la WAFT A? ADJU JffA,ij08T''..v : PHONE 75 .rf an adtaker. In the Tribune Sirtflea-Ad Department will K assist y" ,n siting " that will Get RESULTS! A htly worded Classified Ad In I. Mall Tribune will put you S,9mJdla'ely in touch witlv do, im qI OOOD prospects, you'll !Mhat' advertising Ju these SmnW will' produce QUICK rtsoit. "wrpX moderate HERB ARB THE RATES: Pdr ord, first Insertion 2o (Minimum 86c.) . '' ;' . Ench additional Insertion, IX' I " 11 ' (Minimum 10c.) Per line: per month. wlth out fdpV1hngeii,.i(..v...v.;.tl.26 WANTED MAM3-OR .! FEMAIiE HEliP '; CJTkBNT Elderly or mlddle- w . t lit nn lurirf. agea cuui'rc " ranch for balance of summer. Insurance .protection requires house to be occupied. Box 9079, Tribune. ' ' -1 WANTED FEMALE HELP WOMEN' Introduce new idea san itary necessiiy. , xwo euiwi uany brings you 51 weekly. Write quick no capital or experience required. Dalntymaid, IIH-146, Middlefieid, Conn. - WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Boys to, sell Mail Tri bune on Btroot. Appiy ax duck door at 3:45 p. m., Thursday.' WANTED Ahibltloue man now employed to prepare ror elec trical or drafting position in spare time. Writs Box M. J., Mall Tribune. ' 110 WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED nurse" will care tor Invalid or any case, reason able. Call 1577-X or write Box 347. Medford. - (WANTED Housework, care of children or eiaony couple, rue Route' 2, Box 105-A, STENOGRAPHER with 10 yearn'. wnerlence desires position: reli able, rapid, accurate. Tel. 394-M, WANTED Work with teams; have binder and ' machines. Tel. 107. C. W. Henry, Central Point. 108 WANTED-rHour WOrk and wash ing!, Tel. 869-A.-2. Reasonable. 110 WANTED Olrl 17, wBnts house work or care of chlldron In home. Phone 31-F-4, Jacksonville. Ill ' WANTED POULTRY WANTED Rhode Island Red set- '4lcj( ;hens for hatching, pheas nt, 1 each.. Call Chester Fitch, 468J2. 93tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT to buy a small feed mill: nammer type, josepn Travis, Phoenix;." :" "! " MISS PARIAN STANCLIFFE will open a packing school at the Ala Vls(a packing house on South Fir St., on July 15th. Parties wish ing to be Instructed in fruit pack ing will please leave their names t the packing house or with C. A, Marshall at 421 So, Front St. 106tf WAltkdT rent 1 electric re- incerator for 3 months. Call 161. RANTED To rent modern house, i io o rooms; South side of town, preferably Riverside or Central Ave. Phone 1407. WANTED To borrow $300.00 on you n.-si mortgage. P. o. Box Mv - 107 VAN AND WIFE want transports- io nan Francisco. Will bars expenses of car and driving references exchanged. Call 1189-.J- ' 107 .CAR WA8H1NO steam chassis cleaning n.oo to $2.50. Export monhinB nnd polishing. AliMSTRONO MOTORS, INC. "1 Riverside, 111 WnHTDHousehold Kd. tools tii 1 ' or wnnt nave your MMford Bargain House, 27 N. ""no Ht. Phone 10S4. If 'UWAL'01' on' dlstanc hauling. n,.i i ,w 10 "ave vou money. i aicy Transfer. 619 No. Rlvor-jw- Phone 1044-X. . 298tf" "pARDKJJ nnd field plowing. ; 6..ivei anr wdlment, Tel. 'iJ' Samuel Bnteman. tf ln" time to nrav vour rose ans ne"' ,"hrubbery, for mildew tZ.phi!,; a'fuK trees shade " 1nd cork elm. Tel. 268-W. 58tt f l n.fA "finish at ........ j u . n, . . 1 1 u fuEIl,T12n,, finnd sooan and Pal . ... ti . n, auuo i rune m. i'n. '-u Wirr7. ' : 1 6 11 Vile. ' "-ash ror .0-J0 r ric. Medford Bldg, 1I0 PKINa SCHOOIi t.!mllrt -.m. rnu UJ ?""' . Apply American Durrili rZT "r- Vornel 5 107 P'WhTnLRL.'eP.,,Jr,n,?