PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. Af ED FORD, QREtiOX. F1U DAY. FEDRITARV 1.1. Iftfl 'IS-' ! 0 n ! O : n .11. :H o ii ; S : M m n ii !i u - tt M n I .oca! and r'Pcrsonal Sell Student Ticket ' From State Aleirowilis Handy (ireene will he in eliai e j Portland resident rej? inwrert at of the .et ond eineHtur . fiU-m of i Aledford hotels imlude J.K. Elder. Mtiident body nnd lli-Time., tiekeujil. J. Hawkins, Air. Hen hit John, at the H.nlor hiuh nehnj. It wiiH,.tnlin c. KulherK. V. W. Williams, a mum need thf fnrerionii. Hates ; K. Af. (irt-KK, Air. and Air. Win. are bejnK uiven fre-duiH'n and other ! fioldmiin, Ii. C. Harltin. Hurry II W5IJP iJcoilliff Tonight Frank FarreU. city atto mudentM mi tlekeu fur the remain der of the school year. attorney, and ! ,.,., V . 41. urt uanxer, art? iu un the brfnclnal (weaken at the rottu- I , l.'tre- moennu or ine jicKxonvjm' I. 1-J. U.miflK and .O. O. Alen- turned hy train Hum morn- GronK' tonkht. A dopree team ;iiK frum I'unland, where they have Koeper, A. M. 1'arsonn, A. A. Hale. flenrtre H. Dutton, It. t. FarrlnK toii. I,. T. Hoylo, Al. J. Slatky. J. K. Ilnuer, Al. Ai. I'aris, J. Itedfern. J, t. Hoty. W. it. AlePherwun, I. F. K linker. K. A. AleKlwwain. H. loy. Herman I.uft. Al. A. Smith. 01 D llnyiif- river fish fv, '..u'. VtiuilK-nn, Mr. and ,lrn. .1. )fi FiuHi, M. H. .N'ithu, n. c Hike, part in the -Initiation, ol ,a , , , u . lit . I llaiiiilliin. (i. V. Itiilicrt anil I!. l. ...r r -mi. . ,m. .... ! . nf All niilnlu. nllC.l.v 11. Ii. jarltmnn.! -. ,. ... 3LT. , Kthi-Hvyii Mi m win in .. uncmn I rfnmnablo ,H, 0. rolMiralion. TliP puhllf in Invitnl. j an Qr), lii In a ttstrLtiiu f'jtiiilillrin T. Al. Swem wim roiiortod to ls "4M rriticnlly ill today 'with piieumoniu iind hi condition i HUfh Hint hi Hoffmann's ii re of- ffdiip tntli Htocl; of Miliirt t'oiv 'y'lMiiK (it hiiir price. , :i:io The ciiurce (hut u ilr.'iin lie !i:i.-J ciiUHctl to c c'niH.t'uciiMl In cnn- .(irani las. Jlasketltall 1 O fon; I. It. Swein. vra OalW-d from nertion with the I. lit! l.o Anpeles. Airs. J. Kerlur.dei min4H iu' 'K operating Av.n.i,l J,, ,.! tUU, M-dn.!1 fitllSllIK d Jl III (I i, '4' U inir irom isniitom.i.. ri Sww.. ! FUtfrt .'Hlfe circuit K-jni. D.lst in- yw' of- nffeU'ecamo 111 roim touay ' luncti.m po- rp ... ... . . .. i-ned hfu 1hn worn ycct-ni v 1 " mm ween wuu jnuuenir out ine i - , AppN-aU'j The filOinlalc tiiph mUI banket at llimcom . IkiIJ team will play a return pnic nicd In anjuitjt Crautr Pusa at the Hicndale I ii vi i. tonlKht. affliction developed monia. into jneii- hy Frank Cameron, (nin I'.uck and I J. J. Arant on Knmndx that the '1J'1'. i i n i .1 ! ijarcien-s. drain was diiniauintr an JrriK:u ion t ,ll,,fi(" a ,''a! P-'"'ty. ditch. 1 i o n h Chili knows hnw. 1 heir benefit dance. Friday! Fine; 3M: TI10 answer s!;it the diieh . 7. T-- ... ! U not to be darna.,1 in any way j " . ' " , . ! by fn.u.e mine operati.mH. G( ri,,,,,,n , A- Mna.hiy, Fmtod ' - j State land a went at Itoseburs, and riieltv (o nu'cd Meo--VMM- I anaday. both well known Jvipd treatment assured all nni m'als boarded with the Jackson County .Humane Hociety, Tel. K.-lfi. a ? 4 A 1 1 Cllfl'K or n ntll This Month"- I'le. children, dumb animal and ! 