AMl .... t'.T J.- : .t ,t fc,l- III' Ml i Y ".'. '-'.'It ' f I "- PAGE SIX !r'.' 4t I- I ;A$vSiM by howmrd bo-kfy ' Uii'.VOMMr : Allen- (irnv '" r ft vi " "linfniitW litmiue,'' mjmtcru AlUfM' 0 l'llfl.--i'AO'l rl.l lUT.'lrilt iltnlnitiiet llli' II. Ml r.-Kl Air lilln (il.vt-r. Utttillit t'ltii.t tit list, vmki-a lirr ft ijnirWin'il iiki.1: In t't'ar, ,i,.'ii Jhitini Vi-iiiti: trim ItH-ci An , tlmn tltft iti-rtia nuettt it or,-. Arntilit KrtMbi'tit, morle vimiifirr.- is iuj.-jii mlfanee-i tit , VIvUhhv, Allarn' ahtet-, mltt-it ii iut.jA','l u'mmiit nhttnls hint, l.'f-int'fi-i.tti, Ki-imliei-o trira In vmir 'iv!rnnt! tttlmil Atlrni illil lite alioittinn ill Im AiiAf'?.. A iiiimIi I'lVm, l"Oiiwiii tt-liit Hifiiw ln-rtrtt '-Allium i lit" irli-rn Ail'iit. Iiinliiifi thai flit- hermit nlwl K,-tiiiln fit It ii t ttirrittfulittl In hli-i-liiiiitiitit AUertt. Miii- Kl'ln, tlti-itlilnil jeo. 4ti-fi- unit trli'i't nt Ailn.t. i tm Ii. tn li-iim "Aili-nnli-tn'a" iilt,t li.y. i'ii if Mite litt-iiimin i-nitnttrit In-(-liiniiii)if. hi: t.'litutril titniittlii. irhu l,a innt-n thttii it jn-iii x':iii,uil iiitf.i-rnt iit' A iti-rii. iirln ln-r In -..- til III tliltl till til l.'t.MMT l.i i-ttlHlifllli-l l.lf .11 IMll pltlHtil- ttltl ' Clionlor .12 TWO MYSTERIES ARE SOLVED EtJ.O! Hello! Is Ihut yon. , Kroiiljci's? This Is Max Kltln. set?" ; -i ''How ore yon. Max?" Kinnliirn's voice 'cxiirofised his fuint sunirinfl. "I wnndcr ciould you come over ftere?" Klein wub not (liNiiofieil lo dUciiBH IiIh hiisliieKB over Hie "I km i;onn..lilii(! I want tn tell you. About half nil hour? O, K." Iiu milil. nnd Huns tip. Tor a moment, he sat tlioiighifnl ly. then looked up an a shadow fell itos8 his blotting pad. It wns Kdua Vellamy. tho actress, who stool K in I U pk at him. with un hnpudent .selC-asstirance, horn of Ihe knowl (dgo that she looked' particularly well that morning. "At yon koIiib to build me a the atre, Mux?" (leaching: over Inlt 'mutely. Mies Vellamy took d 'o'te from Ihe manaKer'a open box. "Hare I got an appoint inent with you?" Klein :!aivd at her. "Can't yon seo I'm In cunference ?" '"I'lin It. Max! Yoll nent for me." She paused to lifilil Hi.' cigarette 'uad luhatfil It deeply." "If you hadn't, do you think I'd he here Hit innrulUK ufler Christmas?" "Well you don't look no worse for .11." ' Ho apprak:?d her cilllcallv. ".Muybo yau boI Hainelhlut; useful In your HtocKitiK yeah?" "I.'nirly ornninenlull" Vellamy arched her instep and displayed :vell-turncd unkle. "Voit know 1 always so over his Are you nffei'tiiK nio a eoiitrnct?" "Well."' KM Klein, "that would depend. Yoniro i nt Inisure. uln'l iyr?" ' ' "Yes and you know It!" Her .dark eyes Hashed. "Kver since you i- eahued me." "Hay. Ihal ronilndn me." He reached In his drawer. "Kemeqilier that puhlh.'lly titunt yon raised such a row about?" Ho drew out and sei up in the desk the newspaper Illus tration that Had proved Ihe Una! iifraw. for Allien on Christmas Kve. Hdna stuiQil at the silver flume, hut. her acllUK was almost perfect. Kvon to n inahager who had not known hor so' lonK, her. liiiHn'rot)ce would have soemed tut I n nil. "I sup peso 1 was a fool hut It made tue fiulmin." sshi nilniltled. "Max. 