Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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J '
MANY VETS'' p'"'""'" 'cylinders add
Report By Commission' &P$& jg$p ' I
Shows 12,079 Ex-Sol-diers
Borrowed $28,818,
125 Since Enactment of
Law Many Paid in Full.
8ALKM, Jan. 8. (P) Since tho
war vetcrana Mute aid cominiHHlon
begun operating In Ifllia hmnH ag
gregating f L'S.H 1 8. 1 2Ti havo been
made to la, 079 cx-HoldieiH, Hayn
tho biennial report of the comniin
Hfun, nmd public today. During
tho hint hlonnlum there were 1343
loans aggregating $2.NB7,300.
At tho end of tho bicnnlum Sep
tember 30 U total nf 675 loaiiH
amounting to $l,6&fi,000 had been
pHld fn full with Interest. Forty
one kmiiH, f 98,100. were cancelled
by tho applicants before comple
tion, und the money waa refunded
and deposited in a apeclal state
treaaury fund.
A total of 1499 loans originally
granted to veterans in tho mini of
$3,450,700 have been transferred
to pei'Hutitt not entitled to tho bene-
fit of tho net by mile of property
by the veteran. Unpaid balances
actually transferred total $3,151,
101.4K, which now draws (J per
Cent Interest.
Heavy Interest
' Receipts of principal ami lnhr
CKt on loans amounted to $3,748,
837. L8 during tho bicnnlum.
Since the net became effective
22. PM veterans linvo received the
rash bonus to a total of Ili.OCS,
380. During the bienttlum 24 4
bonuses, $3t,930, were paid. Since
Vrti recipients of the bonus to the (
number of 2173 have returned the
(Vish and Instead taken loans
amounting to $45,790.
At the beglnlng of Die bicnnlum
outstanding bonds, w lilcli arc the
source of the loans and bonus pay
ments, amounted to $28,000,000.
No additional bunds have been
Issued and $7G0,000 In bonds was
retired, leaving $27,2&0,0U0 out
standing, i
The commission hnlda Oregon
municipal, school and port district
bonds, county, statu ami govern
ment securlttcH totaling $3,407,
D32.44. 1roHr(y Taken Over
During tho last two years 350
properties, Involving n total of
$830,800, worn acquired by the
state from veterans, either by fore
closure or deed, and during the
same period 132 properties were
sold, amounting to $3(i4.78H.3I .
This Is a total increase of over 100
per cent on all properties previ
ously Willi,
At the end of the bicnnlum 90(1
loans were delinquent with princi
pal and Interest In urrcurs In the
Hum of $70,807. 58.
' At the present time fire insur
ance amounting to about $30,000,
000 is In force on proportion cov
ered by loans. A total of 430 fire
losses have been suffered on pro
perty mortgaged to the state.
Total adjustments received on this
ajnount to $212,971.47 und Iho
state has suffered no loss.
(Continued from Pag 1)
persons. And his onuwer
v "We havo u lot of work yet to
Hrotbei-s' movements were
known for days before his arrest
but Itocho wanted to avoid the
wounding or killing of his own
men or the suspuct. Ho wished to
question Brothers.
Brothers, a chestnut-haired, well
dressed man of 31, served on a
submarine chaser during the
World war. Ho Is a native
UellevIUo. 11 near St. Louis
Hocho described him as "the
toufihest man I have ever encoun
tered,' adding that "he hasn't a
nerve in his system."
(Continued from Pag 1)
nnd I n la my. Doctrines arc
defended and offered for
sale hs piodurtions of modern pe
nfus, of i.iat Rcnhms which Is anx
ious only for truth, and Is consid
errd to have emancipated It sell
from nil those old fashioned, Im
mature opinions of the ancients,
nnd to Iho number of thoo anti
quated opinions they relegate the
traditional doctrine of Christian
The encyclical condemns what It
terms "human tampering with a Ha
tred Institution." railing compan
ionate and experimental marriagcM
moro travesty.
PerfMl Net tnttm Attendance.
OAKKIT.LD. Wis. or Ml
Oak field high school students at
tend Its basketball games. Twenty
are on the gills' nnd boyV tam
end the other 30 ko along
Build HU-Jri
II !! -
Sturdy He olOufii IT
An Aim-ricaii flag prepared for
the purpose, watt dropped by Ad
miral ICyrd at the South Pole dur
ing the flight of the noted explorer
acroHH the ley wjihich of the
Antarctic from IiIh base at Utile
America. Admiral Hyrd will again
appear In person, for lectureH and
Hhowlng of moving plcturen made
during tho expedition, at the Holly
theater, Saturday, January 17,
1 under auflplcea of tho American
Montreal Poor
Get Funds From
Slot Machines
A gift of about $saoo was In
IirnHpe,.t for lmo). of tnt.
