Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 21, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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1931. -
i i
Frank C. Oxman, Pioneer
j Oregon Cattleman, Who
Aided Conviction Thomas
J. Mooney Is Near Death
HA K Hit, Ore. July 21. WT
Frank C. Oxmun, plonoor OrcKim
cultlcmiin whose testimony helped
convict Thomas J. Mooney of
'murder In connection with the
.1816 Hnn Krnnclsco prcparedneHH
day ptmtdo bombinK. lny at the
point of death at his home ut
JJurkce today.
Oxman'tf condition yesterday he
came ho Ki'nve hlB two sons, whose
names were unknown here, were
called to his bedside, Dr. V. A.
Tlcdman, linker physician, said
Oxman's death could ho expected
at any moment. Tho ciittlemiin
has suffered from heart disease
for inoro than a year, Dr. Tlcd
man said,
;ot Aulu Number.
Oxmnn . testified at Mooney'
trial that ho saw Mooney and
Warren K. Hillings nt Stuart and
Mnrket streets, the scene of the
bomhlna. Ho testified their ac
tions arousod his suspicions nnd
ho wrote down their uutomoblle
liccnso numbor. lviitor friends of
Moonoy's woro said to Imvo nworn
to a statement saying Oxman was
not In Han Francisco that day.
Oxmnn was arrested somo time
lnler when F K. Hli(iill, of Gray
vlllu, III., clmrKcd Oxman had at
tempted If) persuade him to Klvc
false testimony iiKiiliiHt Mooney.
Medrord llouirlans enjoyod a
most Interesting "trip to Hawaii,"
thin noon, thanks to Hotarlan Kmll
Molr who navo a comprohenfllvo
account of Ills recent Journey to
this "land of romance." Mr, Molir
painted a word plcturo of tho entire
trip which kept his uudlonco keen
ly Interested from start to finish.
The voynno. on the "Mololla" with
It dally program of nports unU
tnterutlnment was described by the
poaker us well as the wonderful
reception at Honolulu whore air
planes, speed-boats and other 1rnrt
met the ship. The beautiful build
Inns, attractive homrvt and planta
tions ami tropical shrubbery wore
ulso described by Mr. Mohr who
iwas sreatly ImnrcMicd by tho plo
turcsiiue beauty and Kbimour of
'-the "iMlnnds." Tho early history
and Hawaiian loiend as recounled
Vby the upoakor added much to the
enjoyment of Iris hearers, who woro
(much surprised when ho stated
hat dcMplto the wonderful tlmo,
.members of tho Mohr family wore
jxlad to return to Medfurd and the
Kukuo Hlver valley,
An upproprlato 'background of
music for the proirrnm was provid
ed by tho Misses Uleanor Curry
and Uenevlevo llrown who so ok the
"Hong of tho Islands," nnd "Aloha
'Oe" with ukolelo aceompnnlmenl.
i I'lesldciit lOd. Bhorklcy told of
the Rotary picnic nt Uocky Point
n Kilamnth luko luot Hundny. A
iJarge group of ltoturlana nnd Ihcl;
families enjoyed the day fishing
and boating as guests of John Perl.
Home startling fish storlew woro told
mid substantiated by those present.
-Visiting Kotsrlans at tho lunch
eon were Hldnoy Plummer of Con
trails, Wash.. Ansel Williams of
Mtnrklnn, Calif,, and Alfred Worry
of Palo Alto, Calif. John Williams
of Ktnckton waa a guiwt of the
I.OH ANtlKI.KS, Cl July 21.
fI)-Kdward C. ("What a ninn")
Hudson, who married Mrs. Minnie
("Ma"l Kennedy In tho middle of
the night at l.ongrlow. Wash., and
became embroiled In two legal tan
nics, faced a third today In a $2S0,
000 broach of promise suit filed
against him by Mrs. Kthol Lee Par
ker Harbor!.
'. Tho suit, filed In superior court
by tho I .os Angeles woman, chars
od that In 1929 Hudson promised
to marry her and Induced her to
accompany him on a pre-hone.v-tour
of westurn states. She said
she accepted th emarrlage proimsal
January 12. 1939, and accompanied
him to Oakland.
