Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 15, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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MRDIAN chief
. l X MnnUln
Vident NUwaier ui.auic
Ci $10,000 Bail
W at Liberty On
Counts Found
Viand. Aug. is. (AP)-cnm-
I Biictments charging Earl K.
'B od Jay S. Moltzner with
jjiij lending funds of the
Building and Loan asso
"Tittliout security, were return
,Be,. county grand Jury here
j, The men were Indicted on
aunts. : ; ' '
niter, 38. la president of the
mo tiioclatlon, land Moltzner Is
lice-president and managing
Jns set at $10,000 for both
jfott, state corporation com
recently took over- the
JJto group of building and loan
r One In Jail -
wur, with bb attorney, . Clar-
j. Sectarian, made an appeal to
(Wtet attorney's office and to
m Circuit Judge Ekwall yen-
lor s reduction of ball, ort the
pis tiat he la without funds.
Induction was refused. : ''
au U Conley, , attorney, . and
m-ln-law of Moltzner, made ar
unts for Moltzner's ball, which
proved by, Judge Ekwall and
ue Issued.
kiuclt Is now In progress, which
Ipect to show that the Guardian
pal Is Indebted to the Mortgage
mint company "today," said
rcf-the charges that some $74,
nth of assets had been trans
i by the Guardian company to
llortgage Investment company
nut security by Moltzner and
mter, who was booked at the
it 11 a. m.. gave his nationality
laerlcan and his business as
ttman." He had no money In
jtnonal effects, but turned over
He Jailer his keys, knife and a
letters. He was assigned to "F"
tar, where some 45 men are held,
i of Thorn are awaiting trial,
luncheon stew and coffee pro-
I ns eaten by the defendant
I I good appetite, according to
j iheriffs. At 4:30 In the after
i bill was provided and he was
taerH. Harvey, veteran rural car
rtpresentlng the rural carriers'
otkut of Medford, and B. A.
Lai the city carriers, motored to
b Pus Thursday evening to ex
to' the rural ' carriers' caravan
Bfioi from Medford.
to the local men arrived at
Pua not a rural carrier had
H his appearance, so a policy of
1I waiting" waB adopted.
I tithe advance guard of about
a rolled In, headed by the state
t, Rex Pratt, and wife of
. Others of the advance guard
: Hr. and Mrs. P. L. Hurlbutt
hraton, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
ot Molalla and Mr. and Mrs.
tLDunton of Molalla,
"tuayan, which Included about
a started In the northern part
Mate and Is headed for Los
Is the coast route from
a fus. to attend the national
won from August 18 to 21.
Wrat pntt mKle the statement
a rural carriers In Oregon have
Wwahlp of 100 per cent, all
' Cat Interest In the asso-
Only 15 other states can
' 100 per cent.
mending greeting and cn
'iy pleasant meeting, the
5"wi Invited the caravaneers
" wis city on the return trip,
accepted. However, the
"J "11 disband on reaching Los
"M return In their own way
ttalr own time.
irtirt i tk i . .
The imlnn .. .
"""-o win oe nem ai
the Christian churcb at 8 p.m.
AH invited.
St. Marks Episcopal
Corner Oakdale and Sth St.
8 a.m.. holy communion.
Wm. B. Hamilton, Rector.
Main Street Methodist Church. South
N. D. Wood, pastor.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. A class
for every age.
Sermon by the pastor. 11 a m
Young peoples service, 7 p. m.
Union Rprvin B .... ...
. t i-nrisllan
church, 8 p.m.
First Presbyterian C'hnrrh
, Claude B. Porter, minister.
Bible school at 9:45 a.m.
Preaching service at 11:00 am
Rev. s. H. Jewell of Merrill. Ore.
will preach.
' We weWmo all vihr, .a.
" "OIIC lu Will-
ship with us.
English Lutheran Church.
Fourth at Oakdale Ave.
"Where the Way is Made Plain."
"The Magdalene" win h thB ..k-
Ject of the sermon by Dr. Punk at
11 a.m.
The Bible school hiMtna Di n.u
a.m.. with classes for all ages.
