Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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TheWeek Society Happenings
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7 I
Miss Murrel Finley
Weds Mr. Cronjager
in New York City
Of special Interest to 'oral so
ciety i the announcement received
hy wire yesterday of the marriage
it Miss Murrel Finley. daughter
of Mrs. -ctltlinm Kwartx of Med
ford and .Mr. Edward Cronjiiger
of New York City, which was an
vent of New Year's day.
Mi Kinley. who is Known from
coast to coast an "The ilolden
'Jirl," throng)! her work on the
Maie and In reoent motion pic
ture production, returned a short, .-. . .
lime ago from a several months t
tour of Kurope. She made her I Mrs Green Resicrn
home in Medford until she entered j ' r"' rcn IKCSlgnS
theatrical work and frequently re. a ClitU Troncfiea
turns to visit her mother anrt' IUU i rcWtUreT,
Air. and Mrs. Cronjager will Loan Party Planned
leava New York this week lor
liollywood, where they will reside
In their .Maiihu beach home.
Bridge Tea Given
Younger Misses at
Field Home Tuesday
Th rtRHon Rnrbnra Jenn Field
nnd Mildred Prury entertained on
Tuesday afternoon wllh a brldo
tea ut thf Field homn for a num
ber of their friendji. Refresh -mnts
were served at a table
heauti fully decorated in rycln
mciiH nnd red candlex.
Ouets wer the MIbaob Kvelyn
Leonard, Loin NnholH. (iwendnlyn
KrniiM, Joan Delxisli. VirKinla
KnrllMh and Helen Ktearna.
ITirS. J. K. IVlQr Snail
Charming Hostess of
Yuletide Season
Mrs. J. R. Marahall entertained
nl home, 1130 West Tenth street
TueHday afternoon from 2 to 0.
There were two tnhlea of hridite
in play und the roomif were, henutl
fully decorated to commemornte
the Yuletide Henson.
First prize ut hrldge was won hy
Mrs. V. Parsons and consolution
went to Mrs. Karl Llttrell.
. Others completing the party
were Mesdames W. II. Wood, R.
.M. Moty, Lee Hunter, Stella An-
derson, A. Llttrell, arid, the hostess.
Mrs. &lnrshnll. FoIIowIiik curds
refreshments were served.
Reception Plans to
Be Made, Meeting
Daughters of Nile
Zuletma Temple No. 13. Dauith
tcrs ftf the Nile, will meet In the
Medford Masonic temple on Sat
urday, January 10th, at 2 o'clock,
following luncheon nt the Hotel
Holland nt 12:30 p. in.
Mrs. C. T. Sweeney, presiding of
ficer of Zutelma temple, i desir
ous of a Rood attendance at this
first meeting of the. year, as plan
of the sewing cltth will he dis
cussed and other husiness of Im
portance disposed of.
Committees WIJ1 he appointed
and arrangements made for the re
ception of Supreme Queen Mrs.
Katherlne Rlnts of Chicago, who
will make her official vlxlt ut Ash
land on Fehruary 4th. The offic
ers for 1931 will ba elected nt the
January meeting.
Miss Janes Hostess
Bridge Tea Tuesday
Among Ihe many delightful
events of the week given in honor
of the. local younger set was the
hrldge tea nt the Janes .home,
given by Miss Hetty Janes Tues
day afternoon. Students home for
the holidays were among the
guests. There were three tallies
of bridge In play nnd prize for
high score was won by Miss Eliz
abeth Swigart.
fiuests were Misses Krederlcka
Rrommer, Iteulah fiore, I'.llow Mac
Wilson. Hilly llummett, Edna
Mohr, Mary Hayes, Allta llolm
hnrk, Oertrude Hasklns, Carlta
Clifford, Clara Mary Fusnn nnd the
Misses Ellzal.elli .and Jean Hwl
(jnrt. J!lxs Snider KiiUt
I'llU-rrsltjr of t)renit
Miss Mary Snider, daughter of
Mrs. John Snider, left Medford on
Friday for Eugene, where she Is
entering the University of Ore
gon. , , , ,
I nlty Circle M ill
Meet On .Monday.
A meeting of I'nlty Circle has
been announced for Monday niwlit
nt 8 o'clock In the Jackson ltiftcl.
