Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 09, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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0 m
i lnli')U)toit MNtiiitf tToUy 1
Tho vulU'y daii-ynu'ii uvv holding j
v li.'nioetlns thl afternoon, ut ih
Hotel Medfiml fur iho purpoHi of.
UUcuslnr cooling milk and t-iil-1
Jzfltton of fouinmoiu In connection i
-m 1th niPotinK' thif ti'rms of MVd-T
ford', niHk . ordinance Tin main'
ppctittjjr wan "K. -y. I vicj of Corvnl-.
Oregon HluAli colics, w.hp Imparl-
' ul .welcome, .Infornmtl-on kK 'lined j
'' from WxpfrJincnt. in" coolliifi und
i tcriiitlott if equipment.
,lkk (Miilcr . IMmiMmI 1
'- Dick , iKintjJer, directory i'lerk of j
j( tho poKtoffice. Jh laid up ut homo I
,for licvitrnl duy.s mtfferliiff with u,
M,bfid Knee, which 'has been bothcr-
i;JH him for Borne time, with hope
..the member will hi; recovered
Uhnroufihiy by garden Hpadlnn time.
n diversion of which he i very
jUiuUn ut Itm Uy 1'olnt ' '
flliiKh 11. Itankln, supervisor of,'
Crater national forest,. I spending i
today nt Unrlcy,. Point, Pelican bay. I
lookluK nvcr forestry matters ln
thttt vicinity. i
.'.A Van da .Iou Armour, noted tin-
trolopist, has 'returned on limited j
. iiO(cai;onient by. rfttiuett. Mrn. Ar-
' niour .mny,thc consulted for horos-J
tfopo; reading .by caning ui..jui
Centruh J'hone Hl'i. 321
.I'Vitm Dlstmit Cities
Quests fnom 'distant .plricci reg
istered at Medford hotels Include
II. O. MyorR of 'Jtoise, C. A. Me
Kern , of ' Parts, France, 11. "W.
ClevQlnnd und F. II. Uurr of Cleve
lnnd, Ohio. K. C. Krooke and iT.
Uahttcost of Vancouver, Jt, v.
', "Ilurh' heavy - rough und smooth
biucM;-they- Hurt longer. Mod. Fuel
vO.i-TcI.C31. r tf
' ilVHl -AtldmsM Lcjflon
J ; --8tati Traffic Officer Herb Moore
I . will pen It at the American Legion
; nieetln-jr tomorrow n!ght on law
. enforcement and on the evils of
I ' crime. Other county officers are
j : to speak the ame evening.
i ; ' fcarlieftt of ' All' seed potatoes at
reasonable pride. 1 1, "It. -Jackman,
t ' Mdlln, Ore; ' 3
f -ToIIiivu )'Mr .. Fowl
! ' ';! Members of ll)o Mcu'.-i IJlbhi clas
': of the. FU't t'hrlstlun church have
(planned on oyster feed for Friday
, venlntf.'-'-AU meiuhers of the claw
and friciiOs -are,, invited to attend.
j. '"''.rti-on'e'&42. 'Wll haul away
j your refuse. Olty gunltury Service.
-: V 237tf.
..Ca.Hrtl lo letlforil
j jce .Younger of San Francl.ieu
!.. arrlyd ,In , on, .the Hhaita.
,:V'. " today,: called-hero fhy the 'death of
'' his, futher, Hr I- Younger.
, SV ,) Card,'-parly at t'alholle , parish
WedrnMdHy night. Last one; before
Irfnt. All ore Invited, A 1 , ;i2i
vWqtild Jtftimiui .JliRltway . '
The Jtoosovult const highway In
Oregon would be renamed the
Orogon v'onMt -higliwny under a1 hill
Introduccrt In the' houe at Halem
recontly. : '
Vonuuneot wave.H that leave your
lialr noft and ntlrnctlvo looking.
"Oei ono"for .6 'at'Kathryn J.oca
MVm :230 H. C'i'ntraf. Phono 1371.
-: i.;--.. v 1 320
Agricultural, KiiM'i c in tlty
- K. F. Prlco. ftgrlcuttural. ngln
:or for tho Oregon State -.eollege,
Mvho paKAqd -through Medford last
Saturany with his father, en ruut
to Cottonwood(. Ctl, , returned ,lo
lhe idty last night find addicted
: the looal dalrytneu'.s meetings this
. uftornuon.
Onrd la4ty at Catholic parish
lnt. All mo Invited. 321
Wcdnvtiay nlKht. Last one before
lltiiiio 10111 Conference.
