Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    MKDFOIM) M Alii Till Mil NR M K1 )!'( Ill OK'KCOX. MONDAY. FKMIlt'A l Y Hi
The. OamfiRi suit of Morris E.
TlfckwJth. it;; of Ashlunu. ;hruuKh
Ilia pnrents against Kleunov and
J'. H. llai'tly' iIho of Ashland, for
$20,rO0, for uUf-K'i rtamai,'os sus
tnirii'tl last May while turning on a
hol-wauM- faiici't in a house owned
I tho ikiulyn, was opened in the
Hreitit. couri tins morning.
The complaint ets forth... that
Heck witli 'a parents heeame ten
antw of the Hardy property and
that when ihe youth turned on the
hot water l'awei it broke off. sev
ering temions and nerveR in the
palm of ihe liand, ciuisinK loss of
the use of the index t'inKer and
Kive hundred dollars is sought
for failure to finish up school
work and SL'O.OOo for mental, phy
sical and itermnnent injury.
The complaint cites flint younp
lleckwith was forced to journey tit
San Francisco for expert medical
The defendant is represented by
Attorney ("Icnrfce M. Roberts of
this eiiy and the plaintiff by Attor
neys ,.M. O. YVilUins and W. L.
Tooper of Ashland. ,
Cladvs A. I.ovoland, wife of T:
.1. 'l.oveland of 1-lunle I'oint, died
in a hu al . hospital late Saturday i
evening alter a two works' ill -
IiJ'SS. !
Sin wax born in f'auada, Peeeir.- 1
If r i:s, She wan a iin-niber,
of the Mcnnoititc church and tho
Sams Valb-y craiiKt? and leaves a;
wide circle of friends. Mrs, i,ovc
: land Is survived by her husband
and one daughter., Elsie. j
' Funeral services will be con
ducted by Uev. Hose of the Xaza-
: rpne church, at the Conger chapel
at '2:'.it Tuesday. Interment in
i 'en t nil point cemetery.
Same, is True of Hills Bros.
Coffee, Which is Never
ftoasted in Bulk
Whon food is cooked in small
quantities, the mixing, the appli
cation of heat, can be controlled
with much more exactness. An
umelet, for example, made of three
"ggs will turn out more tender and
fluffy than one made of many eggs.
A similar situation occurs in
ronsting coffee. When roasted in
bulk it is impossible to control the
heat exactly. Some of the batch,
therefore, is overdone and some
underdone. As a result there is a
variation in flavor.
In the invention of Controlled
Roasting, Hills Bros, found the way
to insure an even roast in their line
blend of coffee. Only a few pounds
at a time are roasted by this pat
ented, continuous process. When
the roasting is finished a uniformly
delicious flavor has been developed
auch ns no other coffee has.
When you buy Hills Bros. Coffee
it is always fresh because it is
packed in vacuum. By this process,
air, which destroys the flavor of
coffee, is taken from the can and
kept out Ordinary cans, even' if
air-tight, do not keep coffee fresh.
Grocers everywhere sell Hills Bros.
Coffee. Ask for it by name and
look for the Arab on the can.
Hills Bros. Coffee. Inc., San
Francisco, California. C1S31
l-T. A. Birthday U .
i:trtil, .) tin lor llixli. 1
A huso birthday cake with 3 1 1
candle commemorating the found-
inx oi I'aient- earlier work, was ;
the comer of attraction at the;
Junior Hijjh I'.-T.A. meeting Fri-j
d ty afternoon. Mrs. (1. Q. IVAl-j
Mnl, chairman of the Junior liiwh.
unit. In ha Line the cuke, hrtd ;
placed a number of shiny new ;
dimes In it. which, together with !
the silver offering, add si. a imat
Kiim for I'ii rent-Teacher ex ten-'
nlnn work in Oregon. I
.Many niothei-H of the. new .Jim-'
ior ilinh pupils were present a!
ku -Ntn of the association.
The debate on "Chain Stores" :
wart won by the negative side.
