3'."'T.-.; i: - "3 n.Tfi IliU . IIT ftn..i 1 1 ;,,.,; () . .no 1 .fl"lC arjfi .K TlutA v i-r ntl.it tiiis in- hull' A 4 ill'id 'uoH tr. la-'u Ml I Id ,c irA IJ.1U M ). :i; it: ( T 11 .1 M I,! I II .. IJtl .1 mi v Ut !.: 1 " 1. u :' nliri. iM I .1. DC : si-'. l.lf'T lir.ftt 4AGE TWELVE Medpord Mail Tribune Dally ind ffunday PubllihKl by IIKD'OIII) I'HIMI.NQ CO. '-- N. Kir 81. WiM I SOUKKT W. Uflll., Editor I. BI'Ml'TKII SMITH. Manaiar An IndipciMlriit Nepapr ' Enttred u awtl rlasa authf al Uatloid. Drawn, under Act ol Hutch , IS7. Bl'RSntirciON HATES Br Mitt In Alliance: luiir, lih Huulay, war...... Iially,. .1th Sunday,, nwaidl . Iially, tllhout Sunday, ytar...., , Iially, wluwut Sunday, UKiiitll. . . . ftiirulav. nn mr ...lf.o eioo t'.oo Irv t'arrlar. In Advance Medford. Asllland, Jatftwmlllc, IVnlral t'ulut, i'lweuil, Talent, uold UH and on lllltlmara. . Iially, with Sunday, nwnlh.... . . alally, -wlUiout Sunday, rioiiui... llally, without Sunday, one year. Iially, alia Sunday, one year. . . All term, call In advance. T.uO 8.00 Official paper ' the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackron County. MEMHKN Of TUB ASSOCIATED I'llBSt Hecelfing Full Leased Wire Serrlce The Auoelatvd i'resa U eicluiliely entitled to the uie for putdleallon of all netva dlipauliea eredlted to It or otlieiwiM credited In thli paper, and alw to tha local newe punllalied herein. All rllhta for puldluiliw of apeclal dlapUchaa herein are alo retcned. alWJBKB OK AUDIT llllUEAU OK 1'181'UI.ATIOSS M. C. MIIUtCNHKN I'llMPANY J (trricei in N?w York. Chkan. Ixtrntt, Irancliro. Jjjs Ailfa. Am t lie, I'ortiind. Ye Smudge Pot (By Arthur Ptrry) i MHt of the nicinlierH of tho IrKlHlaliirc liavo thi'ir wIvch with them, the rurtland Juoi-nal rc jiortH, and wc nuiipoHo the dear old Kh-lH will take the full hlame for (ho nuttinoHH of their inon. - .; i Still, theo fellows who dresa to protect cverythiiiK hut their heada probably havo a nice aenso of val uea. (St. ThomaH. Out., Timos Journal.) The lncaneat dig In u Jonff, long time. V. Ilyliee. tho J'villc norf nnd robbed fiiriuer, h.'ia fllarted hla Hprinp; work, llo Is an old-fnah-Joned farmiT. without a political upecch on hiR rancii, who thlnka ll hired man can do a better Job etf plowing- than the Lord, anil lU'Ver . trlcH to harvest IiIh crops With n flHhliiK pole or a .38 rifle. U keepa him buay runniiiK IiIh tttnilinK acreH, without devolhiK any time to governmental affaii'H. lie niunafreH to keep dreaaed up, und -oecaHlonally popa uut of the trout door of a bank, playfully implnir n rubbor bund around an overly fat wallet. -. The llrcd bunk clerks who ninny thought would bo nolle proHHeU Wiheh AVntthlngton'a Hirthdny fell on, tftindny,.' have thwarted the daHlardllneaH oC tho calendar hi this rempect nnd will restore their . IKgltig vitality Monday. Ah far a.s the "writer 1h concerned,- It makes no difference if the banks never open up n guilt, The bnrbershopH will not follow suit und suspend Operations. i !Tho eoimnitteo on nrrungements lor the lurtt rllej over John ,1. IeprcsHion, are working on a plan . to havo the streetH run red with Ink.. It haa also been arraitKed that If Kllas TlKhtwad accidentally falls into the grave, he will have to get out by his own efforts, if at all. tjOno of the lt(31 model autos sava a 4d with a trailer a nllff race down tho Muin Stein yester day afternoon, but succumbed to greater recklessness und not fret ting ubotit getting a fender de ranged. . .'Allen has a broken nose, ami a bad gash on his rlht cheek, and ii discolored optle. Ills, companion was a striking blonde" tSlskiyott News.) What do you multo of - that, fellow citizens! . One of tho Trail hlUwilliuuis towned yesterday. - lie was union