Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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Provides For Loans To Ir
rigation and Drainage
Districts-Passage Seems
Certain Affects Local
A, bill is now ponding in the
'house of representatives, providing
unions other clauses, federal loans
tu drainage and -irrigHtlon districts,
and effective for drainage projects
of the Rogue Hiver valley. The
measure is now before tho AYays
and Means commit tee, Congress
man V. C. Ilawley of Oregon,
chairman, and U practically assur
ed of passage.
Section Two, of the bill, reading
as follows, is applicable to this sec
tion: Hereinafter, whenever the
word "district" appears in the
Act it hall be interpreted to
include drainage districts, levee
districts, levee and drainage
district., irrigation and, or
similar districts other thun
Federal project), counties,
boards of supervisors, and. or
political subdivisions and leual
entities; and whenever the
word "bonds" appears in the
ct it shall bo interpreted to
include certificates of indebt
edness, or other lawful indebt
edness, and, or unpaid judg
ments, and. or warrants.
The 'bill provides for a fund,
from which the Secretary of the
Interior may loan a sum, sufficient
to Cover the bonded indebtedness
of nn irrigation or drainage dis
trict. The fund will total $95,000.
000. and the loans will be for a
period of not more than 40 years.
The bill also provides for the
c.irry-on of drainage surveys an J
projects and is a part of the farm
relief plan.
T.hc Medford Methodist pulpit
Sunday morning will be filled by
the ltcv. Dr. R O. Mueller, of
1'h lla del pit la, according to an
il ounce men t by the pastor. Alex
ander Uonnett. Dr. Mueller Is in
charge of . the Church Kxtension
department of the Methodist Jtoard
of Home Missions, He met with
the local trustees Saturday night
and will meet with the official
'board for a conference Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
The ltcv. Dr. Thos. tt. Varnes. of
Salem, district superintendent, ac
companied Dr. Mueller to Medford.
He will preach In the Gold Hill M.
,)). church Sunday morning, and
in Talent M. 13. church in- the eve
ning. i 4
iii nnrnnn uivrrn
T. ti, Travis, district manager
for the Standard Oil company,
was yesterday officially notified
that the managership for the Los
Angeles district was open for his
acceptance. Mr. Travis said last
night he had accepted and will
leave this week for the southern
California metropolis to take up
his new duties.
He arrived in Medford when the
new district offices were establish
ed here a year or so ago and is
well known in the city. He whh
elected director of the Medford
chamber of commerce, director of
the Rogue Valley Golf association
and is a member of the Hotary
club. During his residence in
Medford, he has been active In
civic affairs and his departure from
the city is- viewed with consid
erable regret.
The Los Angeles district offers
a much larger business urea and
is the most important in the or
ganization of the Standard Oil
company of California, lie is the
recipient of congratulations from
his muny friends in Medford, who
liad learned io know 'him as a
real citizen.
Troop 23, Hoy Scouts of America,
take notice. Court of Honor at
City Hall. Ashland, Monday night.
December L'fth, 7 p. m. 10 very fel
low must pai.s a merit badge or
other test. We must not fail, a
Scout is loyal to his troop and
Scout .Master and to the great or
ganization to which he belongs.
Listen In every one to the Scout
half hour over the radio K.M.E.D.
Saturday night, 5:15 to 5:45. "We
want more home talent at this
The Talent troop have been ask
ed to appear on the program at
the annual dinner January IHh at
Medford. Oregon, with a Scout
stunt. Come on fellows, don't be a
quitter or a shirker in the big time
stunt, Talent has always put it
over big- lcts go.
Patrons and friends of the
Southern Ituilding and Loan asso
c ation of this city were guests of
the association yesterday afternoon
lea. served in the attractive com
pany offices on West Main si reel
In eelebratlon of the one hundredth
anniversary of the first building
and loan association.
Kinployes of the association serv
ed the groups who called during
the afternoon. The offices were
at tractively decorated with num
erous baskets of flowers for the
On January 3rd, lim tho first
building and loan association was
formed in Frank ford. Penn.. by
Jeremiah Ilorrocks. Samuel Piling,
Dr. Henry Taylor, Isaac Shallcross.
Jesse Castor and Isaac Whiteloek.
Yesterday In all leading cities of
the United States tho one hundred
th anniversary of their project was
The Southern Ituilding and Loan
association of this city has enjoy
ed a steady growth since Its organ
ization and is now a member of
the , Guardian Hulldlng and Loan
In (irih'1- lo attend the advance
.sprliiir market week In An
Keles Mr. and Mrs. I. J. C'arpiui
ter. proprietors of tile Hand Imx
and .Shoe Mux. will leave 1)J' mo
tor this mornlnK for California.
