PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREOOX. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1931 Iocaland Personal ItiUliWiLjr. Application Today .'. LdlUan Jlarvey plana to spend $1000 for a dwelling on Lincoln KtioJ,. nndj Arm.le ljuteman plans to,buil(i a .dwelllnp on .North Itiv orajde' avenuo at ft cot of S1600, acordfnj; to applications on file today (it -the .city building depart-mo-ni, where an application was also on flit for A. J. Johiuwm to bupd a houw on Stark ptreet nt a coitf of 1000. Condition Is Improved Mra h. It.' fJloom, who under went n major operiaion nt the Sac red Ilcajrt ..hpHpUal, last Tuesday, wiifi rrpoitod to be HhowliiK ceneral improvement today. . It was the upcond operation sho had under gone 0ut:lngr the pah-t our weeks. J'rom Oregon CI tie , Anonfc buppU from Orepton cities PKistercd iU'., local .. hotels from Vtltn outside of. Portland, nro L. X. leaver' of Corvllin, Mr. and MlW. ,w. II. Rkzov and Al WnRner 6t -EURenc, AJ, V... Thompson anil son ,Lc Epperhart of -Oedn-port.'and JVlr., ur.d Mrs. C. A. Pnt chett of Itoneburff. ; . Turkey dinner Sun. soup to des sert. 50c. Huson's What -Not. 325 Mrs, Jtirjiert Keiuniinx: ilrsl Jud Iilckert, who has been vUtlnff relatives In Portland since Uxnt .Friday, i expected back in Medford .this evening. , jiurn heavy rpuh and Smooth blocks; ,they last Jr'mjier. "Med. Fuel wo.,, jei. bji .,. ,. ir Itejwia Two 'jvuy Tlicfts ' ; Arthur tiehoenl reported to the police today that, pplty thieves stole th ido curtains iind blanket from hla'oadjiter ivjuio parked near the Armory. !.J;tmes' Citmpbell report td 'thftt th'leyeo onterml Jim parace on liaveh sUfet tyst. hiuht and tOjle.three tireji from hi(s auto. Bip carnival dance nt Jackson villo Saturday nUht, H:30 to 2. Jtfnw Mmon In Cllr " Mls Vrria '.Simon of i;ant Pass, who I with the Copco com pany in that cltyWp!' 0 visitor here yerterdtiy, ' ' ; TurWe dinner Siln.' soup to des- KeMV 5fe. Htiwin's 'Whnt-Not: ' 825 Want IM-al Jnfoimation . Th' Ohiinfber of Commerce re celved 11 letter today from Mm. Urb.a.ln HerrlcU oC Alpha, Ida., ask ins;--. Xf InformflUon .concerning Wdord an.d Bouthern Dregon Mrs. Ilerrlck has plans of coming to .Medford .to make her homo: A lyer. of Inquiry won .also received from .G..'L-V Pfelffor 6f Bnlonne, , harden cultivator., S3.00. Mu- tuiti;.Mill & Seed Co. tf MIM Bui-oau Itetum Miss Corh' Burenif arrived hack iri" 'MedV.ofd 6h'.the Shp.sta today trqm' 8ih Pijanotsco" where she wptn me pasi iwp weens on ousi- : hono Ti42.' " We'll haul rt W af y yh'tir rtr6se. City Sanltrify Service. 237tf Addnpfls Army Tortlelit Knsign Pack will speak nt the Salvutioft Army hall tonight at 8 p. rti, His subject will hft 4,A Dl vidod 1loufV .,'hy lequest, and in In fcoeplnp Wittt a new feature of the Saturday tilght Salvation Army meenjngi. in. -which the., iiuhjecui nre to h choHn by the congrega tion,, iyeryopfijji , Invited to attend the' Re't:vicOs. ' . . ,.' ' ' ' :t,'! TIerh,s. patAloguo free. - Mall or- (em iniea. i-ouih ij. jieupos, i. N. V., 413 W. 2fd St., Medford, Off J9 yeV In Medford. Phone lf--fa ' "' . . 327 Hot urns from N'ortli Attorney A. E. Heumes returned by train thWt forenoon from Kalem. yrlur he.liud hee on a business visit. . ' 'Krytnlglow; kofl:ik jtlow sP rcTpv. ' The rca'slcy., opp. Holly theater. ' if Gtiesis from Portland Included hmrtitg guewts from Portland registered nt local hotels are. O. F. Hinr, J.. II.' McTeters. U P. Itarrett, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Morrison, F. 1). Ouinn. Cnr rlo a,nd Jane Adams, Ham Perkel, tC. L. Mnthes, It. K. Carlson. Geo. W. Woods, W. S. niory. (V T. Uprd, F. A. Watson, H. M. Word. Ij. 3J. Mann. it. D. Gill, llnrry Alexapder. W. F. Serjeant. CI. H. Poterson, E. C. Hocker nnd H. C llakcr. Earltest of All eed potatoes at reasonable prlc. H. K. Jaekmnn, Malln. Ore. S25 Mrs. Vuinalilia leaves Miv. K. yamnsbtm loft on the Shasta today fof Seattle, where she Wuuh to mipnd three weekfl vUlt- rry fir slnbs $5.00 per load. Med. Fuel Co., Tel. 31. tf Army plane Arrive Four army plnnes, en route from the Hoetng airplane factory In Se attle to Mather flying field In Cali fornia, arrived at the Medford air port 1aM night nnd wer preparing to Continue their southward Jour ney this afternoon, after having Uefn delnyed by rop.iri- of thick weather in the Siskiyou mount. tin district. 