Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Women Y Interests and Activities
Edited By
Eva Nealon
fr . MomUiy.
Past Matron club of
Rcames chapter will meet at
2 o'cloolt in Did Masonic
Meeting of the executive 1
Ward of tho American Lo- '
4 fcion Auxiliary at the home "5
of .Mm. fl. o. Humphrey.
Mod ford Council. 1'. T. A. next
meets at 3 o'clock thin after : Junior
noon In the Junior hifch
school building.
X Graduating Class
tto Be Entertained
By ParentT eachers
The Junior Hili Parem-Teach-
will meet in regular session
Yidny at 2:0 p. m. t the
Hi tih liuikiiim.
The graduating class which en-
tern the tsenlor hiKh school the last
Activities of
Legion Auxiliary
Publicity Olialrman Mrs. Wm
I.oo lirlckcr.
' Council of P.-T. A.
to Meet Tomorrow
A happy ami prosperous New
Year our wish to you.
Sewing (iul
Mrs. Goodwin Humphrey and
Mrs Wm I jia rti'inL-Mf will ItA
Tuesday . of this month will he guests of the hostess to the Auxiliary Sewing
Meeting of Crater Lake association on this occasion. These ! club at the home Df Mrs. Humph-
Culld this evening. , students will also have a promi- j rov on ndav evenlntr at eicht
woman s foreign .Missmn- v iumii puice on me program. uvinrk The hnit;ii nn.i ehil.t
ganizatlnns in the city are mem
I leiH of i he council and are ex
j peeled to attend this meeting,
j All Parent-Teacher workers and
, , friends of tho orgn ion are
! also curdlnlly invited.
Tho Medford Council of Parent
Teachers will hold the first regular ; MUs I'meit K
meeting of the new year tomorrow j Jihm In Mcdi'ord
at 3 p. in. at tho Junior high , M Maxine Kmert of Ashland
school building. i spending this week in Medford
Officers and committee- chair-j as guest of Miss l.aVonnc Ander
men of al) the paront-Tencher or-lfion.
Missionary Group
Will Meet Tuesday
A. It. Hedge. and Mrs C. A.
LlmHcy- Itelurn.
' Mrs. .1. M. Lindley and children
1 returned to l:os-lurg Inst Monday
Installation q
To lie Monday
' olive rtehekah ld q will hold'
I Installation mi Monday evening at
I the I. O. ((,- l flail.
Woman's Foreign .Mission- nl'ier Hpeudiug the Christmas lioli-
ry hoeieiy of the First Methodist j days in Med lord with Mrs. i.ind
hureh will meet Tuesday after- ley's parents, Mr. and Mr. P'di
noon with Mis. V. W. 1
v; 1'ast Main street. Mi
ton Isaacs will lead the
Assisting ho;1".ses will I
t Taylor
l.indlt y
ind Mr. and Mrs. Frank
returned at
Dauulilcr ir Veterans
In Mik'I I'lliliiy
Th.- K.uiKhtors of I'nion Yet'
I will meet !'Yil"y evening al the. annnry fur insta llat ion (if
' ..rf.i-r. f.. I 'SI . '
nry Knciply of Hip Kirvt M. , Mothers of the llooxevelt acliool ; u-elfarp commiitees neoomnlish
chiir. li will meet with .lr. ,will no. ve i-Hfrcshnicnls durtiie the : work ihronirh ihis . lull which aids
Walker. .woclal houi-.
Wwliiestlay ; l'lan to attend this first meeting
(inest day l'cr ineinhors of , uf the new year if your ehild is In
the Wednesday Study c-luli 1 attendance at the junior hich
at the home of Mrs. Deuel. school.
Thimble club meets this
afternoon at home of Mrs. l
l'rue Annie riatt. i ausmcin I emple to
Meeting of the hoard of
directors of the V. W. l
A. In club rooms this eve
nine. flarden club meets this
evening at 7::i0 at the llo
icl Medford.
Oradnate Nurses meet vith
Mrs. Roland A. Smith nt
7:3.0 o'clock this- evening.
