JIEDFORD .MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1931. PXGE four Medford mail Tribune "twynii In Soutnirn Ornra nidi llii Mill Trlbun)" PillT ana Buffllif Publtitifd or MEvFUHU I'lu-llinu w. 1S-1T-2S K. FIT BL f BOBEIIT W. BUHL, till E. L KNAPP. Mittmr An Independent Newtriper Entered u stand eiin natter it Uttloit. Orojos, under Art K Mircb . ISIS. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES B, Hill In Adunee: Dilly, wlta Bundil. liar. IT-JO Duly, with Bitmlir. month.. '? Duly, vlthout Bundey. month .00 nlly. mthotn Bundiy. yeir ? Sunday, one year .. ? By Cirrler. In Adiim Medford, Aihlind iiebonrllle. Centril Point. Phoeuli, Iilem. Cold Bill ind on HiBbmyi. ' , - . Dilly. lth Bundiy, monui I . Billy, srithout Bondiy. month "J Hilly, without Bundiy. one yeir TOO Dilly. with Bundiy. ona yeir S.00 All terml. ci.li In Unnce. Offlelll piper of the City of Medford. Offlclil paper of Jirrior. County. MSSfHER OF TUB AB80C1ATED PRESS ftmislns Pull Uaua Kin Bervlce Tin AufitUted Pre ii exeluiliely entitled to the use for publleitlon of ill newt dhpitchei credited to It or otherwise erv-dlted In this piper, and llso to the local newi puhllshed herein. All rlghti for puhllcitlon of ipeclal dlspitebei herein an also reserred. ' MKMBER OP DOTTED PBEBS lUMBFR OP AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Adrertlstnl rtepresentntlrei M. C. MOOENSBN COMPANT Officii In New York. Chlrano, Detroit. Ban franelsco, lM Anttelei. Beittle, Portland. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. . upstate editors, the seats of their pants getting thinner, are speculat ing on "What I Would Do With a Million Dollars." The main tendency Is to start straightening out ttie cul tural weaknesses of their community, so they say. As a matter of fact, when they got over the Initial faint, they woultl do the same as the rest of humanity: endeavor to run It Into two (3) million, and refuse to spend dime, except on order of the court, backed by the militia with glistening bayonets on the ends of their rifles. The womenfolks held a psace meeting Saturday, and prevented the next three wars. ' -v. L..-l.).l..'t.BnriD wntlrafa f the valley have outstripped the home beer makers,,tn the primitive rugged neas of their product. . The depression Is not a total loss. People have learned there are situa tions that cannot be corrected by adopting a resolution. Toledo Blade) The mighty WHEREAS loses It punch, "The Sugsnte hats could be worse," opines a fashion editor, who Is evi dently a male and has tried one on. An Austin car speeded out from the left leg of a pslr of beach-street pajamas, where It had been In seclu sion. P. Bybee, the Jacksonville. serf, who thought a 1930 threshing machine was the last work In machinery, took an amend gawk at our new press Saturday. A woman with three small children and a golf bag of clubs arrived In Ohanute today to visit her parents, and it looks like busy days ahead for grandma (Ohanute, Kan., Tribune) A mean and nasty observation, The deer season opens Sunday. Owing to the deplorable stats of the economlo situation, more heifers. barns, and wild and tame Ufa will be shot than In happy years. Xnno cent bystanders In ths brush are apt to have the Innocence shot out of tbem. In California, a hunter com ing up the trail In the dusk and singing lustily, was pinged for a buck. The defenss, If any, might plead bum singing. Many believe that a red hat In the timber Is a 'charm that makes them bullet-proof. It is Just as well to have a doctor handy, and the back-end of the car transformed Into an ambulance. If placed on the spot, for deer, try aud retain your sense of humor. Tills article Is a beastly reflection on the carefulness and marksmanship of ths tilmrods. ' Horace Yocum Is all set for ths coming show with his navy blue togs and faithful pipe. (Gilliam County Items.) Here comes ths dudel Ths maple leaves are yellow enough to substitute for lettuce, as a salad base. '.Prosperity Sign Eugene plans a pageant next year. . THE KQir.l CII COMPLETE (Ktnporla, Kans., Gazette) The Ottwa Herald saya: " 'Em poria,' a young lady who has re cently been there Informs us, 'Emporia is a lively place to catch up on one's sleep.' " Thsnks. Thanks, Indeed. No higher compliment could be paid to the discernment and taste of Emporia's young men. The J. Cochran Robin's will leave ahortly to spend the winter season In the south. A number of proa parous looking farmers were In town yesterday, al leging their status belled their looks, Tom-turkeys are almost