MTOTrflTOT frfATL TRTRFKT!. lfFT)l?OTtn, OT?F.('IQNr, MONDAY. FRr.RTATJY Hi PMK MYTH 4 i TALENT, SAINTS TONIGHT CLASH ON HIGH FLOOR Victory for Irish Would . Break Three Way Tie With Phoenix and Sams Valley for Lead. Kt. Mary's and Talent hiffh school bnskeOtfill learns play their final game tonight ai tho Mod ford hij;h school gymnasium. It promises t he a fat and hard fouKht contest. Talent has a slight advantage, hav- j inn defeated the 'St. MaryV quintet! on the Talent hlnh floor January! 27, the only 'team which has boon j ahle to heat the St, Mary's squaA j bo far this season in a conference I same. St. Mary's team is out for re- j vonji'e and has boon practicing hard j in anticipation of the clash tonight. Kor team work and fast breaking ofrenso, St. Mary's will have nn advantage in tho combination of j Smith, Dick Lewis and Hob Lewi, j anions the best secondary high i school players seen in tho southern, Oregon conference. j A iai'tfo. crowd of rooters will ac- ; coinany tho Talent aKitregation to1 Medford to witness the contest and St. Mary's will also be well sup-1 plied with a 'bitf roolint? section, St. .Mary's, I'hoenix and Sams Valley ure now tied for tho lead In the southern Oregon secondary basket hell conference, each team ; having won Hix fiuine.'i and hvt nne. j Tlie Talent maidens and St. ' Mary's academy girls' team will have their fling in the preliminary, which will begin promptly at 7:30 p. m. These learns had a hard struggle in their last game. Talent winning by a small margin. With Rod and Gun By Ernest Rottel 2nd Dick Green 'JUMPING JOE' TURNS WRESTLER A young buck deer which wan dered down too far from the hill country discovered its mistake too late. Walking across tho Pacific highway near the Jackson Hot Springs Saturday morning, it was struck by nn automobile driven by J. Arant of Ashland. The deer was almost instantly killed. Deputy (lame Warden Hoy Parr was noti fied and the carcass was turned over to charity. This is the first fatality of its kind reported this year and the first to have occurred on the valley flour for sometime. The state game commission is beginning a program to centralize its hatchery equipment, according to n recent report made by Matt L. Hyckmun, state superintendent of hatcheries. Instead of building new small hatcheries to supply tin; various eotinlies of the suite, the old establishments are to be en larged and improved. A number of new ponds, flumes and pipe lines have been installed at the McK ensue hatchery near Kugene. A new electric pumping system has a Ism been installed. This was dune by the city of Huge no as compensation for the flooding of ponds which had been operated by the state in river sloughs. They became flooded when a dam was constructed across tin? stream. IN SPECIAL EVENT Harry Klliott former University, of Oregon wrestling coach, is ex-; peeled to demonstrate his ability i to advantage when he meets John 11, eastern Oregon wrestler, at the Armory next Wednesday night jn the special event preceding tho finish match between 'Henry Jones, Provo, Utah, and Ray Lynosw, Se attle. Klliott Is well known in Mod lord and southern Oregon from past performance, both as a wres tler and referee. I Ho has bften developing some j new holds which he will probably introduce to tho fans Wednesday night. Breese Is regarded as the welterweigbt champion of the east ern Oregon section and has been winning mutches with such regu larity he is said to he eyeing Klliott a:s another workout, However, fans who have tseen Klliott in ac- tlon have different ideas on tho KUbject, and are expecting a har.l fought 'battle. Jones Is the former holder of the world's junior welterweight cham pionship belt and is anxious for a win over Lyness to pav the way for a championship match, which