: v, -i V.'; KuTu six : AIEDFOUD MAIL TUIBUNK AlKOKQUD, OKKdOX. MON'DAV. KKISRUAUT f. 1931. tt !. v. " A' BY .HOWARD ROCKfY ROMANCE Of RADIO j ' ttmtio hrnion n new ojtparttmil'u In Ailriffjinu,.e0 ',.) ,fl,,rirt( ( d a- (fldfiif. HPftirfjifl a ' porcelain mtiAk dtatinmit hy Dwlu'm t'luttf liiiw, artiat. alie Wntiiri a "rnvs. Iirv hIuhit on tlie tiir. known onlu as : "ilailrmviulle Maaoue." tint tiira to turoet htr lot tor Jilnlnv I'rinri. tircaa utient. he- rnvac , lit i- her (tiafluurrmeHt. . Arimlil Ifronhitrfi. movie urodi.ccr, fa ahot ht o moskett b bmuH white innkiwi iilitlm.ca to Vivifttoe, Ailren'a n'ster tlm anapeeta the rcomon via Ati-ien ami thrcateua to ncntae Vfvieitn of the ahootino vnieaa atie iuriminntca her slater. A telrtnom aimttil "Aitriiatrin" hints the arudrr true Krouhvro'a oaanUn-nt nnii Ihrentrna to throw the htoine lot Aih:en. Krnnltrifi rtxincat oa interview with Ailern. , lehum he olijiorriitln knoira onlti ua 'ilailenintaetle Mnamic," :' . Wf . Chapter 21 1 TWO VISITORS AS Arnold Krcnberg entered. Alleen was certain of only one tiling.. -,'-. -,i - r,.- Whoever Arlraatela mlKlit be. she knew Unit the former Miss Uanta Vlaus and the mystery lady of the tussle were one and the sums per- on. mat meant Adrsstoia was aware that she was Alleen (liny It also meant that the sender linked Alleen with tho shooting of the roan who wan hand In lilt liat sad stluk to Nora Nolan now. .. , His., manner ; wo perfect as lie bowed and . llianuou her for hor JUnaneas In, paimlttlng lilui l.p cerno. v - -,r-. . .... "1 flutter, niysoll that Alndemol ielle may know something of me, he said. "As It happens, my thi ntre for tlio new form of clnemn openB a week from to night. Nutur- uUy, )t Is my .dcRlie to ..nako this a rgala occasion. .Madctuolelle, of course, has the lCnKishV ; He was almost, apologetic as he put that question. It nave Alleen a start. How simply he might have trapped ber and might even do so. jwt. It aha was not careful. . "My theatre's inurnls aro from Jie brush of. an artist friend of yoursw. Perhaps ..Mr. .CliannJiiK has told you I tried to reach him hy phone today, but It nouns he In out' of town," . , , , It that waa. true,. Alloen did not know it. alia , wondered wholhor thiS'icceusa, fur,.coialng. to her. dl rectly was a dcllhoruto falsehood. "I. wanted to ask Mr. Chnnlilng whether, he and his model would nott be i my guests thut evaniug. Yon.'.have seen. the girl parhnpa? Exquisite una charming! i (,,;. .. Afloen only shrugged. .'' "But" to ! my -mission," he went on.' '"Hearing yoiiiSlnx thia after noon ..gave, me a great Inspiration Mademoiselle Is new lu the radio atid iiBy .theatre to the public. wBat a. wondorfur comhlnntlon it yi)it' would-sng toi ara '.that. night! a pruuucat 1 nuoR'tip. .couici ne . iir ranged, and It would result lii no trt8;of 'a(lvaiiiuBe to -us both." Of loiirse.u 'suoniti expect; to. pay the customspy t tee;" ' Vi. : : ,. i'T)iaf"gvo. Ailccn a loophoio. 'i'Ai-.atjld.'jiiy, .contract. with -Air. Ollii-k wtjiiid. 'iiidvont Vmy, itpltic hai..;'". Yibu ' see'.tie S has ielainert me '4''ncltlslv.featilre.''i -" ;.:.' . , ' ; ;Wha , pity!".i ainemed )ron bevg, "And yet ,1 cgnhot blame ft 1 1 j . But perhaps you,, would, con eeot to bo ray... guest that evening also?" Alleen saw that lie meant to. .Insist , on tie)' prnsence If. he COUld, ! . ' . . : '"May 1 tell you later?" she ivaltcd. "It- my -engagements permit. And now, will you excuse me If I to c.elve my callers." Alleen rlt like choutlng ttir Joy as she heard .the telephone. . i "Certainly," said K ion berg, lie gave no Indication that the purpose of kla visit, waa not pleasantly . ac complished. "May 1 trust that your answer will be the one J hope for?" '.'Someone , to. auejik to Mmlf mol. selle." Nora Nolan Interrupted, apologetically. , . , , ... "If . It's posslhli i sbnli ho glad to adoept,",. Alleen answered, , "Hello! 