Thore Hudson obtained from her
two diamond rings, Mrs. Herbert's
suit declared, and sold them but
failed to reimburse her. From Oak
land, she said, they went to Port
land. Ore.; Seattle, and later to Te
cumseh, Okla., where they were
guests of Mrs. Harbert'a brother
and sister-in-law.
In Tecumseh, Mrs. Herbert chant
ed, Hudson borrowed 1400 from
her brother and became Intoxicated
on part of the money. She charged
he was extremely abusive and In
October, 1!i2!, Hudson Informed her
lie would not marry her.
Radio Program
(Mall Tribune-Virgin Station)
Tuewlay s
P. M.
5 to 6 lcwls Super Htation; 4
News and markets by Mall
6 to 7 Where to Go; Hpocd
7 to II Hitpplncfx Train:
4? Jackson Co. Hldg. nnd boan.
to 0 All Keipiest.
A. M..
7:65 to X Hreakfust broad-
cost of new." by Mail Trih-
8 to 'J Treasure llox: Gold
Keul. i
9 to 10 Friendship Circle by
Kconomy Oroceteria; Isaac's
Store; Pet Milk.
10 Weather forcast.
10 to 11 KMKD presentation.
11 to 12 Hnlder's Dairy;
4 Hureltton'B .Ijadiea Wear.
I'. M.
12 to 1 K. K. Samson Co.;
Pierce Auto Freight; FMher
Flour: .N'ew.i flashes by
Mall Tribune.
1 to 2 Kinder Flour: M, V.
and II. Co.; Scientific i-ab-
M oratories.
2 to 3:30 iKMKD prrwr-nlii-
tlon; World Hookman; Hour 4
4 of Prayer. j
P. M. '
4:30 to 5 K.MED prosenta-
B to 6 Prnsporlgrn-phs pre- 4p
sented by Mcdford Chamlcr
T of Commerce; Uncle Jorry;
News and markets by Mall 4
Tribune. 4
0 to 7 Mutual Mill; Whero
I to Go; Fircalonu; Unltiuo 4
7 to 8 Happiness Train;
Jnckwnn Co. Hldir. and Loan.
H to 0 All Kcuucnt program. 4r
4 4
DIAMOND J,AICK, Ore.. July 21
(Hpoclal) Tliuihon l,ftn lmn n r
rivoil nt tho Inko with )i!k Hit-Inn
of Hit(lllo horHOM, nnd 1h dlHptnylnK
nlxMit 1100 arrow houtl In tho
lohhy of Ihn ludKo, whirh huvo
hpcn tnkon from hlM rolleotlon of
over 2000. Tho HpielmenH wero
Withered from tho Homl-urld dt'
ortH of 1-siiko county.
hylo Woods in uHHiHtlnjf Mr.
TonK with tho weekly hornn trlpx
to tho RiimmltH of Mt, Thli'lwn
nnd Mt. llnllry.
, Mm. K. I'uul Pont nnd rtiiuKhtor.
Mao IjOuIho of Hnn DIcko arrived
InHt week to Hnend tholr vncnlion
at tho Inko. Tholr two npond
hoatfi "MIhh Hnn DIoko" nnd "Vusn
hoid," hnvo hofn luunchod.
Mih. K. C. Iloitnor of Talent
and her four nieces, MIhsoh Hara,
Klorencn and Alllro Sutton and
Myrloen Moreh of Atlanta, On.,
1'OKlntorcd lant week at tho roMort.
tt. 8. "l'lip" Warner, Stanford
untvoiHlly foothnll cnach and hh
BlHtant, C. Ii. "Tiny" Thoniihlll,
woro anion thuno reKlHterlng from
Hnn FranclHro.
Motion pleturon nnd colored
slides woro hown In tho totlo
lohhy Monday evening hy W.
Kullor and aHnlHtniit, roproRcntlnK
tho OroKoii lumrd of forest contr4l
nnd tho II. H. foret service
A hear, woIkIiIiib ahotit 250
pounds, wiih killed by I'hatloM
I'roHton. Jr., of PaHitdonn, Cal.,
Thursday ovoiiIuk. A lurno num
ber left durliiK the dinner honf
by truek when reports came that
tho animal was In possession of
the KiirtvaKo pit and pU pen.
