1aGE two , . ' .... '' ' ' -' if - -2' ' '-'.i'r.": f r ifEDBDRD MAIL .TRIBUNE, MEDFORD; OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14,,.19flL, 1 1 1 1 i ,!'! -: i Local and Personal Lee Wlson Here Lee Wilson of drama Pass was . Jwre on ; business yesterday airnoon.. ,v,,u ?'. Mrs. Marsh Chopping 1Mfa John Mink of Jacksonville was In Med? lord Thursday transacting business. on Business Trip Mrs.1 jud' ltlckt en spent today in Ashlana attend ing to business matters;, '. r : PhU , Bryant' Mere Phil' 'tlrysntil lormer Medford ' resident; was ' here today renewing acquaintances., A ; ' . . ,, ' " Frbm Klamath Falis Mr. and Mrs A. Oouches of Klamath Rills were In Medford today. i i-'i m S ' ' ' , Radio BDrns Due to defective wit' lng, the radio In the lobby of the Hotel Holland was destroyed by fire recently. '. - i .:. ' 1 8- ' IS '!'..(, Repair Damages W. 8. See of Soi Cedar street, today received a build ing permit to repair damages caused by fire. -The cost estimate was 126, i . In Coffee Hospital Dan T. Kay, Chevrolet dealer at Ashland! Is In the Coffee Hospital at Portland, according o wora received here. .. . ' .' . Mtsa OWOuAe' Here Miss Oath' erlne O'Rourke (arrived In Medford by train last evening from , Salemi Where she has resided tof wine; time, i v Mrs, Venable Jlere Mrs. Mamie. Venable, formed Jacksonville resident, was In Medford today from Jier home south of Ashland. '''' ' ' a i '.) ". " ,'' "'' To Visit1 In flouttf VtetX Wahi; cashier at the Farmers and Fruit growers' 'tiana', will' leave1 tomorrow evening by train for Los1, Angeles; Where he will vacation for tome' time! . . . - ; ; VtsUe Ootrr Lake -' Miss ' Hope Morrison, of Danville, Va., left this soon for. crater lake where she will spend two days, Miss Morrison vis ited the national park last summer.' White VIsHa Ftreermn' White,' assistant' Crater forest , supervisor, pent yesterday on an Inspection trip to various parts of the' district where fires tiave been burning 'during the past week'.' :' '.' '''':' '-'J ' To Klamath' rtlle Mr. "and- MrsJ Webster Clark, Miss Vvelyri' Randall and Ted Baugh are leaving today far Klamath Palls, where they will spend a short time Wrbre continuing' fo Crater lake.' Members' of -the JpArty plan "to fish at Crater lake "befof returning to Medford. ' ' ' ; I 'X1 1 llj - ju !. i li mn 5 S stf ',' Fashioned ....... ..... y .... .'. Hermiti and. Eook OOokiei thade Juit' u jr o ir ' Oread-mother marie them : W, t.e ': On ipeolal wle Batur day at a money laving prloe. : ,e !. i ' 1 v'.r-nvi'-n)- ;n ':,".(,l'v , the dojen, y.v,;. Oenerouily filled with , fruit and Oregon Wal nuts. A cookie popular ; with both young , and old.' .h To Oklahoma City Mrs. R. A. 'Koger and' son lmmy left on 'the Shasta today for their home In Okla homa City,' Okla., following a five weeks vacation here: The were the guests' of Mike Koger at Bams Valley. , 76' Crearent City Mrs. Mae Due ber, assistant federa) employment dlreptpr, who was In Medford yes terday, with MlM Oone vlevo Clark. f the" state' employment "comml&sfon, both with Headquarters In Portland, left' this morning fOr Crescent City. .;....,.. . , ' ' '' Miss Kcnyon yinlts Here Miss Elizabeth Kenyon of Los Angeles Is a gUest'or'two days of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hamilton at their orchard home near Central Point, having stopped yesterday on her return south from a vocation in Idaho. :' ' , ,ii.'