Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 31, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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- ' ... .11 nrl Dim:
U Of rOWeil cinu uuj
5 Families Find Legs
Calyzed Upon- Arrival
we in Eugene ' , ,
Jon vu deceived here yes
Jfergwet Mid Gordon
' .j Jotm Gillespie, who were
frS.WO while riding In a
Strom Medford to Eugene
Lwre in improved cond -
itougb Miss Corum is etlU
'tfiw. B- B- Co""11 ilnd two
Jfuid mlr nephew, John QU
tWot Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gll
'Jwiw hid been visiting Mr.
Z Bruce Powell and Mr. and
Z, buiw11 In this city. They
ISirt Tueiday afternoon, and
Zau, their home In the north,
:T, tort visit In Koseburg.
Jrt,.Oonano arrived at the
Z. hone, the small boy. aged,
s tie ground after taking a
1 uis cousin, Gordon, . 13.
TJo,,, ,he car. and also fell.
X., to the letter received. Miss.
Ill ttsted that there- was
a wrong with her when it was
Z,i Uiey had probably been
I but ine too was unable to
l f sugnung iruiu uw uui.
Lte out been riding In the back
jijjlclaa was called and they
ilnn treatment Immediately.
atatMi that fumes from
Lamt pipe, which was broken.
W tne iimesa. .
nia hrierA? nf eoulnment -lor.
Lforest'1 fires was received
UOij ny uie crater nuuuiwi
; bwdquarters, consisting of a
li-ton caterpillar tractor, man-
bed by the Caterpillar Trac
Lajacy of Peoria. 111., and deliv-
urougn Miner, -sa mora '.reactor.
Ileal agents.' ... . '
Lie the tractor will have Ora-
fitional forest as Its permanent
tumra, it is not for exclusive
lot that forest, but will also
at, whenever needed,' by tne
wuthern Oregon national for
te Siskiyou, with headquarters
Brims Pass, and the Umpqua
aeiaquarters at Koaeourg.
is tractor is to be, used in
ling fire line trenches "and is
bped with a special - guard to
it It to run over and through
b ind a, special plow attacti-
w digging furrows, ; ,
w reported this .noon that
fln that -has been burning
te west branch, of. Elk-.cxeeK
peral days, and on which be-
w ma so fire fighters nave
employed, is now under- such
We control that 30 of. the
were returned to the citv
forenoon. This fire, until check
tprwd over an area of l(iu
in old burn, in fair timber.
1 i a Ka ' I i ! i
WILLOW spprwnc .... .
Spl.) David nelson of. Redding.
'a,tretelthe Pomorene house
and. part of the Pennlnger. ranch.
Mr. Nelson exects to buy and hii
dairy stock and has pu?ch,Sed a
shore on telephone line No. 19. - He
will move his family here about the
first of September.
Word was received July 18. from
Tacoma. Wash., of the birth or en
h!:",0 ?nu6hter to Mr. and Mrs
Herbert Clarke. The Clorkes former
ly lived in this district and have a
host of friends hero and In Medford
Sunday callers of this district at
the Fred Stroube place on the Apple
gate were Mr. and Mrs. c. P Smith
and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. p
Young and family and Mr. Hatton
and son Roland.
: Week end ffiiffitj: tit h A u ,
o ",c . n. iiiem-
ents home were Miss Margaret Fitz-
e.u vi ciiwumemo and Arvld Caulv
of Orovllle. The young people are
friends of Clel and Dot Clements.
Mrs. P. A. Bonney Is sorting fruit
at a packing house In Medford. She
began wnrlr lit fi.tnn.. ... . .
-"- anus VIOieT,
Zimmerman is also sorting.
. y. v-"3uu naa replaced his old
nagpole with a new and much taller
George Elden returned the first of
the week from Vancouver, where he
has been At.tonril, .
-- -"6 ." t i c ullltTIH
training camp for the past six weeks.
After bis discharge he spent a few
days visiting friends in Hood River.
Dot Clements has accepted a posi
tion as field man with the. Big Seven.
. nu aiia. newion Edwards of
Medford were Sunday supper guests
at the W. K. Parker home. July 19
W. K. Parker Is lowering his larse
rrlsratlon well nH aB w..i.. ,
4w gicnuy in
creased the flow of water. .
a. v. larison has a crew of men In
readiness to begin picking Bartletts
August 3.