You are cordially Invited to at
tend our services. .
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
235 North Bartlctt.
Rodney Richards, pastor.
Trte Church that Lives the Gospel.
Study to show thyself approved
unto God. a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rlchtlv rtivinini.
the work of truth. Tim. 2:15.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
A welcome for all
Seventh Day Aihentlsl.
Corner Beatty and Edwards St.
T. M. Langberg. pastor.
T. L. Themler, assistant.
Sabbath school. 9:45 nm Jnv
McComb, superintendent. L. L. Bunch
Church services 11:00 a.m.
.Youne neonle's mcetlne. a rj. m.
Elsie Argraves leader. Mrs. P. M.
Koaman. assistant.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Authorized branch of the Mother
Church, the First Churcb of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday at
11 o'clock, church edifice. 213 North
Oakdale. Subject for Sunday, Au
gust 16: "Soul."
Sunday school at 9:45. Appli
cants under the age of 20 may be
Wednesday evening meetings which
Include testimonies of Christian
Science healings, at 8 o'clock.
The reading room, which Is lo
cated at 401 in the Medford building.
Is open dally from 8 am,, to 6 p.m.,
except Sundays and holidays. The
librarian Is In attendance from 11
to 4. at which time the Bible and
all authorized Christian Science lit
erature may be read, borrowed or
The public Is cordially Invited to
attend the services and visit the
reading room.
' BMtl ....
i --"8 oi me new Roxy Ann
feu Zr ' eTen'ng was well
ST.. ? now have all the
TttW4 nd have ,ent tor
r 80S; " "cers are: MMter'
j ""nerta; overseer. Mr Vol I.
W""',Mr- Rose; steward, Mr.
r. taint,. ... .
: a'..Mr' Tea"
Ujj. ' Miicneu; creassr
--"n; secretary. Prank
Jr.wlma Hansen: Pomona.
IJj "ora. Mrs. Cameron;
"wara, Mrss. Ted-
( h,0ran' extends an
i . Angers to visit
etln win h
- 'I.:' Mngs are
-a j " Pine school house.
vlult nnv
be August
are held
h JIS A"s. 15.-(Spl.)
J""ct 1. having a
IMtn -"'. m lew weexs
on rnovlnu th. .i, 1
' tb' nd bulld-
'Hlk.r- w leaving It where
SwI. " ln addition to !t.
KT?"' 17 4. in favor
t ''" """ition of eight
'tekTr1 10 end which
ri? tni p'ch- and
ta "1 "w porch will
ft.Jh schoolroom.
I -. aod ...
trt ,1, -t rerxini oe-
I WIS, Kx.1,
St. Peter's Lutheran Church. , .
(Mo. Synod) : '
E. Main St., and Portland Ave.
H. H. Young, pastor.
There will be no morning services
Sunday morning. '
Evening services Sunday evening
at 8:00 o'clock. .
"The Rise and Fall of ' Saul,"
Adult class meets every Friday
evening at 8:00 o'clock in the pas
tor's study. '
The public Is cordially Invited.
International lllble Students.
Judge Rutherford, lecturer.
The Watch Tower program, which
is given by electrical transcription
over KMED every Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock, consists of a lecture
by Judge Rutherford, world wide
known Bible exponent. The subject
of the talk. Sunday Is "Judgment ol
International Bible Students meet
for study every Sunday morning at
10:30 at the home of Mrs. W. W.
nniiav. ... 102 1 Mistletoe j street" and
every Wednesday . afternoon at . 2
o'clock at tne nome ox bits. miuo
Brewer, 727 South Central avenue.
All Interested In Watch Tower Bible
study arc welcome. . ;
Church of iod.
Holly and Haven streets.
Rev. H. W. Burch, pastor.
Residence 630 W. McAndrows road.
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at 11 a.m. ''What
Doth the Lord Require of .Thee."
Devt. 10:12.
Young people's meeting. 7 p.m.
Evening service. 8 p.m.
earviro Wednesday. 8:00
p.m. We are having line mid-week
meetings, which are getting u"'
all the time. If you are not at
tending any other meeting and wish
to spend an hour with us getting
closer to God, come and bring your
There will be special music, both
morning and evening services.
