Ls- . . . 1BEAUIIHIL 48 10 GRADUA BE SELECTED IE ER 2 AT ASHLAND NORMA L j L-mni in the American us- , mart baby anow eloa 7ZL with a total of 330 Th baby beauty Monday. August 24. L Mby will be judged by "Tlor beauty only. Babies as high as 10.000 votes S, which are to be added r,ote. given by the .clinic Babies can receive up to ' m health. Combined "rarity votes, the winner n rom all three counts. ITcups to be awarded 1 icorlng higher in beauty. JJuid queen competitors are warmed up" considerably 1 ujt few days, and many tne leads have been made, s-ped to 1600. the highest iu be " ,or any Kers for "Baby King", to Peter Bateman and Olen ' lied for first with 1600 Olen Byrd. second: Richard , uid James Jacqua third; 1 Steele fourth and Jackie nun. Those following closely William Bateman, Alvln Lnin Jenkins. Ralston Clark. Atflnson, Richard . Stoner. , oleuon, Norman " Spaur, Mfford. William Kelley. Earl unn Crlswell. Walter Walker, fa ftrg, Robert Tolbert, Peter ootid Clark. Douglas Coghlll. ,Mtell, Virgil Gillette. Bud nag, Elmer Kyle. Kenneth Uojo Lea, Leroy Armstrong, (Hult. Raymond Dalton, Kay , Clifford Hagle, Jackie Mc jtnald Quackenbush, Donald Robert Stewart, William Mc iBIchard Wilson, Leroy Lof jmj Darnellle. Denzer, Blgan Am'ldon, Hu rocaj, Barry Jones, Donald Billy Darby, Bobble Roberts, fcrtwick, Calvin Smith, Har fbt, Robert Zundel. Jack Ray, long. Oawl Miner, tiaipn L. Jimmy McGrew, Elmer William Cox, Robert carol, Wing, Albert Braun, Charles Bites. David Griffiths. Gor- ftt. Qayle Codding, Richard Hlchard Miller, rnuup Otorge Stanton, Jackie Cof- Dennls Richardson, Raipn Lteld, James Jones, Donald (Kenneth .Carter, William Coo- krj Hunter, James Clevenoerg, Tuns, Thomas Sloan, James Junes Brock, George Garner knee Blake. Hjmct vote score lor each Kl be given at the baby show lit 412 E. Main street. i for "Baby Queen" Janls ud Carolyn Wymore, tied k Uadge McKeever and Mar ker, second, Eetty Rogers and Iperson third; Cora Reams, fcstewsrt and -Maxtne Miller, kmmle Smith, fifth. . .. i wring very high and fol- elceely behind are: Patty ka Crawford. Joan Doran, teller, Deah Smith, Prlscllla k Osrtrude Medley, Patty 1 De Anne Wells, Joan Blun- m Bohnert, Glenda Goddard. Frederick, Helen Dooms, trie, Patricia Pawcett, Betty p. Harriet Jones, Lorraine Lrda 8tlmson, Betty Pry. paper, Helen Dovlne, . Greta p. Jacqueline Fortln. Nancy wince Howard, Helen Schu Iiene Franklin. Joan Wilson, Sumy, Louise Lawrence. P Hubler. Ruth Archer. Mo- eH, Charlotte Woods, Marie Ifdnette Pyle. Marianne Perl. Ilrltcamp, Gloria Gladstone, pe Thomas, Jewel Nelson, I Same?, Carmen Wright, Joan I ttj Cole, Rita Wright, Le- Hamilton, Mary Bradbury, 1 M, Barbara Canoose laenergardt, Lois Hibbert. Wormley. Jacqueline Moore. ! Ice. Crystal Clymer, Bar ""rttt, Ruth Selton, June Peggy Hulsey, Delores " 8uzanne Singleton. " ftrness. Helen Ltttrell. Stagier, Detrude Lewis. Ruth Mores Cox, Joan Neilson. "Pbell. Kathleen Enright, Wliamson, Sally Russell. Afreet scoring out of town WUe forest Atkinson of ' Mia. Ore. pe STORM (IDRAININPARK Porty-elght students will have com pleted their work for Southern Ore gon Normal school graduation and will receive their diplomas at the close of the summer quarter. Sep tember a. Many of those graduating are experienced teachers who have at tended summer school consistently In their effort to maintain the higher standards of Instruction now being urged by the people of Oregon. Those who will receive diplomas are: Students completing work for grad uation in July, 1931: Mary Adamson. Ashland; Virginia Anjus. Marshflcld: Vincent Barrett, St. Helens: Gertrude Bcgard, Bandon: Rose Bothwell, Gold Beach; Eulah Burnett. Merrill; Ray Buyers. Ashland; Caroline Cutting. Crescent City. CM.; Julia Dugan. Medford: Mary Fulkerson, Salem; Anna Harpole, Creswell; Ruth Hood. Medford: Raymond Hunsacker. Mvrtle Creek; William KaKnnasto, Ashland; Ellen Lawrence, Scappoose; Daisy Lewis, Jacksonville; Naomi Magruder. Camas Valley; Estelle Murlas. Port land; Paul Masters, Talent: Waldo Nye, Prospect: Geneva Olts. Grants Pass; Wyatt Padgett. Ashland; Jessie Pruett, Cottage Grove; Ruth Rodley. Looklngglass; Pauline Schneider. Cot tage Grove: Nellie Shepherd, Marsh field: Jennie Stevens. Medford: Verlle Tracy, Roseburg; Ploy Young, Ash land. . Students completing work for grad uation in