101 remaen.1 for years of Aled IFire Chief Jtoy .Elliott reported bird.i. call Humane So-:ety, 1 M fi. f 101 )in" ah. ami .mis. a. i. Au.s- thls forenoon that ho far thi f 31M '!" "wo uwt-"irK. drove down month there have been no calls ! to 1,lf" t-ity yesterday afternoon to received nnd If the remainder of Andllliijr Hooks attend the Lincoln baniUt last the month continues uh well. Feb- -airtln Kurtz, district account nwht. runry will hold.the record for the ' tl,(' Acc,unilnK com-j nart vpnr ' :' ' ' ' lny, is in Aledford juidilinj; book- l,lK nlvnl danee at .laekHon- - - . . . a! the IMer. c-Allen, Altoor com-j v111 Saturday nihi, H:3n to . Burn heavv Vouch and! smooth ! puny. f 'i-i't a hlookH; Ihey laBt.lonRor. Aled. l-'n1 Co., Tl. 031. tf" (iutfslH fitiiii n Djhiiica r A.monK (;.ui rcisterod. at luoal lioli-U fropi 4l.iiail are .Mary Jano llazpit of Juckfi'in. Mieh., .Mr. and MW, Arthworth Andoriion of Vancouver. II. (, J. is. Dokkpu (if Vobtor, Ida-, ;D. lto4cntcrl, I'aul ilciWH nnd CUafl. Koppol of OhicaKo, Ooo, M. ymtrnan ot-.M. Louia, Jlo.. t:; V-''flTklnp of lilford, :Itl.. and A'. J. jviiplon 0 Jollot. II. ..Ladie. -If your wardrobe hftfds going over to finish out the neason, rali .th Fniihlnn Shop, 424 Mod ford IJMe-, jl'hone 1 181. tf In Vity Today Sprait W.Pll of McT.od Is trans Arjlnjf .huninrsH In Modford today. Othor vlflltorn are Mr. and Mrs. V. ft! ftnl'lc'of'VnlleyVlew and Char . ley none, rancher of the KnHt Med fifd 'section: ' .:flardnn wiiltWjuqiis, .$n.00. timl.' Mill A Seed Cot- Mil-if JU'turnlnc: to I'onljiiiU ,-llev.' Mih ,W WVvYpungHnrv, of romlnnd, f:who !de)lyted tho jd drcKH at the .I.lncojir cluh tmitrjtiQt hor Trm hliiht-i wperit'rnday l;i .Med ford.hnd Athlantl, and planned to leavo tor home ul, 8 p. in. .Fthone ,W2.. We'll haul sway your refuse. '.City Sanitary Sorvleo. -'. ''.'V'r'v..,..i.....25tf,f, ".' . il,l..,1H,t r- . Circle PoiKl Snlo' . .; . ' '"'Tho'Morlt circle of the Preihy te'riaii.fhiirch' will hold ii food wile I'Vhriiary 2S. at the Medford Blec Mc An" North'Centinl. ' Some ex cellent cakes' n'nfl oilier Toodtt will 1.e' on nnle. "' 1 ! r Horha. flathlojwie free. Mall or ders filled. SoillK K. IH'didH.jJl. c Ml D.. I AV. 2nd Ht., MeSlford. Ore. 19 yearn In -Med ford. 17r-tf-: ' J r -I ' ' d'hone ;1 N?UCtUI ... really " special value ' llnd .ipeolal values t .our store which you cn not : .afford to. mi. Look for our id In this me corner every Fridey end you will ,tve on meny Heme. ".' Tomorrow we wllL offer ..double ipecial tale Irl view ., ef the fact ht 'Saturday la also Valentines 'y Frtt we will sell GENU INE BQ8T0N CREAM PIES rnade at only Fluhr er can make them at the phenominal price of , . 17c each Alto in addition we will have a special tale on VALENTINE HEART COOKIES which will be welcomed by every home wife. An exceptional Item (or delterti and afternoon teat and luncheont. Iced In the traditional Valen tine colon. 19c the dozen "Whole eastern corn, $1.' Mutual .Mill & Seed c'o. f.Wl i Alore Hoiinty Warrants tf ; W. H. Carrison of I'hoenlx w. Had leys Itcliii-n Home v Ali ami Afrt?. . It. .A, ,1 lad ley re turned from Portland yesterday, where they have been for omc lime. AH". Had ley Is zone rnpre- 1 1 sentative of the fhevrolet Alotor! l'itraita of distinction. The company with headouartcrH in I l'wloy, npp. Holly Theater, rortland in Aledford today to collect bounty at the county clerk's office for the killing of ttt'o coyotes. A warrant was also Is.