Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    face mom
Stil'XIS: Ailten liray. mu
ir:iti ronirdu atur, bfifinn a
(qrtiT j 1 i'Mlfl "mvlrri
UTtff" r, T'ldlb fitter nbr I.
d tiiOnrtit bit l unittut. tiirioht
'&.'.' :. nitltl. Bi'lfcff hr a
puittlnn, mini" autt Jinmii Cnirr.
t Aj ' nt i Iter tto'H lifr prtut
Vtni UW.M'. Amtiltl KiOiibtra.
"rifts wvilirer. turn Vitmie.
Allrcn't .M't In At nffur nvtl
wwrc. itHffHf to her. antldtnlv
a Mflll'.ti lintH-l Hiiprtii . U.ltt
K'"l''rt but tit tCO"."i
tm tl.yht. Atleru ruri'.t it t'lr
grnm tufniil "A 'r.tirta." htlQ
lit fi.ilrr wirt be the vutna trim
t'n.r hrnii.iru tr.tti thr' ntr .una t"
thi iiu tie Mfle oi Ailtrn, ti ho
rliitttt "nil it tJn U.r
I a! A.t"n itrbitl 4i a mal:rtt
inuiii tmiti. HruitbuQ Aiitlx
1, H-r-e i.i rtnt'.iltlchtn. iihrrt!'nt tt.irj r.icnr hrr allrr
tin r'u.i.tmit. -VorW.'i iti ti'tra
"if'i nfj lit hrar iihit lit! hat tn
. Chapter 22
A 8 Vmoone Jotued him In the en-
trance tiJI. there was nothing
reassuring in Kronbrs'n courtepy.
His punctilious attitude was too
typically military.
0( course, bin suggextion of going
out had been more for his own ad
vantage than any consideration he
might have had for her. Obviously,
he did not desire whatever no had
to say to her to be overheard.
"Perhaps you know of a night
club," he said. "This Is my llrst
visit here.". From that she assumed
he hsd made the trip solely for the
purpose of ending and (luestluning
her. "If you do, I'll call a tail "
- "No." she declined decisively.
Not ?or anything, would she trust
herself alono In a cab with him.
Cnstliig about for aomewhero to go.
Vljrlcnne thought of fllttcnhotise
Square where they would find a
bench. People would he passing
and there would bo policemen. But
what If she should appeal to one and
Kronberg should turn the tallies by
demanding her arrest?
The very fact or her running
away would be evideoce against
hoi- not enotiKh to convict her. of
ourse, but sufficient to warrant an
officer in detaining her. At Hie
thought of that she shuddered. She
could never live down the sliuuic of
It If she should he dniggcd
through tlio snrdidiicss of a public
"As you like," assented Kronberg
when sho suggested the square.
They walked on rnllier brlukly. It
was really too cold to sit otilxldv.
hut sho would uot go Indoors where
they could ho private.
When they were seated along a
winding pal h sho waited for lilin
to spenk.
"I suppoKo you'ro wondering how
I know where you vere. That was
really very simple. You've bemi
tinUcr survclllanco sint o I lolt I lie
hospital. I think you'll admit that
my agents have boon rather clever.
The nilstoko you mado was In hav
ing Critno come over lo rial l you."
'Vimrny Crniie'.'" Kite looked up
In surprise. "How did yon know
that Jimmy?"
"That was not very dlllleult. Of
course, you wore Chnnnlne's modol
for his mitral In my theatre.
C.hannlng and Crane are' together
almost constantly. Naturally. Hint
suggested Crane at your go .Be
tween. Then Chnnnlng's seal to pro
tect yon by altering the features
of the figures in tils canvas told
me be must have seen you when
he pretended to And me the night
that he caino to my nfflre."
"Well, suppose he dldr Vlvlenne
challenged. "Con you hlamo mo Tor
not wanting to be mixed up in a
,"Yov! would avoid any conne
quenco of your own foollshncs.",
he remarked unpleasantly, "nut In
doing ao you've only built a c.ikr
against yourself. Did you give any
help to the police, or even trouble
lo Inquire for me at the hospital?
Wbethor or not you llred that shot.
you had just one Interest and that
was to save yourself."