..t'.i-j-;j-jl:,.i: 11 Coleman Klwanls neakerWllliam Colebian; associated with the state engineering department, will be the guesf speaker at the Klwanla. club luncheon Monday noon. Mr. Coleman will speak 'upon fishing from a rcc rtatlonal standpoint ; "'. ' " ' J' ''! ' ' '' : "1' ' '' CarVlns Kave tcduyijorin Carttln, state' iax 'cdmmlAsloner," and ' Mrs. Carkltt 'will leave today' for Salem; after vlaltlntr here with friends. Mrs, Carkln; has 'beeri1ln Medford for the Dast three weki. Mr.' arid Mrs'. Car- .1tln are former Medford 'residents', ' ' ' ' .' t .','' .-.V ''Ok ' BUy'lul'' THp Mrs' ' Adrlen'no Steward left lVere by plane Thursday xor san irrancisco, r wnere sne wui select new fall and winter merchant dtte'tot'het snbos'ln this' cliv; Grants PKss:' and ffureka, Horora" returning 'to Mcdfoid hext.'wccW, , A . ..... U';.. i.V...; 1 hetum to 'Drtrolt Mr. and Mrs. William seegmlller have, returned to their home In Detroit; Mich.; after visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mori Dave Walker' of Talent, and their cousins,' Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Wright or ' this city. .i.v r , ;..Vi ' Visit at Orchard Mr. and Mrs. Sari Snbesnjilth Of 'Tta, Cat., havej been the 'guests ' or' Mr. shoesmith's' Uricle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bonar, at the Olenedeu orchard. Tljey1 motored "'to-' 'Crater' lako arid Klamath rails while rl southern Ore gon, '," '." ',' ' ' v ' ' ' ' Washington Rasldents Here The following r Ipersbns' 'ropt,' Wosington were-registered it hotels here today: Hance H, Cleland and C. W, Jones, Olympta; Don H. Rolph, Ray H. Bon dereaux, SU Lighter, Seattle: Mary Doris, R. W. Rider, ' Mr, and M- William TThomson, Taooma. 'Tuttleir at Hlgln-L. B. Tuttle and daughter - Joan of Klamath ' mils are spending several days si the guests- of Mr; Tuttle's mother, Mrs. Sam Tuttle at Xlgln, Ore. Shirley Tuttle, who has been with Mrs. Tuttle for ' several ' weeks, will return to -Klftfnatih rails with Mr. Tuttle and daltghter.r' .. mtltenshlp CIosh Opens The cltl rwnshlp class for all persons inter ested j' In becbmlng alttsens of the united etates win open tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, It was an nounced this morning. Classes will be field Id the' city library and all Interested persons are urged to at tend. ' " " " : ;. " '' - '' '. 4-; ' ! ' ' ' ' iM p-i'itlrin, "TmlAr TM f!hsmhera. manager of the local Maytag Shop, left this morning tot Roseburg where he will Join R. O. Stlnson; who Is a district official for the Pacific May tag company, with headquarters In Portland. Thy will continue to Port land, where 'Mr; Chambers will re main, until Sunday. ' , ' ; ., .. -.. 1 , ,,... . rrrlfem "Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pfelfer and two sons,, ot fhoenlx. Aria.,' are guests In this city of Mrs, "Pfelfer'e brother, ravld Clilf- flths and family this wock. They will return' 'via (he' Redwood highway. Mr. Or'ftftha luid not, aeon his sister for '' lfl years xilitir she arrived In Medfon) on this visit. Mr,' Pfelfer l eiiRlneer in the Arizona Indian school. "vVaiUori" ! Medforil 0. Olcnn o( Bdlse,' Ida., advertising muhuscr of the Idaho Statesman, accompanied by tils wlfo and Tt6 olilldren, ar rived 'In Medford ' yesterday to spond a week vacatlonlngn Thoy are guentu of J, F. Mashburn. Mrs. Clarouoe B. Bvnns. who has been In' Boise .for Severn) days, aocompsnled the Cllenns to Medford. , :v ' ; . : . ' ' ' kr tar Seattle C, Thomas Olf- fi n and Robert U Lee of the Oregon- California Petroleum. socltien . loft for Seattle today In a chartered plan. Marshall Beagrave of trio