First Christ Inn Church.
Ninth and Oakdale streets. .
W. R. Bnlrd, pastor,
nihl. aorinol at 9:30 a.m. M. E
Olson, superintendent.
i i k.nim nf ln:30.
Morning wore.i.H
Anthem. "O Come, Let Us Sing
(a""W ' rt,,mi from his
vacation and will preach Sund.j
morning on the suhject, "Back to
God's House.
Christian Endeavor nv . v
... i .v. j.rvtrefi will Oe
The union uui." .
held in this church at eight o clock.
Anthem, "Praise xe "
(GBMCtal number by the male quar-
tC8ermon by W. B. Ba.rd. "Man's
Three Greatest Losses."
First Mcthmllst.
Alexander G. BennP"'"-.,,
Sunday morning wur...P. - - -with
sermon by the pas tor. The
rr-v.- nhnrmit Our reara.
Name i..v ButlBr.
new"1'' hlD 8 o'clock
union evciiiHB r
in the Christian church.
. 0:45 a m Willi
classes and welcome fo a.
Epwortn icx" " ",,.
hour of devotion ana ;
!?How Friendship. Orow-Learning to
ue rue,., i- iirinAqdav 7:46
Mid-week meci.i.B - - h
p.m, in the chapel, led by the
""in' neonle are welcome to the
.pSturtnUWthh. church.
Fir.! Baptist Chiirrh.
Rev. W. H. Eaton- P.
Sundnv acnooi -
.MrS Elmer . Wilson, superlnten-
aent- ., . .nnther Sim-
Jy'root7ourocord,.,y invited
to attena. heein
Morning preaching service, begin
nlng at 11 o'clock
In the absence oi r--Jouett
P: Br.y ,w,.l brln, rth.
sages. His suDjevv
steading in m
The special rou .
consist of a bras, quintet by the
. m t, RAirt on entitled
Buchanan iuuj
'Mr.nd Mr,. Frank Buchanan
wiU ing duet.
Sherirf Ralph Jennings returned
late last night from an all-day hunt
in the Lake o' the Woods country
for Jack Wells, 30, resident of the
Pelican Bay district, alleged to have
gon on a rampage Thursday with a
black-handled knife. Klamath coun
ty authorities were also hunting for
Wells, sought for alleged assault with
a dangerous weapon.
The hunt was characterized as part
"false alarm, and part wild goose
chase," owing to the fact that some
of the women residents of the Pell
can Bay camp, near where Wells re
sides, exaggerated his tantrums. He
is alleged to have been intoxicated
and flourished the knife, more In
bluster than In seriousness.
(First reports of the affairs were
received from a ranger station near
Pelican Bay, and the Impression was
gained that a serious situation ex
isted. . The fact that the law was hunting
for him caused Wells to linger in the
brush all day, until an explanation
could be made, and the returned to
his fireside and family.
Two Day Old Babe
Is Youngest Entry
In Auxiliary Show
Owing to the large number of
out-of-town babies entered In the
American Legion Auxiliary baby show
a special prize cup Is to be awarded
the highest scoring baby living out
of Medford. This Includes all en
tries living In the country and sur
rounding towns.
A. . baby ' entered today looks as
though she might have the "youngest
baby" cup already won. She is
Baby Phyllis M. Klvett, of route. 1.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Klvett. She is two days bid.
Hiree hundred and twenty babies
are competing for the titles of baby
king and queen, according to "the
last record' of registrations.
Mrs. Dixie A. Harvey, ballet in
structress, will furnish entertain
ment in the baby coronation Sep
tember i. at the baby show, 412
East Main street. Babies who are
talented will take part In the show.
Photographs are being sent over
from the J. Verne Shangle studios,
and many votes are being cast on
various entries.
A special vote bulletin is being
made up at the baby show office
and will be posted In the window
Sunday. .
Leaders for baby king are: Glen
Coleman, first; Glen Byrd and Nor
man Spaur, second: Alvln 1 Pena.
third and Richard Steele and James
Jacqua. fourth.