Anions Medrord people roKlster
Inu durtnir tho imst week were Mr.
nnd Mrs. Vied V. Joyee. Mrs. l O.
Marhv. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Coleman
and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jacobs.
Mr. nnd Mrs, II. K. Ilanna and
Mm Alleo IMrleh of Jneksonvllle
and 1 It. ltunnn of Han Kran
clseo were also registered.
l''rnnk Itennet!, under three-year
sentence In slate prison for ti slntu
toty offonw involvlnn n lRyear tUI
hlMh whool kII. Paul Payne, two
yours for auto theft. Oooiko A.
Klfer, three ynrs. robbery, and
John H. Davidson, throe years for
burttlnry In chnr:e of teputy Sher
iff . W. liunford and (rru-r Wil
liam Peek, left this mornlnjt by
train for Halem.
Victor Marcelle, IS, committed
lo the date Industrial school, for
the "ciBarette pIstoT' hold Hps vt
hIko n member of tho party.
Tho flunio of tho KukIo Point
IrrlKatlnn distiict broko Sunday
afternoon ut u point three miles
below riutte Kails. Waters rushed
down the side of a ivd clay moun
tain, turned Hokuo river chocolate
colored and ruined the first of the
week flxhh.K. Thn Homo
at approximately the bo. me point
Inst sprliiK. with tho kiiiio resultu.
The break is now repaired.
Water Master Fred N. Cum
minH said that the loss of water
would not be felt as the Eajjle
Point district derives Its supply
from Jk ilutte creek, nnd Is tho
only IrriBatlon district In southern
Oregon with anywhere near a
supply of water. The Kaple Point
district will not have Its full quota,
but will havo "plenty," the water
master said.
Measurement of .Cogue river
today showed the jttream to be 40
second feet helow its previous low
According to Olen Arnsplger.
manager of tho Talent irrigation
district, the water supply for this
year has been exhausted, und the
reservoirs drained. Tho same con
dition exists In the Medford Irriga
tion district, and the Hopkins lat
eral district.
Arnsplgcr says that Severn I of
tho Inrger orchards nro digging
wells to securo water for tho Irri
gation of tho late pears, and that
tho Hoar Creek orchard, Kosen
berg ItroH,, hnvo the largest num
ber of wells under construction.
"The Hartlott crop Is made, und
there will bo sufficient moisture
for most of the O'Anjourt to get by.
I wouldn't mako any predictions
beyond that," Arnsplgor said. He
said he would Issuo n detailed
statement In u few days.
Tho only hope und a slim ono
for rn I n, Is from loeu I t hu nder
showers, which local weather rec
ords show occur the last week of
July und tho first days of August.
KLAMATH FA 1,1,8, Ore., July 21
(ft1) Two forest fires reported
Hundny In tho Klamath district,
wore under control yesterday.
One blnjto wns In tho Oreen
Hprlngrt district. It burned op both
sides of the highway before being
checked, and covered about 620
uer h, destroying tho sconic value
of the highway. Tho other fira
was In the Pokegnma district.
(Continued From Pago One)
Will another forest fire, this
time u small one, started yesterday
afternoon when a houso on Forest
creek, owned by a man named
tlreen, cnliKht firo and burned to
Kcthcr with his auto. How the
houso cutmht flro Is a mystery, but
tho flames had covered 25 acres
boforo tho firo, was brouwht tindor
control early today. Korly men
worked on this flro.
Huah Itankln. supervisor of
Crater National forest, wns mak
Ihk his headquarters today at
Ituch, while Biipervislnu; the Ben-"
oral flro flKhllnit details nnd I'ep
uly Norman White was presiding"
In tho headquarters oflice here
an central dispatcher and looklw:
after the local end of (he fire
rinhllnif. Chief Hnnuor Hill Jones
In in active chat'KQ of the main
flro riKhtlnK.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., July 21
(IV- llulhllnas on two Josephine
county ram lies and all hiillilluKS on
tho silo of Ihn old Kx:ticiiicr mlno
were reported destroyed today by
widely separated forest fires burn
iiiK on slain land.
All ImlldlhKs on a ranch owned
by Mrs. Andrew Johnson of (irantH
I'nss woro destroyed by a flro rnit
Imr lit tho I'lckot Crook district, 14
miles west of here. No onu was
livlnu on tho property.
