if ffAirr AN AD? jjUST ... r. HONE 75 l7J Ad Department. wl" tJ!Ut you in writing an Lm 0 RESULTS! A fjord Classified Ad la CJ Tribune wlU put you p" i. .r.nrh with doz- fSoOD prospects. You'll ,i,ii advertising In these .Tll produce QUICK Jll surprisingly moderate :RBARB THE I RATES:' .j Hnt insertion 2o I .ore r- 10 Jim,' P month' wltn".1 , copy cnaust...... -...' LOST Ljdog i miaslng. aU 1616, toAXTEP MALE OR FEMALE wcair kihn: or woman with rellg. Wining W Visit ouuruii uuuica nr day.- Aaaress wj iiuu ANTEO MATiK HELP kp- Solicitor qn commission steaay. wo,, iuwuc. Box 1181, Tribune. BOVS WANTED Here Is an opportunity :ar 10 "live wire" boys to lata all their spending bowy and at the same tine learn. salesmanship.' Apply Monday, morning Circulation Manager Medio Mall Tribune. RANTED SITUATIONS tED-Off Ice -work by competent ruuue louj-vv. ' pO-Chlldren to care for; reas- j price, .'lis cedar. Phone lfi wnilt-.a lirrVit hniiut mm care 01 cmidren. Phone rPunff woman wants house- in. M3-K. to fr.n t J w nut iuja. School girl wants steady poal- --"' van Htfl-lj. -Children eon. call at 71S Cedar -?amlly washings. 50o to 1, w work. Phone 889-X-3. -Children to eare for, in ""'"o. uti Hoardman. . FED--ijousewc.rk by young Will mnrnlnn. ilk IIU1K, PMISCELLANEOCS Kte transportation 'to points r -ynn, Wyo. . Box ,., used canoe. V?l ' adults permanently V. i nouse. Rent n , i"1"'' "replace, ana 0) To Dux i V ' Moaern 6-room r " Mrs. nay. T, . MVH Pjj-Wa.hing, washed and Iron K Reasonable mending done - i A., Sor1S,'Jy """ SOc to .1 fSZrihiij . . niuoB A-J. I (nut .' 1 10 ""w fo dur- Str Prf Experienced mce. reasonable. Call at F hHo.uwh.od ood, toota "Wo Bur.., " .7?' k-J'hone t06. , M ( n?L-n distance haulinr fa tnZr my you money. P PhftVX.' " 1 o, mver- 'ATthpvi 1 1 v .JL "M lowing, ,M "iment, Teh f1 MI",J,ana a Junk. IfPurvrro l..51 nd water: iiaso. "M Kh "Plng room. 'yjj'wa Apia., 10 quince. P 4-TOm 0Pl WJ PPly W. -!LigPomy Qroceterla. ts'"Sl,J,u,'n,"ha a-rootn Ce'ntrr- 0M FOR RENT nOUSES den; MsW T.Si."": room plastered furnished' house FOR RENT 6-room furnished house bath, garage. Phono 403-J-3 or in. quire 641 Austin St ..unruL, nome. 2 stories, base- nun, -..! 1 i; " iur'iace a-car garage $50. Brown & White, Realtor.. PJi m fNT - 1Du"16 1M-South Mlatletoe. Call S0t-H after 6 njarj.om house furnished. Cabin. Dill, 812 Summit. FOR RENT To responsible party 6- -- .m..,, iiuuse. Quince Phone 355-R-i. wuince Si,2i Uth St- Bra White. ,Mutio at ii so. Holly. FOR RENT Residence, furnished or nU,fn whed' 8 rooms' lar'ee sleeping porch, basement, hot air furnace oil burner, double garage, abund ance of shade, very cool; five min utes from Washington school, one block from high school. 1010 s . Oakdale. after 7 p. m. POR PRWT S1,-n,U 1 TN South Mistletoe. Call 201-H, after 6. SMALL furnished house and for 2. 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT House In Everette Court and Katherlne Court, West 11th St.; unfurnished; for fam ily of. two; clean, modern, has .v.i..i: lauBe. Dreaktast nook set and plenty of cabinet work largo garage. 1-hone 238. 16tf FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnlHhod. Brown & Vhl! ' 17tf FOR RENT 4 to 6-room houses. niuno lun. so N, Central. 