may he held in Medford if the at tendance at the next card is promising. Another step In tho direction of centralizing the hatchery work was the construction of the Fall River hatchery, 35 miles from Jlend, replacing the Tumalo hatch ery, abandoned because of water conditions. In the winter, freezing temperature stopped the flow of water and in the summer the water became too warm for fish life. The new location is fed by largo springs, which have never been subject to freezing. Centrali zation, Mr. Ryckman pointed out, aids in solving the problem of pro viding fish food. Small fry need such food as liver, lungs and spleen, hut is not always available locally and spoils quickly In hot weather. At the present, the, com mission is renting - cold storage space near tiro hatcheries or hav ing the food shipped by express or truck. The hatchery is then at the mercy of the shipper, the common carrier and the weather. ! (I!y the A-so,ciated Pros.) The Washington Huskies need j only to win one of their four re maining games to cinch the north west division championship of the Pacific Coast conference series. The mathematical pixsihility of their losing seems so remote plans aire avidep way for holdiag the ( coast championship meet at Seattle i next month with the Huskies fac ing cither California or Southern California for the title. The two southern schools are in a tie and will wind up their regular schedule I next -Saturday. The 'Huskies nosed out a -I ' to 5 4 2 victory over the Washington State Cougar.s Friday night and pulled another out ot the fire Sat urday when X'ed Nelson, sub for ward, scored a field goal in tin last two niinul'-s nf"plny to defeat the Cougars. LN to L'3. I Oregon State won two gainer from Idaho. 37 to "24 and 17 to 10, and as a result is tied with .Washington Slate for second plao la the conference- race. Oregon and Oregon State renew I their civil war at Kugene Saturday night. Preceding that the Weh loots tackle Idaho at Kugene In a two-name series tonight and to morrow night. 'Washington State and Idaho meet at Pullman Satur day night, j The standings: I w. I.. Washington 1 1 1 Washington State Ji 5 Oregon State X ii Oregon 2 9 Idaho 1 10 ducted as nn important part of the hatchery department. Kggs must be held until they are eyed, and then, if the temperature is suffi ciently low, they may be moved safely for a period of from ten to twenty days. This permits them . to be shipped lo the various hateh- eries where they will hatch a nd the fry will develop to six or eight inches before liberation. H KKIR NFFfl ONE GAME FOR mf0m4 Plans Under Way for Series J$$& if With California Quint to Mj,gl Determine Pacific Coast pF Vt M Title. Lv u M f ' Hoy I'ruiu, loailoff m;in for tho KlUs' U':im, capturcl fnwt pl;ici honor StiMtliiv ar'ji'noon in tin1 roll ol'f lii'twm-n tin lii;:h sroioirt tlin-inK tlh' w-U. IMiiilt'.-i inliil nf . ; li.'in' fuiir pins timr.1 thun lil-i !nmin.4U'. IdiiKti Kiuikin, i'itllil. 'rile first four plat'CH woro i-:tpturiHl hy ttlt'tnlil'i'K of the juitl'M-oil live. I'ruilt. in a pmctico name, also tiotl owney I'atton's season record of L'(i7 pin.s. is; Watson, D,. Mann's 1 I'rmvfonl, J., 'I'ek'O.s 1L' (Myth, I... Teleos !l Harton, h., 1'e'os Mlreene, I)., Typos. Hutchison, Copeo... I 'ofUn. li., M. w... . INewlaml, U., at.s.. ' tlrinsiiy. .1., Tvlios . Hailed;, II., -1'eloos Hussnrn;, 11., I'opro l.e.-i, c. 1 1., Mamrs Del.lsle, A ., Telt tilll. II-. M. mil's . Mullw. I''.. Tel, 'OS Hal. man, I... M. w. I WrlKhl. II.. M. V. . hinton. Mann's .. 1 1 1 .". 1 1 9 12 3 12 U II 12 I .Muffin. i rolinan. Ma n n' i.. M .11.1.. 2102 . 17 1 :i 1 2 '.' 4 172TI 21211 i:,:t:-. 