local alr ptwt was the pilot. Mr. Clltfen and Mr. Lee will attend a meeting of the board 'of directors of the association which distributed sunset gasoline in the southern Oregon territory. Northern CsllfomtanaHrre-iAmong the 'residents of northern California cotihtles at hotels' here today were the following:' W. A. Arnold, Yreka Louise Prutag. etna; 'Mr. and Mrs Harold Coatney, ' Edgewocd: Mrs. E Wood. Dunsmuir: Mrs. L. Zrllo. J. A Solle, Mt.' Shasta; R, t. Mulr, R. V. Mft Mallett, pd f, Q. jried. ericfson sacraineuto. . Mu " Bpeciat meeilng " Saturday night. Presenting of grel from Csltfornla. dji jniana Icxtue; odd Fellows and ntDFRnni invuru hi atienn. , II II ii I I .1 l . 1 ' FOUNDED . ; 1909; JACKSON COUNTY OregnnlttilA at Uotel Oregon resi dents at hotels bers today Included the following: Vune Wilde, Charles P. Pray. Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kremmel, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pen nington, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Day, Eugene; P. B. Hawley, Oregon City; H. Gordon MoCall, Klamath Palls, and the following from Portland : O. J. Boon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunn, U. B. Ralney, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Itollo, Clara K. Wcnke, Robert Barclay, Charles Hln man, James F; Morrelli. William Dil lon, Mr.' nnd Mrs; W, It. Oraves ond i caugnter, Alison uravesr jots, u.-jt.ia liiny, Mrs. Mae C, Dueber, Oene-IW vleve Clark, J. H. Bryant and son. 111 ONE-M.M K.N-BAK-K.tNCH 111 Saddle horses for hire. By hour, day or wVck. Special trips Into the mtns. at reasonable rates. New equipment and good horses.. Tel. T. W. Jones, Provolt. Mall address Murphy, Ore. . f Portraits of distinction. -The poos leys, opp. Holly theater.' t , " " ' '- Broken windows . glazed .by . Trow bridge .cabinet Works. 1 ! , ", 1 ' . in U 1 Mr. and Mrs. Medford . . . I've just seen "Sporting Blood,", and I want Ito go on record that it is one of the fine pictures of this or any other season. i "Sporting Blood" is about horses, but it's much more than that. It's a story of humanity its weakness and its pathos and its glory. It's the story of a horse sold down the river to a gamb ling ring of a girl betrayed and of a boy, played by the screen's fascin ating new favorite, Clark Gable, who helps them both baok'to redemption. It's a picture you'll love and cheisr and weep-' oyer!-. ' ";',' ' ; . THE MANAGEMENT. ' llllllllljll TODAY and'Saturday GABLE - ,. a -"'IN '' '-.', '. " "SPORTING BLOOD" 4th M. G, M. Picture with ; ERNEST TORRENCE MARIE PREVOST ... MADGE EVANS : 1EW CODY " Also . , ,: SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS STARTING SUNDAY " i'. ,,( "POLITICS" MARIK IIHKSSI.KK POIXY H)RAN 1 'j .. .... .,: -'. (? '"' " ''.- ?' SATURDAY .' ... GALA MIDNIGHT PEEVHEW MARIE DREftLtcR V.-. ; POLLY ! V- OP f " Sn-v . l'HEVIKW 8T.VHT; 11 :0 Admission . .' 30c Knllie Preview tlrtwdrast Over KMED ai:.tO p. m. to l:.lll a. in. ,. AIM ilrlNtrd (tliort ,' tiunjerts r 7 W mim FUN f FEST- 301 30001 Economy Groceteria The Home of Dread Like Mother Made it Way w : Sa arelwe ; all-fr-about pnefUiingor rtinbther.' All have little things about which We are kind of cranky, and ours runs to Eggs, Bread and Coffee. Now 5 about eggs; V.Eggs? arev wonderful (food, when fresh, c but ? otherwise well, ittt'-timfe-to talk? bread la- ,we :'ii)t , the.,' i ; ? ' vr Sdm4hbw we just can't forget that wonderful home-made bread mother used to niakehow on-bakingndayiwe.'got ithe iresh crust with butter and jam. Gee, it was good! I'M?, sort of triz.Ue tit", da.' .'i .. . And coffee-r-there's -something about a good cup of coffee that starts you off in then morning rSort ;of makes'--the vday easier; : 'No'yiu"' iKy we'inspect the eggs -before selling them why we bake real hbrne-ma'ae-.h 2I-MOR-U coffee at our fountains. Just .'funny that way, that's all. , . ;j. -V, ,', ., ', .' ; Home Style Bread Yes, hpme style, with the real , home flavor. 