Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 28, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    paGE tWO
i ; Local and Personal ,
I J .From l'Kp Miss Alk Waist
Wl Prospect - Is' In Medtord visiting
rws. . H. Tlce.
;.('! ...
: Tttm moUr My Mr. and Mrs.
!'S. rf. Rowberry o Ashland, were busl
Jns callers In Med ford Thursday.
, i " ' ''A ' ' -
j J IS jiuild Krliltf Here Ronald Krlng,
J ' .uttio, formerly resided In Med ford, i
, ilkUst lty from Portland today. . ;
I i J . .
I Mokes lluylng Trip E. T. Buret
, 1 'ton ,pt the . local Burelson hop r
I ' f turned" 'today itom a' several days'
' : j fbuylng trip to Portland. ,
. ; :; V, i . s'. ':! ', ' : ; ' ,
j! ft Visited In Ashland Mr. and Mrs.
I 'yD. It, Ree4 and Mrs, Collins were vis
iting m Ashland Wednesday with Mrs.
(Anna Ouetglsl? and lamlly. i , ,
j ' Undergoes Operation Mrs. 0. R.
I j frujbertson of Bagle Pblnt'underwent
- Ja major operation at the Community
' i Ji9j)lul this afternowV ' ; .
i J Returns from South Miss Vera
, I '.taunt, who lhas been In Sacramento
I '; for the past six months, returned to
j iMedford today by train.
' j Hnull Mam Fire Members of
' .' Xjhe. fir department wars last night
fcaflcd to North Riverside avenue to
' i extinguish a small gross fire,,
1 i . ' ' . ' '
' I J Mrs. Col Improve . Mrs, Ida
, 'Colei'wrio was operated on at the
(.peered Heart hospital a few days ago,
Jwas reported today as getting along
! j.J
i I v From Cottnectloult M. B. Adams
j j jind t. O. Olleer of West Hf.ven, Conn,,
I I lets on the Crater1 lake tags' today
. tor the national park, having arrived
I', ja Medford by train, '
? Injutes TXntrfJ. B. Ray of tfhe
I ' Ptavoe-Alleh Motor ' rtimbanv last
(nlrn; caught'hls finger in a'bulley,
AMlt; It badly.- fourteen stitches
j Iw'sre tnXen In the finger,' ;!"
V....: . ....'.'.,.. .V: ''-LM,''.' i
Currlsn-Rolilit Jlere E. T.' Miller,
i Jjpying1 a CurtlssrRobin airplane from
JKlamatK Falls' to Portland, stopped
. Ja the Med ford airport shortly after
.noon today,
f :
' y Here rfh Bilsliiera Jack fyrrell of
i4PM Indian Apeni yeoterday in, this
I yny transadting business. , Mrs. Har
! Oiitton of Orlffln creek and Mr.
lAbr Mrs! E, B. Ash of Trail were also
1 Jailers.
I A 'oM Visit Mere .' ir.' and ' Mrs,
visitors here Thursday, on route to
j. li.'Cohe of Jtorsyth, Mont., were
i -i isors here Thursday, on route to
' .' jDrater lake. ' Mr. Cone was forroerlv
1 I fceiirieoted with the Wyoming division
JM the Mountain, states fower. com
Vy;:. r';'-,',;
; ' J Metiini to Taooiria MK and Mrs.
I. 'ehr)r '8m,lth and famllj" hpve return.'
,sd to tWlr home In Tacpma, following
1 , ten days' visit here as the guests
'sftf Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
i J; yreJ Tlce, Mrs. Smith had, not been
'j Med(ord, her, Xormsr. Ijooie, for 88;;: :1
, ...Mere frotn W'sslilngton Residents
' of" Washington who are hotel guests
. jn Include Mlas Pltr.gerald of Yakl-
un, n. vr. mwr VI AUCVUia aua uip
Mowing1 from eeaWli: Mlnnu Carr
iahan. V. ,K. fugh w4 Jamtly, Gael
fenigsV c. t. Blrkijtt, Virginia Hess
r, Mr. and Mt. Vandorspelf and
rranx wnp and lamuy.
Fpr iom time we have
" been experiinenting to
find uses for Rogue
River peari in our cake
shop. ' v-"-'
.. . -t .... ( .,
Tomorrow wa will of.
f er the first of a series
of produots which we
have evolved using lo-
. col pears and their by
produots. ' '
This item is a " '
Pear Roll
which we are sure you
will like. We are using
i ?ear Peerree in this
cake which is an item,
rtanufftetured by the
1 Fruit Producta Com
pany of this oity.