"Wbolher or not I fired the shot!"
Vlvlonue's tone (.as Indignant. "You
know very woll that i didn't and
you know that even If I had I'd
have had reason to."
"On Iho second point, I disagree.
If you recall, I think I told you so
Just heforo the Incident. Hut, as
. It happens, I do not know exactly
what you did do. You were pawing
t me and after that everything
Is a blank."
"That isn't true!" she contradict
ed. "I had no gun and anyway
I'd hare bad no chance to use It."
"Thst might be difficult to prove."
Kronberg reminded her. "If I
chose to say that we were alone
Just before Channlng came"
"You know very woll we weren't! I
You saw the other woman."
"Is anyone aware of that any
one but you?"
"Tou mean that you're going to
KAMH VALI.KY. Ore.. Feb. 4
fHpl. A vrry InlerestinK progmni
will he Riven nt th school house
Hat ii id uy cveniiiB by Rrof Ralley's
dctbatft vnm of the Medlord hluh
Hchd Th prt.rrn in will ho hide
Stomach Bother?
If you hav to be ctireiul f
you eat and drink, and wtiflr from
gas, heai'tiiurn, bloatlne. Hourtoni
ieh nnd djrpcpwiM, who not tnnke
the h)t(i 15 minule tent? Ilarm
leiis yet woiks with itrpat p(d
On of the imtredienii hns the;
muxInR power to dig-si a.fcio
tlmea lt own weignt. Don't glv!
up. i?t Ilotex at Any druf Ktore. t
I'Ut it to tl) text. Money hu k If
you non t oon ft-! uk
fra from mnmurh dltrfs. Only
"-. Knr mm il ;
deny it that you're going to say
1 did nr
.She realized the hopelessness of
attempting an alibi. The other wom
an would not be in the picture. If
Kronberg should swear no one else
was there, Vivlenne supposed a jury
would refuse to believe her story.
"I haven't decided what to lay,"
he told her quietly. "I have my sus
picions and tli'.y may be well:
founded hut if there was another
wuinun I mean to learn r.-ho she is.
I don't encourage ladies lo behav
toward rr.e that way "
"U'Uetlier r.r not yon adit it.
we were not atone. I've no mr:
idea who that ?.-ornati v.'as "
"Than I have?" lie engscted.
"Well, suppose I told you that it
would not be dirii'ult to have ri'-r
arrested tonight'.' If I did. I sbo ild.
naturally, need your cooperation.
In spue ot rlie fart that the woman
was masked yon should have rec
ognized ber through her domino."
Vivienne stared at blm horrified.
"What are you hinting?''
"Perhaps that you had an accom
plicecertainly a trirnd. Or that
the mask was not a disguise, hut a
certain Identification."
"That's a lie!" .She siood up
"Hadn't you better sit quietly un
til we've talked this over? If there
was a woman wlncii I mny or may
not admit you're either gulng lo
help me have her brought to justice
or elfio I'm willing to coininiintr-.
and agree with yon thai yon did it."
"Yon mean that you'll charge me
with shooting you If I dun'! accuse
someone else?"
"That sums tip the situation," he
anr.ivercd with n smile. -Of c-onrte.
it mfght have been someone jealous
of Hie affection I appeared lo tte
offering. Or. It might have been a
person who tired in your dofeni e
Thai and the nuifck would narrow it
down -innsidcrahly," he adiloii.
"You sh..n'l heeante it h'n't true.
Tell me what yon want!"
"How should I know?" He
shrugged "I suppose yon iver" l:s
teiilng in '.nnlr.'it when Hie l-idy
w ho's wearing Cn.mmng s mask
made her uelitit on Hie air. If llns
little affair of mine- should come
up fur ronrideiaiinn H might he
fuptiOMed that yon and she are
friendly, shall we say?"
Vlvienne's fingers worked convul
sively ns sho rrird to control her
self. "Surely you floli'l suppose that
I you don't even date suggest Hint
"Wears a niasl; oulsidc the studio
-and that she miglil have rollowed
In the otllce in my theatre? That
would seem quite logical II the
lady is who I am sure she is. TUcn
her clone association with the nrtist
who discovered meIn easily es
tablished." "Suppose I deny it and It's
proved Hint the ivniuaii you hint
about was olRoivhero at Hie time?"