Leaders for baby queen are: Janls
Grlgsby, first: Gertrude Medley and
Carolyne Wymorc. second: Glenda
aodrtnrd. third: Patricia Marx.
Mourth and Sammle Smith, fifth.
Others with vote scores win De
published Monday evening.
Remodel Rex Cafe
Before Re-opening
By Harold McCrady
ny.iiutncr th sheriff's sale Monday
of the Rex cafe, complete remodeling
of the establishment will be started,
Harold McCrady of Eugene, wno plans
nMhDM th establishment, an
nounced today. Mr. McCrady former
ly operated the Rex, and arnica mv
he was glad to be back In Medford
again to stay.
Not only the front room win an
redecorated, and booths Installed, but
new and complete equipment will be
placed In the kitchen. Arthur Ooss,
who was previously tuci w.c
.,it rn hr anH resume his old
position. He has been with the Lee
Duke cafe in Eugene onivc i..g
r Mnrarfv announced plans for
changing the name of the eating
house, and said he expectea me re
modeling to be completed so the cafe
could be opened by September 1.
Butte Falls Blaze
Causes Excitement
. BUTTE FALLS, Ore., Aug. IS
(Spl Butte Falls had the excite
ment of a big fire Sunday, without
,,.aii Hlbbsrd was burn
ing blackberry bushes, and the flames
spread to the Everett Abbott house.
The conflagration was extinguished
by the Butte Falls fire department.
Everyone In town rushed to the
fire, Including tnose wno
mlng in the pool-
Nab "Dago Red" At
Knmath Junction
Romery Corots. a Greek, giving hi.
home adores Yonvllle C.l
arrested by sxair iin.-. ------
,th Junction on the Plfl highway
possession oi i"s -
to h.v. had 20 gallon, of
wine commonly designated as "Dago
IT. his car was confiscated and
hV was scheduled for appearance late
today In Justice court.
Kiddies of southern Oregon are
having a good time these days color
ing the pictures in the Boys' and
Girls' color contest sheet, the first
of which appeared in Thursday's Tri
bune. And what's more, every decor
ated page that's entered at the Mall
Tribune office Is rewarded with a
free candy bar. If Viere are any
children who haven't yet finished the
first page they are advised to get
busy and either bring or send It to
the office by August 20, next Thurs
day, -i
For the next six weeks an exciting
page all ready to be colored with
crayons will be printed In the Mall
Tribune every Thursday afternoon.
Judges will select the winning sheet
'each week, and at the end of the
contest a grand prize will be awarded
to trto little boy or girl who lias sub
mitted the best series of six colored
sheets. The pictures illustrate fa
vorite products that are widely ad
Any girl or boy under sixteen years
of age Is eligible to enter the contest,
and even if some of the pages are
colored by young amateurs of three
years, a big candy bar. will be given
to the future artli
WIMER. Ore- Aug. 15. (Special)
Enterprise Orange at Wlmer met
August 8, with the usual community
dinner served by the women.
Quests at the dinner were Mr.
Davis, former principal of the Wl
mer schools and Miss Kathryn Eckert
of Eugene, a former member and
officer of Enterprise Orange.
Mr. Davis took a group picture
of the crowd later In the day.
The Orange was called to order
by Worthy Master E. E. Dlmmlck.
Mr. Hood told of efforts being
made to establish an experimental
farm south of Medford and a reso
lution was passed to assist In any
way possible.
Mr. Sacre, principal of Wlmer
school, spoke Interestingly of the
doings and aspirations of the 4-H
clubs In Jackson county, extending
an urgent Invitation to all who
cared, to come to the 4-H club fair
hi Medford. September 18 and 10
at the county fair grounds.
A letter was read by the secre
tary pro tern, Mrs. Hood, from Mrs.
Harry L. Miller, HUdebrand. Klam
ath county, who wishes to hear from
some one in Jackson county who
has a small ranch to trade for a
stock ranch at above address. ,
An Interesting program was put
on by the newly elected worthy
lecturer, Mrs. Vivian Norman Barto,
former member of Enterprise Orange,
who has renewed her membership
after nine years' absence.
