M i ..',r::;:;;r q njnsf)TORDvMit v'trtbtint5, mctford, okeuox. frtday. .TAxrAKv' a.' PAGE THREE 100 WASTE PAPER BASKETS Decorated with Novelty Felt Designs Also with French and English Prints Special 39c DECORATED ! CARD TABLE COVERS - I 2 for $1.00 . ! i ' A Box of Oriental Incense ;.,! .' , .s. "FREE" ' ! .. , With Every Purchase ,., SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS . : WURTS GIFTS Found 1'onl In Well When digging a well u few days agi, on hi.s place in tht Sams Val ley suction, Karl Weaver ran Into unite a. vein of coal, ho reported when In , Mcdford yesterday. H 1 . la 1 1 1 i 1 tu explore tlui coal fur ther, but wator cnino into tho wvll so rapidly tliat It has practically fillcil up the hole. Mr. Weaver Is .Planning to operate a centrifugal pump this vveek to piimp the Well dry and continue liU coal explora tions. . Mir Joint lii-iiiillailoiO O lO rentritl Point I. O. O. V. and Rehekah 'lodges will hold a big joint installation of officers at the i;)igc hall next Monday ovcn-Q ins. and lodge members arc expect. , ed to he present foam all parts of the valley. j Coats rellned and remodeled at tho rashlon Shop, 424 Mcdford Hide. Mrs. llarfy Andrews, Tel.! $lt it ' than '-Mm peiv-ons sccUIn PARDOM ELEADERS n CALL ON NORBLAD SALKM, Ore.. Jun. ; pai'ilotiK j lor prisoners in the state peniten-, i. ,i i ' liiiry have called upon (iovernor A. I From Stale of Vn?.liliijrtoii Anioncf residents of Waishintfton : ret-latered last niht at local ho tels were Manniew TJalcom of t.randviow. Mr. and Mrs. JI. Van i Wiivorn of 1 y n d e n , and tho f I - lowlnp from Seattle: Mr. and Mi'H, V. l- O'Connor ami family, H. V. ' H visor. Mr. and Mrs. Kvnn Mc- Quarrie, MKs Frances Cleveland .nut S. C. Nelson. Howard Kyth, brilliant Carnenie Tap danaes niven by the Vniver Teeh halfback, played football ; sity of California exte'iisfon division through liia entire sophomore year j were so popular with the feminine ' with a broken shoulder, which he sex that male classes will be add- - kept concealed. jcd. Finest Hart Sohaffner Marx men's suits. J2'.t.83 at The Togfiery. 290 COMING SUNDAY ( FOR ONE DAY ONLY) i Jacksonville t'llnlo llrlil 'Che ..hilil welfare clinic yesterday at Jacksonville by the.". Xorblnd within the past three i ounty health department, with Ur. j days, and rciucsu have been ,o n. C. Wilson In charge, assisted numerous, tlie governor stated, he' by Miss Kdlth I.aubschcr. was one has had tn cltt off his telephone! of the most nucoessful of the sea- at night so he could get some sleep, i son. Miss Uiuhscllor reported to-, he announced today. I day. Ten babies and pro-school: The governor Is considering five j children were attracted to - the ' asos. on which he has devoted cUCi . some study in past months, lie I . " : id. an announcement .relative tot Daily's Taxi, Phone 15. 