'IVholn eastern corn. II.' Mutual Mill A Reed Co. owl. tf VLIIK Nleor llrn Wllld Tout, member of the 1'tlited tau, pontofrire ntuff al Klnmdttl VallK, t.pept y.viterdny in IhU city vielting his nleee. ,Vrfaret Ilennl.y. ttn sulphur, oil upri.y. uriien atenf -ad; Nfpteiiiier pnymenl Phnnj' C7K.: Aledfoil Fruli r.... Ind. III1 Leaves iroKtl(ul ' Hob KmmenH, pon of Dr. nnd j-Mrn. J. Jr Kmment whoha heen i In the Snercd Heart hospital re jcolvJiiB treatment for complications j arising followint: fln attack of iiiurniv, returned to hit nunte mm nipht, . Ian Cupltl Is Active The eniinty clerk's office iKRued innrriaKe lleenoe Joday and yen crday to Hubert Hild, 25, and Gladys Hamaker, li, both of Axh land; John Iiobgnod, 36, and Laura O'nrJon. 26. both of Ahland: Mal colm Simons, 50, and Adelaide J'hftir. 42, both of Medford; John Hemphill, 3.', Shenandoah, la., and IUeanor Abbott. 25, Kansas City. Mo.: Charles Jteed. 21, and Mary Hersey, Ji, both of Walnut ruve. Cal. . Vk carnival dance at Jackson ville Saturday nlKht, '9:30 to 2. Was Jtcmovcxl Jlonie Mrs. V. S. 1'iihl, who underwent an operation at the Sacred Heart hospital three weeks ano, wa.M re moved to her home this nonilnj,'. Oood clean plump whlto wheat, $1.45 cwt. Mutual Mill & Seed Co. If ClalniH JOamaffi'M for Wivek The c. 1-, Oaten Auto company was named defendant in a damage action for $1000 filed yesterday by J. u . FUsh, who alleges 11 car, the property of the defendant and driven by Ban O'Connor, was op erated In a careless manner, caus ing II to crash with hi own on the Pacific highway south of Phoenix last December. Kih eU forth his enr was completely ruined and that he sustained injuries which kepi him from work for 30 days. Jn Medroid TfMUiy X. Cyo'si of Klamath Falls and Hoseoe L, Iirsrm of Prospect were visitors in Medford this forenoon. Washington Itetrlmratlotm ' iuests from the state of Wash ington who reKlftered ns guests al Medford hotels Include Mr. and Mr.s. M. M. Mitchell of Anncost:. Hert L. Tuner and E. K. Itiddle of Camafl, and the following from Se attle: K. F. Sfrattford, Mr. ;nnd Mrs. M. If, Peyton. L., K.' Pheljis and Fhineas Pendleton. Rthelwyn R. Hoffmann's are of fering entire stock of Modart Cor Melettes at half price. ' 330 Mi. Itu fftCKs Leaves Mrs. An llttrgess left hy train this morning for Kugene, where who will join her husband, who lyft for .that city last week. They plan to mnlte their Koine there, where Mr. Purgess has purchased a busi ness. 'IMg carnival dance nt Jackson ijlle Saturday night, 9:30 to 2. ' 325 Prill .Sheet Melnl Works does expert repelling, fender and auto body repairing. ' tf ( Iii'iiiiiwiin al Mcillnril Hold The Chemnwa basketball sound from thii chemnwa Indian school near Salem ara guests' at the Itotel Medford while In the city. They played the local high school quint last evening, nnd will meet them In a return encounter tonight at the A rmory. A Tew remaining felt hats now nt tl.nn, formerly priced up to tl'O.IHI. at Kthelwyn U. Hoffmann's. S30 . A'tah's best coal ."i.TiO per ton off ear; 'Med.' fuel Co.. Tel. 631. rmlenrent Opi'i-allon Sum', 'm Mbrnzett underwent a miijor opernllnn this morning nt the Sacred .Heart' hospital and Is reported' lo be getting along nicely. Illg carnival dance at .Inckson vllle Saturday, night, !):30 tiV 2. ' ' : 32T, for grade A raw milk, call sno. Campbell Dairy. Two deliveries. tf ,ltcni-scnt tcur Kiate lalirorniniu i-eglstered at loivil hotels Include .M. Colby of Eureka. Mr, and Mm, K. y, Matson of Wan Mateo. I. .mil. Joseph ;'. Jlopklns and J.leui. Ij-e I. Wasser of Kni ramento, John M. Clark ot Mather Weld. I'uul K. (.