MEDFOKn MATTTRIBUNE, MEDFOTtD, OREfiOT. FRTDAY. JANUARY 16. 193. county bigger than New Jersey, Its total population less than that of Newark. Plenty of room, wonder ful opportunities here. When ypu come bring money. And don't for get to stop at Preseott and ask for Grace Suaikes. Then come here and talk city with W. W. Knorp. the newspaper monopolist of Phoenix. And from here travel down to Tucson, on to Xogalos where Mexico begins. F and Homo of It oven under water. It einbruues all that the French know ahout the aliillty of field workn to resist modern urniM. l-'ollllWrt VullVH The now line also differs from the old in that it has no natural lines of defense, such as the Vosges Mountains, as a foundation. It follows the Khlnc and Kaar river valleys from the wiss 'border to the rrontler of LuxemherK- ., After the war of 187Q the Freneh found it would bo too cost ly to construct a continuous sys tem of frontier fortifications. So they built tho forts of Verdun, Toul, Kplnal and lieifort. with out Jyinff batteries. Where they could not complete the line, they arranged these, bat teries so an enemy coming through ihe irens would be under heavy fjross fiid. The Western Fruit Jobbers' asso ciation has a convention attended by 16 railroad presidents, one rail road chairman 30 railroad vice presidents. Cieneral Atlerbury of the Penn. President Paul Shoup of the Southern Pacific, speak at a luncheon of about 1IW0 In the open air, an airplane taking photographs. GOVERNOR TAKES OATH OF OFFICE i It 1 1? ' ' ' ? Jl Such was the gap of 1'harmes. : through which Crown i'rince Kup- pi-echt of llavaria tried to go Jn , iy4. There are no such breaks i In the new line. i after the pincers, of whom Grand may Gray is 1 03. shows you his pi luting odce where, In his weekly "Stars" lie was first in Arizona, to print this column. ' ' , " . Earl Sarnie, champion Jockey, learned to ride on Prescott's little bull ring track. And In Preseott, Mergenthalor developed his lino type machine.. "In fact," sayij Mita Sparkes. "there is no excuse for living out cide of this country. Everything you want is here, roses perpetu-' ally blooming. And not far off pine trees and perpetual snow." Leaving Preseott, to which this column will return later, the car with the cowboy driver goes on 100 miles farther to this prosperous citv. center of tho world's greatest Brisbane's Today (Continued from Page One) A V - to You know why bo niuiiy big rail mad men are there when you learn that the rich irrigated soil or this valley sends out thousands of car loads of melons, lettuce and other products. You meet one man whose company cultivates 29,000 irrigated acreB, tractors working 24 hours a day the year around. A farmer who useg his Lractor for two weeks then puts it away to rust enn't compete Willi that. el' (iii's off tin' inuiiiitiiiii rout ! I Merely living to be old Is nothing ! out here; you are requested to consider Kd McCinly, ukim! j who sleep: every night as Rucst of t the state hi tile Pioneer's home. , Kvery morning he sinru out in tho j niouiitains prospecting for gold, ' walking up grades of 45 degrees, I returning to his friends in the j evening. I !ancel .1. Heaman. who looks If climate interests you. If yon. would be rid of sinus or other trouble, come to this state. The crowd sitting outdoors at luncheon today wore their hats to ward off tho hot sunshine. . : Few realize what this nation has to offer. Arizona is oiu? ofMho very best possessions with potentialities and certainties ' of wealth un dreamed of. 4 Business Depression Pro vides Problem for Musso lini Government Prices Up, Wages Down. single irrigated tract of land. The I Roosevelt dam supplies the water.' More ahout this stale tomorrow. You ought to see Arizona with one ASCIST REIGN FIGHTS UNREST IN HARD TIMES Ity llinnlltou Wliilumii ItOMK Tito fiiHclKt ri'Klme, like many another