35c: 1 these niv expected in the next day to 4 passengers, tf 1 ,r two. ' Drv kindling fl.iO a load. Vnl-i ley Fuel Co. 242tfJ Puetiiuonlu ('uses Jack ltrophy of Kaglo Point aud i J. Kdwards oi Phoenix are in the' C o m m unit y hospital receiving . treatment for attacks of pneu-; monla. Dance, Hold Hill, Saturday niKht. Danoo till 2. v ii'-'fi'Siii-:" SiWi NOTE: This picture was one of the big hits of 1930 ... It is being brought to the Holly by pooular demand for one day only. W ould I'lght Feltlninii Karl Yoakley, proprietor ot the Breakfast Club lunch room on South Centra! avenue, is inspired to resume the fighting profession after he had deserted its ranks sometime ago. Yoakley, weighing around 17a pounds, says he i In good condition and would welcome a match with Willie r'oldmiui of Klamath Kails, In Mcdford before Ions;. Keldmiln Is rated hiRh in his class but Yoakley believes he could show the Klamath flirhtcr a few jiointcrs. ' . '.; Permanent wave, f 5.00 complete: facials,, scalp treatments and oil shampoos, 50c. Prcvost Beauty Shop. 815 W. Main. Tel. 363. 253tf Portr4lt of distinction. Tlie Poasleys, opp. Holly theater, f tf lt'isin? Iiisiiraiici Map William shaeffer, with the San- '1,orn Mail ctmipany. has been In Mcdford for the past week rcvisini; tlie fire insurance mail made of the city several years ago. Mr. Shaef fer reports he has noted quite a number of improvements in Mcd ford sinco his last visit here a year uiro to revise tho map for 111211. especially 111 tho dwelling house division. All ciwes of cruelty to ased peo ple, children, dumb animals nnd birds, call Humane Society, '' 2SU . , , ffctMi HURRY! W"WS " ' Only 2 More Days . LiMS ' M (Continuous Shows IJ&itHr Mr Tomorrow) 'pMk - f ADVENTURE! , w DRAMA! NOW THRILLING if Itailroad Men Here K. 1!. Duffy of the D. & I!, ti. and A. W. .Shoemaker of the Mis souri Pacific are in Mcdford today transactins business with repre- nentatives of the Southern Pacific anil local shippers. Dance, Cold Hill, Saturday niclit Dance till 2. , . , 2110" I'n II in C'eleliinles HiillKlny H. A. (Tim) i'n II In of the S. P, staff is In a Jubilant mood today, having passed another milestone of life's Journey. He was recelvInK blrlhday presents and wearlilB a real Irish .smile this niurninif. which increased as tho day wore on. and his only 1'CKrct Is that he can't make a record catch In tho KoKUe to complete the festivities. Dance, Cold Hill, Saturday nlcht. Dance till 2. 290 . (Reported by Jjckion County Abstract Co, Sixth Strtit and Central Avenue.) Probate Court , ; Kstato of Dennis .1. McNorney, Incompetent, lulnillted to probate. Here on Hilslness Silas Uidwlc Is in Mcdford today from HUI.-0 transaetlnR business with local firms. Marc Wriuht of Phoenix Is also a business visitor. Phone 542. We'll haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. 237tt Watson leaves Tnnlelit Ia-o Watson will lenve Mcdford this evenliiK for Portland, where he will spend a day BoiiiK through a medical clinic. Kind treatment assured all ani mals boarded with the Jackson County Humane Society. Tel. 15111. rndcrwciit Operation Mrs. ;. !:. .shultz underwent a major operation at the Coniinu'nily hospital this morniilK and is r porled lo be Kettlim alonK nicely. Dance. Cold Hill, Saturday nlshl Dance till 2. 290" Hrniian Iclvilln'u iminor- lal Ami'rican classic villi Amrrioa'g grratr-sl nrlur ii ils Mar. A dynamii: ilraina if tlie whaliri" davs wlini windjammpra (oiled llio Atlantic, rrcwnl liy lusty men with a thirst for peril. I " Icsaa : sm Ml Home from liny C'ily .Max Pierce, malinger of the Mcd ford Investment company, returned this morning from San Francisco, where he epont yesterday trans icting company business. Dry kindlings, $2-50 a iond. Val ley Fuel Co. 242tf California Hotel f.iirstn .Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ulilenu of , Allee .1 f'drle,. of V-' Uedillng, leo. W. Kdwards and V. A . Vib-s or Clllco, Mr. anil Mm. ,1 lerry Sehoenfcld and Joseph Ja- Jefi cobs of Man Kiiinci.-co anil Mr. nnd Mrs. .lacK iirooKs oi i,s ,aiih, were California resident who stop ped al local hoi, 'Is last til'llt. Ilrllt Sheet Metal Works does ex pert repairing, fender and auto body repairing. tf Offlivrs or WiMMlimirt to Meet All retiring and new officers of the Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet 111 the I. O. ). K. hail Sunday it 2 p. m., sharp. Circuit Court Margaret Zell vs. it. U. MetzKer and Jessie Metzger et ul Foreclos ure of contract. . . 1 W. F. McColluin vs. Mary E. Mc- Collutn Divorce. J. K. Callan vs. Etna 1. Callan Divorce. Elmer Leslie vs. Thomas Knlpc et al Cost of levy. Harry 1. Steuart vs. Agnes bteu- art Divorce. J. S. Tucker vs. F. C. Mires, hula M. Mires, C. & 13. Erult Co. Fore closure. A. C. Pierce, Leonard Carpenter and O. M. KoborlH Incorporate its Pierce Auto Freight Ilnos, Inc. Kent Kstutc TransfeiN. 1 1 Etta Coleman to Detlef Schnaek; Q. C. T. land in D. L. C. 83; Tp. 3S S. It. 1 W. Jessie M. Minear to John T. Ross; W. D. to N. 1 aero but 2. Hlk. 2. Mountain Sunset Subdivision to Mcdford. J. V. Lewis to T. F. Lewis; W. D. land in Sec. 35, Tp. 35 S. R. 1 W. C. A. Daily to Hen Liberty. W. D. Lots 10, 11 and -12, blk 3, Laurclhurst Add. Mcdford. J. C. Barnard et ux to Joseph 'Konop'ot tlx. W. D. fciSid In Bee. 14. twp. 39. S. H. 1 Easti Alta A. Newman ot vir to Na than B. Newconib et tix. W. D. Land In sees. 2 and -S,-twp. 3(1, S. R. 1 West. N. B. Newconib et ux to Alta A. Newman. W. D. Hlks. 10. 11 nnd 14, College Hill Add., Mcdford. S. Pearl Tharp to Win. C. Scher er. Deed. Lot in blk. 2, Crowell Add. Mcdford. Mcdford Irrigation District to J. W. tllcason. Q. C. D. Lot 11, Stewart Acres. J. W. Wood to Wesley Cofteen et ux. W. D. Land In D. L. C. 45, twp. 37, S. R. 1 East. Uuphemla V. Reld et al to L. E. DavH. W. D. Lot 2, blk. 3, Wll lcke"s Add., Mcdford, M. A. Bliss et ux to Win. A. Harrison et ux. Land in D. L. C. 00, twp. 37, S. R. 2 W. ' (Hidden E. Holbrook et UX to Henrietta Deck. W. D. Pt. NEV4 sec. 30, twp. 36. S. R. 4 W. Madge llallet et nl to William E. Allen Deed lo W',4 of SH'4 of the NW,4 and W of NEV4 of SW'A ot Sec. lit, Twp. "0 S.,11. 4 W. Malissa May MrUhuey el ul lo Evorett ilailev W. D. to land in Sen. it!, Twp. .'is S., It. 1 W. Clarence E. Roland ot tlx to Nina C. Janes AV. D. to of KK'A of Sec. 2, Twp. Ill S.., It. 2 E. Frank P. Townsciid et ux to Nina (1. .lanes W. I), to NIi'4 of Sec. , Twp. an s., u. :i k. liny L. Khcrwin to .1. W. McCoy, W. D. to lot on Spring. St., Ash la nil. Sheriff to (1. W. King, it ux, deed lo lot on Church slicct, Ash land, SI7.VI.lil. A. E. Woolverton. el tlx. to Chester D. Woolverton. W. D. t" 1-3 int. In W'i of SE sec. 3",, twp. 3(i S.. R. 2 west. $10. Ilatlle J. Iteeman, et al to I'-cs-slo Walters, el ul, W. D. to NW of NW see. 2H, and SW of SW, see. 21, twp. 311. It. 3 wcst.'Sl. Orpha T. Mcljiiighliil, et vlr, to Hurley T. (iuntir, ct ux, W. I' to SE of RE. sec. 10 and K'.i of XI1), sec. 21 twi. 33 8., R. 2 west, 1 1 II. Tomlln llux Co. to XI able H- Apiilebaker. et vlr. . C. I. 1,1 NW of NWsee. 