Ir. M. T. llolgnte will be the
peaker of the evening.
Open House Lovely Event New Year's
Day at Home of Rev. and Mrs. Porter
The home of Rev. and Mrs. They were received hy Hev. nnd
Claude II. I'orter wns beautifully j ,lr. 1'oiter. Mis. Hamilton Tat
decorated In flowern chrysantlie. ton. Mrs II. K. W. Npllver nnd
mums, rosebuds and carnntlnns , Mrs. Harris Janes poured. The
for open house held on New Year n j tables were colorfully arranged
day from 1:00 until 6:00 o'clock. : with pink imlnsieitas and caudle.
The flowers were sent for tho oc-1 for centerpiece.
raslon by Mm. Middle. Miss Lmlly Itrown acted as
Two hundred gursta called dur- assistant hostess not the Misses
Ing the afternoon to enjoy the re- j Dorothy nnd Mnrjory I'ali y. Louise
vival of B. good old fashioned man-i Hrommer and Hustin Dytian i'rv
ner of welcoming Ihe arrival of ed. assisting wei Mrs. Halpli De.
the new year. j Witt nnd Mrs. Kmlly Dynnn.
Early Copy Desired
Publicity managers of all loral
clubs and organizations and
other- persons submitting news
to tile Sunday society pages are
asked to bring in copy earlier
in the week to injure its inclus
ion in the Sunday paper.
All copy marked "Sunday"
will lie held for the .Sunday
paper. Events held prior to Fri
day should he reported before
a, o'clock Friday evening as
space U reserved Saturday for
events held Friday night nnd
Saturday. All early copy receiv
ed will lie much Appreciated.
.MernberH (f iho tirenter Med
ford olub mei nt the city lihrary
Mondny afternoon for a nuHineHB
seHHion. The treasurer's report was
rend and approved as were the
minutes and several bills.
A letter received fruin the Ore
ffin Federated rlubs was real and
contained a request that the Med
ford club co-operate in the cam
paign to promote homo Industries.
Mrs. K. K. rjreen'H rcHifinatlon
from the office of treasurer was
read anil accepted with reRret by
the metnbersilp. Mrs. iivovn Rave
ill health as her reason for re
signing from office.
I'liins for the Kcholnrship loiin
party, which will be held at the
JinIt-1 Htillund January Kith were
i discussed. .Mrs. K. I. Satchwell
Is chairman of the event.
The nifxt meetlnK of the, dull
wi" heM nt ,nn f!ull1 hal "
January I'llth and will he a musical
Mr. and Mrs. Travis
Entertain During
Holiday Season
Mrs. T. a. TitavlK, 1210 East
Main street, lias had as house
guests during the holldayM her
sister. Mrs. lmmogene t'oghlan of
Los Angeles, and Mr. TravU' hrnth-
er W. TnivlH and Mrs. Travis
of Portland.
Open house was . conducted hy
Mr. and Mrs. Travis New Year's
day hetween S and 8 o'clock and
their hospitality enjoyed hy u large
nlimher of friends.
Garden Club Will
Select Officers At
Thursday Meeting
Annual election of officers will
he the leading feature of the pro
gram at the meeting of the .Med
ford Ourden club, scheduled for
Thursday, January 8th. Members
will gather at the Hotel .Medford
at 7:30 o'clock.
Past Matrons Club
Will Meet Monday
The Pnst Matrons club of
Reamcs chapter will meet Mon
day. Jantiury 6th nt 2:00 o'clock
in the .Masonic Templo.
The luncheon has been dis
pensed with for this meeting.
Committee Is composed of Mes
dames R. L. Rny, 1. II. Ciove nnd
Unlit. Hoyl.
Visiting matrons nre welcome.
Study Club Invited
Mrs. Deuel's Home
Members of the Wednesday
Study club will meet Wednesday
for guest day at the home of Mr?.
S. K. Deuel on South Oakdale. A
pleasing program has been ar
ranged. IntcnMliiK iiiest
Hero For Wi'k-KK
Ann Shannon Monroe, well
known author, was n guest in
southern Oregon last week-end of
Miss Alice llanly. She was ac
companied hy her niece. Mrs. Hel
en Jnckson, and stopped In this
city en route to San Francisco
from Portland.