"Then, unless Chiiiiuiug' saw
someone else. It's likely that sus
picion would narrow down to yju."
Vlvlenne l owered upon the bench.
Sho knew Kronberg was rcictiilrss.
but would ho go through with
he proposed if Alleen were proved
innocent At Hie time of Hie shout
ing, Alleen had been alone In their
own apartment Knr that reimnn
there wns no one who could testify
to the Tact. Any evlrienco against
her would of course he rlrciimnt.m
Hal. Yet If Kronberg prewo-d the
charge It would ruin Alleen's ca
reer. Her Identity would he re
vealed, both of their would
ho ou every tongue and even their
ncqulllal would leave them damned
In Hie Judgment or a sensation lov
ing public.
"Oh what do you want? I ll do
anything-" she stammered mis
erably. ,
"What would you suggest?" he
nike I coldly. "Not itiinnliir.illv. I
think, my personal interest In you
has undergone n cb;:nee. flut I
haven't the jotenilnn ur let
ling you go si ol free "
"I nlmoxt wish- I had killed
yon ! "
"Unfortunately you missed your
elmnre find I've no Inclination In
give you a fresh opporlunlly. Sup
pose you think the matter over Let
me hear from yen shall wu say
wllhln a week."
Kronberg stood up. "I can't think
of anything further that we need
discuss. I've Just lime lo make my
train and get hack to New York to
night. So. If you'll forgive me, I'll
he getting on."
He raised his hat and started off.
swinging his slick as he strorle
away and left her sitting there.
U Vtvtron hr(n'M m Kron
ttrg't powtr7 Rod tmorrow
on Chain
limbic and
otnplete the lecturer's pro-
Igiuni. Tin puhhr In n-.t only in
jvlled but Uigrd to attend and show
their appreciation of the Tn-e
I entertainment offered by these
j worthy young people. A Jllney
supper will be given Immrdl.itclv
( after the program by the . K. C
Apinilnlmeiil f M!rM Cariii H.
HeKftiinark. mipervlsor of phvubal
educfltlon In Hie Medlord eltv
vrhoolv, lo reprenont nonthern Orp
Ron on h Mlnle ntliletlc bonnl wns
mi m limed today. M Inh OeRormnil.
will he tin. district leprenentrttlv
on Hip Miit oi Kanl'.ntinn rnmmlt
,r' ' h women ittvtRlnn In lre
Kh. Appointment In made by the
.Nallonnl Aninteur Attilelte Federa
lion auttiorHler
Witii oniy iwo rnort- day.- to run,
tin contest to Ai'U-cl the quten lw
tile Jun.or ca: nival, to be given at
the local hiii school Kriday ni'h:. ;
U Kettinup mor? exctinfi. Three of
tho four canUidatMi are clo.v-!y ;
' srouped while the fourth. Harnett :
J Cairtptx'll. Kenior candidate, U-ada ,
i ih way with a K-od margin. '
I JJiJlie Hammett. junior, and Vir-
i Senne Meader. sophomore, were :
tied when the votes were counted
I Usi n.ght, each having 3'J.JOO. '
j Theda Moore, freshman, wiu a
notch ahead of them with 31.0U0.
Mis Campbell, the leader, had i
VJ.uoo vote. j
1 fVlth a contest waxinjj h'Jtt--r j
; uh the time for the closing of the
poll Thursday nears, rumor are j
afloat that tiie different claen
are massing votes to poll at the 1
lant minute to put their candidate!
across I
ienio:-s and Junior!" held el:.-
meeting. yesterday lo arouse en- j
!hu.jiaAiii for their candidates. !
Coronation of the utcessful queen
is set for H o'clock Friday evening. '
KAG,K POINT. Ore.. Feb. 4.
Special Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr.
Lester TJirockmorton and .Mrs.
Nettie G rover were Medford vis
itors Friday.
The Civic Improvement flub
held their regular meeting Thurs
day, with thirty ladles present.
A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed.
