PAGE TEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, PRECOX, FRIDAY.- JANUARY Ifi. 1931. tiYXOPSlS: A l'ii7ip"nr of rnoi rti4 a expert ", orrou:d tuning ffOton which l'iriii.n: Ucuff, beautiful model, i 1U("tna 1(1 tMflr-C5J MOi(jlit fltflii- ikiN0, A'ew I'orfc ortitl. ('(cjiniMM; fromlsM fo make it r'ujht, a.nt itrr ui duct' s Vtvieiinf to tojisritf M pose for a aeries of decorations he is paintinQ for a theater. Aleet. Vivienne' older aixtn: an actress, Jears that Vivieune's ventures i-i society with t'hanning uitl maf.u he.r discontunteil tnfi her lot an a model. Aleet ia in love with J im my C'uii, theatrical press apit, but knows she must not iice vat to this emotion until it t no longer neressaru to rare for Viiitnne, Jimmy vvranudes Max iitriu. vfoducer. to giie Aiieen a part in his new show, "Sara's fht-istmas UtockinQ." and outlines ht tWa-t for htr to avvcaf tn vttb Itv in costume as an advertising Hunt. Chapter 6 THE LATEST SENSATION 171VIENWE relaxed and reached for a cigarette. On a dais Id Ohatinlng's studio she had been pos Ing through the mornlog. x At first she had found It difficult. Keeping still for so long was dif ferent from sitting for a few mo ments before the camera's lenu. But alter the first few days had passed she mastered the trick of It. Photo graphic prints and sketches strewn on the rugs gave striking evidence of Channing's thoroughness. There was avarcely any onsle from which li had not recorded an Impression of Vivienne. The artist's deft Angora had been busy with his clay. Now he criti cally examined the dainty eU;ht-lnch ilgure he had begun to fashion, dancing up ni his model, his ex pression registered Artistic salisfao t!on. Her coloring wus gorgeuns In its striking contrast. The blue-black cap of her hair wan as sleek as though It had been lacquered. A vivid gusli of crimson revealed a balf-sinllo ol her lips as mocking ns the mystery In the depths of her halfclos"d eyes. Putting down Channing's lighter, Vivienne exhaled a cloud of smoke. Her arm' dropped curelessly to her side and a bluish liazo Altered up through her long, slender lingers. "Well, that's a relief." she an nounced will) a sigh. "Some day you'll !eep me here no long thnt I'll never niovo again." ('banning threw a wot cloth over his embryo statue. "How about a lilt or luncheon?" "They're the sweetest words I've ever hoard!" Vlvlouno drew a shawl about her, a magnificent Spanish specimen of rose-emhroK dered black. Through the closed rilass- doors she glimpsed the vista .if terrace. "Can't we bo served out there?" she asked. "I'd like to bathe tn the fountain." "I'll confess I'd like to let you." Chaunlng helped her from the dais. "Hut as an artist. I Insist that you don't catch cold. I mustn't forget my murals." "Then I'll curb my mermaid ten dencies." Vivienne promised him. "But I'm going to have lunch tn the garden oven If I have to dress. I suppose t might as well, anyway. We're not working this afternoon?" "No but If you'ro comfortable, why bother to chango Just now?" "1 shan't' she decided and saun tered out, carefully protecting ln-i tthoulders from the noon-day sun. She peered over the parapet dow; Into the cAiiyon of the street below If she lost her balance and tumble down she wondered If they wouli mistake her for a fallen cnge! Probably j,n?pl was not the term they would apply to her. Her cosv turn would not surest It, nor j would the circumstances preedin?j Mich a fall. FERN VAIXKY, Ore, Jan. It!. (Spl.) Vlda llulley of San Krnn-, Cisco spent several days with her ulster, Mrs. Tom Tlinnns, last week. Many from Kern Valley wero on skllllK in