LcKtel .Wellington, represcntn-
f UViJ ot tno' Pot MHk, company for
.'thii. UyTltory, -returned this morn
.iji from Han FrapelMco, where' he
W has Wn nttondlng tho meeting of
t'aciflc coart representativew.
Proving that tnnnrtncsti -with
v o o h o hi y - b P d n s I b 1
-MthHwyn II. Hoffmann Is now
showing dresses In- newest printn
for Mj.00 to $25.00. Watch our
display windows for authentic
ntyuM. 923
Mr, and Mcm. iMpp-Hetuiii
Mr. andMis. John , O. 'upp of
the Cupp furniture store, returned
ln.t week from their trip east.
Whllo ihoro they visited the fur-
- nUuro nitirkets n , Chicago, Uinh
Moines und -other eastern cities,
purchasing a complete line of tnw
'spriiiK merchandise which they are
now showing at their ntoro, ,
Our new studio ii opposite new
Holly theater, - The Pciusicys. l- tf
W. V. Hall of ltoseourg and
y. :. Price of Corvalll(rure rcfjls
Kv'y'V MfwUord lintels 1
For Hard Coughs That
i : ' Call
i.Cfeomulilon it made for courIi
m item fotH flint hang un. l or courIis
dcl and tlitticull--cout(lii wlifrr you
daroot rhV a leys clftctive help.
' Hut (. careful people ur it for
xcouRht which seem milder use it to
rlo the utinuit and be oafe. For no
, body known where a cough may lead.
CreomuUion combined even major
help in one. Some cough yield
best lo one help, tome to another.
Doctor often Hitter on the best help,
: for couphs are nut alike. So here
combine all the hwt to be taire.
Creonote and fitnt. Mere It in
Mended, em unified and made palatn
-Me. i For foothina -membranes and
. combating Rermsr it i cenkidcrtd the
lupreme nelp in this type , of cough.
Hut other helpa ate ointnuie
W'niitM To Locate lien
C J. HuchcnH of l.uianiie, Vyo
l a elurlnet player and u More
elerlt and in unxioiiH to locate in
.Medford, nrcordliitf to a letter re
cei ved fro m hint t odn y by the
Medford chamber f eommoree.
Me wantK to join the KIIch band
If he can find employment hero,
lie wrote that he nan been inter
ested In southern Oregon for Home
time. 0
Itotunicil From Seattle
Walter On-many returned Hutur-
day from H;Utle ami Portland,
where he had spent the pat month
In connection with electrical draft
Iiik work.
Card party at Catholic pariah i
Wednesday night. I.uhI oim before
Lent. All are invited. 321
Allen In City
Dudley i. Allen. reprexeiiliiiR j
the I,omlun Lancashire J oh u ranee j
company, spent .Sunday In l UIj '
city and continued his trip to
KlamHilt Fall today.
Ladles, if your wardrobe needs
liulnfr over to finish out the reason,
call tho Faslvon Slum, -12 4 ' Med
ford lildtf., 'Phono 111. tf
Tt.leino(hl Dwelling
John Cunningham will spend j
. 0 u to re m od e I a dwell! n k o n i
f'm-nlii.r f'dii.-t tt.ftnlhnr Irt f.i'
J - '
pllcstlon on fll( tOdas ut the city
luldlpK ,dep;u lH'nt.
11 ro It e n ''windows retflazed by
TroAvbridKe Cabinet Works. 23Utf
U'mi'N I'or Hi;liMd
. -MNh Juanita Deinmcr left on
the Shasta this . morning for Ku
Kene where she will resume her
KtudlcH She is n Junloi1 In (he
Cnlver.slty of Oreuon, and has been
In - Medford the' past week,' called
here by the death of her father.
""Wednesday candy special
jj-rcsn. creamy walnut log. ,4Kc in.
i The Crest, K. Central. 321
( -
j Mine . Work. Susiumtlrd
Due -to on Injunction Iued in
circuit' court last week, the Little
Applegate Mlnintc company has
i temporarily suspended 'pcmtlons.
, Floyd Kteel. nianaaer for the com
puny reported today when in Med
ford. The mine, uing the hyd
raulic sy.steni. ix located at Itun-e-wii
und In the object of an in-
iJunetion to jirevent drainage water
caiMliig alleged damage to an ir-,
; l igation cIHclj, owned by several
1 Applegnte ranchers. Mr. Steel to-!
j clav declared the ditch was not
being damaged by his operations.