Visitors were Mrs. Dinsmore and
Mrs. A. J. Tingi'-af. Mrs. Jack
S to well. It is hojM d these ladies
will become regular members. The
hostesses for the next meeting
wl 1 1 be M r. 1 1 u f o id Cla t k . Mrs.
G. K. Ousterhout and Mi.. Wal
ter Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Con de Vorc and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergman of
Med 'on! were visiting at (he hoini;;
of Mr. and Mrs. I'crey Haley on
Wednesday evening.
Miss Sybil Caster, former! v of
F.agle Point, but no wreidmg at
Phoenix, was a pleasant visitor
Inland pettlgrew hprained h;s
ankle ThurMlay while at work in
Butte Fall.". He will be off woi k
for a short period. He is resid
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Haley.
The following attended the Cra
lerlan Thursday evening: Mrs.
Frank Brown. Mrs. W. C. CI-m-ents,
Mrs. W. II. Brown, Miss;
Fern Simpson, Miss Yetta Olon.
Hulh Altken, Mrs. Bottle Van
Hcoy ami Hazel Stoiier.
air. and Mrs. C. F. Davles and
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Seaman en
tertained at cards Thursday even
ing. Five tables were In play.
High seo rem wen- awarded Mrs.
Harry Ward and Mr. A. C. Mlt
tlcstitedi. The consolation to Mrs.
I. muter and Mr. Charles Walker.
Guests present were M r. uiid
Mrs. Harry Ward. Mr. und Mrs. A.
C. Mittelstaedt, Mr. and Mi'" J
1.. Worthlngton. Mr. and Mrt.
Charles Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Kent. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. spenrer,
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Clark, Miss
Barnblle and Mr. and Mrs. otto
Caster of Phoenix.
Mrs. Kthel Florey and daugh
ter, Phyllis of Medford. were
p ten Kant callers Mo.iday.
Mr. and Mrs. Blihard Stonei
und son were Sunday guest t
the home of Mr. and M rs. Karl
i u.i .-..ii ii. . let i wli.i ha'
..mflin,! lit Iter lintiie witll a'
severe cold Is much Improved
Mm Chut-len IMueM uf the Tiai 1 1
dlHtrict wis :i business culler n
SAMS VARRKY. Ort., I'eb. 4.
(Spl. I Mrs. Albert Straus and
voung son James Dal ton came
home Saturday from tho Punieker
maternity home In Medford.
M r. and M rs. Geo. McDonough
shopped and visited In Ash la ml
Tho 1-adles' club met Thursday
at tho Soegmlller home In Antloch
where Mrs. Secgmlller was hostess
for the afternoon. Mrs. I'arker and
Mrs. Grant were visitois present lit
addition to eight members. The
atle decided to meet u It h M rs.
Geo. Ilack.iH at Oak Grove for
their next meet Inn. Feb. 1 '2.
Members of the S;i iuk Valley
Grange who attended the practice,
meeting of the I'oinoim drill team
at Central Ruitit Monday night (
were Misses and Ruth l-'rtnk, )
Frances Wilson. Mr. and Mis. Her-J
dial Harper, Albeit Straus and ,
Stephen Wilson. j
One of the principal Ileitis "f j
business brought up at the last
regular meeting of the school
board and endorsed by the teach
ers won thr fulfilling of a few rt-
I ill return t a which will put our
school among the high standard
schools of the county.
Young people from Ashland Will
conduct the next young people's
meeting Sunday evening w hen an
entertaining program is promised.
Teachers from Sams Valley who
have attended recent local Insti
tutes were Ada Rust and M iscs
Grace mid Ruth Rlgham at Rattle
l'olnt, nud Madge Mltchel. Frances
Wilson and A. ll. Colh tt at Central
Kmimi Frlnk who attends ' the
Anttorh School, i confined in her
hotnn with mump.
the (Ant tew nus of rtttit(
weather have stui ti'd up f.n mini: i
operiitUins and c rented iiishlng
bimtncMi for oil houses rvidencert '
by th many ilellvertes in our own!
Hit Iv district. Q
.Mm. Win. Hollenheck ii on the'
tick list nnd a attended by lr.i
Sweeney Sundiiy.
' i
Desert Drama
l-eni Stengel, who play- the
"Itcau Ideal." Hattio PhimW
(-iiiiis to tin Holly tomorrow.
