PAGE TWO Local and Personal , Kuclt Farmers Here Matthew Ray and Mis Mollie Ray were (hopping In Medford today. .-. -. .... Miss Inrh UnvHt Miss A. Inch left th la week for Los Angeles, aboard a, Boeing plane. .-'.- c i - To Portland Mrs. Florence Kurtz left by train today for a two weeks' vacation In Portland, . Koppea Home Again R. A. Kbppea has returned borne after spending the week at Crater lake and Prospect, - " Guests In Portland Miss Ruby Burke: and mother are spending sev ' era! days In Portland visiting friends. To Washington Cities On a week's ; vacation trip,' Mabel E. Miller plans 1 to visit in Seattle and Yakima, She left today on the Shasta. ! . ' "t I In Long Deadly-Mrs. Frank Coch- ran of Central Point Is In Long Beach, Cal.,' visiting with her two sons. . : )' ' :' i -. . ' " From Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith and family of- Madison, Wis., are In Med ford visiting Mrs. Smith's r sister, Mrs. J. A. Dickinson. ' 1 ' To -Visit Father Mrs. Norman Wise of LaGrande la expected In Medford to spend several week a the guest of he- father, J. A. Dickinson. 1 - .: '.!.'. Vocation at Coast Wlllard Whit man and father, W. H. Whitman, are spending this week at Crescent City and other coast points. ,f -a- I)f. Clancy Heturns North After spending several days In this city, transacting business; Dr. R. W. Clancy returned' to- Portland yesterday. - Powell Moves Offices Herman Powell) surveyor, has moved his-of-flees from Bartlett street Into new , quarters over the Medford Pharmacy. . ... ,..' Knroute to Oakland Carl Johnson, flying a' Fan-child plane, landed at ' the munlolpal airport today, en route to Oakland, Cal., from Portland. I '.' To River Lodge F. D. Madlaon of Sah Francisco arrived la Medford on the Shasta' this boon, and left ' Im , mediately .for bis fishing lodge on the Rogue. ; . ' ... At Hunderman Home Mrs. A. O. Powers Is In Medford from her home In Monmouth, visiting her sister, Mrs. Lula Bunderman. ' Mrs.. Powers ar rived by train today from the north. .' ; . . Ketiirn to 'Illinois Mrs. K. H. Compton and sons, Carl and Joe. who have been apendlng the summer at Climax, left today by train for their home at East St. Louis, 111. ..',... ,' I . Oram Fire Today A grass fire at the corner of Dakota and King streets was extinguished by members of the local tire department . before any .damage was done. ,.w - ,v lMves for Monroe Miss Mildred Pfoutz left by train today for Monroe, . Ore., following a two weeks' visit here as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pow elson. ...... i . , . ,. ... . .... - .Grieves In Town Ludo arleve, manager of the Prospect power plant, accompanied by Mrs, arleve and son were among the upper Rogue resi dents in Medford today. . . ..v ...i . .-, . i'hauurejr ln California W..JS. Ciiaunoey of Central Point left tills week for California. He will visit In Modesto, his former, home, and in San Francisco. - - , MIm Webb nt llancli Mlas Day Webb of the Medford Business col lege Is vacationing- this week with relatives at their ranch home near Gold Hill. , WahbO.eave Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl will leave tonight- for Los Angeloai where they will spind about 10 days in the southern California district. " - " '. F.d Reams lletttT Ed Reames, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K Reames, Is re covering satisfactorily from the re- eent. major operation which he un derwent in a Portland hospital. . . , - ... . . . a , ...... Culls on Mrs. Barr Mrs. Max Mil ler of Soutlimsyd, near Los Angeles, called on Mrs. Oerald Barr yesterday before continuing south