Mrs. ;rvh mill .Mrs. Smith
I iilcrlaiii nt llliinrr
Mrs. John tlreb and Mrs. Myrtle
Smith entertained with a dinner
New Year's day. Covers were
placed for .Mr. and Mrs. Haskins
ami daughter, Sylvia. Mr. nnd Mrs.
F, Creb und sons, Alvin. John.
Clarence nnd Harold, und Alvin
Smith, all of Eagle Point. Follow
ing dinner games were enjoyed
until n late hot). ,
DuBuques Entertain
New Year's Eve at
Woodlawn Orchards
Mr. and Mis. It. A. Uuliuque
entertained a number of their
friends New Warn eve at their
home. Woodland Orchards. Dunc
iiiK and curds were enjoyed during
the evening.
t;uests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bates, Dr. nnd Mrs. U. L. Sunders,
Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Stone, Mr. and
Mrs. H. K. Nichols, Mr., and Mrs.
O. J.arison, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. (J.
Mendonhall, Mrit. Hallo way, Mr.
:ind Mrs. Kuene Vnn Dyke, Dr. ft.
W. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. L. Alvin
Tollefson, and Mr. nnd Mrs. ftnlph
Wakefield Family
Together for New
Year's Eve Dinner
The home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
V. Wakefield was the scene of
a family reunion and New Year's
eve dinner party Wednesday. Din
ner was followed hy cards with
three tallies of five hundred .In
tiuests for the evening were:
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hansen, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Wakefield, Mr.
and Mrs. E. II. t.'oss. Mr. Ilashaw,
Mrs. Cora Powell, Mr. .and Mrs.
It. W. Wakefield und the Misses
Vivian anil Cecil Coss.
New Year's Eve Is
Celebrated, Frolic
at Hudson Home
Mesdames Oda Hudson, C.rnce
Voss unci Olive Parker were Joint
hostesses nt a New Year's eve
frolic ut their home on North Ouk
dale. Dancing nnd music were
enjoyed with a Spanish luncheon
served nt midnight. Twelve guests
enjoyed their hospitality.
Mrs. Anderson Honor
Guest on Friday At
Luncheon and Bridge
Mrs. Albert E. t)rr entertained
a group of friends, honoring Airs.
.M. II. Anderson of San Francisco,
at a beautifully appointed lunch
eon at the Hotel Medford Friday
followed hy three tables of con
tract bridge at her home.
Three prizes for low scores
were awarded Mrs. larry Schade,
.Mrs. J. c. Thompson and Mrs,
C. T. linker. A lovely guest prize
was presented Mrs. Anderson.
Lady Lions Meet
For Luncheon At
E. M. Wilson Home
The I.ndy Lions will meet Wed
nesdny. January 7th for a cover
ed dish luncheon nt the homo of
Mrs. E. M. Wilson, 3-tO South
Riverside. Assistant hostess will
lie Mrs. Edward Leach.
Miss Mitchell Will
Meet With Y.W.C.A.
The regular monthly meeting of
the hoard of directors of the Y.
V. C. A. will he held In the club
room on Monduy evenlnn, January
Nth at 7:30. Miss Helen Mitchell,
the new secretary, will he with
tis and a full attendance is de-
si red.
Pattons Entertain
New Year's Eve
One of the largest parties of
New Year's eve was .held at the
lovely home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton Patton. Capitol Hill.
Thirty-eight of their friends gath
ered there for dinner nnd danc
ing and watched the old year out
and the new one In.
Mrs. Field Hostess
to Guild Meeting
Members of Ihe Crater Lake
Ouild will meet Tuesday evening
at the home of Mrs. Borna Field,
1'4 Crater Luke avenue, with Mrs.
K, W. Hhockley. Mis. Church nnd
Mrs. Nil.xnn. nsslstunt hoHtesne.
Mrs. W. W. Howard will give n
tiilk on Japan.
.M Kk Pnron4 Join
Ilii nl will Hero
M J?m Mary Pontons arrived in
Medfonl Wednesday from Seattle
to accompany Miss i:M H.ird-jund
well on their return to Los An-,
gcles. where both are Mudent nt;
the Marlborough icKool. M1m
Parson spent the holidrtva with
her parents Ii01,l,,i- O
1 lei urn To
In n lor OiUcgc1 Q
Homer Plait, non of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hal Piatt, left on the Shas-j
(a Saturday to r-um(. his sludtcM
at Junior college la Sacramento. I
Dur inn hii May here sex era I ;
informal alfairs Wre given inl
his honor.
4 i t, - k
Associated '.. t-i, iQ
Ida Elizabeth Cannon, daughter of Rep. and Mrs. Clarence Cannon
ot Missouri, is one of the candidates for beauty queen of the 1931
University of Missouri student yearbook. She is studying journalism
and her home is in Elsnerrv. Mo.
Christmas Musical
Is Given By Piano
Pupils of Mrs. Bebb
On Tuesday afternoon a group
of the piano pupils of Mrs. Hoyal
It ebb wero presented in a "Chrlst
nuis musicale.".
The program follows:
Adeste Fidelis.'' Carland: (four
hands) Kathleen Dillard nnd Lois
"The Clown," It I s h e r; Jaek
"The- Little Skeptic." Spaulding;
(song aud nccompaniment) Em -
niett Ileeson.
"i'ixles' CJoof! - Xiirht Sonc."
Brown; Telen Thompson.
'The Dream Boat," Williams
Why: (song and nccompaniment )
(iretchen McAllister.
Toy maker's Dream," (vocal
duet) LaMurle nnd Fred Beck.
Silent Night, "("'ruber; (four
hands) Karle and Warren Ficht-
Bird's Frolic," Fontnna; "Dol-
ly'a jLullftby,'' (song nnd nccom
paniment ) Margaret Ruth Bolton.
'Harp Kchocs," Virgil: Lois
"Melody from 'OberonV Weber;
(left hand piece) LaMurle Beck.
"Gertrude's Dream," Beethoven;
Fred Beck.
'Serenade," Schubert; '"The
Waltzing Nymph." Spnuliling: "To
fV Wild Rose," McDowell; Kath
leen Dillard.
At the conclusion of the pro
gram all present sang t "SI lent
Night," circled around the lighted
tree, the tuccompanimeut played
by Jack Thompson.
Serving of refreshments com
pleted the happy afternoon.
Mrs.ASmith Hostess
For Nurses9 Meeting
On Thursday Evening
The Graduate Nurses' associn
tlnn will meet at the home of
Mrs. Boland A. Smith. 413 New
town. Thursday evening. Dinner
will br served jit 7:30 and will
he roiimveii ny an interesting pro
gram. Mr. and Mrs. Meeker
Return From North
Mr. nnd Mrs. C A. Meeker re
turned Wednesday from an auto
trip to Portland and Vancouver,
Wash. They visited Mrs. Meeker'
brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C.
K, Corey of Woodburn anil called
on several friend en route. White
In Portland they enjoyed seeing
t he pageant of the Old, Oregon
Trail at the auditorium.
Gregory Home Scene
Of New Year Party
Among the enjoyable N e w
Year's parties held, wns one itlven
Vy Mr. and Mrs. Will Gregory
of Agate. Guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harve Dietrich nnd son How-
ard, Mr
and M rs
Kd Whiteside
son Lloyd. Mr. nnd Mrs. F.ber
Weed aid Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy ,
Coo 1'iitctialu
New Year's Dinner
New. Yenr's Eve Mr. nnd Mis.l
M . K Coe entertained at dinner !
Dr. W. H. Eaton of the First!
Baptist church, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. t. l. Connor of
Grams Pa and Mr. and Mr.
Chester Armstionn of this city
were also dinner cueMs New
Ymi - 'r tlav t th Coe home on!
Dakota avenue.
Holiday Season Ends
J As Students Return
to Various Schools
The fnutivitioa nf Ih. 1i 1 A ti i
Beison wil, cnfl tQday ,n mQ
homeH of the city with the return
to school of studentH who have
spent the vacation with relatives
and friends. Other guests will
al.o return to their homes and
various lines of work.
Clubs nnd other organizations
will resume their regular meet-
ng. which have been adjourned
during the holidays, students will
i lfavP or northern and southern
campuses, many by motor and
others by train. PtudentH of the
local schools will also return to
books tomorrow.
Sixth Anniversary
Celebrated, Party
On New Year's Eve
In honor of their sixth wedding
anniversary Mr. 'and Mrs. F. A.