1 Pound Loaf . . . . . 5c 1H Pound Loat... 1xk Cinnamon Cof fe!e, Cakes, each ,15c Primrose Salad Oil -v A lower price on. a fine oil Quart Can ... . . 3 Jc Half Gallon" Can . . 59c CRISCO 1-lbr.jpanrV;.: 6-lb. can . . . . 63c $1.25 OTHER THRIFT ITEMS O u o Z-MOR-U Coffee, famous in the : finest hotels, lb. 32c; 3 lbs. . . . . . 95c Bulk Coffees, good cup quality, pound .-. . '". . . '. . i. . . . . . 20c and 25c : Golden Age or ' American Beauty , V, Macaroni,. Noddles or Spaghetti, . package ... . . . . 'r .'. . . ... 5c Kentucky Wonder Beans, lb. ..... 5c Gloss br i Corn Starch, Calumet , i brand. 1 -lb. package 5c s-V"l O 1 t r treme uu ooap, t Dais ittc P. & G, White Laundry Soap, :- i ..." lObars . . . .1 . 29c Tru-bake Milk and Honey Graham Crackers buy a 2-lb. pkg. at the ' ' regular price and get the play or water ball for . . . . : . . . . . . .15c Sunshine Cookies, the famous ' Loose-Wiles cookies, a large as sortment, 3 packages . . . . -. i . 29c English Style Biscuits, 58 assorted English cookies from the Loose Wiles bakery ... . ........... . 33c Sweet Potatoes, McGrath's, No. . 2 can, 2 for . ,25c Golden Maize Corn, '' M o n a r c h brand, No. 2 can, 2 for 25c Yellow Cling Peaches, Del Monte, ' No.1 2i can, 2 for ...35c Home Grown Cantaloupes, each . . . 5c Near Beer, Columbia Brew, . .. 3 bottles : 25c 1 Ginger Ale, Columbia 3-Star, dry, bottle V; . . . v. ; :' . . . ... .10c Sparkling Apple Cider ., . ; pint bottles 10c, quart .' . . , . . . , , 15c Guava Jelly, tall jar .s .......... 15c f Strawberry Jam, Kerr's, 3-lb. jar. 45c Cocoa,1 2 lbs. in an enameled lunch box . ...... ; . 33c Grape Nuts, 2 packages 29c Sunkist Lemons, dozen . .. . .27c Minit Oats, Albers', large pkg. . . .19c Gold Medal Cake Flour, pkg 25c Sperry Oats, 9-lb. sack, quick cooker or plain . . . i ...... . .v. 33c Din-a-mitei package' .18c Sperry's Graham Flour, fine or coarse, 10-lb. sack ,27c Pillsbury's xxxx Patent Flour, ; 49-pounds; : .';'. . J. . ; . . . . . $1.19 Drifted Snow Flour," 49 pounds $1.19 White Rose Flour, guaranteed for ' all home baking," a good hard wheat flour . . . . . . .... . : . . . .98c Bridge Sets, 14-piece ; green glass luncheon sets, 4 cups, 4 saucers, ' ' " 4 plates, creamer and sugar set $1.29 Wright's Silver Cream, jar 22c Oronite Furniture Polish, pt. bottle 29c Water Glasses, carton of 6 ...... - 23c Wash Boilers, extra heavy copper bottom, No. 8 $2.69; No. 9. . . $2.98 Rome ' -Tea- Kettles. ( all copper, ; . 6i-quart size $1.59 All sizes from one to thirty gallons.'; Two special family-sizes equipped with bale handles . I . 6 Gallon . . . . . $1.47 12 Gallon i . . . i $2.98 25c Fountain Lunch 25c Baked ham, Lima beans, potatoes, gravy, bread and butter, cof fee " tea or milk .' , i . t " ' - 1 " or .Choice of cold meats and salad, bread : i v and butter, coffee, tea or milk 25f Double thick -Milk Shakes Ice Cream," all flavors, quart & Lydiard cili 6th sit , Grape. ... - ' : " . V ' . I ' SAVING WITHOUT SELF DENIAL Orders of $1.00 or.'more deliveredEastiSide Phone 752 , West Side Phone '428 OE3OX30nOZS30EIOE