20 and S'i of SE. NW of SE. SW of N'E. we. 22. twp. :i!l S., K. I west. 10. 11,-nrv K. Isi'lcwlg, et ux. to William E. Allen, et al. deed lo SE of NW, NE of SW. see 19. twp. 30 K.. 1!. 4 west. 10 Rue Ludewlg. et vlr. to William E. Allen, ct al, V. 1). to pt. "f NS of SW. see. in twp. 30 S li. 4 west, $10 C.AlXF.SYlLl.i:. Flu. IPl A Spanish student has entered the I'nlverslty of Florida to study sub tropical farming a it is carried on in America. Ho is A. C. Pascual, u graduate' of two Institutions in his own country. lie will do special re search in the growing of rolton and tobacco. Pascual was admitted to the university hero under an exchange of scholarships and fellowships arranged by the Institute of ln teivAuierican affairs at the school, ill cooperation with the Institute of International Education in -New York. . Pascual is Florida's first Spanish student under -the plan. Q OXX01 301Z30E zoao Old Fashioned : ucRwSieaL Flour This is the time of year for the real buck wheat cakes. We have the pure eastern buckwheat in small five-pound sacks. ure syrup ... We have a fine line of c o r n and maple syrup. Can you think of a better break fast than buckwheat cakes and maple Burn green fir slabs with dry ivood and cut fuel bill. Ask Med. Fuel Co., Tel. 631. 250tf Dentist, 3utt' ALSO GRAHAM McNAMEE In UNIVERSAL NEW3 KARTOON COMEDY Jj 5--TI lirr, e"t7" Jff: 7,7 MM''a Ml firirrin llnimm riH' Vf s-X v Miss Z..v flriffln is in i V-HvN if jf' 4ii' customers at the Han fh5nk A """r " "'C m"n,h"' A. 7 I"''. t v .T.'tiJPi 1 account of a vere f Matinee . - .trie o. POPULAR PRICES Evening Children ... 2Sc; Adults . Matinee , Children 10c: Adults Buy Holly Scrip and Save which sho has novQ'ully recovered. Her sister. Miss Jilanita flrlffln, was In charge of the shop during that time. D-f Coli HIM, Saturday night. DanCf tilt 2. !'"' Broken wlndown reitlnwrl hy Trowbridijo Cabinet Worki, !Wf New Jail Needed ALBANY, Orn., Jan. 0.(l') Hncoinnundaliiiii Hint tin; county Jnll hern he remodeled or a new one eoiistriii'lefl, nnd approval of the practices of Sheriff Sliellon In feeding counly prisoners, was made In the report of the county m'snd Jury, Instructed by Judge L. II. Mc Malian to investigate Hie situation. Oregon l ller Killed. iiNot.ru', Jan. 5. 13'' SMin uel F. 'iarn'T of Burns. r( r-.. a naval air pilot, drowned yesterday when hu plane ii ashed Into a der rick at Petri iffrlior and sank tn 'any feet of waler. The plane wan Ogaged In target practice. Tho AnQlcan legon post at 1well, Mich., will plant .'m.uou pine trees Mils yenr, ME LIFE SERIOUSLY j LONDON iAy) dlrltlKh yonnK.MUM-.s are thinkinK abinit nioro serinna thlpirs than formerly, Commander Stelien KlnKJHall Wlleves after chekinK his juvenile eorrespnnd enee, received oh the result of months of radio talks to the chil dren. The children are not ' thinking W ahout things today that they thought of five, ten or 0 years iiKo, KiiiK-l lall raid. and hack his Htatement with the letters. Kar and nwny out in front in the let tern received Wert retniesUs for di.seii.sslons of the Indian Round Table oonferenee- vlxxjA tho unem. ployment "situa3t'ion, 'tho leuturer revealed. syrup: SATURDAY SPECIALS- D I (RED BEANS, 5 lbs. for 25c a TILLAMOOK CHEESE, per lb 23c (SUGAR, 25 lbs. ............... $1.35 Sale on fancy home grown Petite Prunes now in full swing. 