Tho samo firo Is reported to
hnvo burned nil except tho resi
dence on a ranch occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. K. M. Iefeld in tho same
Anolher flro In llio AppleBUlo dis
trict destroyed tho lnlnlnit proper
ty, once famous ns u proiluciiiR
Hold mlno.
Hot mineral tub baths, "Poun
laln of Youth." Krrguson Mineral
Sprln.-s Sims Valley. Ore.
PORTLAND, Or., July 21. P)
Market for eggs continues to show
increasing strength both locally
and In u national way. Hot wenth
er with decj-euslng current offer
ings us well as deteriorating qual
ity are factors of most importance
In tho trade at the moment.
Receipts of eggs are not only
showing a loss In the, country gen
erally but buyers are actually of
fering a premium for fancy Btuff
out of coolers because of the
uncertain quality of current offer
ings. Demand for butter is so keen
at this time that premiums reach
ing to &c above the established
quotations on the produce ex-
hange are being freely offered
and paid. Normally tho price of
fered Is c below tho cxctiangc.
Very good demand is reported
In the market for live chickens und
especially so for heavy hens.
With prncjicully none now ar
riving, thcro is a very excellent
call in sight for dressed hen tur
keys in the local trade. Bales are
reported around 28c lb.
While there is a slight showing
of easiness In the trade for country
killed calves, hogs are showing
strength with general sales around
12-12 c for light blockers. Veal
are around 13-14c for tops with
lambs just holding around 11c lb.
Local early varieties of peaches
are finding quite a fair call in tho
trade due to the extreme quality
of present offerings, together with
tho recent lack of good Californi-
an. Sales mostly ub-ibc dox.
12c: vealers 80-120 lbs. 1314c;
yearling Iambs 6-8c; spring lambs
10 -11c; heavy ..ewes 4-&c; canner
cows 4c; bulls B-6c.
Butter, butterfat, eggs, mohair,
live poultry, onions, potatoes, wool
und hay quotations unchanged.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 21. UP)
C ATT LIS 70, calves 10; weak.
Steers liOO-900 lbs. Rood J7 (TO 7.60,
medium ffi.GO t& 7.00, common
tiJiiir,! 5. Bo; OOO-l 100 lbs. good
$7.00 6jp 7.50, medium $5.26 7.00.
common $4.00 r,f 5.25; 1100-1300
His. Kood $0.50 ft 7.25, medium
$3.7551 0. 50. Heifers 550-K50 lbs.
Rood $0. 00ft (i. 50, medium $4.75
0.00, common $3.75fa'4.75. Cows,
Kood $4,7555.00, common and
medium $3,5054.75,, low . cutter
and cutter $1.00 M 3.60.. Hulls
(ycnrlinKs excluded) Rood v" und
choice (beef) $1.50 W 4.76. cutter,
common and medium $3.50504.60.
Vealers (milk fed) Kood and
choice $7.50fi0.00. medium $0.00
5 7.50, cull and common f 4.00
0.00. Calves 250-600 lbs. Kood and
choice $0. 2558.00, common and
medium $3.75 5f 6.25. . i
HOllS 375; 15c lower. Light
light -1 40-1 lie ibs. good and choice
$X. 2651 8.85. Light weight 100-180
lbs. good and choice $8.75 5f 8.86;
Unlit weight 180-200 Ibs. good and
choice $8.765j)8.86. Medium weight
200-220 lbs. good and choice $8.00
5C8.S5. :.
Slli:i:i' nnd LAM IIS 1800; 60
75c lower. 1-nmhs 00 Ibs. down
good and cholco $5.00 5' 5.25, mo-
llllin $3,505 5.00, all weights, com
mon $3,00 5( 3.60. Yearling weth
era 110-110 Ibs. medium to choice
$3,0054.25. iOwes 00-120 Ibs.
medium to choice $2,005) 2.75, 120-
160 lbs. medium to choice $1,755?
2.25, all weights cull and common
Jl.llDSi 1.75.
Portland Produce '
I'OUTLA.NII. Ore.. July 21. (P)
MILK liuying price: tirade U
$1.00 Portland delivery und In
spect ion. 1
COUNTRY M 10ATS-.-S oiling
price to retailers: Country killed
hnn. litwt butchers under 1 00 lbs.
