1 6 Tocai and -L-fPersonal .Janlora Vlay .Tomorrow The Junior American ; Leiribn liasohall-Ranie iwlth Klamath falls ? will bo playod ,Vedniny Instead 1 of today, as appeared in yestor : day'e paper. .liocal boys aro assist Inn with the sale of tickets to the same. Med ford's team is coaciica by Tom HlKH'ns and Ihb Kilaniath : Falls boys by W. B. O'Brien. Barkers. Homo from .Vortli Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Darker and Mr., and Mm. Cecil Barker thavc returned from the Wlllametto val ;ly, where they 'visited Mr. and MM Clay Barker oyer the holjday 'weak end, , ;, Mrs. Isirry Mann Here fur Ku miner Mr. and Mrs. I-awronce C. Mann ,.,-and two children .are 'guests of her ' parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. ' v, Heath, for the summer. Mr.'Mann: ''who1 has been connected wllh the . !"Flrl National .bank in I'ortland nine they removed from Medford, ,'y'Ui traveling over, the state In Kho interests of that bank, and Inter on ;' will-spend somo-tlmo here visiting ' bis family and many friend Starts Culling liny -'Mlko IJanley ' today started cut i ting hay at his ranch up Llttlo 'Butto creek, which covers botween ".three and. four1 thousand acres, Mr. Hsnlcy iut up about a thousand tons of hay -unnually. i iKegutar meeting of IJnited fVrler siof Kedmeir, July 7, M3, Tuesday ,e evening,. 8 p, in. Hot dugn, buns - and coffeo.on tap., ; , ,105 ; Tonrlsts atj Hotels' ' . Among the tourlsls and' other registered .at Medford hotels . fromd unniini ciucs aro air, ann airs, u.' 3-1. ftookwultor of Cleveland, Ohio, 'Mr. and Mrs. TV H. Walo of New York Cfty, Mrs. K. D. Patterson . of Vancouver, B. C, Clark Webber and Marvin Crano of Rantniil, 111., and Mr, and Mrs. V. J.- Mardhall of Detroit, Mich. nates for out-of-town' trips. 'Tel, 00. 08tf Vlsllliur lirotlM'r , Mra. Josephine Dunohuo of Mer . !j4nisijn .Medford spending several days with her brothor,. -Charles Crow. ... ; . , i Portraits of distinction. leaioys, opp. Holly theater. Tim " VhiitllMr amo Warden ' B. Osmond of i Portland, state I Kama warden, Is spending -a-ifew days in Ashland, Mopping at ' the !- Ashland' hot), Ashland Tld- s. . ..-.( ... , rl00,000 Kodak, priBoa. i ;t Vaaaley, Btudio. . , Dotal Is Utt, .Expcctcil Home Tomorrow ; v Mrs. draco Voss of tho cliambei.' of Xloronierce taft 1 axpoiled to . lelurn tomorrow from a Hvo weeks' vacation apont ; In .Ban .Francisco . .4nd .other oifiea. , , i ' it i . .-, " ".'drand Howl Barber Shop, .llalrcuta to please, 25o. JOT nir-Maarki liaftmvlng ' ' Cart 'Magorlo of Itogun River, who Is in a Klamath Falls hospital, waa reported yeslerduy to bo Im provise .atowly from internal Uu .i.juHoii aufered a .week ago In an , , auto accldeivt near-Klamuih, Falls. .Magorlo suffered three broken ribs, trM head, injury iud Internal bmilaos. ; iHls fatully .W In KUipiath Falls. to ,, l near iim. .