riles mi the Slskiyuus Sun day. One party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Kills Pavl and Jimmy. John and William KHttlor and Ivan Hedrl.k. Another Rrnup Included Margaret ' Htifthes. Tom Williams. Mildred Marshall, with Alieen Parker mid Evelyn Machelder nf Medford: Ar thur lUrdi'sty and Kaymond Mont. Homery of Phoenix. Ivan Olsen spent the duy Sunday with Kd Mnrslinll. January 2 a meellnn will he held ot the W. O. W. hall In I'hno. nix to orcunlc a (,inii(!e in this Io-1 callty. i'ounly tliance lippnty Mas-, tor H. K. Nonlon will linvo thanse FERN VALLEY A PQ.MANCf Q RaU'Q Vh'Junue wuuuVivd . Vlieiwtr Chamiing had heard nbouL Atlecii. Now, uk he came from the studio, shti asked if he had rad the ac count in the morning papers. Ho hadn't, and told the Japanese ov vant to hrfius them out to him. "So your sister's going to he a star?" Chancing lounged bark In a wicker chair, looking cool and com fortable in flannels and a sports shirt. Vivietiue walked across the crass plot sodded over the roof. She stretched out upon a cushioned hammock. . ' "Only a teensy little star." Viv ienne explained. She clasped her hands behind her head and wiggled one foot over the edge of the canvas swing. "Just the same Aiieeu's de lighted, and it may he her big chance." Changing watched her for a mo ment, but he seemed preoccupied as he scanned the papers his servant handed him. PARK AVEXUK CASP9 AS "SANTA CLAUS'S DAUCiHTKR" I,UXCHKft Smart lle.tauratt t'atront Doubt Senses When Stage Star Appears In Make-Up. KliibC pat i una of (he exi-ln! vt fill u Tri:i i ion ei e al:t it li-il !ini;i2fl it rid otlit'i wise iINi-md. c-crl- flui lni? I he fashion.! hie luiiclii-ou liour yeMenljiy. Vivienne had been pos- At' h Ni t:i;illy i "( veil t.ilito, wllli it niithl HI l Ufa lu vHi'oil. an ( it huHihlciiiiKly prcUy k'N in mi Iclua llx) row l unit? sinru' mix Hi'Hlivu of the fumili:ir S:mtu (Jhiu imp'1! HDimtorM who slaml hi Mh't't't cumul i tlui ink the hollrtuv MlRit Hahtii (JIjiuh nml hv.r roiii IKinloii tipinaruil to bu uhlUlfniH if Ilto iiHl(iulslin), not In jiv nult-, Htun'H of 8iii(i.'"'()y H'i'lt-tin-d in'i -tutini n( siirrouniliim tnhlra. A rlp plo of don hi inn coin l nen I run run imI the iu istK:i ;iMc dinlnn i ooim Slnco no fmiifiiirioiy nlaii:i tlon was rortlnutniliiB, tliPM tii fiiiid nolhlim Id fin hot iViilt fitii) wait h until the i'onsilc-iioiiM coimto l alin ly nroKo io ilc;ti t. It was thin Unit the curlom i:nl a full look at Mltm Siiutil Clau. Shi win uitlrt-d In a liollotl tiit-ltot ;i"il trim ml t -id hit: lirfchcs Slo tt'ord IiImIi ht't'lcil palrnt h'allici ItnolK, nml llii'.so Willi her j.uiniv riir-trhnniod rim nitpcctird tin Austrian hussar nf The Menu ll'i(m vlntaRtr. I.ltllo MIsh Snntu riailq pnw dfnd hr not! heimo sin lrft ttn lublf. lint iiinliid of ii liiiiidhai: nr vanity fuse. hTi rarrh'd a hnui id NliK-klni;. The c.niU'iitw nf th:il siorldnK resulted in a nenr-t int. Ah I ha pair ptotM p' d o" l'art Avcmio most tif t ho hi nr limn crowil followrd. Ow on tlto Mhh1 wulk MIkm Santa Cl.ius oncnod up Iwr filocklnii (the oiu W. wis dniiu'd from hor nrin) nml lift:. in to (Kstrlhutf paniplihftH. An ail v i tlxlng man t-topprd fur. ward nud with a gallant air, huk ui'Hlcd Hint Mi .SuntJi flan h'lid her ciidorHonient in n writ ktmwn lioiMfliuld iirrtitnrt t ft ChrlMiinnn Kilt. Me nyt nskt4l ftrv to itfnt wllli him mid that itsrtfl euiuthlnjr. Mlsw Sjintn Clans' (orl hrjttfd. The Rhrcwd hit; kimllv Knt Inti.i it with thu bright idou neatly tnurhed ukm the chin and tnin hhil nvt-r backward. ty thai time the minions of the law ap peared and Mi us S.inta OI.iuh