Portraits of distinction. - The
j Peurtleys, opp.' Holly Theater, tf
llHUIe Falls Visitor
J Jt. .M, Conley was among - the
t visitor! in Mi'dford today from the
llutte Falls section.
Tulip Oil Permanonts for Spring!
Free -shampoo with Jl marcel or
flng(.'r wave Mon,, Tues. Wed. boh
bc(l hair. Howman's. Phone 57,
; ( . ' . 321T
PiimIuFm n,"ilh ItirllKlay
j The ,.ltev, 1C. .,(1. O. Groat of
Cottage drove celebrated his Kith
j birthday ' rnrimtly. The ' llajKl.1-1
jchnrch uf Cottage drove sent him
' a .birthday cuke and flowers.
' , I'tah's best1 uoa! SiGv.'iO per ton
off car. Med. Fuel Co., Tel. 031.
Front Stale of Washington
dupsts from the state of Wash
ington registered at Medford hotel-
Included Mr. and Mrs. IL C.
Parsons and F. C. Davis of Spo
kane, If. C. Fleshrr, C. t). Plcknrd.
J. H. Dahlherg, J, it. Kriigcr, H,
.!. Kruger and O. II. Price of Se
attle, and Mr. and Mr. F. K.
Mariner of Seahold. r
'For 'grlide A raw milk, call 5!Ml,
Campbell" Dairy.' Two deliveries.
Afnicteil Willi Smnllpo
fjord nu Keirthuw was minrnntln
ed to his- home lodav sufferlns
from an attack of smallpox, the
first caye reported n Medford this
" Kur grlulu A raw milk, call
Campbell Hairy. Two deliveries.
'- ; .tf
Uecovory f Progressing , . ;,'
' Mrs. .Clatous MeCredie;' who un
derwent a major -operation over a
week .ago at the Community hos-,1
pltal. was repotted to he showing
continued Improvement today. She
was able tti.slt up ycMerduy.
iTlmn sulphur, oil spray, arsen
ate of lead; September payment.
Phono tlTti. Medford Fruit Co.,
Inc. Ml
.Mr. Smith Itcturu-
C. d, Smith, principal of .Med
ford high Mchool. returned last
evi'iilng from Portland where he
has been conferring With archU
ti'ets concerning the new school
Dry fir slabs ?.U)ll per load. Med.
Fuel Co.. Tel. 63L tf
Obtained (inn Permit
The sheriffs office issued a per
hill' today" to Samuel 'Vainer Vf
thu-'lij-uuUHpriuK niottntaln section
tii oarty n . concealed weapon (or
protect Inn ptirpoxes.
For Super-Help
neeted pine tar, wild cherry, men
thol ipecac nml other?. NoIhmIv can
tell to which help your coukIi will
ooiir?t yield. So experts have com
biued in CreomuUion all best helps
in one. No narcotic, not hi or harm
ful to a child, hut n seven-way help
to rienl with all conditions.
The prlre is I.2S a little higher
than a lesser help. Hut your drug
$fi t guarantrrs it. Your money in
returned ff It fail1 to btliiR the o,nick,
romplete" lielp vftif desire.- Don't tou
think It worth that hltle eitra to
he sure that you ate doing'tHe ut
most fur a couhf
for iHfficatt Coughs
from Void
.Unity .iiIiiuiIh 'IVnpiH'tl -
iJexpiic the fact that Januur.l
a bad month for coyote trapping,
U- )ilnelpully to tho fact that it
it the matlriK neaon. hu litem for
tho L'nlted KtateH bloloKkal mui-
vey In Oi't'Kun caught 2 21 of the j
anii'tltt lt month, according to)
a report by Stanley (i. Jewett.
leader of predatory animal and '
rodent control. The Jiuntei-H, t 3-1 j
In hunt her, u'Iko' demroyed 17 boh-1
eat.i. one cougar and 2"3 porcu-j
plneH. '
' owyill ItettiriH Xoiili
Ualpii Cownill, who Mpent llif j
week-end In thU city wltli hl fam
ily, returned lo Salem last nlht.j
Two. Couples To Weil
'; The cimty Ierk'.4 office iHHUeil j
a niarriaiie license late Saturday j
to Wayne Wakefield. 2). and Iso-1
lee Pro wn, 21, both of .Medford. j
and to Wllfind Jeter. 21. and .Maryj
.VorriH, 20, jolh of Ltna, Calif. ,j
Kiy-thlprlow'. kodak k!os up-j
rcine, l lie j'eusloy s, opp. - Jiouy
theater. tf
Oretfou Caves IMutier
ile'H'Ke C. Kabln, manaKei- of the
Oreffon Caves risort In southern
Oregon, -and Mrs. Kabln --will be
hosts at u dinner dunce to be
Klven at Hotel Kenton at CiU'vallls
the nlwlit of I'Vbruary 14 for l-'O
former employes. The affair will
be held at Corvalli because a large
number of the young f " I U employ
eii at the Oregon Caves resort each
summer are Mtu dents ut Oregon
Htate college. Mr. and Mrs. Kabln
live in Orants Pass diirinfj the
winter. The Oregon Inn.