-r mk? Slj, ""v. n a. central. Tel 110 fOR RENT Fl'nNISHED ibu h in cooi, comrort- T'pfc,,No Mh" boarders. Wn?,!Thr'e "fined jjentle- " 10 room tn , a. ,,rbn home: real "inm. J,?, """"Phere; garage; S , ,rom Medford bu-l- in. . - rnoni ciLPJrtlpu,,,, , MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS ---THE BEST MARKET PLAGE FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Clean furnished apartment, reasonably priced -375 So. Central. - . FOR RENT 4-room apt.: steam heat, FrlRldaire, hot water, and garage. Inquire 503 S. Holly St , evenings and Sundays. - 309tf FOR RENT Furnished apts, and a, small house. 334 Apple. in FOR RENT Furnished' apts. 217 W.. 2nd. ' 108 FURNISHED housekeeping apt: i . lights, hot and cold wator; hotel service and lounging privileges. Rent reasonable. Hotel Holland Phone 710. ' 35tf FOR- RENT "Best apartments In town," at Schuler Apta., cor. 6th and Oakdale. Phone 1582. lis PLEASANT furnj apt., Eleetrolux refrig. TJerben Apts., 10 Quince St. - : . S9tf FOR RENT Duplex apartment. . 216 Haven. , .- 103tf FOR RENT-r-2 and 3-room ants: garage. 604 w. 1 0th. loitf FOR RENT Furn. apt; llghte., W4terfc garage; $17. Tel. 453-H. 100tf FOR RENT Desirable furnished apt.; private entrance; reason able. 618 So. Oakdale. 53tf FOR RENT MbBern furnished uuwiiNiairs; nuults. 345 N. Bartlett. Phone 753-M. ' 78tf FOR RENT Modern furnished front apt., with garage. Arthur Arms, 330 N. Holly. Tel. 1277-R. ,75tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5-rm. modern house on pavement, $20 per month. 317 Liberty BldgV ' FOR RENT Unfurnished S-room house," sleeping poroh, shade trees, close lri. ' Inquire 129 : S. Holly. ' , . ' .' FOR RENT Furnished 2-room nouse, newly .deioruted; garage and shade trees; $18, water paid. 619 South Holly. Tel. 1679-J-2. ' no FOR RENT 4-room modern fur nished House, 116 Almond. FOR "RENT Ono furnished 4-rm. house;- one unfurnished 4-rm. house. Redden & Co. Tel. 720 FOR RENT Our new homo; now furniture; ono year. Box 9013, Tribune. no FOR RENT 6 rooms, redecorated, garage, fireplace, gas range. hade. 517 S. Holly. Key at 527. Medford National bank. FOR RENT Houses; ono furnish ed, one unfurnished; 'In new . Washington school district; Call 1417-W. Inquire 635 Dakota. . .. 104tt MUTT AND JEFF High Finance Hits Stratosphere ; AfcFF. 0M6 TA"f X BORROW A Dollar off ovj to vay BACK. Slfc SiDNCY- I- J I ' fC,T,,lHHtl.tyH Cn) flr, SHSm tK ImwI tlM,SSI I t hlflfc, I BRINGING UP FATHER I iVv OMMA STAY IM I J TONIGHT AN' TAKE A tf MAP 60 I CAN'T I A HEAR hAAi&IE WHtfrj ' II J SHE STARTS I J V THE NEBBS The Message "Cook 4 SOME CARR1EO OUT TWEI PftRT OF TVie COM TRACT AWO IT AJOULD BE 005T TOO A.O IP TVE KlONPPER3 dion't LIVE. Up TO TMElft part op n" ' . TWlS -MEDFORD M All) FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses, furnished; low rent cabins; water. 812 Summit. - FOR RENT 6-room bungalow, furnished and piano. Close In. W. H. Evcrhard. 326 W. 6th. 94tf FOR RENT Modern ?-rm. house, desirable location. Call 51S-Y. 91tt FOR RENT Furnished house, new furniture. 6 rooms, like now. Phone 1149. 8titf FOR RENT Modern 6-room bun galow; newly decorated. Vacated July 20th, Apply 245 North Oak dale. FOR RENT 422 So. Laurel. 5 rooms;, fir floors, large sleeping porch, wood range, garage; $25 Including water. Chas. R. Ray, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Tel. 302. 109 5 ROOM, modern, unfurnished ex cept range; close' to new high school. Inquire 146 So. Ivy. lOOtf FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5 room home at 640 Palm St.; fire place, electric range, basement, hot air furnace, $42.50, includ lnB water. CHARLES R. RAY, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Phone 302. 