4 city today, representing the 4
4 estimated contents of 400 shit 4
4 machines seized by poliro. 4
4 Alderman Allan Ifray, chair- 4
4 man of tho city executive, 4
4 announced that the machines 4
4 would be broken up in the 4
4 public square and the money 4
4 they contained turned over 4
4- to charily. 4
4 He wild the city hod decld- 4
4 cd to destroy the machines 4
4 without wafting for court 4
4 action and If tho owners 4
4 wanted redress they could 4
4 sue the city. 4
4 4
Senate world court foes have told
Frank U. Kellogg, a Justice on the
court, enough votes were In pros
pect to defeat ratification of Amer
ican adherence.
This much became known of the
conversations indulged in by M r.
Kellogg during his call today In
the senate, where ho served for
merly as a member from Minne
sota. The white haired Jurist and
former secretary of state asserted,
however, his call was purely a
personal one. lie dented he had
any purpose of dlHi-usrttng t he
world court Issue.
HAMILTON. liermuda. .tan. S.
()) postponing their original In-
tentlou to hop off Immediately fur
the Azores on the second stretch
of their projected flight to Tails.
Mrs. llcryl Hart and Lieutenant
William MacUiren, who flew here
yesterday in the monoplane Trade
wind, said they would remain In
llermudu overnight until repairs
can be completed on the ship's oil
feed line.
rotlVALLlS, Ore., fan. S.
After two hour deliberation the
Ju ry u as stilt out at n on n t oday
In the William Henderson murder
caw. Henderson fhot and killed
K. i!. Mills on a downtown street.
He pleaded self-defense.
Judge sVlp worth in his instruc
tions devoted most of the time to
tho law itf self-defense and to dif
ferent degrees of murder.
i;o;Vi: KlVLIl. Ore.. Jan. X.
(Spl.) Uogue Klver high chnul
will play p first conference bas
ketball game with Talent, at the
ItoKue I liver gym. KrUbty night.
January 9th. This should be a
good game ntt Talent ha made an
improitv record wtth only on.
Horsepower Stepped Up
and Transmission Im
proved "Eights" Out
number Near Rivals.
(Associated Press Automobile
NKW VuLK (A't Smoolbei
operation will epitomize the 1 93 1
More cylinders have been add
rd, horsepower stepped up, am'
t niiisinlssloiis lmprnv-d,
I-'ormal inti odiotliMt f the l!':jl
car to the public will be made at
the thirty-first national automo
bile show January 3-la in Oraiul
Central palace.
The eight-cylinder vehicle, after
1 5 years In the automotive field,
will celebrate complete victory,
gained during the 1930 seuson, in
the "battle of rylinders."
"Mights" will outnumber their
nearest rivals, the 'sixes," while
extremes will lie displayed in a
bantam ear smaller than ever and
In two Hi -cylinder models and a
J2-eyIinder car which have
previous debuts.
In all there will be
of passenger cars, 1 (J
taxlcab models. Mid
urers are withholding
makes of
ments so as "to spring surprises."
Most of the Improvements will
be concealed. These Include valves
refined for greater ppoid and
quieter operation, new manifold
and-, carburetor designs, Increuso
of rubber mountings to reduce
engine vibration, and transmis
sion specialties developed for
quietness, case of handling and
Outwardly, cars will appeal
more rakb'h with a definite con
tinuation of the trend toward wire
wheel ami taking the spare tire
from the back of the car to wells
In the fenders.
With Increase in horsepower
output there will be radiators of
larger capacity and vane shutters
controlled thermostatically to meet
demands of summer and winter
d riving.
Wheel base are to be longer,
bodies larger und roomier, and
eitt-K hung closer to the ground.
The Industry claims that more
is to be offered for the money
than ever before.
The show will lie held under
the auspices of the national au
tomobile chamber of commerce,
headed by Alvan Macau ley as
president and Charles 1). Huntings
ns chairman of the show com
mittee. WASHINGTON, Jan. -8. &) A
last minute effort by congres
sional leaders anxious to avoid an
extra session of the new congress
to postpone the submission of the
law enforcement com m lesion's re
port has failed.
The attitude of the congressional
chieftains was laid before the
commission yesterday, but the in
surgent, wing letl by Judge Wil
liam S. Kenyon. of Iowa, objected
to further delay.
Aide to lllittd Dies.
N t:V YOUK. Jan. S. A') A
woman who brought cheer into
the lives of blind children died
today at her home In ltrooktyn.
She was Mrs, Cynthia Wostovcr
Aldcn. 7. founder of the Inter
nationa Sunshine society, an or
ganisation to cure for sight hut
U'lr-l Cotton Factory.