Thumb Lttcvrnled
Accidentally placing his thumb
on a small, portable whirling saw.
Luuin Jennings yesterday suffered
a badly laeera led thumb on the
left hand. 1 The accident took place
at his Jiume on Houth Holly street.
prill Sheet Metal Works does
expert repairing, fender and auto
body repairing. tf
Kwuii NtatO'MctrojHdis
iuct4 at .Medford hote,l from
Portland are iA. L. Lake. It. It.
Nicholson. F. - V. Sherwood. It. F.
Crake. W. K. Saxe. P. I!. Sibley.
.Mr. and Mrs. It, W. Case. Mr. and
Mr.-. C. II. Maply. L. O. Kcnnrtn
and Fail if. Jlrown.
(iuchts Jn .Mcdlord
Mr. and Mw. Pahlwln and chil
dren of ,K f.MJiy are spending sev
eral days in thin city a-i guests of
Mrs. Fva Peleit-i and M rs. f ialph
Four Hon illy Warrants
The killing of predatory animals
in Jackson county Is continuing
with considerable success, accord
ing to bounty war-rants Issued at
the county clerk's , office today.
They went to U. T. Cox. Prospect,
four coyotes; Lester Moval. Lake
Creek, one bob-eat: A. T. Huothby.
Prospect,. 'five coyotes: IS. A. .Uus
sell, Pcagle, two -hob-cats.
Kdllor Leaves '
Ham Freodman, associate editor
of a local morning newspaper for
the past six months, resigned Into.
Saturday night and departed eith
er for Han Francisco or Portland.
Ills' place on the local publication
will be taken for a few days by
A il Sehoehl, Journalistic' instructor
and teacher of history In the high
school. ' '
Mbs Whitman - In. roi'tlaiul
Ml Fanny Whitman left Med
ford lust night -for -Portland, where
nlie plans to spend 10 day or two
weeki. - ' . ' 11
Spent WtM'U-l'Jiil Here;
Mrs; W. II. Mcrrlnuui and chil
dren, Guy, Hay and Lee, and
William Mooney uf Pnnpeet were
v'hHois In Medford over the wee'.t
md. Mr. and Mrs. K. II, Olils of
Itut'te Falls were also .Medford
Hero' Fnmi Jioar State
Those fro in (California register
ed at local, hotels nje C. M. Nor
llnger of San Diego, -Mrs; K, ' H.
Iteggs and Hubert Wlldcrmuth of
San' Jose, L. W; DuVall and fain
lly. dten. -S. Mcdlushnii, ij. s. Mc
(ilashan, and - Fit 'Walter' of 'Los
Angclti," and the 'following .from
Sah -FranVlsoot' F, Ctir.iuii,, John N.
IJemmer, H. A.' Su?en, A. F. Por
ter. It, JacobHen.;J,,AV..'Plummer.
Paul It. Itugg. A. F. Porter and
C. D. Monteith.
Dr. Hayes. Itcturns .
l! James l'. Mayctt, who han
beet) receiving treatment In the
St. Vincent hospital In Portland,
returned to Medford lat night, ac
companied by Mm., Hu.vch. lie is
reported to be In n much improved
Hero Fur Treatment
Mrs. t'hti.t. tlooch of Ml. Shasta.
'nHf.; Ih Hpendlh!;, several day in
,tlil city receiving . treatment for
nana! trouble.
t'mlrt-uucN (ipcratlon
1 1 co ik o W . Wilt cr o f .1 a c It .-o n -vll'.e
viuderwe,nl tn operation Mil
ioi'ilu.4. ;tt ,t)yw1Coninuiiiiy ho-s-pltal
'and U ri ported to be rti!n
alyy;( yhyly.. ' t 0
AiTunKcmimtM havt! bovn com
phtod for ti Jul m noHMhm or the
local meat cuttr!' union and the
antral l.nbor Coupctl nrxt Wed
hHHduy evrnhi arlabor hnll. The
program includes Hcvernl short
talkn on labor toplcn And the- secret
of how to chop up a Klxycur-ohl
butt and putt it cf r- n Imhy hecf.
will he dlulnd. At the rliw of
the meeting a lunch will be served
In the diniiiK hall.