Pnr thA nrtat bmhV .v... mnu i i.
nkvn kilt riciu UIUU1-
ers have been marketing cantaloupes
f wu nicii jtuuiouse-grown
Vines. . They are also digging potatoes
and Dlckine their fimt re
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Deuwe returned
recently from a two weeks' outing at
Diamond lake.
Bohnerte are digging their large
acreage of potatoes at Seven Oaks.
' : . ..
CLIMAX, Ore., July 31. (Bpl.)
Miss Lenore Liveijay of Eaat St.
Louis and Durwood Livpsay of Oiym
pla, Wash., were guests of their aifl
ter. Mrs. Compton, the past week.
Miss Ona Comstock of Portland
Is spending the summer with her
grandfather. N. N. Charley.
; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grlssom and
family spent Sunday at the Soda
Bprlngs. . , ' ;
i Ben Oswald and Owen Austin
Visited at the Werta .ranch Mon
day. .
Phil Wertz Is spending a lew
days at the Lt H. Wertz home..
Mrs.-Compton and two sons ana
guests; Mr. - and Mrs, Livesay, were
dinner guests at the Wertz home
, Mrs. L. H. Wertz and IJ. P. Han
son mode a trip to Medford lues
day. ' .
Mrs. Jennie White spent the week
end at her home in Central Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yorton ot
Brownsboro ' were guests of W.
Charley and family Friday.;
Bucket of Bulla on So. Riverside
open for daylight play.
CENTRA?. PftrwK .
(Special.) Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stearns
of Medford left by train, July 25,
for San Francisco for. an extended
visit with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bar
nunu' Mrs. Stearns ha been spend
ing some tlrrw in rntmi Dnin
itcupe rating from a serious Illness at
wine ui mr, una Mrs. Merle
Kindle. Mrs. Kindle Is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Stearns.
; Mrs. Oeorge Wopd and daughter
Barbara of Klamath Falls, were Fri
day suests at the R n nionn ynma
They were enroute from Portland!
viiviv . uiey vsued Mrs. Wood's
Dorothy Smlt,n Is recovering from
an illness' of more than a week's
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tex motored to
Dead Indian Springs for a brief stay
last week, and report the road excel
lent. Al. Musty, former resident here,
now living at Forks, Wash., is a guest
at the home of his brother. Will
Musty, also visiting other relatives
and his many friends of the valley.
Bobby Hoagland Is enjoying a "10
days outing at Lake of the Woods, In
company with his grandmother, Mrs.
Joe Hoagland of Ashland.
A. P. Whitney w,ho has been In
poor health for some time, returned
Saturday from Lake of the Woods
feeling somewhat Improved. i
Mesdames Louis Grimes and Ray
Wyatt, with their children are enjoy
ing several days vacation at their
summer home at Lake of the Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowen and sou
Bobby, of Murshfield, were recent
guests at the E. R. Gleason home.
Mrs. J. E. Boswell and daughter
Yvette visited J. E. Boswell and
friends in Yreka, Calif., lost week.
Carl Coleman of Spokane, and
bride, a former San Point, Idaho
young lady, are here visiting old
friends and with a view to locating.
Mr. and Mrs. W- C; Lewis of Grants
Pass, visited V-elr . son Ersel Lewis
and family and other friends here
lost week. u
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parker and
children are here from- Los Angeles
to visit their respective mothers, Mrs.
Mattle Parker and Mrs. Melissa Elliott.
Each grandmother receiving the sur
prise of her life in looking upon the
form of a six weeks old granddaugh
ter to share In their love and atten
tion. Mrs. Cooksey accompanied by her
sons. Bud and Orban, left Friday fer
Portland." The boys have Just finish
ed -a very successful packing school
training In Medford.
Lon Swart has taken the contract
and commenced the work of replac
ing the old stairway with new, at
the grade school here.
Miss Elizabeth Southwell has
shown such Improvement, since her
operation at the Community hospital
that she has been removed to her
Home and can now receive friends.
Central Point Grange held a well
attended picnic on Rogue river, at
By bee bridge Sunday. Members from
distant parts of the valley were pres
ent. Swimming and 'vlslttnd v-
the order of the day. The bountiful
lunch being no small Item ot enjoy
ment. Mrs. John Seller 1 and daughter
Adabee, of Medford, were calling
upon old friends and neighbors In
town last week. - r
A family reunion was enjoyed last
Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mee
and sons, Frank and Warren of Ap-v
plegate. Guests were: Messrs. and
Mcsdames J. N. Hesselgrave and fam
ily. J. N. Hesselgrave and family and
Mrs. 'J. B. Boswell and daughter
Yvette. .Central Point.. ; r
Sunday school of the Federated
tVuirch, held its annual all day picnic
In the beautiful park at Grants Pass,
with an attendance of 147, which we
consider a good attendance consider
ing the busy season. A bountiful
lunch was served to all at the noon
hour, with ice cream later.
