P3T31 FOUtt "vTEDFO'RD' ItKTL TRIBTC, MEOTORD, oT?T:CioNT. Moyp'VY. FEBRUARY f), '193f. " 1 :rr-..-.v..i- W8 1 Medpord Mail Tribune Datlf and Sunday PublliM by MRPFOXIi rMSTIN'O CO. 25 ST 29 N. Mr Bl. Hinw T5 WIBKftT W. HI III,, Kjiilnr i. 81 MI'TKK SMITH, .Manager An Indfpndnt Newspaper ' Kntrrcd u awond laa msttrr at Mr'lfiitd, flr.-Mi, und.r Act if Mafelj R, 1 1179. HljHH'ltllTIOS RVTW 1 Br Ml Tn AJrance: '- fc- Piiir, wiiii bmHiay, ym 7.r,n Dally, wllh NirfHlay. ntunih T' (tally, iUia Nurnlay, year CM! Pally, iUtmn KiiiMlayi jiwaUi "r Huilay. km nr. . :. 5.'f by Caffler, In Adunu! Mdfurtl. A!aiwl. JvUunlilf IVnlMl Vulttit -iM.tiwi.l, Til tut. .il Kill Ukd bO Hiithjs. liaily, rilh Nuihty, nviith I bally, wiiltribl HiiiKlay, Hu,mh.: . . luily, it)Kut HuntUy, unit ynf 7. HO luily, Willi Sunday, on ytu B.00 All terms, casli In adtaiitt. Official ptntr of Hie City of Medford. Official iJBpff of Jarksnn I'buniy. MKMKKK OK THR AfWHK'IATKh I'llKHH lUrcl.ii Full la,wl Wirf Kmlre Ttm A-.riated Vtess I nclu.itely eMllM to hf list fcr puMifati,n of all ntwt dl-patdw-t credited fo il or MlMTftl rrcilHed In ihu iier, And alo to the local nen (Hibl i-lird her tin. All right for (lulillfallnn of iptclal dispatch bfrein ate aUo reined. ' ' jtlKMIlKR OK AI.'IUT KI'KKAU OK riRCn.ATIONH WHIII t ipitohiai. . Tt association V Aflierli'liif HrlirfntallTM SI. L. MtlliK.NBKN I'MMPANT Offlm III N Vutt, Chlrain. Iwltult, Ban Francisco, us aiki-im, wauif. roruaiHh Ye Smudge Pot (By Arthur Ptrry) The Prfnco of Wales (niess Ills r Royal Soul!) danced with n American girl on hoard a imttle- tdilp anchored at Jtnlhoa. in the i'nnal Zono, . Iant Friday nisht. "The moon wan Hhlnlng through the whlHperlnK puUnH," the prcHH ilispatrheH ntale. Cynion may neer: "What of il!" but the younK lady and her maw will never el throURh talking about - it. Hih Highness munaKed to ooze his way through the 'duwnce." without ntepping on the maiden's pet corn, or Htartlnsr. a run in heij; Sunduy wockH. Bhe was left in sueh A atato of giddlneHA that he wjib tinnblo to emit tho Initial Htjueat of dc light. Tho object of the princely favors is the daughter of a naval officer,. and It will he hnlf a year ere she will deign to npenk to any body below the rank of admiral. Hho feels llko the Met) ford girl who returned from a, vinlt to the UofO, and was exalted In the highest, because Hon. John Kltzmiller, tho "Flying Dutchman" of grid fame, nmilcd at her. Tho BrltUm auto racer, who wont 24 tl mllen per hour, shot down Jackson street Into yester day. "There Is increased public pur chasing power due to prohibition, which has benefitted the farmer.' (AntiHaloon League statement.) Is. that so! Ci Wig AMhpolei has returned Xrom committing his firm winter Nojourn In California, and reports that he lost more on his hogs than a horticulturist lost on his Uohcs. "Tho legislature will consider an increased appropriation for the home for the Keeble-WindetV ttSalcm Capitol-Journal.) If the legislature was only that way- If the farmers want rain as bad as they claim, they can get It by buying tho writer a new hat. We never owned a hat that failed to bring rain. The government has decided to call off tho courtmartlal of Oon. Butler, who talked too much, and made Mussolini of Italy stick out hta lower lip In a violent pout. It in now up to Andrew Mellon, watch dog of tho treasury, who is fearful lest some money will be spent beneficial to all, Instead of the corporations In which ho Is Inter est ed, to propose as a m nut or stroke of finance, that the income tax of all Italian gangsters be eliminated, to cement international felicity. "James King has a felon of his forefinger, which everybody wants to touch like it was a freshly pnlnted door." (Melroso JottlngH) A human trick. niii:i:i ' Hheep are notably gregarious Though not specially hilarious. Whether weather leads the wether. Or does not, they go together. Never individualistic, Jtather, slightly Communistic. Haying, In their voices hollow: "Where ewes go, there 1 will fol low." Even for metabolism They'll not undertake a avhism. Friendly, BoclabT, they bleat, WAtchlng one tinother nt. Jet us humans, therefore, keep Hoclablo when we cnt sheep. And we'll flnd?trhat wn aro neck ing Motaboltrelly speaking. (Hpokane