Thin H one of a (terieft of Joint
Jielonn idanned by the labor
council to extend welcome and
nrourmrmehf t nil 'net labor
oiHnlftti0h!i re'cently formed In
W bvat uhlpineuta from Duluth,
Miun., tor the year up to Jua. 1,
1!;U. were only 6,000.0oo htiHhelft
thttu lu the previous yettr.
TRimiNK. M I'll) FORD,
The itiJi'poacH '(i ml uccomplih-;
mcntK of KlwunlH clubs . wcro told;
by JJr. KrnoHt (I. liunhor of Lob (
A.uK'cm to. memljcrw of the Jocal j
club in regular noon neHHloq nt the :
Hotel Medford today. Dr. Hnnhor. j
a meinbrr of .tip" Loh AngoIc 'or- I
Kanizatlon. 1b entirely up on KI-I
wanlHin and covered the field so j
thoroUKhly that perhapa local ;
membeia learned more of the club I
than they ..had'--' anticipated when J
the Hpeaker opened hi remarks. I
Service clubs not only return aj
personal benefit but otic- to the
community oh well -and 'are per
manently flxiid In hutionn! llf?. he
nald. The teaching Of American
lam and ohaervance of uuthorlly is
a worthy purpowe of tho club, lie
cited the fact there are ijoo publi
cations In tho United States hostile
lo the. government. Of this num
ber, 75 per cant Jire published In
foreign languages, 1 Dr., . Bafdior
said. - - . "' -
The speaker related a number ofl
InstanccH concerning welfare work
accomplished by the Loh Angeles
club 'and. of Incidents of good fcl
lowahip incurred by club member
hip.,.. , i , ,.f , if . j'.';
'Pud'ny's alttnULinco j uA'.f was
awarded to Ji. F, AV,1 Kplfvertv
i,': , i, -,, ; t V
. By ictnK' Olscn ,
Perhaps one. of 1he - be.n tlwed
artists "in the world i Madame
Krnotiiie Schumnnn-Jleink. the
famous contralto. Her ; admirers
will be Interested to .know that
this grand ' old lady U atipearlng
at the Holly , theatre In a Pathc
Audio Keview.
Having retired from a-t!vc ring
ing, .Madame Schit ma nn-He'nk i
now teaching voice and he intro
duce her PUplb- in tnl., . interest
ing reel. - Hhe ways, "I have-wonderful
talent and wonderful voices,
and In a ftuv.-years it will -not be
necfary to go - to Kuroe for
artlKls to ."ing the oeratlc robw."
This Pathe Audio llevicw Is one
of the f:-a; tires of the program
cIo.h trie at the Holly with the last
performance" tonight, - ".The.. Mat
rimonial i:erj ls, the . fe'atiu- pic
ture and It has proved t pleasiint
.'iurpriae, Tlierc J.. nothing Jin It
to offend. . - . -
Also on, the p'rogiam ,lVii Pathe
news 'reel'; of In''rcftihg .oTbnta - and
haliponini; ' a 1 1.ocjhey Tnpei and
irtother of the Vagabond Adven
ture films In which th Vagabond
director, Tom Trils tukca the aud--',eni-e
to-te.Mystio lsl-y...A Vita
pbpne .arj rounds tui t t h i pro
Hrriini.o 1 ' r' 'l
Talent grange met ThufMday
w th gocd attendance. All offlcerM
were present cxceii piahiat and
the uwlMiiril plaulHt filled her
Mr. and . Mrs. Thatcher. ' Mm
W lhur. Mr. and Nlr. ' Carl ltorg.
Mrs. Crawft rd. Mr. and .Mrs. .1. .1.
Trya'n and J Mr. and Mr.". Sohth
wlt'k wcr- obligated In the fourth
decree "- '
' Lecture hour f.was c"ndu ted by
the .three' grace. .M! Mtirgaret
Pctl;le. Mrs, Ormle (iodilard nnd
A I I'M. Harry LowC,. with the l'.i!low
ing program: Wolo on a tin can
viol n. Frank Wulis; reading. Mr.
NVrggant; piano cole, -.Mr. Frlnk:
rending. .Mr. DodiiC: vocal solo.
