Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 16, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Nothing is sadder than a girl
who just misBes being beautiful.
Often the reason is simple im
proper elimination.
The poisons from constipation
often cause pimples, sallow skin,
dull eyes headaches and even
serious disease.
But every girl can banish the
evils of constipation by eating
Kellogg's All-Bran regularly.
Its bulk sweeps the system clean.
Two tablespoonfuls daily are
a wonderful health prescription.
Try it with milk. Add fruits or
honey. Delicious when combined
with canned peaches. All-Bkan
is non-fattening.
Ask for Kellogg's the orig
inal All-Bran. In the red-and-green
package. Made by
Kellogg in Battle Creek.
Filtrate m tkiu Tnlil ill
litl'ornml Tea.
A Uivt'ly ovonl of yostonlay nf-
' tor noon was ihi' infnrmt.l t'
fcivi'ii til tin homi' of Mr. uml Mrn.
WlUt .. l u...tti.r -intxtilMI-illtr tin
cnKuKfiiH ni of Uiolr uauRii"-".
to provH thnt ciiti-hL'H nt tint mouth
of the itoguc rivor have rlfcllneil
I to u number uliirmtnK to sports
ninri, nrrdftlillK to roportu,
M.llinern i.r.'j:in wi.iii'-n. " , ,, K
k.'t'llly tin Hie hiuKoul l"r
.Miss Hetty'er to Mr. I.'"" kI
A. r.yerly. son of Mr. mill MM. J.
A. Ityni-ly "f l'l.rlliind.
Ouesu called lietweon the hour
of four unit five ami each was
repented with a dninty corsage
In which was hidden a small card
earrvilit! news uf the betrothal.
Mrs. Fred Parsons poured and .Miss
Miss n.uo'.liy Onh served.
limit Miss s.hmeer and Mr.
Rverly ni'e uraduales of tho Uni
versity of Oregon, whel'O Ml
Schmeer was iifMlinled with Alpha
l'hi and Mr. Hyerly Willi Kappa
, vrvok ami 1)p;k1 Imlian market , Ct1
marls, hcium ul mad work, and
'tho imivhast of road murhinory
' lOnuM'Kt'iicy relief work throuuh
! out tho county, to oust' the un'in
I ploymojit situation, doplotoil tin;
uenoial road and market road
: !ttnds thif winter.
batKUin- during this season of the
yoar, are anxiously awuitiiiH tho
openini; of ..uielsonV expansion
snlo tomorrow murniiiK. When
the doors of this well known Mod-:
ford women's shop open at 8: 30
o elot k sharp. Harks and eountors
will ho staeked high with nenuino
mono -waver in i-onls, dresses,
hats and aeeossorios.
Seven hundred tjuaro foei of.
floor spaee are belli added by
litirelson's to aei-ommodaio 0o
stondy inereaso in tho volume ofj
bnslnoss. At ihic time of depros-
Iv T. Hureison ptnus -wimij s, u Nn al(,
prido to tho fart tnat ms wmir p W(Mlliim
requires additional space to bun-.
die his steadily mereasinK iuni
ness. This sUiro wub opened on
lecemlier 1, 1 i2S In the I-e'ereito
buildiim. which was Just con
struotod at that time and sinoo
that date lUm'Ison'M toro has re
tained its orlKinal location and has
shown a marked urowth.
While workmen are' preparing
the adilitional space for HurelsonV,
an expansion sale will be comiuri
MM Anderson (.Ivr
Itritlue nii.
Mss (Um;i Anderson entertained
with a bridee nanv last evening
r l.n.- . ,,.im t ,.n w..t Mailt,
streri. TluTi were three tables; t,llu
of bridge In nlav and nri'o for
nrc was awarded .Mrs. 1-ouis
Jeiiiuas and consolation prize
WOI1I MlH I'.llllll I .Jilt"!" iin . ., .. ...,-., ....., , 1 , . .,.,.1 .... . , ,.o., t -i I I V.i u ..vl W r. 1 11 .wil . i V
.Mrs.' 1 ' I iiiiKiowers- league nun v.i in - , j ., ,umi.y it when lie represents;
Uepresentattve.s of the fruit In
ami f in It ornani. .it ions of
the Medford d siriet. will meet al ,
the Hotel Medford tomorrow noon j
to discuss plans ami specifications!
for the mei'Kin of the Uokuo l!tv
(JUANTS PASS. ore.. Jan. Hi.