nulioiml aUmin iHtration', 1h feeling th reurtliuriH of the bUHinoHH deprcHHlon with ac companying unemployment mid political unrcKt. There have been a number ot recent inntiinceH of rotmminlHt and anti-fuKt'lHt activity. vttii)tlH f tho government to impitivo oeonn mlo condition by willing down costs have not fit I fled all the undercover mumbling. I'lUMiiployiiM'iil (irowN Unemployment, government fig ure Hhow, 1h on tho IneieuHu. Many key Industries uro operating on part time; other havo an nouneed winter nliutdmvnn. To combat this Hltuallon, Muhho linln'M Kovm-nment Blurted u rlgor ou eumnulgn for wugu und prli-e. reductluiiN. it net the example, by reducing the sa la lies of govern nient employeH ttn h verago of twelve and a half per cent. Tho pay cut have spread thru nil phase of Italian Industry, lint rent nnd"7irleen of manufactured article have followed the down ward trend somewhat slowly. Tliv average red ucl ion in t hem has been about ten per cent. Nevk New Mai'kelM I HkmIiickh interest h are reaching I out for m.irkctH In oilier countrleMj and arc getting every puRsilile aid j from the govern ment. Tin out- HtandinK accomplish men t in this rowpect waa the commercial accord with Hussla. by which the soviet agreed to buy $10,000,000 worth of Italian goods within the year end ing June 30, 1031. While It was not ho nominated In the bond, there has been n na tural reciprocal purchase of coal, oil. Umber and ores from KuhhIil and IntiiiHti lalistH seo in this trade a source of low cost raw malerlal that will help Italy to get Increas Ingly larger hIIcch of foreign mar kets. The line of this vision takes In Sou tli America and It also sees opportunities In the Halkans and Near Kant. Julius L. aicr, mum; f n at independunl to ho elected governor of Oregon, was sworn in by Circuit Judge L. H. McMnhan In the capitol in Salem WHERE KIDNAPED BOY WAS HELD 7 H til 3 V i r : , rti AnHuflnltul I'rr.s I'lioto ' The house In Webster Groves, a St. Louis suburb, where Adolphus Busch orthwein, 13. son of Percy J. Orthwcin and grandson of August A. Busch, was held tor 18 hours. before he w3 released unharmed,' The automobile In which the boy was abducted is shown by the house. Police sought Charles Abernathy (Inset), 23-ycar-ald negro, as -the kidnaper. ' HELD AS LINGLE KILLER Persian Turn Modern. 1 TKMKIIAN, lVrdn No lonncr is the l'crslan woman Hhut up in tho harem. Now she re ceives her husband's vlsllors in I her salon. Willi Persian men uiloplin Kuropean cm-loins, tht-v J allow' the women to walk aluoad In their com pa ny, a nd t he veil Kradually lH being dlscurde). ..Hood Hlver. Ulue Uilibon Dairy plnnH Installation of ice cream man nfaclurlnj! plant to deal with local rttdc. fialem. -lllda called for recently hy slate highway department for construction of 1-5 miles of high way In slate. Newport J. C. ltroaily of Halem, , purchased Interest nf J. Leo Hlewart In I'nst Office Drug wtore. The Southern Oregon Mutual Rabbit Breeders' Association Is a Medford Industry organized lor the ills! rihul lint, (if liettor vthhit niimt. Halsed sanitary and dressed sanitary. Contains more (nod value than any other meat. Costs no more, quality considered. Kacli rab bit is stamped with u blue seal unci Is quuruhlced to he of the fin est quality. Cairlid by leading markets. When placing your order insist on thu Kino Seal Kalilill ami get the best. Indorsed by the IT. S" Gov't and llospllalB. THKHK'S A KKAHON ! .a I r. i 1 Btetirrf. &L&J V, tl. Z .i-ioi-Mrrd Pi mi Photo . Leo Brothers. St. Louis gangster, arrested In Chicaao and held as the killer of Alfred "Jake" Llnglc, Chicago Tribune reporter, last sum mer. The arrest was made under tho direction of Pat Roche, special Investigator for the Illinois stato'i attorney's office, Chicaaj. Roche said Brothcrc had bsct) idontifico by several witncc&es to the slaying, j Or-OKim t'Hy. A. O. SIi'WH.m, j otitractor, Htarlcd oontnictinn of nw ivinm-i-y InrlMln n-nr hero, , Saturday Specials Lamb Shoulder, lb 13c Leg of Lamb, lb 20c Pork Roast, lb 18c Pork Loins, lb 21c Hamburger, lb 15c Sausage, lb 15c Bacon Squares, lb 18c Sugar Cured Hams, lb . 