'you won't hold that ti'Minst me? I At' forget about it mid Blnrt amiln. You know very well I've made money for you" ..I ;.. j,, " .' "Yaah? '"'And ' you've ensl me mouey." Klein hit the end of cliiar. "I'm foil lip with your IiIkIi dlddles, hut you do ro over when you behavo-ynitrsrlfi" -, -i - v j Krina was about lu retort, but isomethlnit - In his tiiunlipr warneri 'her to he silent. "All rlRhl." she jsuid. "Cu on, I've been Insulted by ; experts." "You'll think they was a hunch of umalenw whon I net' through," 'He grinned. "iSay. what do you nuake of thin Chrlstnian card?" He 'tocswl the one Alleen lind rareived :on llif1r where-Kdua could see III. . - . .. . - , ; "It II tiippeted to' b funny? Po ;I laugh or cry?" Vellamy looked straight at lilmi m:d her inoutli gruw .hard. i "1'iliaulirkiittvr.!' lie tiuhookoil v iPen-Rulfe from his heavy, fraternal watch-chain. "Did .voir ever heur of ill feuiale named Anaesthesia, or somethl.'c?" i "Ana?" V e 1 1 a in y's finders giipped the nd:m Of Ihe dial..- . ' . "Y'h1i? Yn;i know v.'h.-i I incr.n." lie lliiih'.c.l. "It';; tint unini' ul rune ir.hf-l;ml. 'I'ile kill wil l !::iv.t 'I'll ;;ct ivuh, ho!' UlJ B'f!," " ah-iiit'.'" "Vi.ll Mil! ' II And lb;1!! nuylie s'ic'- !!i ate yiiu In!!. ins a in. in. lo. I cut I;." He yellnw shcrt from h!s MERCHANDISE PREMIUM ! BAN TO BE DISCUSSED ronTLAl iw. Mumitnrtlln-l h uf IPiUt.. 1 -tin l'orti nra wero l nlwt'l wrq t'Miny to (IIhimihi rtcnatc iVi i."tn i hilt 1 ; For Coughs Too Deep To Risk A Lesser Help Crfnmtili.n wan made toilful with CoiirIm from cold. whirR hanp on. A ihrtc-day roiiRli U n daiiKcr nt;nal. There ihr utinnsi nhould lie dnnr. Bui t triflhiR onuRh may iltvrtnp in to tomdhiiiK deep and dilliriilt. Don't you think it wi.e in lur thr uiinnM lirlp, jvtn if a Imcr help might do? frenmuliiion tomliinti tvrn tnajer lielpx in on. The wvrn Iki helps known to medirtil nciruce. One ia brit for one type of ctiunh, one for cither. Nobody can tell in advance, tio the bet way ureiiu tn lie to com bine all in one prescription. . . Creoaole tlamla Tir.t. Here ll ia blended, emultiried and Uvlv. For nntbinK membranri anil roinhaiiiiK cold Rermi, ibe world kmmi noih ing belter,'' ROMANCE OfSADIO wallet! and unfolilod a (elcsrami "Here; it. Is. He siielled It.'odt'.' "A-d-r-a-s-t-e-l-'a. )nor- any 'such; dame, Kdna?" The thin, heavily pencilled Due of Mlfcs Vellamy's tyelivows urched.: "What's tho comedy. Max?" she' asked. "I don't know my lines." Instead of answering;, he opened his knife and picked up-lho f.'hrlrt. mas -card. Willi. Hie point o. Hie blade he loudened the liny creureiil Unit served as u1 mask I'm the femi nine figure of Santu (!laiis. Then he iiioti-.teued the end of one linger. He lifted Ihe couriplanicr carefully and dlnphiyod 11 In Vcllainv. Willi u grin, lie Kitu-k it against his cheek ill one corner of Ills uionlli. Vellamy Ktarcd at him ar- though yhii had seen a ghol. "Well?" idle demanded defiantly. The miniature counlei-parr of ihe pafch l!dim al ways wore, Kivmrd lo her lo In crease in size us Klein Ki'imaccd nt her. Klein chuckled, und.willi iulliillo pulns, replaced Ihe llltle creijceut. "The next time 1 put on ft detective show, J'll write the script, myself." ho remarked as ho readied for u legal looking llllug-tnivolnpe. Without 1-411111111-111. he put Hie Christmas curd.ihe lelegrainund the picture-fruine lulu tl and tied the strings. Then, as Vellamy walchod liiui, wilhni:l a word. Klein arniie and went to Ills sure, lie placed Ihe envelope in u drawor, locked It with a liey'fronc his ringi and put Ihe: hunch hack In his imckei. "l!dna, Hull's In there to- stay," he said, "providing you lell'ine something and then do what I waul." ' Max!" Rhi sprang iip.iiiulverln?. "What are you going to do?" "l.lsien tu wllal" you've got to say." Then' ra detei mluatloii In tiki haste as he crnrj-i.d the room and locked the door to Hie outer ottlce. "Kdna, you fthut KriinherK." She criug.