1 2112 1117 I ll!l iiii;:i 2(17:1 1112 7 1 1 :i I II VI :i r. 1 2 17 ix; li :i 12110 14-1 141 144 112 Ml 1411 1411 1.111 lllll Us KM 1S4 111:' 1 II 2 I 22 122 I I 7 PRINCETON AND HARVARD PEAC E PACT HII SNAG 1 Hoy rruitt 1 limn KanU lack Ciilt 202 Krlckson.... 177 Baylor ITS .1. Murray 1 Ml 'Pom N'oud ISO Ken Jerome.. l!li X. Newlanil ... i:t: ISll ma ISO 1 7 is 1:111 ir.2 1113 171 in ii 1 r.a 172 mi 172 1 :m 131 r. .-- 1 fi,"i4 r.r.i i r.09 ; Mir. ! 4 11 1 ; 4IU 4 ii n i InllU idllill Averages. "Jumping Joe" Savoldl, who tore up opposing lines as a member of the Notre Dame Ramblers, has turned to the mat to make money to I educate his sister, brother and himself. Here he is about to toss Dr. P. A. Minikan at Los Angeles. He ll make his oro debut in Kansas City February 16. II sessed the (iite of ehampinn to day, a tier ha vim; wmi the third animal Tn hue-Sierra dn lerby over a field of men. Ihivino her team of eiwht setter (los uver the ItO-nilb1 course, she held her lead in elapsed time of two minutes, sixteen seen n d s ihrou;:hnit the rnnnhiK. Her to tal time wan T:iST::l. (Jil MeCay, IN-no, XeV., plae'd Mrs. Thtila ieelnn, dof team ; seeond and I toy Stover, A.shlon, nms'ifi' of Met'all. ld;tbo. nos-1 Idnbn. third. llahn. A., Nat HaKen. A., M. T. . Uounsberry.l., M'l' Antle, V., Ciales I'ruitt, H., Klks I'atton, O. ,., M. T. Saylor, ('., tlates Kads, (J Klks Noud, n, Xats KriekHoti, l-'., J'.lks.. Ward, T., Xats Dianiend. V., Klks.. .leroine, K., Mann's Moore, .1., M.U.I, Xewland, X. M.D.L. (iattv, !.. dates Kanltin, )., Klks.... Cill, J Klks Caiman, M., lates.. Shreve, 1!., M, T Xats I fi -Murray, .1., Tyiios., 1 .'( I'riee. 11., (iates l' Tyi'ee, I")., CM'o Tt Troxell, V.. Nats ti 1 lauen. I!., TypDS ... I Watson. ,1. V.. ,M1K 1 f ii I 5 TAIioK. "al.. I'Yb. 1 1. for I Heath. II., M.ll.l,... l''eiKii.son, 1-;., Tvpos .lohnson, II., M..W. Callaii, Copeo.... 1 It. 1 1 iM. K., Copeo Kahltlek. !., Kllioll. t, Tvpos. ... Wiilson, 1. .M.D.I,. I'-lnley, 1!., M. W AnilreM. 1., ctl. W l-u lit, 1... M. T HllnnL' K.. I'lini'il 27 tl 27 31 211111 212S 2 114 4 2il27 2 1 DO 2 0H7 2 fill a 2 0411 2030 50 7 1 r, i :i 2 0 1 S j.r.ii! 2 (HIS 24S0 24 7 I 1(1 117 24 3. S 24 3a 2 4 2 1! Id 3 II X I I 11 li r. 2 3 SI 237(1 2 1113 23in 1 S 3 11 1(1 fill iiir.r. 111411 17S7 1 IKK 177S 17(12 2 lliti ' 1 it 2 SKI RACE ROUTED t FOltT KKA.MAT1I. Ore., I-Yli. Ill (Special.) Warm spring like weather eontinues to remain in the virinlty of Crater Lake and Fori Klamath much to t he dis pleasure of ski raeers training for the annual -1J mile ski rare to be run on Sunday, I-Yhrua ry L'nd. 1l t Colder weather or snow fall would lt;;i!be greatly ap)ieeiated both by th" skieis and the rare committee In charge of the Kifth Annual Winter Carnival. Stockmen and farmers in the K la mat h ba.sin are also wishing tor more snow in the mountains, litfl 1 7"i 171 i i; it 1 l us ' nir. ! 1 i hi Hi 3 1112 1(12 1112 11.2 llil 1 ".II ir,:i K.a 1 Til ir.3 15(1 1511 ! (!,. .ill 14(1 1411 14S 147 144 114 that woulil Insure heller ranwe feeil anil pleulyof IrriKalion water for next season. The snow fall In the Caseailes is far lielow normal, there hein only 11(1 lliehes at Cra ter Lake at this time. SCREEN 'BAD MAN' IN HOLLYWOOD HOSPITAL HOLLYWOOD, Cal., l-'eh. It;. Dr. Clarence Hopkins said to day a successful operation was performed on Louis Wolheim, "badinan" of the screen, to correct a weak nesH In the region of his appendix. Jlo was nn the operat ing table about an hour. Xi:W YOLK, Fob. It!. (!') A possible et in pi teal ion In Ihn re- tly resumed athletie relations between Harvard and . l'rlneeton app at i-d tiday in the decision oC Vale Athletic authorities to end Its font hall season awainst theso two rivals in alternate yearn in -teud of having Harvard as n final opponint annually. Whether it was the bejfinnlnK nf a move toward th k revjval of the old "bitf three'' in Tootball an action which might