4tf PQR RENT 5 rooms unfurnished ex- - C -V "i-r new nig:i school. Key at 140 s. Ivy. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ' ROOMS FOB RENT Pleasant room for gen- wi-iimn. ciusc in; oatn, garage. 60S E. Main. FOR RENT Cool slconine rooms. modern conveniences, rates moder ate. 325 South Riverside Ave. ipil RUNT ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 3 meals day. free garage. 514 Haven, 1 block Jackson school. ROOM AND 8dAHI at 204 So. Cen tral. Homo cooking, family style. MUTT AND JEFF That Makes It Che 7 ,, . : : ' uyDuuriijnr, HERE l WAS KIDNAPPED i f nr-M Mc,j rni n Ur;ir TV II ' . ,.; ( AMD 5VFFEREO THE TORTURES ) I STOOD UP UDQ IP ID MME HMeX" '. i OF HELL POR- MORE THA.U A J TTT I OAU 1 S A OWVSICAL WREC I I , - . e; V 6ELIEVES ME I UKB. A SUV WITH AGUE, f . i ' i 1 2? M - PA1-SV AN1D PAD MEWS. ) . .,' n '-r-Uei-, m ' ( 1 TO 6EEM A SSEAT VTV, ' h rT ' m V , , V euv.. i'M too much GlJ ' (CoyyTitnlri BRINGING UP FATHER YOO BEetN SITTING HERE PC? A WEE DON'T tOUiET Tl OP LOAFINZ. ? fn ft SJJ 1 , I AINT UOAFIN,; f-ilj THAT.' J THE NEBBS Just A Man 3- -iooO'fcc itvi cteRK I OMe. I I - How much is the ) ON 4. , I I Auk tcul ffe-Mutt- O Khl- I CiJK"h OMe I s. I TH.S HoTtt: boULAftj BATH mfTHOOT ) boUARU to rAUCH IS BOTH J PJSTLTZ I TT I FOR RENT USCEI.LAXEOtS ijf SIOr8 room, 31J No. ...ciamq. rnone s46-ij, : BCS1XESS OPPOKTCXITIES FOR RENT OR SALEService station and store. Good business for the right party. Tel. 423-L or 21 Oeu- POR SALE OR LEASE Dandy lunch '""n n nignway. close In. Ad- uieos nox Medford. . "' Apt- nouso and nice "mmuuir ioT. sue w. Main. 113 . . FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANOE Modern, new 5 room bungalow. Will take hay, chickens, hogs as down payment. Priced for quick sale. Box 1201 Mall Tribune. OAKLAND. CAL 7-room modern, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, large lot, close Lake Mcr rltt, furnished If wanted, for ranch or business on highway, will as sume or pay cash difference. Box 8295, Tribune. WANTED To trade heifers for Guern sey ouu o months to year old; 50 good ewes for sale. Rt. 1, Box 43. Ed Vogel. WANTED To trade heifers for uuernsey ouu e months to year old; 60 good ewes fqr sale. Route 1, Box 43. EXCHANGE JSOO equity latest tjimutr coupe, noi yei broken in, for clear lot or light car. Ad dress. Box 9262 Mall Tribune. MISCELLANEOUS EAT at the Delicatessen Cafe. 410 E. Main. Merchant's lunch, 25c and 35c. Home-cooked meals. grand Hotel barber shop Haircuts 25c, shampoo 25o. Open 7:30 a. m. till 8 p. m. FENDERS enameled. 8 to 12 set. Auto Beauty Shop. MY well drilling prices reduced 60c , per ft. since April, 1931. J. M. Dodge, 619 King St. Tel. 025-L. FOR SAI,E ronvrnY FRYERS 35s to 75c each. 629 Bessln - St. between Sailing and Stevens sts. FOR SALE Complete pigeon lolt wlth 200 homers and Cornoaux. L. A. Salndc, Jr., Central Point. POR SALE 25 Red pullet. Dressier, Phone 1569-L. FOR SAMS DOGS AND l'KTS FOR SALE Pedigreed wlre-holr fox terrier puppies, very- reasonable Dr. Stone, 1455 N. Riverside. POR SALE Toy Pox Terrier pups. Phone 1149. ST -JIM FOR SAI,E-t!-AUTOMOBILES EXTRA SPECIAL 1829 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe. 1930 Chev. Coupe. 