Kneh u-am reflected splendid
credit on their respective coaches. '
M r, Keeifce for the ueifatlvo and j
.Mrs. Church for the affirmative, j
.The pupils on the nesative team
were Suzetto Wtonnett, Karl I lar-,
rison and Hetty Thorndyke. n j
the affirmative were Herbert Neil-j
sou, l.eiih Kvans and .loan, i
.Miss Marjnrie lion, accompa-1
nied by .l ins i !eneviev Mrcwn, j
Mins two delis ht fill numbers. i
.Mrs. Lester Fay. with a croup
of Washington mothers, served
refreshments durins the' social j
Mission Group to .ce:
With Mrs. Tot ers.
The .Missionary society of the
First Methodist church, . south,
held their n.;;u!ar business meet
ins Feliruary :t and made plans
for the World's day of prayer u
be heid in that church February
H) at i:4.
February 12 the World's P,oV
and Girls' club entertained their
parents at a Valentine, party in
the church parlors, and a larse
number, enjoyeil the entertainment.
Mrs. l'eteis will be hostess next
Tuesday at her honi Von Cot t aire
street to members of the Mission
The January ... (meetins wfi
held at the home of Mrs. Cobb
on Kins street. Mr?', Uico .suU;1
on "Stewardship."
Mrs. rurlice Honor
iuest at Party
Mrs. K. W. Sesessninn was hos
tess at a" party at . her home,
"Uogueside Pines"; at Shady Cove,
honoring Mrs. W. I). Durkee of
Medford. on Thursday. The after
noon was spent in jtinmpsi after
which luncheon was served by the
hostess. Guests were: The honor
Sliest, Mrs. Durkee. .Mrs. C. Ham
mock. Mrs. W. MeCulloch. Mrs. O.
Fleecer. Mrs. D. Hoffman. Mrs. F.
Hoffman. Mrs. M. Jenks, Mrs. W.
Fisher, all of Medford; Mrs. R. ;
Pritchetl,, Mrs. II. Conner, Mm." C.
litaesH, Mrs. M. Trusty, Mrs. 1.
iiow.e, ,Jlrs...K. Reader... Mrs. ,M.
Hiiller, of Trail. ,
Mr. ami Mrs. Hates
KiUimi From Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Hales re
turned to . Medford : yesterday on
the- Shasta from San Fnncbco.
where they have been vae:tllnnins
for the past three weeks, Mr
Hates huvihK joined SUs. . Hates
there on her return from southern
California. Mrs.- Hates had been
visitins in I .ok Anpeles, Tin .luana
and other southern resorts two
weeks, before com ins lo San Fran,
cineo. - .
; - :' ..
Howard P.-T. V.
To Meet Tm-Mhiy.
Thp P.-T. A. of tho Howard will hold its rcjrulur meet
ins Tuesday ovenlns, February IV,
at 7 :o'f p.m.
'Founders nay," nr ihe.r.Uh
nnnivrmiiy of Parent -. Teacher
work, and the. sixth unniversary
of the Howard P.-T. A. will be ob
served at this meetins. An P
proprlate prrsrain will be siven.
All parents nnd . friends are
ttrFod to nttetld'iiiino Purtv -II.
U. .Corliss Home I
t'tie of tho very pleasant Val- I
entitle partien of the week-end .
was si ven by Kdythe Stump and
Guy.. Corlisc. joint hostess and'
host, Saturday evta:as. I
. Cardi ami dnnciiu wore en- !
joyed until H o'ebwk when lun-(
cheon was served and the sur
prise Valentine cake was cm. Th. !
" surprise.'" a wedding rint. was i
di.ovel od bv Miss p..irbara San- j
At mMnlphl M!hs fciamtiM's lr
cnnio tho hi'ido of Mr. K:ni P.iua
low at a v.'iy hlMiiiiriuiK ancl rl.'VOri
iniipli-w.'fl.linf;.- prrlYrmr.l !.y T.nn j
Williams. , !
f:ufs.s ttvrc: Mtii-t'.aiol ll'.mliPS. i
l.laillc Murray. ISctll -:p!litiM. liar-:
Intra Sanilprs. Maruart'i .Mt'Uinu.i
Hdytlii' stuiuii. 'i'.Mn Wiltiaiur.
itcntnn Newman. I.eo l-'ranks, t:arl
licaliivv, tlarnld Arctior anl
Puri'au is manager f thp Niral
t";nleiflla and divith'il hr
limp Ihhwppi lutstiipsw ati'tl iloaK
iiip whilp in tlip south.