25c f Just Some of Our Ads City Meat Market 121 North Central Phone 324 FRANCE BUILDS NEW DEFENSES U!. ON EAST FRONT Parliament Appropriates ' 4 Billion Francs for 200 Milc Cement Chain On New Line. M KTZ, Kratuv UVt A cement i dcfonsM chain, aduptlnn its links to the Krouml along t!., 00 miles nf franco's new eastern front ier. Is lu iiiK hnilt with four billion francs appropriated hy p.n 1 lament. All the lessons uf the AVoi M war mi' helm put to profit in thin work t ulonn Willi ttny other idens that I limy hnve lonu' li ihe French stuff ilH e HUS. The new first line contain no f.t. Kiteh nt the firum;ho. of . i dun. It (m raiher a loitu lino of field works, hut It piohahly will 1 not he fully described untllifter the next war, if then. j Ahout nil lhat can ho Mid of It Is that It a continuous wyMetn. I Medford' s Leading Store Since 1894 Pay Less Dress Better We Give S. & H. Saving Stamps Phone 232 SMTP riUi rtte n JEPARTlENllbRE 0. A. MEEKER, Manager So A Clean Sweep of Winter Goods Here Are Prices That Are Unbelievably tow Sheets Genuine "Queen of the Home" sheets, 72x99. .Regular $1.50 values. On sale at $1.30 Broadcloth Prints Popular "Sellezee" prints and plain mater ials 36 . inches wide, cpecial, yard 39c Hundreds of Main Floor Bargains See Our Windows! See Our Store Displays! Percale Prints New for Eprir.g! Smart new Percale prints, 36 inches wide, yard i 25c Ruffled Curtains An unusual value in ruffled curtains, regular 95c values, special - 69c Bed Spreads Special $3.95 Rayon bedspreads on sale tomorrow ' $195 ' Men's and Boys' BLAZERS All wool blazers in a number of attractive patterns. Elastic bands. All sizes. $4.45 values. S2.98 ' 1! Tremenddust Basement Sale of Silk Dresses Large range of sizes, styles and patterns. Sized 14 to 42. There is nothing on tho market to compare with these marvelous values. Purchase of entire stock of manufacturer's close-out al lows us to sell you these dresses. Women's Shoes AM women's shoes in our buemtgl store. Values to $5.15, reduced to $2.98 and 13.48. Nothing 9,gherl Rayon Pi-mte Beautiful la?n prints jor spring, 36 inches wide. Basement special, ard 35c U Ginghams 32-inch Zep'hyr Gin gh ans "i n J plaids and checks. O 13c yd Curtain Marquisette New curtain mar quisette with col ored borders, spe cial, yard , o 12c lOur Finer Coats atf PRICE The. season's most oyiilai' t'.ilnii'S and furs, as well as tho styles which have been a sensation IhrouKliout Ihe year! All have been made with slim fitted lines.... . lai'jje, luxurious collars novel sleeve treatment. $119 Coats Reduced to $59.50 , $99 Coats Reduced to $49.50 j $71 . Coats Reduced to.. $35.50 Black Coats A special lot of black coats, exquisitely tailor - - ed and exceptionally fashionable at this sea son of the year. Regular values to $27.50. Spe cially grouped and priced at one money-saving; figure. $14.95 i f One Special Group of DRESSES Which include most every desired stylu and material reduced for final sale to $12.45 NEW SPRING KNIT SUITS A brand new shipment of smart new knit suits, specially displayed for those seek ing carly spring apparel. $9.85 and $14.75 j Special Bargains In I Women's Shoes ! All our novelty low shoes in all styles, specially reduced to v $3.95 and $4.45 The Famous ENNA JETTICK SHOES The sensible, comfort shoe for all 'round wear. $5.00 and , $6.00 Closing out. a special $6 Enna Jettick . number in patent leather. o $5.00 Men's Dress Oxfords and Skoes Close-out of broken lines and , sizes. One lot of $5.00 to $6.00 Shoes $3-95 $6.00 Men's Shoes . $4.95 $7.50 Men's Shoes ... $5.95 that much of U Is undcib'vound i r