108 FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 17tf FOR RENT 4 to 6-room houses. Phono 105; 30 N. Central. 4tf FOR RENT House In Everotte Court and Katherlne Court, West 11th St.; unfurnished; for fam ily of two; clean, modern, has electric range, breakfast nook sot and plenty of cabinet work; large garage. Phone 238. 16tf FOR RENT Modern cottage: 3 bedrooms; close in. Tel. 224-R. tf FOR EXCHANGE TWO CARS to trade, value $135 und $75; for gas or electric range, new or used. Tel. 592-Y. FOR EXCANGE Equity In mod . cm 5-room house with base ment and furnace; east side, on pavement; for 3 or 4-room mod ern house; by owner. Address Box 9129, Tribune. EXCHANGE Two Eugene resi dences for Medford residences, Hodges Realty Co., Eugene, Ore. $7000 CLEAR 6-room Spanish . stucco in Culver City, Cat., for improved or- partly improved land, niche. 3531 Patricia, Culver City. Cnl. LAKE O' THE WOODS cabin ' wanted. Will trndo Klamath - Fnlls property. Address Fred D. Fletcher, 16 Loomls Bldg., Klam ath Falls, Ore. r THE. MeXT MV' I BORROW 1 BACK OFF SIR SlT TO PAV HOU: HSTW,Kll, HCRe'l A THAT'S MwTT.' I I WAV TO SQVARG vieteYrHiri6- OUT l'U. STAV &ACK AKJO COVER SOD V 1 ME LOOKS LIKE PiJMMV- HAVRE OUST HAPPEWED IS i IN ' rrrr rCLWM fr m XWIKrT5 BeY v I 7 IH iJ T-rW 1 -ru - I K. J Y,7uJ.'.i'yA I TOO COLO rm U u . A : l b f mm r -7rt i jt?i i i - - 80.1; L.,KrTTwn f sj wwMfmzm r. ri ct 1 u ...lj him here.-we TRIBUNE,! ftltDFOluj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE SERVICE STATION ALL EQUIPPED (no oil lease), located near Medford on Pacific highway; store, show cases, etc., 5-room modern furnished houso, tgn-rago, city water and priced only $3000 with $S00 down, bal ance easy. Give Immediate pos session. CHAS. A. WINQ AGENCY, INC. (Exclusive Ascnts.) Phone 72S. 18 No. Front St. FOR SALE Apt. house and nice building lot, S06 W. Main. 113 LOST HOTEL REGISTER taken July 6th. Reward of $1.00 if returned Imperial Rooms, 30 N. Front. LOST Gentleman's gray coat on the highway. Return to Mail Tribune. Reward. LOST White kid glove, left hand: downtown oast side, ueturn to Medford National bank. IF PERSON who took wrong brown purse from Dreamland will kind ly return it to 381 W. 2nd a re ward will be paid. LOST- -If dog is missing, call 1516. 256tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model A Ford coupe, good condition. Call 724 Summit Ave., after 5 p. m. GOOD USED CARS Special reductions In prices for month of July. Every car sold with a written guarantee. 1931 Hudson DeLuxe Sedan, run 3000 miles. 1920 Essex Challenger Coupe. 1928 Chrysler 62 Sedan. 1930 Hudson Coupe. 1928 Etex Sport Coupe. ' Also n number of cars from $100 to $200. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. : 101 S. Riverside. Ill FOR SALE TRUCKS TRUCKS If you are In noed'of trucks, new or used, see Plerco Allen Motor Co., Used Car Lot, corner 8th and Bartlett. Used Chevrolet, Ford nnd Dodge trucks at reduced prices, New Chev rolet trucks of nil sizes. FOR 8ALE Good Used Graham Dodge Truck. Tires practically now, Reasonably prices, HUBBARD BROS., INC. ' 03tf FOR SALE HOMES EXTRA FINE, well located home, absolutely -modern, brand new; fireplace, hullt-lns, lawn, shade. Going at less than actual cost. Call US or 638-X. Ask for Leo. Terms may bo arrnnged. FOR SALE -Phono 106. - Attractive homoft. 30 N. Central. 4tf 7 . I noot 111 iwu oqii vw J jr-i-t , 1 1 T I CsOv I IW UFDP A LETTfO tnD "V- 7iZZrr- 6ASS FOK- Ufi TO WT we fivzm Tr. -rrrrj rrzr.. ; xn i sot -rue. doosm-meu m I nlZ up ,; tuk - ll leer us at STTsvtys IKl ' rrrXyfykUiti V V' ! L2 .. ... s" i.l i J - IB BliCE AKiB SULrT-ME V OTCEaoy, SATURDAY, FOR S.XLI3 HOMES NEW homo near new Washington school. Take on dobt. Sale by owner at loss than cost. Small down payment, balance monthly. Call 63S-X. FOR SALE OR LEASE Incomo property, 6-room house, 2 sleep ing porches arranged for 2 apart ments. 