The infant son -of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin. Williams was taken to the hos
pital at Medford July 27, for treat
ment. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Marine, of
Alberta. Canada,- are visiting their
son George Marine ot the A. and M.
Grocery store, and Mr. and Mrs. L.
N. Swarm. Mrs. Marine and Mrs.
Swarts are sisters.
Mrs. Chas. Skyrman and Mrs. Ha
mor returned Bunday night 1 from
Crescent City.
Recent guests from Sacramento,
eittertalned by Mary Mee and Claud
wnite are Mr, and Mrs. R. Muuford
and Mrs. Claudia Stoltz. The ladles
will be remembered as T(helma and
Claudia White, nieces- of Claud
George Hetzler ot Seattle was a
week end visitor of his father, and of
former friends In the city, he having
lived here several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Hurd and children
of Yuba City, Cal., who have been
visiting at the L. H. Smith home,
are spending a few days at Dead
Indian Springs. The Hurds were for
mer residents of this valley and con
template remaining here. -
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ludwick of
Portland is a visitor at the L. N.
Swartz .home. The Swartz and Lud
wick families were neighbors in nor
thern Idaho, where Mr. Ludwick was.
engaged In Inspection of seeds and
Mrs. Dlzuey of Ashland, former
fifth grade teacher in our school1,
spent Saturday here visiting friends
and attending to business mooters. :
visiting relatives at Portland and
Hcod River, reamed home Thursday.
Miss Runnels of Medford. county
nurse, visited the neighborhood Fri
day and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pennlnger and
two girls had dinner Friday with Mr,
and Mrs. B. P. Pan key.
Ed Vincent returned Monday on
the mail route, after spending his
vacation with his family, at Bnndnn
and Diamond Lake. Gene Merrltt
handle the mail during Mr. Vin
cent's absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Dalley and chil
dren visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. B. F Pankey.
A school meeting will be held at
8 p. m. August 14th. at the Tolo
school, for District 98. The budget
for the coming school year will be
TOLO. Ore.. July 31. (Spl.) All
were sorry to learn of- the Illness of
Mrs. Petcrman of Gold Ray dam. who
was operated on Tuesday morning at
the Sacred Heart hospital.
Mrs. H. D. Hamor. Mrs. C. T. Sklr
manii of Central Point, and Mrs.
Jones of Medford returned . home
Sunday evening after having spent
several days vacationing at Crescent
City. ..... v -
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stubblefield and
family moved into the neighborhood'
severul weeks ago. All hope they will
like It here and stay. They moved
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Davis and fam
ily of Klamat.V Falls have bought
the old Max Jacobl place. Mr. Davis
plans to open a. shoe repair shop at
Gold Hill.
Misses Irene and Vlolabelle Morrow
who spent part of their vacation
JACKSONVILLE, Ore., July 31.
(Special.) Rufus Holman, state
treasurer, accompanied by his wife
and her mother. Mrs. Ella Wat-son.
all of Portland, were calling here last
week. Mrs. Watson Is a former resi
dent and is a daughter of the late
Kasper Kubll. Mrs. Watson visited
her aunt, Mrs. Francis Wilson while
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Lytle and daugh
ter Reglna spent Tuesday and Wed
nesday at Diamond Lake.
Otis Krause and friend Fred W.
Caldwell of Oakland. Calif., left Tues
day after spending several days visit
ing old friends ot Mr. Krause ,ere.
Many Jacksonville Grangers motor
ed to Bybee bridge Sunday where a
picnic dinner was enjoyed followed
by swimming. .
Missionary society of the Presby
terian churoh will give an Ice cream
social on the lawn of the old county
court house Saturday beginning at
7:30 p. m. Home made Ice creum
and cake will be served.
Junior Christian Endeavor society
of the Presbyterian church will hold
no meetings through the month of
Mrs. George Brownlee moved re
cently to Medford. Mr. Brownlee Is
employed at Crater Lake for the sea
son. 1 ,
C." B. Dunnlngton, Sam Reynolds
and C. C. MoCelland of Ashland were
Klamath Falls visitors 'Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Alger and son are visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cantrall
near Ruch. Mr. Alger is now working
at Prospect. Mrs. Alger, nee Mary
Parks is a former resident here.