and iirr escort were i c moved to llio prcflnct (Nation. The faseinalinR vounc wommi pavfl her tinnn ns Allien !ray nd st:ittl that Ua an actrrr.i. Sht t'tpln inrd that che had thmitiht Iv5ly ttnyd from the theaier In ctitnrne and apolofitxed tn llm tv U. ' tor cr-ittin(r a dittnrhan e. Her companion admit tttl enly fiat he was .taimx Crme. a pnbtlctty tiimi in M;x Klein's rm ploy. He revenkd. under Krillhm, that Mis iitny will on t Hecn In , (Iroadwav niitsical roitwdy called "Hara'.t Christmas S;vcklnt." I lot It Were hfld In hail for fiti t hi.T hrai' Ititt ttonorrow. "Well?" Vivienne nskrd when "munins loo l;ed up. "What do you link of It?" "I think I want to meet this Jim ty Crane and I want to know your oMor. Here's to ihein both!" he proposed mid p.issc.l Vivienne her "And tn my Maine." he ,idd imI, ttuicliing his j;!a;; U hers. Aiteert'a n;? Xt r t'5 b.ttf je.itcu Jictre-.. n ii- i and he extends a conllal Invitation to till in Kern Valley. Several frm Vem Valley ntlend ed the Installation of oftlcers and covered dish dinner Klven l,y the N'cluliliors ,-f Wooilrrnlt al riioeuix Wednesdiiy nlBlll. Allern I'nrker was an all nlRht unci Wednesday o f MarKiiii-t HttKltes. tluests of Joe Cantor, Jr.. Wed nesday eveillnc were tleo. O'l'on nor. Kd Marshall, I vim Olsen and Helen Kiintor. Ilernaid Mershon ipent the nlttht Wednesday with Tom Williams. Mr and, Mrs, J r. Kldlldse called nt the home of I.. V. Iluuhes Wed liesday. M-. ami Mrs. Lester t'nrr hnve christened their hahv hov Hohcrt Meile. No Iteis on liin-1 Winner. IH-:i:i;Y. Kng. 44'i Angel Pave, inent won a rare here at odik of Hitl t, 1 but nobody btche.l the hnrxe and nil motiev n., tt'id n other hM?e9 wa retutneil. w - m j RURAL AND SUBURBAN NEWS'-1 : TALENT 1 1 GOLD HILL j ; TAI.KNT. Ore., Jan. 16. (Hpl.) ) Jo moH I'.d vn I'd AhtHters priHsd finvay ut the t 'oinmunity hospital in A f h I a n 1 Wediienilny tifternoon. I .l.inuiiiy I 4. at the mki of S3 yvai'N j Air. Af.'iHierH nuide hln home with hlw son Paul at Talent, coming 'here from Kujene IS montrm hkq. Mr. MitHters wiih in perfect he;t!th j until two weekM hko, when he wnt taken ill with flu. T A chicken dinner was 'enjoyed (tt the Tiny Tavern In Talent Wednes day Airs, lijilis. Airs. Whitney. AIik. Frank iJean, AI rs. l-'rank iJickey, Ar. I'rovot, Mrs. IluKhen of Ashhinl. Alrn. J'.rown of Aled fonl and Alr. Kttrl Jones of Tal ent. Aft'-r dinner they went to the home of AIi-h. Karl Jones, where hridce wan enjoyed. Air. anil Airs. Heaver and daugh ter Helen of Twin Kn lis. Idaho, arrivetl in Talent January 14 and are guests of Air. and Airs. Lewis Hill. Air. nml Airs. Heaver and daughter have been touring east ern and southern states and are on their way home by way of I'ort htnd and the t 'olumhlu highway. Air. and Airs. Joseph Spitsccr are building a new four-room home on Alain street, one Mock west of the S. P. depot. Air. Spitzer is postmaster at Til lent. 'Air. Sttllen-g-r lias the building contract. Air. and Ali Si . Jlarvey Walters gave a dinner Tuesday for Air. and At i s. G. Itullen -and son Alvin who will leuvn Salurday for Man IHetfO. t'al., where-they intend to make tfleir home.' Mrs. Sam Foster nnd daughter of Butte, Atont., expressed delight in the mild weather of the valley. They are enroute to eastern points over the southern route. At the regular council meeting held recently. Kyle Tame resumed the responsibility of mayor of Tal ent, nnd Air. Aloliarra ns council man in place of Harvey Walters. Archie Kdmundson was again ap pointed city marshal. A1 ud holes nnd rough places in the HtreetH have been filled in dur ing the week by City Alarshal K. Kdmumlson. Air. and Airs. Frank Hart re cently moved to I heir new home south of Talent. He has also built a barn and chicken house and ex pects to raise poultry. Airs. Allison Ward who spent the past six months fn Aberdeen, Wash., has returned to hr home here. Air. and Airs. Ala Hon Wells of Sioux City, Iowa called on friends in Talent over the week end on their way to Los Angeles. Ati'H, ). 