Transferred ta. Couit Warren
Hamlin, employe of the Union Oil
company hi this city, has been trans
ferred to Marshfleld with a promo
tion. . i '
CiiiesU ta Hams Valley Mlses
Amy Elliott and Virginia Llndley are
guests for several days of Miss Llnd
Ity's father, O. L. Llndley In the
Sams Valley district. ; ,
1 Miss Bowman Is Vlsfor Miss Mary
Jane Bowman, formerly ol .Central
Point, now of Klamath Falls, Is spend
ing several days lh this e'ty visiting
friends. ' ";!-.,.',' -,
'. . .
To Rret't Tent A permit was to
day Issued by the ol'.y building de
partment to the First Baptist church
fof the erection of, a tenV on the P.
. K- property.
' . . . '
Stanflurd Plane Htops Hans Loot,
flying a Standard Oil Stearman plane,
stopped at the local alrpor today be
fore continuing to Seattle from Oak
land, Cat.
. . . -
Mrs. Franklin Home Mrs. Dale
H. Franklin and baby daughter,
Marlys Evon, left the Community hos
pital, today for their hon;e. Mother
and daughter are getting along nicely.
To attend Dedication Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tlce will leave tomorrow
for Yreka to attend the bridge dedi
cation,, which Is being commemorated
to the early stage drivers. Mr, Tlce
Is one of the stage drivers,
' ....
Return from Nevada, Mr. and
Mrs. KemUt Thledo, Miss Sarah
Thled, aBd Walter Tbleds returned
last night from Nevada, where they
spent several weke investigating min
ing interests.
'; Iave .for lake Mr. and Mrs. C.
E: Fuller of Boston. Mass., arrived' In
Medf ord on the Shasta this af ternon,
and left by stage for Crater lake. They
are taking the Raymond and Whlt
oomb tour, and plan to visit Klam
ath Falls after leaving the lake, -....
if. of V. Meet Tonight Daughters
of .Union Veterans will conduct their
meeting this evening In the Armory
at 8 o'clock. Important btumess mat
ters will come before the meeting,
and It Is desired that all members
attend. ' " ' 1
. '''.
Has Large Turnips N. fl. Bennett
was this morning displaying a bunch
Of large turnips, which were three
and one-half Inches In diameter, The
seed were planted about five weeks
ago' by Me. Bennett, on some vacant
lots on the east side, '
' , ":,'. . ..';:. . ,i
Mrs. Hewlett shops Here Mrs. S.
B. HswleM of the SimaysMe hotel.
Eagle Pont, was In Medford. yester
day shopping and oalUng on friends.
She was accompanied by &er daugh
ter, Miss Hattle Howlett, and another
daughter,' Mrs. Octavla Shaw, who Is
her guest from Portland, .. :
Ncvcntjt years' Ago An Item frorji
Medford 70 years ago this weak re
lated that "The Rogue River Electric
company, owned by Frank H. Ray of
New York, has been sold to toe Siski
you Electric Power and Light com
pany and a French syndicate, for a
consideration, of 3,300.O00.'" " ' ', '
, .a, . - i . ...
In Mcilford Thursday Mr. and
Mrs. Charles J. Howard . of Korby.
Ore,, were here Thursday visiting Mr.
Howard's sister, Mrs. J. E, Roberts,
and other relatives. Thtlr grand
daughter. Mis Helen Floyd, who has
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Roberts for the past week, re.
turned home with thtm.
. . .
Hetiirnsto Lodge , Captain C. N.
Black returned thla morning on the
Shasta to his fishing lodse on Rogue
river, from his home in Burllngame.
His three grandchildren. Patricia,
Virginia and Charles Prelerlck Low
rey, daughters and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alln J. Lowrey nf Rurllngamo,
are at the Black cabin, and plan to
remain until after Labor clay.
'alltorillan at Hotels Included
among the Bear state vacationists
stopping at Medford hotels are Mrs.
F. M. Richardson and Reginald West
of Sacramento, Mr. and Mrs. H. A
Vcrls. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kcerlett,
M. and Mrs. J T. Lyons, Mr. and
Mrs. Cbas, W. Strobel anl Morcodca
M. Moran of San Francisco, Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Ackerman and Mrs. P. J.
Ackerman of Olendale, Mr. and Mrs
Oeorge Pendergraff and Mrs. J. Ooss
and daughter of Los Angeles and
Miss Heuer of San Jos.
Here from, a lltumo Mr, and
Mrs. ao. K. Parker of Mew York
City and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Polsln
of Cllntonvllle, Wis., are guests at
Medford hotels. Othe-a from distant
points Include Jacob Mauss of Salt
Lake City, Utah, Wallace Pack of
Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. A.' D. Alt
ken of Denver, Colo., H. A SwItrJer
of St, Louis. Mo, Oeorge Williamson
of Madison, Wis., Dr. and Mrs. T. 3,
White of Jersey City, N. J., MM In'
gram Watklns of Savannah, Cta., B.
S. Home of Boise, Ida., J. B. Cuth
bertson of Sydued, Australia, Mrs.