Four years changes the t'HtnL.'
raphy of "the changeless de-iit."
according to Herbert Hi ei;ou, fa
mous director.
Bienon filmed hi yilent i-'ii r s i .
"Beau teste." on , merl'-a's "S--.-har:"
the nam! wastes of the
Son 'ra desert near Yuma. Ariz.
This was in the spring of tirj;.
When he was about o, produce
its !-eiuel. "Beau Ideal.' for Ra
dio Pictures, opening at the Holly
theatre tomorrow, it occurred to
the director and his staff that
the original "s -ts" of "Beau Geste"
couid be used again, wince scenes
wen- to be taken that represented
the titiiie spot. ilh some of the
:!ie e!i:ilit''teiw.
Craterian Has
Coast Premier
' th1? ' -4 -i
J Villi
j, f M V
Jf k" YV M ki
? U WZ
Hardships. love and comedy In
one of the very i-:h U.-m phi (oils of
AnwriiMM i.inn.x.i- lifo i th,.
land background of the nw Me -
r . s
.fc-. 1XI,4-ft
Iro-Goldwyn-Maw-r pU-iute. The entertained the Ladies' Mitch and
Creat Meadow," which op(-nd this 'hatter club Thursday, each lady
afternoon at the Fox fraterian bringing a covered dish for dinner,
theatro for a four day's engage-, Tho afternoon passed quickly with
inrnt ! fun, taking pictures and a business
"The Creat Meadow" has be .-n ' meeting at which time each wom
admlrably translated frou thf):in P'esent answered roll call with
iniH'h-diM-usyed book by Klizabeth a household hint, or a
Mailox Rolterts. John M.n k Hi own
Roardman. I.tinlle
Aniia l.ouive mid Gavin
are the prlniipal prtita-
f this cvt-ollent attempt
H ll
t(v mirror the haidshlps ,,f the
nrsi group of trgintaiic to nor
the Daniel Roon
Harrod, the "Cradl.
The story is a
lug one. Its firs
trail to Fort
of Kentucky,
swil l ly mov
port inn (,n
' ccrns itsi-!f with liitl:an fights
. and other difficulties of the long
I wilderness road. The latter purl
takes on a striking Knoch Ardcii
twist in u hi.-h C.-rk JarvN, cap
tured b- Indiat, returns to find
that lib- wife has married mint her.
"Once a Gentleman9'
Scores Holly Hit
. Fi ur butl'-r roles, each .1 Well
J knit and complete character'na
tion. are played In James 1'iuxcs
smart comedy sensatbm. ' ' tin e a
Gentleman.' featuring K d wa I'd
Fve-ott Hon mi and I, my WiImui
at the Htdly Theatre. Horton p-.r-tt
ays Oliver, "t he pri -e( l.utb r."
the chief cm hi id y role tu i!us lil
latinos talki"
Witty, entertaining dialog, rioi
cusly funny situatlo:i.d. .ilid r.tpert
acting make ihis ,1n me Cruze
lnlkie a Joyous iinuh fi-st. Others
pr'innient in a J.uge cast arc fiis
W ilson. I trge Fa weelt. l-'i atn j
N. Riishm;m. King I'ag'xoi, Keh'ii
IMerce I: merlon Tfeacy ami t it
irude Stunt
This spnrkllni; i onud v clusev (
at the Holly tumtht. An unuu-
,i lly fine prour.ttn if M-b-,-td '
stun t stibjecU m al-t heme "hewn I
for th last T t lit imiibl wtth
this featUlt' pii'ttn '.