to her home, following a vacation In Portland. ' Miss Thompson Home Mlas Ger 5 aktlne Thompson has returned to Medrord'from San Francisco, where L she spent' three weeks visiting lier brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.' Donald McKlnstry. ' , 'r . Complete Visit 'Here Mr. and Mrs. . E. A. Baker, who have been guests during the week of. their son and daUKhter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. C, T. Baker, left on the Shasta today for their home In Kugene. Down from Noda Springs Mrs. Charley Wilkinson of Dead Indian Springs la In Medford today shop- ping at local stores. J. R. Tyrrell, owner and operator of the resort, waa a caller here Friday, l Hat unfair Choppers Among per sons from other :ox-alltla ahopplng in: Medford today art Mrs. F, A. Daugherty and daughter and Mrs. Otto Caster of Phoenix, and Miss Hattl Howlett of Eagle Point. tyultyr Iri lliHIl Harry Fuller, 33, was brought to the Sacred Heart hospital this afternoon to' receive treatment for Injuries sustained In a slight accident In the forest near Prospect, where he la employed, .... , .... ,,, Kllli-tta Return to CM) Mrs. B. R. Elliott and children. Amy. Jimmy and Joan, who have been apendlng the summer at their cottage at Shady Cove on Rogue river, have returned to then home on Cornlnf Court, - . Arrives on Tmln Mrs. F. A. Mont gomery of Eureka, Calv arrived by train In Medford today to visit Sister Theses Apnea at the Saered Heart hospital. Mra. Montgomery and Sis ter Agnes are sisters.. On Business Trip I. H. W ldo of Roseburg. was here today on busi ness. ' ' To Eugene Today HajoU McCrady left today for Eugene, where he will attend to business matters before 're turning to Medford Monday. Ho plans to make his home here and operate the Rex cafe. -'i To Crater Lake Miss Josephine Taylor left this ' morning for Crater Lake, where she will spend a portion of her vacation. She is employed at the Jackson County Building and Loan-association, - - -.ti . ... Visit Former Home Mrs. Roy -Llghtner and ' daughter Gladys' and Mrs. Frank Williams arrived In Med ford today from Los Angeles to visit Mrs. Mary Gustafson and Mrs. Lee Hedgepeth, ' Mrs.:; Llghtner formerly reslded'ln Medford. - j . , ..,..... . Two (Jiunted I-bnsM Marrlogo licenses were Issued Friday to Harry M. Watson, 33, and Mary Luzerne Alexander, 30, both of Medford, and -Will Eugene Hansen,- 23, Berkeley. and Grace Isabel Jones, IS, of Ash land. . .. w ; . Ieave . for .Park Four .passengers left on the Crater lake stage today for the park.- They were Miss O. Hart and Miss Geneva Trout of Read ing, Pa., Helen- Blschoff of Water- town, Wl.. ami i Helen Deiroel of Chicago, 111. v- i .-i r ( ; Harrows Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter E. Barrows and daughters of Tacoma, former - Medford residents, ; Have - been guests of ' Mr. and ' Mrs. Ray K. Wright for several days. . Mr. i and Mrs Barrows moved -to .Tacoma rrom Medford about .10 years ago. . ! Shell Plane In A Shell Oil plane piloted by Mr, Fletcher,- stopped - at the: Mcdforol- airport shortly latter noon today.-! flr: Fletcher Is en route south from Portland, and Is Just re turning from a trip Into Idaho and Montana. . '"-. 1- ... .