PXOE FOUR MEDFOT?D MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOTID, OREGON1, PRTDAV, JANUARY 16. 1931. HISTORIC TOWN RAY WILL HELD nrnAVAPA Mnu'Aiin dv nniiDT I HAH iH l VV VHL J 1)1 i m MASS OF RUINS: APPEAL LOOMSr Radio Program KMED (Mall Trlbune-Vlrgln Station) ! Irhlny. M.- ii Pi Mexicans Search Debris for, Effort By Mrs. Ina Ray Victims of Earthquake j Olwell to Show Undue In Estimate 48 Dead, Many, fluence and Incompetency! Injured. I Fails. j MRMCO CITV. .Ian. ill. (IV Pretty Oaxaca, four ccntiirfcM old StianjHh and Indian city of .Vt,"". l;iy In ruins ti!ny while soldiers and volunteer corps Hcurched the debris for victim of Wednesday night's MirthqinikoK. Kleven bodies were In inu i't! lies nnd PHtimatoH on the number of deiui ran us h!h as AH. The In jured lint wan much laiKPr, while estimate on damage to the city range from .10 to !ia per cent. About 24 miles of the railroad lie t ween Oaxaca ( pronounced Wa-ha-ca) and Puebla nnd Mexico City were torn up'or covered with earth and atones during the disturbance. Outride of Oaxaca three deaths were reported. These were all in Mexico City, where an elderly wom an wax buried under full in if ma sonry, a four-year-old irl received InjurloH of -which !bo died yester day, and Nicolafl l'eiiiaKtia, a clu'lii 11. was fatally Injured. From Ma'Jitl:gi, southern Sina lo:i, today came report that a sub marine volcano wa belching sniokn nnd a team Home distance from the fdiore. Rescue -work In Oaxaca was Im peded by the general nature of tho destruction. Wit h virtually every hou.ie made unsafe for occupancy. Die Inhabitants took to the fields. . despite hitter cold, and slept there under nucli shelter us could be Improvised. In n decree handed down today hy County Judge Alex Sparrow of the probate court, the will of the late Mrs. Knola It. Hay, pioneer renideiit of this city, contested by her daughter Mrs. Ina Hay Olwell, Ik held valid, and it 1h expected that the will's beijucKts ho distrib uted as provided, The findings! also hold, that Mrs. Hay was of sound mind and sub jected to no undue Influence In the making of the will. Mrs. Olwell In her suit to break the will set forth these allegations The probate court decision also provides that the. will he adniitled to probate and that ChnrlcB H. Kay, a sou, continue aa adminis trator and executor. Costs To I'lalnlirr " . The costs of the probate hearing are assessed, by the decree, to Mrs. Olwell. The estate of Mrs. Knola It is nppra Iseil at $L,.ri,fW for Hay per sonal property and $i;0u for n will. Ina Tho Obituary WI-IITR Kdwnrd While, Infant Hon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of Forest creek, died In a local hospital Monday at the age. of nine mouths. Interment was made today by Conger Funeral Parlors. , Coon liny. Work started -'on 1'on.structlon of $3(10,000 bridge over Cons .Tiny. KEEP COOL PLEASE I IP YOU notice thai your hands are not staying as smooth as they might, ask yourself the cause. The answer is that washing in hot water is the greatest single destroyer of , akin beauty in existence. Of course, if you use ordinary soap, you won't get clothes and dishes clean without hot water. Uut with White King Granulated Soap, made from pure vegetable and nut oils, you can get complete and thorough cleansing in luke warm water. It will spare your hands, and, at the same time, save your colored ginghams and prints from an untimely end. White King is economical too. li eta use it's condensed, a little goes a long, long way. It's the safest and yet the most eflcctivc snap you can buy. ynd it's ideal for hard water. Try it today. At your grocer's. property, liy the lerms of tin 1 each was left to M i s. Olwell uud Frank (I. Hay. balance of the estate was dlMtrlbut I ed bet ween M ins M a be 1 tn y u nd ;CharleH It. Hay. Or. It. W. Hleeter , and Charles A. Wins of this city j were witnesses. In the conclusions and findings i of the decree It is set forth