Mrs. Barto is spending the sum
mer with her mother, Mrs. Catharine
Norman Law, a member of thifl
Orange, of Pomona and of the state
Orange. Mrs. Law was cited at the
state Orange . meeting in Medford
In June as having more years ol
Orange membership to her credit
than any woman In Oregon, having
Joined at the age of nine In Fair-
bury. 111.
Mrs. Law feels that "It's a good
thing to be a Granger, and this
was the name of the opening song
on. the program, followed by a duet
by Zuebelda and Verah PUman, Mrs.
Stewart at piano; story by Junior
Dlmmlck; song. Jomthy pi 1 man.
Paul and Maxlne Dlmmlck, accom
panied by Mrs. Stewart; story. Mrs.
Mary Moore; reading, Mrs. Crouse;
doings at Pomona, Mrs. Catharine
N. Law; editorial opinions, Mr.
Radio Program
(Mall Trlbuna-Vlrgln Station)
ttat unlay.
P. M
5 to 6 Lewis Super Station: News
and markets by Mall Tribune.
6 to 7 Jackson Hot Springs: Where
to Go; Old Time Fiddlers' con
test. I to 8 Happiness Train; KMED
8 to 9 All request program.
A. M.
8 to 10 Lite novelty.
10 to 11 Watch Tower; Joel ion
Hot 8prlngs.
II to l'i Sunday records.
P. M.
12 to 1 Ewln Plunges; KMED
I to 3:30 Seml-classlc numbers.
4:30 to 8 KMED presentation.
8 to 0 Valley Radio church.
A. M.
7:55 to 8 Breakfast broadcast of
news by Mall Tribune.
8 to 9 Treasure Box; West Side
Pharmacy; Gold Seal.
0 to 10 Friendship Circle by
Economy Groceteria; City Clean
ing and Dyeing.
10 Weather forecast.
10 to 11 Snow White: Gardner
Drug Co.
II to 12 Sperry Flour; Burelson's
Ladles' Wear; Jackson Co. Bldg.
6c Loan.
P. M.
12 to 1 Monarch Seed and Feed;
News flashes by Mall Tribune.
1 to 2 M. F. H. Co.; McNalr
2 to 3:30 Snlder's Dairy; World
4:30 to S KMED presentation.
5 to 6 Uncle Jerry; News and
markets by Mall Tribune.
6 to 7 Mutual Mill; Whero to
Go; The Toggery.
7 to 8 Happiness Train; All Re
quest program.
8:30 to 9 ttemoto from Fox Cra
terlan. .
Charles P. Metsker, mapmaker from
Portland, has arrived In Medford to
do preparatory work upon a proposed
map of Jackson county. Mr, Metsker
has Just completed a map of Lane
county In the Willamette valley.
Eighteen Oregon counties have
been mapped by the Metsker system
in the past few years. . The map of
Jackson county would be more do
tailed than any now mado, Mr. Mets
ker states. It would lncludo all'
farms, roads, paths, donation land
claims, streams, towns and many
other Interesting details. Maps made
of other counties of the state have
proven of much value to many per
sons. Nearly every Washington coun
ty has also been mapped.
Suit for divorce was filed today In
the circuit court by Lincoln O. Rowl
ing against Evelyn Rowling, In which
It Is alleged that the aunt of the
wife, residing at Eugene, Oregon, has
unduly influenced her. Other alle
gations are that the wife is an
excessive smoker of cigarettes, sub
mitted to a serious operation "crim
inal in character." and meets a Port
land man "In a secretive and Im
proper manner," and departed with
the money furnished for the estab
lishment of a home In this city.
The Rowlings, the complaint cites,
were married at Eugene, Oregon.
March 30, 1028. Rowling names his
residence as this city, and his wife
Insists on living in Eugene, It Is
The husband seeks a decree of
divorce, and the custody of a 13-months-qld
Cecil Hartley, local glider enthu
siast, will give a demonstration ot
flying at the municipal airport
Sunday morning, he announced to
day. Hartley has been the leader
of valley glider buiUers and ope
rators for some time and has con
siderable flying experience.