(Spl.) Major Italph Tout-ill t.f
Medford will be principal witness
beffU-e the state senate and bouse
The miest list included:
l.yda Kinw. Uuibscher
M is:
Henry l'adnham
Koppes, Mrs,
II. Swetney. Miss Marion MriK
Jean Steele. Mrs,
J.iw'phin ! wim' organization, to increase the
un fy plant for tho 1 ! :i I season.
Clayburi.l A meeunu i.em j 'i,., ,
1.1 M.... I'l.-.l Mit.ttwtll ru.l.HtTllll.lill, .It .t .
Ailhrey' Xni'ris and Miss Winifred wus n,anif...s.d f..r H.e mer- I
Trileh JKer. rommittft's were nii)ointed to j
Studio Luncheon
Enjoyed Thursday
Mrs. Corbin Kilgell and Mrs.
Frank Preston cntertuined at lunch
eon ypsterday al'tiruoon t the 8tu
dio of Mrs. Alice llolloway. Covera
were placed for 20 RiieatH.
.Mr. and Mrs. KdKell unci Mrs.
Pieslon plan to leave Momlay lor
San Francisco, where ' thoy will
meet Mr. KdKeU'a hrolher utid nis-
Ixmiii I'uiiil SwelUit
11, Unli l in.
was nnn.ed for i "e soioiiiimi.,. .......
I unit, card parly sponsored yeslei-
.lay all rnoon l.y Hit- I"! renter Med
ford dull at the lintel Holland i
des. i iliril t. day as a very su.'.-ess-. su.;
In older that present stoi ksj tpr.jn.aWi Mr .anil Mrs. tieorlie
may he cleaned oin aim ..
made for iiuaiuities of new. tiprini:
llierdinndlse. which will nrrlve In
Ihe near fllUire. The additional
splice, which will he occupied hy
Uiirelson's, Is Ihe room now util
ized hy the I'.artlett Fur shop.
Thai firm will move to the shop
on the east corner of the l,everetlo
unionii nniiinv ..TTriTTrr..:. .
rnmn m un iirnr V rnLI0U!1 UUll'JUUio
The county court convened to fur final ulini'oval of the
l'.l:!l tax hudKCt and will turn thej
liudet over to the assessor today. extension on tho lax mils and(
.slal.lichmcnt of levies. A meptiiiK of the .Montana cluh
Two cuts hMinl for county funds,! has l.een planned for January -'S
..n in. face of couiilv balances, in the Walker hall at Central
lo announcement
made this morning hy Hay J.
at the dose of business, December i l'olnt, nooordin
3 1 . Inst.
An estimated balance of $30,000 Schumacher.
In the Kcnernl fund was $1,105.1 A social, danclilB. and basket
To meet this shrinkasc the al-! lunch will he on the evenlns's pi o
lowance for the county timherj srnm. nnd nil former Montana
cruise, a plan of the state tax residents In southern Oregon are
commission, will be cut J50U0, i requested to attend. No ndmlsslon
making the totnl for the timber! will he charged,
cruise $10,000. instead of $13,000.) A permanent organization will
To further make the balances' he formed nt this time, with elec
conform to the budget, the gen- tlnn of officers, and plnns for
era I road nnd market roud fund . monthly meetings. Mr. Schumnch
will be cut approximately $00,000.; or snid today that between 300 nnd
Tho slash will nffect construction 500 hnve been attending the nn
w. rk the coming year on Ihe iJkp mini picnics.
Following the annual custom.
Mol'hor.son's Clothing store is now
conducting its big January clear
ance snle 'in order to make room
for Kpring nnd summer merchan
dise which has already begun to
Kxceptional values In suit, over
coats, sports wear, shins, under
wear, .shoes and' other articles of
men's clothing are being offered
during this sale.
Warrcnton. Columbia ltiver
Fishermen's Cooperative Packers
to start construction of $0,000 ad
ditinn to plant here.
Harold KdKell. of Cambridge, Muss
The Fdgells will return lo Med
foul niter a short visit with Ihe
Kilsells of ('ninbi'hlKc. and Mrs.
Pieslon will remain In Ihe buy clly
for several months.
Jennings I'.uti'i'laill
At Dinner anil Curds.
Mr. and .Mrs. Italph Jennings
i nlerlalned with a 0:30 dinner fol
luwed l.y cards at their home on
ii. .n.eksniiv ille road vvennesoa)
evening. Covers wero placed for
1 2 guests1.
I Following dinner there were
I three tables of bridge In play.
win. i.rizes for high scores award
ed Mrs. II. A. Dubuque and Louis
Auxiliary Plans
Meeting Tonight.