-d. lull nlli-reil un soiiud. "'ou h1i.ii liiui- hei-auso ynu - worn ):i2lnnn. When you saw hlin wild Vivlennn llray, yoti bnught that maiik and followed him to Ills office in the theatre. Ynu wore Hie thin;; so (hat he'd think you were Vlv's clfiler. Yoti know you're nuveiv foiilven her for. Hint, Ml it a Simla Clans stunt. Kdna, Hint was tlio roltciiost trlcl; yoti ever pull.Tl." "Oh. whaL'n the 11. -.e!" tlho cried out hopelessly. ' "You're; oii-and I lllltik Kronherg knowH;". . ' . , "Muyhe. and inavhii not.". Kuld Klein. ."That's what. I'm geWIn' ill. i;rouberg ain't dead, and he can't -afford lo do aiiyllilug uhoul It. Hut you've got In lull him." "Tell hlin!" Kho shrank back In her chair. "Mux! Max. I couldn't! Oh. 1 don't suppose you can under. ntaiid. Yon .Hist think- I'm hard rotten, llclievo It di' not. 1 lovohlin! If he wouldn't' tiaute his theatre for me or put tue In tho plclurus It didn't make any dlfierencei. Ilul-.l' couldn't give I1I111 up.' Through line of these Cray girls I break with you. Then Ihe oilier one wauls ' Arnold. ftood'CiOih Max!' Ho you. suppose' I'd ' ever try 10 klll.hlinV" . .. . ,., "Wellt' what would you . call . It shontln' a itny?" fie glared a'l her.' In dhiKiist'. ' ' . ' !, ' i "11 dhlh't lnleiid -tn hit him." she dohlied. "I wnnled to kill her." "Well. I'll he ilanmeil!" exploili'd. Ma?:. "You're sure one 11 rrlltle shin!" - '. .1 ; l!duu hurled her face In; -hor huiidi.. Klein chuckled sillily"- lo himself. "Now. listen- here." - lie said soulhliiglv,' "Once I told you you had lu-nins. It's r.p tn-yoti to uso 'em, I'll slip this Initi'li in Uronher". and yoii needn't say 1101I1I11' ulmul It. Only you're goln' 10 hacli 111 11 up iio lliut 110 one else reels bothered, anil Kronhcre den t ' hnlil 1111 sr.iilsf c." ' ' yito canrrht his hand In both of! hem and pressed it guilefully "Max, I'll do anything, you sny. You ran 't knmv lion I've. lulled myieir. It wasn't just that I wan nlrnld. I wauled (host Oray Rlrla tn suffer! And I couldn't hear to hnve Arrjf!d tliinli thai I'd do Ihui: lo htm I fti'-sn l iiiuiit hnvo been cimy.1' "l-'orgel it!" Klein grunted good tutdurcdly. "Vtn lufr n lairf of iraf He rap and here's where you n'uke a rhhl linn. I've boen wcnllni: to put you lii 11 play ever nince wn had our r.nv. Hut I s'.vore. sa hi-li in 1. I iii'vce iriiul:! until I c-.inld I'ltnlrcl you. Nov: ynu leal lt'vh!l' Ih" "lago b cli-aiv Kronlicr's nil his .Yi' v luir." ' I.-':: 1: tl" .'. ; Ii- ! , -. Twn t' lvc Ai'co. In tcni:r. row w li.u in.1i,cb way lur the ct:ici. vh!h wniild inaki Miilawfnl tb K'vinu of iM-1'inlntns at IihIu' iiu-ntM iti ituivhano tntTflinniUn. t l:ti i' l-'rroman, inanauor ' i In oivmMi Manufitct mirt nun-1 r.ul Ion. rcpoi'tfil that a oll tn tho Mil mem nl Saturday iw wiled wall mil t-v nly dh id-d Hut .nine couutu be yield to ' viliiie pine lar. miiue lo wild cherry hark, .nine to menihnl, .nine to ipecac, rir.