with head quarter in th northern city. The change 1 effective at once and Mr. Puhlman left . last night for Seattle. He will meet Mr Pull man and their son, who are return ing from the east and .bring them to Medford to leav soon titer for Spokane, where they will make their home. Mr. Puhlman came to Medford to accept the managership about a year ago from Eugene, where he tvas in the district office. DANGER! Bargain hunting for meals is a deadly sport. There it shoddy in meals as in clothes. While the one merely gaps your pocket the other saps your health a little at a time. CEOWSON'S is to food what "Sterling" is to silver except as to price. Contrary to probable belief it is not expensive to lunch or dine here. We build to a standard, not to a price but twenty years of experience has taught us how we can Bern tha very best foods at surpris ingly low prices. Lunches S5c-80o Dinners 65c-85o Served from 11 A. M to 8 P. M. 3 San Francisco's Newest AND MOST MODERN Downtoivn Hotel! 111 is mm urns. Ik rax Town lun..&..M. JliteCOoWV D.UmKoam, fcieiiJa.T,,i5iMWt b Mart Brtucv -) j. HELD TOO. STRICT DENVER. Colo.. Sept. 19. (AP) The controversial report of the Joint commission on marriage and dlvorc of the Protestant Episcopal church was Introduced In both th hous of blstops and the house of deputise of the general convention today. "Your commission la agreed." th report recited, "that In some wsy th church must take a mora sympathe tic attitude toward divorced people. The majority offer an amendment to the canon, which would allow the remarriage of divorced people but under definite conditions, namely, thst a divorced person must wait a year before remarriage, and tnen re ceive the permission of. a court. "Your commission also present a minority report, but thla minority, while unwilling to allow the remar riage of the divorced does, feel that in view of th changed and changing condition in th modern world, th church must do more for divorced person who want th help that th ohuroh has to give. - Therefore, they make th proposal that If th court permit and the parties have already been married by some civil officer, a clergyman of thl church may read a service of blessing." Th commission recommended that In every parish, Instruction shall be given both publicly and privately, on the nature of Christian marriage, Its .responsibilities and tbe tutus! fore, bearance required. 1 Arrest Jallbreaker- PORTLAND. Sept. 19 (AP) Clif ford R. Emmett. named In a pollc circular as a Jallbreaker from Eu gene, was arrested here last . night by Portland detectives. The circu lar was dated June 16. No dance at Oold Hill. HaveYour Scribbling XHiiseR.ce, world famous graphologist on positively read your talents, virtue! nd faults in the drawings, words ane hat hots that you scribble when "lost a thought". Send your"scribbIingi"or signature w analytJt. Enclose the picture of tb Mikado esd, cut from a box ef Mikado pencil), 9aA a cents. Addxet Louiae Rica, care of GLB PENCIL CO NEW YORK CTrt Cafe and Confectionery MIKADO PENCIL IT WTHTHE W m ruu wa Just off Union Square most convenir nt to theaters, shops and tores. Only California twjkjl of fering Servidor feature 'thus combining "maximum privacy with minimum tipping". Goner in basement teuh direct elevatoi tervict to ail guest room floors In every room -connection for radio reception, running filtered ice water, tub and shower. Western exposure Tower rooms have ultra-violet-ray window. Dinner in Main Dininn Room from $1.50 up -in Coffee Shop at $1. Also a la carte service. Slit Fit A l CIS BRAKE Rnm tawUMB Bom Ca Powfl Street at Softer San FiamiePO