-ossehnan of Lo Aliueles, an.) the fnllowinu from AtiuelcM n. l l.'iin..r l .ir Zimmerman. Mr. and Mi's. Hoys V-atson, A. C. Swnnson. fl. CI. Mc- Combs and (.ieorge 1). Phillip. Smnrt spring hats SI .49 to ST. CO. Tho Kin my l.oii lint Shoppo In tho at. M. Store. jsj For grade A raw milk, call KM, fnnipHell Dairy. ' Two deliveries. tf Nolo Collet Um Kought I'. N. Fauvre filed suit In circuit court today ngtiinst the Pompndour Mineral springs compnnv for the colht'tion of a 'promissory note for $,'i.3.'iH, claimed to be overdue. O. H. Ptitler filed suit against c. W. ymiin and others for Jioon claim ed to be overdue on a promlssotv nolo. P r o k e n windows reglnzcd bv Troxvbrldqe Cabinet Works. 230tf Piililli-ll)- for tireiroii A two- iwiue ni-tiele on Orecon Ik contained m the current Iwue of the Pacific (.loldnmlih, u San Kran eineo trade piihllratlon which cir culate among the Jewetry trade. The article carries the headline. "HedlBi-overlnir the West." Hopes and vision of plnnceni renllted in the Oregon of today. The nitlele Is Illustrated with a picture- of Portland with Mount Hood in the dl.-inn.e, a picture of Swan Island airport, a modern combine in ac tion In the eutern Oreon wheat field and one of Oregon's bl-i treen. The article- nnd pictures we:-( furnished hy the puMlcilv .lepanmrnl uf the Portland ch.-tin-her of commerce. New Kprln- ntyle hoe nnd on very, Jj.ii;, tn 1 .". i. nilllinery II 9S to $5.10. The Hand Dox and .shoe Itox, :':-a U. nth. i:71ievenliiK Our new studio !. llolly ihe.lter." The P .pposhe new I If1, KINGSLEY HERE TO GET STOLEN AUTO t SUM-. Miiffcriiui; frohi .the 6;ffects of a holdup engineered in Utah by James Kinsley, sentenecd to deatli thls week for the slaying of Sam Prescoh, A-'hlond officer, J. Christenscn, - ownoc of the car Kingsley wan driving when he came to Ashland, arrived in Medford to day to drive the machine back to his home in Halt Lake City. Chrijrtonscn has an ui;ly scar on! h!s head where it bad apparently jbeen struck by the butt end of a pistol. The treatment he received was such that his health has been Impaired ever since. "Two men called my taxi." Chrlrtensen said this afternoon In recalling the affair, "and gave me an ii(ldres in Salt Lake City. When we reached tho destination, 1 got out of the cab and opened t he door. As I was standing there, the smallest of the two men, who I have learned is Klngwley, nhoved a pbtil in my stomach and made some harsh remark. That's all I rem em ber until I f 011 n d myself, gagged and bound, IS miles up the road toward Ogden. - 'The bandftd had thrown me off In a bunch of weeds about a quar ter f' a mile from, the highway," he continued. "I must have been there Tor sometime before I re gained consciousness, tin I had lost considerable blood from cut on my head. Th etwo men had taken the robe out of my car and cut it Into ribbons to bind my hands and feet. J was also gagged. They tok most of my uniform and ail of my personal property l had with me. "They took the floor mat from the rear of my car and placed it beside me. It was covered with blood, he concluded. Chrlrttenscn said the assault took place November 11, 1 030. He had no Insurance on the car to protect It against theft whil ebeing used as a commercial carrier. He plan to leave tomorrow morning for Ctah, by way of ISoisC, Ida., and looking for h passenger or two to take with him. In giving his- version of the holdup, KIngsley shoved the bur den of the blaino on his partner "Irish,' and denied having used 1 pistol. He admitted, however, that Christenrton was assaulted and that he was left for dcudrUlong the road. A .variety to -.the unsoawuuiblo weather that has been prevailing In Medford nnd vicinity for some time pasf was tbe falling nf .20 Of nn inch of welcome rain during last night and up to r today, with light sprinkles at times after that until