-ucd to Al. t'harley for three coyotes and two bobcats. Ho plans to attend to btiHinesH matters for the-company in Vrfka before returning' north. Mr. and Airs. .Hadb-y make thefr home in Aledford, Hill in Hospital Win. T. "Hlir the Klamath county assessor and well known in Aledford, who is confined to the ;iiip;ie ho.spital. is sltuhtly im- KrystalKlow. kodak f?loi sup-! proved. accordin lo word yest.'r r"ino. The I'easley s. onp. Holly ! lii v- nl' members of Air. Lee's theater. tf j imnif-diate family ate allowed to visit with him. Klamath News. Visited J EoMfbu vis I 'riciuK A. J. iMementH of the P,iK Seven! N(w '"? dreyse in printed Fruit corporation with lieadquar-1 creno de ' hene. y.t.'.ut t u. :. ur in Aledford; stupped hcre.yen- M- lJ'lt- Store. 34 terday to vWii friends en route soul h. -IlneburR: News- Iteview. ,fIO lilir ciil'lllval da in1 e at .lackKim- Ville Satunlav niirht. !l-.'H) to' 4 ' V1W ItltiiiesM ,('4(llcr Today , ; Mff- Jen it toward of f Cl'flntM IlasK.' who VlHltlnff friedd In ANhland thin weok, spent thf.s miirn Jnp transacting 'husinew In Aled-fnrd. Dry firslnbs $5.00 pep load. Med. Fuel Co., Tel. 631. tf Visited Ashland Friends Air. and AUx Sonny Pierce of Jacksonville were visiting All-, and AliV. W. titer r In Ashland on Wed nc.vday eveninp. ' : 1 Lime sulphur, oil spray arson alo oT lead; September payment. IMiono C7C., Mcdrord Fruit Co., INC. ; . Hi M o Helen Powers, local hlph sirhool jrirl. underwent an operation for' mastoid yetcrday afterniton and i frettliitr IiIouk nicely. 'alenline dance, Jackson Sprlncs Saturday. 824 Visitor from A-Mand Itoy I'arr, ileputy ;ame warden, was amoim the vlsitor from Ash land in Aledford today attending j on their various problems. hi MiiMiiicMM iiiaiieiH. lie a 1,-4 o mam a trip to Hold Hill this forenoon California Couple lo Will The county clerk't office issued a inarrhipe license today to Wil liam V. Itoblnson, 37, Hood, Cal.. and Alnrlel KUler, 34. Walnut 'Sprini,' coats, plain and fur trim med. $14.' Sioro. lo Al, Al. He M4 D o ,hlai;d I-'aini Problems U. (1. Kowlor, county a pent in charpe of api'lenltine and livestock, made his usual weekly visitation at Ashland tudiiy for constiltatlnn with the ranchers of that section ' sprinp 'onts, plain and fur trUii- I mcd, il-l.7r. to lll.7.'. Al. Al.. Dept. 1 Store. 3lm looil cw lean plump white wheat. I. .Mutual Mill & i-'ecd Co. .trill Sheet Metal Works docs expert repairing, fender and nuto body ri'palrinp. tf (lad (Grants .Pass lluiiievs Alorris t. Leonarl and Frank I.. Ciiaham wer anions the Aledford men pcntlln yesterday In (liants Pn.-iB on" business. D ft erne ' the largett and most com plete line of breadt and ' pattrlea in Southern Ore gon or Northern Callfer ' hla. .13 different varletlet , ef breadt baked dally. F5xWe5t Coast Iheatres TODAY 2 Days StarU - The thrillipg, tory fif. a, gangster final fade.out AST PARADE With JACK HOLT t TOM MOORE : CONSTAMCE CUMMINU f . PLUS. - V CHARLEY CHASE In "THUNDERING TENORS" TRAVALOG, "INTO MOROCCO" LOOK KIDS! GOLD BOND MATINEE SATURDAY Club Members Under 12 se i lH VT1 .' " ' ContiOuout IlWyV ; Sat. 12:30 4o 11 Fearloss Riding; GEORGE O'BRIEN "Fair Warning" ' PLUS ' "THE INDIANS ARE CMING" si Come Early TONITE LEA HOLT ,Broatlcasting 0:45 to 7 o 30EZIOE 301 0SZ30I 30E301 ECONOMY GROCETERIA THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE You've Waited a Lonfir Time for This! r' - r - - -. t - i. ;U c Yes, 5c for bread baked for Quality rather than Dr ice The same crood old home-aualitv bread vou have learned to like so well fresh from the ovens t he day you ,buy it. Not a Saturday special 5c is the ' every-day price, while present low cost of materials prevail; BREXB ;-vvrr"r: BREAD That fine home-style, home-flavored bread baked without substitutes. 