-.s Visits Miss Drinmer Mlas Winifred Water of Seattle arrived here today by train to spend the next "several days here as the guest of Miss Juan Ha Demmer. Miss Weter has been attending the University of Chicago for. the past two years. ' . , Fishing Is Fine Attorney Charles Roames ; and family returned today from Diamond lake, and 'report the fishing fine. The roads are good and all conditions point to a "grand" vacation at the resort. S The Reames spent two weeks at Diamond lake. - Riullb Dealers Meet Atwator Kent radio "dealers' from ' Lake;' Klamath, Josephine, Curry and Jackson coun ties met at the Medford hotel last Sight td confer -with company execu tives and Inspect latest models of the radio, - JlusliieHH Calient. Today Mr. and Mrs. Archie Embry are In Medford today from the country, transacting business and shopping at local stores. Florence Hall of Applcgate Is also, a business caller today,, as are Leonard Brock of Central Point, Mr. and Mrs.' L. a. Palmer of Butte Falls, Mrs. R. A. Carter of Talent and Mrs, Irwin Howe", postmistress , of Trail, . Tourists from Distant Among the travelers registered at hotels today were Mr. and Mra. E. B. Rannon, Cleveland; Spencer L. Flnnell and family, Lexington, Ky. Mlas F. Brum baugh i and Mlas , Eda - Clorrle, New York City: E. J. Borsen, Philadel phia; William Osmond, Great Bend, Kana, 'and Jack Hague, Payette, Ida. . '. ... , .. . . . Northern Calirornlitns Here Among the residents of northern California counties stopping at hotels here to day are the following: Mr, and Mrs. George Donerty, Crescent City; F. L. Graham' and P. O. Black, Chlca; F. Parde and. family, Sacramento; t Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith, Dorlce Young, Louise Young and Minnie M. Smith, Etna; Mr.' M;'Zelle, Mt. Shasta. Crater Is Wonderful Prof. Fred F. Nichols, principal of schools In Chi cago, who went thraugh tills city a few daya ago en route to Crater lake, writes that "Crater lake la wonder ful, of course." He also finds the neighboring scenery and' plant life exceptionally interesting and IB send Ing much material on the subject back to the eastern city. Prof. Nichols la on a year's leave of absence, moat of which he Is spending In travel, , . . OregunlaiiM at Hotcla The follow ing Oregonlans were registered at lo cal hotels today t E. L. Hcydenburk, F. P. Knight, C. A. MrKern, D. W Haddow, Eugene; George Gulovsen, Marslifleld; W. L. Fltxgerald, Albany: Louie Polln.' Clilloquln: Mrs. L. E. Rod (-era and Mra. J. Qi Rasmus. Heppner. and ' -the f olltrwlng ' from Portland: O. L. M. Mauser, C. S. Powers, Bllaabeth Norberg. Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn and A. R. Coffman. K-ullfuriiat Tourists California tourists at hotel today Included the following: Mr. and Mrs. II. W Beard. Mrs. B. H. Beard. Mrs. A. Hynes, Mr. and Mrs.- Jerry Andros. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Santo, Mr. and Mra. Harvey Bode. Mrs,. L. Felldlng. Mra. Bess dolors ik1, ,W. i. C. Vecker and William Becker. San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. R. a. Parker, Alameda: Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Baker, Redwood City: Mrs. K. C. Walton. Eleanor Biu ret! and Flora Harper. Pasadena: Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hughe. Oakland . Clothing I" Si-eilrd The. Thrift Shop la almost entirely out of men and women's every nay doming, it was announced today. Shoea, trous ers, hats, shirts and other articles are needed. The shop la also In nerd of women's clothing, dresses, coat. shoes, hats and underwear. Anyone having bundles Is asked to deliver them to the shop over Woolwortn stcre. or cull 464. and the articles will be called for. Dorms of requests are rueetved each day for .rlothlng which cannot be supplied K. D. Elwood, Optometrist, new lo - cation at 1M South Central, lust aouth Montgomery Ward s. Tel. 873.30 MEDITORD MAIL Washington Visitors W- .Foster Luce,' Wenatchee; Mr. -and Mrs. E. L. Baker, Port .Townsend. -and Mrs. C. E. Brumbaugh were among