a tdiocHtrlng for a necktie And -took a shot at your enrr., when It wan HugRested ho use neckties for socks hereafter. Who can recall when the Ash-land-Mcdfonl quint strmtKles were mn tense, that I'rof. Irv VlnltiK Mcowleil ut John Mauu? . Mnny Jackmui county disciples uf tho Silcred Joseph policies, are Hluwly discovering the difference J .between n Julius Meier cnmpalKn button and a Iior dollar (he power barOnH wanted to spend, Tho cam ' pulRti buttons have the same pur chasing potentialities as n wine colored autumn leaf. ' Tho only low story in circulation the past week, concerned n conver sation between two pullets. .' Tho o ily way to gel rid of Andrew flullon, secretary of the Ireusury, Is to elect a democratic president but II will be worth it. TJIKY KNOW Til Kill IXlIi:it Nut bchiK much of a student In behavior traits In animals, we haven't much opinion on whut cattln think about, but a woman visitor to Mrs, A. I). Walker's -farm Is convinced that even "ilnmb, driven entile" know the hand that feeds them. Itecently Mrs. Walker took Mrs. O. O. Taber out to her farm to show her the fine herd of white ,fnco cattle there. An the Walker rig: drew up to the ride of the fence. Mrs. Walker honked seve ral tlnwtt and 1be ealtlf nil eni .crfwding round tho fence Us If enter to creel her. . Tho. next day Mrs. Tuber took her hushnnd out to fee the Walker oattlo. Thtt cattle wr llo. uvar In tho pasture so Mrs. Taber " gested her hushnnd honk as Mt". Walker had done so the cnttb1 .would come t" the fence. Accord- .Ingly tho honk? were Riven but tho cattle phhI no nttention. rv nally ono or two got up, but did not come near tho tenro, but turn cd their backs on the callers and ncied Ilk l.aMiful b J Ibdlon Editorial ConrogpsoaEnaaww r.us a.oi:ij:s, vii. is It's n (tiiy lift', four kIiows in as miiny diivH. C'luirlic Clitipliii in liix new film, "City LiY'IiIm," mi old movie known iik "Little Ont'sar," u new one, "Stolen Ileitven" ut l'arainoiuit stius ring young Holmes nnd wliii.'si her linuio 1 and a' lcfritimiite Leslie Howard and Ids New York compiiny in "Berkeley (pronounced Barklee) S(iinre." Well, tlmt Is nicely hc ram bled lint wo feel seranibled four shows, and all this noise ni(.'ltt and day, it 's hard for tin country editor to collect him self or anything else. Moreover, we have an idea theatrical eritieisuiH from a dis tance are rather a bore par ticularly where there is no chance fur the reader In see what ye critio is talking about. However, as we we amiin 'call attention to the fact that this is our habit, usin' the editorial "we," altlioiiidi we are actual ly writ in;.' in the first person singular, and at the moment are traveling tout scul as the Czeclio-Klovaks say. ' As we have been doing noth ing but run from one movie house to another fur the past 21 hours, it will 'have to 'be movie ihont I'ical Jiahuluiu or uotliint; ,wl tvl.nt xi .....1XWI..AI.I... 1 ' mat os, if it should he NOTI1- WoU, Htartinu with Charley. Any tlilriK w Kay Isn't worth a dam when "Sharley" ia foncorncd for wo admit, no matter wlmt ho doeu or doean't do, we do like him have always liked him uh far an we con hoc, hIwiivh will. Ono In either a Chaplin fan or isn't and if I one jh, men overyining kooh, aHt long as tho nppeallnK flat loot baKRy troti.serH and bamboo cane mo In Hie picture. At leitHt that's tho way wc feel ubout It. Wo lovo tho vulvar little beast, that's the lonK and short of it our appraisal of 111 m lias no more critical value than our appraisal of Hliitu once upon a Mine, our pel (Iok However, as everyone knows, II' an editor wero restrlcled to writ ing only observations of value, this favorite column of the newspaper would frequently bo empty and till