-So we roiuhinr all these lartnra ai ihcir hr.i in a .ingle formula. . For nome rc-ugh. C-reomulinn U heller than ynu need. One of it. farters might do. Hut don't you feel nairr when a miner cough i. treated in the iitiuoM way? . II ,w, KQI Creomul.ion. Jt ro.ta a Utile mure than leer belps -H .'i. , llul your ilruiuti.i iiuai au tees It, . He returns your money if you are disappointed. Voil will (eel paler in any cough if this master help cembals it. Use it promptly. CitiZOMtJLSION for Mffivuli Comghm front 1 oitim M1SDFORD MAIL FATHER AND SON BANQUET TONIGHT AT SEVEN O'CLOCK dinner' win ho '-b.ol 'at T o"ciorkj tlilrf rvening, notortHnjj to pn tiriiiru'rini'nt rf iha oormnitlno to- j l;iy. Thin finnoum-fiMi-'nt wn m:nl i h'(-;iiiK0 11V1V -ltn nrc ox-p'-ctoil, -i nrt duo to ;tn ovvov in ycwtMrJ:iy,. si nil T.'vlhimo, the time kIvch hh 7;ilo. , 'j' h . fiiminitt'd roijupsttd that i'V'ry irinn :nd hoy ho In the! hull a Tow tiilnnti'H tu'forc 7 o'nlm'l; f au thut (ISnnrr may tiirt troniilly. I A flno (MOKrani lnw hP-n r ranod by tho iiiinlVTwu-y wrok rotiimiU.:o. John H. 'ipnr. roKion al wont executive, wilt ho hmv. fi-oni Hpolt.-tiio to tim the iuilrfs of the wiiImk. . Thn I'ommlitro for tho anniyi' Hnvy Avock ni'lchratUm, IicikDmI by Uay lU'iidciHon, fhiilrmun, In (Iiul K. C fladdlH, . V. Wal. km; 6. O. Iloi ni r, Win. Lnn Ilrickr r. m:uut fXi'i'Utfvo, Lurry Schudi a nil Ufiii Nuniiry. x-nt ficio. ; Tho i Ptnftiix (Iranpii, ; J':if,k'1i)n conn-tyS' Voihi'o.t" or:iiil7rd fci'tiilui t( fiirntorri, will mci't tomorrow ovoriiiiK for rou'tilaY FO-ision, it wa-f aniioiiiii'od ibis morning. A '.l.i of new mi-nihorrf .will bo lalioii .In to tho Clause ImiHirrow Vt'Iiillif ;itld will ho llicllldod 111 till riiMiif rluirioi moiitl.or, f all per "Mi iiitfitstod in JoinillK tlio 'Ji'iiii:;!- an1 tii?icd to ) jtrosonl. . Hay Ward Is the mhihipi- f tho now !rain,'o and l-'hti'onoo ral;o, Hoon-tary. IN TALENT MONDAY TALi:.VT. iyiri.(, ?oh. 'IfiJfSpl.) Tllo HnKu'JtlVoH.MMftdlnl iiH m olal ion, wbloh mootH onoo n inoiitb. Ih lo ho citlorlalnod at Tal on t .AlolhoiliHt ohjii'iOi Monday, Krhruaiy .Morii(nK,M. aHion vMl ronvonv at l. Lum-h will Korvod at tbo church by Iho ladloH and nn inMiruotlvo pnpor will bo wlvon jn tbo niwii'noon by tbo prtn bli?ni ' ; 1 i C.v- 1 'a i 1 0 r.'t f 1 f 0 vo ry d o nomination aro woli'omod, , TALENT TAl.lINT, ore., Fob. HI. (Mnl.) Mr. jind Mr.n. Inul Ma.Uori vl.titod' frlondft In Modford Friday ovon lup. Mtv. 'K1!na)iotb HrooKO has boon Ittito ill with flu durhtK the week. .- .MI.sH Mildrod Pnttorson nf ,1'hop lx ami MIkm Vera Humphry of Mori for wpont Friday iilht with MI.hh 1 ouotby Itaimliman ;ior. All of tbo Talont nohool fnculty attcndoil toat'liriW Instimto In Mod ford tSatnrday. Soveial MllidentH if Talont blub school accompanied hy MiM Melon s'blploy ntnloroU to t'tirvallis Thurs day to attend the educational on povition. KtudontM attendinu woro Jo Turner. Orvlllo Iturnott, Wil- loby fan nor, Floyd . I.ohk. 1111 Shipley. Mahlo Nicholn. Ktbpr HoldrhlKO, rartbona Iturnott, Ahl.y LomliiK and Miss Shipley. M ru. KHo (May of Modford- Jf Mpentllni; a few day with her noil. W. i:. liowtoy. Mr. and Mm. FJmer Todd of F.ti- Kcne spoilt laNt Momlay and Tues- lay with friends In Talont. , .Mi, md Mi.i. Todd are iciurnitiK