ATLANTA, (!u,-(TI The first
cotton factory was built on Upton
creek In tieorgla. near what Is
now Washington, (la.
neglect your child's
I ( tood eld Muitrrolc now nwilc
milder for huhtft and snull rhilJtcn. So
pleasant to uic mil to rf liable apply
ChiMrrn's Mustf rnlr freflv toth; a fleered
arra once every hour Jar Jiw hours.
Itut'i the life, sure treatment that
millions of marhtri and leading doctors
and nurses rccoRnie and rndorsc.
Mmtrrole Rem anion because it m a
"(fiiififr-rrff(inrM not just a salve
it penetrates and stimulates Hood
litrulation, helps to dtaw out infection
and pain.
I hat's why thii famous Head of oil of
mustatd, camphor, menthol and other
helpful inpredieats hrincs relief naturilly.
Keep full strength Nlusterele on hand
for aduhs and Children's Musterolc for
the little tots.
Professor Albert Einstein, a man of simple tastes, will find the ouiet surroundings he likes in the
mountains of California, where he is to confer with American scientists. This airplane view of the ob
servatory at Mt. Wilson shows the site of experiments which Einstein is to study.
large selection
to choose from
if you come
No Charges
No Refunds
No Exchanges
Every Sale .
Vx off
Dress Shirts
One ht Dress Shirts, values
up to p,.x 98c
We're taking a lug loss on these.
Yellow Slickers
Yellow Slickers, hoys' and . young
men's. Take 'em away for $2.95
Dress Hats
One lot Press Mats, hare's
fur, values up 1o8.f0 $3.95
It cost, the manufacturer a lot more
than that to make them.
Wool Shirts
Wool Shirts, values
up to $.".0O Kxtra
To Study In Quiet Spot
u - 1 1
,. 21$, East Main Q
Suits up to $:)0,00 pay .the regular price
and "get another for
Suits from $130.00 up to .$37.50 pay the
price for one and get another for
Suits from $37.50 and over pay the regular price (1 ft 00
fur one and get another for r vJ.Vrvl
Single Suit Sales 1j Off
If you can't use l! Suits lring a friend and split.
Many Items Not Listed Greatly Reduced
fi.S.-, on fords $3.85
(i.8.- oxfords $4.85
$7.r,0 oxfords $4.95
$S,-,0 oxfords $5.95.
!l.:,0 oxfords $6.85
$10.00 Nettlcton Make $7.85
$1u'.."0 NcttleH'ii Make.... $ljL85
Suede Leather Coats
l:.j0 Coats $11.85
-"-w $10.85
$i:.."" 'oats $9.85
Heavy Underwear
Heavy cotton, wool and part wool
. ' Union Suits 'i Off!
How One Woman Lost
20 Pounds Of Fat
Lost Her Double Chin
Lost Her Prominent Hips
Lost Her Sluggishness
;:tli cd Physical Vigor
ia hied in VivacloasiicNS
(.allied n Hhaiel- 1'igtirc
If vou're fat remove the cause!
KIIir-SCHKN SALTS contain the
G mine-rat salt your body organs,
glands and nerves should have to
function properly.
When your vital organs fail to
perform their work correctly
I your bowels and kidneys can t
throw ofr truit waste material
before you realize it you're grow
ing hideously fat!
Ta ke half a teavipoonful of
KHI'SCIIKX SALTS in a glu of
Used Burroughs Bookkeeping
Machine Excellent Condition
Phone 486 or 487
Mann's Dept. Store
Pull-over and Coat Style
All rihhed coat style and pull-over
sweaters, all wool One-Third Off!
Again we lose.
Mackinaws - Blazers
Mackinaws, I Mazers and sheep lined
. Coats-One-Third Off!
Heavy Sweaters
$l:.7" Shaker Sweaters,
, i'"' v,'r-v n,"st $9.85
$r'.:.0 Shaker Sweaters.
worsted yarns g gej
All other in heavf weight
One-Third Off!
Phon 1093
hot water every morning cut out
' pastry and fatty meats go light
on potatoes, owner, ereuui uno
I Hugar in 3 weeks Ret on tho
'scales and not how many pounds
lot fat have vanUhed.
Notice also thai you have gained
In energy your skin is clearer
your eyes sparkle with glorious
health you feel younger In body
keener in mind. KttUSCHKN
will give any fat person a Joyoua
Get an Sc bottle of KUCSCHKN
SALTS at Jarmin & Woods la.its
4 weeks . If this first buttle
doesn't convince you this is tho
easiest, safest and surest way to
lorie fat if you don't feel a su
perb improvement in health so
gloriously energetic vigorously
alive your money glad ly returned.
for one
regular t7' CH
Rubber Boots
Kuhher Pac's, Knee
Hoots and Jlip Boots,
while they last
0,3 Off G
o o