The Auxiliary of Canton Sis
kivou will meet this evening at
the 1. O. O. F. hull for li:30 din
ner. Dinner will he followed by
the Initiation ceremony for two
new member. Mrs.- Klhel Weed
and Mrs. I.onn Itergman.
Mrs. Hamilton
In Portland.
Mrs. Ann Hamilton left Medford
Inst evening ;for a ' short visit in
Portland. '
ornmulgate plans, as follows: 'Irat
fie association, Uayniond Keter.
David ltosenheig and David 1!.
Wood; Fruitgrowers' league, 11.
Vanll.ievenlierg. Paul S.'h.'ler and
Dr. tleoi'ge P.. Deans; ll:irry Cetl
crwall, president of the Traffic as-
W. Caiieton, president
ful event. Money realized trom
the affair will be added to the
Federated Women's club scholar
ship loan fund, which is aiding
manv girls in attending school.
The club will hold a luncheon
at the Holland Hotel January 20.
It was decided at yesterday's busi
ness session. Full details of the
loan-fund ten will he published in
Sunday's Mail Tribune.
II. I'. V. Club Holil
lllslrlct .Moollmc.
A meeting of the South Willam
ette district of the Stale Federa
tion of Itusiness and profeHsional
Women's cluh will he held In F.u-
geile Sunday, it was announced in
ibis city today and an invilatinn
to attend ihe sessions is extended
nil local club members. Dinner
will be served at the Hotel Os
burn at 1 o'clock.
OsenhruKBOs Hot urn
l'Yoin Trip North.
Mr. ami Mrs. .1. .1. Osenbrugge
have returned to Medford after)
spending several days in Corvallis
and Portland. Mrs. Osenbrngge
having stopped in the former city
to visit their daughter, Mbw Mar-j
garct. who is a student nt Oregon.
State college while Mr. Osenhrugge
continued to Porllnnd to attend
to business Interests.
Mrs. Chapman to Visit
in Spokane -
Mrs. Maud Chapman plans to
leave Medford Sunday for Spokane,
Wash., where slio will spend three
or four weeks, combining business
and pleasure. She will ho guest of
hor aunt, Mrs. r. 1). Parker, with
whom her mother, Mrs. Julia Kim
ball of this cily, is spending Ihe
D. A. R. Meeting
is Tomorrow
Mrs. K. N. Vllm will he hostess
Inm.rnu. 111 her home Oil
tienessee street to members of
Crater Uiko Chapter, I). A. H. This
urlll 1,. Il.n reenli.., lllpelilll' nf the
chapter and an Interesting program
has been arranged.
of the Fruitgrowers' league, and
1.. A. Hanks, will act also as mem
bers of the committee in its deliberations.
Oregon's law-making hmly the
facts revealed by a two-year sin -vey
of the Ftogue river and Its
fatilnus steelhcad.
"Major Cowgill," Jne Whartnii,
president of the l.aak Wnltftll
leagtlei said Thursday, "will head
a representative group from I ho
H.igtle river coiiiiniltec In Salem
In further rc-ennsideration nf tho
bill to clnse the Kngiie river In
eniiinicreiul fishing, which failed
lo pass in the lasl eleclinn." He
will show hnw ihe river has been
dcploled through commercial fish
ing during the last four years, il is
said. Major Cowgill has figures
Firsl in the dough. Then in
the oven. You can be sui
ol perfect bikings in using
25 ouncei for 25c
Exclusive" is the word
to describe the exhilarating aroma and
full-bodied flavor of Hills Bros Coffee
which is roasted evenly . . . continuously
a little
at a
THIS PROCESS Controlled Roasting in
vented and patented by Hills Bros., is radi
cally different from any other method of
roasting coffee.
Here's the reason: Hills Bros, roast their
rare blend by a continuous, exact process
a few pounds at a time. The common method
is to roast in bulk at once. The difference in results is
obvious Hills Bros, are able to roast every berry to
uniform perfection, while the bulk-method cannot
prvMit variation in the roast.
If o matter when or where you buy Hills Bros. Coffee,
it is altays fresh because it is packed in vacuum. B$
While It was mining hard In
Medford nnd other pnrls of tho
valley lute yesterday nfternoon and
last night, heavy snow was falling
at Crater Nutional park nnd other
biirh mountain sections.
A phono message was received ,
In tho city shortly after 8 o'clock
last night from fiordon Wnrncr.
who Is spending the winter at
government enmp nt the nnllonuli
park, employed In the store keep
er's department, snld thnt between
6 p.m. nnd 8 p.m. yesterday two
Inches or snow hail fallen, nnd,
that at the time of p honing It was
still falling heavily. No worn
had been received up to this noon
from the park, at Ihe Crater Nn-
tlonnl park olflccs ' here, but It Is
presumed thnt much more than
six Inches fell there during the!