During the next month the Car
penters will purchase spring mer
chandise for their shop und ex
pect to spend some time visitlnK
San Francisco. San Diego ami
Tia.luana before returning to Med
ford. A. W. H u ! I s. who Is well
known to southern Oregon shop
pers, will have e li a r g e of the
Band Box and Shoe Vox in the
owners' absence. "
DMXT 10. 10. Dent, well known
In Southern Oregon through his
activities with the Ked-ral rami
Loan association, passed away sud
denly Monday, iDoe. 2Sth at his
home In Salem. Mr. Dent, who
was 68 years of ago at the time of
his sudden demise, has visited thin
territory .periodic-ally for severa l
years past In connection with hN
duties as examiner for the federal
Farm Loan Hank of Spokane. He
handled the states of Oregon and
Washington, covcrini; some 30.000
miles each year. At the time of
lit.. ..,.tii Tinnt wn ;i director
of the Federal Farm Loan assoeia-j
tion. He leaves to mourn liN pass
ing a host of relatives and friends
among whom Is a daughter. Mrs.
H. S. Daniels of this city.
' Whos Who in the 1131 legis
lature" it the title of an interest
ing pamphlet of 104 pages just
published by the Oregon Voter
which in addition to much other
interesting legislative matter pub
lishes the list of all the senators
and representatives of the coming
legislature, their photography and
short sketches of their careers.
The publication sells for 25 cents.
Concerning the t w o Jackson
county v e p r e sentatives, Messrs.
Deuel and Day, the pamphlet
HaliHM't K. Deuel
"Director of bank where he
was first employed as messenger,
president of an investment com
pany with large property property
holding.-', officer of a fuel com
pany, managing partner of one
of the world's finest pear or
chards, active In civic affairs,
llalbert Deuel has attained a po
sition of consequence in Southern,
Oregon' und by virtue of his abili-i
ties is certain to be a factor in
his first session of the legislature.
Quiet, modest, with a twinkle in
h x eye. he thinks while he listens
and is ready in decision,
""Born at Harris. Mo.. Dec. 2"i,
1S!H). "Christmas gift!! to Med
ford 18!i3; 'at Culver Military
Academy HMHj.ji; worked at Med
ford National lHOy till he enlist
ed 1917 in Oregon Coast artillery:
at Chateau Thierry with 3rd FA,
Yankee division; upon return to
Medford entered business, now
director of M e d f o r d National,
president Medford Investment
company, sec-treas. of the Medford
Fuel Co.. partner in Del liio or
chards, past commander of the
American Legion post; chamber
of commerce director, wife and
Kiirl It. ln,v
"Successful experience in bank
ing, former head of a motor com
pany, now a stock rancher and
pear : orchard is t. Day adventures
Into a field that is new to lilm
but which needs men of his ex
perience and character. Delight
ful personality, kindly humorous;
fine reputation for integrity, ca
pacity, community leadership and
neighborly cooperation. A man of
caliber and culture. i
"Horn Sept. 20, 1KK2. Xebras- j
ka;' pioneer parents: Neb. Wesley-,
an ' grad 1905; H0G organized,
cashlwr, Farmer-.? I tank of J'cit
nett; 1908 cashier Union Hank of
Aberdeen, "Wash.; 1 909 organized,
president. Lebanon State I tank
(now national ) ; assisted organiz
ing llalsey State Hank and Hank
of Stayton; nil 4 purchased Valley
End ram-h in Jackson County and
developed It as a stock ranch;
rejeeted for enlistment on health
hb'tory, so captained Cold Hill
Home Guards; 191S. president
Day Motor Co.. Albany.: 1923. re
turned to r a nc h, enlarged it,
planted pears; has two sons in
OKC; his marriage In 1908 still
Rowena Circle Will
Elect 1931 Officers.
Hopelessly hung at six to six.
the jury In the circuit court trial
of Kaleigh Matthews. Kagle IViim.
charged with moonshine sale, was
dismissed yesterday afternoon. De
liberations began at 10:20 yester
day forenoon. A new trial Is to be
held before the end of the month.
Matthews was arrested sometime
ago and was charged with selling
liquor to a prohibition agent, lie
based hid defense on an alibft that
on the day the alleged .sale was
made, he was at a neighbor's house.
Friends testified to this evidence:
The case of Nye Matthews,
brother of Italeigh, was to have
been held Monday, but physical
disability on part of the defendant
was given as cause to have the
case continued. The defend a nt
claimed he was in a recent auto
wreck and laid out In the snow all
night, causing him to sustain; frt.n
feet. The pceident is said to. ha v.
taken place in Klamath county.