1 1, Ala nnlng was guest of Airs. Chas. Thomas of Med ford Tuesday. Harvey Cliff. O. H. Alannlng. Hen In man nnd Tten Lnmh visited the Hig Six mine" and 'enjoyed a chicken tllnnef ' with1 the crow which Is working the mine. Airs. Hendiiek Ooddard visited at the Culver homo in Phoenix . Wednesday and Thursday. Judge (ioddard and wife of Kla math Falls visited Mr. Ooddard's parents over the week end. Airs. Cialbrllh Is expected home Saturday from the Community hospital in Ashland. W. 10. How ley has recently added u oompleto lino of groceries tn his business. Airs. Myron Keith Is reported ns being quite ill, at her home on Wagner creek. WILLOW SPRINGS, Ore.. Jan. If,. (Spl.) Ranchers In this vi cinity are husy plowing. Field brothers hnve petis planted nnd are ready to set a number of acre to strawberries. Air. and Airs. J. W. Itlrkholz and son Roland motored to Yrekn, Cal., Sunday. Aliss Wlldu Richmond Is clerk for H. S. Heuel at tho legislature in Salem. She 1 staying with her sister. Airs. Ralph Kellogg. Robert 1 trophy of I turn tpent pa rt of last wee k with h is w i f e and little daughter here. He drove from eastern Orecnn and found the roads in good shape, with very little snow. The Nathan Grishnm family has moved from the Karl Heft house, where they have lived for several years, to the l. Al, Grisham home in Central Point. W. K. Parker and family were dinner guests Sunday nt the New ton KdwanU home in Aledford. , Air. and Mrs. Sam Atideron re ceived Hewn of the arrival of a cranddauuhter on Christmas night. She is the little daughter of Air. and Mis. Albert Anderson of Port land. Mrs W. It. Harris was 111 for several duy l ist weok. but Is much, impnivrd and able to he out. CLIMAX. Gre., J.ih. 1 5,- tSpl.1 -Resitlents wrrc vhoeked to h ai j of tho death of Tred Stlmson tt his home near Aleedford and the j heartfelt svmpalhv if the cotnmu- nitv h evtended to the family. i Aim. Hilda Aloicart and pun.! j ChiirlM. of perM. are visiting ! her sivter. Mrs. L. H. Wrti. I Phil Welti: In back from a visit. I with hi parents at Amlerson, " Cnllf ! KiL-hth ci aHe examinations are being held tod.iv fr Clinton Char. ! l-v. who is the only applicant. Mr. nml Mr. L. H W'-rtt at- tende.l the fnioral today of Kied Stttnin Ml- NVIlie Grltm ailed t Ihe Wert7 home Sundnv afternoon Mioi 'ei Ki'i-lnw was In Med- Clarified advrrti-ing Reta results. WILLOW SPRINGS CLIMAX I i 1 " ' 1 " i GOLD HILL. Ore.. Jan. 15. . (Xpl.) W. R. C. held their regular business meeting and dinner in the j city hall Wednesday noon. I Air. and Airs. Alerrltt Merrlmnn spent the week-end as guests of ! friends in Weed, Calif, j' January 7, about 25 members of the Gold Hill L O. O. F. lodge and I Amethyst liebekah lodgo went to Central Point to attend joint in- stallution of the Central Point ; lodges. Air. nnd Airs. Harold Fuller. .Alius Lueile Hlttle. Alerrltt lllttle and Kenneth Kobinson spent Sun- day on the Crater Lake highway j skiing. f Airs. J. C. Short was a business ; visitor in Aledford Tuesday. I The Infant daughter of Afr. nnd Airs. Hoy Centers Is very ill with j bronchial pneumonia. i Air. nnd Airs. George Hammers- ley Jean and iilll ilummersley and i Delia Walker were coasting on the ; Green