This fresh snow on top of the
nld wiow, which n.curdlng to pre
vious reports, was so deep as In
close the park up for the winter,
undoubtedly gives u heller outlook
for Irrigation next summer.
The rain In Ihe valley lale yes
terday afternoon nnd during hist
night, which at times came down
heavily and which nmoiinlid to
.1.1 of an Inch l.y & nm. today,'
was v ry welcome to the ciiiiiparn .
lively dried out ground, all hough
It fell too heavily to snnk much
Into tho earth generally, except
where It collected In puddles or
small lakes, us It inn off the sur
face too quickly, finding nn out
let In creeks or other streams.
At times the gutters of the clly
were flooded with this general
run off.
Today, up to nilil-afternoon, was
ono of alternate niiishlne and
cloudlncm, mostly the latter, hut
no more rain had falbn up to
Hint time. Further rain, Imw
ever. Is forecast for tonight and
In all, since September 1. until
this morning, the total rainfall
was 6.(i Inches,
this process, air, which destroys the flavor of coffee, is
taken out and kept out of the can. Coffee packed in
ordinary cans, even if air-tight, does not stay fresh,
Grocers everywhere sell Hills Bros. Coffee. Ask for
it by name and look for the Arab tne trade-mark
on the can. -
I'firtTI.ANn, Ore.. Jnn. Id. I'D
Sheriff Winters of (loldendale.
Wash., reported to I'orlland police
today Ihut two men hist night
hountl nnd gagged the night mar
shal tnVre Anil looted the J. f.
I'enney store of merchandise val
ued nt $ I nun.
They escaped In a truck.
Continuing our
Last weed's tales weie kh grealeil. of ny umiUr n7 "14.
paiiod, in Saf.way's hisloiy. Th. values oft.r.d JT IfgSi W t
brought such an enthusiastic response lhal w t WsJ
aia 90109 lo continue the sale (or a (ew days mot. sV3 SS I 4T
We have selected several new items values, fj 1 J Mgj W ,
we belicva, even better than befoit. Come and f IJ! J JL
shai in these savings while quantities last "
Baking Powder
popular for all WK$
..... 25c
Calumet or Crescent, popular for all
baking purposes
Sugar Peas
Xatiii'ipi', nn excel
lent n a e k, s e r v e
creained or in snlads.
Ginger Ale
lO'.V f
2 bottles ..... UIVj
Pale Face or Ginger Ale
when talking of quality
The price Is
51b. can . .
Pure Oregon Honey. Treat yourself
to this sweet at this unusually low
Pink Salmon
. Fancy Alaska Pink.
Keep a lew cans for
an emergency lunch.
1-11). tall cans.
i cans .. 23c
Sugar Corn
K xtra standard
grade, tender and
sweet. , No. 2 cans.
J cans .. 29c
Oregon made, tender curve cut.
15uy all you want.
Oregon full cream, flavor',
Daul'uski, Gulf pack. Steaming
hot oyster soup is good. 5-oz.
O cans 35c
Sauer Kraut
Del lvogue f a n c y pack, fine
slired. Large Xo. 2 cans.
-lb. jar
Pound ... 21c
1 l?,ii..iii. C. in i.i. .!,!.- Iivf iiwii
Apjiles make delicious pies at a Marasca 15 r a n d, tancy wnoie
saving. fruit with sugar, assorted fla-
, vors. Tasle it this week at Safe-
iarge no. iv cans x a
Kraft package Cheese, always
clean, your choice of Swiss, Vcl
vcttu, American or Brick.
V2 ib. pkg 19c
Carnation Oats or Wheat
The package with the premium.
Large package .... 33c
Pure cane, fine granulated.
10 lbs 51c
Safeway (iiality, fancy fresh
creamery liutler.
2 lbs 55 c
Van Camp's Eastern Pack, len
der k e r n e 1 s, delicious when
served buttered.
Cd cans 21c
Salad Oil
. S. Brand fancy cottonseed
oil. We invite you to compare
its quality. In hulk, bring con
tainer. Quart ... 27c Gallon.... 95c
Old Dill ch, Sunbrite, or Bab
Babbitt's. Your choice. (Limit)
Can 5c
Fa 1 lev Florida, sweet and juicy. Local Danvers. Save at Safeway.
6 for 17c JO ibs. . 13c