homo from an oxtonrtpd visit in wouthorn fallfoi nlu. Ladle V Aid of tho Methodist church mot at the homo of Mm, McFadden and her ilauhtor, Mrs. Iton;. Thursday afternoon. Ait un- UMi.illy larno orowd aitondoil. (Hit of town vlsitom wovo Mis. Card not. Mrs. Uowman l.rown'and Mr?. Lis ter of Modford. .Y.i ni"ctinn will at 1 ho homo of Mi's." Marwoy Waller-. A MHilt'ini; 1 will bo tnc main fcainiv. Have Kaion and wit'o. Harrol 1 lenilricKson and n ifo and- on Jackie nf Hold Hill vlsiled at tho Win. Katon homo hero Sunday. Mr, A. Whttbani and dy tigh ter t.eraUlino of I'oiiland woro KtiotH of Mr. and Mi.-i. .lack (oi sctt and f.inilly dnrinn tho wook. T;.Unt era do school pluvod, Uouuo Ulvor nr.ideis at Hoiiito i:ifr Fri day ovenln.. Talent lost both names (o llumte Itlvor loanit. A tmckload of Talent- puplln, hoth uiitdos ami hiuh schoil. aucmK-d i ho eame. Talont won from tlio MVdfori ('libs In a eamo of haf.Ueth.ill Thuiday ovcnhiR .UihI beforo loav ln Tor Cm v. .Ill- to attend tbo r-po-IUon. Coo, ('arior nf Medford w.(. h bin nos caller in Tlont Saturday. Mi 1tam:htuan visited In Med ford Saturday whllo hor daimhtor ailomlo.l the toachorw' Insiiuite, Shower .f Friday and Siturdny wero very welcome to tho farmers tad Kunlonoiw In this locality. (w ,inu t. tbo nice weather and (ho ovtvlooi, condition, of the ,,,,., many of tho resident inudr Kar dent which, ho nioatly Im-iio-flted by tbo kIiowoih. Wo biiwn't any r-ally runntnio tlo HiiKittoiis for i ho euro of our nafonnl tondciieiiM to IoaV tbo nan o vnb, but onnrl1mr wo thmit that an nmpllitor fur tbo iiio. of rtiiti'lcnrA wouldn't an bai in.- linruon llei ubl. TRIBUNE, M1CDFORD, ?Hard to Get" Dorothy IUoiuiis Dorothy Mnckaill's IhW.tar - ring vehicle for First Viitlonal- Iliiphnne Is en led Hi.rd to rtet. In ihe supporting can are such fnvril lles lis I hlll les Ielnney. T.oll- ise Fizi-nilu, .Iiii-k Dnkie end Kd- muii'l Iturns, Tho pioittro Ih now playinK tho Holly and will ho tho aitra!tiun for. tonight and tumor- ! row. Tho utory in ity Kdna I'Vi-hoc Big Electric Bill For Cimarron" Shot itvf': "J-'jL. -Mlliklllll ..i "lllll'll to :!ilKhor l.'it niKhi in, tbo it-aln. of f Owo huilt noar Hollywood J4, wif s1om;,1(IIv PX(.cut4.(, i.r th. Kdna brr s.ury , .k ( ... w .( Tbo olccnic inll for on,. .s!i: : ,L , i, ....... .. , , ,t u.'i.-j $ 1 iHi.tmn; U'h it'll moant tba i mt rum ! : i... wmtM in fii'nrifjiy iiittiiicu un H'oai.. . . .. ., , !Mi( fci'i loati and au ffct wide that I (It! larjiO .sun arcs and '1 asMoi-tod ; Jncando.sfont lanip.s woro "ot up' -r-. hnl 17 6 olootrleiaiiH wvre required to opoi-ato the o(iulp mt'iu that it tnoU nino kuh tron oratiiiK plants In addition to a 3;t.-nofl-volt lino to .supply tho o)oo trloity and that notbiiiK of tho kind ban over boon accomplished In. the annalri, of tb(!. film industry. .."('imarron,' oponins booh, at tho, Molly iheiuer., Js (tithard J)ix'.i lati'St Htai'rinp; rolo. Opponito him i.s h'oni' DiHino. Meteorological Report . February HI. l:tl. ' " ' Modt'nrd. flntV Vlolitlly: Toiilfeht and Ttiosday rain. . .Vor' tom poisaurp;. - -' . Oroon: , Cloudy ton ;,ht :with rain wont.' portion," TuoHdny rain wc-it, Hnow and. ruin onnt 'por tion. Normal, tompornturo. 