newspaper men uh well as moHt newspaper, renders would prefer something to noUiiiiK at all. So hero koch: M. Chariot Chaplin In hlu new play, "City UkIiIh," at the new Uoh AiiKeles theatre, Ilroudway und Sixth, U A r.O centH only. Wonder why Charley chose Hint! name? It's a nice name, but does not lit tliiH picture any moro than Charley's, trousers lit IiIh lower ex tremities. "City LiKlHH" HUBROHt llKhtu of a big city, the (.rent Whlto W'ny, cabarets on one side, cats In dark alleys on tho other, whoopee, gunmen and girls espe cially girls. Hut there is only one Klrl In this film nnd she is a poor blind flower Rlrl pretty enough in."pn.n w- -ueuiom wiiuh a doM-lllto way, but as far removed j Saturday. from tlin rmt vnnt Inn id "fit v lhrlit typo" ns ono could Imagine. llowcver, what'B a nanio anyway u Chaplin performance by mi other nninn would bu us limn. Audi Mr. and Mrs. llobc Moore and Clmrley IS ninny, fits gags arc ' daughter Colleen were shopping in of tile :i:tmo genre but fresh and Meilfiirtl Monday, now, thero Is n little moro pathos i Mr. and Mrs. Mathers npenl nnd loss hilarity than in iuiihI nf AVednesilny In Mcdford. tlio old Cliaiilln llltns in short, I'rosiiect basketiKill teams will Charley, like everyone else, Is gel. 'play tho Jacksonville teams at tlngi older, has lost Just n little nf , 1'rospect Friday night, his animal nplrtts nnd gusto, lias The school nurse Is endeavoring advanced in IiIh art, Is moro of an I to organise u humo nur.sing class nrllst nnd less of n clown. Ah al- !ln this district. Il Is hoped that ways there nrc tt few touches ofjahe will be Hiu-ee.ssful as such a vulgarity (which .hiivo beau the I elass Is inm-li needed, only flies In the Chaplin amber) I There was a very heavy down hill they nru dellcutcly done nnd pour of arln all Wednesday after not too frequent. nmui accompanied by heavy winds. As a st reel - sweeper CliarU-v i Thursday morning the ground was changes his lient when he spies ! w hile with snow, n train of mules, und as an ele. .Im-U Melnnls Is levelling ground nhmit imssca him. starts a double-!on hi-, ulac- and idana to build a MUlik for tho next ward, llo uses - luirt nf hiH H,,,rt UH u ha0i, Kereuin, mil tno way no puts u iHt. In his breast pocket, pats il, and, u f0mrn was called to Call breaks Into thut riat-fouted, slmbbv, f f(in,,a lnHt Wrrk, to be tit the bed xeiuillty walk ol his, takes .off tho'Ktllt. f his only sister, who Is seri- Ml in fi. The final closeun with Ibo blind girl, whoso sight t'harley reslorew with his drunken friends money, is really one of the finest and most toucUUuz bits of pantomime we have ovev ' soon. Ills support in I MUTT AND JEFF ri So V.u VION'T TAIKi t 1 ; ftWTI -WON'T VMSmXt. I HC CVI'T STAfcbJ v s' ' , UmTw. j . sLijy v -. . Ali2y n? saiiofT THxam TEpF0RDM4rL good, and aluo the Hound effects. The opening "takeoff" of the talk ion Is an auspicious start. In u very serious nionuuieut dcoS lent Ion, it man and u woman orate. As they speak and Resliculato. Iliero Is an oboe und bazoo sound reproduction -which romindB one of some of the early talkies, pro- duced hcl'oro sound cl'fccts were Improved. As the curtain is pulled, the. monument unveiled, there lies Charley asleep in tho urma of ono or llio female. fiKtires really ml A l Introduction. Tho new I-os Aawles theatre .s worlh a sentence. The carpets tiro so thick one sinks into them as In the Kayptlan and Chinese theatres in Hollywood, only more so. KverythliiK Ih gold without Klillor or Karlshiiesu, and a now and appreciated feuturo Is a strip of mercury llKlit down the sldeH of the aisles so one doesn't have to follow an usherette with a flush IlKht or try to follow olio (so fre quently the pretty usherette seems