Nuptials Announced
K. W'ulraih wpiv iinjioil In marrl
K, Waltath wof .Pd in itiatii
auo at tho purKnmiKti of tho Kiln
Itsh l.titlipran cliiircli Fphntary
Hi. II. ('. Kuiili laMTni mins th i'tr
pinony. Mr. Walrath is otiBuRtal In
t-oii: true-linn yvot-K in Alt'dfonl,
whiln thp uridi' is a st'honl ipachPf.
Thoy ut'P ntakiti home in
M (Hi fnnl. , . .
Wedding Told '
llowaid .MrKiiilioy and Miss tior
liiidp Arnolil ol Mi'dlord wpro unit
I'd in in.UTiaito at tho nprsonaRt of
the lCimlish l.iithpuin chniTh Sal
tinluy. I pliruary I I. Dr. II. C. Kitnk
pcrtonnliiK the inaniaKP pereinnny.
'1'lipy wcto all. 'ad. mI by a Kioup !
intitnatp friouils.
f.-... -l?ti
rnp rniiDTuniiQF - wisisiew
I Ull UvUll I 3 lUUUb u
ore throats
Quickly relieved
by rubbing on
Puvy flee Circle . j
. The Husy Pee N'ecdlecraft elide
wat entertained at the- home " '
Mrs. Jeanette Kvansler Thoma
Uoad Thursday. officers were
elected as follows:
M If s Elenore 1 lays, president:
Al iss Fr-'da Slack, vice-president :
MVs. Anna Kvansirer, necreiary
treasurer and news reporter.
Dainty refreshments were served
by the charming; hostess..
On February 10 the club will
meet at the home of Mrs, Anna
Kvansizer of 2u0 Tripp st reel.
Card Party Announced
For Tliiuible Cluh
Neishbor Uottie Samuels will
entertain the members of the
the Thimble club of Chrysanthe
mum circle No. 84. Xeishbors ttf
Woodcraft with a card party on
Wednesday evenins. Feb. IS at
her homo. 1 oi' Queen Ann ave
nue. All memboi-H are reu nested
to he there early as installation of
officers, will be in order before
can! playing starts.
MKs Hrooks 1
Celebrates Hirthday,
Miss Kdyihe lirooks was hostess
Saturday afternoon In. u number
of., friends, celebrallns her birth
day, (lames were enjoyed durins
the afternoon.
Guests were Dorothy Gould,
Dorothy Mctonzie. Frances I trad -ley..
'Hetty Jean McU'enzie. .Mil
dred McKenyJe. Grae? Chestly,
Jane Goo id, 1 loloren C("ld nod
Dorntliy Gnddls.
ItuKslan Tea
Planned by Club
J .Mrs. Kawles Moore, chairman of
I the prosram crtmmittee, announces
that a,llusHian tea will be the next
liuporluiil . event . on the Greater
Medford ,clul) prosrn'm. ,. The tea
will he held Monday, February 23,
at the home of. Mrs. Louis H. lium
phrys. .A prosram- of lUissian
music will be presented.
Women of Holiiry
Postpone leeilns: ;
The meetins of Women df Ho
tary which was to he held l-'ebnt-
"ary IS has been postponed unlll
Wednesday, . I'ehruary 25 accord
! ins to an announcement made to
day." The group will be entertained
ist that lime by Mrs. W. W. 1. Holt
at her home, 11 Corning Court.
Mrs. Knimeiis Itctumiiig
I'Yoni l-Uist' TomoiTow.
Dr. .1. ,1. Kmmens will leave
Me-lfurd this evening for San
Francisco, Where he vlll meet
.Mrs, Kninifus, on her return front
a month's visit in Philadelphia
Thev mnv continue to southern
i California, to vacation for a week
or 10 days before reiurnins
(.iiild MceU
I Tho crater Lake Guild of the
First Presbvterian church will
j meet this even Ins at the home
of Mrs. Harvey Fields.