W. C. T. 1'. will meet at
2:30 o'clock at the V. W. t
Junior lliKh l'.-T. A. will
meet this afternoon at U o'
clock. St. Mark's cafeteria lunch
eon 12:30 at the Palish
- Sulunlay
The .lacksnn county coun
Hold Initiation On
Wednesday Evening
j ters, is assured
evening. January
Cafeteria Luncheon
ell of Parent-Teachers will
meet for an all-day session ' Scheduled Ol Friday
at Central Point high school (
building, heginning at 10 o-
Colleire Women's cluh will
tho families of ex-service men and
'. the veterans In the hospital nt
j Portland. Any Auxiliary member
.is eligible to attend this club and
; enjoy the fun.
j Kxccutlvo Board Meeting )
I Mrs. Hallo way, president, has
1 called an executive board meet- '.
ing for Monday evening at tho
j home of Mrs. C. O. Humphrey,!
preceding the Hewing club. Kvery-j
.one Is requested to appear prompt
ly at 7:45. I
Dues Will Ho Paid
Dollars have been tightly grasp- j
ed in America this year, ttconom- .
ics have been practiced by the ma-
jority of American women and ex-
pendilures have been examined ;
for a true estimate of their net
return. Perhaps that is one of '
the reasons why so many more ;
women than ever before have paid !
their dues in the American Legion :
Auxiliary. No item of expenditure
in the family budget, brings great- !
er returns than the dollars paid
for Auxiliary membership. I
j If tho Auxiliary member, or thft
eligible woman who is planning to
come Into the Auxiliary this year. ;
keeps a budget the Auxiliary dues;
should be divided between several;
I budget allotments. Part might well
be taken from the allotment for j
The members of St. Mark'a entertainment for, while the Aux-
1 nniin" win lmvft ihnd- i-ofiihn- fe-1 I ba ry Is not a social organization,;
An interesting meeting of Talis
man Temple No. 40, Pythian Sis-
for Wednesday
7th, 1931.
Uhere will be initiation of now)
members and after other ritualis- i
tic work and business is complete, !
installation of the new officers of L
the temple will be held.
A full attendance of tho mem
bership, as well as visiting mem-!
her. is very much desired. The i
meeting will open at :0u p. m. I
. . .'. . . .' ... ju C ii i Id will have their regular cafe
v noifl annual mnenenn ui im- T ...... , Mrs nctfvitie do have their social
ifi in iiuii iieuu iie..t i i uiiij , - -
arv Dth at 12:30 in St. Mark'si 1(le which go far to increase the
Parish house. enjoyment of life for its members.
As this is the spe -iul holiday! 1'' t ' the Auxiliary dues might
luncheon, all members are looking ; he assessed against the Imiirove
forward to a delightful afternoon. j """" " ' lle budget us the
A short business session will Auxiliary meetings often are of a
follow the luncheon, and the re- nature which help members im
mainder of the afternoon will be Pfove their knowledge of national
spent socially. land local affairs and better fit
Friday afternoon. January, them to carry out their responsl
23rd is the date set for their next hllitles as wives, mother and clli-
oiird party, to which the public ""h" of the Lniled States.
Hotel Medfcrd at J o'clock
Meeting of Council
Dated for Saturday
Central Point H. S.
is Invited.
The meeting of the Jackson
County Council of Parents nnd
Teachers will be held at Central
Point on next Saturday, Jan. 10th
nt 10 n. m. in the high school
Kvery Parent-Teacher organiza
tion in the county will he repre
sented by delegates and a large
attendance Is expected.
All members and friends of
parent-teacher work are Invited
to he present for the full day. . I
The Central Point circle will j
Herve luncheon at noon and have :
charge of the program for the j
afternoon for which several splen
did numbers are being prepared.
Those who were ,in attendance
at the county council meeting in
Central Point last year are still
profuse In expressions of admira-
tlon for the delightful program
and luncheon as provided by the
Central Point ladies.
Those fortunate enough to be
able to attend the meeting next
Saturday are looking forward to a
day of Inspiration nnd helpful
association in parent-teacher work.
Mrs. (tilmore Honored
At Hinhriay Party
One of the pleasant affairs of
the pro-Christmas season was the
birthday surprise party given In
Sionor of the birthday of Mrs.