Volunteers of America g a v ei
their Christmas program Saturday j
evening. The speech of welcome
wa given by Mrs. Lillian Clark, j
The Volunteers wish to thank the;
Church of Cod. Pentecostal. Mis-
sion. and the Methodist church.
The Volunteers gave 22 baskets,!
gave bed to SO men, women and
children, and gave 1 00 garments
free. The Volunteers also wish to
thank the Medford people for
their cooperation. !
Keligtcus services will be held
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 1
evenings, and Sunday school at
2::t0. F very hod v welcome.
The Kiwauis club will have its
annua! i' time tomorrow night
when officers for the ensuing
cur will be installed. A 1 no-percent
attendance of the member-i
ship is expected to be present. A
dinner at 7 o'clock at t he Hotel
MedtYi-d will start off the evening
and will be followed by the instill-i
lalton ceremonies, after which !
dancing will be t he order of the j
The following offices will bej
installed hy (ilenn Fahrick. In-,
stalling officer; John C Mann.'
president; Charles s. I iuttei f icld. I
pa si president ; l!ev. flail de I 'or- i
ter, vice president ; (J c o r g e T. j
1'rey, treasurer: t'luirlcs S. 1 lit t - j
terficld. district trustee; Carl V.
Tciigwald. secretary ; Carl t Mas
gow. K. II. Hedrick. T. W. Wil
liams. W. K. Clemenson. .1. W. Ja
cobs. Clenn Fabr.cK and W. .1 .
Warner, directors.
The program for the evening
will be under the direction of
Carl Ol.iMgow.
The Medford club has 0(1 mem
bers. i!2 of which are act ive and
four honorary. Tin club was or
ganized in 192:i. with W. .1. War
ner as the first president, follow
ed by ('. Leimnon. C. 10. Hair.
Clenn Kabiiek, Louis Clricb, C. 10.
Cates, Hubert Hammond, .1. C.
Thompson and Charles Hutler
ficld. The club has heeu active in
all civic affairs and has Juyi com
pleted a successful 19:H) season.
The Itowena circl
their next meeting a
of Mis. Clara lObllidg
he the first meeting
Y ear and w ill be devi
will hold
the home
This w ill
f the New
ed to elec
tion of officers for I'.Ul.
Dinner Kii joyed
Hy Fraternity (roup
Donald Moore was host on Tues
day evening at a dinner party
for a group of friends from the
Ciilve-sity id' Oregon and this city, !
All gin -ts were members ,.r
pledge of 1'hi Sigma Kappa fiat- '
Itcturii I'rom
'alilot nia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oilbert
and Mrs. H. MeOnwan return
ed in Medford the middle of the
c.-k from Helkeley. Los Angeles
and San Fra ucisco, Cal.. where
I hey spt nt Christmas with rcla
liws and friends.
not her Ha i ron Appears
ATLANTA .-l' --- The Oeorgia
Tech backtield this season had an
other lied llarron. He U Hat the
hrniher of David 1 lemis 'Hed
Harron w ho in 1 91 s developed ha
one of the greatest running backs
in IUie.
Five hundred acres were planted
in broom curii on farms in North
Candina this year.
Plus 4 Ail-Wool
Golf Pants
Take one at regular price ;
another for 0
The Men's Shop
Next to Rialto Theatre
' Hclghins Slaughter Jllnls
H H I SS 1 0 LS. J an. 3. (Pj The
Helgiall Society for Protect Ion of
Hirds figures that between Decem
ber 1 and September If") each
year. I r.omi.ot.n) feathered crea
tures arc snared in this country
and that as a consequence insects
damage gardens and orchards
about $,000,000 annually.
lOignt thousand acres of buck
wheat produced Uu.uao bushels of
grain for North Carolina farmers
this year.
Officials of the Pacific Air
Transport company, subsidiary of
the Hoeing Air lines, publicly ex-j
pressed appreciation yesterday for j
assistance gifcm to thein In t he
recent search for J. Kui-sell Cun
ningham, veteran nir mail pilot,
who made a forced lauding in
mountainous country near Oak
ridge, while en route on a night
airplane Journey from Medford to
Seattle, Wash.
The appreciation was voiced lo
cally by Keeley 'Hall, local director
for the company, who added that
every member of the organization
Js likewise thankful for the inter
est anil kelp given by the public
Cunningham Is expected to re
sume air mall service in a few days
and is now recovering from exper
ience surrounding the crash.
Secure Your Dog Licenses In
Accordance With Ordinance 2545
City of Medford
Medford City Hall
Sixth and Frcnt Streets
Meteorological Report
A number of "old tymc" favor
ites iviy bo a feature of this w-cek's
Toggery-Nunn-Ilnsh program over
station KMKD on Monday night
from fi:15 to 6:4.'.. The singers, i
specially selected group, with vast
radio experience, will give medley
iff songs Including "Sweet nntl
Low." "Home Sweet Home," and
"Seeing Mary Home."