Miss Ilurenii Home t
iFtoni ('alifoinla.
MiSH Corn P.ureau returned S.'it
urday morning from southern Cali
fornia, where she bus hemi onjoy
Irs 'n weeks of sntuhine. Miss
Dinner Party Tomorrow
l or It. P. W. i lab.
Members of ihe P.uitCPrt 'n'l
Professional Wo in en's club will
motor to ll'.ue. Flower, lodse t
morrow for. a dinner iiarty ;nd
interest ins pros rain arransed to
complete the evenhis. Cars will
be leaving the Chamber of Com
merce buildlus at ti : l "i.
.Mrs. Ilortz Is
Ketvitt llotes
Mi-s. Lena P.ortz of Fnion Creek
was hostess to a number of Trail
ladies at a dinner party at her
home last week. Guests included:
Mrs. Minnie Hlaess, Mrs. Lillian
TriiMy. Mrs. Cecil Pritchetl and Sesessman, all of Trail.
Women's Clas-s
.Meets Tuesday.
Mrs. Witherall will be hostess
Tuesday afternoon to members of
the Loyal Woman's class of the
Fit si. Christian church. Mrs. Wilh
erall resides at iMO North Ivy.
The . county court convened to
day to continue its tusRle with prob
lems arisius from tho selection of
an architect for the new $iMi.Vouo
county court house to he built litis
year on the Washington ta hool site.
Accordins lo tho coinmtssi(met s.
the county crurt "will devote Ihis
week to heavy thinking, and ligur
iK to make a final selection of an
architect" some time next week.
Tho county court Is endeavoring
to arrange all preliminary details
and have the bids for constitution
let so that work can slart tho Mon
day following the close of school
net June on dismantling the
Washington school building.
The county court has no Idea
who its selection as architect will
he and is considering all applicants
and welshing their merits, recom
mendations, etc., and "trying to se
lect the one we think best for all
concerned without regard to poli
tics." Following tho selection of the
architect comes the foimal adop
tion of plans and tho letting of
bids for construction no trivial
problems in themselves.
I r ' '-''-Sti' -1 itrr ri run J
-Jt ml
The Siirff "that
What the Girl
Scouts Are Doing
lly Mm: 1. .1. Willonl. .
l.lheolii School tiirl Sp.outs"; al
K'ntioii: 'I'hPro will hi' a short
inpelinK on TapMrtay nltpp school
this wepk. for all (!irl Scouts and
Id-OHpcctivp ScoutK of Lincoln dis
trict, ucntpmhor thp tlmp and
1 Troop 4. of which Miss Ann
Vmvr.ll lu p-intnln now mprt In!
the club room down s'.nirs in lhp
library. The mpptlns nlpht l
..a Dm tlmp iu 7 n.m.
Thin troop Ik cnniliospd of .lunioi
I linh snulpntn. ,
Twenty - IVur mcinhci'M nl' the
h!..t u li-n.ui piiIovimI a WOPK
pmt trip out to tiirl Kcout cami
last . week. Ontsiilp nl nc""K
sliKhtly chilly . I:i t lio wpc ma'.
hours of lh'' mortiln. tnprp wpiu
.....litln.. t Mlud.Wnl-
clcn anil Mia, AVillils acciunpanliMl
l hp (.'roup. . .
Several are now .iimliliiK
plans for a troop pr."Mram 'to put
on Ihe a'r' ilurln tiirl Scout P"-
..I..A ..r l...n..a...ut nli..ti W.'l I lll'llaV
..Cnnll,,. rmm r.:30 In- n:4r.. Tlll'i pt
is a Kieal ileal of lalent .iimonit
the Oii'l SeontH and we know, tne
programs will bp- Hood. . '
4 : . - -
Christian O. Vnelkner died at ,
his home ihree miles northeast of
Medford. early Sunday morning of
ealarPinpnt of thp hparl. lie was j
a native of Itremcii, flcrlnany. !
born Marph 31. lStii'i. lip came to!