.Miss Dorothy Haughman: vocal
,yo by .M Nf -FayiV KtC- Delleloils
rtcVbmcnt.', 'were j served aflei
Prof. F. F. Price, head of the
agricultural 1 department of the
Oregon experiment station In Cor
vnllH. Hpulte- before a sewlon of
m'lk -.producers this afternoon ;t
tire Hotel Medford on refrigera
tion, milk cooling, wate- heating
"Md vtevUUntloii nnd how they can
he ipH-d hy the local dairymen.
I'roH'por Pric visited a num
ber of county dalrio this -forenoon
with Charter W. Austin, ilty dairy
inspect or, and th 's afternoon ex
pressed commendation on the con
dition In which he found them.
He declared the federal standard
milk ordinance Is making good
headway in Oregon and far hut
hcon established In Medford. Mm
gene. Salem and Portland, with
PCahI Millies that Pendleton is joon
to fall in' line.; , ' '- ' '
' L.' '
Cheese Factory Wrecked
' VANCOFVFH. Wonh.. IVb. it-
pj-DaniaJie lu thf HnttlegroumUpns, diny swlls nml nervousness,
ch"c nictory. jWrmkert lute Sni
unlay when Mil ammonia tank on
the retrlgorator exploded, will
amount to it lonst .'.ooo, officer
o( Iho company salrt tody. An
earlier annomicetuent sahl the (tarn
age hd bet"ltltril-
Airport' Budding
Tl;1.8A. Okla.4'lsn!. are belns
prepured tor the eonstruellon of
n taii.omi ndministrail. iniildinK
nt the Ineol airport.
7 to 7:30 p.m. Stromberg-Curlson
program. NliC service to. KG-,
7:80 to 8 p.m. Km pi re JJullderH.
NHO ftervice to KfiO, KHQ,
S to 8:15 p.m. Amos V
NIK' Hcrvlce to KCIO,
.KOMO.. .K.G W. . K yZQA . . K VXD
S : 1 5 to 8:30 p.m. Uainier Rickey
. Man. iH' service to KGO
a to It p.n. Kudy Seiger's Shell
Sympiifiiilsts. NIK' service to
Jvl'O., KFI:, KliXi, KOMO. JCCnV
H: 1 G to p.m.
S:30 tfi i) p.m. Sparklets. XUC
-service, to K(IO
9 ' to H:30 p.m. AdventureH of
Hherlock' Holmes.' ' NBC service
y.-30 to 10 p.m. Pacific National
Singcra NBC Hervlco to KGO.
1 0 to 10:30 p.m. Musical Echoes.
MIC service to KGO, KMC A
10:30 to 10:45 , p.m. Vlr Frlen'
Scotty. NBC'' service to KGO,
10:45 to 1 1 : p.m. Waller V. Fcr
!t hcri XfltX jieryJcA to KCShiKOA
(SI I 't,o 2 :nilWnc&('fl:rchestra.
rNBCH vitO lGO,:KGy; KFI
Announcement - o' the marriage
of her ''daughter; Hlbcrr, known
ln"lhc: inovIeH us "Gloria Greer"
was made Saturday by Mrs Lillian
Greer, when she returned to Ash
land after a three months' ' tay
In Iturbank, Calif, with her on-in-Iaw
and daughter"; Mr.1 and Mrs.
Harvey Ling.
The marriage 'of Mlf-s Greer
and Mr. Charles- Nocllc was an
event of last July, hut has not
been announced previously. Jlr.
Nocllc Is a Los Angeles business
man. 4
Mm. Greer ' was accompanied
home . by Mr. .and Mr. Noelle,
and by her daughters, Mrs, Win.
Schofleld .and . dapghtcr. , Sharon.
Mr,.' Ujld Mrs; ''Noelle ' ylll romaln
In Ablanfl for an extended visit.
Ashland Thlihgs. . ' .
Members' Of the employ ox club
of the California Oregon Power
company will " hold one of their
popular Copeo forum "smokers" at
St. Mark's guild hall tomorrow
night. A good entertainment pro
gram bun- been arrnnged by the
committee In charge and will fea
ture moving pictures of the con
si ruction of Line 20. a new 110.000
volt transmission line extending
from Winch ester to North Bend,
Oregon. The films will be ex
plained by George F. Phythlan,
superintendent ,; of construction.
The, Copco MK.t'" P;" tic til 11, have
lilHuncd a Mght supper, .to -follow
the evening'i. progrhm."