Hpokesman-Revlew.) Tho BOvernorMhrcatenw td veto tho Hogue Klvt'r finh bill. The fllHtnnt roar of the rebellion i hoard in tho eaxt. Gordon Woodpecker, and oldest boy, flew up the creek yesterday and on the way home were accost cd by a doxen or more hints fur something to ent. Ills old friend Tom Itluejiiy whs nmong the lot. (lordon told Tom last summer that the grasshoppers would he scarce this winter, and he better put down a few haselnuts fcr a chilly day, and got the rnmiberry. Mr. Itluejay spent the heated period and early fall, In the Dock 1'k-kel magnolia tree, when not on lour, (lordon looks for a poor yield of worms the coming ivumin. Many will not build, t ut tine the old ncstnlow; ' M ' Editorial Correspondence 1MI0KNIX, Arizona, I-Y.b. li hw it ihosp I'ii miliar mil lion tlollnr rains last nilit. Streets wet, soiue t' 1 o o 1 c fl with mldisli tan water, where storm sewers are closed ii, I'luhlles on the oll' cotirse, every! liiiijr washed -lean, par ticularly the air. Ittif llie sun is out as usual, and it is warm iiiL' up t'a.-t. Cornelius Vamlerhilt, who Tailed at the tahlnid newspaper business in ( 'alil'oniia several years n, is spendiiiL' I he win ter here, has a house in the fnlesifle district not I'ar from I lie liiltmore. lie is writing a hook and has a hard time Ueep inn out ol' tho newspapers, he cause he is reported to he the man who told Oeneral Butler about Mussolini. hein; a hit and run driver. He wrote a friend in Los Angeles the story was true, and the friend spilled the beans by talking to, the newspapers. Yesterday tire gov ernment refpiested Mr. Vamler bilt to keep stilt. Kmharrasstng for Mv. V., but not bad pub licity. Sueh things help Hell books. Next to the largest Indian school in (ho country Is located hero close to 1000 students, from It to liil years, representing I!') different tribes. It would take un expert to pick them out by tribes they all look alike to your correspondent. It is co-educational; four limes as many boys as gill, the boys ate instructed in manual trades, the girls in domestic science, they wear uniforms of blue denim, and a semi milllary discipiino prevails. Haw them march to luncheon today, as sembled by bugle. eaJI, the boys graded by uges in squads of 50, the girls marching In a body. They filled tho dining hall to the doorK, all stood, and after a signal of II bells at minute intervals all sat down, and fell to It. Hoof, Imilctl potatoes, stewed corn, blK pitchers of milk, largo piles of white bread, stowed fruit for (Insert. Indian girls acted as waitresses, also as conks. The food disappeared like snow before an Arizonu sun. One boy in tho march ntlracted our attention rod hair, fair Hkln, his sleeves rolleil hjh rovealed muscular white arinfi, well freckled. Inquired about him and was told he was an albino Hop! Indian, but he looked more llko n red headed Irish lad. All the students talk English, except when they gather Brisbane's Today (Continued from Page One) i-ountry's J5.000,0(0 automobile owners to remind lawmakers that motor owners also vote. On the other hand, It Is. true that ralhoads, built in good faith, at Rlgantie expense, face great hard ship. And extension of tho canal systoms and water freights will make conditions worse. The St. lawrence canal, when built, must cut deeply Into the business of railroads servliiK the middle west. You cannot lurhlil a man to run his passenger car or truck on pub lic roads, built with his tax money. FIFTEEN lilbblOXS hovo been put into public roads and motor vehicles In America. . On the other hand the country cannot see railroads pushed to des truction. Heal competition with automobiles might he mtlppHed if railroads would adopt somo prin ciples of lightness, speed and fuel economy developed by the auto mobile Industry, using non-stop rights of way 0:1 steel tracks, at high speed, reducing; transporta tion costs, white IncreaslnK profits, offering sitoed and comfort beyond tho reach of motorists on crowded highways. Hut railroads, like war. in a settled business, and will not easily be shaken out. of its rut. Some solution of tho railroad problem should be found, before a crisis forces sudden action. There should bo no obstacles to railroad economies, by wise mergers or ful lest use