'La. MnaqurT" Alleen heard Jtuimy'j volco. . "Mslcu, old .dean I'm -hero-with KIbIii. We're ,up to' our necks in things. Would you ii)lnd a lot It I .don enma back to meet your saw-bones friend?" 1 "No 1 dou't mind that hut Jimmy!" Allueu sprko. in a guardod whisper. "ArnoM Kroiihcig was Juat,liere. . . ,Ys, , Von sno I couldn't help It. . . . And there's something else that ihn,y. bo mure important." Willie ut coinnient us to Me mconluii. kIio told him of the postcard, nml I hat Kiohbeig hnd seen It. ' "Don't let It worry jnii." Jimmy answered, "Hy the way, I run Into (Hack. I I li Ink he'll lie drniilug In. Tell him about the dor-tor. That ought In tickle hlin " . -"What ..about Kronberg'a sugges tion?" .,.';; I T , ') .'- I ),-;;'; t "Nix on thati'l lie ';vetined. -"Well, I've got to run along. I'll be see ing you." lie had hardly bung up when the -office announced Doctor Saun ders. A few ml on lea later, (he gave him her band as he Intro duced himself. "So," lie observed with a whim sical smile, "your musk Is more Ihun a figment of the announcer's Imagination, 1 rather wondered .'ust how true these torJes about you were." From the way he spoke, Ailwn wait clnvlnceil I hat be bad no sus-; picfon nf the nidftk'e real purpose. "Oh. yes," Kht auswered lightly. "You see 1 &ui .u mystery, and It's reully quite amusing being one, i mean." "It must he." He smiled. ".Mot people arc so transparent. It's rather Intriguing to meet someone who stirs tile Imagination. You see, I've been trying to picture you ever since i beard your voice. Only somehow, I expected to sue you face to face." -'Perhaps. I'm more appealing L as a mystery," she suggested. "Hut speaking of . voices, 1 know what yoif mean. When I first spoke to you, over tho wire. I'd an, Idea what you would he like", . "Aud a in I?", he Inquired. - "Almost exactly," she told him. "lint It doesn't always work that way. I've often listened to slngeiu over, ibo radio. - Then, sometimes, when I've met (honi they didn't fit my pictures. Perhaps that's be cause all voices sound different on. the air.',' , . . - "Really? That's very ln(ercstlnf. I've never been In a studio."., .' '' "Then you muit come sometime." "I should like In," he assured her, "To me. there Is uomething marvelous lu . what rndlo may "be come. As a physlclun. 1 cau see an even greatei mission thut It may fulfill. To-day, It not only brings us great,, lint mediocre music. Hut the uir is already cre ating Its own artists and com posers. Suppose, It you will, that Boino day. there mqy ! broad cast physicians. Porhapu they will praaoibc tvlth mu.ttv for our nil tlohtil ills. Not lectures on habits anil nostrums, but tonics com pounded of melodic thut may make us a bettor world,", - . , "What a - wonderful thought!" Alleen exelnliheil. ''Yon really 1111181 soe the station." . "And pet-haps ho hailed as a lunatic!" Doctoi Saunders laughed. "Still, my. dream is no more fnni-l-ful.thun radio Itself would have been two decade i ago,. Ayiien-1 .see tlie - marvelous', effect of ,(radlu', nif my,-iiutieiits. It ntitiirnlly 'apiienlH to'me nfl-a mediuin, .that may pus- Hdsii, curative powers we'-doclucM have never yet conceived." , - " '.'You really, hellevo , that., pos sible?" Alleen,.wa-' Impressed. - Perhaps; Who. knows?" He smiled. "Hut lot's forgot roy visions', nhtl talk, aliout yourself,- You iH'e wonderfully genorouo, lu offer to cumo and sing for us. Au1! 