that j Airs. Olwell, by legal action ' to j break the will of her father, the Into J)r. C. H. Hay, "caused much j worry" to tho mother who was In poor health, and that by the will of Dr. Hay, Mrs. Ina Olwell re ceived much more than her broth ers and siHters and mother nnd that the mother, tho evidence showed, did not believe she was entitled to It. It Is set forth also, that a com promise was effected, to end the worry. May Appeal It Is probable that the case will he appealed to the circuit court. Attorney Charles . JtcamcM repre sented CharlcH H. Hay, unit Attor ney T. J. Knrlght, Mrs. Olwell, In the probate. The probate court hearing was exhaustive and a great mass of oral and documentary evidence was Introduced. The hearing last ed six week of half-day sessions. The probate. Judge has had the matter under consideration for two mouths. iople's Kh'ctrlc; news and markets by Mall Tribune. to 7 - Farmer's Kxchaiige; Votir iiiTj'i- J!oy; Velma Jjarling. 7 to 8 l,ets (iel Associated: N'ws OitfeMt ; M array and Harris, fla'. K to !i K.MKU presentation; Harrison 1 largrave I Jelec- tive Stories, I'lIC. i to 1 o Venetian Nights. .1 i m rn y In'tttck'ft Town House t irchest i a, I'lii '. Saturday. A. M.-- 7 : 'U to X I freak fast broad cast of news by .Mail Trib une. S to Hill Sharpb-H unit Ids Can g; Astrological Pro gram, ri'.r. 'j to 10 Friendship Circle; Peoples' F.l-ctric; "i and M." 10 to I A. Schilling; and Co.; Alexander's Food Shop 11 to 12 Film Tips and Talks; Hold Seal; White King. m 5'2 to 1 Swem's ( lifts; Heaths Jirug Store; l,ewis Super Service; news flashes by , lail Tribune. 1 In a -K.MKO prcMentalion,; Scientific Laboratories, i tu Happiness Train; popular recordings. .'(, to KM I'll) presentation. I to ft Kiddies' period; Cecil and Sally. to ti Hoy Scouts: Oirl Scouts; news and markets ' by Mail Tribune. G to 7 Heche Service Sta tion; Velma Darling. 7 to 8 Let's Oct Associated; New Digest; Myrtle Street, CISC. X to !l Weekly Hoview. C I if. il to 1 0 .Mm my Hit tick's Town House Orchestra, rue. " UNITED EUROPElMILUONAIRE IR MX SOLUTION FATAL PLUNGE iAVFRS RRIANflFROM WINDOW Briancl Outlines Plan for Pan-European Federation: at Geneva Meeting of 26 Nations. ! Armour and Co. President Falls Seven Stories During Dizzy Spell Was Self Made Man. OK.VtfVA,' .Ian. 1 ti. (P) Ku rope has come to the belief that her nations must unite If they are to live, Aristide lirland today told delegates from ti Kuropean state.-', gathered here under the auspices of the l-aue or Nations to examine his plan for a Pan Kuropean federation. -We have a long road to travel," he told the assembly as he opened its sessions, "and we must map It out. We must never he swerved from our purpose and In our task we will reject tho co-operation of none." Dr. .luli us Curt! us, Germany's foreign minister, echoed the French chairman's declaration, as serting his nation, supporting any program of co-operation and pence agrecH that in these first meetings economic collaboration among the nations niut be emphasized. For the com mission's guidance. P.tiand said, the league secretariat has prepared a report on the league's work for Kuropean or ganization during the past decade, and a similar report has been made nvnilable hy the interna tional labor union. CHICAGO, Jan. 16. The enreec (,f F. Kdson White, multl niillionaii'e who worked his way u; from the rarik.s to tho presi dency of Armour Ac Company, packer-, wan ended last night in a. seven-story fall from a window 'if I a, bedroom In his north side home;; His neck was broken and many, hones fractured. His dentil, Dcp-I uty Coroner P. J. D.vy rand P. L.j Heed, treasurer of Armour A o-: pany, said was an accident. f i Heed, who was expected to tes tify today at a C'lVouer's inuueht. 