fat enougA) to serve Portland politicians. "The members of the Twilight club hsve scheduled a picnic breakfast for September 37" (Pnlslsy Notes) The eternal fitness of things sgaln. "PEEBLK-M1NDKD BOT OUTWITS SIX POLICEMEN" (Hdllns Nevada State Journal.) He sure is In bsd shape, Ths Wash School of Mining has opened for the fall semester. The naughty English story has supplanted the naughty Scotch story among the local Don vlvants, and Is much funnier, Editorial Correspondence VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 12. , One of our leant appreciated Presidents .is most appreciated in Canada the late William Howard Taft. President Taft favored reciprocity with Cana da and if his program had been adopted and continued there would be no tariff wall today between these two countries. The best thing that could happen to the United States would be a reaffirmation of the Taft doctrine. Both countries would benefit, Canada would return as our best customer, and we would have nothing to fear from the Dominion for by the nature of things this can never be a great manufactur ing and exporting country. The people of Canada would pay less for their automobiles, farm machinery, etc., and we would have more payrolls and more employment. Met Mr. and Mrs. Evan Beames; they have been on a three weeks' va cation. Also Bill Webster and Miss Webster of 'the Old Stage road. Quite a Medford reunion. Mr. Beames, of course, saw the Kink of Slam and says he' Is not a good salmon fisher man but Is good salmon bait - t . Attended another communistic mass meeting down by the river front this afternoon. The principal spsaksr was a young, square Jawed woman with pink oheeks and a strong bari tone voice. She was rsslly very force ful. She urged the workers to arise, take militant action against the Vic toria otty council and demand M a day for 4 days In the week, for mar ried men, and a day, two days each week for single men. This scale of course Is for publlo work, as un employment relief. The old saying, "Beggars not choosers," has no stand ing in this day and age, apparently. One might suppose men and women cold and starving might not quibble over a wage scale supplied solely to assist them In distress. However we admit lit a week for a man with a family isn't so much. However, it Is 18 better than nothing. Now thatv we are about to depart we would like to pay our respects to these Canadians and to our. British cousins as well. ,Thoy are a HABDY race. Down In Oregon we think things are pretty bad and we squawk a lot about It. What would we think If we had to pay SB.OOO.OOO out of our pockets to keep the men, women and children from starving on our hands this winter" That is what British Columbia plans to do. And mind this: British Columbia Is only about half ths size of Oregon on the basis of population, we mean. They estimate 40,000 men now out of work and thousands pouring in from east ern Canada every day, Vet one hears little or no com plaint. Everyone seems cheerful and Sundown stories THE BONFIRE By Mary Graham Hnnner, When John and Peggy met the Little Black Clock on the fallowing evening at exaotly 7 o'clock he told them ho was going to turn the time back. w... ... ro we ao nave fun, don't wel" r4 1 the Little Black as they started off. "Fun I I should say sol" John a n a w ered, and Peggy added, "We never knew such fun In all our lives." Ths Little Blsck clock grinned a wide, friendly grin. He did ao enjoy being loved by the children. He had every bit as good a time as they did, and how often he thought about their adventurea when he was standing quite still on the deak In the back hall. Then his hands always pointed to 7 o'clock the hour when he had stopped many years before, and when he had derided to accept ths magic which would let him turn the time backward or forward Instesd of keep ing the regular time. But the children always felt so particularly grateful that they had happened to live In the same house where he did and they were so thankful, too, that everyone had so much loved the quaint little Clock that they had always let him remain on the deak even though he was no longer a time-keeper. It was so glorious of the Clock, too, to have asked for more magic so he could take John and Foggy along with him. "Where an we going this' timer" John aaked. "WeU." 0m Clock aald, 1 thought It would be pleasant to alt around a bonfire this evening." And as they turned the path down which they had been walking they ssw big bonfln burning. willing and ready to dig up bis or her share. Society Is pitching In with charity balls and benefits. Then Is no tslfc of blowing brains out, kick ing the government out of office, or the ond of the world. Old John BuU and Son Canada are keeping a atlff upper Hp and carrying on. The radi cals and reds are holding their In dignation meetings but no one pays much attention to them. The man In ths street Is on ths Job as usual, plugging along and as confident of final victory and as determined as In the Orsat War. Wa have an ldsa Canada's war experience has a deal to do with it. This Is a picnic com pared to what it was after 1914. It Is like a man worrying about a cold in ths head after having beaten pneu monia. Canadians are much exercised over the recent Osr Wood speedboat fiasco and rightly so. Oar Wood admitted that he had used one boat ss a de coy to lesd his British rival across ths Una prematurely, while be used the other to win the race. Later on he denied this and cried about it. The sportsmen up here believe his first story and don't believe his sec ond. The entire race should be call ed off and a new one put on or else, or else postpone the championship for another year. Speaking of poor sportsmsnshlp, a Jockey out at Colwood tried a new one yesterday. He took a storage battery along, apparently with the Idea of giving his mount a shot of lightning at the critical time. Can't say much for these Colwood races, but we do believe they are on. tho square as much on the squsre as horss races based on betting can be. A Judge became suspicious and start ed out on the track to question the Jockey, whereupon the latter dropped the battery unconcernedly and moved up In the line. Said battery was about' as Inconspicuous as a horse fly on a bald head, the Jockey was trotted to the Judges' stand and bar red from racing In Vancouver for all time. Lucky Oar Wood hasn't a Jock ey olub over hlml We don't want to' pick on the king of Slam all the time, but really be Is an odd bird. He not only looks like a child but If the Orand Viz ier will pardon us sots like ons. This morning he and the Queen went shopping here, which wss perfectly all right. But the things ha bought Indian canoes, olectrlo clocks, Frlgldalre and a couple of Eskimo dogsl It looked to a rank outsider ss U he had the aams Idea a child would have who, given a bank full of money, had been told to blow It In. He Just threw his money ' around without using either taste or brains, bought things for the sake of buy ing them, not because he really want ed them, And only a stone's throw away that square rigged girl was pleading for more than tie a week. Lite la furmy that way. On the other hand, the Kink of Slam spends from (3000 to 19000 wherever he goes. . That helps business like a three-ring circus coming to town. R. W. R. Talks ID ORGANIZING By Alice Jurison Peale Every spring and every fall the average American home goes thru a number of changes. Even when by soma special dis pensation then Is no moving to bs gons through, there are usually many problems to consider. Esch member of the family has new needs, new Interests, which must be met and planned for. The fall la as fine a time as any In which to audit the account of the home. The habits of the winter have been broken by the summer's Inter val. There Is a chance to profit by the mistakes and lacks of the past In making our plans for ths - coming year of work and sCiool and play. This may be the psychological moment for getting the family to gether to cooperate on better stand ards of promptness, orderliness, and a new sharing of responsibilities in the housekeeping. Perhaps some thoughtful planning will make It possible for the girls to have the separate rooms they hsve long desired. Perhsps mother can organise her housekeeping differently so as to be less hurried and tired Just before dinner, and so have more time to read to the littlest one before put ting him to bed. In this sort of planning It Is Im portant to keep a perspective on values, to decide what la worth sacri ficing for, and which things an truly Important for the success of family life. One should study how to help and tiwvelop one tVUld without letting an other feel that hla needs an neglect ed, and abould keep In mind the happiness of each Individual whlla planning for a smoothly functioning homo. f Communications Missed Baked rears. To ths Editor: The enclosed editorial la from a re cent Issue of the Morning Oregonlan, and It holds forth promises that proo- moon lyifMaAtAjetB.cU.HoicdXit. lYKOPBItt Th moraueeet, hoping to