to mistake her flashlight lor u lip stick) (llorioiis augmented orches tra some cnjoyahl runuslcal fea tras', rcully fine voices and, we repent, all for 50 citnts lmlf a dollar. Speaking of prices, 'they are fill ing the Helasco theatre night und day at M per seat where Leslie I Inward in playing. This is the last week and all tickets down town are sold out for the week.' However, a single person can al ways get in somehow. Strolled UP; just before curtain time and sccur-1 ed wonderful seat in the center, j downstairs only six rows hack. As a matter of lact wo don't llko to j sit as near as that the Illusion Is: not lo edectivo. However, let lliat pass. Leslie Howard is H typical Hug lishman produced by the public schuol system very attractive good to look at with that comlrl- nation of feminine charm and nut-' If'rieiU masculinity to ward off et- i fominncy, which it ho hard for tho fair 8oc to resiat. The- play, "Berkeley Square," is chiefly not able as a novelty, a living of a love story in t lie past imaginative j rather than creative and impres Hive. We are Kiad we saw it, hut ; would never care to Hee it again ' can inuijilne no one wiHhlng to do the latter tiniest they stilferedj from a school girl crunh on Leslie. Tl.n l.a.rltil a . .la.lf- lit Iniltl I ,. miI1(f B "Onco in a Life- time,' at the Mayan theatre. A Kuitflnian satire on Hollywood and the movies. Kar better than ".Mer lon" really something that do serves the old chestnut, "Sereum lug" The company playing here, however, is not so Kood too tunny of the actoiH und actresses think talking like a machine gun, so no one can understand what. they arc miyliiK, Is amusing. This is play Iuk to packed hotisoH, too, with extra mntiuces. Doesn't look like hard times. The old lndy sellliiK apples near the hotel Is named Mrs. IMrko. We congratulated her today on selling such fine apples und bought two of them. They are from a box marked C. A. Knight, Crater Luko brand, Medford, Oregon. H. W. II. KOSl'lOCT. Ore., Feb. L'0. I (Npl.) Mv. and Mrs. t'luude Chap- 11,11,1 11,1,1 un1 lra V1-t01 ' .M r, iinu .i i s, i imt'ii . 1 1 irvi ri .turned from The Hallos, .Saturday. They were called there by the 111- I ni'ss and death of .Mrs. (iricve's ( mother. 1 K store and service statlmi and ;as0 o)(,n n rainp f(ip U(Ui. ously 111. Profi-nsor Klnstein amvuncen that "there If no li Itching-post In the universe, ns far we know." The triumphal proKrww of the mo- tor ear. Arkansas tlatrottc I PROSPECT . ! i It's a Conspiracy of Silence TRIBUTE .MgDTORD, MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY CROSS-WORD PUZZLE - ACROSS L Cntibai: aalae? i. aline aucronf net 10. .Umtdulter- ftted 14. Kind of Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzle A s paHoisEn5i ipisi T0RpgD O Rijc O Ri OWTRKE LlEpVlA T MTA HUsErilL AMD CTTMeIzInIdq I fr o rIep SrIaIgTz It e kj Award ol valor II. Old K"id coin of ferula 17. AlorjAiriintnaD nonles var. i. tlrowtna- out 19. Mlrd of lri eull family til. Mnkfrr melan choly Wllbclrjiwa II. Ulni-r Dure h liter 117. Aaeluncd tnalta 10 lii'ler ol mummnla in ctiiUmfi taa al 15 Kui tut 10. lJ1ir-'rtln menu 11 Suike with ..ti Hiorva 61 Outltt hi. Kl?her fn lAnpreye 64. Visionary ZAAlnt the odu osnd 48. Itomnn nod ol 6S. Send to tha me unacir- wroriR oince world Kngiltih river 13. Newne C:i, Kamoui M. in-iruinentaj Persian Doat dtiet fi'i. 'I'ear tpart CT Ity one'B seU 8. Kmlnlnt O'J. M.-tHlllforoui rockt H. 'J'ou carflu M. Krent-n inia- ctillne. niimi lit. tin eruX a. Curltlllnu UTipyr og riiiAistEi W ' K A NKEflti-asiKI I PIE I sin TTMp Lie rHtia ii L PWGTEnEtvtE M TMSIS lAlUAlNliDTAl'PloP 2 P K BfF I 17 I I? rp.V 2 X3 T -TT7& $r-; . ; 20 " 2 572 23 24 25 w.wi 2v ,,,, a g; ; ' ' ZZ 2f ' :,:.3o 3 32 33 34 3$ y " 34 4o . 