1 expressed tho belief that a fall While suffered last Wednesday n in lit when he arose to address company employes at a dinner. was responsible for the accident. I le believed the previous accident caused While to become dizzy and , lose his balance last night, i Heed said White's financial af ! fairs were in excellent shape and ; there was no reason why he cdiould j take his life. His statement tbet j death was an accident was con I current in by the deputy coram r. White was chosen president of Armour & Company in 1!J3, after la humble beginning as. a car check- er, from which he was promoted j district manager, later director, jthen vice -president, and finally ! president. Ho succeeded Philip ! D. A rmour III., when the latter ' retired. i I movement to" popularize pea- ! lleppner Ileppner Farmers pork has been launched by the i Elevator company of this city elision division of Alabama f constructing addition to build ytechntc institute. ings. CHOICE BEEF PORK COUNTRY SAUSAGE Here Every Saturday from CHARLEY BROS.' RANCH CHICKENS HEAVY HENS FRESH EGGS Klamath Spuds, pood ones, per cwt; $ 1.00 Cabbage, lb. 2 Lettuce 5 Squash, lb. 2? Eagle Point Cheese Oranges, per bucket, 45 Apples 25 box up Honey Sorghum Where Consumer and Producer Meet. Open Every Day PUBLIC MARKET South Riverside , SjiiiiS NATIONALLY 355 Savings at MacMarr Stores Saturday and Monday January 17 and 19 asa known r PARADE .' jSj Tiniro our Arno i Mlif!LO,ontMVWOj MIJ V Here they are! Nationally-known foods from the finest food producing centers in the country are on "parade" in every one of our bright, modern, food stores. Pick up any national magazine. Look over the food advertisements. You will find doz ens of those you see advertised on display and ready for your selection in our stores at MOST ECONOMICALj)rices. A telegram wa rucolvod today hy fho Mull Tribune I'rirtii Jay Untn brick stating that tho Curtis Hohlu plane, piloted hy John Waage, In which ho Is making a trip to Dal las, Texas, cracked up last night In landing at Scligman, Arizona. Mr. liamhtifk staled tho piano was badly damaged hut no ono was hurt. Ho Is being accompanied hy Ieomirri Hall. HepaiiH to the plane were ox peeled to ho made soon and tho flight renamed. Mr. Hani brick Is en route to Dallas, where his father Is Horlously 111, 4 Colleges Kntcr Old Itealin. HA. MA It KAN I). Czbeklstan, 1. H. 8. It. iV) The first three col leges have Just been "pencil in this ancient capital of Tamerlane. Thev are a cotton institute, an agricultural school and a medical j pchoni. Kignty per cent or in students are natives. FROM G. C A delegation, composing the chamber of commerce committee, left Medford at an early hour this morning ' for Cottage tirove to confer with Jtohert Drake, president ("if tho Standard Season ing Mtciely, concerning tho organi zation's plans to Install a scasoii rhg plant In this city. Tho company now operates a plant at Cotlaye drove In which lumber is processed hy cold sea soning to give, it great added strength and consequently an in creased mar It i't price. Medford is believed to be a" especially appropriate place fr such a plant and the city's iiualt ficatlons will be described to Mr. Drake today by tho committee, composed of O. (. Alenderfer, president of the chamber of com merce, W. II. (lore, J. C. Thomp son. Hubert W. Kuhl and C. T. Maker. 11 A decree of divorce by defnult was granted this afternoon by Circuit Judge II. D. Norton to Kverett Y. Carkin of this city, from Frances N. Carkin. a resident of San Francisco. The custody of a minor daughter was awarded to the father. A decree of divorce by default was also granted Jeanette 1'reston from Frank C. 1'reston. The suit of Mrs. Martha 'Miller against Mrs. Claribello Dntighman' Klliott for half ownership in an , aittomobllo won In a local news- ! paper circulation contest was re- j sumed In the circuit court this afternoon, before Circuit Judge 1-1. D. Norton. ; Tho plaintiff closed Its case, and the ilefense opened. A (ieorgo A. Porter, lumberman, testified that at the behest of hothij ho, had subscribed, nnd that It WAtoi his understanding: that they wero,J to share alike In victory. jj Mrs. Miller was recalled to the j stand by the defense. She admittedj that she had subscribed for five five-year subscriptions, amounting to $11)0, but that it had never been i paid, as the sum was to come front J t ho proceeds of tho sale of thof auto when won and sold; ,f j Arthur Im Duo. circulation man ager, was the first witness for thoi defense. Ho described the worlrf Ings of tho contest. ' ! The defense, which is represerit- 1 ed by Kelly and Kelly, will call five or six witnesses. . ! The plaintiff is represented by ; Newbury and Newbury. MacMarr or Libby's tall cans 6 for Pineapple No. 24 tins, broken slices each STORES 10 CLOSE 8 P. i SATURDAY i nL BMW-: Saturday's Special Sale Old Price Sat. Price Genuine Leather Coats. : S15.50 $5.49 Sheepskin Coats 9.50 3,99 Yellow Oil Slickers 5.25 2 J5 Hy top Boots, all leather 12.00 3.99 All Leather Dress Shoes 7.50 3 ,45 Mackinaws 12.00 4.95 All Leather Oxfords (Men's) . . 7.50 2.65 All Leather Oxfords( Women's) 5.50 2.45 All othei stork tt way below cost. Jennings Loan Office South Front Street0 After all of tho members of the retail trade committee of the local chamber of commerce had been contacted late yesterday after noon, It was found that a con sensus of the merchants favored closing Medford retail establish ments a half hour earlier, r at X:0u p.m. on Saturday night of this week. In order that proprie tors and employees may have an opportunity to hear liear Admiral lilchard r.yrd. whose I-cture at the Holly theater begins at S:30. Mem tiers of the committee felt that the purchasing public will co-operate with the merchants to the extent of making all of their week-end purchases prior to 8 o"cli-ck, in order to carry out this plan. It was felt also that in support of the American legion, which Is sponsoring appearance of Admiral Hynl In Medford. all persons should be given an op portunity to attend the attraction. Crisco A pure vegetable shortening 3-lb. can Corn Flakes A breakfast cereal for all the year round 3 f OY Corn & Peas Standard , quality No. 2 tins MacMarr price 6 cans Corn Meal Sperry's either white or yellow 9-lb. bag Brown Sugar f3k C and H Golden NmJjJ 4 lbs. Pure cane sugar 12 lbs. MEAT DEPARTMENT Located at Store No. 34, N. Centra, Phone 507 SATURDAY SPECIALS SUGAR roKTt.AN'n, ore., Jan. Hi. A) Wholesale butter nnd okx prices were unchanged today and the opening market tone for both these products was steadier with a pick-' how 1 ate volume of buying from retail er. Ittilter receipts were smaller and a consldenhlo amount was cleared to outside markets. City milk dealer Were quothm n new calo of price to producers: J.'.int a hundred for grade It nnd $1 Ml for I rade. nt 1 T to 20-cent decline from pricr of the firt h.f of the month. The new pcale com pares with a reported $1.7o bid al Seattle for a grade of milk ciual to t'cst standard lh the rortland tired. All Steaks 18c lb. Pork Shoulder Roast ISc lb. Pork Chops 25c lb. Fresh Side Pork 20c lb. Fresh Side Leg Roast o Half or whole 22c lb. Choice Pot Roasts 15c lb. Spare Ribs 22c lb. Medium Bacon By the piece 25c lb. 1 p.-viv.e 3 MacMarr Flour A pure hard wheat flour. We guarantee satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. 49 lb. bag $L19 MacMarr Coffee Ground to suit your taste. Every pound guaranteed to satisfy. - Site $1.00 i Karo 5-lb. tin A pure corn syrup dark Prunes 3 lbs. An excellent breakfast tonic - Puritan Malt Hop-flavored r r 10-lb. bagJt 2i2Ib.pkg. P MacMarr Pancake Floui ' Self rising oeans 2 lbs. Large limas. Note the exceedinglyC:J low price PRODUCE Potatoes 50-lb. bag 49c Klamath Falls No. 2 Oranges 3 doz. 25c Small size, sweet and juicy Bananas lb. 5c Firm and ripe Onions 6 lbs. 15c Large sweet Spanish Oleo Clippernut A" Swift Product. i lbs.. 55c Tomatoes No. 2y2 tins. Standard Pack. 29c 3 cans.. O " STORE NO. D5-West Main St. ... Phone 380 2 STORES IN MEDFORD STORENOp:rhCcntral CO