. , ,
June Collyer Star
Of Rialto Picture
tVininin.' tn-an of M( .f,ul will
hop lout in a mot '.ii in.HK
ininiii'i-. wlion lhtir nwnfri t-rt
.Iiikv ".illyrr an.I !.!,.. I Mu;.ht's,
in ' K! i ii v.uMn--'," vvh h nH'ii
al the I'.-k Hialtn Ui at. t t.Mlitx
It I a hlorv i.i no lnnnit-nt
olIHK wit who iomi for in iu
l U ul thlm: ;utl l.'.vi t rr;th7
I In hiv h r!- !; c n-1 t"
hii!n tlo'in
June vi' i" l!u u tc i t
Coming to Holly
role (,f that name, and Ixrter Xuil
xqufl (j "ijtuu (ichte," whlfb
' Whvn Brenoii went to Arizona
in a location hunt he found his
sets in one spot, and his back-
grounds on another:
The "sets'" hadn't moved. Dur
ing the four years two ranges f
sand dunes and a wide valley be
' tween them had moved away from
'. the ruins of the movie fort a dls
, tance of three miles: The wind,
sifting the Kind before it. had
moved the sand mountains at a
rate of slightly less than a mile
a year:
Ralph Forbes. Loretta oung
A varadu appear in the l.ea..
Ideal' .ast. Forbes and MacAlha.
t-r v.oro In l.e.-.u f,--f
I.IoyU Hughes, a fairly prosperous
voung man trying to
get a good!
start in the business world, and
she Is an expn.ive, although
alluring wife.
Her friomiship with Gwtn
tho wandering wife of -Owen
Moore, results in her meeting
Robert Ac new.
designing young
i handsome and
RVANrf VALLKY, Ore.. Feb. 4.
(Spl.) The past week has been
springlike, and the farmers have
been plowing and preparing for
gardens and crops. However, the
miners are wishing for more rain.
I'lofessor A. B. Sucre and fa
Preparing to move onto
place owned 1- the llillis hrot
deviously occupied by Ski Si
the latter having aold the ren
Sacre and family
onto the
ilcr uf liiu c!i to Prof. Sjirri'.
' Mrs. Ruth Jlood spent the week
end at her homo near Medford.
Mary Dimmick took a number
I of the girls basketball team to
! I'hocnix Friday evening where
1 they played the town team. Others
iwo attended the game were Mr.
; IrH- Ringer.
Mrs. Alden Rrnoks who recently
nioved to our vicinity f rom J'rovolt
l 'pe. The follow ing ladies were
present: Mesdames Frank Knutzen
C. li. Hill. Smith. J. L. Oscar
Diemer. Fred Miller, Sisley, Hoff
man. Oscar Johnson and Klery
Stone, all of I'rovolt, and Mrs. Kva
Steward and Mrs. Jack Steward
formerly II veil at "Pro volt;
Mrs. Vein Orr and the hostess,
M is. Itrooks.
J. R. Smit h peter has sold his
farm to II. J. Morse of Medford
who has already taken possession.
The Smith peters are building on
their land farther up the creek
i near the Xeathammer home. We
:aro glad to welcome the Morse
family to our valley nnd also glad
i not to Jose the Smithpelein from
I our midst.
i Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fields and
children are leaving for near
.Grunts l'ass to make their home.
I There has been quite an epi-
demic of colds and sore throat in
: our valley with many of our folks
i having their turn with It. Mr.
"I n k. who lives on the Morton
Pain and Itching
from T1 t
Don't put up withl
painful piles another I
day or hour. There
is positive relief, very
often, for the very
worst, case. I'yramtd
suppositories are de
V signed to stop the
pain and
even an itch-'"If-
-,,5 comes quickly.
..;.r tl. a .
Ulication will
ring you
much comfort
and ease. Try
them today.
Remember the
PirramUl'ft mm plat
comi or I bui ir.
name. Just say
1 Pyramid Sun-
piwttnriesto anydruRRi.t; BOcents
''0-B Pyramid BWf. M.nh.ll, Mkh.
Pl.nne fnd me h hox plnfnlv
wrapix-d caled, poslpiiU, and en
tirety frve.
, place. In reporu-d to bo quite ill
at this time.
; Mm. Harry Pun ier left Satur
day for Euilrtuik. Calif., to spend
'some time with her mother.
The entire community was very
sorry to hear that Mrs, Sid Smith
who la at the state tuberculosis ;
hospital for treatment, is not im
proving as was hoped, and her
recovery is not expected. j
Krnest Cochran who is at the :
sanitarium in Salem under a spe
cialist's care, very much Jm-'
proved in health, he writes. We !
are all very glad to get thU news
and hope for continued improve
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Kred ilonner of
Med ford were visitors at the
Steward home Sunday.