September, 1931: Bertha Baker, Grants Pass; Jack Balding, Medford; Irwanda Bateman, Ashland: Mary Bartshe, Payette, Olaho; Mamie Bostrack, Salem: C. A. Campbell, Can yonvllle; Ruth Campbell, Bly: Lota I. Carrol', Lakevlew; Altha Chandler. Sheridan; Miriam Davles, Payette. Idaho; Doris Dykstra, Halsey; Lydla Erlckson, Clatskanle; Melvina Erlck son, Clatskanle; Emma o. Garrett, Portland; Julia Glgler. Grants Pass: Carlta Glf ford.. Medford; Edrls Greene. Portland; Eva Grles. Portland; Vida Hanson, Ashland; Janet Ager Hare. Central Point: Helen High, Ashland: Josephine Hill, Plush; Doris Hitch cock, Ashland; Bertha Hoon, Port land; Wanda Houdyshetl, Coqullle; Philip Luch, Klamath Palls; Evelyn McPherson, Myrtle Point; Ruth Ting Mitchell, Marshfield; Francis Neff. Medford; Marie Nelson, Cottage Grove; Rhoda Newton. Nyssa; Frank Newton, Nyssa; Zee Phillips, Ashland; Grace Pearce, Jacksonville; Cecil Poole, Talent; Betty Preston, Ash land; Clarlbel Rakestraw, Portland: Marie Roberts, Prlnevllle: Alice Sea brooke,. Central. Point: Edna Smith. Prlnevllle; R. H. Southwlck, Talent; Katherine Sullivan. Baker; Margaret Turgeson, Portland; Ruth Warnock. Troy. Mildred West, Knappa; Cecile Wlegand, Salem; Susan Stlnchfleld, Maryvllle; Lee Melyln Katltan, River ton. " SrEDFOEP MIIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OKECON, TUESDAY, 'AFflFST IS, 'mi. PSQE TLLHKH COLEMAN SPEAKS If TO KIWANIANS ON FISHING IN STATE "If wild life Is Oregon's greatest as set, the sportsmen ehould gjt behind the state fish commission end the V. 3. bureau of fisheries to help set a standard of preservation." W. H Coleman told members of the Kiwan ls club Monday, who were in session at Hotel Medford. He informed club members of con ditions In rivers and streams of Jack son county forty years ago, and said that the number of fish could not be brought to the same standard be cause the majority of fishing holes are now accessible by roads. "Anywhere that sportsmen have to tide several miles on- horseback or walk quite a distance to find a good fishing hole, that place will remain good." he said. He went oa to say 2 hat if the limit must be lowered to. keep the fish from total extinction, sportsmen Should take It like men, and keep their catches within the limit set. Speaking on recreation, Mr. Cole man advised the Klwanians not to spend any money on making a park along Bear creek, as the stream can not be eliminated, he said, and will always remain polluted, to a certain extent. Expressing his views on the Roxy Ann park which has been proposed. Mr. Coleman stated that land nearer the city was available where city water could be used. Guests at Monday's meeting were Harvey R. Ling, Burbank, Calif.; George T. Stoddard. Everett, Wash.; Ben Sheldon, Los Angeles; and Ted GeBauer. v Donate Text Books Bend School Plea BEND. Ore, Aug. 18. (AP) Su perintendent G. W. Ager. of the Bend public schools, has issued an appeal to parents of Bend' students to donate used text books for the coming school year. The school budget provided 2300 for texts but that amount will buy I books needed t for the elementary tton of old books would save the dls- 1 For Sale Choice Bartletts for can only about one-third the number or j grades. Alter estimated the dona- i trlrt taxpayers about sl.soo this fall. nlng. a'4c per lb. 306 E. Jackson St; FREE WE DEVELOP FILMS West Side Pharmacy New! And only at Penney's! "PENS-ARCH" . HEALTH SHOES for Children! Parents! After long planning, Penney's presents these new arch-support shoes for children confident that at last a kMg-ieh want is "filled 1 "PENI-ARCH" . HEALTH SHOES support and protect tender, grow ing feet are attractively styled and moderately priced! - These shoes are our own exclusive development con ceived by our own designers worked out by our own staff of shoe experts. Now you can provide the same splendid protection for your children's feet that you yourselves find in "PENI ARCH" shoes for grown-ups 1 Note these features: No. 1 Plenty of toe-room 1 No: 2 Rigid steel shank to take the impact of the step. No. S This part is flexible; sup ports the high arch. .No. 4 Specially constructed heel (longer and higher on inside) pre vents slipping and swings the toes in. Cost no more than ordinary shoes! Sizes S'i to 8 $2.19 Sizes S'z to lift $2.69 Sizes 12 to 2 .... $2.98 Sizes 2Vi to 5. ...... i $3.98 J.C. PENNEY DEPARTMENT STORE - -- "TOASTING" expels SHEEP-DIP BASE naturally (Black, biting, harsh irritant chemicals) present in every tobacco leaf 4 V-VJ They're out so they can be in!" 9 4 w 1 fx I'll u I IS , m ii V' 1 a 1 5. Cone, placed E UKE. Aug. 18.