Plights will be made between 8
and 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Everyone interested In seeing the
glider will be welcomed at the field.
Hartley. It will be remembered,
crashed Into a fence near Phoenix
several . months ago when flytnf
one of his glide's and sustained tn-
Juries which stopped hi gliding ior
'New, Thrill Serial
Starts Rialto Run
Paul Lukas has been placed In t.Me
most significant role of his career In
"Women Love Once," the romantic
drama which opened at the Pox
Rialto theatre today for a two day
Lukas Is seen as the artist husband
who, with his wife, Eleanor Board
man, and their four-year-old daugh
ter, Marilyn Knowlden, live a peace
ful existence In a big city.
But the serenity Is Jarred when
Juliette Compton, wealthy society
patroness of things artistic persuades
Paul to go to Paris to Improve .his
technique so that he can qualify
(or the higher forms of the daubing
art. :
Miss Board man has no misgivings
about the trip; In fact she urges Paul
to go, making tills sacrifice In the
hope that It will result in a richer
future for them all.
But when he returns, Paul Is a
r,'.a need man.
Also first chapter of the Heroes of
the Flames, featuring Tim McCoy,
will bo shown today.
Marie Dressier Is
Star At Craterian
In "Politics," starting Sunday at
the Fox Craterian, for a three dny
engagement, Marie Dressier, aided
and abetted by Polly Moran, romps
through screamingly comical situa
tions, and Into the bargain gives the
audience a taste of the character
work that she displayed In "Anna
Christie" and "Min and Bill."
The new picture li a hilarious story
of Marie as a feminine candidate for
mayor, with tie agile Polly as her
campaign manager. She harangues
the woman's vote, conducts torchlight
processions, handles political rallies
and even calls out the women of the
town on a strike against their hus
bands' for the sake of civic purity.
Loretta Young Has
Role Holly Sunday
Loretta Young Is the star of "The
Truth. About Youth," the hit due at
the Holly theater tomorrow. Featur
ed with her In this drama of youth's
Ideals are David Manners, Conway
Tearle, Myrna Loy and a host of
"Broad Mmded," with Joe Brown,
the comedy riot which has scored
such a hit with Holly patrons, closes
at the Holly with the last perform
anoes tonight. Also on the closing
program Is a news reel with Oraham
McNsmee, a Bobby Jones golf reel
and another of the Adventures In
Afrlc reels, Beast of the Wilderness
This reel Is being shown on the Holly
giant mutll-Jlfe screen.
Pianos recently taken back may be
purchased for balance on contracts
Pslmer Music House.
James William Lindsay, resident
of Medford for the past 10 years,
passed away at his home, 216 Haven
street Friday evening at the age ot
81 years.
Mr. Lindsay was born In Salens
county, Missouri, June 39, 1840, and
at the age of IS years crossed the
plains with his parents, coming to
Oregon and settling in Josephine
county. After living In Josephine
county a number -of years the fam
ily moved to Klamath county, later
moving to Jacksonville. Living a
short time in Jacksonville, they re
turned to near Klamath Falls, where
Mr. Lindsay has engaged In cattle
Mr. Lindsay was married to Jennie
Hoffman at Yreka, Calif.. In March,
1028, and havo made their home
In Medford since that time. He Is
survived by his wife, Jennie E. Lind
say and two daughters by a former
marriage, Dara A. Lano of Lake view
and Mrs. John Zwald, Oakland, Cal.,
three sisters and two brothers. Mar
tha Mlssengcr, Pro volt; Luclla Dean,
Grants Pass; Mrs. John Carr. Port
land; Richard Lindsay, Wildervllle
and J. B. Lindsay of Eagle Point.
Funeral services will be held from
the Conger funeral parlors Sunday
at 1 p.m. Rev. W. R. Balrd .will
have charge of services and burial
will be made In the Odd Fellows'
Cemetery -at Grants Pass.
TALENT, Ore., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Mrs. 8. 8. Stewart of San Juan Capls-
tranlo, Calif., called on Mr. and Mras.