William S. Oilmore of fi5 North
Orange street last Friday evening,
December 1th, when a group of
friends assembled to celebrate the
h a p p y occasion." Refreshments
were served at a late hour and j
the special attractions were a
large birthday cake decorated
with candles and a basketful of ages an
gifts which the following friends I
presented: Reverend and Mrs. K- t
Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. Muynard
Putney, Mr. and Mrs. Fl. Moller,
Miss Frances Moller, Mr. and Mrs.
W. V. Camphell, Mr. and Mrs, W.
C. McCulston, Mr. tieo. Yocum
Mr. and Mrs. (J. Weston, Miss
Katharine Weston.
Americanism School
to Open January 11
The semi-winter term of tho
Americanism school, conducted
by the Daughters of the American
Revolution will begin Sunday, Jan
uary 11th at the city library at 2
All foreign born residents are
urged to take advantage of this
instruction. No charge will be
made for materials or instruction.
D. A. R. News
The Auxiliary dues might also
bo listed in part us a charily ex- I
penditure for tho Auxiliary nnnu-1
ally makes a vast contribution to '.
the welfare of the disabled veter-
uns and, the destitute families .qf j
the' dead and disabled. Women j
whose soldier sons, husbands, j
fathers and brothers returned safe- j
ly from the war should, If for no ;
other reason, enroll annually In;
the American Legion Auxiliary as
a thanks offering for the aid of
less fortunate women. I
Mrs. Eads Hostess !
Missionary Group 1
Mrs. ICverett Kads entertained
members of the executive com
mittee of the Women's Misslon-
National Defense- Committee ary 8o0iety at her home Tuesday
This committee promotes and afternoon. Mrs. Jl. L. Hay, presi
enconrages the Hoy Scouts, the ()(,nt ot- tne Hociety presided at the
flirt Scouts, reserve and citizens' meeting
New Members or The?
Young- Married Set
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Fair
child (Sally Hazlett) are being
welcomed Into local society this
week. Their mnrriagc was an
event of Christmas night at the
fl'lonecr church, Methodist, in
Portland and they arrived In Med
ford the first of the week to make
their home at 117 Laurel street.
training ca mps nnd all other ef
forts, which mean furthering good
citizenship. At the last national
continental congress of the organ
ization It was voted to give to
this work fifteen cents per capita.
The chairman of this national
committee with her associates, has
assembled and distributed exhibits
of literature to prove the wide ex
tent of communism In the United
States nnd elsewhere.
All such literature Is kept on
file and is available for those do
ing research work. Speakers and
others Interested are provided
with such material upon request.
In fact this committee encour-
understanding of Ameri
can principles of government.
It does not dabble In politics
but when American ideals are at
stake it is ready to stand behind
every true American principle.
Mrs. William Walker of Wash
ington, D. C, Is tho national
chairman of this committee. Mrs.
M. T. Johnson of Corvallis is our
state chairman and Mrs. M. J.
Norris is chapter chairman for
Crater Lake chapter.
Print Ire In I. O. (). F.
Hall This Afternoon
All retiring officers and newly
elected officers of Neighbors of
Woodcraft nnd members of the
drill team, will meet In I. O. o.
F. hall this afternoon at l':M0
o'clock for practice.
Dancers Achieve Health, Longevity
Artists9 History Told In Letter
Information vgardlng the dunce . forty and she dances as divinely
.h.M. wm h.. nf .nt.rct t ..ii as n young fflrl. Mur!e Stuart hns
persons w ho are devoting their I
time to the art or contemplating
doing that was recently receive! ;ni .iuriei rmiia now nn wn Were served
hv i in-c iioiunn in n letter tne nuone e mr up- .t-i j
from the American Dnncer. nub- lyerirs. I-a Argentina danced
i been dancing for fifteen yearn.
(Hilda flu iso vn Joined the Pavlova
otnpuny at a bo tit the same time
January 25th was named as
date for annual Woman's day, at
which time a musical pageant
will be presented at the First
Christian church.
Watch Party JO vent
At Million Home.