early this afternoon. More rain forecast for tonight and Sunday, T,he parched -ground iiulckly drank up hist nlrJus rainfall, which at times felt faster than i could bo absorbed and caused water to run In the street gutters and gather in puddles in low lying ground. . I'hiN rntn was a boon to the soil In the way of enabling better titling and sowing, and will lend to revive the grass of the lawns and 'give shrubbery .needed moisture In the city, is Just a trifle to what Is needed and the general hope it for much more rain before the present cloudy spell ends, t , Tho rain of lut niHht in the first real rain to ra,1l in Uio Uy and vicinity since January last, when .25 of un Inch fell, al though the last p rev Urn ji rain to: fall before last night was .01 ol an Inch that came on the morning of February 1. In all since September I. up 1 a.m. todny only f.7 inches of rain had fallen here, and there i a great deficiency yet to be made up. The annual average rainfall, bused . on the rainfall of many years past, Is IS. 10 Inches. The temperature continues to be warm, with n minimum of 43 this morning, which Is two degrees collier than the year ago todny. minimum of a , Hill lluj- of ' Ja'(k'onville in-each on the MiUJect .of will The Journey's End," at .the Church of tied. Holly and Haven street In .Medford, Sunday evening, Febru ary 13, and a special iiuurlet will slim "Knd of the Head." Several from Jacksonville plan to attend this service. Mr. liay bus been as sisting with the revival seivi.-es'at this church. W. A. Cbllders and on Clifton and dausbter Maxlne of P. Apple gale were In our city Sunday .-n roule to Medford to attend church. The next regular meellng of the tloyal Neighbor lodge will be held Tuesday evenini:, February 17th. Neighbor SlaU-nilth. disuu-t dep uty, will tie privcnt. Mi. Vivian llano of M.slfrird was a dinner miesl of Mis, Fred Kick Thursday. Jacksonville l.oy Scout troop ),. is pl.tniQiih; on (he fatber ind son hjniiuet of the ( riiler Lake council held at .Meilfoi-il Monday ,l;u-k Sb.n p i.f J.icksi.nvllle re- colly .:i-.e, aw.iy at the Masonic home at Forest t! .20 IN. RAIN AND MORE PREDICTED EOR TOMORROW . 1 JACKSONVILLE I l laid to rest in the Masonic seme Forest Grove. Mr. Sharp t Was ' nearly 'O-'yeawof age. lie had lived in Jacksonville for the past 20 years and left many friends iicre. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ituteher from Thompson creek were calling on friends and relatives here Tuesday en route to Medford. ; W, K. liny -made a business1 trip to 'Kagle point Monday. Members of the Royal Neighbor lodge met at their hall for a spec ial meeting 'Wednesday afternoon. Work was done on the hall. All 11 f iue:i-cti I 'J mn t? i rs. A I )) II II J thl4 hein,- ih .VnJfd tnrJm Jtrirtuian prcrcni, first time sjie lias teemled for so m lime. vira p a .,... .. mijo!'1"" 'he ndvertineil xiieclal ehlcken jilollie rirltt attended a ineetini- ol,,nnor " h -'erved. when the kit - the DuiiKliteni of the Xi!e at A.h-iphen r"ne K. '" " and ceased land Saturday, the fi'rM mwtlim function.- of the new officer.. This wa an all day nicotlnK wlt!i a luncheon at noon Mr. nnd Mr. .1. D Ri-nu-n nf Kirmn hlKhway were d nner xiiesl in tlie 1'. J. Kick home Sunday. Mrs. Alliert Shaw and daughter lietty from Medford were r caller.s at the Wakefield home Thur day. Mrs. Joe Mclntyi-e has been ill several day, this vcek but U now Improving. ..." The Itoyal Xeiuhlior club Is planning a benefit dance to given in the near future. Miss Vivian Wilson attended a "l "B1 "" '' one "me Valentine' partv at the home of! 'njll Hhe shoved the raw biscuits on Mrs. fieorge lies at Medlord Kri-!'1 P"""'!' ne'f and several alrendy day evening, given for the gJrfs of the rtebekah .club. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis and Don ald Dorothy of this place, acconr panied by Mr. and Mr.s. Hud lw rence of Medford, attended the dance at Walker'. , hall, Central Point, Saturday night. Mrs. itobert Kinney. Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Joe Mclntyre spent the day Tuesday al the home of Mrs. K. O. Meirifield in, Medford. Miss Kate MoAndrews, who pa.-vi- ed away in Medford this week, was biid to rest Tuesday forenoon in the Catholic cemetery In Jackson ville. Miss McAndrew.s waa u cou sin of Mrs. Maude iiuckley In the Applegate district. Miss Margaret Dunnington of J ;y kson vl 1 lo. non io r of M ed f o rd high school, was absent from school two days this week on account of Illness. . IC. Dunnington Is having hi on north Fifth street re shingled this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Neldermeyer and daughters Joyce and Clariotte Ann. and It I c lo con Itichard, of West Side district, and Hev. and .Mis. K. Iverson were dinner quests at the home of Mr. and Mrsr.Ileu ben Ulxby east of Jacksonville, Sunday. , Mil. Louis Jennings and Lucille Garrett ot Medford were visitors at the s. K. Dunnington home Thursday,. Miss Helen Kane, who was seri ously 111 for some time at tho Sac red Heart hospital, is now-vrecov-erlng nicely at 'her home In; Jack sonville, i i ... Clcorge Witter is recuperating' rif the home of her Hlster, Mrs, i)on aid Kennedy, from a receu oper-: a lion. Mrs. Joe McMalum, formerly of this place but now of Multnomah, was calling on old friend here1 Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. J. P. Sheley and; daughter. Miss Wilma Sheley, of ; Central Jolnt. and a friend (mm i Kansas vfsltcd Mi lfie MtjCuIly Wednesday evening. ; , I Among those from here who at-1 tended the Legion smoker at the Armory In Medford Monday even ing were Chester Purse 11, . lici t Hudson, Clyde Smith, Alfred. Nr ris and Clint Dunnington. Mr.' Hrownlee in .visiting his daughter, Mm. C. H. Dunnington, at her home north of town. Dr. and Mtn. Punch and chil dren of Medford visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Punch of th's place Tuesday evening. . Central Point boys' high school br.sketball team and two team mo tored to Jacksonville "Wednesday evening, conlpetitig with the Jack sonville corresponding teams at the local -gymnasium. Jacksonville high school team was victorious bv a core of IT to 13. Our high school boys have won the last three games played. Jacksonville town team won by a score of 33 to SI. The local glrlf high school team and tin local girls' town team play- ed, with the town team winning to 23. Mis. S. l. Severance entertained the Sochi dub of the Kastern Slar lodge ' Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in sew inn. P freshments Were served by the hosier's. The ICeottomle club of the Jack sonville Grange met with Mi-, Krh ost Xeidermeyor In "West Side dis trict' Wednesday afternoon. Twen ty-five Indies were present refreshment were sowed hostess. . Lovely .bv the TEST ON TREES Tf!,; One hundred nnd five Interested fruit it rowers of the vulley attend ed the demonstration in treatment or clt lorn tic tree held yesterdny at the Youmr A Hall orchard in the 401 district, conducted by t'ounty Ajtent K. V. Wilcox. The method of (renting trees with Iron nitrate fov the contvol of yellow leaf or ehlotojds was explained and demonstrated. Inasmuch s the numher of chhrntlc trees In the vnlley Is utendlly on th Increase the meth od of cnntrol Interests the grower more nnd more. As h result of the demonstration yesterday many pear trees will be treated with Iron nalts and thin lo broucht h:iek to good health and production attain, j Owunif fitr Kent. Covtumeji forull ocr;l.ns. prices reasonable. f we haven't the coy tum you want. wVH make tt. Sou t hern Orro,n :n; Co . 