41 .Wl.42 ir- lM& iJuiii w m&S : 11 w 1 1 1 I ; F 1 1 1 Personal Health Service By William Brady, M. D. Stltned letters ncrtBlnliK; tn pernorou1 health Will be nwernl liy Pr. Ilriuly if a ntaroil t,clf itxl written in Ink. Owlnit tu (lie larue number or rtply run be made to queries not coufurialuB to The Malt Tribune. TIIK lATIK.N"E AOV1SKS TIIK UOCTOK. , It Heoms to me that the patient should tell the doctor the symp toms, nnd not vice versa. Still, a lot of folk ask me to tell 'em the symptoms of this and that dis ease. Xow Mrs, II. II. L. t,hhiks I am doing much harm hy advising those .with high blond pressure to "for- Kct It," und she backs up her opinion with four cases, to wit: 1. Man fond of hearty food, told by doctor to go homo and forget his II. I!. V. linn for streetcar, had a stroke, ami was a helpless paralytic for six years, ruining the lite of the younger genera t inn with whom he had to live after he had worn his w Ife out. 1'. Woman active in social and philanthropic work.. Phy sicians told her her Jl. II. I', was "essential." to forget it. She oleyed: ami shortly had ti stroke, and bus been totally paralyzed for a year, with a guardian appointed to lake care of her affairs. 3. Woman, hard worker, washing, ironing, lohl hy phy sician that her H. It. P. was rather beneficent. She ac cepted this ussurniioe. ,Slie luul stroke and lias Imu pa ra lyzcd for se vera I Weeks. The doctor' now believes hers will be n long lingering illness and If she lives she will re main helpless. I. Mr. II. H. L. herself hns bad 11. It. P. for years. She bus been told by three of the best doctors In the state that It Is "essential hypertension" and to forget It. She obeyed, for n time. Jtul after a whilo she heKun to think for herself. OKEOOy. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19?,1t " 11. Practtred customarily 12. Searcs 13. Sea easles 41. Conrunitd ii. Is am Z6. Vengeance 27. Type oi auto mobile M. Keileves :U. Take out 32. One ol lot I'llarhn . settlers Mock wltn Keen reufOtefe Kootlens nlmais 36. Unirorm 10, First hand i U. Chi-tsimaces ' 14, ituns acrouca 17. Hectors ol parochial churches 49. Kindled M, Avaianchea C3. Make onrr Hons 1n 1 . 64. UamMWlft earn 65. State post tlvely 68. Not on 57. Uenua of tATrlcan trees r.9. filve forth 0. Early c oddest or Ur Gl. StronB wagon G4. Measure of weiuht 70. Countries 71. Ueinam DOWN L Watering places 2. Tibetan prleit i. Dry 4. Keepers 6. Cntklne 8. Thick 7. Mountain In Crete 8. Makes lacs 9. Smooth est and glossiest 10. l'roteots an Invention mil liyclene, not to illMse. dlaunosli or trMtmMt ncliln-ssnl emclnfw Is eiictnseil. Letters sliuulil be brkf letters received only a few cim be answered here. No instructions. Aildreis Dr. William Brady in care Tho blood pressure was so nnd so systolic and such and such diastolic. She worked out a diet for herself, took sun baths, and a lot of other inon keyshlnes which wo are not going to mention in a health column, and finally she has hrought her blood pressure down to a "point considerably lower than it was. and she Hays In another month or two she will get it down to what she evidently thinks it should be. She brings the case to a ' close with the declaration that while she. too, may be a par alytic some day, it won't he because she has been a gul lible fool. Well, I don't know about that. The lady takes off. as non chalantly as any layman who thinks he knows a bit more than an ordinary doctor does, with the presumption that high blood pres sure is a disease ur ailment in itself. It Isn't. Again the lady Imposes her own Ideas on the whole science of medicine. A considerable increaso In the blood pressure IS benef ie leiit and