No More Neuritis
In Arms, Neck, Legs or Thighs
If you want to wnt rid of th agonls
Itik pains of neuritia. no urn Ik la, sclat
cu or rheumatism, just apply Tysmo
tit the anectcd parts and ao how
quickly all misery will cease. .
Tysmol Is a powerfully penetrating
absorbent, soothing and healing In Its
action, which goes In through tha
pores snd quickly reaches the burning,
aching tiflrvea. Those stubborn pains
In the back of tha neck, about th
ahnulder blnde, face or head. In the
forearm and fingers, or extending:
down the thigh to the toe tips, will
Boon disappear. Cramping of the mus
cles wtll u(op and you will no longer
be iKithered with sorenena, aweillng,
tlfTness, numbnM or tendarneaa of
the Joints and ligament a.
Tyflmol Is not an ordinary liniment
or salve, but a scientific new emollient
that Is entirety different from anything
ypH have ever uned. Don't mirror any
longer. Oet a supply of Tyamol at any
good dru storo, Atwkjs an4 ai
pupils of Kve lienson's dancing i
acailemy. who are traveling with -
Jack Conney nnd Seville, appeared
-it the Itlvoli theatre in tirnnts
Pass last night and will dance
there nsaln tonight.
In the sroup are Itorene l.ever
elte, Helen McAllister. Maxlne
Yaughn. I s Millie Heck, Noel Hen
son and Oordnn Itennon.
Krlday ihe dani'ers presented a
program In Yreka. They will In
elude Klamath Kails and descent'
City In their circuit. Conney and
Seville have been booked tor the !
Orpheiim and are now making the:
sninll circuit to fill In their vara. I
tlon period.
heavy duty U. S. Royals). 1932
Chevrolet Parts
It stands to rsston that GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS
should be uad in your Chevrolet when repairs are neces
sary. ... It Is wisdom to use the factory parts MADE FOR
YOUR CAR. . . . When you hsve repelring done here, by
Chevrolet specialists, only GENUINE CHEVROLET
Pierce-Allen Motor Co.
112 South Riverside Phone 150
LJSEO CAR LOT 8th and Bertlett Stt. Phone Ml
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND, Ore., July 21
Wheat futures:
Open High Low
July (old) M .51 .60',,
July (new).. .60 .60 .60
Sept. '(old) .. .5014' .50' .50
Sept. (new.. .61 .61 .61
Dec 53 14 .63. .63
Cash wheat:
IliB Bend bluestem
Soft white
western white
Hard winter
Northern spring
Western red
Oats No. 2 white, 19.
Car receipts unavailable.
Kan Francisco Kultcrfat.
liuttcrfat, . o. b., San Francisco,
2 7 lie '
Wall Street Report
NKW VOUK, July 21. (P) Halls
came to the fore in a quiet and
somewhat hesitant advance in the
stock and bond markets today.
The dull and sold-out appear
ance of tho share market prompt
ed professional bulls to make a
few experimental efforts, which
were attended with a mild degree
of success. Trading; quickened a
little, and the day's turnover ex
ceeded a million shares. Wall
street was disinclined to try to
place ansj definite interpretations
on tho developments at the London
conference, and traders generally
were intent merely on killing time
pending further developments.
Today's closing prices for 17
selected stocks follow:
Am. Can 10014
Am. Tel. and Tel 179
Anaconda 27
Col. Gas 31 54
Curtlss WrlRht 3 W Electric 42
fieneral Motors 3K14
Kennicot Cupper 19
.Mont. Ward 20
ltadlo Corporation 14
Trans. Am 7
Sears Roebuck 56
S. P 82
United Air Craft 28
U. S. Steel 94
Corpt. Trust Shares 5 14
5 Yr. Kixcd Trust 7
Lost" Ship Sioaks
SANTIACO. Chile, July 21. WP)
The 'cable ship Ketrlovcr, which
had almost been Riven up for lost,
spoke with the West Coast lind
Cubic station this afternoon.
Local police officers arc looking
for a safecracker none in partic
ular but someone who can get
that safety vault open where they
have deposited their money. It
took them several days to think of
someone to blame for the failure
of the lock to respond to the com
bination, and today the informa
tion was out the weather.