ham per friendly relations remained in doubt as the action met with strong undergraduate criticism from Harvard. The experiment of playing Prin e ton alter tho Harvard game, which has brought thu Yah sea son to a close mt thu traditional Saturday before Thanksgiving since tiHio. Is to begin this year. The revised Yale football schedule calls1 for Vale to meet Harvard No vember 2 1 and l'rlneeton Novem ber 'JS. The Xov. 14 date, orig inally allotted to l'rlneeton, Ih left open. A three-year period has le i'n set for tho alternate arrangement. It is to he eontlnuetl after l!i:U, "unless and until al tered by mutual consent." ftrfBP- Mokes W 1111 Makes vou feci like tmreclf affOU, At one time, it was thought that the county should have its local hatchery to properly supply tho streams and lakes In the immedi ate vicinity. Modern devices have largely overcome the old transpor tation problem, and distance does not mean the loss of fish it once meant due to lack of oxygen In the water. Trucks are now equipped with three tanks of oxygen, at tached to a pump which distrib utes air through the water. At the present, reports M r. It y ok man, most of the ra Inbnw eggs are taken from Crane Prairie and Diamond Lake, with the east ern brook eggs coming from Kast lake and Paulina lake. As a safety measure. In case the present egg taking locations might become de pleted, the commission has closed Cultus lake and North Twin lake for rainbow and eastern brook eggs. To keep Diamond lake up to its present high standard, the commission is ha telling and re turning to the lake about- 15 per cent of the eggs taken from it. In the past two years, there lias been no difficulty in securing all the rainbow and eastern brook eggs that the hatcheries can han dle, according to M r. Ilyek man's report. Are To Be Congratulated ting ihe Spitting Evil" Says DR. O. FLINT CLOUGH Health Officer, Poultney7 Vermont Egg-taking activities must nec-j ATLANTA, Feb. Hi. (tVi The essarily he conducted at the source roster of mail pilots skimmfng of supply and are therefore sep- across southern skyways today urate from the hatcheries in was stripped of n resourceful pio- fnstances. Nevertheless, this sea- neer Johnny Kytle took aloft a snnal work, requiring men oxperi- plane here on his day off and fell enecd in handling ripe fish, is con- to death while stunting. Coming Back By Pap Moody M' M em- 1 4 MS turn n FLNT CUOUGH. M. D. - FL,n , FGE STREET fc- - - pOULTNtV.VT" Ms- 1 .ffleriean CiEr Co., 1U Fifth AYonuo. L York City. t,0citi-9cfWo nUyth..i. p r,terosts hare. C 3inin5 X notice. V-inter.. U"'e .ttontiontot.oe.iU orfrOTRprre8Pittoi.-v- 40 not eous. I t0 Ooll mor. cirs. m0TO 'Lesteain-nn. oitttrB you ao .on. t0 for You can use this 10 UOaWn .inceroly 1 i i 0FCro ... one of 56 health officials from 56 different points approving Cremo's crusade against spit or spit-tipping. Every smoker, every wife whose husband smokes cigurs, should read Dr. Clough's letter. "Who are the friends of 'Spit' ?" YOU MAY WELL ASK THIS QUESTION WHEN 56 IMPORTANT HEALTH OFFICIALS HAVE WRITTEN SO STRONGLY ACAINST THE EVILS OF SPIT OR SPIT-TIPPING. Dr. Clough writes: "...fighting the spitting evil ... is going to make healthier citizens." The war against spit is a crusade of decency. Join it...Smoke Certified Cremo a really wonderful smoke- mild mellow nut sweet! Every leaf entering the clean, sunny Cremo factories is scientifically treated by methods recommended by the United' States Department of Agriculture. SHE DOf JSmT TWlkMC" SHET In this period of cold weather and tracked lips, above all insist on a cigar freo of the &jlf germ. Certified . . . THE GOOD 5 CIGAR THAT AMERICA. NEEDED .s.-'. r. n Mi". in a Mftj 1- ; I"-) 'Ot lis -f. .V) KGLAmO ToONAME.Mns THIS YEAR- ' 'I Afw.rl'.n CifMr Cn.