Ihe United States with bis parents .
forty-three yearn atio and bad been !
a resident of near .Medford for ihe
past ten years. Mr. -Voplkner was
n member of the Modern Wood
men of America.
He leaves his wifp. Mlnnip and
fivp chlldrpn. font sons and one
daughter; llpnry and Itprmun of
Mpdford. t'arl of Kay Cee. Wyom
ing, tleoi'KP of Midwest. .Wyoming
and Mrs. V. T. shea of Medford.
Funeral services will bp held at
the Perl I'nnPral home Tuesday al
l':00 p. m.f Uev. Kimk officiating,
lntei'iiient in t:enlral l'olnt cemetery.
Every reader of Richfield
advertising knows that for 1 5
years Richfield has been the
"choice of champions." With
more victories and world's
records than all other gaso
lines combined, Richfield
helped make champions . . .
and was helped by them.
It always takes reverses to find
out whether a person or an
organisation has the "stuff
champs are made of." The
crown is not won without
struggle. Those who know it
best... sense, in Rich
field, that fighting
heart that is the mark
of the champion.
Richfield is fighting
back, courageously
and aggressively.
True to the tradition that,-'
built it from a small local,
marketer to one of the major
oil companies, Richfield is not,
deviating one hair's breadth;
from the quality that has!
made the "Gasolineof Power"
famous the world over. ( '
Richfield want's your bus
iness . . . and it is asking
for your business because
it knows that you cannot
buy a better gasoline or motor(
oil. Regardless of Rich-
field's importance to western ;
prosperity .and!'
western, industry .j
you are asked to buy,
on QUALITY and
service.: .':
"Fill it up". . at any!
Richfreld Station.
1 St'ery by
Author of
The Great Picture
Coming Wed.
Mrs. Addie-Ii. Vllcnx,,84, nnMher
or Mi's; 'v. ntvh.trdsof:" of the
Valley nnicl, HochurH. who died
al noon lat S:itnnhiy In that city.
wan wll. known in Medfoni and
the valley.
Mis. Wilcox, who for a number
of ypfint hml boen iftaklnR her homo
with hei dauchter, came to Ko.r-
hurtf with Mr. anil Mrs, llichnrd
sn n n yen r a ijo from M ed ford .
wheis? Mhe nnd provioiiMy resided
for a In nir neriud.. She h sur'lvert
by one son. Uulph Wilcox of.M"d
fordi and two 'laughters. Mrs. Siel-j
la Armstronj; of Denver, and iln.
Kit hardson of I Inn - burn. i
Waltet' Anile, who soils Fpril eai's
when hn" Isn't -witinn pnptryr was
tntlay wondering when tho next Is
sue, of Who's Who In Anicrlca will
he published, as4 Up. lliiuks his hi
nruUiy will he iticlutletl- in the
vulutue. alnnK- with other .fifinnus
poets, - .
Suluriluy evenltiR his namo wna
unuotiiHtl as ono of Hie thrpu win
nurs of thn t' Kasollno bpoks Riven
hy the (lllmnro Oil company In
their radio "circus." .
Tim following lines vei' sent' lo
tho president or tho. company In n
roglttlDivil littler: ... ,
"I've sent you many snappy versos
For your longest souk.
And though I've walled patienlly.
No priito has come alotiK.
"ThoiiKh j've received a postal card
Which said my rhyme was Itcmi.
That doesn't seem to win me any
lllu C.reeii Rasollnn."
Hear the "Richfield Reporter" KMED, 7:30 sharp; every night this week
Tlllauirinkn. :.' Wrlcht and '!' Asloria- llitt- Addln will wreck Itlds op'eaed lor cloarlnft'rlcht'of
XI. HdR" took over Raratrp formerly , itiHInlshed thealvo hilildltiR at llth way en- IIcpi)ner:Spray highway,
known nn Norlliwext Motor Vo. land ('oninierelal stieets. Oreson. prcject N'o.HU-D.
Dorothy Mackaill
Milk Distributors
and Producers to
Meet Wednesday
Tho mill; producers of th'n vi
einiiy mul ihe loml uiilk. d'K
Iribniors will hold a inectitiK
, the Hotel .Midiord Wedne-d;iy
j Kcbruary 1 !i at 1 : :i) p.m., to whh h
i ull who at e i nte routed are r '
I Mitn'ooii to attend.
and a Great Supporting Cast
Knsy on the eyes, hut hard t"
net. Walks home from morn
auto rides than other Kirh, are
invited In. I '.111 you ought to see
u what hajitlens wueu sue linen
hikes lo liiveland with a RaraRc
mei lianic. a
' Sotto1-
"The Scout Trail"
A tound reel of Girl
Scouts' camp life and ac
Regular Holly Prices!
Children . 1.
Adults .
ll ounces
PrctfeHor A 1 v 1 ri lldwn'ni O'Kons
Vc I of OnKon Stuto Collie -will be
in KoinhiiJi OrtrKon next -week to
judHO tho debates between- teams
K-pi'CMontinK Medfgrd, A h h I a n d
and ('.raulB Pass,, in this- confer
ence. The first local debate will be
held Wednesday evoulfiK. .February
2. at 8:30 In the Piesbytcriun
( lunch between the Medford ih-kh-tlvn
and the Ashland affirmative.
The debaters nro Donald Durneillc
and Max i.'nrter. The local iil'flr
matlvo team, lleli-n Wilson find
('come llennett, will di-hate the
Ashland n p b a I I v n. Wodnesday
afternoon In Ashland.
Medford and Crnnts I'aspi will
dehatt- ThiiiMiny, With omT of the
eon tests to be held locally. Pro
fi'KMor O'UoMHUi will b the only
.liitttfc In the noiithcin Oi-pkoh con
Safeway Store
East Main Street
Closed Saturday
sMlW lllsll llllliai llillrf'-
i ,. .
It'i double acting
Use K C (or line texture
and large volume in your
Alinntiiv'eriii-nt wa.-i , nimlo .today
liy .1. I'. .lultliul n. ilti'.ii iM inan-
lt.r of- .Saleway HtiHOfi. that llH'lr
ICasl . 1 1 1 : ii street uliue wan eleweil
Sntilr.lay, tin. lease on ihe
I IlililillK h ivlni i-Miiieil, "I'd Hie
lilole' H':i i'oll'-olnlled w.tll
i l.e mi Weit Main tte t.
Mr. Mimliliurn i-uyn the uiuterial
'(villus aflecle.l In uvi'illearl anil
nther i'Nt' iii'm hy oia'ra'iw "hlv
one wt'ire will he (liiH.ed on to
ihelr I'liMtonii'rM.
A. II. Andi'iaon '!lt rontlnii"
IX munaltl'l' of Ihe W'e.t .Main
meet ntorc U. I. flio-lle. f"t'
tniTly ni.iiiuBer of the Kant M.Vm
Uriet Ktorc, ll have nmn t"
oierate one of th ronii'ali "n
largent aiorn In WiiKliiiiuton.
Here is a wottliv com
panion .to the Maying
Washer. Brco.u.10 of its
'exclusivfl' Alitlcrome
Thcrmo-Plote, it hron
fatr ajvl irons better.
It is a separate complete (
unit whititi can be uiieri
ia suiy room in the house
PHONE for a Maying Washer,
B Maytag Ironer or both. Judge
thorn on performance in yottr
home. If the Muytag doesn't
sell itself, don't keep it. Divided
payments you'll never miss.
NEWTtiN i. tt IOWA
forodtd 1I9
m.iy li.iw tit AtlWjf .
Aluminum tVmihrr i
niUt IM Knity't '
Mayt( rMlia kotfr - , .
over N.B. C. co,t to ,
coa.t blue network-
every Monday 9.W. ' v .
P.M.. K.8 T -- 0O.
C.S.T. -7:0 M.T. , .....
6.00 P. C. T. . ,
M ' ; 1 V Ma vtarr Pacific Comoanv
222J5 Sixth Street ; ' -I ' Portland. Oregon .M
. The Maytag Shop - -r 1
10 Noith Biwtlclt St. riiono 1200 Medford, Oregon