csseplial for ordinary well being In the presence of certain disease conditions. If it falls to whal might be normal for a well person, the patient is likely to Mlffrr Nerious efforts from the failure of the circulation. As for "essential hypertension there is no such thing, Some of our laboratory doctors, Imxper- ienevd and -Incompetent append- ages of a clinic or some such ma- chinery. may decide the patient has "essential hypertension' when they are unable to find out what lug autumn leaves, of pine need- thc platform while the band play hiU the patient. Dul real doctors , lea and branches of fir and spruce (Mt changing from tune lo tune do not perpetrate such trick ding noses. If they don't know what ails the patient they say so. "Ks-M-ntiiil hypertension" is a bit of refined quackery. Now that we are knee deep In ( the morbid mess wo may as well go all the way In. I just want to warn people with hih blood pri'HHuro utfulnst any HUtlUcn or j larue wduCtion -of th pisure. i on ths-ir own, for the lowering of proRHiire untl slowing of the cir cu Ui t Ion may f n vor t lironi Ioh1b, which in clottitiK In tht vosnels, und whnn this happens in the ves hcIh of the brain, well, you might uh well havo had a regular stroke. IneldfiUally I do not tell peo ple to foiK't their high blood pretwure. I tell 'em not to trifle with thin'H they don't undt'rstand; tho blood iireKHure 1h no more a matter for u patient to deal with than 1r . copper : content of tfiqi hemogloltln. - , 'f yi'KSTlONS AVU lAXSWKlW;. . Jlcap iliic Hivc i TuUlnK culclum laCute, 10 twico us day. as - yui-..UKKdstcit, has irroally helped a .'long st'anoV inir case of nnnio-nourotfc 'edojn.p., I havo had. Will you. please (ex plain for mo what your refteiier--atlve diet is? (Mrs. ,M1) ' Answer Angioneurotic. edema is a $10 name for giant hives.' .;Thc regenerative diet is a corrective, protectlvo diet especially for mid dle aged folk who-uro getting ready to commence to start lii-eak- Ing down, having rheunmtlsv high I blood pressure, tired feeling and : all that. The Instructions, togeth. er with other helpful hints to . grown-ups, arc contained in the "fiulde to Itight Kating." which! you may have for a dime, your written rectuest, and a stamped en- ! vclope bearing your address! Itaiianu llrotigliL Himlm llack Our 9 months old baby had se vere chronic diarrhea from birth. Dr. treated hlin with for 7 Vi months and could not con- i trol it. Then wo (jailed Dr. Mind with the aid of no medlcino i at all. only pot cheese, banana : and lactic acid no Has succeeucu . in oringing trie oaoy uacu to nor- malcy. (Mrs. K. IS.) Answer. IJh-huh? I am prob ably dumb hut i don't know what not cheese Is. If it wero Swiss. I now. I could say Youmum. If it were Llmberger 1 .could suy Ow wow. Hut pot won't you explain it in words of one syllable, please? CoitiMiny JHsposctf Of, I . . .1.1 how would he explain Its queer ! I noto you suggest saturating1' ' gar to kill lice. I have found Kx i tract of Larkspur which can be purchased from any drugstore at 35 cents a bottle, eradicates them In three applications three sue ( esive nights. Jt in dangerous to : the eyes but will not harm the scalp or hair. (Mm. B. L. D.) Answer. Larkspur is an old ; remedy. However, I believe ker i osene is the surest, though it is m more or less Irritating to tho scalp and when using it great pre caution against flame is necessary- 1 l.i'h-inu nnuli.t- iriiv f'an.,1. the hair close to the sculp with ! n fine tooth comb, being sure to cover every spot thoroughly. Do ' this once a day for a week, uy, that time any nits remaining will ; have batched. Then comb for three days more after the last louse has been found. Then the hair will bo clean and free from1 nits. I have had plenty of ex-1 peneneo and 1 know tins way is effective. (Ur. 11. M. K.) 1 Answer. Tnke your choice, folks. 