of water freight facilities. To encourage business, enabling it to employ men profitably, and continuously should be the work of government hereafter. Sufficient MUTT AND JEFF UuTT, t' UK TCMTI THfc hwoPics For WHIPPING Trie WtNTfeR'. CeAO MOLt.. J C 1 U VsLtAMH! , ' by tribes when they talk their na tive tonnue. Everyone we have talked to in Phoenix reKarditm the Indian Kchool maintain it M a m intake the In diuriH ut'ft cflucaled. Riven four or five yours of civilized life, then re turn to the reservation dissatisfied with (hut, not ua!iiicd to compete with tin. while man in the world outside Asked our Ktiid and he (lciii''(i the truth of litis Hatement. Said a large propel lion of tiio shin Lot-nine house servants and good ones, cooks, nurses, waitresses, etc., the hoys take jobs in town, and if (hey return to the reservation, know how to make tools, grow crops, tin i tit houses, paint them, etc., etc. They have one peculiar ity, seldom seek jobs for which they are tilted, but take unythinx they can get, never demand high er wanes, content to go on from year to year. Most household work in Phoenix is done by Indian 'girls, hut veiy lew male Indians aro in evidence, as mechanics, or labor erst of any sort. Probably the truth aa usual lies Homewhore between I hose two viewpoints. The Indians play football, basket hall, tennis, etc., etc. Mont of them belong to some Christian church, and according to our informant take their religion very seriously. Where dancing and card playing are frowned upon by the church, tho young people refuse to engage in such pastimes. Before lunch eon a basketball game was in pro groHs Lug boys yelled and laugh ed and mumbled about very much as American boys at school might have done. , The expletives used were of the common garden var iety, only Might ly prolane. One player instead of yelling, whooped aH Indians are supposed to do, hul as no oue paid any attention to him. it was probably merely his stunt for the moment. Two or lliree motor cars well tilled with red I'apas and Mamas chugged up at the noon hour, and their pro gen yf -gathered around them -no kiHMing that we observed, a great deal of laughing and grunting. We rnn't help but feel the schooling Jeuves the Indian hoys mid girls belter off than if they just grew up uneducated on the reservation. t;ncle Sam foots the bill, and here it is a small one, only $210,000 a yeal"1. Regardless of the white man's opinion, the Indians must want hiicIi a school, for there is no fnurpul.slou, yet practically all the hoy and girl Indians in Arizonu are sent to the school by their parents. Ah far as crime Is concerned IMioenix Is very metropolitan. There is at lenst one hold up every night since we arrived there has been an average of two. Iast night there were three cash and carry stores just before opening or clos ing being favorite victims, service stations como a close second. I'hoenlx has tho city manager- form of fiovornmftnl and tho manager has called a conference to consider ways and means of cheek ins the rrlmo wave. Judging by appear ances, more policemen are badly needed. It. YV. It. Ingenuity has been developed to the task of holding hutuncss back, to the benefit of foreign competi tors. It Is excellent news that the fed eral circuit court of appeals has approved a merger of the Vacuum Oil company with Standard Oil of New York, a natural combination, in furllterancc of trade hero and abroad. -t- A liritish-Dutch company, head ed by Sir Henri Deterding, one of the world's ablest business gen iuses, ope raters In every corner of the railed Statc.i, antr all over the globe, as one solid, undivided or ganization. If we permit that, why in heaven's name iorbld American business nien to do the aame. While wo depend on our present Industrial system let us support and encourage it. Eater. If we feel a tendency toward tho Russian Idea, wo can tako that up. Hut, half way measures do not bring success. ff The glorious success of Captain Campbell, driving his racing auto mohilo on (he Florida beach at I'l- miles an hour, better than four mile a minute, should interest rich young sportsmen. There Is a British record to go after worth while. Machine, driver and world record tire all Hritish. Why waste time and money In Hilly