1 know you'll love my kiddies iust its they'll love you." "Tell me about them! , . As Doctor Saunders , continued, Alleen waa so ' fascinated, that an hour passed bcfnro either of them became aware of II. Then the ar rival of Ivmllo Glnck awakened them to the time. ... ... -.-., "You two must .know - each other!" Alleeu was elated as she presented them,. "I want., Doctor Saunileie to tell you what lie's been telling , me. And I want to go to his hiwpltiU to slug tor his , Utile patlonts. . You won't .object, I'm sure!" ... '.- ,. , ., , Why should 1?" said Cluck. "I met Jimmy Crane, nud ho told me about your offer. Perfectly all right with me. Emlle Oluck A Cle. might even make t donation. How's that nppeal to you?" .. n ;x - "Perfect!" Alleen was delighted. She was In such marvcluus s.lrlts that all at ones alio dreaded being left olone. .."Can't you both stay here und dine with me? I should lovo to havo you."' ,-. V , , "I . was hoping I'd he asked." Uliick winked at tho doctor, '.'And I shuiild Jlko, nothing bet ter," Saunders ncceptnd gladly. This masked lady appealed to him. not solely because of. her Interest In nil Hint he hni! said, hut bo- cftUM! of something,., else somo- thllig us yet so aiil. lie (but he could not ilellne II. . !('(,. .ft,-, iv. ?. tt .- ,,, fe I Tomorrow council or war lo held to eocldo how ten to matt K i-t-r-tiei q't thrr.it. : CENTRAL POINT CKTJt.l .POINT!, ore., VVIi. It. --(ypecllil) lli-teuutes to repl'e- "l thr l.Vnlrnl Point htitlw school nt the liri-uon slute e,iin-iitlnn ln-M heluunri' U unit ll at Cyrvnllls wero .chosen friini the S'-tlUn- class its (ullowii: ttvclyn Hinit'i. Dtntiihs JonM. IlllVf r Ohi-ncllaln anil Cli.ti-Us Tiyior. Th.y will W chiitieroned by .IIks l.ovel Wlierely. ' There w t 1. m m,j. , i(. .j, this Tllefilay as itnilotluectl irev lmily Tile next ellnli- will FALSE TEETH . Cau Not Embarrass MM wonn-t'd of fnUn tri-th hnvc ufl'n'(l it!il ( inltjn vmrii( he r,'(iin. their t'-fth iln.)iH')l nr p'l nt Jut (he wrMK lim. ! itt.i It vp In fear of iIHk h:iitrnliiy t yittt. .lut Mprlnklf u Hill' Kautoi'Mi on your pl.iU H. Mtikn rnlKV TrtH ttny In 1 .1 nl f-- rornftfrwiMi". Sm-fii'ivi hii;ilh. iit Kiltlt 4l ( (II- .1. HIM in iV tMiit.4 01 ' liny utll.T Kuml tliUtf Mime. 1 llat ilsou find wvrv vIhUmi'h nnd Mm. K. 4. MurrlA nf hold ii n the aecotnl Tm-mluy f Miiit'h. Mr. and Mrn. X. .11, fumtly nf Yrrkv.'f'... 1 nl (hp hmio f Mr, Mr. und Mr. i Muhrlc. iml., aro vi.iitln nl thv Ihmik of Mr. Mnr.-LV n,.t., Miv At Ih-rmunon. Thry art pl.innlnK (Mi inuklmt nir:il lo(nt Onlr fm uri home. Mi.. IVarl ruldwolt rot 111 nod from Hrott Vallov. I'ul., 011 Mon day. M. M. K!nd!i formerly of Ton I rii I I'oim, hrin iunt'd tho Aworint vil kiih Edition afKlrMt nnd Main ulivt'tK. Mr. Kindlo han many filt-ml Hnd Hiiimint.inroA In uuvn that will tw dud to m-r lilm hnrTi, A nuinhcr of yomiK folk of ilto I CI -1 l-y" cluh. Acrntnpunitd 1y Mr and Mr. J. ; 1 ''aa'on, ntiondod n irnvtldi.' .if rli tli-try iMub in Mirtftu'd, Thtli.lidny PVonlnu al tho Ili'lllC nf Mi. t ilniot. Tlioo hi aitondiini'o wr' (iKji- 1 h-i inun.on. Lwt'ifH- lltvT, H-'h n I.(M', Immihy Itioitin. H.ni'ltth lliii.:., limihy Jinrf, Mmy Juno llnnmuft, l.mir u'h IIusht. MHtn, T(k. alko Tak'.io, Janlrt'' IlonclKiy vo. IotUH Ho,Hsvlj;rave and Carl Ilavor. Minn Kutherine Ulood, a tiac)ior in the high ru-houl, tdjiujit the week end at her homo in KiiKne. 