1929 Essex Coupe 1028 Essex Coooh. Low prices easy terms. See i before vou buy. ' ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealers. S. Riverside. FOR SALE Ford sport coupe. 192B model; flue condition. L. A. Salade, Jr., Central Point. HAVE new 6-cyllnder coupe to offer as down payment on residence or small ranch. Box 1066. FOR SALE 575 equity in 1931 Chev rolet Special Sedan. Will accept older car In trade. Phone daytime. 446. THE NEW PLYMOUTH Built by Chrysler, at YOUR CHRYSLER DEALERS ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 101 S. Riverside. ' Tel. 18. FOR SALE 1921 Dodge touring: a bargain for 20 cash. Call even , lugs, 637 Austin St.' FOR SAIiE TRUCKS FOR SALE 2 model T Ford trucks; one with Ruxtcll axle and one with gear shift and 14-It. trailer. Q. E. Trlbett, Roguo River, Rt. 1. , FOR SALE: , Good Used Graham Dodge Truck. , Tires practloally new. Reasonably prices. HUBBARD BROS., INC. 93tf FOR SALFv MVESTOCK FOR SALE Several good farm horses, all gentle, young and well broke: weight 1300 to 1700, or will trade for cattle. Can be scon at Fox Farm, Central Point. FOR SALE 1 horse, good for work or saddle;' a bargain. O. W. Hlgglns, Talent. Phone Ash. 13-F-12. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire rams and ram lambs. L. A, Salade, Jr., Central Point: FOR SALE P-esh cow. Phono R13X. FOR SALE 14 young nign grade Jer- ouy cows, iresn in o wecKs; tested and free. Williams & Secgmlllcr, Sams Valley, near Antloch school. FOR SALE Wcaner pigs. A. M. Tyr rcll. Old Stage road. Tel. 334-R-2. FOR SALE: Thoroughbred Guernsey ' bull, 2 yrs. old. Phone 301-R-3. FOR SALE 2 horses, good for work or saddle, and harness, wagon, hay rack, mower, hayrako, cheap. Also equity In apartment house. Call nt 525 N. Riverside. aper Bv The Year . n.. Dim nenrn WELL. I "THOUGHT 60ME THIMr WA4 THE NAATTER. WITH VOU, BUT I Vl SOKWY TO HCAK IT !S A BAD AS i vva? Kicrr ALWAYS LIKE THAT ! MAW . DMC FOR SALK HOMES FOE SALE Our new Medford home, wired for every kind electricity; easy terms, good neighborhood. Ad dress Box 9288. Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT Modern un furnished 5-room house, s.32.50. water paid. Call at 227 80. Oak dale or write Mrs. Bnrto, . Rogue River, Ore. x MODERN home; basement, lorge roosos, sun room, 2 bathrooms, shade, etc., double garago, at 16 Oenova St. Attractive price and terms, c. 8. Butterfield. 100 CASH Balance easy monthly payment, buys 6-rm. modern home, pressure water system, electricity, . garage, 114 acre garden soil, suit able for strawberries; close to new schools. Earl Tumy, 810 Liberty Bldg. ' . , . FOR SALE Attractive homes. , Phone 105. 30 N. Central. 4tf NEW modern east side home on Corn ing court, priced to sell; consider good auto or electric range or small cash down payment: balance like rent. Call 63B-X fqr appointment. FOB SALE RKAIi ESI ATE TWO SPECIALS 4 rooms, sleeping porch, pllstered house, toilet, sink, hot and cold water, close In, com- pleely furnished, garage arid Wood- ' shed; 1.000, half cash. 150-ACHE RANCH on Rogue river and Crater Lako highway: free deed ed water right, fair buildings, elec tricity. Rare bargain at $4,500: $760 down, balance $500 yearly. 6. D. B. MILLARD, 429 E. Main. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH 660 acres, 40 minutes from Med ford. 15 minutes from Butte Falls, macadam road; Ideal for stock rnls ing. dairying, resort, game farming or country home; well timbered ' with pine, also hardwood for fuel; mountain scenery; unlimited out side range; near good school; com fortablo house, 6 rooms, bath and , pantry, water under pressure;' near Roguo river and Butte creek, fam ous fishing streams. Attractive price, part cash terms. ' Mrs. F. R. Nell, 342 North Ivy. FOR sale; 8-room house with 3 va cant lots adjoining, surrounded by targo walnut trees, beautiful shrubs. rock garden and pool. Property ox .1 tends from S. Central to Rlvurslde , Ave.. 2 lots cornering on 13th St. Excellent location for business bldg. or apartment house, will consider well Improved small modern homo ) as part payment. Call at 003 S. .Riverside. INCOME property earning 0 net on ,$16,000. for salo at $10,000. Terms. C. S. Butterfield. NO ! WU WOULD NOT IOT I I LAST AS LOW, Afi YOU Did, ip ycxj was r BUT BECAUSB OWN ' ,. - ... 8 .8 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 acres at Rogue River: best soli, alfalfa, fruit, berries, good house, steeping porch, barn. 3 chick en houses: near school. Address Walter Jones, Ciold Hill. WHEN YOU ttilnK of real estate, think of Rrown & Whit. tt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PACKER'S tally card for poar and apple boxes In stock. Job Depart ment Mail Trlbuno. Phono 75. FOR SAIJC Champion peaches on hlRhway. 2 miles north of Oold Hill. Cha. B. Gray. BALED alfalfa hay of highest qual-l ity. Roguo River Co. Phone 13U8. 1 FOR SALE Nearly new upright plnno, excellent condition. Priced right. 242 8. Grape. 1 FOR SALE New rug, slightly dam aged. Phone 55. Pierce Auto Freight. FOR SALE Used sowing ma chines, all makes, $5 up; terms If desired. All makos rented and ropulred. While Sewing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett, tf FOR SALE White rabbits. Will trade for chickens. No Leghorns. Roy Bllderback, Pitt Vlow Ave., In Pitt View Acres, noar Contral Point. NEW TENT. 7x7, $7.00. 604 W. 10th. POR sale: 260 tons mixed beardless barley and alfalfa hay, Good foccl yards rooks under floored shed.; ulso outside racks. Write John W. Cox. 113 Cottago St., Medford. Phono 350-W. SPECIAL Huckleberries 35o per qt. J. H. Hale poaches, per crate, 7Uc. Real watcrmotons, per lb., 2c. Pick ling dill siw. per gal. 20c. Ivy Street Fruit Mkt. FOR SALE Electric washer, chenp. Phone 9. WOOD Dry fir rough blocks. $600 per loud; t, load $2.80; 'j tier $1.00 Longwll) Wood Co., 441 No. Fir St. Phono 1141-J. FOR SALE 6-tuue, model 33 Atwatcr Kent radio; excellent condition. 603 S. Rlvorslde. FOR SALE Household furniture' In cluding beautiful llotpolnt electric cabinet range, Chlncso fluff nigs, floor lamps, etc. Cargll! Court. Tel. 495. FOR SALE; Completa not of carpen , tor tools and machine tools at 105 Mistletoe. FOR SALE Good player piano, $100. Phono 1443, 'OB SALE Refrigerator, cream sep arator, saddles, tools and other articles. Must sell. 405 Enrhal t. mao a veicy. I -J j WELL., TOO LOOK I (ft V"' N LIKB YOO HADIT, WI!ALTKY FATHttK I LtFT HOME. WANTED NAY NAY D WAV ft 1.11 Mnw s. lr, PHONE YOUR ADS CHARGE THEM BUSINESS IllItECTOHY MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab i stracts of Title, Title Insurance, j Rooms 3 and S. No. 12 North 1 Central Ave., upntairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstract of Title nnil Tiilo Insurance, TI10 only complete Title s v h I o 111 in JtU'kHou County. ArcoiintnntR WILSON AUDITINC! COMPANY Tax and Corporation Counselors Auditors, and Accountants. E, M. Wilson. C. P, A. Liberty Bldg l'hone 157-R. Clilroprnctlo lMiyalcInn D1S. K. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve Specialist. Offlco hours 9 to 13. 3 to 6. 203-204 Liberty Bldg. Office l'hone .680: Kos. l'hone 790-H. Export Window Clenncra LET O EO HOE DO IT Tel, 1172. Houfe cleaning. Floor waxing. Oriental rug cleaning, ftpeolalty. Financial WW LEND MONEY to worthy peo. plo to pay their honest debts. Pa cific Count Credit Association, 421 Medford llld.. Medford. Ore, Furniture Ropnlrliur FUUN1TI1UE RE-UI'llOLHTEItEU re-flnlshed, re-glued. We carry ' a full lino of upholstering sam ples. A. N. Thlbnult. Tel. 969-R Glass MHMKUK1) PLATE- GLASS CO. Auto glass wh4l you wait. Glass for all purposes. Phone 4 46. 88tf Money to 1,01111 6 Ixing 'l'lino llcnl Ehiaui alortjrngo Lnnn I'liouo 132a Conunei't'ltil Flniimio Corp. . MrdfitrU. Orvgnn l'nliiiltig nnil I'liiicrlinnglng M. A. BLISS COMPANY Paint ing, impel hanging and Interim finishing, 302 Ciutor Lake Ave l'hone 1004. 41 I'liino Instruction I'lIKU ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of plunu. Clnsalcal and popular music coiiiki. llnlght Muslr Htudlo. 3 IK Liberty Bldg. Tel 72 By George McManus . In, nr, Vli,lliln Ktl.u mtrMt. By Sol Hess BUSINESS IIIREOTORY Fcrsonal iAnna WE LOAN MONEY on furniture and lato model autos. Three per cent per month on unpaid bal ance. No other charges. Como In and get the cash today. See W. E. Thomas, 22S W. th St.. ground floor Holly Theator Bldg. Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Hal. the best equipped printing office . in Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing. looae loaf Itidgerm, bllllne systems, eto. Portland prlcoa, 27 N. Fir St. Radio Service RADIO SERVICE on any make radio. II. O. Purucker. 222 West-. Main St. Office Phone 135; residence 1442. GUARANTEED radio service at reasonable rates. Phone 1247 ' day or night. Almus Prultt. Rand and Ciravel C, A. IlAHTLEYSand and Gravel plant. Clean wastiod sand and gravel; crushed gravel, all aJxeA, phono, plant 1203, or office 127, Storago WAREHOUSING Storage,. Duttrt button. Medford Warehouse, Hit South Front SL Phone SIS. Transfer DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGES. Service guaranteed. 20 8. Ornpe St., Phone 944, or residence 060. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 101 S No. Central, l'hono 315. Prices right. Service gunrnnleed. HEINK1NO- TRUCKING BERVICH Transfer and hauling ot- alL kinda. Office 10$ , South FrooV St, Phone 831. I If MOVINO north, south, east of west. Phone Ashland 246-L. New equipment; prompt eervloe: low est into. Bunded oarrler, A. L A nsted. LKGAL8 Nutlro ot Sliorlir'8 Snlo, . lly vlrtuo of an execution on forecloHuro duly Itisuod out of and under tho seal of tho circuit Court of the Htnto ot Oregon, In and for the County of- Jucktton, to me di rected and dated on the 10th day; of July, 1J31, In certain action theroin, wherein H. It, Htowcll, Win, Htodghlll