the,resl dent of Washington at hotel today To Portland -Fight Several Med ford sport fans are planning to go to Portland next week to witness the appearance of Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight champion, in an exhibition there. The Portland fight will be the first stop on Dempsey's trip to Include most clfles of the united tttates. . . . C.C.fflilS5 LABOR SITUATION O. O. Alenderfer. president ot Itif chamber of commerce has Jcalled a special meeting of the board of direc tors for Monday night to discuss the labor situation. Many complaints have been voiced In Medford regarding the hiring, of California labor by, certain fruit packing .houses,' when Jocal men are unemployed. ' An investigation of the situation was called for Thursday by the Traf fic association In regular meetings at the Hotel Medford. ,f . . 4 : ' SHORT CHANGE ARTIST The old r.hort change trick found another vlotlnt in -Mrs, rahk Jordan of. Ashland1-. yesterday, .police ,' report. A well dressed rhan entered the Jor dan paint store and ordered a IB cent , brush. He gave Mrs. Jordan a 10 bill In payment and she returned the change. The man then discov ered that he had the IS cents change In his pocket. Mrs. Jordan was given the silver and the r,1ort change artist left the store. with. hlB SlO bill and the 8 bill given him In change, i I The shortage waa discovered short ly arteritis man left the store; bu no trace of, him was, found. Other merchants of the valley are warned to be on the lookout far, t,ie crook. ' LAKE BLAZE Til Fire which started on Pelican butte noar Rocky Point Frldoy afternoon was reported' under' control; todasi The fire Is thought to have broken out from the fire In that section lost weelf. The blaze did not cover much rand or do '-much damage, but - Its proximity to r,'ie Rocky Point resort made It dangerous.-. , Eighty men were sent to fight the fire Friday evening. No new fires were reported in the national- forest or 6n state land up to late this after noon. ;-..! .:.,: A .,, .', .-,. - ' 4 ' II IS FOR. MRS. R. CEARLEY Funeral scrv;.-os for Mrs. R. C. Cearlcy, wbO died " Tliursdnv In Grants Pass. , will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 In Central Point, according to word received here. The Cearleya formerly resided on the Brown place between. Medford and Engle Point, and later lived In Kaglo Point. .;, She Is survived by her widower. R. O. Ccarley. and six children. Kl mer of Flounce Rock. Sy'yia of Grants Pass, and Charles. Arthur. Irvln and Harvey of Idaho. The Cearleya have made their home In Idaho for three years and were visit ing in a rants Pass at the time of Mrs. Coarley's death. , Births Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Williams daughter, weighing 7 pounds. 3 ounces, at the Sacred Heart hospital oavuruny. , . . Born to Mr. and Mra, J. arleve of 1180 West Eighth street a daughter, at the Community hospital, August 18. .. FERN VALLEY ' FERU VALLEY, Ore., Aug.- IB: (8peclal( Everyone la busy, picking fro It this .week, Most of the Bart lett crop Is finished. . Mr,- Kantor has started picking- Newtown applea. Applcgate la favorite resort on Sunday after the busy week. Among many on picnic and swimming parties there- were Mr. and Mrs. Steele, Harry and Margucrlta Cun ningham. Mrs. William Ferns and aons. Mr. and Mr. Uensler. Alice, Mary and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kantor. Jr.. and children. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Jimmy. Mlssa Helen Lillian and -Anne. Kantor. -John and William Kantor 'and Floyd Maharry. Mrs. DeWItt celebrated a birth day on August 12.i , ' Mra. Verna Duanne and sou. Bobby and Donald Wheeler spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mlssea Helen and Lillian Kantor spent Wednesday vvrnlng with Mar guerite Cunningham. Ivan Redrlek was an all night guest of Harry Steele Monday. Fern Reed. Mildred, - Joyce ana Patricia Marshall -were In Ashland Saturday. -. - - - - ; Dan P. Wheeler and Margaret Hughes spent Thursday evening at the Marshall. Roy Williams, who was quite III the first of the week murh bet ter. ' Mrs. L. II. Hughes wai routined to bed for several days with the rtu this week. 8he l able to be up again now. .. - - - : ..,,, . Dance at Oold Hill Sat. night. First couple free TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, atones "August 15. 1831 Medford and vicinity:' Tonight and Sunday fair. Normal temperature.. Oregon: Fog on Immediate coast Otherwise fair tonight "and Sunday. Normal temperature. Lowest temperature this morning 61 degrees. - - ,-' -- ' Temperature a . year ago today: Highest 82; lowest 67. -' Total precipitation since Sept. j 1. 1BS0, 13.67 Inches. v . ' '. , Relative humidity at B p.-m. yes terday 22 degrees; 8 a. m.-today 77 degrees. .' -.v. ' .-' " Sunset today, 7:12 p. m. . - Tomorrow: Sunrise 6:20 a. m. Sun set 7:10 p. m; i '. .-' -. " ' : Observations .aken at fi a.. m- 10 ,. . .. . Meridian Time, i - v: v City.:,'; Baker City .,-. 88 86.01 Clear Boston 86 12 .08 Cloudy Boise 90 86 . Clear Chicago 84 66 Clear -Denver 94 86 Clear Des Molness ........ 64 63 P. Cdy. Fresno- ... 84 86 Clear Helena' .... 88 64 "" Clear Los Angeles 80 88 Clear Medford 118 51 ' " Clear New York 88 . 72 .04 Rain . Phoenix V... ..100 74 Clear Portland 80 54 Clear i Reno H ' 56 .'; Clear ; Roseburg 78 60 Clear Salt; Lake .. 82 II I, clear San Francisco.. "'B0 64 - P.Cdy. Seattle .......if. 74 82 clear Spokane ...88 66 P.Cdy. Washington, D.C 82. 70 .48 Cloudy ' .... i : . I - BEAGLE ' RKAm.K.. Orn. Auir .IK, rnl 1 i , . , B Mr.. Anrl .Mrs .tf1 A . ..MnPniif7.A . anrf son of Phoenix,. Arle.r are visiting Mrs Mcuaugney s -parents,1. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Zuck. They arrived here Wednesday afternoon- making the trip by automobile. ., ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter brant and son DnnAM,.enlnvnft nitnrtaw. -im. nlng- with - Mr: and Mrs. English of Medford. . 11 : .17 vii - Two Beaa-le babies have nteeert the Auxiliary Baby Show In Medford. r . ' The -infant sdn of Miw hnd" Mrs. Sakralda Ismot Improving very much. Thai babv- la- hnlno- talrpn mm - n nt. Puruoker home In' Medford-- : ' '.' Several from here have gone to the huckleberrv -nstr.V but eAirn,,, hAelr with very few berries: The crop is very iignt. is me report. ' .1- u : ' Mr. and Mrs. Sollee and daughter Marv. Herbert MAvflolrt md Ur'Jinri Mrs. Herman Terrlll spent Sunday on- ine- Appjegate -.picking iBlauruer rles. '' ' :AtvV ;., -,t. Several young people from here, at tended , ths nunhiMllnv nivl intra roast- Thursday evening at . Bybee bridge. The pickers at Redskin, orch-' ard celebrated the end-of the first picking -of Bartlettaiwlth this party. Marls SropmlllAe, nnu lAnrtr ftimricv. evening.: at the Friendly... Nelgnbors itimvillB 1U DUUJCUl WMM, Hope. Mrs. Ellis and Thelma - Sanderson each gave a . reading oti the sublect'. also a reference study' was . used. There were twenty-nine presnt,"The primary children under Mrs. Seeg miller and Mra. Lucas began making tnerr Dooxieta on "What -GoTJ atves Us."