4 "Big Money" Holly's Wednesday Hit ABLE POINT KAOLK I'OINT, Koh. !i. The Civic Improvement club Ih foop-' orating with the nehool board in i the planting of tie oh annK the j went nido of tho hlh Mohoo buildlhK. , Mm. Sophia ChHdr-th and Mib Klva Miller wore pli-aaiil calli'ifi at the homo of Mm. Royal llrown Wodnesdiiy. Mii. Harold Van Hvny onter tnlned nt oardn 'I'hursiiay oveninK. 'I'he kuph((' proypnt wro Mrs. I-oia l'earoe, Mr. Kern IIciiNhaw, M in. Mary ilemihuw. Mm. Tolle, Mr. Hazel KiiiL-ald, Mi'K. ('Iiaili-M Wal ker. Mm. I-cnit Htowell. Mary,llan naford and Hazel IoIiiih. - The foHowlnK lud ok attended tho farm homcmakei-H conference n Modford Friday: aIik. W H. ltrown. Mrc. Kranoev Cnmpbell. Mrs. Cora Morari and Mrs. .1. Frank lirown. They report a very. lntort'jt:nit: meeting. I Mr. and Mr. V. H. I.'ttiih were buHincK ration TiiOMdat. Mr. and Mih. J,umb have recently iur ehaHed the Walter KnKherw raneh. Mr. and Mr. ThoninM Carlton of 1'roNpeci were liMHlueK' eaii-M Wednesday. ' - - Cecil Morgan of Klnmaih Fa tin Ik MpendiiiK a few ilny' with his ttKitUi.r l iU f'nl'ti' Mi.I'L'Iltl. Mr. and frH. V. C ClemontR u .H,('k nnd .Mr and Mi'ri. Frank I'.rown entertained Thttrmlay eveninK with it card party. Six tabloH w re in play. 1'rizes for the hih score were awarded to MImi Fern Slmp Kon and Mr. W. II. -ISrown: the eonsoladon to Mr. A. c. Mittle uladt and . Karl Kloner The doro iationn and refroHhineiitK carried out'lhe fpllit of Vabnlino'H day. (liicHta present were Mr. and Mih. MIttteHtaedt. Mi ami Mih. I!u ford Chirk. Mr. ami Mrn. V. H Vuunir. Mr. 'el(:i lloluieM. Mih. Jottie Van Scuy. M r. mid Mrs. V. H. lirown. Kyi Van Seov. Fei r HimpHOii VotUi .OUon, Until Ail ken. C. M. Haan, MisH larnei Mr., and MrH. ' t:. F. levins and Mr. and Mim. Karl Ktoner. I'Hii Money", ; roles In "Blaze o' (Jlory," In )iiclu ne played l-.ddie JowI1iir s role, und in 'What a Man!" portraying the ohaiactwi played in he Jijig. liwh version by Reginald Ienn ; Bohr haH won recoKnitlon a a eompoHer, several of his numbers having been introduced intO'rox?ent productions. . Frederic March Star Of Craterian Film Don't neglect that SORE THROAT iiddie Ouillon nd Miriam Scegur in A ha the feature ini- Tlu' .'first talking picture to mortuljze the Wall Street "runner" is "liiK Money," a new I'athe com edy drama directed by ' ltuyHell Mack, which will he on view at tin1 I lolly thc.'itrc on Tuesday and Wednesday.' I'M die QuIIIjim. youthful come dian, Ik -seen in thin production iim ind-bnnd-houKe nii'Siicn'i' whose unusual luck In gambling caUKcH him to Ki'fiduale hk otic nl' the notorious racketeers of uriderworld. to carry ImndredH of thminnndH of dolliii'H In HOi'iniiicH and eaali in (he course of one working day. That "runners' are HometimeH "t;i ken for a ride,'' as illustrated in (his i'at he picture, l (piite true, for i hero are numerous cases of this type on record in I lie New York police department at the present time, .Jiesides Kddio Quillan, the fea tured played in ."Mi? Money" are Cohort Armsiront:. .Tames (Heason, tliej Miriam Seeprar, Margaret LivhiKS t ton, 11 o h pi't - 10d( son. . Dorothy Ina Claire, Frederic March, Mary Brian snd Henrietta Cros-.j man play important parts In "The! Itr.vul Pnrtiilv nf Itfnit.lu-m-i' u-I.Inh ! cornea to the Fox Craterian theatre on Wednesday next for a two day run. "The Royal Family" is tho Inti mate, amusing and at times hilari- ouh presentation of a mythical i family of reinin performers on I ' i 1 t t .i .t, t a the American stai;e. u reveals Anilioritics are "wnrninff the public that sore tnroai is X:S;i,,uionS prevalent, and not to neglect the condition. At the tnn nnd their loy.nty to mo si.iko firfit sign of any soreness, take immediate steps to ease ! 