-(Spl.)- i Druuant electrical ereral seasons visited the lata an. o , . ouuuay evening. rz" oy heavy rain and a The lightning caused frmge. resulting In a L- ure near Desert r the rim . " atorm was confined to tr""" Rain fell In tor. p jaounted to .04 of an lncr tem n maintained at rWmp. Por a time llght- Umt ., flaahM . . j , 1U. ... . -"-""U. ""R u ior a short time. ft Boys Plan l"ance at Airport y. Sept. 7. The r a.k! raise funds for t ataZL1' "ed at the te-i" Paeious cement floor h. ' opaclt tn S PM"r" nd spe- r is v am"a j the r Now Playing! "7C II T0NITE TOMORROW -OSlW ' III 5 THURSDAY I I imm FRflniciir- EU0IRD0' 'C0EXI13 I ggjk III f!nst. nf Brilliance if M;t! mfj jffc'.&.vS I i4 ' AUurif Triumphant ... j lLLJtm. Pitched to the Heart-Beat of IjT kiZyX I 1 6&7 Today's Slant on a Problem a Mil WW I "'sry t Eternal as the Voice or uon- Mil ' , "W 1 .cience! l U'tr -t ' X 1 BAR0AIK PBICES! II fc?'!! 1 Matinee 20c Evening 30c llll I ..v V JX JL lilt . llll H 2 -.-i. - : UU rrn- Every LUCKY STRIKE is made of the finest tobacco leaves the world can offer the finest from Turkey the finest from Kentucky.Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia and the Carolinas the Cream of many crops throughout the world. But all tobacco leaves, regardless of price and kind, as nature produces them, contain harsh irritants. LUCKY STRIKE'S exclusive "TOASTING" Process a process that mellows, that purifies, that includes the use of the modern Ultra Violet Ray expels certain harsh irritants naturally present in every tobacco leaf. We sell these expelled irritants to manufacturers of chemical com pounds, who use them as a base in making sheep-dip, as well as a powerful spraying solution for trees, flowers and shrubs enough to permit the daily dipping of over 50,000 sheep or the daily spraying of many thousands of trees. Thus, you are sure these irritants, naturally present in all tobacco leaves, are not in yout: LUCKY STRIKE. They're .out so they can't be in!" No wonder LUCKIES are always kind to your throat. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 220 It's toasted Including the use of Ultra Violet Rays Sunshine Mellows Heat Purifies Your Throat Protection against irritation against cough Wo ' O s X K 1 S A Tnofinest," , I baceo quality : . . , ' . plus throat iv.i v . y f i ra mum Mil Wm III &mn- I TUNB fN-Tti D.hiIsi of Muik Higular Luck Sulk Luiv Or ctuma v. Luck- Strike SMmmrr ' rarnrlJrchrilra N. B.C. network l every Tueaday THwrtduy anil Siituritaymail -. your choice la lucky Strike, III Sth Aw..N. Y.C C- TELLS HER FINDS E THEIR They're Coming FRIDAY (in person) THE ARIZONA WRANGLERS" Tells How to Get Rid of Dandruff and Gray Hair II0UST0N. LADY SAYS IT IS VERY SIMPLE I know the simple homo Ireit- mrnt 1 describe below, did wonder for me and it will do the same thing fur other women," writ Mn. Walter II. Renne, 6005 N. Main fit, Houston, Texas. Her picture ia on the right. "I suffered for year with dan druff and dry acalp. I waa thor oughly disgusted after trying a numoer of advertised hair prep aration! a ther left mr acalp and hair aa bad or worae than be fore. Mr face waa young looking! oui uai mj hair. HOW TO f full of life and lustre. It la bobbed and everyone tells me how good it looks, thanks to lil Hair Ionic. Irirecliona on each bottle tell you iuAt how to use it and it ia aa aim pie as can be. No fuss or bother and day by day in the most nnt ural, pleasing way the hair re. turns from gray to the color nf finsllV f leaMIMt nf (Ills wm. ....Ik U.ivAr.mrm Mnit f.:i.nM derful Lea's Hair Tonie and bnughtirannot detect ita use. Results en- bottle.. I waa absolutely aaton- tirely aatisfactory to the user are iahed at the quick way it turned guaranteed within sis week or any hair back to Ita natural colnrimoney bark. SI. per battle at wtiich la a light hrown. My scalp druggist or write Ia Tonie Co, began to feel normal again and to-1 Brentwood, Md. I'oatage paid If day sny hair ia fluffy, war anditura mail. COUNT THE YELLOW BOXES -Real Proof That Country People Read the MAIL TRIBUNE Workt b TroW-