Hailing boat races, of the "Shamrock" type. A sailing race has no more meaning than a greyhound race, or a horse race, in these days. Any goose in white trousers can riuwdlo along with the wind, doing four mlles a minute develops the science of building engines, ns important now, as building hulls for sailing vessels was loo years ago. Clover Field is tho only airport In California .bat has an all-paved, dm.tlcsa runway. It Must Be The Covered Pay Wagon Df Ac VOO( UB TOLtt M I'D! 1 H ujALK orrt-THN I'D I 1 II 1 rJ MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY CROSS-WORD PUZZLE AfJDOSS 1. I'm Into Urge fauiolloii t. Souk up It. Old iniliuti violin 16. Crony Jti. JIIiiiIiiuIUh riniiiiii lilt Hi H 17. Liollnrnln rit-kil$if M. Aimtf II). UM-ttMiriiiiiUli Hiilli il. iH'Mtl 2.1. liiijulre i'h 'I hfi ournuiu H. I- lurk k IS. It il ll out! Collit(, 3. ciiftuni ulirrnilluo 33. t.u uii 4i. Mine m Iru lire SB. .S criil 37. U 'HI till Mil 4U. Ahnlra 13. Unl'liiiipf rrd i. I'rlnli-iV tn in i lift a 18. r'tiiniurt is. I.hjiihl uiirt of tut 1'J. I'.iriii.n 61. Sen in j it. t'onrsu of pit 111 1(1 .l(B 65. Ciilllvnlf hllktviirin wt. him! if uwo4 r.U. A'-kiKiHlflu CI. HltiiiicHv ruin . Solution of Saturday' Puzzle Mji s snsiEiMnRiEiNi ATL E lUAfeJUOPEN MMJP EJrIsJoJn JAff I diNI E3a piETsns'NiA GCS SLElR ElfEiVjEHt RjAP HIE A Df tp I Isf Sf fffVL R.E I SflPAlfAMlE S PlRid'wUDAipljD AfeH SSSSNI A6 AHPjLlA TE3 QjRlrjMn NaUOl6 I S(T H A SlPnEIrVEWE SjNjE AINlf SKS'IOIS USfYE HI. hilllill un. Kfinliilne mime t Killlll'f of Oa i lit TO Ani'liit ;i. stuff 1i. I'lTliilnlns to tin uhiiirl ..Mam n. KiMikrd 71. Tho lilltir it-lrh li. I'rrliiilv of tlino , now I. Wlllicut rit-irlutf 7 3 4 T 4 J Pill? ' Z 3 T4 . To iri2 in if 2s pj 35 i:h - "J7 3j Sf 5f" 4o Jj 42 4T44 . . 7T 4(j So Ti 52W54 3T35 1 ,; J ,. '1 u zjrzri- pi i i iip 1 i adi i rlzz Personal Health Service By William Brady, M. D. - RIriiwI lftlfn pfrlnlnlng to pennn.it health will be nrvmereif tiy pr, llriicly ir A Mnmjietl wlf anrl written In Ink. Owing tn the (ante manlier of reply cmi lie nude to queries not conforming to The Mail Tribune. i:xiKitiMi-:Ts iv the cwrsi-: and mekventiox or DENTAJj CAItlKS Th o first time T vent u red (4 question the efficacy of tooth brushing as a measure for the preservation of the teeth I narrowly escaped losing my head. There Is a familiar saying, belter a live cow ard than a dead hero. Hotter, I find to tell only half the truth than not to tell at nil. Fach time I repeat the insinuaunn to the effect that If he were my kid he'd never brush his teeth unless he wanted to and If be were my kid 1 doubt he'd ever want to the reaction Is a Utile less alarming. Tho last time I got the good word over to the kids of this country the only response I noted was a bunch of anonymous letters of a scurrilous type. Drs. Hunting, Had ley, .lay and Hard recently reported in one of the medical journals devoted to children's health and diseases, the results of sonic experiments made thru a period of n year on live groups of children, each group of from 74 to 1 fill youngsters being first examined particularly as to tho condition of the teeth, then placed tin the general regimen and after n year of this, re-examined. Some of these groups were chil dren In state institutions, hence under satisfactory control. The first two groups were provided with a satisfactory diet, except no sugar was allowed, that is, not more than was used to make the tegular meats palatable. .Milk, fruit ami the greens or green vegetables were the important Items of the diet. These children were also re quired to use an antiseptic mouth wash daily. A third group, public school children, were required to ; u.vc the antiseptic mouthwash daily I but their diet was not controlled or Gu-ts uiiLL Give' OS A UFT. I4FVI ...... v-yfi 14, steeple . Uead coverlnffi t7, Hurrunful tV. Vreneli eronoua 30 Ailveutlifoui lirentlilDK IMUUU SI. I'tirmllet ut. tiiih uf an miiurrleti UUIIIIIQ 31. lienv; cord IB. Olmliii rldtcei a:. Otfie r.s. Ooildeit of (lliniril 89. Un II of lorn 41. A piiruiirlit-ii 43. Mulit-lirn.lrd fit In iterkon 44. Ni-hrme 47. Ailjukl a broken iionf 49. I.'omnntt ifulfll &I. Carpenter' tool it. Aromnlle WOtHl 63. been of rnmltal 61. Mftiil fiiHtener fie. 