Orle Manning, Tuesday enroute to
Mrs. Everett Bnlley has returned
from her vacation on the const, and
Is again at the homo of her "aunt,
Mrs. Lydla Powers.
Mr. Turnbaugh and his sister, Mrs.
Henrv of Medford. Miss Esther fiDan-
cnberg and Miss Opal McLarncn have
returned from a summer sjient In
Iowa visiting relatives. They made
the trip by motor and report a de
lightful tlmo, except for ifo heat In
Iowa, . -
The Misses McLarnen and Spanon-
bcrg Willi teach again In the Talent
schools this year.
Mrs. Ida French and daughters.
Mrs. L. I. Crawford and MrB. Ray
Coleman of Jacksonville havo re
turned to their homes after a visit
with relatives In Pendleton and Walla
Field Rice of Doris, spent the week
end with Mrs. Powers and Elenore
where his sister, Mrs. Everett Bailey,
Is also a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Marsh and son
Rodger left by motor for their .home
In Los Angeles Thursday. They have
been house guests of Mrs. Marsh's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Mr, and Mrs. Chaa Oardner and
Niel and Vern Spiers attended the
ball gamo In O rants Pass Sunday,
Miss Doris Bell of Eagle Point Is
visiting at the home of her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell this
Miss Opal McLarnen and Miss
Esther Bpanenberg aro visiting at
Lake view this week.
Mrs. Chase Oardner, Mrs. Tom Bell,
Mrs. R. Newhouse and Mrs. Wm. Hlg-
glns spent the weekend with t,ie
Recreational club as guests of Mr.
Tyrell at Soda Springs.
Mrs. Freeman entertained Wednes
day afternoon at her country home
In honor of her daughter, Mrs, Dewey
Marsh of Los Angoless. Mrs. Marsh's
many friends hero were glad ot the
opportunity to greet her again and
all spent a delightful afternoon. La to
In the day delicious refreshments
wero served.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Denis wore In
from their ranch on the Crater Lako
.'ilghway Tuesday.
Mrs. Clara Mc Fad den spent Friday
In Ashland, guest of her friend, Mrs.
Elizabeth Oardner.
Mr. and Mrs. err of Union, Ore.,
have completed the furnishing ' of
their home recently purchased on
South highway and are very much
pleased with their new homo and The
Mrs. Sue Clayton entertained at
dinner Sunday, her children and
grandchildren. In honor of her grand
daughter, Mrs. Dewey Marsh who Is
visiting here from Lot Angeles.
Dr. and Mrs. Miller of Phoenix
called at the J. S. Crawford home
. ,
pany Tuesday her sister. Mrs. Leona
Hanna ot Jacksonville and Mr. and
Mrs. Burt Haney o( Portland, who
are visiting their daughter In Med
ford. Sunday dinner guests at the home
Of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cnly Included
their daughter Miss Uora Culy and
friend: Miss Murgarette Watson of
Ashland. John, Elizabeth and Lottie
Black of Forrest creek.
Charlie Dunford Is spending sev
eral days at Wagner Gap, looking after
his cattle In that vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Nelson of
Marshfleld called on Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. West here last week. The Nel
sons and Wests were neighbors in
Cambridge. Ida., many years ago. The
Nelsons were in Medlord visiting their
daughter when they heard where Mr.
West Is now making his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell of
Yakima, arrived In this vicinity re
cently and will spend sonic tlmo vis
iting at the home of Mrs. Campbell's
father, J. T. Lovel, on Ynlo cieejt.
Sunday callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Straube Included Mrs.
Erne Caster and children and Mrs.
Snyder and children of Central Point.
Several ladles from this community
are In Medford working In the fruit
packing. Including Mrs. Leonard Mc
Kce, Mrs. Rllcy Norrls and Mrs. Har
lln Cantroll.
Irishmen Warble
War Songs While
Police Stand By
BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Aug.
15. t Af) Police wnded In swinging
their clubs today as Orangemen
chnrged time after time at the ranks
ot delegates to the assembly of tho
Ancient Order ot Hibernians at Ar
magh City.
Their efforts were futile. EacVi tlmo
they dispersed the fighting mob at
one point it clashed at another.