520 S. Central. TeL S3X. 110 NEW. beautiful 4-room stucco, 3 nice bedrooms, full enamel floor tub. laundry trays In service porch, garage 18x20, A strictly high-chu-r little home and built on honor. Price $3500; terms. Brown fe White, Realtors. FOR SALE: Oood modorn house, newly decorated and painted, good street .near school; $25 down, imlance llko rent. S17 Liberty Bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HEAL BARGAIN 2 Vi Holes on Pacific highway and Rogue river. On still water abve' Savage Rap Ids dam. BeaiUlful timbered tract; good well, also gold mino. Ideal for auto camp or home. Fine hoatlni; and fishing. $500 on easy tonus.' D. E. Millard, 425 E. Main. FOR SALE OR THADE fi-rooin house on paved street. Will take good light truck or sedan as down payment. Write Box 9014, Mail Tribune. 104tf WHEN YOU think ot renl estate, think of Brown & White. tf FOR SALE IJVESTOCK FOR SALE Heifer ready to fresh en. A. E. Brockwny. Tel. 7-F-21. FOR 8AI.E 4 thoroughbred Du'roc .Jersey gilts and 3 Duroc Jersey boars: prlco $10 each; at 802 , McAndrews road. FOR SALE Goud milk; goat, $0. 627 Austin. FOR SALE OR TKADB for Uvo- siock, uamnounou ewes, with 34 lambs. Reasonable, Producers Exuhango. Phono 291. South Pacific. 70tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Direct connected 3-in, Pump with 3-h.p. gas engine. Inquire at Medford Electric Cp. Mr. Hush. ' FOR SALE Good pnsturo nnd enough alfalfa,- oat and vetch hay to winter about 100 head of cattle, at a bargain. See J. C Ciimj, Rt. 4, Box 100, for ternis Phono "80. i FOR SALE Socondhnnd fruit Jars pts qts. and tt-gal. 305 E. Jackson. Tol. 381-M. 107tf FOR SALE Nice Triumph penches 3c pound. Bring boxes. Geo. Nichols, Valley View district, inear Ashland, JLj TRUG.. r tltU IMS UT IR S(D H 9 . j (OUT OF it. f J r " ' ' T UP,TtXJ BIA- MULE I YTJU KB. SITTING OKI. MY MUSIC I JULY 11, 19.11. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALU1 OR TRADE Viking separator, first-class condition, for cash or a good work horso, 8 m 10 yrs. or Angora goats. Tel. SIS, Central Point. Come even ings. C. L. Wilson. TRAILER fur sale, hand Store. Pat's Second- FOR SALE OR TRADE Small thresher, binder, wagons, stock. Box 256, Eagle Point. FOR SALE Boats nnd outboard motors. 103 So. Rivorslde. tt FOR SALE Bargains, new and used tools 2 Used mowers. 6 14-ft. Inddora. 1. Small hay cuttor. . 1 Truck a bargain. ' I HUBUARD BROS, INC. 112 APRICOTS Linn Orchard, Eaglo Point. Canning apricots ready July 4, Season lasts 2 weeks. 3 Vac lb; ' 99tt FOR SALE Apricots, 2o to Dc; limited crop; last but a few days. Phono 19-F-3. Geo. Alford. 108 FOR SALE Used sewing ma chines, all ninkes, $5 up: terms If desired. All makes rentod nnd repaired. While Sowing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett. tf FOR SALE Spratt's dog cakes, 1ho Ideal summer food for dogs. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa and poit hulbosa hoy In stack, $13 ton; second cut alfalfa $11 In shock. Phono 902.' Elinor Hnnloy Bush, 826 E. Main. 114 FOR SALE Sacrificing electric sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, , bronze and wrought Iron lamp stands and mirror hud antique rosewood bod, refrigerator, fruit Jars, etc. Also tree props, farm ing Implements, etc. L. F. Batch elor, Vnlloy View district, 2 ml. nurth of Ashland, FOR SALE At bargain, 2 oak veneer doors, slzo 2ty feet by 7 vi feet, with lock nnd' without glass. Seo them at Mall Tribune office tf FOR SALE Glndlollas; varlotlos you have never seen. 208 Clark St. Phono 14611. Will dollvcr. FOR SALE Ruy your Spruit's dog roods at tho Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SA LE Extra fine alfalfa hnv Will bo ready to haul nbout tho litn. cnll 124U-R before noon or In evenlpg, 109 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance, Rooms 3 and 5, No. 82 North Central Ave., uiwtalrs.' : .': there's thirty . UL T ytrpr f rKiT di &ri: i I COULD HAVE AND I HAD TO THAT ONE IMI, Inn Praliirr r,rrl ririltln rluhl u FOR REAL BUSINESS 1HHICCTORY JACKSON CO. AlUSTltAUr CO. Abstracts of Title tint! Title lnsunimtt. Tho only complete Title System iu Jackson County. Accountants WILSON AUDITING COMPANY Tax nnd Corporation Counselors. Auditors and Accountants. E. M. Wilson, O. P. A. Liberty Bldg. Phono 157-H. Clilmjiriit'tla Physician ' DIt. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Xervo Specialist. Office hours 9 to 13. 3 to 6. 203-204 - Liberty Bldg. Office Phone 680; Res. Phono 790-H. Expert Window Clomiers LET GEORGE DO IT Tol. 1173. llouso cleaning, Floor waxing. Oriental rug donning, specialty. Financial WE LEND. MONEY to worthy peo. pie to pay their honoBt debts. Pa eiric Coast Credit Association, 421 Medford Bldg., Medford, Ore. Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE-UPIlOLBTEREll re-flnlshod, ro-glued. We carrj a full lino of upholstering sam ples. A. N. Thllmnlt, Tel. 969-R. Glass MEDFORD PLATE GLASS CO. Auto glass while you wait. Glass for all purposes. Phone 446. ' 88tf Money to Loan 6 , Long Time Real Estate Mortgage Ixinns Phono RlliU Commercial Finance Corp. ' ' Mcdrorl, Oregon ' ' Porsonal Loans WE LOAN MONEY cm furniture and late model autos. Three per cent per month on unpaid bal ance. Xo other charges. Come In and got the cash todav. Son W. E. Thomas, 228 W. 6th St.. ground floor Holly Theater Bldg. Painting mill Pniicrlinuglng , HARRY MARX Painting, Anting, papernanging, -rei iyh-j. zona M. A. BLISS & COMPANY Paint ing, pnperhnnglng and Interloi finishing. 302 Crator Lake Ave, Phono 1604. 41 Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Toaoher of piano. Classical and populai musle courses. Halght Music tjllidlo. 818 Liberty Hldg. Tel. 72. By BUD FISHER By George McManus SAT CM, PICK Vrvlrt. neT rff rml. By Sol Hess VOU AIMT &OIW& TO LEAVE ME. HEBE TO STftRUE f I - 1 VAJONJ'T SOUHAL 1 IF ANVfJODV ASKS Me MHEXE. IVE rJEEM , ILL SAV 1 WAS HUUTIKI6 AND UNLESS NOU CAM THIN UP A BETTER. a-roey I LOVER,, COME I BACK r Jinr j r i I, hi PXGE FIVE VALUES ! BUSINESS DnikCTORT Primers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Hal the best equipped printing offlct in Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. ....... Radio Service' RADIO SERVICE on any mak radio. H. O. Purucker, 223 West Main St. Office phone 335; rosUtonce 1443. GUARANTEED radio service at reasonable rates. Phone 124T day or night. Almus Pruitt. Sand anil Gravel C. A. HARTLEYSand and Gravel plant. Clean washed sand and gravel; crushed gravel, all sizes. I'hono, plant 1203, or office 137. Storage WAREHOUSING Storage, Distri bution. Modford Warehouse, m South. Front St. Phone 816. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & 8TORAOB CO. Office 101 a No. uemroi. Phone 315. Prices flghf. Service guaranteed, ' : Transfer, DAVIS TRANSFER & STORAGW. Sorvlco guaranteed, zu b. urap St., Phone 644, or residence lOtlu. REINKINO TRUCKtNG SERVICI3 Transfer and hauling of all kinds. Office 309 South D'roni St. Phone 332. IF MOVING north, south, east or west. Phone Aaniana zis-ij. weir equipment;, prompt service; low est rates. Bonded carrier, A. U Ansted. Notice or Klierlft's Salo, ltr vtrtim nf nn execution Oil foreclosure duly icsiiod out of nnd under the seal of the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon, In nnd for the Countv of Jnckson. to me ni rectcd nnd dated on the 10th day of July, 1981, In n certain action therein, whoreln -It. k. biowoii, wm. siodirhlll and 0. W. EUlotti a 00-pnrtnorship transnetlng buslnee under the assumed business numo and style of Pacific Coast Agepcy. Ltd., us Plaintiff, recovered judg ment against ChiiunCy FlPrr' T. It, Florcy, Minoi r'loroy ana rjinoi Floroy as Administratrix of the es tate of Andrew. J. Flnrey, deceased. the defendants, for the sum of Bix Hundred Seven and 85-10" ($607.85) Dollars, together wit: Interest at per annum from May loth, 1929, with costs and d hurwemenls taxed at Nlnoteen nnd 55-100 ($19.65) Dollars, and the further sum of One Hundred Fifty and no-1 00 ($150.00) Dollars. ' attorney's fees, which Judgment was enrolled and doekotod in tho ClerkVi office of said Court In saW County on t!ie 10th day of July, 1931. ' ' ' .' -. Notice Is hereby glvon thnt, pur suant to the terms of the said exe cution, I will on the 15th day 'of August, 1031, at 10:nil o clock a. , at tho front door, of the Courthouse In tho City of Medford, in Jackson County, Oregon, offer fur sale and will ''ell at public auction for cash to tho hlge.'t bidder, to satisfy said Judg ment, together with the costs or this snlo.'rjubjoet to' redemption as provided by lnw. nil of the right, title nnd Interest that the Said -defendants, Chaunoy Floroy, T. K. Floroy, Ethel Flnrey' and Ethel Florey, as Administratrix of the Estate of Andrew J. Florey, de ceased, had on the 10th day of May, 1029, or how have In, and to the following described prop erty, rltuntod In the County of Jnokson, Htnte of Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 3 nnd 4 of Block 9. Central Addition to the City of Eagle Point. Jackson Count jr. Oregon. - Dated this loth day of July, 1031. RALPH (1. JENNINGS. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. iiy iiga Andorson, Deputy. Nrillce of I'liml Account. In the County Court of the Hlato of Oregon for Jarkon County. In the Mutter of the Hstato of 11. H. IJiillols. doceaseil.' Notlco li herohy irlvon that tho undersigned, administrator of the eslnle of II. If. Dullols, deceased, nn the llth day of July, 1931, filed the final nccount In this matter, and tho County Court of the Htittu of Oregon for Jackson County on said date fixed tha 11th dn'v of AllgllHt. MIHI. nt the hniii' r iri-nii O'l-llll'k a. 111. In tho nolll-lrnom nt wild Court 111 tho courthouse lit Medford. tirogon, ns a time ami plnoe for hearin? of ohfeotlnn , said final account, the Vlosltif of said estate nnd discharging tie nd inliilsirntiir, und all persons having any nhjootlons to said noeount or mo uiscnarmng of admlnlstmlor are at said time and nlnoo in ... pear anil mnko ,iuch olijectlons. onled thlt llth dm of Julv, 11)31. ,'. ' k: vu nicholh, Admlnlslrntor of the Estate At II. II. Itiliols( deceased.' i tit t t'lHtCY A. BltAV, . Allorney for ndmlnlitl-ntnr , IX VACATION TIM IS.. Don't forget to keep In touch with tho old home town when you leave for your summor vacation. Hve your. Mall Tribune forwarded' 4 to the new address. : phonn Main 76 nnd th matter will h promntlii.ttende4 t'"'tr. 4 Fruitgrowers!- Waste Paper 75 to 100 newspapers BUNDLE 10c Mail, Tribute -y Office" 7 - -r' ' f V K 2rr-- LB II k Oaiii.T-.f.r,, r'r 15 ll-u.