'J liorouulifares 611. I: tJKOM llie tCTTlCff Of CI On I he ocean 1.2. K-ornitr ruler U4. Oi'riidfii r.i, Isle: i-'rencn S7. Anil not fill, flcfnre i. ho lie It s. Terra ilrma 4. Orrpk Idler t. Srittii-r c. ( iiiiirlii ilgUt of 7. Wnniteii pruif-ili-r 8. Nu p iillcii linn 8. Jtt'vlce for nlowlnif lll'ltlull 10. A ice 11. A.nrt li, Miifiunfe dotirkceixr lt. J'rophrtt s. Wfiirv anil hygiene, not to rtiieaw, dhgnouls or Irpatmrnt atlrirseil fwrlnrm Is enclosed, tetters should lie brief letters reeelred only a few can be answered here. No Instruction!. Address Dr. William Itrady In care f regulated. Tho fourth group, chil dren In a state public school, were provided with an unusually good tho ho ideal diet, and not required to use the antiseptic mouthwash. The fifth group was not regulated or controlled in any way diet or mouth antisepsis. Xow let us see what general ef fects these observers found in these various groups of children. After a year the first two groups of children contained 79 and 0 per cent of children free from tooth decay, and 5 nnd 6 per cent, with very marked cavities. The third group, who used the antisep tic mtiuthwasn nut no particular diet, contained fiO per cent of chil dren with active carles and only 25 per cent with no cavities. The fourth group, who had used no mouth antisepsis and had received Just an ordinary good diet, con tained 75 per cent of children with normal mouths nnd 6 per cent, with active caries. The fifth group, just a control group without any regulation of diet or mouth anti sepsis, contained 49 per cent of children with active cartes and IS per cent free from cavities. From thin actual test on human beings we may safely deduce that mouth antisepsis is of little If any value in the preservation of the teeth, but a diet which includes liberal proportions of pure fresh milk, fresh fruits and fresh greens and vcKetables tends to save the teeth from decay. To the diet as Indicated, it Is well to add plenty of fresh eggs when eggs aro not excessively priced. And fresh butter and nil other daiiy products should be provided liberally for growing chil dren, as well as pure fresh milk. QCKSTIOXS AM) AN'SWT.KS A Temporary Tooth Our baby 19 months old fell and struck his chin, loosening three HttlHouuMWuTW OK AN! a Pint? , v:9 v DOS V it. I teeth. One tooth Is still loose, but the others tightened up again. This loose one had a gumboil on it which our doctor opened. Should this tooth be drawn or should we try to save it? (S. J. P.) - Answer. I cannot advise with out exam I nation. The tooth is ft temporary tooth and .will be rp-. placed later by a permanent tooth in any event. Another Molar (ims Haywire ' I have an impacted third molar which is pressing against a crownr ed second molar, apparently. Would you say this might be the cause of a speech difficulty that I have developed hrtely 1 cannot seem to make my tongue work In pronouncing many ordinary words. . . . (Miss II. M.) Answer. At any rate I think it would be worth while to have the impaction relieved by surgery. No Juice A year ago my physician diag nosed my trouble as achylla pa trica (In plain language absence of gastric juice) and prescribed for me. My health has Improved but I am still taking tho medicine. I have been told it will be neces sary for me to continue taking it alt my life. Is the prolonged use of such medicine harmful? Does the absence of the natural stom ach secretions at one time indicate it will never be secreted again? (Mrs. C. M.) Answer. The medicine will not harm you If you strictly adhere to the doctor's directions. Hen Told may well be left out of the council of doctors sitting on your case. The absence of gastric juice at one time Is no indication that you will not have plenty at another time. Sundown 5 The First Party By MARY GRAHAM BONNER They got into the plane and flew to a place some distance away, landing on top of a house. Here the Little Black Clock left them to take a trip with the pilot. It was like another house they had visited long be fore .when the Clock had turned the time forward. The front door wa up near the roof. They had evi dently been expect ed, for the mother of the children who lived in the house met them and said to all the other children: "Here are my friends John