-Lovely Tulip oil, waves. o other permanent! IB; shampoo and finger wave 1: marcel ?6o, Kalh , ryn Locatell, 'HO 8. Central,. H74, I,.,. .... . ' , .98tt4 'Bray Goes to 'Prospect ' Philip Bray left thU city yestcr- "ay for rrosgiect, where he la em ployed by lh California Oregon Power company. Broken wind o.wa glased r by Trowbrulga Cabinet Works. JJOtf ..Front Main MelroiKUIs ' Among Iho -Purlland auesla! reg istered a Medford hotuUi aro J. ,V. , Bearls, Mr. ana Mrs..K, C. Wtuiiher all, James IV Olson Paul Amorl, Mr. and Mrs..O. K. Wluterlmthani! . Mr. and Mrs. L. i;. Vnunlo and . family and. II. E. Ofricer. Brill Sheet Metal Works does axpert repairing, fender and aulo 'body repairing. ( 'fttrs-mHunday at Pass' $ux( : v: Miss Helen McKep. waa among ntho realdonls ef Ihl. city who spent ..yimdiiy at tlmnls Pass V: Do You Know ; the many iuperioritio of FlnhrcrV Holsum "'.Broaa? ' ' One trial loaf from your grocer will con vince you. 4P-V- Will VldU'WI) Coast ! ) Mm Fred iluKiin plan to Jcavo Saturday for MarsDtleld, where clle will bs ijiKit for several days of relatives and friends. tiiiestff of Masons Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dosha, for- mer residents of Medford, are in tliLi city from California to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Maon at their home at Uerrydalc. ) liolsteln Cmr Makes, itiford Friday, a IloMtein cow owned by C. W, Lewis of Klamath county, hiwl ninHn n Mrnrtt ncVPP before ,IUulod jn the iftato of Oreiton, 'ac-'j cording to n summary report jurt released by Ilouer Morse, dairy ex tension specialist at Oregon Hlato college. Ior bulterfat production uniountcd to, 134.9 pounds out of a total of 2, 452 pounds of. milk, which Is a stato record. Friday previously made the record for the month of May. Visit from Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Victor SpauldJng and daughter .Jean of Forest Grove are guests In thla city of Mr. and Mm. V.,T. Undley. , Chalks Nanto on Car 11. 8. Clovolpnd nccdrhpanlcd' the local rllksrto Hoattlo rlunday, :and before leaving crayoned "Modford lOlks, No. 1168," on tho side of tho special cnr. Ml. Cleveland will crayon Ihe same, thing on tthe car In which' tho lodgfj inchilers, rc turn. - .... J Week Killl CriHwvnt C'lly "A, party, consisting - of Mr. and ,Mty, , tlcprgo -Htldham and son Iouls, ,'m. and ,Mrs. Jack-Steward of Wlmer. nnd Mr. and Mm,. Honor of Mv'dford rpent tho W'.-ek end Jn Crescent Glty. s Callfomla -VitcotUmlstH Hero ' tluettts from tho Bear slato reg istered' At Tocal, hotels Include Le noro Huff of Udl, J. W. Wto larrddp'aiul family and .lohn Kerr and family o( Horkeley, Mr. and Mrs. HA.., W. Htnne itnd ICIslo M. Farrls of Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. M. MncDonald of Ulcndale, Mrs. Falrchlld, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Mahony nnd Mr. and Mrs. V. C; ftouk of Hacramonlo.. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. WHllnms of ftan Jose, Mnrlon Carter, Catherine. Vcglla, ' rtobort MeKarlnnd and Dwnln MacDonald of Iteddlng, Mr. and Mro. Martin Schneider, Mr. and Mm.. O. A. 011- lln, Mr. and Mm. 'H. II. Hill and Mrs. ;tl. n, MeFooters of Ban-Fran cisco' IfcTO .froui Ksglo Point AnioiiK residents of. Kagle 1 Point shopping In . Medford - yesterday were MlasIlattlo tlowlett unci Mrs, DaloSlokes. Phono 643. We'll, haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Borvioo. ; . . 217tC IJalMTS ttoturn 1'Sist ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Krnert-C. Faber; who have been guests for tho past two months of Mr. and' Mrs. K. C. Faber of Central- Point, left lawt night for their home., in Uarnns- Wlle, Ohio. - - TJirlfl Coiiiimiiy'.Maiiiigttr. libra , U.'C. Oslo of Portland., ..district nmimgeri for tho .National . Thrift coi'posation of Amerloa, la a visitor In Medford, looking artor tho oor poriitlon'a fltfalro. , . For your July Investment In Hmcd stocks or bonds, see M. N. llpgan, 115 Llbcriy Bldg. , 10 Traveling (Ultima "Visiting '1 will V'etorson and friend, ' who recently arrived In tho stntes aftor an extensive tour on the'Dnnlsh liner Nordrarer, which took them to Capetown, 8oulh Africa, Bouth America, -Australia, -China, Japan and Java, are guests this week of Mr. and Mra, Ilcrh Orey. Mr. Pel emon. and 'Mir. (Ney vltl ther Bouth Bea Islands together eeveral yeai-s 11110. .'Uurliig his visit M11 Bedford this week, Mr. J'eleison la enterlalplng his imatty .friends with stories of ihla. more recent travels. IVntnni fmtiiit'iHtM Mm. Flornnoo, Ooff has returned home from a vacation trip to the coast with. Air. and Mrs. Myron T. Hoot. The party left hero Friday. lice M. N. lloRan. Sit Lllwrty Hldu;., for-Jnveslinents In stocks or lunula., , jot Maytag Ulan llort Al Whui-ler of. the Klamath Fall .Maytag .hop.Wi in Mod lord lodav eouforrlng with, staff jiu-ioIk-ix at the Mini find shop. ,,..Mr. .Whanlec plans to Mum homo, tomorrow. (iiu'Ht of Mrs. Clay iMra. ;'!,. ' IV Fltsgerald nf Port land ,ls .In, Meilfiml. the guesl ot Mis. PapUiie tMny al hT ioie on llaven street. . To Visit Moorva - ; )r, nd -Mra. Traey , l.ovo (nd Miss llls,neho love of Unuver. fnlo.. irrlTd III the pity .'this mnrnlna. and will be the suimIm while here of. Mr..nd aim., Hawles Moore. kcyta.lMlr, k o d V, gloss' iut rremo. .Tho reaalejn, opp; Holly, theater. , ifs ticorgv Thnnias In City linrisi Thvmiw. rinrtrntatlve I of the CIlliMigo. Milwaukee A.M. raul railway, arrived in Mudford this morning 4o attend tu buslnera matters. , , . , , , , Rpeelal rale for .out-of-town trtpaj S4-hour servliei C.hiickered Call. Phone SdO. jj 1 Berth ttianre nn titerks 1 A graduated service charge on jeaeh rheek drawn by n 'depositor, (depending on the nnmbrr of check I written during the month, was started t.y the llrtvton County mate ;hsnk ami the First National' Ivink jof Cnrvaitls on Julv 1, Hchiuil dls. Itiicts, fraternal "order, rellglnua, I I'Oinlhiinlly or philanthropic Instl jtutlona. ,.tviiiim ariunts and sep arate aiH-nunu for firm or hus jhand and wife, if eemhlned aver ;sge exceed,, ihe minimum, will not oe sneered. At (Wwvnl. ny Today 'Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Undley and daughter Vtpgtaia and o..t, .Mlas Amy KHIott, left this morning for Crescent Cliy to spend Ihe day at tha beach, MrDoiwall ami Guests oo Trip '' Mr J. A. McDougoii of this city, acoompaoled by . her mother, Mae. Taylor. .of Han 'Franetoco. -are leav ing today for Cplson, Mont., where they will be guest of Mrs. F. K. Jameson, who la also Mrs. Taylor's daughter. Jerry McDouaaJI -Will make the trip with them. Here on IIuslnCH , ,; ; Ueorge titephens and son of Ap p:egato aro transacting business in Medford .today. Ueorge Flake of Griffin creek, Leonard Brock of Central 1'olnt, and Leland Petti grew of Eagle' Point are also .bus ness callers. '. . , '. ; To Visit Yellowstone 1 i-Xlt. and Mrs. J. M. aarrett of TCagle Point aro leaving Wednes day by auto' fur a 80-day trip to Yellpws'tqne park and other, nearby points, , ; . . E i ' " " ' :' Itednioralo Cot tea Blion 1 Tho Coffee Shop, located In the Hotel Holland,. is undergoing com piete rearranging and redecoratlpg, with new wallpaper of Vivid hu and attractive new linoleum on the floor. ' The .ahop han . -been - closed since Baturdnyj and workmen have been busyrfor the past threo days Not.only itho .dining room .of tile shop, has -been rodecorated, .but also the kitchen. ... ; , , j ' . . i Hotel Modford Barber Shop. Haircut 20c. H0 Miss Pmi ell 111 City Mlas Laura Powell Is In the city from Los Angeles, and "Will be the house guest. -of -.Mj'M'Iiuth .'Meuscl for two weeks. , Bho arrived, from tho suulh by train, today. ltnilronri Memtleru Leo Savajio -oft - the ,'. Delawnre- J'kttWannajlljje.and L. -V. - Druce of., the Canadian Rational ya-ilway areln . Medford-, today conferring WiMh - local: ahlppers and ropreaen- tallvea. oCi tlio.iBouthern Puclf lc. , , . . , 1 1 'rum Oregon Points , ' Included among the gltesl reg istered at looul,hotla from Oregon points, other, tthan Portland, are .0. H. Nolan. ,and VT. B. Halverson of Vale, Bm,lvjng8. C Mont, II. .1, KJnllnky, W. J. MJahler and U. H. Campbell ot Bugeno and Evelyn; KcwLon of Baleon,. - : Aiinpal lU'tt t'ross Meet' ,; Tho annual meeting of the Jack son county chapter' ot tho Kod CrosK .wIll bo. held July I ltt. Miss Lillian .Ilobcrtii, secrctavy, said to day. Place of tho meeting wll be announced luter. Boys! Boys! Boys! .-8ell .Mall Tribunes on the street. Call nt back door at :40 p. m. Wednesday. 104 lU'tiiniM to Kcutlle 1 - Mrs.i'M.' lloiKi, left by train for her home la Seattle, this noon, having- spent the paat ten day in Sled-ford- as tho guest of Mr. .and Mrti. C. A. Wood and' their children. Jcromo IicnvCH-for iHcvcliunl ' K. O. Jerome leaves this evening for Wnn Francisco,, ivhei'o.lie will be Joined by Mrs. -Jerome, who has hean visiting relatives nt- Ban -Jiwo, and tomorrow, nlttht thoy will bonrd tho upcutal' Bhrlner train which -de parts lor Cleveland, , pliio. ,to at tend the national Bhrlner conven tion there. .. . j. ., .... Jlero from. Hvalllo J. -S. Monrie. Mis. A. . J. .81. Oeorge, Mra, TratfHn, .Mr. alld Mrs. K. W.i JSoaglcr lt,nd Mr, ., and ., Mrs. V, 12. Fellows, all ,of Seattle,, aro rcglatared.ut Medford hotels. , Power Brothers "visit Parent Kverelt B. Power and Lawrence T.' Power of California ar spend ing their vacations with, their par ents.. Mr. mid. Mrs. K. P. Power. Working nt Airport , UUtck Iluchatian. radio operator of Hoattlo,, at , at tho 'Medford air port swhllo Pacific -Air Transport men ore on their vacations. lleMirts Aihliillil Burglery Bheriff Jennings of Medford re ported to police headquarters Sat urday that tho Isaacs store nt Ash land won entered' Friday night and robbed of 100 women's drosson mostly printed silks. The. thieves were believed traveling .toward' Portland In an old touring car, ortlnnd Journal. envo fur Vlall ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Koosor left this morning lor .Mlllon-Free-waler. .where they .will visit for several days. nvy slilM Jlero Two navy ships, piloted by rjrlc Nekwn -and Lieut. ,Wnod aloiipod at tho Medford airport today, en route to Seattle from Oakland, Cat. REFUELING PLANE OFF FOR FAIRBANKS FIELD WllltE HOUSE. Y. T . Julv 7 - OVy-The I trl-motnied retuellug alr- piano of tho projected Kohhlns. Jotiea non-slop-(light from Seattle to Tokoyo left Whlto Horse tor Falrlmnks.! Alaakai at 11m m today. Th Idan'o arVlved from Tel egraph creek, H. d this mornlPK. Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Tred It. n 01 ventral-point. . naughtc nlTl Helnt. a daughtcrl ik at rurucker'a maj tins morning ernlty lionjc. Uorn lo'Mn, and Mm, W. I. oideri ef liuit Kails, a -daughter, lit the! ('(immunity hospital-today. $10 REWARD OFFERED I FOR HUBBY-DEAD, ALIVE' - 1 MKMJ'HIR, Tenn (Uptlln,.. aianda dead or alive must be' cheap In Arkansas. ! Mrs. Ollv Neal. West M.m,,hl. Ark., wnits- a Memphis hewsimper editor, eaylng: tMy hnshnnd letl home between 3 and i a. m. Wed nesday; 110 reward to finder ,i,..,i or alive." , , rrT ' , . 1 OLD IRONSIDES SEA WORTH V AGAIN , - "I ' " ' y - 1 '-. 1 . U A - w IS) "' : HMUC'Iflieii JrS i'hotO '- " .' Tha frloato Old Ironsides, which made history mora than a cm. ; airy ago, has, been msds seaworthy :uio.inii7 na o. o, uonatuuuonr ja apavfn a; eastern gsir waa undergoing final preparation for lla.irip Mp.and 4ovttii,tng ibjntle coast on which It will visit a number of cities. ' 1 . . 1 ON 'CRATE' STAGE ' Tlip no,wy eie.ctm) off Icqrg 6( (be Modford i;otary club started tho now administration- this noon with one of tho niOHt unique llotary. mcetliiga'ovbr hold hero. ;( Tha sea aipn .wag dield on-the atapo ot the Fox . Cratnrinn tlicatro, : lunclioon being servod by tho Cratorlair ush erettes at long nbles A splendid progi'om of high cIush vnudqvllle .acta was presontcd i through' the courtesy of Roiarlan Arch Holt, matmgor of the Crnterian tlientro. Among tho fonturo attractions twore Jomi Kills In soprano solas, Leah Holt in organ selections. Chuck Bler, the cronlng, tonor, Jim my nnd Archie Pierce. ' A liirRo number of visiting Rota rians and guests ntlondod the' novel mentlng Including Rotnrlnns1 Pr. Hnrclny Stnvons of Alameda, Col.; H. Ellor of Klnmnth Falls, nnd H. C. apnrr, Harry Stearns, E. D. Piittoraon, U D. Ijiy, A. I,. Weaver, M. O. Wllkins ami Hal McNnlr of Ashland.: fluesls'werd Pi Mi Kor shnw, Herb Oroy, .1.' Hi Ofioley, B'rcd Heed and Vf. K. IBrayion. - J ; M' - . Cal C. Wolls, doputy United j States marshal for years pact lor the southorn. Oregon district, wllh Mudford us his liundqiiartors, Is1 now nn his aniitinl vacation, much j of which ho will spond in I'ortland, In Which, city ho. arrived last woek for tho first lime In months, cure- free .mid .without a United Stntos priBonor In chorea to lie tinned over,. Into the custody of Iho fed eral . officials thero. lien Cal goes on vacation one can rcBt, assured Hint thu timo of holding tho ntiiiunl BlatQ oucnmp. ments of the . Siranlsli Amoi lcati War Veterans nnd Veterans of l'"nr- olgn Wars Is , not fur uway, tor he la a tipaiilttlt -American war vet eran nnd lias not missed n conven tion of that patriotic body for manv years and always times his vnca-ii tlon accordingly. . . , Hunco ho will bo nt the pncninn- mmit In l.u (irande, July 111 to 22, Inclusive, the first lo arrive ami the last to leavo. IK Pnunil Snhnnii I'migllt (lltuNIIOllKN. tllan.l. Norway. (UP) A'salmiin welching S piiiiinls has been raiiKht off cron hwgen In the Italllc sea. This place, located on the Swedish Inland of Olund, fs "i favuVite' with fisher men, ljist year a sturgeon weigh ing 4tu pounds was hauled up not far from (Jronhocen.' Freckle Champion ' 'W- .!svlS1. - f KSf Vf. .' ' 1' A .ifX-ifitf l-rtti i'Auia Baymond Saston It the frtckl chamalen ef Corenade Berrh, Calif. But ha doesn't know Jutt li.w many ht tit, for he aaya they all run Into eni big freckle on hit neck. AS HOLT'S GUESTS ' .'! , '.) ' DEPUTY MARSHAL ENJOYS VACATION 1 ' ' ft i' i ' ' again. Tihfeujnsle .vs.-rtyC, known 1 During1 the summer vacation po ri od, Iho Fox, Bifllto, theater will c)po during the r middle of finch weak, according to. announcement of Archie Holt, resident manager Of the Modford Pox theaters, Many improvements in the theater-will -he mntlo during the closed period, among- which will be the installation of- new eats. - One -change, df program ..each week, over -Saturday and Sunday will ho presented at tho Hlalto Summer prices ' will prevail and finst run pictures will bo offored. Paramount nows will be r.iwltched to the. Craterlnn on the last half of the week change of prpgrani,. HALT GAMBLING IN SAIjEM.: Ore., July 7. (ff)Acl ItiK upon numerous complaints re ceived from residents along the Pa cific hluhjWay, and particularly, the parents, of minors who hsvo. been ptroalcMK tlio illegal inaclilnes. aonity,sJiorJirs tbls morning staged a - .progressive raid on barbecue stands, filling, stations and other placos-ot the ikind along the high wav between Aurora and Salem. ,3'he rld netted 12 slut machines and a various assortment of: punch boartbj. ! !f 1 WJn'r .Wtwo 1mLfts? 1 It is, difficult to figure out just whom Messrs. Smith and Deforest did bent, ' oh their way , to., their own . combat. , Hut .they" .had to eliminate ta least -seven onirics apiece, -because : one ' must win elghti matches, to :becomo, a Brit ish amutcur champion. An anomaly Is apparent when n golfer like Mr. Smith can win tho tqughest . golfing competition In the world. '. : , , ; The only niiHVver.l can work out Is that somebody must win. The ..few. . fjivoiLtce, , stilimercd ,ln a Jlcld of 1J0. playors. doubtless wear thomsi'lvcs. out',beatlnK,gnlf ers who, according to our Ameri can notions,, ought not to be In a championship, until they get so fed tip and stalo that some near phyte- . comes . .along and .- amacks. him, as Andrew Jnmlcson -smacked ' llobliy . at Mutrfteld In IStt,, tlow inany-'tlroes have you. beard, of ijamleson since? -.. - Tourist (Xiiitcst t'aiicellctl. KOM K IL'l') Tho Italian slate tnm-M . ilepurtincnt has cancelled ! the - 1 9,10 fnrelKn , lltornry conlesl hecnuse of the poor material 'sub-; milled, .Annually the tourist - do-i ; Psi-Miient has offored 6000 llro tnj the Jieat Hnoli' en Italy. In nert-' Imlisn mngasino or newspaper. After examining .the lnao appli cations, the committee decided to withheld tho award. ' ' Harvey's Party to t'onvene. ' MONTH Xti. Ark, (l'P).W. II "Coin" Harvey, advocate of "free. silver" nnd head of the . recently ; formed "Mew Volltlcal Party," an nounced recently the parly would ! hold Its. convention for selection ip a presidential candidate here Aiik- !5. He especis Ki.oeO to attend. ' 4 . -! TVinkcy Tourists In Italy ' ( Tioi.ZANlY- -U'l'l J. Vr lxuw-i pool, a Dutchman w-ho plans to travel nrnund tho world wllh bis family In a donkey car. has arrived, here. The party consists of 1e t.eeuwpeol nnd bis wife, two boys and s three-months-old bsby. The tsinlly Vims already traveled 18,eo' miles wllh the assistance of twoi .leiikcys nnd one mule. 4 Missouri's rye acreage 4ia t sllen back from the war time level of 'loo to a yearly average between SOMO and ss.ooo. iiiiis PORTION OF WEEK uJulJ-i'ii-x-uii 1 iii 1 -"r W99! UP FREIGHT BOOST Committee Will Present Res ,: olution at Salem Hearing Thursday Other Bodies Have Filed Formal Protest A' committee. 'conposed of 'i. rf. Ccderwall. thairnian of vfce traffic committee of 'Hi;.' ijoguo ; ftlver traffic association:1 ' L,. - A.,;BanKs. grower and ahipper; 'Dr, ;.F, , -O. 8wendenborg of .Ashland and C. T. taker, secretary .of ; -the : Chamber of Commcrcc,,.ttiis .m'ornlng. draftod a resolution to be presented Thurs day at Salem to .Public uomtms--sioper Charles, M. Tlioma,' protest ing agoinot ,, the proposed 15 per cent Increase in'frelght rates, The rcsoltttlon sets.torth that In asmuch as -the pear industry Is Inliorlns under a, heavy strain At presont. "any, -increase . in freight rates would 'bo 'diaastrouB,',' , A mcetln-g-.wos. . held Monday night, and , the .abavel , committed named to draft, the repolutioh. iThe 20. growers, present 'eloetod,..I. A. lianas,, chalrrhan. t. . , ' Tho Jjflgue , River .Traffic,' asso ciation. : the. -Fruitgrowers' league and the executive, committee of the Fruitgrower league,. on. which the Chamber of'Cbrnmerce.'Jrraffic as soclatlon,.and.;Frultgrowers',' league havb, reprceentatloh, took "similar action last week, when they .'filed their formal protest. . -.Thoi pear industry,, by tho action taken iloday.i-piieBentei a.solldi front against .the : proposed freight rate, increase. . - - . -. . Similar action. has Uccn (t.-ken -py dther Oregon -!rrultgroyin 'and wheat ?ralnlnr sections,-?and' -by Washington -and California idls trlcts. . . ' ' '. TOO jLATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Extra fine alfalfa hay, ..WUl be. ready to naui eoout..ine. i lfh.: 9'll..' fi-n befpre: noon or: In 'evening. ,. ?1T)D I ITOR RENT Furnished: 5-room. houe; sleeping porch. Pliono ' 931-It. . ' ' , FOR , RENT Furnished ai( ;an a smali house. 334 Apple. 1U: FIRST - CLASS , paperhanger: and .paiivtec wants work by hour. or . oontract. ;Reasonable. ;-Tel. 881.' -107 LOST - At' postofflce Thursday, coin purse with keys -and .small change, phone 150.- . - 106: ' ' WHY ? "'- ,"'' .' OPPOttTUNtTY ' ' ;,! ' ia nnn nT Ar-n. wr r .( AAA ' Have yoh money to invent T.'Non- resident owner -tin -33 acres -at-' tho west end of Jnckson St. Ideal -. for stihdivlcfion. We are-, offering this for Immediate sale at just one-fourth purchase pried 1 $4,100. At this ; price-'It Is tho .best Investment we know'of In. J.-ickson .county. . .., .'. , , J. C. BARNES, Real -Estate. ' Phone 910-Y or 409. ' 1 15 S. Central. 106 FOR SALE Oootf, modern 6-room. ..home, .woodshed and . garage( , lawn, -shade, paved street: 3 blks. south of Main. Priced at 2400: only $100.00 DOWN. ' ''Balance to suit buver, CHAS. A. WING, AGENCY,; Inc. (Exclusive jgont.) Phono 728. 18 No. Front St. 107 FOR RENT Houses; one furnish ed, one 'unfurnished: - In ; new Washington school district. Call U17-W. Inquire 625 Dakota. FOISt HENT-t-Comortable; 6-rootn house. 128 Almond. 2 blocks 'from East Main; ringe !ri kitchen with coll, bathroom orvinoetloh; goiftl . .garage : and'' wortdshed.' Hent J22.50, water rates paid, by oWn' er. Onll.at 132 Almond - 107 LOST Black 'traveling bag be.' twoen Medford and Hi-cokings', July 4. Return to Mall Trilmno. Beward. .- J." J0 UVANTKD To. .borrow ,;300. Oft nn , goon nrst mortgage. P. o. nnx .. "'l : ! " '- ' ' 107 FOR SALE Small General Elec tric motor In good .condition. No. Riverside. 10R PROTEST ON JOHN K. uUtiP Bed-SpringsJIattoss - Ivory -or brown bed with 2-inch posts, 40-pound, felted mattress and double deck, 90-coil bed springs. ALL THREE FOR Our ' Regular - Price MATinMAI UCAn HSJWPS' NAhUNAL HLAU mrnnty ' hpATilte; July 7 VP) Birmlng hani, Ala., , today .was selected as the ,1932 convention city of .the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. . .. ", ' . - ,.. SBATTLBi Jv'V 'W) JohniR. C'oon, Sterling. Colo.,.,- was 1 today elected grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at -its 67th annual conven tion in- Seattle. He will succeed Lawrence H. Rupp Allentown, Pa. Others elevate -to high Voices included: ' - 'Edward J.. McCor-mick, --Toledo, Ohio, grnnd esteemed leading! knight; P. L..'"Dawns '.Tex.,, grand, esteemed loyal knight: Fred A. 1 Wiecking; ;Blurfton, ,Ind., grand esteemed lecturing knight; Daniel, R. NIKlon Washington. D. C, grand ' tiler: Harry T.' Uutterson, New! Bern, N. C. grand .inner guard;! James. T. Hnllipan, Queens Bor-; Ongh. K'Y.', board 'of grand trus- ; tees' and Sllthael F.., Sho.nn.on, Los A,ngoles, prand, foimm. " . j 'J. Kdgar Jlnsters of Char-' lerol Pu nnd Lloyd,.' Maxwell of Maishajiiifwn, Ipwii, wero re-elected grand! secretary', and. grand treasurer,' 'respectively, posts they, have held for. several years. Elkdom's i whlto -and purple hordes turned all Seattle into a vast play ground today. : j . ,-.,. , .,,,-.,4,, - ... . The Duluth,.:Mlnn.,2oo, . which! has aobni twobf Its oo-born Jlpns i ''make good" In thh 1 movies, re-! cently sent throe- nioro to N0W1 YorHr-'etudlos; ; ' f j Smartly Waved Even' -of tor swimming or a wqeV-Ciul trip, your hair will be' beautifully Wayetl. Get one of 'oiu1 jerfiiaiicnts 'now and you wiir eijoy the i'Stim- merionueh'i morel' .- f , . . t Permanent 1 Waves , ,:;$5 and S6.50 Cinderella Beauty Shop .. . -. - ; Phone 1526 ' . '"East -8th Street ' Mabel Poague, Mgr. , 1 1 f $ :H O.90 4 '. , ',' . ,'"-1-" 'J , NOW The Moat Popular Sy in Medford r. JANET ' Gaynor .WARNER ;':l;"Baxter(r in ' Coming Thursi "I TAKE TH! .WOMAN" ': ? . 'S'wltn:- '-' .l :GAY COOPER ' . "C'i GAROUE, LOMBARD l IN VACATIOV TIM Don't forgot to k touch with tho old .4 town when you leavil ! your., summer vacation. 4 your Mall Tribune forivi to i the new address. 4 Main . 75 and . the mattcrl lie promptly attended to. I '--.'.. Vl , . : ; . 41 Batteries Chara .1.50 .-Cents i Service Electric (I 111 South Holly . ' Phon DEVELOS and PRINT! Mall Us Yo1 SWEtt 217 E. Main FOUNDED 1909 JACKSON COUNTS BUILDING & LOAN - ASSOCIATION - ') ?