Mis Ksther Muen-'ermunn. a
sHted 'by a male quaV.-t. will sine
Moya'a "Song of Sour.."
The third feature of thi pro
gram will be Jewell's -'Wedding of
th Row.' played by the orche-tm
under Xhe direction of Rudolph
This .program part of a coast
to coast broadcast which come to
rjdio listeners of J'tnt-on KMKD
pvery Monday night from 6: IS to
O'HIUKN Thomas O'Hrlen. u
i. ..e,., ,1 tUn tl:ist
ifwiueni to .uLinviii mi
"a years died at a local hospital
in this city .January .'mi m m'
age of 7 7 years. Very little i
known of his relatives but two
daughter who reside In Califor
nia. Mr.. OT.rlen was very well
known in and around Medford
and hud many friends.
Funeral sorvjees will be held
from the Conger funeral parlor
Monday, .lanuary 5th. at 2 p. m.
Rev. a. O. Rennet will have charge
of the services at the chapel nnd
burial will be made in the Med
ford cemetery.
January 4. Ii:il.
Medford and vicinity: Sunday
rain, moderate temperature.
Oregon: Rain Sunday went por
tion; rain and snow east portion :
moderate temperature.
rifivdflctj artvprtininir $cf rcttUfl.
CHASTAIN Henjamln K. ChaH
tain. eighty four yearn of age, died
at the home of hln daughter 1033
Court street late Saturday evening.
Mr. f'linMiiin whh born In Georgia
October 9, IMS. He came to Ore
' aon from Oklnhoma 24 yearn fto
' nnd for the last neven year hai
resided in Medford. He iWive the
tallowing children: j
J. II. ChHMain. Kugene. Oregon:
Wiiiimit of Klamttth Kails; K.j
Chntaln. :Oj. Oma Scoville. and
Mr.. H. L. MillK. Qrt Medford.
j Funeral service will be conduct i
' -d by C. W. Frost of the Apoto')
i l.',.isl niUi.,n ivtbo Cnntiff chiiDei'
at 2:3ft MondNf. Interment will
be in Medford cemetery. Q
More than J.OftO Han Quentin
prlfonern took correspondent
course from the Vnlverslty of
California the pnft school year,
1" - w
2 S.t
Local Dau l z
Temperature (deg..).. :tn l'
HiKhest (last 12 lire.) 44 4:i
IoweHt (last 12 hrw.) 3S ?
Rel. humidity (pet.).. ! !'S
l'recipitiition ln..) n:t
State of Weather ... Cloudy Cloudy
Total precipitation nince Sep
tember 1, 1930. &.:4 ln-heK.
Sunrise today, 7::t!t a. m.
Sunset today, 4;r..1 p. m.
Sutirisi' Monday. 7:31 a. m.
IK M !', FIRK l M (iKI)
The fin dep,utni.t wnV ralbd
to the d wiling f Robert Chl
h o I nt , 1 0 . Kit s t J a c. k s on si rec I ,
last night to extinguish a roof fire
caused by Q dr-f''ttivc flu. The
flam we 1 e quick ly placed under
control and cauued flnnmeo esti
mated at $200.
(Pi frQ u r thorouRhbredft were
burned to death early today at tho
fair ground race plant which was
opened for the new raeim; sea aiii
on New Year dav,
on Financial Problems
Both men and women conic to this bank for ad
vice on many of their daily problems dealing
with finance.
Frequently women are not at homo with money
matters, and arc glad of the opportunity to dis
cuss them confidentially with bank executives.
Whether it is a matter of opening an account, of
planning a budget, of investing funds or other
financial problems, we extend a welcome to any
one who desires coigetcnt service. 0
Get the saving habit early in 131
"GOLD SEAL" is a house
hold word in Southern Oregon.
hy the
Is He Coming
to Your Home?
The Bringer of
lii'altli-bi'iiniiiinj;- i' res h,
sweet milk L'or vour little
ones, to five tliein new vitality
.Hid slurdiiiess with every
iiiarl. fastidious in o t hers
now the rich creamy milk we
At Your Dealer Or Phone 51 for
Regular Daily Service at Your Home
mI telephoned we would he there at six"
ANY disappointments and .sometimes embarrass
ment result from "just dropping iu" on folks.
A telephone call is so quick and reassuring that most
people think oC it not only as a courtesy due others,
but a real convenience to themselves and it costs little.
Anyone, anywhere, any time from your own telephone,
or from public telephones conveniently located everywhere.
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co.
of Southern Oregon