1 -lb. Loaf. . ;. 5c l V2-lb.Loaf8c; 2for 15c Layer cakes, a fine assortmentchoice . .25c jam It j-Eagle Point Cheese Demonstration, .Mrs. Wm. Perry Mrs. Geo. McClellan Mrs. Millie Tingleaf Mrs. Tharon Taylor All members of the Eagle Point Grange will serve Eagle Point Cheese and toasted cheese sandwiches, all day BOTH STORES., 3E Breakfast Cereal Day Your Favorite Cereal at a Reduction. Sperry Wheat Hearts, pkg 19c; lO-lbsack 47c Sperry Farina, P-lb. sack i . . 43c .. ........ j . . . i . " ' ' ; i - Sperry Rolled Oats quick cooker .or plain, 9-lb. sack . : ; ; ; i . ; 35c Wheaties,-pkg. ;'. . . . . . ; : . . . : . . . . ... 10c Sperry Wheat Flakes, 9-lb. sack 40c Corn Meal, white or yellow, 9-lb. sack . . . 25c. Graham Floujr, ine qr coarse, .10-lb. sack- 32c Shredded Wheat, the old original 10c Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. . . . . . y ..... V. . . 25c Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. ... . .'. .... 29c Carnation Wheat Flakes, large pkg JL9c Min'it Oats, large pkg. 22c Carnation Oats, large pkg. 22c Sperry Oats, quick cooker, large pkg 19c Grape Nuts, pkg. 15c Wheatena, pkg 15c Roman Meal, pkg 27c Cream of Rice (4-oz. pkg. free) .' . 19c Cream of Wheat, pkg 22c Ralston Bran, pkg. 15c Malt-o-Meai, pkg. 19c Pearls of Wheat, pkg 19c Dynamite, pkg 18c New Life, pkg. 22c Pillsbury's Wheat Bran, pkg 19c Albert Cracked Wheat, pkg Alber's Flapjack Flour, pkg Sperry's Pancake and Waffle Sperry's Pancake and Waffle, 4-lb. sack 10-lb. sack , 12c 19c 19c 20c 47c 13c 14c Dromedary Moist Cccoanut, can . Florida Grapefruit, 6 for Avacadcs, a real treat, 2 for 35c Chula Vista Celery, 2 sizes, . . 10c and 2 for 25c Cauliflower, large heads, each ......... 12c White Down, a guaranteed hard wheat flour, 49-lb. sack . . $1.25 Drifted Snow Flour, 49-lb. sack .: v . . . $1.35 P & G White Soap, 8 bars 23c Crisco, 6-lb. can $1.35 Paint, Weathershield, outside white : per gallon . .$1.59 Garden Tools Hoes, 59c, $1.19; Rakes $1.09 $1.39; Shovels 98c, $1.55. Fisher's Blend Flour . . . . .':.' .... $1.35 Waxglo, Standard Oil Co' s new liquid wax, pints 39c; quarts . 59c Zeroline, No. 3-F and No. 5, gallon 48c 5 gallon $2.30 Mobiloil, A or E, gallon 83c; 5 gallon . . . $4.00 SPRING SALE OF GARDEN HOSE Goodrich Maxecan ribbed hose guaranteed top quality 25 ft. with couplings $2.49 N 50 ft. with couplings $4.83 Hose Nozzles, brass or chromium ... .. ;. . . ....... 3gc 3 SHOE DEPARTMENT WEST SIDE STORE -Women's pumps, straps,' ties, oxfords low and medium heels. Kid, patent and calf leathers. Values to $4.95. TOMORROW $2.69 Exclusive agents for children's Simplex shoes 2 CHICKEN DINNER Creamed chicken with biscuits, buttered peas, potatoes, gravy, bread, butter, coffee, tea or milk ;!.(;. - : 25c Served noon and evening 6th at Central o o GATES & LYDIARD SAVINQ WITHOUT SELF-DENIAL o 6th .at Graja 30E20 oooczaoE OE 30E30E rWn 102301