McQueen of Victoria, B. C.
Orrfoiil&nft at llutula Among
those from various stm points regis
tered at local hotels ire Mr. and Mrs.
David S. Adolph, Ted Mesch and W.
H. Kay of Salem, Mrs. O. R. Tester
of North, Bend. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Patchett of Roseburs. Lro Schafer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. A.-duser, L. Flab
and R. E. Jenkins of Eugene, and the
following from Portland: Mr. and
Mrs. T. Doss, O. B. Bsgley. A. W.
Shoemaker, Paul Henry, A. W. Shears.
M. C. Hubbard, A. D. Pat'en. B. B.
Duffy, W. S. Lee, 8. W Oakley, S. F.
Simon. O. H. Canfleld. Wm. O. Clark.
B. J. Foraythe, F. Jaeot.on and fam
ily. O. W. Holmes, H. E. Winter.
botham, Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker. Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Sherrod and Everette
Hotman. ' '
Saddle horse for hire. By hour, day
or week. Special trip into the mtna.
at reasonable rate. Mew equipment
and good horses. Tel. T. W. Jones,
Prarolt. Mall address Murphy, Or.
lFOR RENT Furnished ft-room house
with sleeping perch, radio, circulat
ing heater. 636 West 2no.
To Attend Dedication C. E. Dates
and W. II. Banwell, president and
secretary, respectively.; of tha( North
ern Cajlfornta-so.utnern. Oregon De
velopment -association, will attend
the pioneer bridge celebration .at
Yreka tomorrow. Mr. Oates Is one
Of the scheduled speakers on the
dedication program.
Watch for the Mothodlst ladles'
cooked food sole Saturday at Peon's
Meat Market.
TODS ILL , ZoaooaQ01oao':ri
s - Ecoiwmywoceteria'
I. 1
clear, good garden soil; lrrlg. and
city water. Want equity In modern,
home, mail Tribune, Box 167L
FOR SALE First-class small Elbertl
and" Mulr peaches, Zc to 3c, Jeo.'
Alford, Phone 19-F-3.
FOR SALE 13 rabbits and hutches.
Phone 1668, or first house to right
on Blddle road.
FRESH LOAD of Chinook salmon Just
In. For home canning, whole fish
JSC lb. Also fresh crabs, snappers
r and ccd. Saturday only. Ivy Street
Fish Mkt.
WANTED Transportation to Los
Angeles, Sept. 1. Phone 884, Keith
FOR RENT a nice rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, in private home,
opposite new high school. Tel. 1413.
EXPERIENCED , dairyman wants to
lease small dairy In valley. Box
' 1681, Mail Tribune.
Saturday Only
0. Gbrwiiouni &lcture
The Jolly. t'un Maker of "lloimr
Among Lovers" and Charley's
Aunt," off on a Love Hp'reel
Assistant Supervisor Karl Janouch
and Albert Young- and Walter 8t-
vsnson, the veteran Applcgate dis
trict fire guards of Crater National
forest who' left here by stage for
Portland earlier , In the week to
board in trln, frorrt-, there, n route
to assist In fighting ' the serious
forest fires of Dlstrlot -No. 1 .in
Idaho or Montana, Instead were met
by an 'airplane at Roseburg or
Eugene, on which they were hur
ried to Spokane, from where they
left by train for the fire regions. i,"-
A letter received here from-'them-since
said the plane ride made them
all sick, and that they were espec
ially Indisposed while flying" through
the Columbia gorge from Portland
and. did not recover from their alr
slckness uirttl some time after reach
ing Spokane. . .'. . ': ;:
It Is known Messrs. Young and
Stevenson had never been up In an
airplane before, and It Is presumed
at the Crater National forest head;
quarters office here that It may
also have been the first Hying ex
perience of Mr. Janouch.
Starting SUNDAY
Ba(Wl4ijlni-t "WHAT A MANI, .
"5co s mtry HOrt' '
T.y Ms Mm a
Imhm by i
til' V
TODAY - and SATURDAY ! hi.
nam . jcreenuom s newest i.uveri v r
..'. a.,...-, yl " v'' -'r
' I lit aifljrtia';. !?::.. I 'mi v
I I .1$...,'?- -".,'. y I '"' "
tMmomrvarmnwrn'M niteynrnia - &vi JpL 'SZ
i !''-r." -Aif X -i
Out of the Inlght f . if 1
i r . ; he rnme to- Mr 4 i I' ;
1 K him . . . this girl K,; it If"
- '.from another fe ft. . V '
'' world ' mocking )Jk- i '
. ami tender . fl A-JT-
1 pitifully wise In J $4 1 i
j the ways of men. j LQ' ' "
FREDRIC .. . II Jnrtoon ' H
L Night YngriJLBll
Willi I II stlllllieMsMMJMlL r''
Also i. 'J 1 - .' ;;'- -. - ,
"CHIC'SALE in ''The County Seat"
5 L ,, .ki., 'i allii.V.aCl . kit:. ml i
ll I
LVI IF . . 1 a al I J 1 a x.1
. .1909 ' ..