and Peggy. I told you that I expected two new friends." The other children made friends quickly. Peggy particularly liked a Httle girl whose name iVas Min na, and John found a boy named Louis ever such good fun. They all played games when suddenly Minna said: "Now we must go to the second party." ' "Oh, yes," said Peggy, "I heard there was to be another.' "There's to be a wonderful party right across the continent,, and we can get there in a short time." said Minna. "I'll take you in my plane if you wish." Just then Peggy noticed the re freshments were being passed around. That ice cream they had when the Clock turned the time forwards always tasted as thotgh made of some delicious cloud ma terial. "Oh, we don't want to leave quite yet," said Peggy. "We're having such a good time here." They talked it over for a while. Minna couldn't bear to miss an other party and Peggy thought it a pity to leave when she was hav ing such nn excellent time. Minna left in her plane. Then Ixmis came along with John and said: "You may be late for the next one. I'nless you're ahead of time you're behind time." John laughed. The world In the future was quite funny, but he and Peggy stayed at the first party and so did some of the others, though mostly they went away and those who lived in the house met them and now came to this! What an idea, John thought. Big Itndio Xotwork LOS ANOLLKS. Transconti nental & Western Air, operating among other lines a transcontinen tal service between here and New York, now has a string of twenty radio stations stretched across tho country for the guidance of its pianos, , 4 1-raises Danes LOS AXO KLKS. ( ien. "W. W. Atterhury, president of the Penn sylvania railroad, on n recent visit here, declared that airplanes, op erating on a regular daily schedule have proved a distinct adjunct to the railroads. I incite. it a ' ; . -.as i - n TORIES 'f bJ1 II CONTlMOtb il . Quill Points 1 "i never nave uu.uu 1 feet man." wiy a prominent biolo w.i, ohmiM niarrv KlKl. J" at widow. ' The truth is that the older gen eration just seemed lws wiclced be cause it vulled the shades down. The world wa created In novon days. You see. It wasn't necessary to get donate confirmation. 'iSome jioople never, face their records 'until Judgment Day and others run for office or monkey with a divorce cq.urt. ' TIip vIsUinK Knclishmnn who says Americana have a tired look should try llstcniriK to rrohililtion for cloven yean. The emblem that should he . on the ears ued by somo dry agents is an extended palm. But why call it capital punish ment when It's the lack of capital that causes a man to get it. This Isn't such a bad world. Tho picked couldn't Thrive if they de pended on a collection plate. One of the great problems of the door i.s that of making ends meet while living as the rich do. Amoricani.sm: Hiding our econ omics so people won't know how poor we arc; malting little effort to curb the speech that .shows how poor our mindV are. Anions the things left at home when some people go to winter resorts are grocery bills. Then, too. there was less de mand for parking space in the old days because current methods of courtship required only one hand If Lucas lose hU job, he might fit in an publicity man for Clara How. The advantage of brain work is that the boss never knows you aren't working unless you snore. You see, if a man is jobless and hungry. That makes him a Bed. Then you hit him with a night stick and . that makes him love hi." country. If the ocean back of the bath ing beauty looks faded, that's caus ed by the steam boat in the studio. , Americans are people who de spise loafers while working hard to get rich enough to take life easy. If Kimr Alfonsn is re.illv deni ocrattc. the opposition is wasting breath. ho ever heard of a Democrat resigning? Correct th It sentence: "There was no need of calling me," snid the famous M. D., for your regu lar physician has done everything just right." "IC you'll permit me," Bunny says. "at this point I'll suggest Of places we should go to next. Japan sernu far the best." "We'll travel incognito," Puffy .i.v.h: "what do you say?" And though that word is new to him, bis valet erics "Hurray:" By BUD FISHER AT LAST VUG V ftor THG. C CSeX BIG BOY!) r . ItfSJ r Vr7' ""-VA aH I 11 1 D Yen Remember? TK.V YEARS AOO TODAY (Flora files of tho Mall Tribune.) I'l-liruary 0. 