Springs Sunday. The little daughter of Mr. and Airs. Wilbur Martin is very ill. The five small children of Mr. and Airs. Tom Smith have been ! seriously ill with flu. Airs. Heva Davis entertained the Sewing club at her home Friday J afternoon. I Air. and Airs. W. G. Davis and 1 daughter Alarilyn were week end visitors at the home of Mr. Davis mother in Phoenix. Airs. Tom Cook was a Medford visitor Tuesday. J toward Drake was a business visitor in Grants Pass Thursday. Airs. Wilmot hoe been very, ill with poison oak. Seth Coy came from the Oregon Caves Sunday to visit homo folks. Airs. W. G. Davis nnd daughter Alarilyn and Airs. Al. L. Stiekel were Ashland visitors Monday. Airs. Tom Chisholm Is ill with totisilitls. Airs. J. AL Lively was a Medford visitor Saturday, Air. nnd Mrs. A. U Hildreth of ltutte Falls were dinner guests of Air. and Airs. Jack Pickurd Satur day. ' Airs. Delia Shaver nnd son Woodrow were Ashland visitors Sunday. Charles Barge Is reported quite ill at his home. .Miss Lyndol Jacobs waH n busi ness visitor in Aledford Wednes day. Air. nnd Airs. Jack Wilson nnd family of Aledford spent Tuesday with Airs. Wilson's parents, Air. and Mrs. Jack Pickard in thin city. Allen Cameron returned Thurs day morning from Hood River. The Ladles' Aid hehl their regu lar meeting at the church Thurs day afternoon. , , Air. and Airs. Frank Lawrence and Karl Adams wero among Aled ford visitors from hero Saturday. Air. and Airs. Newham and fam ily have moved Into thQ Lloyd AI11 ler home on the north side. j A report from the Convalescent Home In Medford, where Airs. Julia Bowman is a patient, is that Airs. Itowman is not as well as last week. ! Phoenix high school basket ha 11 squads will play the Gobi Hill hlghJ teams nt the local gym'" Friday evening at 7:30. i 4 I1KLLVIF.W. Ore., Jan. III. (Special) Regular meeting of the I'pper Valley Community club was held In the club rooms January 1 1 at 2 o'clock. Important mat tew of business were discuswd and plans were made for n com mtmlty cluh dinner, to be held In Kebruair. Airs. U. K. Hell, Airs. I 1). Aleservey and Airs. A. C. 1 Joy are the committee in rhnrtre of this affair. A program will follow the covered dish dinner. Atrr. Corle Jane Rragg and Mrs. Alary Stenrud joined the eltih. Airs. Adrlen Wolf and son, Rog er. Al rs. Al at heny and Al rs. J . Wolf were guests of the cluh. After the business meeting, Mrs. C. It. Inmbkin, chairman, took charge. 1 A pfnno' duet by Airs. Adrian Wolf and son. Roger, was given. and Alr. J. I Wolf gave an ac count of her trip to Kurope, dwell ing chiefly on Ireland. This proved interesting nnd was enjoyed ! the ladles. Mrs. R. K. Relt sang two se lections with Alts. o. V. Richie at the piano. Tho program closed with two heautlful piano numbers by Mrs. Richie. Refreshments1 were served hy the hostesses. Airs. Lambkin and All's. Joy. Hostesses for February are Airs. Helta Alaituin and Airs. L. IV Ale Mnrvey. , play, entith d ' Reads on a String," will he given in the .Community cluh house January 30 by the Rellview I'.-T. A. Pro ceed w;ll be used for the phi" fhrd. princing will follow the program. The eat Is as follows Reiinie Havts. Teralve Davis. Kdwin Dunn; J. 11. Havls. Rennle's father. R(ts Crnfton: H a r o I d P.ennn. a friend of Rennics, Walter I.ongstietbt Ah. Oinkler. a would' lte detective. A. V. Hood: Airs. J H Havis. Rennle's mother. Rertha AlcKlnney: Molly Molleitnn. Ren n'e s sweetheart. Nellie Oaf ton. Jeanette Rlue. I'nele Ren'i nfece, Hilda Wi h h; Cleopatra (Hinnr gnrlne Johnop. Rertha Wallis: Itenj. liivis. Kq . rich uncle. Ray Rums. S.VIintNK I'liKKK. ". '"' IK. (Sl'l.) Mr. Kvn N'.wli.n Stimlay mfM-ntni: lv stunt (or Mrl Iniiil for nn il vl-it iih h.r il.