'isT cm the the lliroat and to reduce the infection. Bayer Aspirin - : smteiy Ki-anumoiher ot the c.nvn- wji tj0 folk I Use it as a gargle. Three tablets crushed tiisli elun. .iss (.'lalro is her .... ,.. n rt ! l,,,t daughter, the - leadlni? emotional , 111 tlimblcrflll Of WOLer. Relief IS llliniCdialC, IUl aetreHM of the Majce: Miss Hrian reppat unlj aH tracc 0f SOrCneSS 811(1 lilt lanimatlOn IS is tho KranddauKhler, about to - . , f 11 enter the life of the theatre; i 0110. Take U10SC tablOtS lreelV 10 WarU Oil COUlb, March Is the family h representa tive in tho movies head-stron?, impulsivo, lordly, a master of both comedy and tragedy, a senilis poa sessed of the nmiisiiiK majinerlsms And idiosyncrasies of the type. Walter OeLeon, who wrote the Christy and other noted players original story of "HIk Money," Ims , :n . in the supporting caft. evidenced n wide knowleflie .of the i A fine program of short subjects habits of this Kroup of yount? men I will :i!m he siiown with this fea for whom it is n common practice tare picture. and for prompt relief of headaches and body aches from colds, exposure, or other causes. Bayer Aspiri can't harm you, and it does prevent all sorts of needless suffering! Get the genuine tablets, stamped thus: fflL BAYER ASPIRIN 'Ex-Flame' Is Hit : - J In Western Role I - WH,: llii tnW mm, :l PKOHI'Ri'T. Fidi. 9. (Kpl.) Mr. and .Mrs. tiiilo ; f Irleve. Mrs. Frank ManniiiK and yMiss Demy .MunnliiK pent Katnrday. in Med O. W. Train of Itouuo Ulver is vlsilini? his t''n-ln-law and daiiKh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Collier. The new mill on the Kvormeen ranch him started operations. . - Mm. I.t-e I'Mmondfon has loft for the coast In an effort to bene tit her health. . , . . There aro heart throbs a-pln(v - M. ' Tracy Mocthby wjient IHHt In '"Kx-l -latne." wiiieti Is now jjlav- woolf'- in Klamath Kiillrf-liliesi of Inff iU thi- Kox Crtiferlau the.Hcr- 'her son nnd dnuchicr-i-law. Mr. .hist as the old mciodmmu a'p- and Mih. Kd iionthby. pealed , to the .people of former Mr."- ami Mr. Fit 'lioothby of fenerations, so will this, up-to-date Klamath , Falls ... were week-end version interest all (he moderns 'guests at, the Tracy Boothby home, who see . it. Noil Hamilton and " Fred Nichols of Klamath Falls Mm-ian Nixon head an excepilon- iipotit the week-end with his moth- ally fihlc cast... oiv Mrn. L,lz?.:e Nichols; Mrs. Fred Nichols -h, a scarlet fever patient FIRE DESTROYS CHURCH 111 U IMUIIItllll I'lllin 1 1 1 ir ' I II l I, Jack Hcllenheek and Frank I'oothhy. returned Tm-silay from J tiiutheni California where theyi have been for Hie pa.t two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MannhiK were dinner guests Thursday f Mr. and. Mrs.- Frank Manning and Miss Deney Mauniu:. - Mr. and Mrs. Mimr and Mr. nnd .Mrs. Clark of Central Fo'lnt Kpint Sunday at the Hubo Moore j Chfonno ciinsiiincs !Sr.0nti,0iWj on':; home of coal a year. V J AND CONVENT IN OTTAWA 5 ffKj-t. I'T..' KAV'P'IT.T.1-V N' V. Feh. X j (fl'l Count Folke llernadotte, nephew of Klnjr flusinf of Sweden, i and Countess l!crnadotl,e, dau;h- tor of II. Fdward Manville, wero receiving conKiatnlatlons today on the birth of a second son. Th e ha hy a t i l ve 1 y est e rd a y a t I the home of hei- parents and will the named Count Folke of Wisborg, his father's title, " Upset Not Serious If Bowels Get This Help, When you're out-of -sorts, head-, achy, dizzy. lil!ous, with