01 oi Tl a. Local Data " ? a ? i . - ? ! JIlKhoHt (last 12 hours) i".i) ; 4S Lowest (Inst 13 hours) 33 Kel. humidity (per ct.) (ill I'l-pplpllatlon Huohos) . .03 L'7 1 Slate of weather t'loudS' Fowwy Lowest tomporat nil liitf 7 decrees. this morn- 1'iilnl proripilal inn Kinrc Sopl. 1., 11130, O.SII Inolit'H. ' To in po ni tnro n yo:u tiKci ttulay: lllKhet-t (ill; lowost 3.".. Sunsot toilny. G : -1 r, p.m. 'Hillirlhp' Tlli'Milhy; 7:IM':i. ni. Snnsol Tiu'nilny. f. :4i' p. tn. Observations' Taksn at' 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time "OI rr ia -- mo linker City in I't ' i l.-in- Hisiiinrck mi .-4 :ii . I'luuily llnlso -lii rtn:ir lK'iivw. -. ,...'... 5 I 34 CI, ar lion Mulllt'K Ml 3 ' I'li ai' l'-i'j.nn .p -is riniiily lli'l.'iia f. .. i' -81- i'luuily l.ny Anm'IcH t4 r.u' I'li-ar Mairlnli'lil .. ... t4 . ' . l'll'ii'liix till -lit f'rfm !., i tuii.t r.n as l'. iMy. iti'd iiiurr s- ' -ii! cieaii ItllHCItllt'fi .'til ;itl Clear Salt Lake . .'... ... 42 : ,T4 , I'luuily Sun J-'rani'tf'ti... "''' Sanln 1'V ..'IN ;ts. clmuly Si-attli' 4K " ' .".s" I', IMy. Spokano ail an I'l.unly U itllis Walla ... 4il - ' t'Hit' WIltlllpi'B 311 I I I'liai- V. .1. Hllli'hlson. Mi'tool'oloniiU 4t lluw ahi'llt KcllliiK Hue of tln!ii iwi-lve pei-Hoiij' iniil. r-lanil llui Kliivli'ln llii'i'l'- u iiiuli'i'lako an explanation nf tin' Wii k'-r-h i 111 r,-p..rl " l.vni-llt.ui-i; .'.'- Don't Go to Extremes To End Constipation . j , t - " "VVSiii lm, flfiMlh, pr 'h' rvmtcl Iniij;!!.', Iiiliuiisiiriw or Jii'iulai-hes nni t iiiiiMi'uiii.ii. riont1 Ink violent iiiiritaiirra. 'llirre'K mi u,e when n riiluly I lifiirel will llie liniil.l,. lu jilTyi will cleanse wmr v-leiii' ilu,Kinlly, iiihI i-tiiijleli-lv. Hie ri'livf jeii ui ,i ir..iii.tlv frtilll Ciisearetrt ! luntini;, t'li.eluel'.i lire niiule trxilii ea.rilru, n miUumv wliti'h itttiiiriil millinritieii miree nr tiMthl al, .'H'llAriii Ihe fc.inrl munl t. Sti Cnwirt!H Are t Meii.iiiji to old with Wiukrniil '.mwTlll; to ihll ilnil; to mivooe in need ul' i suliliuli- iiiir reculnr Imwel Imliila. Ten witti , ,i box nil drug ilorvs. Ol.'KCON. MONDAY. FEHRLURY Irt- mv. at Holly Tonight" n I n-i NuHoiijil liiiih"iir ' ' the author nf "Cimarron." the 1 scnsaiioni.l picture conilng to the j Molly W ertnesdiiy. - Also on ilw program nmi special ! illlllicllon the Holly is showing ll 1 snllnd reel called "The Scout! i Trail It shows tho lift and ao- j UviticH of tho Clrl Scouts in it A J'aiho Xi'Wh lU'ol roundK out the ; i pi'iiKi-am. j Constance Bennett in Craterian Hit roat :ic- Honnott oar- I tulkiin; pii-ttiro voi'Mjnii of tho sen !s:titonal Kuucnii V:ilicr I a y. " j which is now at iho I't Miss Honnoit'K "1-aura" is a voiy believable, beautifully etched char actor.' Sho makes coinploioly ah .soil.iiiK this k'i'I'h striiKle against poverty, hor temptations, her lovo. and her .fight for happinoHs, Sho has in support two oxtremo ly fine players, A'lolplie Monjf.u an the Hitavo, hut very human, "Hrockton"; and llohert MonlKom ery as tbo now.spapor man, "Madi son." who becimio.H tbo real lovo of hor life. Moujou can always he conn tod ' ' upon to nlve an accurate perform a nro, iiiiciu'iunbored by cheap ac Inn trick m. He ma ken "llrni'kton'' very debonair anil very modern. Thorp-is no touch of tlio obvious "villain' to tho character, lie is to b'c found, as Monjou -plays him, .'in scoi'oh of business., oJficos anil clubs in every bin city. ... . . . SHADY t'OVK. Voh; 1 J. (Spl. ) Mrs. lout h who has boon nuitP ill with tlio-flu,: is aKain ablo to in up and doltiK hw work. Mr. Martha Hotz Is homo from the valley. yh.1 has been qulto .'Ick. but is some bettor. lohn Able, has moved bis fam fly into lialpb Hendcr's house and i' clearmir land for Mr. Lender,, Mi. Frank jVhnson Is aain ablo to do her work. She was VM-y p'lorly Iun fall. Avoid Embarrassment of FALSE TEETH Dropping or Slipping Don't bo emharraf-.