At Armagh iho embattled factions,
with . the police between, shouted
their party songs at each other, the
Orangemen Joining In "Derry's Walls"
and the Hibernians sending back
"Foggy Dew."
With difficulty the police restrain
ed t.'iem from mixing In a massed
Saddle horses for hire. By hour, day
or week. Special trips Into the mtns,
at reasonable rates. New equipment
and good horses. Tel. T. W. Jones,
Provolt. Mall address Murphy, Ore.
Krystaiglow, kodak gloss supreme.
The Peaslcys, opp. Holly theater.
BUTTE FALLS, Oro., Aug. 18.
(Spl.) Miss Talllonne Jackson visit
ed her aunt, Mrs. Charles Whlto, in
Prospect several days last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Young. Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Olds, Mrs. Frank Hoover
and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Patton au
tended the dance In Prospect Satur
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Patton, Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Hlglnbothsm, Dean Hlgln
botlmm, Barbara Baker, Jack Bakor,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Patton and Low
ell Patton went to Crater lake end
Diamond lake Sunday.
Jack Baker Is visiting relatives and
friends In Prospect this v.eck.
Mrs. J, I. Patton and Mrs. Oscar
Hlglnbotham woro In Medford Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Hoscoo Larson and
Mr. Larson's mother attended the
danco in Prospect Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hlbbard, Mrs.
Steve Myers and Jeanette Worley are
going to attend the Normal school
In Ashland this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stucky of
Mt. Vernon, Wash., aro the parents
of a son born July 2a. HI. name Is
Kolth. Mrs. Stucky was Lola Patton.
Mr. and Mrs. Pot Old. are going
to their ranch on the Siskiyou, on a
business trip this week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanley at
tended the dance In Jim Qrlevc's pa
vilion at Prospect Saturdoy.
Mr. and Mr.. Ernest Alberts and
children came from Prospect Satur
day and reutrned Sunday.
Mr. .and Mrs. Lloyd Stanley spent
Wodnesday In Medrord.
Homer Schoaler and Mrs. Pat Olds
motored to Crater lake Sunday.
Your Last I'linnre to See
TALENT, Ors., Aug. IS. fSpocll.)
Skeetcrs Brothers Logging Co. have
finished cutting timber at Wagner
Oap and are moving their camp to
Raster Clinch. Thoy ,havo boon bring
ing In some beautiful time and ship
several carload, a day out of Talent.
Phone Ma. WoHl haul away your
refuse. City Sanitary Service.
Dance at Roguo Elk, Aug. 19. Oood
music. ' -
with Onti
Collier. Jr.
Thotimuidft have seen It. Ask
your frlciulHl They'll tell you'
It's a romeriy riot I
New I lobby Jones
"lleimts of the Wilderness'
An African Adventure shown
on our Ulant Multl-llfe Hcreen!
APPI.BOATK. Ore., Aug. 15. (Spl. )
Mrs. Nell Barrett of Willows, Cal., .'s
here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Pec K ham. who are
camped on Yale creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley West and
family and Mr. Ram bo from Ooodlng.
Ida., camped on Little Applegate for
the past month, left last week to
seek employment.
Mr. snd Mrs, Don Lowe and daugh
ter of Talent called on friends here
Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorge Maxwell of
Jacksonville were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Crump, p
Mrs. Emma Buckley hud as com-
West Side Tharmacy
Hotel Medford
Dinner $1.00
Every Day In the Week
"The Food b Better"
tt the Medford
Saturday Nile
Dance 'Till Two
Sizzling music that'll
burn you up!
Tomorrow I
The Flaming Youlli of the
, Tillklml
'taw. avj VT
A Flrt Nntlnrml anil
Vlliiphune Plrttire
Bargain Prices!
Mnllnrc ....... too
evening ....... Sflc
Kldillr 10c
tTlost Distinctive
Address Ml
? a i I
Sir Francis Drake
Every room equipped
withRnd'io ... Servtdor
.. Tub nd Shower
Bath Circulating Ice
Woter . Ultra Violet Bay
Got Window
RATES from'S.".
1l' '!!F71 WW. ill ni