-. J. MjEDFORD . MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 01,K(iOX, Trll'K'sp.W. .IaX UAiVv V i " PACIR NINE "EVERYONE IN SOUTHERN OREGON READS THE MEiWORD MAIL TRIBUNE" WISH FREE BOOKS MOONS According, to word received In i local parent-tcnchcr circles, n com mlttco met with George Neuncr. United States illstrtc tuttorney, dur Ink November and December for 1 1( purpose ot outlining the pro-' visions ot tho textbook bill which .Mr. N'euuer is drafting lor the Ore-!,-on Congress of Parents and Teachers, and which will be pre sented nt the coming session of the .legislature The parent-lonelier bill will be concerned with tho matter ownership of books alone and with methods ot financing them. After study of the matter of state piinting of text books the organ!-' 7.iitlou lias gone on record against local printing of any kind. It was reported by the committee which studied printing nB it has been car ried put in Kansas ami California that such ventures have not prov en successful nnd that the best products in tho way. of text books aro not available under state print- Ins- "... In these states it has been neces sary for school districts to incur n large additional expense and buy llic standard books as supplemen tary books. On Interviewing local authors of prominence it was found that these men nnd women prefer a national distribution of their books. To get this It Is necessary to have I heir books prihtod and dis tributed by the large publishing companies. These in turn do not permit their plates to be leased to : mutes printing their own text . books. " As a consequence under state p.iuling, the committee reported, Oregon children would not only be shut off from tbo best authorship in the market, but would lose the benefit of. the outstanding author ship in their own state. . .The Oregon Congress of Pareents niitl. Teachers lins been waging Its campaign for publicly owned text books on, three points. First, that a, public educational system should really be . public anil .therefore should Include the tools "of learn ing, the text books; second, that having the text books In the school ..increases . the efficiency of the schools; and third, that publicly owned, text books are community . economy becaus a book is utilized to lis Xull..capaclty Instead of rep resenting tied up mouoy in attics and back book shelves, and that it prevonts tho loss caused because children do not supply themselves promptly with text books and so prevent the full realization of re- -suits on (he money spent during the first two or , throe, weeks of school !each term- - WILLIAMS CUEKK, Ore, Jan. S. (Spl.) Hi jrh echool and gram mar pcIiooIb okiic(1 Monday, nfter t'luistmna holiday'. Miss Bonnie l'otl.ird returned from her home in Wonder, Miss June, from ft va cation In (ilenhurn. Ciil., tind Ml.s .Wilkinson, the hinli school teach er, from her homo here. Students have organized a bas ketball team, which will meet tenuis from other school this win ter. Mrs. Itobhison. Mrs. Tlurlew and son. Prank Ilurlew, stopped nt 'Williams creek to spend a few days with .t ho Kd Wa 1 1 i n c fa m i ly , en route from Los Angeles to Seattle. They resumed their Journey Mon day. . Hoy Lofland was a caller at the home of C. W. Huberts Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Axil Blndgctt have returned from Marshfield, where n few days were r-pont with Mr. and Mrs. Hill Lovoll. Mr. lilod ftetfs sister and brother-in-law. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Zimmerman. Krom there thry went on to SprhiK f it-Id. where they hvvnt the rest if lh-fr vacation wit'h Mr. and Mim. Vail. Miv. IiloilKetts parents. Mr. Moore. Mrs. Marshall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Walllni? and son Or vllle were ptiestH of Harry Ilennett nt n watch party New Year's e irn nnd Art Woctlfolli .of CJrnnt: . IVis- and Itoseoo Lemmon of Ann elid called on their grandparents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Letlckenj Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Walling enter tained M I'm. M a rsh a II and M r. Moure at dinner New Year's day. Melvln Rowden and family have . m lived from Missouri flat to - tho Frnnk llryant place here. Ooorpe Trunx of Huch. falher-ln-law of Mr. Howdcn. will occupy their home on Missouri Flat. .Mr. nnd Mr. John Lctteken rn-. Ivrlalned (it dinner ew Year day Their uuests were Mr. and Mrs. pam LfitteRert and son and dautih-' ter.' ben ond Vetinn, Enrl White; tli-ln and X,"',,'t'!, I'rovolt. Bverett Taylor spent the night M tho home of John Lettoken " ThuWday.".," x U'tddy' Klder and famMy have j'mpv1 to Hho -MneDonnld plnce In I'rovult, - lately vacated by the JtriMiks family. - .Mr. Frank Falrwenthr and son Hohald returned from Medford Fri d i.v afternoon after spending the piM three days visiting friend. Oleiievd nnd lioWiy lioyce f flnints Paw nre visiting their mint and uncle, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Ilojc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rink NewcomiV find Mr. and Mrs. Kradle worn din-, ner guests of the Dirk Hoffman of Thompson creek, on New Year's. Halph CoukIo called In Medford' h'unday nt the Trask home. q I Mix. StoUa Juration accompanied j ?ier. fur. Mrs.- Mollle Dale, and ; "brpfh'r-in-law. Mr. IToward. to ; a'n KmncUo, Mr, Howard and j I'Mif. I)alf enm-hore to attend the funeral of their mother. Mrs. Maryl t WILLIAMS CiT BRINGING UP FATHER . MR. JG5S, I'M GOING "TOcSWE VOU"THS OCXS- PEftOC.OUS- X USED WIM . FOR HUNTING j ' i . J 3 taj; Jn'rwk, int.. Or.n Prhaln rlltht. rv.crv.rt. I, i 'i ' i 1 THE NEBBS The Mystery TMEOlSAPpeAn- -yS V NOR.MAtP OF '', A Ak CLOTMES y WCS OJV-V GOX OSJe .. OF "THAT J V TW&TRA1KJ WITHOUT A ' John. They left Wednesday from Medford on the Shasta. Mrs. St rat ton expects to he pono two weeks and will visit in Jlerkelcy and Sun FrancUco. Mr. and Mrs, Alman Hemming way called on Harry - Couple New Year's day. Mr. llemmingway wa? en route -to Oakland, Cal.. where ho will take over the field .work of the Haleiph company. . . . : Sirs. Frank Fairwcnthcr arid son Donald called Saturday afternoon on 'Mm. M-, L. House. ' . , Ambrose Pcnniimton called.'. on C. Wti Hohorts Sunday evening. Union Sunday school of Williams hold annual election of officers January 4." C. .Wi Honoris was 're elected superintendent, Mrs. Les ter Spurlfn. nsi.stant HUpe-rJptend, ent; Lora Blodpett, librarian; Vic tor Sparlin. aocretary, and Azil lllodpott, treasurer. The ropular election was scheduled for Decem ber 28, but was postponed :bccause of poor attendance. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Richard son of Provolt moved last week to Hopue Hlver. .' t Williams Grange So. 3Iiy held its regular meeting January 3. At noun a luncheon was' served. ' After the business meeting the . local Orange newiaper. tho Humble Hoe. was read by. tho editor, jUul Fields. Kdior of the Humble Hee for the next meeting will be Karl Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Larrimore and daughter -Hazel spent .New Year's at the home of Mr. Larri more's mother, Mrs. Jasper larri more, In Grants Pass. Clint Hedgepeth and two broth ers drove ' to the Kerby dbrtrict Wednesday mornlnp on business. A new body has been organized in the local hiph school. "The Wil liams High School Athletic club." Throyph the combined efforts of the members, a basket ball court has been praded and leveled, a new tennis court finished and the old one. extended to regulation p."lise. The basketball team is composed ot tlie followinp players: Karl Couple' center; Victor Snarlln and Hay Vanier, forwards; Douglass Klder and Karl Vincoll. guards The high school , teacher, Mlsa Thelma : Wilkinson. acUs as coach. The tirst game will be with the Kp worth league of Grants Pas. Under the auspices of this club, three wrestling mutches have bon arranged. C. W. Hubert. Mrs. Frank Fair weather and son Donald, spent .Tuesday evening calling on j"ohn Lctteken. Mrs, Frank Falrweather and ?on Donald drove to (irunts Pnxs Wed nesday to. spend H few ()hy with Mrs. F.i "ti. ' Kdlngci-.C i . BUTTEFALLS UUTTI2 FALLS. Ore., , Jan. (Spt.) Mr. wnd Mis. Carl Heron deen are visiting Mr. and Mr. Karl Herendeen. They nr oh their honeymoon trip from Ilnhte. Ida., and are going to Nebraska nfter visiting .in Cahfomiia fo- a while. Horace. Weber fjpe.nt .JVjenesdajr in our busy county sent. Mist Naomi VunCIroos vLlted In Kucfn1 th-"Ohttef -!ait -of hfi Contractors and Builders, Attention .We have put in a full line ot roofing, composition shingles, building paper, deadening felts gnd asphalt. We would be glad to give prices and estimates. We put on factory maintained : roofs' guaranteed for iO, 15 'and 20 years. See us before you buy. Roofs repaired. MEDFORD WAREHOUSE C Phone 310 South Front and Tenth HE'S VERY TIGEWd Christmas vacation. While there she visited Mrs. J. J. Himmervillo and her daughter Doth, a senior in the University high, ;iShe ;a.Uo ; mot George, Simmervllle, who was home from ..Amity, whore,, ho ,is teaching. George's basketball team won from McMinnvillo high. In addition to. being athletic coach, George teaches civics ,and history. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patton en tertained Mr. and Mr. Frank Hoover of Kugene, Mr. and; Mrs. Karl Hoover, Mr. and Mr$. Karl Herendeen and Mr.'atid Mrs. Frank Carson New. Year's night. ., A. very enjoyable evening ,,was ppent at five hundred. ..Miss Gcruldine Van Groos. who visited her sister Xnonil during1 Christ pias vacation, ha,s returned to .Oregon City,, where flbo. is cnir. ployed as physical director and Spanish' teacher. '' Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart and children visile! in Rupene Inst Thursday, Friday and Saturday and returned Sunday morning. Mrs. Ifarold Hildretli visited her mother. Mrs. Simmeivillc of Ku pone, . during Christmas holidays. Harold Is employed by Xhe Stand ard, Oil