-'Od nutuin by having your fa !so toeth "Hp of drop when yon oat. talk, laimh or xtieozo. .Inst Mprinklo a little FaMooth rt Viiii i plates. This now. rxiromoly :no powder jjivo.- a wonderful sense of comfort and tsoeiirlty. No sum I my. Rooey tasto or fccllni,'. (Jot iFastoeth today at .1 arm in & Woods or any oihor drntr nloro. iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiirn 3 j. Mcdonald , 19 Merrick's Camp' ;;.''! i You are Invited to present this con i pon at the Mail Tribune office and receive two , : FREE TICKETS TO A TALKING PICTURE , PROGRAM AT THE As a Subscriber Gpet of ths MAIL TRIBUNE WATCH THIS SPACE. If you r a tubicrlber of the Mall Trlbnnt : your name may appear hera tom-ir- j row. only auDacriuerr names be published and, during mi dil l ration of thia offer, all aubscrlben will be given an opportunity to en joy FREE shows aa GUESTS OF THIS PAPER. NOW PLAYING "Once a Sinner" 3 SHADY COVE Hitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiu GUESTS FOR MEETING' !fl FERN VALLEY ME; I FIIUN VA'I.I.KY.'Ore:, Keb. 1.C j J (Siii.i-i-TliP 1'hccniK Thursd'ny-;lub I mea tit the homo of Mrs. It. C'.j 1 Ward lor an all-day meeting I'eb-! I ru a ry 12. A covered disii luncheon j : was; enjoyed ill noon. Mrs. ft. 10. 1 : Marshall assisted .Mm. Ward .ik i i hosiens. I'ilteen members of the! j club and three guests wero present, j ! -Mrs. Clarence Fry of Medford. Mrs. J I Mon is 01 Talent and Mr. ,Tuni j Thanos of this continuniiy were . Hie :Juests. I Four very Interesting reports I , from the lioine economics confer- enee In Medford were given- by I Mrs. It. C. Ward. .Mrs. Mnust, Mm. j ! Dougherty and Mrs. Jess Kdwards. j i A play lo be presented by Ihe j club was diu-iissod. It is planned I unine time in March. . .1 : The club has aitoliled the elevei-J r way of answering roll call by each j I member giving a recipe.- Thi-. i Hl.nle, "ne. t wil, ,)(! 1 ies , . I ! Xne'ntx mueUlll, wili Uo , (lpi. ,me of Mrs. Ted l.ittlefield with j .s )() Steadmuil assistant host-1 ,, q,lis w( minv nieel- ' ..,' ..i. ...t.i, (.n,...,....i .i:ui.'. 1......1. I' eon at noon. I I REVIVAL SERVICES AT E TAM-:NT. Oro..-. Fgli. H). f(Spl.' liovival, mot-iinuw .will; h hold oai h 'Vonin at ilw M. K. oHarch ; " , K, " " ; J;". '"""1 W. w.ll Im - j srst o.i ,y local n.r-mt.ors. H.-v. Ah-xandor ltoniu-a if the M.-ilm- iiorc. Ditrimr th:s wook Itov. disl . btirch of .Medford will brioK the mossat-o Friday t vonine. IV Kinniiie Fobrunry IT."., Kov. Sydney Hall of Ashland-will load the ser vices each ovcninK. Sioc!al mil fir by the orchostra. Stomach Troubles Headache and v , Dizziness If yoor B(jrnhch isr sick, jrdtf am e.-ck all over. Jf you can't difiest I ;.our food; you lose; strength, get t.yrvouB and feci as tired when you ' For 10 years Tanlae lias restored xo health and activity many thou Mtjds who eulfercd .iust as you do; air. Daniel Vineiguerrs, ot 6201) Stiles St., Philadelphia, Va., says: "I have not had a dizzy spelt or a headache since taking Tanlae. . My appetite lias increased, my nerves are in better shape and I can enjoy a good night's sleep," . Let Tanlae do for von what it did for this sufferer. It corrects the . I most oustinatu digestive troubles relieves gas,. pains in tho stomach and bowels. It restores appetite, vigor and sound sleep. .. . , ' - Tanlae is marie of roots; barks and herbs.- The cost is less than 2 cents a dose. Get a bottle front your druggist today; Your money back if it doesn't help you. Tho sale;.; way is to deal with a firm with an cslabli.Hln-d roputatfon for (piality stock and square deal ing. We HtUI'liave a vtiiy complot'? line of nui'MPry poods, both inlit and ninameutul; most tiny plant lor which you aro likely to call, end now ih the time to Get Busy with thill sprinR planting. We have j a tine nini'tniiMil c f shade Iroe.s ard i about SO Cedfiis ri'dur.4 (leotiam. a j tuio'H best LIVING CMIKISTMAK TRKF. We have by far the most complete line of evergreen and tie cidnous lloworin:-; trees and Hbrubs to he found in southern Oregon. We wrn and hold our trado by iv- Quality and Service, 'and hit vr neither the time nor the inclination to haul our i;oihN around nn truck. or trailer-find pod tile tliem fmnr door to door. We ha"o had yearn of experience j and oiiur you free Landscape ; Service , lilnnlliie siit&'ftflorts or ri i'dmfilote. job Hint will plenco willinut' a lot of dinner nliflllt' 4ieillfi eatiwi'ta mill will ulmllve mnleli nm w'ni k with Dial ul any ul (ho noil-siylt'il liind - neilie inellK. TIiIk lu'l'i'llllinl land. mapn ofioit rhnlter is . 99 Pure Bunk W e employ no arjinis. do no ran vasslim. hill, we do xe Hint volt! K"' rellalile Kloi ami ir0lilit sen- ; ' wp ""V- 'hi'iiie way '"l "1 n Unn wllll nn .'f- .. . " '. , ;" "" """ 'i'""" ' "" ' '" '"'"s Eden Valley Nursery I N. S. BENNETT, Prop. jJ Box 1014, Medford, Oregon i Office and Sales Yard 612i , EastizE: Main St. Phone 680-J-2 Suite o( On kou Xuineiynum'K ticen.-o No. 117. ' ' '' " ' ' t '' ' ' ' ' "' , ' each - . GOOD OM ALL TRAINS LEAVING jnaay9 RETURN BY MIDNIGHT TUESDAY Biggest sale of roundcrip tickets cvor offered! " Between all places -on Southern Pacific (Pacitic Lines) on the basis of approximately lc a mile. ' Leave Friday, February 20 and 27. Return by midnight of the following Tuesday., . . t"-'or Wiiihiugton's BhlhJiiy HoliJjys. Some SxampM MEDF0KD TO Portland . . Salem Eugene .. . ... San Francisco t". '-'!' , ' So mtMmzm Pacific ., J.C., Carle, Agent Phonff34 '; I? ' ' West Main at Newtown ,.' . Office County Coroner i in muni i ii tm -j- r rim isi J lll!lllll!lllll!lllllllllllllli!!l!lllll!lll!!lllllllllllll!!llllli!H I" f " utetsm 1 i 1 ::lMlMn : -1 Be on the safe side. Protect, your insurance policies, your, securities, and your 'business papers by plac ingf them in a safe deposit box. For a small rental you can protect your valuables from' 'all1 thieves, even' that greatest thief of alb FIRE-ar total stranger to a safety vault; a ; I I rss I I The Jackson ES'.'ABLISHCn MedI'Ord, Oregon tj ; - Sat ings Safe Deposit MEVirtCR IEDHRAL RESHRVC SYSTEM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GETS F.ESULT8 .13 -. 4W59" : ROUNDTRIPS $7.15 6.00 4.45 9.10 3 Fire Is a Stranger to the Safety Vault County Bank iiiiiii