-iiiKlili-r, Mis. It, I.. Siiilit-r-land. : BELLEVIEW 1 ; ! SARDINE CREEK Karl Croft had a narrow escape lust wk from being teriouly in jured in an auto wreek, when hin ear collided with that of Airs. K Gad way of l.ake creek on North Central In Aledford. when his car was turned completely over, and was so badly wrecked that Air. croft was obliged to purchase an other car, to return home. Air. and Airs. John Smith re turned last week from a two - -- weeks' trip through California. -Koing as far south as Mexico. They! LAk F. CRKEK. Ore., Jan.-U.- ifport a wonderful trip. MSpl.) At the last regular meeting Dad Wright, who has been vis-; of Lake Creek Grange, the follow- iting here since Christmas wiin'j,, committees were appointed by his son. Hill WriRht and family, returned .Monuay io n. i.u.ur ... Mllblc .jjrown. .Herman Meyer, Karl Sams valley. - ' ' Furlow. relief Uuss .Moore, Kiln Air. nnd Airs. H. H. Blhart nnd; M,. Xora tSrudshiiw: agrleul-f pon, Hlly. of Ashland were Sunday j Ure ;pjoyl Charley. Fmma ATes- f visitors at tne nome ot Air. n""ltAVMJk IJanley; legirlatve-Mrrt- P. U Walt. (Aleyer, latrloe Gardener. Ft. W. Dusenherry and family tTonn: home economics and Ralph Dusenherry attended Moore,, Anna Tonn, Alyrtle a danct' n Foots creek Saturday' ley; way. and means Herman, night. . ' j Aieyer, Jr.. Alary Hanley. Tom Far-j Kmiiii i doini- some Ini-I'w; publicity liet.-i Fallow. The, proving around ' his home here of the tlUling IIIH UH.HIOII. Will" l i improvements is me Diuiinng oi cess pool. Mr. nml Mrs. Earl Croft anil children were visitors, at I-ako i-rwk, Talont and Medford Sun day. E. CV Fine Is confined to III home this week with n severe cold. Also C. 10. Miller is 111 with rheumatism. Mrs. C. Ij. Dusonherry of Oold Mill was visitint- Mrs. U Dusen herry AVednesday. The farmers in this vicinity are busy plowing and petting in their crops. Genrpe ,nnd lvan have n tint-tor running o Smith i their Sleepy father's place, and the Hollow ranch at the mouth of the creek Is foeinK plowed by tractor alno. NSTALLATION AT GOLD HILL. Ore.. Jan. 1C- (Spl.)1 AVith an attendance of 1 01 the I. O. O. F. lodge So. 1 .'! and Amethyst liebekah lodge No. 07 of this city held joint installation of of Hears Wednesday evening, with District Deputy Grand Ala ter Southwell of Central Point and Airs. Klinor Force of this city and their Installing officers in charge. . Officers of the L O. O. F. lodge for the ensuing term are: Past noble grand, J. A. Clement: N. G. Ray Thompson: vice-grand. George Aleswinger; II. S. N. !.. If. D. Force: L. S. N. G.. Robert Cook: K. S. V. ., Paul Thompson: L. S. V. G., Tony Rosh: chaplain. Frank Carter: warden, William Ferguson; conductor, John Alardon: L. Sr S.. J. Rryan; R. S. S., Tom TIenderson: O. S. G., Andrew Hootenr L S. C... Tom West: secretary. Warren Cop pack: treasurer. J. J. Hitter. .Following are Rehekah officer?: P. -N G., Ktta Carter; N. G.. Viola Alooro: V. G., Aladge Dorraan: R. N. C... Dora Hammersley; L. S. X. G.. Pearl Ferguson; R. S. V. G.. Rena Davis; L. S. V. G-, Kthel Alar tin: chaplain. Ilessie Henderson; warden, Pauline Thompson; con ductor. Rlanche AleiTiman : O. S. C... Ruth Iewis: I. S. C... Nora Shorh: musician. Priscilla Aleisin ?er; ecretm-J. Kvelyn Thompson: treasurer, Lucy Alee. In honor of the 1 12th anniversary of Odd Fellowship, Lola Reed gave a 'rending on the life of Thomas Wilding, the father of the order. Following the installation nnd program, a lunch was served. The tahlcs were decorated with large rod apples