10 lbs. for . . . 49c Try Our Telephone Service. It is Dependable O Personal Attention Prompt Service o I H. E. MARSH GROCER Phone 252 Phone 252 OIIOE oizioi OE D io NAVY DIRIGIBLE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT AKRON TIGHTS AND TOP HATS ROME (P) TiffhtH and cylin ders are re)uired IhlH Reason at all k Italian woelal or overn- niental funetinnH In the daytime! Invitations, beautifully eiiRi'ived are tfoin; around with the words "TIbIUh with cylinders are obliga tory" in the lower left corner. Americana who received Bitch Invitations for the first time Bann ed until they learned that 'tiRhtn" referred to'-tlm clone fit 'of- tho KnRllsh mornint? cnat. And the cylinder yes, that'll It, a tophat. FOUR INJURED WHEN STAGE TOPPLES OVER tHK I1ALLKS, Ore., Jain. .(!) '-'Kour permiiia were Hllglitly In jured this niurnliig when u wont hound linlon Pacific. Binge rolled over on Its hIiIu afler having heen crowded off Hie highway hy a truck near Koweiia on the Coliiinhia Itlver highway. Thero worn 17 piiHHcugci'H iihonid. t'OMMI Xlt'.VIION We are pleicod to iinliounee that In a lien recently filed l,y iih In volving cerlain property being wild hy Mr, and Mrn. J. li. Iiwott under contrael, we In no iimnner doubted tho Integrity or financial ptunding ot the piii'llnt Involved, and piir tlctilurly Mr. and Mrn. limiilt. for whom we huvo tho hlgheiit regard, and In whom we have tujpllcit con fidence, and whiwo financial stand ing" In beyond iiueHtloll, but filed mild lien merely an a matter of liiinliicHM convenience in connection with Ihe currying of the account for the purchiiacr uiulnr the con tract, mid are pleuMeil to ntale thai tin matter Iiiim bei'ii settled and adJUHted between ourMclveH and tho IrvottH in nn entirely atlfactory lualiner; and we are pleaded to I II l 1 1 1 1 IhlH Utile cxplauallon In fiilrnr'.M to Ihe parties involved. ltcpeelfilllv Hlllilllltteil. lIMITIvIt 11 .Mltl-;lt 1II'..V, ' Xly O'o. W. Porter. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WILL I'AV it',;, for loan of 17ii Hli lltrt model car, in A-I Khupe. t.'.mt $7-"i m-w, ami l fully in mirrrl :v.nH wwy fief:lIntH, ete, R-al Feriirlly. If you have the MM) ne v In Ifiin bi not ov i-look lliin. WrHe 1 to t ."i-t, ciiie .Mall Tribune. ' I ZJh '&f;lfejforfMrll'l Il.ailllir maettiffA threat TArifu One of the navy's super-dlrlnlbles, which when oompletod vill be the largest ahip of Ita kind In the World, is ihown under conitruction at Akron, Ohio. This la the first of two dlrlgiblca which will he built for the navv. ' ft KOR L'NT l-rooin apt. .LickMoii. 2S W. ! KOR It K N'T 1 -room apt. nt the loi U-I'an. 37.1 Hon ill 1'eiitinl. Kvprythinu furnished. 2'.t 1 j b'(R RKNT .l-rni. modern hni" with rant,'. Inquire 1013 f'otirt. I'hone 1 1 7 - X . :'!:. FEED PRICES , ARE DOWN! AT THE Monarch Seed & Feed Co. COME IN TOMORROW SAVE ON FEEDS GET THE BEST YOU'LL ENJOY TRADING and SAVING AT QUR STORE. SEE YOU TOMORROW, FOLKS WHERE THE BEST FEEDS COST YOU NO MORE Port HUNT Small furn. IniUlre I -1 6 h0. Ivy. hllllMV 2X!ltP KOR KBNT Modern furnished duplex iiprirtniunt: reinwma hie ralcn I,, iniiile. 'fin I'l.'ilar, :l!H aTlTarr ua4aajniin CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS