Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 24, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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0I Powder Packed To
Of Lassen Volcano
' Artificial Eruption
Day And Night.
-ascisco. ;uiy a-(AP-
mwder and eherolcalo,
"M WW o' mules 'V
10.000 ft a
FlTiiu ampt to
ESe WW eruption oJ Lassen
'mwle "eruptions" will
rf. three-day program
""La, wnlch will formally
Sail Wn national P"k to
AtUve Volcano -containing
163 equare
grounding the only seml
to the continental
SaTms created by con
Jf but has heretofore
iSto the pubH, A
into the heart of the
Sown completed.
'Xtton." are planned, one
EL, ao minutes and an
.Sflastlng 40 minutes.
S snnke CloiiilK
Within the crater, in the
foM as heavy as any used
istmrld war. the huge vol
2tt ufat rose from the top
W 1' y68 Bo will be
aw the discharge of 38-Inch
nploslon of which will
, onto cloud five acres in
.iir-tlme eruption, an nt
ril te made to reproduce
1 tut." the name given to
a of we which rose dur
. ml eruption and took the
'i man's features,
rj tie artificial eruptions
rji be n hour's display of
b, climaxing In an artificial
iind thunder storm. Twelve
virts wd 38-Inch shells will
ind. ! 1 1 :
ttnd like Thunder
bell l designed to make
Ml flashes, with thunder
nch as acccmpany cash elec
iirge during a natural storm,
id lava overflow from the
Hi be ainiulated by specially
fans and powder flashes,
ifteiuccess of the attempted
Mn of the "Vuloan's Pace"
iitpendent upon air currents
wmll at the tlnw. Pred O.
wn In charge of the display,
i&imoke lorms can be sttf-,
k controlled to. assure a fair'
flirt Prom Distance
let the firing -will be done by
Iflirrents, transmitted by wire
rillcient distance to give the
a charge a porspcctlvo of
ft display.
at In the thl:k smoke of the
till pew imd discharge the
(Us. bemhs and rocketa In ac
t with a carefully arranged
find specific instructions ro
m the signal wires.
the lurid glow of a vol
: sdlon, rockets that burn
tor W minutes will be set
it time, at frequent Inter
s effect the lava glow alone,
tight eruption, 1,000 pounds
mil be ignited.
Man-Made Eruption On Lassen Saturday
""""ge met July 21, with
u QI urangcrs and
row's hour was open and
F" program en loved:
Bertha McKlnney:
"tha Horn. Mrs. Fred
Uie piano: violin number,
with Mrs. Andrews ac
dialogue by group of
- ccompanying.
m Uym ot Ike Creek
"J county matron for the
,Se. waa present and
necessary steps to be
Kzln8 a uvcnll!
tol!!',CJ"dJn.? Clara
Cim , """""i and Mrs.
k ui ,or om! time
1 ."Lingers and their
H'in u , teo """posed of
"xt n"tli.K are:'
Butler Walker, and
tinS!?: Ore., July 24.
T-!r 0rr"te, No. 309.
mlsi e! "h Oscar John-
Wt'P- T.V birthday
Sylvia vino.ii
r "irihflov.. .
ku T Earl couil.
-7' eason.
nt wer HTWrt
' were
lo Tt
! meeting
pr7 ? .-r-c - .
WWy::i1v,i!v':,:,:' :!,:' . . 1 . - arV"",V .- .
KA i i! a i 'r ill
PvilK a. 1 1 lit Dm; in IV Hill HI Mill I1I1FK tillrn lliwl I ict Mi I ........ ..!..
till IHIU..I slates mi invmpl will be imulr .Inly ss li. duplirato Willi flrt
lh..i f",, .,',"S ', U'.,.,'an.'s KiUC" lo,,rr rl'-'", W" ' " '"" '
""" - ." "r?.! nM " ,K,-,s "ir the illspluy. .
svinl-artlvc volcano In the colUlnrii
works; the eruption f IIM-I, repm- criiptiim. (Slrl workers urc
APPLEGATE. Ore. July 24. (Bpl)
Mr. imd Mrs. James Cantrall, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Eaton and daughter
of Jacksonville, were riding on the
Applcgatc Monday.
Billy Townsend entertained a
number of Irlends at his birthday
party Monday nfu?moon. Billy was
14 years- old and received many
useful gifts. The afternoon waa
spent swimming. Refreshments were
served on the bank of thc river.
Guests Included Lee Jr., and Frances
Port and Maurlrc Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. MfDanlcl and
daughter of Vacaville. Calif., are
visiting Mrs. McDnnlcl's father, Bill
Buck, on Big Applegnte this week.
Sundny company of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Straubc Included Mrs. Straube's
sister. Mrs. Lloyd Smith, and Miss
Frances -bcnoiz oi Eunene. ana Mra.
Leila Smith of Met. ford. Miss Behold
Is spending the week at the Strauoe
home and Mrs. Lloyd Bmitn return
ed to Med ford for the week.
Miss Gladys Byrne spent last week
visiting Miss .Virginia Goodman at
Mr. and M!-3. Leonard McKce and
daughter of this community and
Mrs. Leila McKeo. and Mrs. Tressa
Dews of Jacksonville, spent lour
days last week visiUnprescent'City
and Bandon, returning" by Roscburg
where, they spent one night.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley West and
family and their aunt, Mrs. J. A.
West And two daughters, Lueita and
Ina Belle, motored to Roseburg Prl
day and spent several days' visiting
Those who attended Sunday school
regularly at the Big Applegate Bun
day school for one . quarter, and
who are entitled to be awarded
testaments Include. Mrs. L.- C. Port.
Mrs. Leonard McKee, Mrs. W. A.
Chlldcrs, Miss Maude Pool. Miss
1 Maxine Chllders and Miss Marcene
j McKee.
j Amil Gilson and Richard Reeves
i made a trip to Sucker creek in
Josephine county Thursday In the
interest of mining. Mr. Gilson re
I turned Sunday while Mr. Reeves
! will remain several days.
I William Pursel of this commun
I ity and Claud Medley of Medlord.
i left Wednesday for Portland. Mrs.
I Mary Pursel will stay with her
j daughter Mrs. Claud Medley, during
j Mrs. Roy Hatfield and two sons
who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Dawson, left., .this week
for Roseburg.
Kennith Posse tt was a Mcdiord
shoppor one day this week.
Claus Kielnhammer of Applegate
and Raymond Pish of Phoenix are
, spending this week at the Lake oi
the Woods.
' .chimin v nftprnoon callers of Mr.
and Mr.. A. 8. Kielnhammer in
cluded Mr. ,md Mrs. Martin Stevens
and son Jerry, and Miss Pearl Avcr
)Kx!tft"0f ftlford, , , v ..
Mi nd Mrs. Bradley West and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Paul and daughter Glenna. motored
to Rogue river Monday evening
where they picnicked and fished.
Mrs. R. 8. Birchard accompanied
kf V ailH HiTm Ollllnnlr (nfn.rf In
j Crater Lake Wednesday.
Arthur Kielnhammer and Walter
Ze Idler from here, and Scott Darby
of Medford, made a , pleasure trip
to Elliotts creek Thursday.
Applegate people, are interested in
the forest fires that have been
raging since Sunday. The fire near
Kuch has threatened many mm
Ulcs, several of whom have things
ready to move out. The McUon
ough house and the buildings on
the old Hoisgang place were mreai
ened Tuesday by flames. Wednes
day afternoon the fire got Into the
I sawdust pile left by the swamlli
i at Ruch and threatened residents.
i The fire has spread up Forrest
creek to the school house. The ior-
1 est fire on Sterling creek at the
I head of Poormans creek Is out oi
I danger now, after burning three
I acres of tlmhcr. Clarence Buck, whp
i has been patroltng thc fire, return-
cd home Wednesday evening. An
i other fire was reported on Hum
Indian Mound la He SuvimI
JONKSVIl.LJ-;, Ui... July
(UP) A n Indian mound found
near here during the construction
of a fttnto hlnhway bridifp will he
preserved, and no buildingR or
road work will mar tho fpot. It
was tlYWbt tho relics wow
placed In the .mound many yearn
before tho dawn of modern Amer
Icftn hisHory. ' ' 1
Hy Komeo K tip pes
Dante's Inferno was a mere piking
episode in comparison with the hubub
and systematic confusion that ha-i
been existing in the Mail Tribune
composing room this week, which al
most makes the publishing of that
family Journal on time dally, a mod
ern miracle, so handicapped Is thc
editorial and mechanical staff, by the
work of making alterations in this
big department, installing of new type
setting and like machinery, and mak
ing wuy for the coining installation
of the new large tubular printing
what with the pounding, drilling,
hammering, sweeninc. buildinir uft
here and tearing down elsewhere by
crews of carpenters, electricians and
what not, that has been on all week,
a ik w torture waa begun yesterday
afternoon when workmen began tear
1 ing out a part of the rear room con
crete floor with a "pneumatic" drill.
to make a bed for the new press. It
is the loudest and most ear piercing
; drill In the worW.;
! Along with all this uoLse-and con
. fusion the regulw staff of printers
' and men at the dinotype machines.
proof readers and editors In getting
; about at their labor of getting the
paper out. have to wade carefully over j
lor between pttes of fresh debris, or j
construction material of various I
! All cf the above, together with the
j jjyatam changes taking inaugurated.
; Including use of uew type lace and
1 places of keeping new and edited
I galley proofs fairly jnakes one's head
And the alterations are taking place
so fast that a mere news editor or
reporter has to jump lively, not only
In order to save his life, but to find
Incidentally tho editorial staff Is
in-excellent training for any -wwlha-thon.,
. For instance one goesdown
to ta compos) n roorn fmm tho ftdj
torlal rooms up' stars with copy cr
galley sheets, and a moment later
starts on his return up stairs, only tdf Julius Manko. another linotype opera- !
be dumbloumuxl to find that the I tor. reaches for his pipe while sr
stairs have been knocked down and work, and finds hi hand clutching t.
carried away by carpenters In thoss discarded screw di:ver. Linotype Oj
few minutes. era tor Mark McCoy. Clarence Shelcy
Since the removal of the stairs, the j d Emmett GUllngs are so rattle:1,
only rcute to the composing room ' especially by the pneumatic drill, they
from the editorial rooms is by way i forget to smoke at all. and A. . r..
or the front stairs of the building, i Williams has had all the poetry
to the business office In front, or I knocked out of him by the din. which
around to the side entrance door In 1 1 blessing to the public
the alley. I But thru it all smiling serenely and
There Is a new nlace fcr everything I with not a speck of dust In his neat
which bewilders. For Instance one ! Barb. Ernest Ollitrttp. one of the new
comes down to the composing room ! stockholders walks around softly,
and ahouta close to the ear of tho i If not wishing to dlsturo
busy A. F. Stennett, foreman, "where- I anyone, overlooking the improvements r
enl can I hang this couy?" being mode. His nonehalence and
rvmrinn11 ir.i w wMir-oit - cv.,.t geed temper under the circumstances
"Sten." who Is so busy digging 0ut make hlm rival to Crater Lake as
plastering and nulls that have fallen I
in a form that he does not look up.
a world wonder.
E. L. Knapp, now business manager
of the Mall Tribune avoids the con-
nttn IlivkiM-t. rim a a uulljtv nrnnf
only to find out that Mvern'l small "'s.'Cn by remln'" ,n hls Pr'vato
nulls Unve tnllon Into tho galley and orIlce upstairs.
get mixed up with the typo. Because; Aud so It gosall In the v.'ay of
or stut and national laws govcrnlnx ( malting a better newspaper of tho
thc subject lls comments can not be Mall Tribune, In modern newspaper
published. quarters, as will be seen when all
, Jim Murray, linotype operator. In Ith0 Improvement are completed.
passing, by -Frank Rector, another op-1- "v, ,: -, ' 1
erator, savfl pleasantly, or shouts Mhll county. Tenn.. fnrm-n
iather, "PleAWsnt. day.; Jioti so hot." JfUU-ywiw Uavrewtod; MSO aoreBVof
1 "Your aisothen," snaps back the j slfaUn; ' rive,-- yrar- nuro the ' cr,ii '
peeved Rector. mlsunderstandlnp.' 1 envot-ed 1ivh than 10tl aereH. ' .
Clnsslflcd ndvorllalnc cets rosiills.
R PIT rc
y ki tlf l f fat :
Beginning Saturday
And continuing for the
balance of July
Men's two-piece
light weight suits
Regular $20 and
$25 suits.
Or.o lot of just
eeven suits. Sizes
34. 37, 38, and 42,
Regular $25 and
$35 suits.
One lot of 18 suits
including some
tweeds. Regular
$30 and $35 suits.
All other suits
valued from $35
to $45.
S. & H. Green Saving Stamps on Every Cash Purchase
Bargains fon Men
Men's athlc tic union suits. Regular
$1.25. Special 75o. Striped dimitios
and rayons.
Boys' Light Cord Pants
$2.45 and $2.98 ,
Men's Straw Hats
Reg. $2.45 Close out $1.95
Reg! $1.95 Close out $1.00
Mon's Munsing P.ayon Union Suits
Regular $2.50 Closing out $1.50
Imported Voiles
45c ,
Yard :
Closing out our 75c summer voiles,
40 inches wide, beautiful patterns.
Special 45c. . . . .
C. A. MEEKER; Manager '
July Clearance
Only a few days left in which to take advantagt of these tremendous roduo
tions. Broken lines, odd sizes tnkon from all ovor this big storo and placed on bar
gain tables if or final sal9.,iV, , ( y ?.?..- ' -.-f'-V
Greater Reductions Saturday
Net Dresses
;,, $5.49
Dainty dresses for Bummer dances
and parties, Orchid, pink, yellow
and white. Regular $8.78. Saturday
Spocial $5.49. . . j
Voile Dresses
New shipment of voile dresses for
the late, hot summor weather.
$1.95 :
. .i
New lot of pajamas in washable ma
terials. Splendid styles for packers.
Also now drop-seat style.
All-Silk Shantung
for sports wear and school dresses.
Regular $1.05. Spooial $1.29
Silk arid Velvet Coats
for evening wear, Light weight
wraps for ithese cool ovenings. Regu
lar $18.50.! Special $13,95.
Nico lino of Royal smocks, short
sleeves and sleeveness. Made to fit.
Comfortable for paoking, easy to
launder.. All sizes and good range of
Bags $1.95
Underarm and pouch styles. Regular
,$3.25 Speoial,$lJ)5. ,.
Rayon Bed Spreads
Full size spreads, roso green, or blue.
Regular $3.05. Spocial $195
Opportunity Basement
Lower prices on everything you wear. Tho place where you serve
yourself and save. Follow the thrifty shoppers and trade in this
money-saving department. ..... . ,
New challies, beautiful patterns 16c
Rayon dress materials .30c
Women's Rayon full-fashioned hose ........98c
Women's cotton hose and lisle hose ..: 25c and 29c
Rayon Step-ins :LZS.: ...:..........49c
Childrens Play suits ...i. : . . 69c
Men's Blue chambray shirts, all sizes :-.......:....50c
Men's work box 10c, 3 pair for 25c
Women's house slippers, new lot ' 49c, 59c, 79c, 98c
Men's housa slippers, new lot oc, jac, yc
Men's work shoes, pac or plain toe $1.98 to $3.45
Women's high shoes for fruit work ;. $1.98
pTkt Store
Shoe Bargains
$4.95 Low ShocH $3.98 '
Ono lot women's light colorod
shoes, pumps and straps, high
and low heels. Closing out at.
$3.95. "
$5.95 Low Shoes $4.45
Ono lot of women's light color
ed summer shoes.. .Closing out
at $4.45.
$6.85 Low Shoes $5.45
Ono lot women's light colored
shoes, high heeled dress style,
Women's Sports Shoes $3.95
Oxfords, straps and pumps,
black and white combinations,
also tan and .brown combina
tions," Broken sites; $3;5t.
If. -'"'"'US USE
We Give S. and H. Green Stamps
" Stem