421 Kast Main. Phone 9ti. 3:s. BELATED FRIDAY 13TH JINX HITS .2 -4 rriuay tne 3th was a memory nnd. everything was, going ajone: nicely in the kitchen and restau oppnriment of the Kconomy c,roccteria Xo- 2 lh" forenoon, 'until anout an hour bf-foro time , " . ' " r"""r mP" ly f ' 'np n?e 10 operating ; again j ...... men i.iiu-i joe ..icivinney, ' """K peuo COOK 111 place ot ! I;ovl-;' Waymack, who lx on the I "lr,c lvlth n injured hip. and i m-i unnini.lllLN, lllKeillCr Will) me waitreHses. hesan a frnntlo mruK Kle agalnrit time to have every thing ready by the time tho noon luncheonlHts would begin arriving, shortly after 11 a. m. They succeeded, but, only nfter much running around like hearties llffowl and making noises like the name. Katherine McKlnney waa ";'BU mm tne oven. Harbara McOuat and ICIizabeth Robinson were so fussed up that the former's hair turned from the Clara Bow shade to grey, and back to' red aain, and Elizabeth Jtobinson nt times turned out cups of coffee from the urn when customers ord ered Ice cream sodas, and greeted newly arriving customers with a pleasant "Good evening," until the situation was fully restored to normalcy'. ; VATICAN CITV. Feb. 1-1. (VP) French and Canadian wireless sta tions' repoftedto Vatican' City "to day that while the papal ceremony was being broadcast from here Thursday a soviet station sent out continuous signals on the same wave length, 19.84 metres. A similar report' "was received yesterday trom French stations which said that these signals Inter rupted, badly the broadcast mes sage of Pope Pius and that a news agency had to have the" text tele graphed from Koine for general publication. According to the report of the Canadian stations, the Russian sig nals were constant but the Vatican City' station was so powerful that It drowned out the soviet sig nals. ' England also failed to hear the program properly and, while sta tions there did not inform the Vati can of the reason, newspaper dis patches said there also It was a case of air interference from a so viet station. ' I- arming operations are tfolnp: ahead here with a hann. Teama tractors and men are in the fields, plowing, cultivating, .sowing, roll fnn nnd spreading fertilizer. Pruning, h r u s h-htirnlug and true-netting crews are at u'urk In the orchards, with, spraying for scale bcHinnlng during the last few days in one or two orchardn. .ludglng hy farm activities here one would '.way the financial de prew.ilon was not materially af fecting this resion, , as farmers aro going ahead with the usual seeding of grain crops, alfalfa and clovers and preparing the soil fr corn, potatoes and gardens. A closer analysis, however, would reveal that fewer men are being hired and much Improve ment and development work that had been planned. Is not being ,n,, ,hrusli lack of funds and the fact that materials that would have to he bought arc priced fat above prices of farm and orchard products.' The force at the Modoc orchard was Increased hy several men dur ing the past two weeks, and It i- said that the cook house will be opened about the first of March and several more men put to work. News, of the striking of n vein of cmil while digging a well In tho Sams Valley district reminds old timers here of the excitement, caused many years ngt when vein of eon I was uncovered on what Is now the Charles Dunlap ranch and it was thought for a time that oil had been discovered. .Mrs. Itardmun and young son. Neil ;iMur, returned to thelrj home here Saturday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hi own anil on. , Hubert of (irnntn Pass, spent Sun day here with Mrs. Urown's sis-, tef, Mrs. V. K. Scbafer and chll-j dren. j lllenn Wilson who has been attending- art school In Portland. I has accepted a position at th: Kox i'rntoriun theater in Medford. i The Tnlile Hock Hlble Ntmlyj class en.1yed a covered dish lun cheon at the M. W, Pavisson, home Thnrtay Yumn. The follow-j lug members were present : Mes-, dames tlertrude Hart, lllancbe Oregory, Minnie Dtmlup, Mnruaret: lydiard. Vlnona Wilson. Hose' Seabrnoke. Hose Snfce. Mabte lavlson, Jessie rase, Vtuby Wriubt nnd Mis (irace T.yd Inrd." Mrs. John IMck y of the Mo do.' orchard t. ha vine dortal work done In Medford J his week I no many friends hetv f fail Qnackenhush are Klad lo know that he is Improving In health, alter a siei;o throat trouble ami mumpt)iml will soon v -turn to hu h'Mne at the Table K'U k oivhnrd. I TABLE ROCK . ! 