Hunspoter entertained eighteen
guests nt a 7 :fl0 o'clock tamale
supper on Decenjber 3lst at their
nome m .Jacksonville.
Tho guests Included: Mr. nnd
Mrs. Seldon Hill and daughter
Betty: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bow
man of Central Point; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hoyden, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Arnold and daughters
Norma nnd Bernadine, Zoa Arn
old and daughter Blanche of Med
ford. A mock wedding was a feature
of the evening's entertainment.
Mesdames Judd and
Watkins Entertain
Mrs. K. H. Judd and Mrs. F. A.
Watkins were joint hostesses at a
New Year's dinner party at the
Judd home, 4411 King street.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Watkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 10. Sten
nctt and George Bourne of Phoe
nix; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watkins
and daughter, Evelyn Jean. Mrs.
KUaleen Smylle. Mr. and Mrs. E.
If. Judd nnd Mr. and Mrs. Fr A.
Watkins of Medford nnd Mr. and
M rs. Chester Bourne of Seattle,
who nre spending the holidays
Younger Set Enjoys
Cards Fabrick Home
Among members of the youtiK
er set. who have entertained ilur
Inir the- holidays is Miss Jeanne
K.ihriek. daughter of Mr. and t
Mrs. tllen Kabrlok, who was hos-
-s.s at a bridge party Tuesday
Otiests were Misses J'ecny Mill
er. Justine Miller, Adra Kdwards,
Helen Kdmiston. Mnry Kdmlston,
Marjorie lletland, Carol Podge
Viva Liggett. Flora Mt'Math
Louise Hrommer. 1'atrlcia Hayes
and Anna Mae luon. I
Shorkleyi Home
1'nilil Holiday Trip
Dr. nnd Mrs. K. W. Phoekley
returned Thursday night from u
m,,i,p ir ihr,..h
rutiflrnfll ftni, Arizona, enjoved
.inrtnir ihe hi,..,w i ",i.
j dltion to visiting many scenic
points in the southwest they were
also guests of relative nnd friends
for several days.
ScltcfTrN Itcturti
From Idaho
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Scheffel and
little son Jimmy, returned to this
ciiv FrMnv from ltntrrt. ldnhn.
where llirv sm nl the holiri.-ivn with
. Jrjr
relative. .
I Mrs. Feasley Gives
; Dinner Dance, Home
i New Year's Eve
-Mrs. Marjorie Feaslev Invited
22 frlendM to her home on Crown
avenue New Year's eve to watch
the old year out
Dinner nnd
dancing were enjoyed.
Reception Honoring
Miss Mitchell Held
Y. W. C. A. Friday
A delightful event of Friday eve
ning was the reception held by
directors of the Y.W. C. A. as a
welcome to Mis HeVen Mitchell,
new jwecretnry of the Y.W.C.A.
An interesting fc-ature of the
program was the group of songs
sung by Miss Lewis of Seattle, who
is a gueM in this city for the holi
day reason. Miss Lewis was pre- ! December 30. During the fu.sinea
sen ted at the reception by Mrs. (hour the society voted to pur
B. R. Bryant. - ( chase some article needed at
Genera! plans for the coming j Champoeg and present this at the
year were diricutsed and the need 1 dedication of the Memorial build-
for numerous activities, which will
bring the girls of Medford in closer
contact with the V. W. C. A. em
phaized hy Miss Mitchell.
Directors present for the recep
tion were Mesdames W. S. Oil
more. R. A. Hopper, A. R. Clem
ent. B. R. Bryant. W. A. Holloway.
W. F. Campbell. A. J. Anderson.
:. Iverson, Kva Mains Carlow. R.
O. Mulholland, Hnrrf Nordwlck,
C. Jt. I'orter and I. If. Oove.
Mrs. Nichols Honor
Guest Bridge Party
At Pennington Home
Monday afternoon Mrs. Laurence
Pennington entertained for Mrs. O.
O. NichoLs of Klarnath Falls, form
erly of this city. Bridge was play
ed at two table. High score wns
held by Mrs. Harry DuBuque, and
low by Mrs. Sanders.
Oue.sts were: Mrs. Harry Prent
ice. Mrs. Jlenry Bates, Mrs. Harry
DuBuque. Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. D. W.
Stone, Mrs. Ralph Jenning.s and
Mis. J. J. Nichols.