Howard Lewis spent Monday eve
ning at his home here. He is cm
ployed at Lake o" the Woods for the
Word has bceu received from Dr.
J. W. Robinson, visiting in Portland,
that he enjoyed the trip there last
week. - - - - -
Mrs. H. K. Hanna entertained at
luncheon Friday for Mrs. Raymond
Fish of Phoenix: Mrs. Arthur Klein-
Pr wea in the Crater Nn-
ww closed to travel except
JWtnK, by proclamation ot
Weler. hpmuw f hpintr
fcud u an extreme fire hax-
acnted as follows:
mxu within the Crater Na
1 't in townships 34, 35 and
raDtS S emit. W VT that.
of the Butte Falls-Lodire-W
Md north of a line fol
E th divide between Willow
" tiw north fork of Little
f from the forest . boun
10 ta Lake Creok-TAkn v the
thence along the nortn
4 lull road t.h onnt t side
nhfp 36 south, range 3 east.
Fll tor entering this area may
mc a lord. Butte Fans.
Ot the Owpn-flrptjnn I.'.im-
XtoWy. three and one-hait
"wwwRt of Butte Falls, ana
V Hit ran DAP oialUn. otan at
of Rancher! a arid BUtte
LTfPwt and Junction of Butte
nib Lav. . t. .Antr.
jw road.
me of Sale
wilersiiMip,! ,l ,i,i
rts of Sothorn Orrmiii
Jnc, us assignee for
"u oi creditors, and tlio
'(mtj tt ill ni (In., Any
Kyill, receive
" purchase of tlio stock,
''t and fixtures of said
tllfiV llA lllllilil
"w Stock, eouimneiit mid
whole,-or iu part,
ventory may be suen ut
of the iiml
uie rifjlit to reject any
r irrt National Banlr of
wd. Oregon, Trustee.
T It f serpen's
lipuut irul wom
an In a tlirlll
I nc romance "f
South America!
More Exqiilnlte
. . . Mure Iteau
lirill . . . Mure
; l. rloiiM Than
Kver . . A New
Voire . . A New
48 V'.-
V f
The Lady Who Dared"
Mill I nee
Kiilillea ....
....... oc
Tune In on KMED every
week nlle :M to 6:30.
Please telephone your ordart early
and help us give you better torvice.
Phone 20
"Where1; duality TilltVurW rlei Sella"
,v ,7 pFth Central, y,
' We have tKes ' PRICE i and' ' QttALITY aftd
what is MORE Htiii' is a 5 LOCAL store
i. ' oaturday bargains
Royal Gelatin, any kinjl, 2 for 15
I Diamond Crysai Salt:jdied, $ ,4-1 25?
Large Can Fancy Pumpkin, No. V 1Q(V
Large Can Fancy Kraut, No. 2 .....,...;, ....... ....10
Pink Salmon, 2 for L..'......L,...."..'...:... 252"
Oronite Standard Oil Products
5 ti
The liquid wax, qf.79t ;
FREE One " pt.' ' Otd '
i:ite Furniture' Polish.
5Pint. ;.'.. .t!r,.'34c
j Quart 'i . .59c
! ' li .1 r !
1 pound Coffee
Large Bottle Catsup .
Whi:.3 Star Tuna, 54 Size ...
,y ...........
White Star Tuna, Size lfl
..-. i- '...i!l. i -i.
Canned Peaches-
Melba Halves
no. 2y, ....... .rr..:..:.ip.
-Del Monte Brandy
Fancy Sliced
No. 22 . ..l?)
Local Walnuts', 1 pound - 18?
Corn Flakes or Post Toastiss, 2 for 15'
P. & G, or Crystal White Soap, 10 for 33
Klamath Hard Wheat Flour $1.17
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Local Cantaloupes, 4 for '. 25?
Local Tomatoes, fancy, 2 pounds for' .'. 15t?
Local String Beans, 2 pounds for 15
Local Green Peppers, 3 pounds for 25?
Local Bunch Beets, Carrots and Radishes, 3 for .10?
Local Fancy Cucumbers, each v 5?
Local Egg Plant, pound '. 8?
Local Rhubarb,' 10 pounds for 23,
Local Yellow Sweet Corn, dozen 25?