3 ! p'"'? d"r'ns "I,st Ke0,;- "-"an nttontlon of ' thp ffovprnment 'o Ihelr iiredicamem, ' formed the I liSK.;-t new k of tho week in the,; I "Pinion of CeTil llumphrys, whoj was. picked winner of the cski-. ' . . ' T V 1 he Mall Tril.une and the journal- . ... .i.-..i..iu ..if.. . (...... va- linn. liy Cecil Humphry-". "Thousands of men who were unemployed, started riots recently In several of the large cities of the Pacific coast. police stated that some admitted being com munists and were held in Jail. 'In Portland lidiculous demands wore made ' upon Mayor Gobrge L. Baker by the leaders of theh riots, and were warned' by' "him to )e careful of what they said. Sacramento, Oakland and' Los An geles also had riots, some which had serious outcomes. "These riota brought to light the unemployment situation of the Pacific , coast and perhapn now the coast states will attempt to remedy this situation. Most peo ple wei'D under the Impression that unemployment was 'not so j bad' along the coast, but now they will see that everywhere ' people must be helped. J "This event in perhaps the big-', gest news event of the week, es-j pecially to people along the coast 1 hecaufc it will probably start bills to aid unemployment in the legis latures of the states. ' Although leading authorities state thai the depre.sHidti. Is almost over It will take perhaps two years or evon two and a half berore it is com pletely over, therefore this latest show of UnempUiymont along the coast must taken seriously and remedied, if possible.'' Meteorological Report ' -. : February 14. 1931. - -' ' ' Forecasts ' Medford and vicinity: Tonight and' Sunday, vain. Normal temper ature. ' Oregon: Rain West and local rain or snow oast portion tonight or Sunday. fc' V .'I i ' o . " y - Local Data ? a. ? ' . ' "5 i ' Temperalure ( Degs.l pt . ; -''4f Highest "(Last 15 lira.)., 'ill " til Lowest (Last 12 lirs.) .. M -II Hel. humidity (Pet.) 28 ' !7 Precipitation Ins.) 00 .20 State of weather.. . C'ldy. Light rain Lowest temperature this morn ing, 43 degrees. Total precipitation since Sept. 1, l!i:S0, 6.117 inches. Temperatures a year ago today: Highest, 68; lowest, 45. Sunset today, 5:43 p. m. Su ml vise Sunday, 7 "07 a. m. ' Sunset Sunday, 5:44 p. m. . Observations Taken at 5 A. 120th Meridian Time M. HI r r .. i u u o - . , , ,11?, SJ 2 CITY : ' ' ? t ia p; a? ri ! Ilaker City 42 2 Clear Hisinarcl; 32 IS Clear Rnise , 30 Clear Denver "ti 2-1 Clear Des Moines 3(1 1(1 Clear Fresno IIS 52 Cloudy rtelena 88 IB Clear Log Anceles 70 SB P.C'dy. .Mnrshfleltl ffl W Cloudy Phoenix 5S 52 Cloudy Portland 5f 42 Cloudy Hetl Hlulf .:. mi SO Uaiu Hoschiirs 110 4i Hain Sail I.aUe City.. 42 32 Cloudv San Francisco .. 04 S4 Itain Santa Fe ., 40 2S Cloudy Seattle 42 Clear Spokune 44 24 Clear Walla Wnlla .... 30 2G FoRpy Witinliiei; 0 4 Clear V. J. Hutchison, MeteoroloKlst --.Portraits of dlstlncllon. The Peasleys. opp. Holly Theater, tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOTT SAt.R mrirafn in fi-mom liomo; elfrtrir ranjjp; beds. tu Itooma-uiwtitir.' can ht rented as apartment. On pavement nnd Komi location. Owner hsivini; and has reduced !"iee to ItiUft; $600 vn, ttulHiu-f $17.o( per month. .see Charles A. "Wing Afiency. Inc. :t ": KftONT AIMHTMKXT XlfeJy furnished frr hcuwkeepin.. tn chiiUti heat, hot nnd cold water, light, telephone iiuttalJed and privilege to ue hotel lounce room: rent reasonable. Holland Hotel Phono 71). .IJ.ttf WAXTK1) l-ate nuxtel nerinn. Will eonsider heavy car if priced rij;ht. State price, term.s. Hox 1). H., Mail Tribune. 3J7 FOU SAI.K Rpeleaned lie.udle.xs barley seed delivered. H0rt ih.i, and up. c. K. Xeidermever. Tel. 523-J-1. 331 j LOST ltdy . Cruen writ watch. Keturn to Tribune otfitc. 