- Mrs. Parks Will lead next Sun day evening. ; '"' '- ' '-' The roof on the James Martin home caught: fire Wednesday after noon. It Wa discoverer! hAfnl-n mitrh damage was done. ' 1 ; ' Tne inlow - homestead has been purrViasid by a family whose name haa not been learned.' - The ' new neighbors moved onto the place last week. - : - ':i - Another ffnnrl tlm wiu r tllS ' Frlenrtlv ' Nelrhhnr WwlHuri.a evening at (he school house.' Games, songs and stunts around a large bon- uro, was tne program for the evening witn a leeo. The. mall route from Central Point has been extsndea frnm f , miller-Wllllarna corner to the river road, giving several families mall at their door, . T.leir boxes were at the Soegmlller-WIUIama comer before.. - saro. ocnaier ano iamny of Table Rock. Mra. Waddoll and family of Pour Cornera' and Mra. Maylleld of Dry Creek attended the himb roast at the school house Wednesday evening. Mra, Bltfham and dtnuhtpn smh and Grace of Sarua Valley were 8un- uy evening guests at the Seegmlller home. ... , . , , . ... - Mr. Neighbors 1 topping corn on the Clarence Case ranch and storing It away for winter use. The usual number of young folks from here wera at Dodge bridge Sun day swimming. -i , .. r Scoutmaster I ucaa n v.n-t.j - new scout, Lloyrv Sanderson, enrolled tnia week. - - v - Scouts with their master.' Mr. Lucas, spent Sunday afternoon at Dottge bridge swlmmfng. They were accompanied by Mr: Ellis and Mr. Martin. - : - ' ' ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and son Ralph were valley visitors Wednesday.- Jim Bankhrad has been suffering the past few-days with complications from having teeth extracted. - Dress Makliur Morrhil. All work guaranteed. Silk dresses ej.ov. . siueinoie 5.oo. Tel. 632-W. Lovely permanent waves. M 50. Finger-waving.' 64c. PreTosl-s, 813 w. Main. Phone 883. - 1000.000 Kodak, prases. Details at J"-.. a.uwv. j - , t Dance till 2 a.' m. at Oold Hill Bythm by the Rogues. Yon have treat ronilng to yen If ynu Dave not had a milk shake' made al 'Heath's linig Store The Mrfc-e- little iuunfalri li town Ik the eouleat store In. town. -- i .-i i - OREGON, SATURDAY, CUBE BUTTER CUT PORTLAND. Ore.s'AiUg!jl.-l-j(AP)''-i Cut Of lc in the price of) cijbe'buiter on' 'he Produce-' Exchange' 'for- -the week-end session was not at all sur prising to those wno know the real situation In the trade. :' ' ; Strength In the hutter market Is retained desplt Vie "backup" of quotations pn the exchange, which In reality -were hard to maintain. : Out side business .was. Impossible at the advance because, , this market .was asking as much. If not. more for cubes than what 'distant markets were receiving. .- , i : Cut of lc In the buying price of butterfat automatically follows the cut In butter values. ," ' ' General trading trend in the egg market Is somewhat better at the week-end. Advance of lc In the price of all f offerings announced by the Pacific co-ops Is generally maintain ed for fresh stock. . . Prices appear wel ,held In the' mar ket for live. chickens. All sorts con tinue In favor with buyers. : .' .General easiness In the country killed calf price is Indicated. - ' Very good movement of country killed - lambs continues -Into consum ing -channels with prices practically unchanged for the week-end. -, Hogs are steady while beer continues rath er slow at extreme low prices. - Market Is well -supplied with toma toes. ' ' -Very slow trading tone- Is reflected for potatoes. -. ' : ! )-. , : f 1 ' . " . Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 15. (AP) Cattle 1808 for week. Steers and she-stuff appeared-: steady - to 25c higher with -bun and calves about steady. Desirable steers sold at 85.50 e6.60. with two loads of under 1100 pounds averaging 6.75 and one load over that - weight -6 .60.