coated tantiue. bad breuth, no appetite, or energy don't -worry. Itn prohab- j ly constipation. I Take a c a in 1 y Ca sea re t tonight and see how quickly your trouble cleans up. No nvore -iientlaehe; no j g:ts on stomach or bowels. Appe- ' ttte improves; digestion is enconr- ' aged. Take another tomorrow! niicht and the next niulit. (let . every hit of the souring wasto out oi jour sjmoiii. i lien ttvv , ,ii"w bowl action is regular and com plete. . - t-. C'ascarets nre made from ens cara. which doctoiy agree actually .strengthens bowel muscles. Ten cents at all drug stores. ' adV. ( ITT A W A , ( n t. . I'", b. il UT, I'M re nT Undetermined origin : de nt rr yed the church at St. .lean ItapOte ! mitiicMti j tailing a (H'llcinls and ' the mi joining convent yesterday, t Iomi e." tlliialed by cliiii' ;lt f-ilMI.OIMI. Do-! .lose Hohr. appearing in the title role df the "Uogue of the. Hlo flrande' coming tomoriow to-tlie l-'ox Itialto theatre, is well known to Sanlsh -speaking audiences as the popular leading man of n number' of Spanish . versions of feature-length productions. Among I he recent appearances In foreign language films huve been leading UP and Wherever You Go You Find Blue Ribbon Malt. N ' O-R T H The impumllclpd popularity that Rluc Rihhon Malt eaioyi could only be merited hy outMandinjE superi ority. NUue under scientinc iiurcviin, tbu all hurley mlt id constantly tcited to keep its high quality uniform. Taat't why it i Aincricei's Hififjcit Seller, and n inning new friends eery day. Tacked lull A Ihs.' H".. fa In', f ir H r f P.o f.-r ,U I .( i.ettt n rWH-. AAhi,; Wm MMmU, rW.Y..W'tifliii.lt.,(A,f(v. W Blue Ribbon Malt Jrtmprica's Bizupst Seller TUNfi IN. the Blue RibLorv,r1aft Jrstcr ColumbiJi Chain every Tuedciy beninnina Feb.. 3rd M 8:15 p. m. VIA CALIFORNIA C Coach fare ) Visit San Francisco, Los An geles and other southern ciiiet on your way East the fare is no more. 65 to CHICAGO (tourist sleeper fjrt) Fares to nearly all nthcr east ern cities similarly reduced. Southern PasiSic ..... J. C. Carle, agent Phone 34 FENCE SPECIAL y. . ... Just Received Carload of Fence Direct from the Factory Lowest Price in Ten Years We Can Save You Money with Quality Fence SPEciAL:'!"-'';;:S: Shovels 69c ; While They Last Hubbard Bros. 'M ' ':' ' Corner Main and Riverside Financial Force iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini m LOUIS ULRICH : 839 Minnesota Ave. You are Invited to present this cot pon at the Mail Tribune office and receive two FREE TICKETS TO A TALKING PICTURB PROGRAM AT THE As Subscriber Quest of the MAIL TRIBUNE I The forces of nature are symbolic of the trc mentions force behind this ii.jtituticn. Jiu J as a waterfall, properly harnessed, generates power. bo does your connection with this bank build up a reserve that you will find valuable in tin ;s of financial stress. Prerjare to take advantage of this great force. Make a conLection with this ins titution and let our officeu and directors show you tho way to real financial force. WATCH THIS SPACE. If you ars a subscriber of the Mail Tribune your name may appear here tomor row. Only subscribers' names will be published and, during the du ration of this olfer, all subscriber! will be given an opportunity to en joy FREE shows as GUESTS OF THIS PAPER. NOW PLAYING "THE COSTELLO CASE" M 3 I The Jackson County Bank 1 ESVABLISHED m H Medford, Oregon j H Commercuil - Soilings Safe Deposit UEMSER ISDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM liiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CETS RESULTS