und O. 10. Elliott, iv co-pnrlnei-Hhlii. transacting buslnoaa. under tho ntoililed husliifwa nuinu and stylo of Pacific Coast Agency, Ltd., iih Plaintiff, recovered Juilu liienLoKalnst chauncy Florey, T. 11 Florey, Ethel Florey and Ktliol' Klorey as AdinfnlNULtiix of the Into of Andrew J. Florey, deceased, iho darendanIK, for the sum of Nil Hundred Seven and 85-101' (ti07.nr,) Dollars, together with Interest at per annum from May lillh, 1U2U, with costs and dls biliwementM taxed at Nlnotoen mid 65-ino ($19.66) Dollars, and th further sum of One Hundred Fifty and no-100 (4150.00) Dollars, at attorney's foesi whlch Judgment, was nrollel and docketed In tin Clerk's orrico of said, Court lr salil,, County on the loth day of July, l!i:il. Notice Is hereby given that. nur. lunnt to the terms of thq said exe cution, I will on the 16th day ol August, 11181, nt 10:00 o'clock , m., nt tho front, door ot the' Court house In the City of Medford, In Jnckiion County, Oregon, offer for sale ami will ull at public auction for cash to the. hlgost bidder, to satisfy said Judg ment, together with tho costs of this sole, ruliject to redemption ni provided by huv, all of the right, tltln nnd Interest tbnt the said de fendant. Clmunry Florey, T. K, Florey, Ethel Florey and Ethel Florey, us Administratrix of Die EhIiiIr of Andrew J. -Fliirov. . hu. renH, had on Ilia loth day iif Mny, llii'y, or now hsvo in mui to tho following dmcrlhcd proi orty, situated In, the. County . of JiK kKon, stnto of Occboii, to-nll: Lots 3 nnd 4 of Bloek 9, Oentrnl Addition to the Cllv or k,.Ia wn,..t Jackson county. Oregon. Dated this 10th day of July, 1 31 KALI'll ft J.,vvivlu. Sheriff of Jnckron County, Oregon. i!r Anuei-Mon, Deputy. Nolllfi nf Filllll Arnmnl III the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jnekon County. In the Mutter of tho Estate of 11. II. Dulliils. deceased. Nnllco l hwnliy given that tho iiiuleralKiieil, inlmlniHtrauir of llio eslnte of II. II, Dullols, deconsod, on the Ilth day of July, 1131, fl,., tile final account in this matter and the County Court of I lie Stain of Oregon for Jackson County or said iluto fixed the 11th day of AiigiMi, 1331, at the hour of loma o clock n. in. In the courtroom ol ild Court In (ho tourthouso lit .Medford. Oregon, as a time nnd p.iieo for hearing of ohJeeUons li "1 "nal account, the closing ol an d estate, and discharging tho nd. tnlnlstrntor, and all persons havlnj nny ol.jeetlons to suld account or the dlnoliuriilng of administrator are at said llmo and ulnco to an. pear nnd make mich objections. . Dated llilrt 11th day of July, 1931, . , , , F. E. NICHOLS. Administrator of the Kstaio of 11. H. IHiftols. deceased. PEHCY A. It It A V. A'toiney for .dmlnl.t To Lease or Buy Like Rent HOl'TII 1.10 ACRES fuY f K AMllMlSO.V IAH.M NBB TAL KNT. OKKdON; AIX IV C'l'l.TU VATION, 67 ACKLH IN Vol Ml Al.t'AI.KA, oan water right, artes ian well and reservoir on farm; three-quarters' of mil from TaU ent Hrlinol... This exceptional form offered for the first time foe Nile an pay as rent basis nothln. down, mor WILL YIAKB YOl'K PAYMENTS. Will sell all or purl. KJiAUY Pott fH't'l PASCX. .. HER OR PHONR OWSriri,'l"l Hast Main HUrmt, Ashlonn. Otr gnn. Phone 4:b-Yi or any renl rotate man.