The Home of Dread Like Mother Made
Nickels: and Dimes
, Money:
NOW . c ..
Yes regular money hard to get worth eaving and have a tremendous purchj
ng power. ; , - rr , 7 ' A - ; ; r ' -
During the years of unusual prosperity we sort of lost our respect for the huml
nickel andt dime-rtreated them. as poor relations got rid o them without t
slightest regret. ; - 1 . . ..." ' '. ,. ":
TodayKhbwever wiUi a shriikmg incom and falling prices, the nickel and dir
are, restored to their former prestige-i-welcome guests in the family purse wqi
having and worth saving.
To saye them is to have, thm,. so save by trading the Groceteria way, where pri
are consistently lowerrrrnot merely pn a few leaders but on everything you buy.
It's the ultimate; cost that saves those nickels and dimea the regular money
today. So' follow; thfe ever, increasing crowds to the Groceteriasave without se
denial, and remember, nickels and dimes are regular money now. . .. ; ,v
An exclusive Grceteriafeature
Home stylet breaHs ffesli"rom the.
t oven. IV ui Jrk U
t asi ' w mm
Cookie8.any knid .assprtfd,
dozen , . . . . . ... . . , . . 25c
Special Prices for This Offer
Blue Label 5-lb. can . . .V.-: : 33
10-lb. caiv - i . . . . . 65
Red Label S4b. can .. . l i . 35
; 10-lb.caIitr-'..'vc'. . . . 69
; A Bag Free with Each Can
.Save the nickels and dimes
Quaker v ; Crckelai: EREEl Z, ISii ....
Buy two packages of Quaker Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat, Muf f ets or any two c
your own selection and get the package of crackels free.
" ' ' ' ' Save the nickels and dimes
,"i,'.,..t ;'
Other Thrift Items
Save the nickels and dime.
Fancy' Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. . : . . v 25c
Oranges, Sunkist 2 dozen . . . 25c.
Grape Fruit 6 for, : , . ..... . . 25c
Gold Medal Cake Flour pkg. . . . 25c
Ringer Brand Catsup, large bottle 10c
Ginger Ale, Canada Dry, 3 bottles 47c.
Case of dozen bottles . . . . .$1.79
Tuna Fish, Del Monte Brand, "
Medium can . '. : V.S. : . . . . Vi 17c
Sardines, imported in olive oil ' f '
North Star brand 3 cans . . . . , . 29c
Ken-L-Ration. Give the dog a treat.
3 cans. .fU; iV. t i". . 24c
Hearts of Gold Cantaloupes, big
fellows. Each ' : . : . ..." . : K . 5c
FloiiiPillsbury's XXXX high pat
ent 49-lb. bag ..... . .$1.19
White Rose a high grade hard
wheat patent 49-lb. bag . . . . . 98c
Apples, for pies or sauce packed'
by the Bagley Canning Co. from
local Newtowns No. 2-J can, -2
for,, 25c
Laundry Soap, P. & G. White Nap
thalO bars' v.
Animal Fly Spray Standard Oil
Co.'s-t-gal.- can A .'.. V'.. . ..'.$!
Separator Oil Standard Oil Co.'s
'l-gal. can : ;'i .: . v'. ; .". ;;!.V'.";
Stone Jars, with handles
6 gal. $1,49, 12 gal. . ; .-. ,aY,$2
Stone Bean Pots, qt. size .......
2 qt. 33c, gal. V. i
Motor 'Oils. Here is1 where you real
ly save those nickels and dimes.
Zerolene F, No. 5 or No. 3, gal. .
v5 gal. h . . . v .:. ; .$2
Mobile Oil, A or E gal. 83c, 5
gal. : i-!... $
Bring your own can.
Garden Hose, Goodrich best qual
ity, with coupling 50 ft.. .
Galvanized Pail 10 qt
Lunch Box, with vacuum bottle . . $1
Glassbake Pie Plates, guaranteed
against heat. Each
Glassbake Covered Casserole
. J. . . ..$1.39 to $1
Enjoy these three exclusive
; Groceteria Features:
Save the nickels and dimes.
25c Fountsdn Lunch 25
Breaded Pork Chops, Apple Jelly, Bi
tered Peas, Mashed PQtatoeA Grayy, Brej
and Butter, Coffee, Tea or Milk....... 22
Choice-, of Cold Meats, Salad,. Bread V
Butter, Coffee, Tea or Milk l
Save the nickels and dimes. 1
6th at
& Lydiard
i ;6th ai
Orders of $1.00 or mofe delivered-East Side Phone 752 West Side Phone