prevent o love j7asr ' between Juanlta and Kirk Stan. ord or Adrian Fouchf. telle Klrk't grandmother, Kelly Belaiee, ant Airian't mother that tho plrl Is enaaaed to a Spaniard. Juanlta, thouoh potlna ae Betorlta Floret, it unaware ot thlt deception ana el the maraueaa's plans to rob their new frtendt. Bhe falls in . love with Kirk, who tell their hotteee, Nelly, then are enpaoed. At Airian'e eh ore dinner, the oueete talk of miiJlerlotu veiled cigarette flirt fn UIMt'e New Or leant pamblmp parlors, tosam .Brio Ledbetter calls "Moon of D llpht." They do not know that the it that fllrl, foroed bv Divftt into her preeent deceptive role. Happily, tedbetter, who once had lifted her veil suddenly and kitted her, is not preeent. Chapter IS WHAT DOES KIRK KNOW? J U ANITA'S ayes wore on the mar quess, and ths crowd gathered around her In tho gay atmosphere of Stove's place. Moon of Delight , . . Dlvltt's she could not put the thoughts aside. But someone was breaking Into thorn, U was Emmy Jean, who had oBU9 t Adrian's party with young BsXf. lbs was leaning to ward Juzalta, her earrings swing ing each side her small pale face. She had light, limpid eyes that shone a clear green like aquama rines. Juanlta found herself won dering what the world must look ilke through such clear eyes. "Isn't Phyllis Carver awful," said Emmy Jean, crinkling her lashes, "bringing up the Moon before Nal da Preston and Dick? Nalda is Jeal ous as the devil of the Moon, and Dick Preston Is jealous ot Brio Led better. Dick's been drinking him self crazy ever since Nalda got back. He'd already had too much when he came here tonight. "Everybody knows how Eric feels about Nalda. And Nalda . . . Well, no woman could resist 'Srlc. The way he spends money, you know. And then he's been every where, and speaks all sorts ot lan guages, and had a harem In Tur key, and throws such gay parties. "You see," settling down, to her Job ot enlightening Juanlta "You see, Eric left one day and Nalda the next. Nalda's been In New York, and nobody knows where Brio Is. But now that Dick knows Eric's away, nothing will convince him they weren't together. I think .Eric was with the Moor . . . You must see her when you go hack. It's interesting to see women like that. . . . Phyllis Is awful to Nalda. Because Dick was engaged to her to Phyllis before Nalda broke It up. Phyllis would ram that big poker into Nalda It she dared.- I think myself "Dance with you,' Berry? Sure. 'Sense me, Juanlta." Kirk came back, aald to Juanlta, "Dance once with Adrian so that you can dance with me. I've some thing to tell you. , She obeyed almost automatical ly. "I'll dance with you now," she said to Adrian on his return. Bobby Cranshaw cut In on Adrian and Kirk out In on Bobby. Kirk danced with Juanlta to the door. opened it, A voice called, "Look out, Lochlnvar! You'll both get wet!" It was Dick Preston, dano- lng with the marquesa. The mar- quesa did not even look at them, Kirk saw her draw from Dick's arm and begin to danoe alone. In her vivid orange dress flinging arms above her head, catching at her skirts, she looked like some brightly palsted automaton. Kirk guided Juanlta to the veran dah rail. He drew her against him. "Now breathe a little," he said, "Was the party threatening to get too wild?" She did not answer, but her eyes moved to him with a half frighten. ed, halt questioning look. "You aren't used to wild parties, are you, Juanlta? ... I wonder why that makes me,want to light somebody tor you. This one's not going to be anything. I know what they've got In there in the way ot bottles. t mean. "Let's take a car and ride away somewhere," Juanlta begged. "Why, ot course," Kirk said with glance at the sky. They took Dick Preston's coupe. ''Dick won't care," said Kirk. There was a riding crop In the car, and a green cape. "Phyllis I He came with Phyl lis," said Kirk musingly, as they turned into the road. "Wonder who brought Nalda. Trigger, I reckon. . . . You believe In people having dates with folks beside their husband? It makes me nervous to think about It You won't treat me that way, will you, Juanlta?" Husk- lly murmured banter, as they took the road between the angry black sea and the still, black woods. Kirk laid his hand over Juanlta's, srall Ing Into her face. sbly sometime In the future. In pass ing through your delightful city, one may enjoy the delights of "Medford pears." Came through Medford for breakfast on Labor day, and while I was not looking for pie. we would hsve en Joyed some baked pear, or even nice ripe Juicy pears, but we wen unable to get them. It might be well, when you are putting over this pla campaign, to say a few words for caked pesr, nice, big, Juicy baked pear with cream. D. H. BRENNEMAN, Asst. Cashier First Natl. Bank. Albany, Oregon. INFANTILE PARALYSIS FOUND AT WEST POINT WEST POINT. !. T.. Sept. 15. (AT) Officials at the United States military academy announced that Cadet WUdemar J. Thtnnes of St. Paul. Minn, was suffering from In fantile psnlysls. and that "one way" precautionary quarantine was la force at the post. of D4LIGHT "Will yon, Juanlta?" Big drops suddenly pelted the glass about them. Through thei dark they could see the black j waves spitting froth. Kirk stepped the car, drew Juanlta against his; side. ' i "Quit watching the lightning," he said. "You ought to be afraid." "I love storms," she whispered, as the thunder crashed above the boom of the sea.' All at once to Kirk she seemed a part of It He realized that he had Indeed a small bit of thr storm in the car with htm, crushed against his side. Ot was she he smiled at the fancy a thing bred In the storm, driven by it, sheltered here for a moment, presently to fly on? "Paloma," he said softly, "Ls paloma." She laid her other hand over hla ' Why do you call me that? Do yo know what It means?". "Do you doubt my Spanish?" hi enquired. "Paloma means dove. For me it means anything beautiful with wings. Doves and angels and you." ' With wings?" "You have wings. Juanlta. May be not dove's or angel's, but I knon you are plotting right now to us them." She shook her head, still in the circle of his arm. She looked dowi at bis hand between both ot hers Tho rain was coming hard now. Juanlta's voice wsb low. "Do you believe the things thei said about that girl?" "What girl?" he aaked. "The one in Dlvltt's Parlors." Kirk laughed, tightening his arm. Do I believe? What difference does it make?" "Do you?" "Why, I never thought about it" Then suddenly, "Was that what was the matter with you what they said about the Moon?" "The men did not deny thai they knew her intimately." "That was horrid of them." She lifted her face, not looking at him. "You mean that even though it was true, they should have denied. You believe it was true." But if it Is, what does one ex. poet of a girl In that place?" Kirk said, not at all desirous ot dis cussing other women with Juanlta. She may be there unwillingly," Juanlta said. She may at that he agreed, but she felt the smile that his words came through. You denied," she said hotly. "And now now you are aB bad as the rest" I denied because she has hardly looked at me, or I at her," Kirk, forced into seriousness, replied. You . aren't yourself, Juanlta, It she lives there with that gang, it taking Ledbetter to her room any thing to start a war over? Un willingly maybe at tho start All. ot them have fantastic tales about how they began. . . . But why should she stay. It she's unwilling The place has doors. I won't say I haven't thought about her" You've thought about her?" 'Not as you suppose," quickly "She has no attraction tor me. Bui I've wondered rather curiously whether it's Divltt's clever adver tising of her or her oi gifts as a seductress that fill Dlvlu's Parlors." "And you didn't like her?" Juan lta's voice was grave. ' "Not at all." Now he know the reason for her questioning. Bless her heartl "I never liked anything but you. I never loved anything but you. "That's it smile. But It's true." "You never had a sweetheart?" "Plenty." "Then you've been in lov.". "Probably." "But you said " "I said I had nevor loved any one but yon. It's true." "I'd rather you were in love with me." "I am. It you love a girl you're In love with her. But it you're merely in lore with her you don't always love her." She was smiling still. Kirk held her close and kissed her until he knew she had forgotten all the Jealous doubt At last he said, "Tell me what you had to tell me In ths library." She answered In a low voice. "Not now. I enn never tell you now." "All right You don't need to. I know it already." 'What do you know?" "Everything. The marquesa told Madame Fouche." (Corrritt. DM, U.U Co.) That's net ths msrqueaa's enl slip If she's talked too much. Her sobs tomorrow revest snothsr. A program of student activities. Issued Monday at the senior high school. Is being given faculty ad' visors and .student leaders. The schedule Is made up of the dates set sslde tor club meetings as well as social and athletic engagements din ing the entire year. Changes on the Issue will only be msde whsn conflicts appear, and must be presented to the office two weeks In advance. The dates are presented In both chronological and segregated order for the convenience of the advisors. Printer IMes PORTLAND. Ore- Sept. 14. (AP) Arthur Henderson, 4?, for the past Personal Health Service By William Slgn-d letters pertainlr.g to persons! dluguofle or trreatment will be anawered by ur. oraay u ink sddreas.d envelope Is enclosed Utters should be brief end written to ms. Owing to the large numbri of letters received only a few csn be ' "tereo nere. no repty con ue inaas- to quenet am. cuniuiwhi Address Dr William Brad In care the Mall Tribune. THE AMBULANT TBB We pride ourselves on our speed,1 yet In this country medical litera ture ls always from five to ten years behind time In recording new de velopments in practice. The science of medicine Is well In advance of general progress; the art of medi cine straggles. It Is right that It should bs so.'. If the order of march were otherwise ralil- lcal progress would be chiefly back wards or In aimless circles. The news of medicine, medical literature, ls the weak arm of our national health forces. Current medical literature ls a perfect chaos of weird, Irrespon sible chaff and chatter, so notorious ly sterile of actual sound facts or even plausible theories or ssnslble observations that It Is a rare experi ence to find a physician anywhere who even pretends to scan the few medical magazines or professional pa pers he buys or receives by virtue of his medical society membership. As for medical books, today thess are manufactured as a commercial com modity and with a few exceptions written or compiled , by professional secretaries or office girls under the supervision of the professional text book author whose name will grace the volume or rather the set of vol umes. Most of - these professional textbook authors are aa competent to write on the subjects ot their books as I would bs to Issue a book to morrow on the ambulant treatment of hernia. When I began recommending here the chemical obliteration of varicose veins, I knew of only a score ot doc tors who were prepared to give such treatment. Many of the doctors who were prepared met ths Inquiries of their patients with a laugh at "Brady's pipe dream" or assured them the treatment was "dangerous." To day every doctor who Is not Indeed an old timer ls using this treatment with uniform satisfaction to his pa tients. The same sort of blind, dumb, mul ish reaction on the part of the med ical brethren was elicited by my shameless promotion of the diather my method of extirpating tonsils as preferable to the old Spanish custom. In this Instance several of the lead. Ing medical Journsls of the country msde the tactical error ot printing editorial attacks on ms and my ss saults on the evils In medicine. Nev ertheless, the diathermy ' method ls now being used by the majority of good nose and throat specialists and by the leading genera practitioners In every town and hamlet, and it ls fully meeting every Indication I as cribed to It. It ls Indeed serving as surgery could never serve the re quirements In oases of infected ton sils complicated with heart or other 28 years employed by the Journal as a printer, died at .lis home here last night. He Joined the Journal In 1908. Summons for Publication. , Stilt to Quiet Title No. 4897-E. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the county of Jackson. Portland Properties. Inc, an Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Mi M. Bowers. John Doe Bowers, hus band of M. M. Bowers; the un known heirs of M. M. Bowers: E. 1 O. Potter, Receiver ol Stewart Fruit Company, a California Corporation; also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate described In the Complaint herelu, Defendants, To M. M. Bowers, John Doe Bowers, husband of M. M. Bowers: ths un known heirs of M. M. Bowers: slso oil other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate de scribed In the complaint of the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and atiawsr the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the loth ri.v nf Kpntemher. 1931. said dAte being the last day of four weeks from I the aa'e or me itrsx puuuwnon ui this summons, and said period of four weeks being the time p escribed for publication hereof: and If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, foi want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to vne i;ourc ror tht. relief demanded In Its complaint, to-wlt: That a decree be entered adjudicat ing any and all right, title estate, lien or claim which you, or any ot you, have or claim to have In, to, r upon the real property situated In the County of Jackson, State of nr-snn HMurlhMt US f nllOWfi ' Government Lots Five (5) and 8tx (8), and the East one-nsi- (isi of the Northeast quarter (NEti ), and til. East one-half (E) of tht South east quarter ;SE'4) of Section Twelve (121 In Township Thirty-eight (381 South, of Range Two (2) West of the Wlllsmette Meridian; and Govern ment Lots Two (2) and Three (3) and the West one-halt IW'4) of tin Southwest quarter (8WU) of Sectloi Sever (7) In Township Thirty-eight (38) South of Range Ons (1) West of the Willamette Meridian. Save and except therefrom the fol lowing described parcel thereof, con taining 4.43 acres, more or less, to wlt: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 7 In Sec tion 7. Townsh.p 38 South, of Rang 1 West of the Wllamette Meridian: thence South on the West line of said Lot, 464.9 feet; thence West 380.4 feet; thence North 803.1 feet to the center ltn ot the County Road: thence South S2 Org. East 240.9 feet, along ssld center line of said County Road, and thence South 81 deg. J3 mln. East I70.S feet along said osn ter line ol said County Paad, to the point ot beginning: all being In Jack son County, Oregon, and declaring any and all such claims to be null and void, and decreeing that said plaintiff la the owner In tee simple of said premises and of the whole thereof, free and deal of any and all right, title, estate. Hen or interest tn - Id real estate of the said defend M?9S!T' Brady, M. D. health and hygiene, not to disease. A I'M EXT OF HERNIA Impairments which render the old Spanish custom too great a risk for ths pstlent. Yet none of the med ical Journal editors who attacked me for my "promotion" of this new meth od has as yet seen fit to publish an apology to his readers for his bllnd nes and bad Judgment. -nmiuVi no verv vocifer ous reaction followed my espousal of the smbulant treatment of hernia. I am disappointed, for I rather hoped a few of the mouthpieces of the pro- , v . --a . n r tn take some position on this In print, so I could catch them in tne act- "" as I know, not a bleat has been ut tered In any of the more blatant mea ii viit mv dreadful con duct In respect to this method of obliterating or closing me normal or canal. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS prettv rrrdulous Customer. Six months ago I started having pains . . . doctor said It was a cold. After 15 treatments I went to the hospital and they said It was pleur isy ... he says I nave neuruia . h. s Answer All t can say at this dis tanceand lucky for me It Is some distance Is that it seems to me a customer who will fool along for 15 treatments on a humbug diagnosis of "cold" must be too credulous. Cold Bath After Meal. Is it harmul to take a cold bath after a meal? H. S. Answer Not for a young person. Older folk should wait half an hour or even an hour for the after dinner swim. Elderly folk should tske a stroll instead. . Fnllt Is Alkaline. Ben Told lemon Juice sets as an alkaline In the system. Please af firm or dlsclslm this theory. Miss R. R. E. Answer Nearly all fruits or their lulces tend to make the blood ana tissues more alkaline. This Includes tomatoes, Eating Coffee. In habit of eating coffee groundB the last five years. Is this like a dope habit and does it impair health? I. M. Answer Depends on how much Coffee taken so has the earns effect as coffee taken in the ordinary way, Too much coffee injures health Most normal adults may take two or three cups of coffee or tea dally with bene fit to health. Kill or Cure. Kindly give me the name of your sure cure for cockroaches. Mrs. E. MncL. Answer Tell me first what alls the cockroaches. Or If you reslly want to kill 'em or drive 'em away, send a stamped envelope bearing your ad dress and ask how you can get rid of the shrewd little chaps. Temperature. Can a person with normal temper ature have tuberculosis? R. h. AnswerA person with tuberculo sis may have normal temperature. (Copyright John F. Dine Co.) ants, and that each and all ot the defendants herein, and each and all of their servsnts, agents and em ployes, and each and all persons claiming or to claim by, through or under them, or any of tbem, and all other persons or psrtles unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest In said real estau be for ever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempting to estab lish or claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen or Interest In or to said property, or any portion thereof, and that plaintiff's tltls to said real prop erty be forever quieted ana set at rest, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable In the premises. This summons ls publlshec by order of the Honorable Alex Sparrow, County Judge of Jackson County, Oregon, made and entered In said Court and cause on the 17th day of August, 1931, prescribing thst said summons be served by publication thereof once each week tor four con secutive weeks In the Medford Mall Tribune, a dally newspaper of general circulation published In Jackson County, Oregon. August 18th. 1931, Is the date ot the first publication of this sum mons, and September 15th, 1931, Is the date of the lsst publication of this summons. T. W. MILES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Post Otflce Address: Medford. Oretron. HI 1 TO BE GRAY fti LOOK OLO New ionic Stops Hair Falling Out and Banishes Every Cray Hair in Your Head USE AT HOME LITTLE WHILE; NO TROUBLE -Tily hair had bon falling out for years until it was mighty thin in spots and had turned gray, too, so I bought one thing and then another hill nnthino. klnul .. til I saw Leas Hair Tonic adver tised. It Is wonderful stuff." He. flared Albert Jannr, who, like n:ny oiners nere, is no longer gray or' bothered with dandruff or filling hair. "1 didn't hnvs faith In T... I.... fT rla' anyhow and am glnd it m mr is worse tine magic Re mits Were aatnniafcin ..J - - , - ohm ki per- l I recommend Lea s Hair Tonic lo everybody and think gray haired men are foolish not to nse It. It nakes a man look years younger and better groomed," continued Mr. Jannr 2910 South J Street, raroma. Wash. Thousands of mm massage a drop or two of Lea's into their P v! 11" nn?" "n sfd sre de liled beyond jrort Flight o' Time (Medford and Jackson County History From the Files of The Mall Tribune of 20 and 10 Yea-i Ago.) . . TEN YEARS AOO TODAY September 15, 1921. (It was Thursday) fatty ArDuumo slsughter. Violence threatened to Him star. ... , ...l hnlHa I1AW htffh Bcnooi uv. '" " - building necessary. Taxpayars file protest. . . . . . r -e n fnrsim nro Eu wnite r . coses to hold an Apple Show next winter. uhool strikers return to their arithmetic. Sheriff to round up auto owners without licenses. Pola Negri In "Passion" at the Page. Style show and shoe fair at the Nat. Ruth hits 55th homer, and sets world record. Ahnusl railroad strike scare toobe up again. . ...Aitof.. fined for Main jnree hiwi.jw - street speeding. Traffic Officer Joe McMahon commended. TWENTY YEARS AOO TODAY September 15, 1911. (It was Friday) , New Westminister, B. 0 bank s i e an in nno in broad day light, by robber band, and world la astounded oy iuuhuij ......... O. P. Hall store at Brownsboro burns, with eil.ooo loss. rttiina wasted by famine, torn by civil war. (Ed note: As now.) Taxpayers meet to protest bulld lni of Pacific Highway, and sewer extensions. Governor Os West promises to visit county fair. New building code of city Is com pleted. i ' School census Indicates 11,000 pec pie In city. SAWMILL AT DONNA . DESTROYED BY FIRE EUQENIi, Ore, Sept 15. (AP) The sawmill of tho 8. L. & S. Lumber company, a considerable amount of lumber and a residence were Destroy ed by fire Sunday at Jonna, 12 miles northeast of here. Total loss was esti mated at S12.500. There was no In surance. The fire Is believed to have started from defective wiring. generators . . . $3.50 Expert Armature Rewinding Prince Auto Electrio Shop 1522 N. Riverside WE DEVELOP FILMS FREE West Side Pharmacy 8-vlt. 13-plate battery, d j" 1-yr. guarantee . . . . J)0 Battery Recharging 50c Severin Battery Service 1522 No. Riverside TWO MAJESTIC B-Eliminators $5-00 Each Service Electric Co. Ill South Holly Phone 1279 Radio Repairing ANY MAKE SET H. 0. PURUCKEB ELECTRIC WIRING CO. 222 W. Main . Fvione 83S ful, improved appearance it brings to the hair. It doesn't strain or ffiva - J-i t . I n. - uj aiirBrinre, 11 is clear dean smelling liquid even the most fastidious people use with delight. One can dety their bar ber to detect the use of Lea's and gradually day by day the hair goes ,u it youiniui color, men an occasional massaging keeps the head and scalp in vigorous healthy dsndruff. " '"J " I If the reader desires to try Lea's let them obtain a bottle at nearest i ., m Positive guarantee) j j , n or money oacx, or end dollar bill, check or stamps tn I a. U.:. ft l n n . J "ir ionic to, nrentwooa. Md, a regular size bottle will b raedjjrou, . .. FQQLSH