1H2I City rhinami'ii observe Chinese New Years. Butte Falla lending In donatlonR for Near East relief. . Practical jokers put ah Iroitatlon dead rat in the coat pocket tof Miss Paulino Thompson, a clerk, who, when she discovered the "rat" promptly fainted; which was not what the Jokers rifftired. Dr. Ilnyes was called nnd quickly revived Miss Thompson, who told tho rlnn leader. In a few well chosen words, what she thought of him. 2G5 new members have been enrolled in the Jackson County Farm Bureau. Republicans complete ptnns for Lincoln Day banquet with Judge Lnwrence T. Harris of Eugene ns the chief speaker. Jack Pritton, noted pugilist, wins his 43-'nd battle in tho ring. TWENTY YEA Its AGO TODAY (Prom files of the Mail Tribune.) I'ebruary 0, 1011 Cicorge Trnnna Is named city water superintendent. - t Civic beauty committeo of the Commercial club demand action at once. Pert Anderson is elected presi dent of the Jackson County Build' Ing nnd Loan association, which built 30 homes last year. lledford women with Chinese pheasant wings on their hats liablo to arrest. Haw and hammer nro again heard in tho city, as fair weather revives building. Frank io Kdwards and "Fighting Dick" Whitney stage brilliant ten round scientific exhibition at Med ford theater, which Mayor Canon pronounces ns "within the law and the combatants sure kept their promise to me not to hurt each other." Rogue Iliver Canal company secures seven miles of right-of-way for canal. Ralph CowgUl is tho right-of-way agent. .parents RAD DISPOSITION Ry ALICE .ITDSOX PKALE If you have ever, tried to work at some task when you were ill. or have sat through a show when you had forgotten your glasses, you will have some idea of the disadvantages endured by a child who suffers from some physical defect that hampers his work or play. It Is hard enough for an adult to be sweet tempered and cheerful under such circumstances, and for a child, with his lens developed emotional control, It Is fairly lm possible. Many children in every Bchool system are found every year suf fering from defective vision or hearing, or enlarged adenoids and tonsils. Many a disciplinary prob lem has solved Itself when these matters were properly attended to. To be sure. If these defects have existed undetected over a period of time, bad behavior fen ay have become entrenched In the child's personality, creating new sources of maladjustment which will have to be dealt with after the origi nal cause has been removed. Certain common children's HI nesses frequently leave behind physical defects. It in well to have the child examined after such Illness as measles and scarlet fever. In any event, every child should be thoroughly examined before he is enrolled in school, where eyes and ears will be taxed as they haVe not boon before. A good many school failures, with their attendant behavior problem, could bo avoided by this simple meas ure. If your 'child needs glasses, be sure that he wears them. Children are careless about this pecan so they do not realize tho connection between their own nervousness and temper tantrums nnd tho fact that they are continually suffer ing from eye strain. Ancient anil Modern ALBCQrEKQl'10, N. M. An tiquity and modern tty stand side by side on an Indinn reservation on Toalone mountain. An ancient pyre, used by tho Zunl Indians countless years ago for signaling, now has a modern counterpart in the form of n powerful beacon which guides pilots oh the New York-Los Angeles line of Trans continental & Western Air. Avoid Head Colds and Sore Throat This Winter CATARRH Opens Vp Stuffed Nostrils In 3 ' Minutes Onex keens nostrils anil throat free from mucus buzzing in ears when caused bv catarrh la lessen ed no more mucus In throat to hawk up in the morning. Oct It at Jarmln 4 Wood, who ulways keep up with modorn medical dis coveries use for 30 dv If not Joyfully satisfied monev back. . tupip no nre suoject to wr throat nnd opeakers and singern who suffer from hoarseness should pray with ope night and morn ing It's delightful to us because of its wholesome fragrance Keep your n o s t r I Is on Q-lcan as your teeth. Tin Opx Co., f W. 30th Sir; New, York. Oft OPEX