Acctif ed of the httrglary of tho
llaukln Kstcs pool hall on Froul
street Hovei'ol nights ngo, Charles
Ktlle, Hi, -nnd Flmer Louth, 17.
were nrrostcd by tho police las,
night. The two boys ore said to
have confoHsed to the. crime nml
returned a portion of Iho atolen
goods, liu'liitting a 'purse nnd cig
arettes. Pollen say tho boya were
attetnptltis to,, try the locks, at the
PiiRtinte pool hulrat , lO o'clock last
evening. , -Their arrest .soon fol
lowed. ''
ill L
Uacki-t n (I v o r I I s 1 n s will l)u
tlilrmi!hl.v (llscussei! 1 nt tmilclU'a
irwBlun ol' (he ltntilll MorrlmntH
clivlHion of tlm Mcdlonl Chmnbor
of t'ohinicrce at tlu llotol .Medford,
lii'HliiiiliiK with n' linniiuet at l!:!HI.
Slepfl will probably be taken to
.oliutipivte , , outKido advertiiiiiiK,
ofitJn promoted by out" or stato in
U'rcsta. Tho. election ut, officers
will he beid and lilnns y Ul be .ipiulc
I'T the annual aprinii:" oi'ehhm.
Relief -from Gas
Stomach Pains
The tloriorii tell Us- that SO per
cent of all niekiics is due to stom
ach nnd bowel troublen. You can't
be, well if your.diRMition is bad:
you r likely to (;et siek unless you
relish food and iliKust it properly,
Tnnlac has n wonderful rerord
as a relief from digestive troubles,
even those of years' standinp.
Mr. I.. P. Simmons, of UWj
tl.avimeT St.. l.lenver, Colo., says:
Tanlac mude'tni! relish attd digest
niv tood tine, it also cureii me ot
Now 1 sleep well unit can put in Kii
Kowl n day's work us A yuungstvr."
If Von snlTer from ens. pain.t In
the titutiiaeh or bovi-l, t)iine.,
tiuiirca. constipation. r torpid
liver; if you liavtf no appetite, can't
sleep nml Hie nervous and all ran
down, you need Tanlac. ll ia. good,
nuiu medicine, made of rools,
herbs and rr.rks. Get a bottle from
your druggist, today. Mnnry bark
if it doesn't lielp you.
School finnla lu the extcmporu
neoUH Hpeukin nnd intcrpretutlvu !
lending contenlH will he held -to j
morrow afternoon ut 3:30 and 4
o'clock, respectively. Students were
today regiHterinB with It. H. Bailey
for the extemporaneous speultiiiH ,
.StudentH from the interpretative
clasH. under- the direction of Mr.
Margaret Kchuler will try out for ;
the school chain pion.shlp. The win- ,
ner will enter the district finnls.
Mcmhera of the clas and their '
select iona to be interpreted are '
rtertha Saylor, "China Hlue Fyert"; ;
Maxinc IlaKen, ',MIsh . Judith";
Maxine Bohncrt, "Littlest Kcbel"; :
Mary Hoscheri-j', "The Bud Au-
thorlty"; Helen Kdmiston, "Christ- !
mas Present for 11 Lady"; and
Ilertha Crane, "By Courier." j
. J udtfcs for ;:io hitcrprtntive'i
reading contest 'will he "Mary Orel-.!
neix vclly, CJ,eorge., i. Olnen audi!
Thomas Sweni. The puhlic is in-
vited to attend.
Business Conditions -Steadily
Improving j
Says -Local Visitor
.1. li. J larruKLoi;, regional man
iiKir of tin; Lijw.U and Mycin
Tohaccti compaiy with headtimr-;
tcra in Portland, is .spending' a few
days in Medford and southern
Oregon in connection with the
district Htlesman. . Jt'. M. Foetlcr.J
Mi. Harrington says the ads ap
pearing In-' the Mail Tribune are.
responsible for part of the "hi
creased rinles in Cheyler field cij;
nrets in this seethm of the slate.
He .also is ,;flrm in -the :..heHcf.
Mhat busines.s conditions in this
country, and e-pecially th- coast
staler, ia steadily increasing.
Students of the Itosue River j
academy 'Will conduct another food':
sale Tuesday and WediienUny at
KM; Hast Main street in the build-'1
lug formerly occupied by the"!
Model Clothing store. 1
Meals will he served both days,
and all sorts of cooked food will be1
The money will be used',
worthy students' funds.
Regular communication.1
of Rcames Chapter O. K.