Kor the past few days people
have been lined up behind tho
counter in the police hall, waiting
their turns to try the combination.
Persons passing by tho door would
seo the line anxiously waiting to
twist the knob, and they too would
Join the row.
Assisting Chief of Tollce Clatous
McCredie nnd members of the
stnff nt whirling the stud were
State Traffic Captain C. P. Talent,
H. M. Baucom, Timothy Kallin.
Karle Davis. Harry Hansen, Tom
Kuson, Jack Hemstreet and Heinle
Puts An End To
Bunion Pains
Don't Suffer Another Day
There fs one simple yet Inexpen
Hive wny to reduce inflinimat!on of!
Hwollen toe joints and help pet them
Moineivhere near normal ami that
is to apply .Moone's Kmeralri Oil
night and morning.
Ask HethVi Drug Slore, Jarmin
& Wood or nny fiiHt-clasH drug
glst for an original two-ounce hot
tip of Moone's Kmeruhl oil (an 85c
bottle lastH 2 weekn) anil refuse to
accept anything In it place. It la
Huch a highly concentrated prepar
ation that two ounces lasts a long
time and furthermore If one bottle
'does not jtlvo you complete satis
faction you can have your money
New Crepe
to wear with
your white
The millinery section is
happy to announce the ar
rival of these adorable
new crepe hats that are
so popular with the Mid
summer white costume.
See them at once. ' Select
yours now while stocks
arc f esh and new.
"Club Clothes"
Two Pant Suits
For Men and Young Men
1 1 25 ,o
It Is seldom that you find ele
gance and economy hand In
hand and when It does occur,
as in the case in these new
Club Suits, you will know
that opportunity is sounding
Its gentle rap, a signal to
dress up at a saving.
in all the new
summer weaves
and colors, 'now
ready at Mann's.
you want to see real suit
style real quality see
these Club Suits
Manns Main Floor
Calls for
From all corners of the fashiot
world comes the news that white ii
the outstanding color now for
Summer white for sports, vacation,
street, afternoon and informal party
wear. White is leading the fashim
We Are Ready to Serve You
With These Beautiful All
White Fabrics for Your Mid.
Summer Frock
Lovely 36.-inch all white
linen, 79c yd.
36-inch snow white broad,
cloth. Priced from 49c to
95c yd.
New all white fine quality
rayon, 79c yd.
39-inch white all silk flat
. crepes, 98c yd. .
39-in. heavy quality white
silk crepe, $1.79
39-in. all white SkinneVi
, crepe $1.95
White cotton
weave, 36 in., 29c yd.
White cotton Shantcnt
and dotted Swiss, 49c yd.
45-in. white organdie and
imported Swhs. Priced at
Mann's from 69c to 89c.
36-in. imported all white
piquo. Priced 89c yd.
54-in. all wool pure white
jersey at $1.95 yd.
54-inch all wool fine
quality white crepe, $2.25
. 54-in ch white wool home
f spun at $2.69 yd.
Dress Goods Section
Mann's Main Floor
For the White Frock
In selecting hose to
wear with your white
frock be sure and
see these new lisle
mesh numbers I n
rport patterns. They
come in beige and
funtan, two shades
that go so well with
JL " or.
for the White
White silk linen and
kid bags.
Choice SI. 00
White Costume
$1.00 to $1.95
Smart White
Fabric Gloves
In 4-button style.
Rayon Underwear
for under
the white dress
Venus Foundation
Garments .
White brocade and
crepe de chine
New 54-Inch White
Rayon Slips
Sizes 34 to 44
White Mesh
For mid-Summer
wear we suggest
one of these inex
pensive white
knit mesh frocks.
They come I n
adorable styles of
either the one or
two piece Idea. A
marvelous value
at this low July
Mid-Summer is middy time. Se
lect your white middy now, but
before you buy be sure and
these we are offering at $'J
They are made of first qm1"'
snow white jean eloth and
full cut. Sizes 6 to ZZ.
Eegular $1.25
Misses' and Kiddies'
White Skirts
A splendid group of misses -children's
white pleated '"
In sizes 6 to 16 years. TMh
are made of first fl"1'1 "
finish jean eloth and will lulr
uir uctiuiMuiij
Regular $1.50
CNl-466-4e5 HL