Mr. and Mt. L. P. Million en
tertained at their home near Tal
ent New Year's eve, celebrating
the passing of the old year and
their 14th wedding anniversary.
Luncheon was served at midnight
and cards and dancing enjoyed
until the early hours of Ht3L
!uests were Mr. and Mrs. H.
C,. Olasscock. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pearson.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Scripter nnd
daughter. Ants, Mrs. Jessie Lang
nnd daughter, Freida. Mr. and
M rs. K. I i. Ma rch a ml M r. n ml
Mrs. A. II. Shirley.
Mr. mid Mrs. Howl
Mr. and Mrs. David Hood In
vited a group of friends to their
new home fn tho Orchard Homo
district Sunday, honoring Mrs.
James Arnold of Applegate, sis
ter of Mrs. Hood.
C.uests were Mr. and Mrs. James
Arnold and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wilson and daughter Mfiry.
M r. and Mis. Joe Thornton and
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Thornton of
the Red Top district.
firebs I'Jitertain
For ( a nnd fa ns
Mr. nnd Mrs. John flreb of Fugle
Point entertained New Year's eve
for Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K. Spencer
of Fast Poplar, Saskatchewan,
who are house guests for the holi
days of their parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Spencer. Among the guests
for the evening were Mrs. Myrtle
Smith and son Alvin. of Medford
and Harold fitch of Fugle Point.
The evening was spent playing
cards, after which, "refreshments
Untied at Los Angeles. Cal. j
Concerning the life of a dancer
the managing editor writes:
'Look at Madame Anna Pav
Wlova! Although in her fifties nhe
still dancing to capacity houses
wherever her com pan. OnPPp''1 ro
ller dancing years have "already
numbered more than thirty. Ruth
St. Denis has been in the public
eye for the pat twenty years, and
Los Angeles is right now agog over
the possibility that she may return
and dance this spring. She Is In
her sixties. It Hi ,iid. nnd yet she
does not look to be a day p"t
many years nfore "be achieved
the popularity that has been hers
for the past five years we esti
mate her professional years as
having already numbered v'-nty.
Harriet Hortor has been d.
for about seven years, and no one
can -0iy that she Is JuOcomlng
into herWyn 'Kh a brilliant fu
ture stretching many years ancau
of tn-r. Then there is Madfime
Flizaheth Menzelle, w hose career
as, a dancer and teacher pqvert-d n
period of TO years, the dancing
portion f her career IpMlng well
over the 3ft year mark."
Thimble f lub
Meet WediM'Mluy
The Thimble Club of Crysan
themunOfin le No. M, Neighbors
of Woodcraft w ill m et with
Neighbor Pru Angle Piatt at her
nemg , home on Fast Jackson street Wed-
neday afternoon. January 7th.
VaC, T. X. Meet In
The W. C. T. L. will meet JunQ
nry S nt 2:30 p. ni. at the V. W. t
parlors. This will be a very
important meeting. All members
are curd in My in it d to be pres
ent, i
The Greatest Event In
the History of The Booter
Beautiful Shoes Reduced Only
Because Sizes are Incomplete
Price reductions are an important factor in this clearance,
but more important still to most women is the splendid
variety of desirable styles which are included
Prices Range from $1.85 to S8.85
Eight Groupings of Shoes
A Price and Style for Everyone
This group is made up
of blacks and browns in
k i d leathers, pumps,
straps and oxfords.
$1.85 and $2.85
These two groups consist of all styles and
patterns. Small and large sizes only.
Sale Starts
A group which is very
complete, including kid
leathers, suedes, satins
and patents. All styles.
Regular price $6.85 to
Many surprises await
you in this group.
No Refunds
No Exchanges
Originally priced $8.50
to $10. Our latest styles
in black and brown kid,
suedes and satins, patents.
Genuine reptiles. All
sbjide and styles.
Clearance Sale of
Selby Arch Preservers
Our entire stock of fine shoes drastically re
duced to make room for new spring stock.
All our regular $12 to $13.50 grades
All our regular $10 to $12 grades
Formerly priced $10 to
$12.50. Evening pumps,
afternoon styles and
sport types of footwear.
Regular $1.95 Hose