Malaga Grapes, 3 pounds for .. 25
Sweet Potatoes, new crop, pound ..-lO
Small, juicy Oranges (use instead of lemons), 3 doz.. 29?
hammer of Applegata district and
Mrs. Alice Ulrlch of Cila place.
Grandma Llttell haa returned to
the home of her son Janiea Llttell
here after spending several montha
visiting her sons In Des Moines,
Iowa. Her many friends welcome her
Mrs. Lena Coffman of Portland,
daughter of Mrs. Anna Coffman of
this place, was married tula, week to
Joe Sheep of Medford,
Mm. Mamie Norrls and daughter
June are spendliiK a couple of weeks
In the Dead Indian district.
Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Mclutyre and
family and Mrs. Lola Mclntyre en
Joyed camping at Squaw Lake the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Cantrall enter
tained at luncheon Monday for Mrs.
Clarence Lane of Ashland and Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Stone of Hollywood.
1 REESE CREEK. Ore. July 31.
(Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. . Stanley Ed
wards, newly weds, are visiting Mr
Bdwarcte' Bister, Mrs. Jim Roseberry.
Mr. Edwards ha a boot and shoe
bust new In McMlnnvUle. They ex
pect to visit southern California, Yo
semlte and Yellowstone parks, then
return via Vancouver, B. C.
Mrs. C. W. Butler and son of San
Jose, Cal., arc vlftithiK Mr. und Mrs.
J. A. Wood. Mrs. Butler U Mm.
Wotxl's sister.
The new home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Humphries Is neartng comple
tion, They expect to move In ubout
the middle of this week.
Walt Woods finished threshing and
is having his wheat hauled to mar
ket by Chas, Humphries. . j - '
Orville Kinkade has taken the eon
tract for building and labeling boxes
at Week orchard.
A happy crowd of about 40 tirtv
Sunday evening from Medford and
surprised Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Orow.
A welner roast and toasted marsh
mallows were enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Fulton cf the Big Oak service ,
station was a business caller In Med
ford July 27.
- : 4 -u' -; ,
Brill ShtnH Metal Works &qa
expert repairing,
budy repairing.
fender and auto
Krystatglow, kodak 1oh su
premo. The Peoaleys, opp. Holly
theater. . i -
Used auto parts tires, .tubes; right
price. 1701 N. Riverside. :
'j ' 4 I , ,
We believe we have the finest line of
Olives in Southern Oregon. Look over
the following list and note the many dif
ferent kinds we carry, ', i , ,. .,
Stuffed with Pimento Stuffed with Almonds
Stuffed with Onions Stuffed with Hazelnuts
Stuffed with Anchovies 4 . .
Stuffed with Pimento Stuffed with Almonds
Stuffed with Anchovies
This is the finest line of olives that money can buy. We
have the Cresca in both the plain 'and stuffed and in y
many sizes. , ; ;) . ' -i :-. X.--J
:". S. & W: OLIVES -.-:f:i'!;W'
We have a splendid line of S. & W. olives in the plain
and also stuffed and all at very reasonable prices.
We carry a full and complete stock of EhmannY ripe ;
olives. We have the htedium', large, extra large, giant,
and colossal, and in sizes runnning from the half-pint to ;
' .lo"'tin.r aih r.u-iJii-i. U. u v-'i?'.
t.!n('i;!,r,;?.bai.) tBULKb OLIVES n i)t')i;:ckjl
"Ah? liaf Green Olives Medium Ripe Olives ;
Colossal Ripe1 Olives
' l.-, :;...- (u SOMETHING NEWi v ;,
Olives half green and Jialf ripe. These olives are pro
nounced very fine by many of bur patrons.
Si lWe invite you to call and gee oktr alive display pro-
Tillamook. Cheese ... $ . .'.. v vOfi Per
Swift's Piiurtipiled Ha;. h!l47?Per lb.
Crtal Wriit Soap . . ........ .7 hhi2&
I ?el,onaPMehir6P ; ;7 WfWw
! Hi E. MAES
Phorle 252 Mkti lpn5l
III assS
featured Saturday and Monday 5 y
Potato Chip L Certo
(I. hull )
MllU'd Ht (IAR f't'KKIt
i- A i 8 lh. iivrniite
(thnll ) I -
t . -j; ;( '.,,
Sea Foam
.Ut.U ,1-1.11. I'KU.
5 I.HS.