3-'ti WAXTKD- Poultry of all kind. I Top prices on truck". Tall any- , whei Koiute Kiver Co., j iiie ,. Itvei-.ide, Al STUALOPvP hatch ins ocfs ninntnc, Oinoo-tifitvd Mo'-H. P. .otland. r ntrnl point .13 1 'A.Ti:i.l A IS. '. Dean, l-hone 4i;-ll. few setting hons. iiox :';c, i:i ; o a-; At Holly Sunday Alice White in "Playing Around" Allee White's latest picture for First National, "1'layinK Around," with Chester Morris ns leadins of; man, will be the attraction at the llolly tomori-OA' for one day only, with continuous! shows startiiis ot 1:15. The story is an adaplallon of Vina Delmnr's "Sheba." In Rialto Talkie George O'Brien, featured player in the Fox Movietone production, "Fair Warning," which is now play ing at the Fox Riaito theatre. Helen Ware Stars In Holly's Feature , Helen Ware, who vnx D. '. C;riffilh".s. former leading lady of the , liomhaslic, old-time melo dramas, has- ail Important eltar.-ic-,tyr. role, J the noted prodtleer direelor's all-dialogue HiiectacU', "Abraham Lineoln," iilayinu for the last tithes tonight at the llolly. Miss Ware, who toured in stock with firifflth twenty-five years ago, is seen in the picture as tho stately .Mrs. Kdwards. wife of the former Kovernor' of Illinois and sister of -Mary Todd, the im-osim-o-tive Mrs. Lincoln. . The east of princijiuls includes Walter Hu-slon, as "Lincoln," anil Kay Hammond, as ".Mary Todd Lincoln." Also on this proRram dosing at the llolly tonight, is a Universal News Reel Willi Graham MpN.-i-mee aunoimcinf; important events and huppenins-s, and an all-color act. tt The Easiest Way Craterian's Talkie j "The Kasiest Way," the story of j a Rirl wlio revoilel iiRiiinst drnh- i hess and" poverty, thus placing her- i self outside the sanction of the i respectables, brings Constance.1 Rennett to the Fox Craterian : screen tomorrow. j This is the talkie version of the; KtlBcno Walter drama that caused i a' furore several seasons aj;o. It i deald with a Kil l, beautiful hut poor, who follows the "easiest j way" to luxury. Robert MontKom- i try playa opposite while Adolphe ' Aicnjou, jiarjorle Kambenu and Anita 1-ace norti-av th. nilinn, i.-i, figure In her Career. LISBON, PorluKal. Feb. 1 4. uT) Reports from the Azores reaching Lisbon said that an earthciunke shock caused some material dam- aKe today but lesulled in no low of life. Tho 1 tut...,. .1 . . The Lisbon observatory ret; is- tered the shocks which had their cetilor In the Inland of Sao Mlgui l. Calif o rmas ITIost Distinctive Address IN CftRE OF Every room equ-.ppod MthRad'O Servtdor Tub and Shower Paths Circulafifiqko Wjter Ultra V.olrlRv Gas Wintlowi. .. PATES frcr, 3 W POWELL AT f-UTTf C I - Sir Fmuus Drake i Motel iailU: , t: The Noted Dead SAl.K.M, Fet.. Ciileon stt.iner. 11. ,,1, .m,, S-l yenrw of u wnp.'i-inteiHleut of the Oregon stnfe hoHpita), died .shortly niu-r 2-(il o'eioek IIiIh nfii'i-noon ai'iei- an iilnesi of over (Wo yearn. She was l.ovn in t'ruwford counti ohio. .luly '1. l.v-KJ. and came to Salenr in 1SS7 where' she has con tinuously resided slnt-e. she iH-ip. ed oiKanixe the first rnitarian ehui-ch here ever since nnd has bc-n a eonstanl nK'inla'r. H.'t-vic-. will he held tn Salem Monilay :i fu.rn..n at l::lll i--Ioi'k. Last Times Tonite Coming SUNDAY CONSTANCE BENNETT in "THE EASIEST WAY" " Ends TONITE '. . PLUS . ... . . "The Indians Are Coming" . Starts TOMORROW Continuous 2:00 to 11 .P. M. ."GIRLS DEMAND EXCITEMENT" Sunday Dinner Hotel Medford Dinner SHOO "The Food Is Better'.' at The Medford HaveY), war , . . Y. VI ' Jfc vira the s. k srnavma LAND - !.,? I '-T'Siif-v' i --'.vv i "K'ce. World fjraotiscrapholosist cnn Pwciy read your talents, virtun i r , faul,s in He drowtngs, wordi and i . ! i? n0",t,hat ' scribble when "lost I S" - . ' yur seribbhni:s"orsignaturr ':,'"111viu.Kntlojtth.plctureoft! h"l. cut noma box of Mikado pencil.. nj 'iidrcs. Louiw R.-,orvoi- I CAGLE lJIE"Cll CO.. NEW YORI.- art CISCCC Sf CJWM ster's final K. V? fadeout Parade" I JACK HOLT, I TOM MOORE :tmm ia - i Urn. life li