-- while low grade was down -to 43.60. Fair good heifers- in carlots were, (5.80, -with a few selling at $5.76. Cutter to medium, bulls were 83:00-4.26, with strictly good, $4.50r3.00. Calves and vealers.were spreading, 3.50(8.00. with a few choice lights at top of 88.50. - ,-...- . : . - HOGS: 2013 for week. Hogs started weak' with - killer stuff - practically steady, hut later- ln-week soma loss was reflected, Closing . price was practically -25 behind lost- week's close,' Feeder stuff uwos inclined to show more or less depression ' with a loss of : around 50 for the- week. Carloads of best butchers' scaled around (8.25 wltH the' bulk of the good stuff- at 7 .75 0 8.00. Beat ot feeder pigs were not quoted above (7.50, With bulk, (7.00(,7.26. - ' SHEEP: ' 7878 for week. ' The iamb marked' appeared steady to : 25c higher, . with yearlings and ewes about' steady. Good1 to choice valley lambs Sold; (8.00c, 5.26. with some clipper stuff at (5.00. Thin- lambs were around (3.00 p 3.50, ' with some in-between sorts at (4 .00 4.75. Me dium to good yearlings were (3.00 a 3.50, ; with soma quotable o (4.0h Good to. choice ewes were (2.00 (J 2.60 with culls around (2.00. Portland Produce' -PORTLAND. -Aug.- 15. (AP)- BUT TER; . Prints, 92 score or better, 31c; standards, 29-30c cartons. - BUTTBRFATi- Direct to shippers; track; 23-2Sc; stations No. 1 26-26c. Portland delivery price: No. 1 butter fat, sour, 29 -30c; aweet, 32-33c. ; Eggs.- milk,- country meats, live poultry, onions, potatoes,- wool, hay quotations unchongd. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, -Aug. "IS." (AP) . i Open. High. Low. Close. Sept. (old) .4814 ,46'4 .46Vi 48'4 Sept, (new ).:.. 14754 -4754 .47',4 .4714 Dec.' .50 .50 .60 .50 ' Cash, grain: . -. . Big Bend Blucstemi... .... .58 Soft white '.v...!.'....-. .'. .46 Western- white .46 Hard winter .. .43 Northern spring 43 Western red ' .43 Oats: .No. 2 white (17.00 Today "car receipts: Wheat 71; flour 8; corn 1; oats 6; hay 1. San Pruiirlaca llutterfat. SAN FRANCJSOO, - Aug: 18. (AP) Butterfat, f.o.b. San Francisco, .32. J Wai; Street Reiiort '- OTOf K KSAI.R'AVKR.tnRS (Copyright) 1931,1 Standard- Statlatlcs .- CO.) ' : v ' .- , AuinMt 1.1. k , 60 20 20 90 Ind'sl RR-a Uts'a Total 1118 883 1878 1146 110 4 87 2 IS6 113.3 Today J Pre, day ... Week 'ago ... Month ago Tear ; ago...'. 104 2 86 2 1588 107 9 1049 73 3 158.9 109 6 1618 118.4 2148 1844 NEW YORK. Aug. 15 (AP) The close of the week In the etook -market today found price level. In the ag gregate had regained virtually all of pivELOpraa Mlll Ut Your Films s we Mrs Medford I1T S. Mats t .... 1 . lUtll. U-plste Battery. - A s-1-yr. guarantee-, 0 Battrry Rrrhargtng " Severn Battery Service 1 lit Ho. Rlterslile NO SURPRISE FOR KNOWING TRADERS is-t,- .., . .scr (markets 7 AUGUST ;i5,-193f. k. Inn alnr-A t.l. United SUteS Steel Corporation drsstically reduced - Its dividend rate -Juiy ao. , nuiiW were-somewhat less aggressive than -they were during Friday's -ea-inn nnH tj Advance was- Imoeded at timer by week-end profie-taklng, but prices continued generally upward,- closing with numerous net gains of about 1 to 3 points.' . Business news waa meager and in conclusive, but a better feeling in speculative quarters was apparent. Several commission' houses were not overly confident in their -advices, however, regarding tne ouiiisn activ ity or snmAwhat exnertmentol. and suggested the protecting of accounts with stop loss orders.; Total aales were about shares.- " ' -4 - ! Today's closing prices for 17 se lected stocks follow : American Can :'" 97 American T, & T. :..'