donated by Airs. George Lyman. A targe delegation of vis itors was present. Columbia University professor says trial marriages are here to stay. Well, wo must have some form of permanence in matrimony. Philadelphia Rulletin. Western Mother Knew Best WISE mothers find the thinus that keen children contented, happy, well. Most nf them hnvo learned Ihey can depend on one thing to restore a youngster's Rood naturo when he's cross, frrtful. upset. The experience of Mrs. Walter E. Cross, Littleton. Denver, Colorado, is a typical one. She says: "I have used California Pis Syrup w ith Thora for eight years and wiln June since she was a' tiny baby. Whenever they're the least bit constipated or restless 1 give them n little. It has them comfortnble. happy, well, in a jilTy. Their splendid condition proves I knew best when 1 decided to use this wonderful preparation with them." Physicinns endorse the use of pure vegetable California I"ig Syrup when bad breath, coated tongue, dullness, feverishness, listlessncss, etc.. show a child's bowels are ill need of help. Weak stomach and bowels are toned by its gentle aid; appetite increased; diflestion nnd atsitnilation ure so assisted that weak, undernourished children quickly improve in weight, strength and energy. The vrniune always bears the word California. So look for that when buving. All drugstores have it. IAX ATIVE-TONIC CHIIUHIN j 1 WSS!8S5W? ljjfl AT REGULAR MEETING j Af aster dteed Charley: Finance-! -Alma ) Harry i Mary I ('hup. ' ! -first named chairman of the committee. Interesting reports "of retiring j committees were givort hy Alabel t Rrown. Floyd Charley, Reth Far- low. Alary Hanley, Alary. Aioore and 1 Russ Aioore. j An interesting impromptu pro- -gram, under the direction of Airs. 1 Alabel Iliown. was given after the business session. It included: Group song, "Greeting Song"; read ing. "Dangerous Dan Magrew,' by Reed Charley: recitation, "Piller Fights," by Jewell Abbott: song. "Smile. Smile. Smile." by Airs. Ala bel Brown and Floyd Charley: "A Wise Old Owl." by Alma Afeyer: group aong. "Rrlnglng in the Sheaves"; "On the Rridge at Alid night,' by Af itJ. Anna Tonn. nnd special speeches by the newly elect ed officers. It, was announced that Airs. Alyrtle Charley, lady assistant Ktevv ard. had been absent only two meetings since organization of I,ik Creek Grange, a record ithoucht to be held by no other member. - ' According - to p r o s o n t plana, dances will be held at Lnke Creek hall regularly 4very two week.' be ginning January 1M. All are cor dially invited to attend. WHJ. FETE-TEACHERS The Easle ' Point Parent-Teaeh-er.s' association, at its first regu lar meeting this year, planned to serve luncheon to the teachers at tending the rural meeting to he held at Eagle Point. Saturday. Jan uary 24. The Founders' Day pro giam will he held in the afternoon Kehruary Kl at 'A o'clock. Commit tees are preparing for, a very, in-j toresting and enjnyahle meeting on j this date. The public is welcome: ; BELLVIEW GRANGE MEET FEATURES DEGREE WORK! 1 1 E LI. V I K W. O re. . .Ian. 1 ti (Special) Regular meeting of liellview grange will ht held Janu ary 2' at S o'clock. Central I'o'im drill team will be present to put on the t h ird and f o u r t h d eg ree work. Sixteen candidates will bo given this work. An Invitation is extend rd to grange members in the valley to attend this meeting at liellview. A committee composed of the following will have eharge of the refroMhments. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1, 66 6 Is a doctor's Prescription for COLDS & HEADACHES It is the most speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets ; With each $1.00 cash pur chase a 50c ticket to the Holly Theatre FREE Alexander's Grocery imiiimmmmmn J. ERICKSON .. 