S.. Wednesday evenliirr.
February 1 1 th. Social
niiiht. Yi.sU'n;' member
welcome. j
, MATTJK .M. ALDKX, Secy. '
Has a .special price for February .
of a 3.00 reduction on any size
photo in hirf studio, including one.
8x10 portrait in .a nice easel with
each dozen. 32 X. Central. 317tf)
A stated assfmibly'
of Table Rock Coun-.
ell No. 15, Tuesday,,
t. 10 at 7:30 P. m.
Degree work and
oyster stew. Visiting,
companions arc wcl-i
order of F. J. MePhor-
Mii.ster. ;
Recorder. 31il .
srolIWi Kite
Staled liieetillK 7:30 !'
ill, February v I'lli. Jntal
lation and work iii ebap
tt?l" decrees.
' )-.' WILLIAMS. Secy.
"11 nee 1 drink plenty water, eat
2 good meals a day and take Ad
lerik i now and then, I've had no
trouble with my stomach.' 1 Uc
Forcst. ...
I'nlike lothcr medicine, Ailleriku
acts on tROTH upper and lower
bowel, removing poisonous waste
which caused gar and other stom
ach trouble. ,Iut OXK spoonful
relieves' 'go.", sour stomach and
sick headache, Let Adlerlka give
your,, stomach and bowels a RFA1
cleaning and low good you
feel' ,H Pith's Drug Store. adv.
STIiAV.KD Small ti am bay mares
from Carpenter -place, I'erryilale.
. Notify Ueo. I.. Uobert.". ,1'ville
t'lr HI., Uux Uewnril.
. - Hi
l-'til! H.U.i: aeies. all leveled
and plowed: 3 minutes from
Xa.-di Motel, tor the prieo of one
ellv lot. .311 So. Pencil. 323
KOIt Itli.NTr KunilKhed apart
ments, garage, tiUultt. 711 10
Main. Sllli
KOI! A !.! Illood, Hwted llliod.
Ulanil lied eiK-kelvln; trio Pearl I
tiliiaeas, W. A. t'ord, Koute 1.
box L'li. Central Point. 32n
KIlK RENT Well furnished
house, on pavement. to:''. Y.
lath. 1S4.-.-Y. 3-21
oouei,ieier. t.anen tneierreo.
llox 213. lOasle l-olnt.
roll MAl.KOne you nn Jeraev
row. Jit fresh: 1 Kood werkinc
inaiv. I., MeV'iilloi-h, T.ileni.
Wainei' TreeK r.tad. ,11''.'
KOI! S.M.K Feeder pis'. Milton I
Houston. Hoss Ijine. 32:' '
SK11XKIV all around orehardlst !
and fanner wanU plaee te v.rk
on thare. for the eolnin sens.m.
ie full details of voin- m-mm.
ition and the -share you export
to retain, and whether you will
nay for pprav material and haul
Inn expense. W hite box P :,'
Mail Tribune, ji
for. Hale,
Cor': the
com i
fwe wane RUIES
j Fine weather has he-n prevail-
... . , i f,. hd
Fox West Coast Theatres
"NOW Wk '-'"'" I
Wivc:-Has ySm''S -
. 'f ;
The . Boy Friends in "High Gear"
r ;:, Coming WEDNESDAY :
iCT fivean
it lives .
A Perfect Paramount Picture
V 33t it-Btk s.
Romantic Adventures of a
Handsome Bandit
Myrna Loy Jose Bohr
"ROGUE of the
yimwi'i.mijjwiijyi wi wit -
Funeral Parlor
West Main at Neu'town
Office County Coroner
jj;tsl v.ekv jireovrtilH' 4..'ll(m' in
fill lliiitit'll i '-fivvil . fiuwi tliv. iiiuii
,n Un- ieiiiliu.irlM-. uflKf HcH- to
day. Tin- ib'litll uf Ktiow today in .'.3
im-lif.-. at (ioveniini'iit eutiin. 4li
lni-he at Anna 'SirlnKS cmip. CI
ur 05 iiK-be.i at Ihu. rim. ami for-
re.-iputitlluii .depth, at fevpray
nark enmuuu-i.
this wild, but lovable group
of New Yorkers.. whose fire
side glow. .is that of electric
lights., a family that actually
DOES live. . . and HOW
. .'in privacy
La-'; Tims TONITK
Tom Idcore, Lola Lane in
Chester Ccnklin in "Studio Sap"
Brcudcastir.g '
Organ Music(
6:45 "to 7 V
im.w. m