Tiie dance held at the Orange
I h!l Saturday wa? fairly well at-
! tended and all present reported a
j very enjoyable time. On February
. 14th we will have a hard time
dance with prizes for the best and
i most economical!' dressed couple.
Miss Iiiirbara. Purrier entertain
id a number of her little friends
Saturday afternoon on her sixth
birthday. Gaines were enjoyed
and Miss Betty Punier served re
freshments. Those present were
the Bill and Henry Baker children
Irene and Kppfo Reesbeck. Xeil
and Geneva Moore, Jack and Betty
Jean Steward. Paul, Maxine and
Junior Dimmick and the little
hostess, Barbara Purrier.
A large number gathered at the
' Grange hall Monday evening and
i spent an enjoyable evening at
) cards. The affair was planned as
ja surprise for Mrs. Jack Steward
hose birthday was celebrated
Sunday. At midnight a delicious
lunch was served to nearly 1U0
present. All joined in wishing
Dorothy many happy returns of
the day.
Tho county health nurse visited
our community the past week,
calling on Mrs. Kffie Baer, who
she found In very poor health. A
number of men from Rogue River
came up and cut wood for Mrs.
I Baer which was a very commend
! able act.
. a h f
uMr u( ,e bulluinR. We are
JU,ty ))ruu(, of our whj(.h
j now is serving hot lunch each
I noon with Irs. Frank Greenwood
in charge. We also have
a new
bus to replace the one formerly
driven by Mr. Kvensizer.
Friends of Mrs. Earl Oden will
be glad to hear that she is much
improved in health following a
successful operation, in the Grams
Pass hospital two weeks ago.
I Mrs. John Kav also is reruvfnd
J from a recent tonsil operation in
Grants l'ass.
j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runce were
j in Grants l'ass Monday on busi
i ne.
i John Hay and Reed Carter have
I been splitting posts at the, Rich-
man farm for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Galbreuth
are happy owners of a new coupe.
The agricultural extension
iee of Nevada urges sheep
cattle ment to use wheat instead
corn for emery ciicy winter
Gassy Stomachs
Made Well
Rvery person who is trouMrd with
rah In the stomach and bavreln should
ct a package of Baalmnnn's as
Tablets nnd see how quickly they will
relieve all distrepying symptoms.
Sharp pains in tae abdomen or
Rbout the heart arc often due entirely
to g?.s pressure. Sometimes the cir
culation is restricted, causing tho
hands and fret to grow numb. I'sualiy
there is much gurgAng or rumbling in
the bowels. Many sufferers complain
of a gnawing feeling In the stomach,
extreme ner von sues, heartburn,
drowsiness after eating, headache
dizzy spoils or labored breathing.
Baalmann's Gas Tahlrts taken t
meal time not only prevent nil had ef
fects from gas, but they invigorm
the weak nerves of the stomach nn-1
nsift In restoring th? wlmjo digestive
ystem to proper working o"ripr.
(i'-nulne Paahnann' Gas TaMets
In th yellow raeknge nn be ob
tained at any good drug sture. Price
tl everywhere.
Our catalog tells you how to
build and care for water garden
Free on request.
Bauer Aquatic Gardens
-. 701 Marion Ave. Portland
Sunset Drive
You are Invited to present this cou
pon at the Mail Tribune office and
receive two
As a Subscriber Guett of the
a subscriber of the Mail Tribune
your name may appear here tomor-
L"L.T .y. .""J";'. "am" J.
. H
will be given an opportunity to en
loy FREE shows as GUESTS OF
"Extra vaga
" Tllili
IMaying ; piano or other musicril
'instrument which requires th"e use
f of the fingers proves to be a gi vat
'aid in learning to typewrite, in ;the
opinion of Mrs. K. O. Jerome, U.He
writing instruetor at Medford high
i school.
: Students who make the niost
i progress in operating a typew riter
, almoKt always thote who have
; had some experience in music-, she
i has found in her yeurs of teaching
j commercial wort;,
& Ability to concentraiie, the
strengthening of the finge;v. and
the loosening up of their action
are some of the things strudentf l
learn in music work which stand !
them in good stead in learning to
, t pewrite.