31 Glenn Oak Court You are Invited to present thla cou pon at the Mail Tribune office and receive two FREE TICKETS TO A TALKING PICTURE PROGRAM AT THE As a Subscriber Guest of the . ! MAIL TRIBUNE I WATCH THIS SPACE. If you are a subscriber of the Mall Tribuni your name may appear here tomor row. Only subscribers' names will. be published and. during the du ; ' ration of thia offer, all subscriber i will be given an opportunity to en-! joy FREE shows as GUESTS OF 1 THIS PAPER. ! j NOW PLAYING ' "The Bachelor Father" 3 Huxlev. Afr. nnd Mrs. A. V. Hood, Air. and Airs. A. It- Kineaid and I'M-. M a u de Ha w I ey . 4 Jinly HiiihK Fast Ship. j GKNOA, Italy tPt The 1 Italian liner, lit x. now under struction. Is to he a 4tl.0n0-tnn ship that will make the crossing; of the J.4us,40on,aoo cigaret mad from Naples to New York In n'in Australia Inst year. BAYER AS PI R I N is always S A BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Ur 'NLESS you see the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package as pictured here you can never be sure that you are taking genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets which thousands of physicians have always prescribed. The name Bayer means genuine Aspirin. It is your guarantee of purity your protection against imitations. Millions of users have proved that it is safe. BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT DEPRESS THE HEART Aspirin 1b th trmdv-marlc of Bayer manufictur nf monofteeUraridcster of lalicyilcacld CAR OWNERS Rebuilt, Guaranteed BATTERIES For Ford, Chevrolet. Essex and All Regular Makes of Cars Battery Recharging 50c RENFRO'S BATTERY and ELECTRIC SHOP Jackson and Riverside Phone 1294 Fred and Bud, Proprietors CASTLE GATE, UTAH COAL Direct From Car to You SAVES YOU MONEY For a few days only while we have a car on track ORDER NOW WE GUARANTEE OUR COAL WEIGHTS 630 Phone 631 MEDFORD FUEL CO. At Geary and Taylor the San Fran Cisco visitor finds Sa n Francisco's finest hotel. Here, those who appreciate an nTlronment of quiet liveliness are sure to be found each year sees world travelers returning to enjoy its hospit able atmosphere. Fortunately the Clift, physically new the greater pnrt yet old with its years of srv locatta in me very crnr Itan an rranr hereth -ne busv ne trereina: life of Berkeley lunrinr up to tuiis on the opposite shore roiles way. rne view from here is truly marvelous, a sedative to tired nerves, delight to the jaundiced eye, a pick hit i I -- mj' m m hi ii less- than rgPRent schedules. j I MKT JtOl'R X i:. P)- Australian j days two days ' prohibitionists have declared war new. upon ciragrets because customs fig-enn-'urH show that 7,315 gallons of al- cohoi were used in the treatment Genuine Bayer Aspirin, promptly relieves: HEADACHES, SORE THROAT, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ' ACHES ond PAfNS $3.00 And Your Old Battery 1 me-up to the jaded appetite. On the main floor are two other equally fam ous restaurants, the f lorentine noon and the unique, di'lifthtfiilh toffee Mi op, just off Ui The Clift ronf: Wsts is ("W-that no guest cause to obicrt to the fts larkinir in thnt atmosphere of friendliness and personal service that has been so important in present day methods of hotel hospitality. Al though the Clift is a major hotel of San Francisco, although it is rated as suprrrne in service and value givlng.O yet the rates there are surpmingly low. The rates start at 13 single and Lj IT- . II .I C l