company of Linton. They live In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoover and son visited at Kvans creek over Saturday and returned to-Kugene Sunday. i George Stewart, Jr., hay mumps. Miv. Krnest Smith and daughter have re-turned from Cottage Grove where they spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Morris, Mrs. Spilth's parents. Mral Frank Fassott, formerly Cecils Pieller of P.utte Falls, ha,, a daughter nine . yearn old, who sings qver the radio. She dedi cated her last onps over KOItE to Mm. U. F. Morris of Cottage Grove. Loren Moore and Charlie . Pat ton went'coiigar hunting recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ilogen off ami son Donald of Kaplo Point yisited at, the Krnest . S,mith home. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Jackson re turned from their visit In Kugene Monday. The Hustlers club will meet at Mrs. JoetHHinflrd home this after noon. " v '! - a -M- E JACKSONVILLE Ore.. Jan. 8. fSpl.) Joint Installation of offi cers of, Krbekah and. Odd Fellows lodges of Jackson vi lie was held Saturday evening. Installing offi cers of the Ccntrul Point lodges were present and put on the work, Hebekah officers Installed Were: Noble grand, Hattfo Logan; vlec grnnd. Margaret Lewis; recording secretary, Zola Flck; flnunctal secretary. Ida Wilson nnd treasur er. Mattlc Wilson. Odd Fellows officers installed were: Noble grand, Otis Iluck; vice-grand, Clyde Smith; treasurer, Wesley Hartman; financial secretary, Al fred Norrls nnd recording secre tary. John Norrls. After Installed, all adjourned to the dining room where a hamiuet wan "crved t.y committees from tho Kebcknh and Odd Fellows lodpes. Mr". 1,. J. t'nmbest nnd Ftn Fred . . (-1 and grandson Wayne of Jackson ville und Walter Zcidler of Butte Falls motored to .Wagner Gap Sunday and visited at the Hugh Comltest home. ' .Mrs. Jlerlha Miller passed away at her home in tho Applegate dis trict Saturday evenlnp. She Is the mother of Mrs. Albert Young of Applegate who Is well known in Jacksonville Mrs. Fred Happ and children of Talent visited Mrs. iJora Harbaugh Friday. " Miss DeBoIscs Miss Zoo Griffin. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. J. Wiley. Miss Klla Parks and Hollls Parks were, umong those from Medford who attended .Installation of officers nt the I. O. O.' F. hall Saturday eve ning. : I-ocal stores have been involclnp their, Htpek this, week. George Jenkins and family re turned Friday after a short visit in Yamhill, Ore., where- they had taken Mrs. C. K. Jenkins and daughters. , Miss Gulda Boo no bus returned to Lewlston, Idaho, 1 to resume teaching there. Miss Hbune spent the holidays at her home here. Mi-h. Lillian Colcmun nnd daugh ter. Miss Fay Carver of Phoenix were visitors Sunday afternoon of -Mrs. Dora Jlurhaugh. Members of Jacksonville Odd Fellows lodge attended the meet ing of the lodge at Medford Tues day evening. The stutc grand mas ter made liis ptficial visit at that tme,' Mrs. S. 11. Jones shopped In Medford Saturday. Several pictures of the Pacific States Mines, formerly known as tho Old Towne Mines, were taken Sunday In the moving picture scenes of Jacksonville. Mrs, Margaret Thompson of Seattle, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lynn Rumley nnd brother Clar ence Kashafer here, Clarence and Otis iluck of the Applcguto attended L O. O, F. lodgA hero Saturcftiy. ' LINK LOCSTPLEA TO BE HEARO IN K F. SALK.M. Ore., Jan. 8. (Pt The Oregon public service commission announced today It will hold a hearing on the supplementary ap plication of , the Grant Northern railroad for re-locatlon of its tension south bf KJamuth Falls. ; The commission wilt sit with the California .public, service eominls lon at a hearing In Klamath Falls. Tuesday, February 10, for and in behalf of tho interstate, .eoiniwrco comm-iHHlun. ."iO fnr rirturo of llore. I.OXIMJN. tP) A palntlliK f GuftttLvux, only Krt-y Iiurwo over to win tho ICii'llsh !orliy, lMout;ht only $j0 In n r(;t'nt nuoMnn. T)v. Ulrturo. work of lluii .Mai-Kh.ill. was bought by a.prlvaK' colluctor. X'BIV OllK A' f)n th. Xow York Curb cwhattK)'. the rlr.. of niemlHrHhlpa .ranKWdfroiiw im,(t0 to 170,0'mi In 1930. Tliu record hiith on thp Junior murkw t2.1t. nfth, -.tfibllMlmil .In Hih'iiiliT l!'2: Medford InveatmenP Company -- General Xojur&nce JfUHri, Orfia 1H W. Main' Phen itM 5 -zjb S r, ( 'Lt BUY A ' I - UwELL COLlA ' aV ' roRWMAK1Cl J V yrc?Vi' take hKa T( I'D LIKE TO 'SE.E HE KIUUEO bEVE.Nl I EUEPHAMT1;, TWO AND "SEWEM TlGEIl'S- I llSHOw HIM TO YOU OUTPUT IN AUTO XBW -YOH'K, Jan. 8. (An Figures indicatint; a royivjil of ac tivity In the aututnotlvo indimt'ry wpro announced by tho National Automobile chaniljci' of connhcrci. today. Production of ian'nf;cr cars and trucks in December totalled 15.", 1S5 units, a per cent Increase ovtrr that of December. , 1 U-lt, and a 1 " per cent Increase oyer .that of .November, 1!)30. The .Dccemli c r production brought the total for 11(3(1 to 3. "iO."i.oi;i units, 38 prr cent below that of the record year of 11(211. but only two per 9ent ileus than that of J y 1' 7 . Killed al Hay. POKTLANU. Ore., Jan. S. (Pi John Ma-rk Wray, It years old, was fatally injured when struck by an automobile here last . HiKht. Tho car wa driven ty Lena, K. Dalton of St. Helena. Mra. Walton said' the boy dashed Into the InttM-flec-tlon while at play. , . )i-e(rii Weather, Fair toniyht and Friday, but be coming unsettled wlll.rln .Friday qver- ;the extreme iroHt, . purtlnn; freezing tomperaturrd In" the 'In terior. Fresh southerly winds. ciassifico nDvzimsiini vims - Rata bu- word (.r fint BtfWtlM. 2: Hell fttcHding lflftlo le; nlnlmuH 25c. Intfn Sur Hi ltk r Silt, Fw Hint, lit. mi ceuirt tn wordi i "ill Mill initial, tiliphm number, tte., at word, " 1 ' " 1 Cluilllcd Ml (n saitnu n mi Tj.m w. Iwim, unltii idnrtlMr has wrUti auMurl. It lllnrtnct Iw phont trrwi. HELP WAV1T:P FKMAJuB WANTKD fllrl for-.llKht -llonso-work. Address A. 11. Ward, Tal ent. -S nKIir WANTEW BULB WANTKD Two neat buys 1 yearr of nKC. with bicycles. Writo Dox 1S-A. caro .Mail Tribune,. ulvlliK address und phono number. 2X7 fl2Q-f 41100 l'i:U YIIAU flov ornnicnt Jobs, steady wock. Men. . .women 18-SO. Wo coach ynu. fur onrly exams. Wiito for purtiou-lai-KS to Hox M. i: Trlluio. 2117 WANTKD STtfJATlOSB i'OMlTION' WANTED lly rcspun llio younu mini. !"', Ioiik resi lience In .Medl'ord: n wlllilm worker and quick learner: not " a loafer. Whnt havo you for nui to do?' Noililnu too hard. Write I3ux 11-K, euro of Mall Tribune. 2'JO IF YOU WANT an experienced primer or man for any work, I'hono J41I-W. .1 2S8 WANTBD Any kind ot carpenter IllK. Tel. 1604. 2S9 TrVANTKI MISCELLANEOUS WANTIOD To rent a ilinttr-iiw I'hono 697-lt-l. 211 1 WANTK1 Small pupiiy. I'liono J458-W. ' ' ' J7 WAKTBD To exclinnKt worn! for horwK. ' Itoillo 1. I'.ox ll-p. i!:if LOCAL or Ion dl(imDc htullng. Wo guarnnteo to ve you iony. J taw ley Tranffor, 61 No. Klver- tde. rhone 1044-x. - aaayt RAW URS WANTED ,o not hip; we py the price, llldei. . wool and pelta. MedforS Uar taln House, 27 N. Ortp St. ' : 2S7tr WA VTED--2nil hand itoodn ft Junk. Fato. 1516 Prune. IMi. 647-L.,li: FOR OAKDEN nd fluid plowfn'if, und, fravel and aodlmnnt. Tel. 12-J. Samuel Jliteman, 'f am Si 7 -.id & CASH 1'AID fur Tunk. yrepo Kt, Tel, IW 11 North HIM t- mm: CANV advhnro ' initio to liropint?n ; on wool contl'aotH. Kco mo. J. J., OsenbriiKso, M4 So. lilvoi-Bldi-. i 2H'i LAUNDHY ltniiKli dry lb. -6c; not WaSlI 401 y OltlllKeU UI1U . HIIKH, sweuU-ri. W ii r k uuurunlood. Phono 139S-X. 2UI ASHLANTJ Convnlcaoent end Rost Home, caroe (or old peoplo and invalids. 210tf AUTO GLASS installed while you wait. 09 K. 80 18(1 tf LOST Colllo nnd ulieplierd Iok rewinbles puliee doK. I'hiinu 21-F-3. Jaeksoliville. 2S!l LOST 'Wlllto knitted tnm, (treen trimmed. I'leaso return to Mull Trilnuip, . , 2SS LOST If do la miualng, call 1516. , KtlBlI" FOR KKNT BOtSK8 FOIt HIO.NT 5-room modern hhn iralow, near corner 10. Main and l.'rater lJiko Ave. I'hono R17-L' ' or 587-U-2. " - 28Stf FOlt HION'T S-room turnlnhod cottaKo, Karate. 325 E. Jackson HU I'hono 7 l'.(-W. asotf FOR It 10 NT ltonldonco on Union St. 8eo Murrey, 115 S. Holly. 2K8 FOR RENT rurnlnlied house, 3 larRrt room and bath, Well lo cated, for 125. Phono 114J or 1322. 280t FOR R10NT Small furn. houso, apt. and Barafc-o. C0V W. 10th. tf FOR RUNT 5-room cottao, with Inith nnd kitchen range, on Wont llthst. Apply Winn Aeoncy or 406 Kins tit. . tt FOR RENT 4-room furnished house at 1127 W. Main. Phone C. A. DeVoe. H28-J-2. tt FOR RENT Homo. Furnished . or uufurplabed. 13rown A ,Whlt. ' 17tf 1X3 II KKNT A fAItTHJOSTS FOlt RENT .Modern furnished apt. '.'downstairs; prlvato bath. Phono: 745-X. 28S At'RN-IHIIiI'SD apt: 2 roomn nnd hath, completely furnished; pri vate enlranco: fuel furnished. Call 711. tf FOR 'RENT Comfortnblo apart ment, Htrlctly prlvato. 518 Ho. Oakdnlo. 283if FOR R10NT Two houHokocpint,' rooms, furnlihcd; with or With out guniKo. 141) So. Ivy. 2S3U' Fl'RNIHMIOO apartment; s f o ii m heat. Hawk Apartments, 2f So. Orape St. Phono 687. 283lf FOR RUNT Furn. apt. 811 No. Ilarllett. 270tf FOR RKNT Furnlahed apis; Iliihta, water, . Karagoi 12, 15, ,117. I'llfille.14r)2-H. , ' 275tt FOlt' RENT I and 110 apart ninntn: walls newly tinted; hot and cold wutor, bath and toilet, , 2-story brick UulldlnK at Jnck ' nonvllio. 10 mlnulea from Med ford. Boo Mr. Cnllilori, real na tatn, 6r' The Nugget Confection ery ator. ' - 243tt FOR RENT Fully modern apart ments. Llvlns- room, kitchen, tuith end gnrarn; hot and cold water and' light, furnlahed, $26.00. 4-room apt., fully mod .rn, .$30.00, Also cheap cabina at. $20.00 and $25.00. eunruie , tiu ner Htatlon, 12th ana River lde. Phone 1311. ' tf KOlt RUNT Orchard, nnd farm land, 30 aere; Rive natn.i, nd drorw and roforenros In flrwt lot tor. Hox A. ., Tribune. 29 FOR RMNT Onr.ine, $S.nn per iiioniii. s.'i up. (irerniie Ave. It By .George McManus (wow I j By SOL HESS ion jiEi' miiMSHED ROOMS FOf RENT Lovely front room; heat; reasonable: closo In. 228 N. Central. ' 258 FOR RENT Pleuaant room for irentlemiiii. c oso In; bath, car an. DUO E. Main. . 289 ROOM AND HOARD, rcaaonablo cm-aire. ' 33 N. Peach. 2110 BUSINESS OPrortTUNITlES FILING STATION and store for sale or trade, on highway. See owner, North Central at Mill Service; 225tt FOIl EXCHANGE WANTED To excliniiBe 121-acre raneli on Redwood highway, In Illinois valley, for residence n or near Medford or Central .Point, Ore. ..'Howard ,'Dunlap. Kerliy, Ore. 290, FOR Til A DM '7-months-old calf to cxchaiiBO for hay. Tel, C34-L. 290 FOR SAM POtnTRT FOlt SALIO Ilarrcd Rock cocker els: They aro good ones. On highway, second place north of Reall lane. J. T. Lilly. 288 FOR HALE-rl75 White Leghorn pullets 70c each; 7 Whlto Peking ducks, $1.00 each. ti. L. John ston, Applegate, ore. 288 FOR 8A LB lit V E8TOCK FOlt SALIO Ono 1-year-old Jersey bull; 8 big typo 'Poland-China Kilts. Fleming Lros, Japkson vilio. Ore. 292 FOR SALIO flood family ' milk ' cow, fresh In March. Phono U3I-L. 290 FOll SALE) AUTOMOBILES MIST SIOLL AT ONCE 1928 Chevrolet coach, best condition: priced right. See car at 555 Kceno drive, after 6:30 ovonlncs. 288 SACRIFICE 19311 Chevrolet coach llkn a new ear: will give good terms. JJ9. Washington at. Tel. 1132-lt, at hlght only. 288 1927 PO.NTIAO coupe; ran give terhiH or take something In , trade. . See mo ut noon for next .3 days at 331 llnvon HI. SH FOR SALK TRUOKB FOR SALE Good used truck, suit able for ranch work or wood hauling. Call 815, 166tt FOR BALI noMES II.OUHKH for salo or rent, Cull 105. 30 No. Central. J80lf FOR SALIO niEAtr KSTATH 70-ACItlO dairy and fruit ranch: "Ohio fine cows and champion bull. Price; Including overy thing, $l2.i"i(i. Hi own & White, Realtors, Holland Hotel ltlilg. '"..:'. asatt WH10N YOU think real estate, imnK oi urown cc .iyhub. "ii FOR HALR MIHCKLLAiaXCI FOll SA.1.10 Applet, turkey toms or in-ceding. Phono i;i2-U' 294 FOR SALIO Alfalfa hay. L. H. HilgllOf. Tel. i:i-l''-5. 1 291 FOR CALK French field-glasses, $15. Oil: llooslor cabinet. $29.75: circulating noiiier, j.i.imi; oiii Inir talile. $7.9,"i: green enamoled 'chiffonier. $11.50: library table. $7.50: biiffel, $15.00: now en ameled curd table, $1,95: Mon arch visible typewriter, $15.00: K-I.lllAH Jh- l'l,0.1 t., I n like new; $285.00, t.-rms, Tho i e a i o r ii i.xcnunge (l.ieo. .1. Ktuuinan, Prop.), 39 So. Front. Phono 931. SKS FOlt SALK Good used piano $150. Terms to suit. Tel. 1 142. 288 FOR HALE n.ik, fir, m.inzii nita. .Nathan Nowconili, Jr.. 725 So. Conlrnl. Phono 736-It, jsnif. ItUSlXKSS DIIIKOTOKY Abstracti MUKUAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insnrancu. Ttooms 3 and 5, No, 32 North Central Ave, upstairs. - .TACKSOV CO. AUSTllACr CO. Alistrnnts of TltlO uml Titlo Insiirnncn. T h p only complete Title system In Jackson County. Accountant WILSON AUDITING COMPANY Tax and Corporation Counselor, AudltorA anil Accountants. K. ".M. Wilson, C. V. A.: Luland J. Knox, C. P. A. Liberty Bids., I'hono 157-H. Clilropractia riiyslclnn DR. 10. W. HOFFMAN Chlro practlco Nervo Speciallet. Office hours II to 12. 2 to 5. 203-204 Liberty BMr. office Phone 680; Res. Phone 790-H. Klectrio Motor ltcpalrlne U C. SCIIAFER Armature wind ing, electric motor ropairlnir. Stock lienrlngs and brushea. 32 N. Central. Phone 00-J-2. 371 lOxpert Window Clenucrs LET OUORC.E DO IT Tel. 1172. House cleanlnp;. Floor waxlnir. Oriental rupr cleaning, specialty. Financial WJ0 LEND MONEY to worthy peo . plo to pay tholr honest debts. Pa cific Coast Credit Association, 423 ..Medford Bldir., Medford, Ore. Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERED re-flnlshed, re-glued. We carry a full lino of upholstorinfT aam ples. A. N. Thlbault, Tel. 969-R. foney to Loan f Lour Time V Real Estate jf) Morten KO Txinna ' S Phono Kit (Joinmerclnl Finance Corp. Medford, Orccron Monuments ' TH10 OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General Manugor; P.' M. Kerahuw, Salel ManiiKor. 302 N. Front St. Muslo Phuio Iimtruction FRED ALTON HAIG11T ToacheJ of piano. Classical and populat music courses. Height Musll Studio, 318 Liberty Bldg., Tel 7$ Palming and Pnpcrliaugtng HARRY MARX Painting, tinting papcr-hunging, ' Phone 178-J. 209( M. A. BLISS & COMPANY Paint ing, pnporhnnging and Interior " flnlslilng. 302 Crater Lake Ave Phone 1604. 41 ' Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Hf ' tho best c(tilppcd printing offlcl in Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose leaf ledgers, billlnf . systems; etc. Portlaud prices, II N. Fir St. , Rndio Service RADIO SERVICE on any make radio. H. O. Puruckcr, 22 South Grnpo street. Office Phone 335: Res. 1442. ' ' 81 Sand and Gravel C. A. HARTL32Y Sand and Gravel plant. Clean washod sand and grnvel; crushed gravel, all sizes. Phono, plant 1203, or office, 127. Mora go WAREHOUSING Storage, Dlstrl . butlcin. Medford Warehouse 810 South Front St. Phone Sit. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAOB CO. Offlco 111 N. Fir street. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed. . DA.VIS TRANSFER & STORAGE. Kcrvioo guaranteed. 20 8. Grape St., phono 6-14, or residence 1060, REINKLNO TRUCKING SERVICE Transfer nnd hauling of all kinds. Office 303 South Front St. I'hono 332. FOR SALIO MISOKLLANKOUS FOlt SALIO Mahogany bookcase, double glass doors: suitable for offlco or homo-, $15. Tel. 611-J-3. 288 FOR SALE Stock trailer. Phono 7-F--1. Leo Young. Stewart Ave. " ' 1 " ' " " " " " 287tf FOR SALIO Ruled oat hay and straw. M. Ii. Glover, Ross Lane. 291 THE) NEW FEED STORK Buy your poultry and dairy feeds now nt 229 N. Riverside. Bosl quality egg mash, scratch, wheat, corn, ole; also alfalfa hay nnd straw. Phono 833. 292 FOR SALE Shelled corn, $1.90 per 100. Phone 523-J-4. Otto Nlellcrnicyor.' 289 HIC.it GR ADR wheat and barley: No. 1; Klamath potatoes $1.50, while they last; squash, cnbbago, onions, carrots, turnips. 710 So. Riverside , SS FOR SALE Dry fir nnd hardwood. Dalton Bros. Tel. 523-11-1. CS8 FOll SALE Loose alfalfa hay, tilled grain hay. Elinor Ross, R. F. I)., Rush Lane. 28tttf FOR SALE Jonathan and Splts onberg apples. Cull Rocuo R. Co , '!3S. .... tf FOR SALE Used sewing ma chines, all makes, $5 up: terms if desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett. tf BARGAIN Mixed oak and man ia iiltn, $1 a tier, stock tip now and save monoy. Phone 1144-X. tf FOR ft ALE At bargain," S oak .veneer doors, aire 3Hfevt tijr feet, with lock and without glass. M.-o them, at Mull Tribune