1 Sundown 5 TIIKIlt COSTt'MKS (Hy Mary tiraham Homier) TOTIfFG 7oA a. a Bavjra n i. The costumes worn by the lay!thte unw'rtn,m. Uy ending out a ami Months and Years in the (rand March taking place back of the world were the most interest ing and beautiful and original John nnd Peggy , had ever seen. Some of them wore snowy cos tumes, and looked m ovuetlv n tholiirll IVV.-A.t they wero cover- vd with s n o w. Othcra wore cos tumes of Icicles and though J'cggy and John thought they might feel cold, they didn't mtiii to mind these costumes In the least. They were decorated with Icicle Jewels, loo. Some wore costumes of wheat and barley und looked just like j warm, sunny, mid-summer Days, There were costumes of green leaves and spring flowers, of flam- trees. others were wearing costumes decorated with red berries, while still others wore suits made of moss, and out of these suits little violets and trailing nroutua now - ers. Some wore such lirlglit and LMm ,Qnill Points All work and no play makes Juck for tho nervo specialists. What a world. Nobody will take your last cigarette and ev erybody will take your last dollar. ri.Un . ..1 nl.1 .Intro Ullm Alliei ,. a in? m.mju w.u . ...... ....A nrotin-ed some ' time prior to 1492. Libertarian: One who wants the lid off bocause ho hasn't any kids to be corrupted. You can buy -fake hotel labi-h ,for your lnggftgo, but nlaK your Htore-bought toweU give you nway. It Is easy to distinguish be tween a buslnetw and a siiort. A sixirt Ik more llko business. Fable: Once there was a largo fat husband who got sick and did not mako any pathetic romarks about dying. At any rate, Mussolini knocked certain king for a. goal and kept ng"t on goum, Lending money only for stock feed just means that a lot Of moles will get cxediti for eating ham and eggs. ' . . Americanism: Telling the farm ers they ure poor becauso iney ,)r,iU.c too much; spending the f(u.lcr-g tax money to reclaim more und to ni.rca80 production Hush money: The sum gang land spends for shot gun shells. Another of the farm crops mort- gaged in advance is the ono the rstorjc brings. ; A bootlegger can't be honest j nnd live. If he sold puro liquor. It must be a snd blow to Uio walUT when a prosporus looking customer pencils hie figures all over the Uible-clolh and then leaves a ten-cent tip. There are two classes in the ulnr c- wno mum wh thl'lr ran,n' helfloonw and thoso who nu,at UUV thoir 1,v cir- looms. One foreign distillery sold 13.- - 000 quarts in three months to foreign legations in Washington. , No wonder diplomats start a war now and then. This year, we celebrato the 200th birthndy anniversary of "Washington, who made Amerien free. Canadian hooch sellers will, join in the celebration. Think how man ' apologies the state department' would havo - to send Mussolini every day if all of us were generals. Correct this sentence: "When I argue," s.iid the man, "my pur pose is to get at the truth not merely to air my opinions." Heing piggy won't keep you from being thin. Look at the ham In a rus store samuvien. nn,.,,nilu ,o mi.i n.i questionnaire to discover when the lust installments will be paid. Don't leave a thing half done, son. You might become a flyer nnd decide to cross the Atlantic. sunny-looking costumes that leg gy and John could hardly look at them without squinting their eyes as they did on dazzling I y sunny days. Ot hers were d ressed I n eos tmnes of flowers so that they looked like beautiful gardens. There were isoino who wore Mich rainv dav costumes, and ! W)ln0 wno woro .such heavy, dull , gray suits that John and Peggy ; could hardly see them. ! "The Foggy Days," whispered the Little l.laek Clock. Some looked so very brilliant. an(1 others looked quite dull. Oh there was every kind ot a costume you could possibly Imagine, and tnpy marched around and around I a the different ones in tho march passed y. ( "This is the most interesting ..erformance I've ever seen." said John, nnd Peggy agreed thai he .tnoUght SOi too. - I - Tomorrow "The Hand's Tunes" By BUD FISHER Di Yid Remember? TEJf YEARS AGO TODAY (From files of the Mail Tribune.) JVhruary 20. Charles Kvans Huches is named secretary of aluto by l-rcsldcnt Harding. fitnto legislature In liold-ovcr session. Basketball game between Rose burg and Jledford to decldo dis trict title excites city. Chamber of commerco plans regulation of charity drives. Montenegro declares war on Serbia. Three flue fires keep firo de partment busy. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY (From files of the Mall Tribune.) Ffbrunry 20, llllt Rogue river fish bill passes state senate by- two majority. Klghtooii solons voted "to sustuln the people." Daring Mall-Tiibune reporter leaves to take photo of Crater Iiko in Icy grip of winter. Tho feat has never before been un dertaken. Hand of Portland seen in op position to lower rales -for val ley. Ex-Ohlonns to hold a celebra tion at Ashland. Col. F. L. Tou Velle will sing a solo. The police found a girl 15 years old, downtown lust -evening at 11 o'clock and escorted her -home, where she received a' lecture front thc polico and her parents. 2-zo , "With spring around the. corner, I must, think of many things I don't mean ships und sealing wax, or cabbages and kings. Instead,',' say? Bunny, "I am think ing "now 'of Kastorlldo. . And 'of the : multitude of ; Kastcr ... eggs that must be dyed." parents OnSTIXAXC'Y (Hy A lice Judson Peale) . We ull know the child, and wo are lucky if he does not live in our house, who offers resistance to every command, who fights buck, argues or- offers a silent but none the less effective refusal to obey. With such a child nearly every hour of the day brings a battle of wills and punishments. A child does nut thus make his own If fo hard without due cause. Such consistent obslinancy re flects always upon the treatment he has received. ; Most frequently . Uo has been .subjected to entirely too many commands which come often from not one but from many adults whose Ideas conflict with one. an other. Jlis treatment bus liecfi now firm, even harsh and again unduly lax and Indulgent. He has (earned by experience that throwing a temper tantrum will probably get him the thing which has Just been denied or that Grandmother will let him do what Mother forbade. Such a child is being thorougly trained to a negative and obstin ate attitude which -must give rlw tu Innumerable further conflicts and which will stand in thc way of bis harmonious relations with adults and children ' outside tho home. One of the Immediate effects at home is the occurrence o( a great many emotional scones in which anger, vlndictiveness nnd a hyster ica! luck of self control nre thor oughly practiced day hy day In a manner which cannot fail to mark deeply the child's developing char acter. The habit of obstluaucy nuikHfr h i in unwilling to accept even those reasonable limitations which are necessary to u healthful rou tine while outnfde the home It stands in the way of hl toarnlng, and of pleasant nucha relation ships. Vsing six seed harvesters and two combines farmers of Jackson County, Ala., will save 5,000 bush els of soy bean tved and .11.000 husheh) of lcypedeza seed during th venr. L . . EAT and DRINK " "at the ' " NUGGET Confectionery When You Come to thc ' Jacksonville 7 DANCE T'FV Jie -OMlulJf