The nbllitv to relax and
! flu awav with muscular stiffness is
a trait which is common to
typists and good musicians.
Champion typists in Mrs.
ome's clashes have many of them
been expert pianists as well so that
the transfer of training1 from one !
activity helps the student progress I
, in the other.
Although the county commercial
contests are not scheduled, until
April, her classes are already
f working to improve their speed
and accuracy. Helen Power
of the advanced typists, is writing
in the neighborhood of 70 words
minute and Louise Osenbrugge, a
beginner, is above tho 50 mark.
liKAULj;. Ore.. Feb. 4. I Hp!.)
.lr. and .Mrs. OeoiKe luisel.
Charles Sanderson. Lester Ash-
Kcnh and Krnest Sanderson were,
Friday victors in M Ut'ovd. I
Lester Ashworth and Kalph ivlil-
i ler who have spent the winter at
j the headwaters of Elk cr-ek trap
I ping are visiting at the Ohas. San-
del-son home for a couple of weeks
j before returning to their honic at
Tmutdale. Ore.
j Roy Mcintyre of Medford was
I calling on Reagle friends Saturday,
j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hockersmith.
I of the Meadows entertained their
) friends from Medford, Hi-agio and
I the Meadows with a dancing party
I Jan. 23 at their home. Over 70
j guests wore present and all spent
an enjoyable evening.
Mrs. Chas. Anderson has been
confined to her home for the past
week with the mumps.
Hubert Mayfieid oi Dry Creek
and Mary Sollie of the Meadows
wore visiting with Thelma Sander-
'-n Muunuiy uliltiiuuh.
Severn 1 children are
school with the mumps.
Mrs. Viola I'onieroy has
Distinctive Service
Ambulance Service
Sixth St. at Oakdale
Snider's Dairy & Produce Co.
Ice Cream in Attractive Forms ,
for Your Valentine Party
You may choose individual molds of roses, hearts,
cupids or bon bons, or brick ice cream with heart
with its rich, smooth texture, makes the perfect
desert to offer your guests.
per ton
Direct From Car to You
For a few days only while we have a car on track
unable rt.i atti ii-l tvi dutk-M in if,,
school r.miu the Ian few duys ol
account of illne.
Tiie ground iiog urely huw
ha(ow KeU. J, as we had b; ij,
sunshine nearly all day. The ulij
time tradition of six w.-eks nior.
winter doerf not bother the farm. i
here uh farm wutk in well ui....
and spring sewing of grair
nd .Mis. I.u-k of Tat. I.
Roi-k have the sympathy of their
friends of this neighborhood in th,
passing away of their son. Mv
and Mrs. Lusk lived in our com.
m unit y se v era I yea rs and ha vt
t):;in' ffinmis here.
"hf-- tT5 7'rp
I Ji frijjf
Cv M
! There's good news for all stomach
n ffnt-nrc in tlm ennt'ilinn l.nLn..
..until tiy a aoiipic ui:n.utci v, UUC
to tiie quick, easy way it relieves so
called "indigestion," -and its cITccts,
such as gas, bloating, belching
headaches, nausea, heartburn, etc.
"Papc's Diapcpsin," as it is called,
is c.-ilen like candy and is just, as
harmless. No narcotics or iW.n-
killers in it. .Nothing habit-Iormine.
No sooner swallowed than pain
slops; normal digestion is restored.
Thousands are so enthusiastic over
i the results they are securing that
they simply have to tell their ex
periences to help others. Here s what
attractive Miss Clara Sliccley, 'J'JMi
Trcmont St., Denver, Colorado, says:
"My mother. Mrs. Florence Shcelev,
suffered from indigestion for nearly a
year. Nothing agreed with her. She
would have gas on her stomach, sour
stomach, heartburn, and would bloat
badly after every meal.
"She tried a lot of medicines but
nothing helped until a friend told us
about Papc's Diapcpsin. It ended
her trouble in a surprising way."
All druggists sell Papc's Diapcpsin;
or write "Papc's Diapcpsin," Wheel
ing, W. Va., for a FREE sample box.
Home o
at Moderate Rates
20 Years
Telephone 47
r - '.
IQmcK Relief for Stomach ills 3