.i76 Anaconda ' 25 Curtis Wright ...... T- 3'A General' Motors . 38 Int.- T. Sc T. a - 30 Montgomery Ward..-...- 22 Paramount' pub. 24 Radio :. ..... .21 Southern Pao. .. 77 : 39 .,40W 7 S. O; of Cal S. O. of N. J. Trans. - Am :.. United Aircraft ........ 30V4 93 6 7 U. S.-Steel Corp't Trust Shs. 6-yr. Fxd. Trust .'. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR TRADE Paige "sedan for light - car.. Phone 5723-J, or. call at 6th -house -from B. Spring St. . ' BARTLETT pears, 60c per box, washr . ed and sorted, extra and fancy. 720 Park Ave.-, cor, Dakota, WANTED To lease with privilege of buying, one to tlvree acres, lmprov , ed; house must be modern. Prefer place close In on paved road. Write Box 1349, care Tribune. ' ' WANTED Will share expenses to San Francisco with anyone going. , 237 N. Central. . - FOR RENT r ; 6-roorn modern house; hardwood floors throughout; large lot; - nice home; close In; (30 per- month, water paid.-' . ' Ab) -: - .. Have -Mill Service station, end of North . Central,- for lease; will sell fixtures and give long term lease on building. - Here Is an oppor tunity for someone. . , ! " Also- ' .-; v ' For sale like rent, one acre; nice ' home, 6 rooms; city -water; a beau tiful place; (20 per month. -- , . Also , -.' '. . 1 acres, small house, Wlldwood Park.- Total price (475; terms (15 cash and (15 per month. . AlSO .. . ..: ' ' Beautiful 5-acre tract, Savage Rap-ids-lake on highway, (1600, ...Terms to- suit-purchaser: ----- :.J. C. BARNES REAL ESTATE ! . i, . 19 S. Central. . : Phones 409 and 910-Y. WANTED Children to care for, 719 ' W: 'isth.:- - ; : , .' FOR RENT 2-room furn. apt., (20; light and water. 310 Portland. : 4 . -.. IN VACATION" Tlsra . , - Don't -forget o keep! in! touoh with the - old homo 4 town when you leave .for' 4) 4" your summer vacation. Have 4 your Mail Tribune -forwarded 4 4 to the new address. : Phone 4 Main 76 and the matter will 4 be promptly attended to. "If 4 t' i .. . . . -' 44.4 4. 4 it " TODAY- AND SUNDAY Another tilt from the author of "Surah and Son" "TT..rit- . Also "hpb0es of the - " flames'", A Thrlll-Fllled Chapter nv with TLM McCOY . t'.-A.!.S if: x m vi " if i "'a "-1 - 'The right m,n cannot ony nnot .. wlnl . tec i With f ' 1 PAUl."'9 inor6o&rdan r r ntrzk s:. rvw i ' ' - .7 I rlfiMW -till PAST PATRIARCH HERE FOR LODGE RECEPTION J. F. Nues of Alturas. Col., nost grand master of the I. O. O. F. lodge and past chief patriarch, will be In, Medford tonight to meet witn tne local lodge and representatives of the various orders throughout this state and northern California. Mr. Nile, formerly lived in Med ford, where he organized more t.'ian 40 years ago, the first brass band. SHADES OF CARRIE NATION! mm TPNIGH7--I Big Whoopee Show! MIDNIGHT .',.' : ":: -'OF'' '' '.xj-...i f:' ,.-.-.(. v. ' ' ' v 17 Moiia Laughs Than "Caught Short" ... ; '" 'ALSO " ""'' ' ' SONG FEST v riU C'K BIKR I.EA-II IIOl.T ADDED FEATURE Entire Program Broadcast by Ei3mote Control from Our Stage Over Radio Station KMED, 11:30 to 10. J A 31 I Pi -i ! is ussisa isoii in ssiiniialili ,M' 3 "Politics!' Starts a 3-Day . ; . Engagement Sunday BUILDING & LOAn The NewaslhiSS; then and mv.J: The meeting tcaf,;, rm;ot a reception 'I? 4 The meet!-,- . "7 t'J!l gavel will be muetl attendance la urged Permanent waiet"--- J Nestle Croaulennir:.,,7-S0- a art and Tulip oU c , permanent (5.00 c.11 . bolntment. b,... Our new location 38;; Grand Hotel Barie7RT 25c. shampoos 25c r?, to 8 p. m. Broken windoSL" bridira Hshln.. n..."111 - " " k "oris. PREVIEW STARTS 11:30 P. M. Admission 30c Last Times Tonight CLARK GABLE "SPORTING BLOOD" FOUNDED 1909 COTJNTt ASSOCIATION