Dancing And Bridge
Follow Dinner Party
On Saturday Evening
Sixteen guests were entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laur
ence Pennington on the Jackson
ville road Saturday evening. Din
ner, bridge and dancing were en
joyed as well as a beautiful Christ
ma,! tree, laden with amusing gifts
for all guests. Mr. Hendershott and
son. Herman, of Kugene were -spec
ial guests and entertained the
group with piano and violin num
bers. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs,
Marc Jarmin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. A I Littrell,
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Tyree, Mr. and
Mrs. O. O. Nichols. Dr. A. E. Dod
son nnd Miss Dorothy Carles.
Birthdays Observed
With Holiday Party
Betty Jane and Tiwrence Penn
ington Jr., entertained with a
birthday party Tuesday afternoon.
Their birthdays being on Christ
mas Eve nnd New Year's Day
they celebrated together. Gnmes
and contest were the diversions
for the afternoon. Guests were:
Joan and Maxine Guyer, Mary
Louise McElhoge. Katherlne Mead,
Elaine Brophy, Hetty Anne Wake
field. Raymond Itinebarger. Glen
Stewart, Itussel Finch, Harvey
Fields Jr.. Dorr Barrett. Max Nich
ols, Donald Root.
Roberts Entertain
With Dinner Party
Amonc the many pleasant events
nf the holiday week was the din
ner party Riven last evening by
Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge - ltohert at
their lovely home on Crown hill.
Covers were placed for 20 guests.
Pajnma Party Kvent
Of New Year's I've
M is .Marjory Mulholland.
daughter of Or. and Mrs. K. O.
Mulholland. entertained a Rroup of
friends wllh a dinner nnd pajama
party Wednesday night.
Will Itotuni
To School
Hlrhurd Wood, a student of
Tolytechnle College of Kngineer
Ing nt Oakland. Cal., will return
' rhol today after spending the
I holidays with his aunt. Mrs. Liter
Virgin Wool
Coat and slip-on styles.
Buy one at regular price.
Take another for
The Men's Shop
Next to Rialto Theatre
Annual Luncheon Is
Planned By College
; Women for Saturday
The College Women's club is
completing plans for the annual
i luncheon to he held at the Hotel
, , .,!' """""" '"'"
ing to make reservations are asked
I to call Mrs. Lelatid Mentzer, 927X.
I Mrs. Robert 'Hammond will re-
j view "That Man. Dawes." by Paul
I i-eacn. airs. t.isie uarnon Strang,
j accompanied by, Mrs. Eva Marsh
i will sing several numbers.
! C. A. R. Are Guests
Of Lela Henderson
At Tuesday Meeting
General Jo.snph Lane society. C.
A. R., was entertained hy little
Miss Lela .Henderson on Tuesday
ing on January 14th, which sev
eral of the members are planning
to attend.
Tho society also expects to con
tribute to the four projects spon
sored by the national society. The
treasurer's report showed $.9t;
received from the birthday offer
ing and candy sale. This with the
dues now coming in will enable
tho organization to carry out
The following program was
given: "The Origin of the Yule
Log" by Carol Dodge; "Christmas
Hymns" was ably explained by
Margaret Childers, Christmas ob
servances in Holland and Ger
many were described by L'iizabeth
and Frances Ferry.
Mexico's new Santa Claus, Quet
zal Cotal, who was the Aztec God.
now being adopted as their Santa
Claus, was the subject covered by
Barbara Holt.
A request, for wash cloths and
tooth brushes was read by Ruth
An article, "When A merican
History Hung on a Woman's
Word," recently received by Mrs.
G. Q. D'Albini, was referred to
as one of tho valuable historical '
facts constantly being discovered.
The article deals with Empress 1
eainerlne K refusal to give Russian
troops to fight the American col
onists. . At the conclusion of the pro
gram eah' member wins presented
a Christmas gift. The hostess, as
sisted by her mother, Mrs. Ray
Henderson, served refreshments.
Marrtage of Local
Couple Announced
t .
Announcement of the marriage
of Miss Lanier Hansen, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hansen,
and Mr. William Heath, was made
in this city Wednesday. The wed
ding was un event of December
lKth In Klamath Falls, the Rev.
Theodore Smith, reading the serv
ice. Mr. and Mrs. Heath will make
their home in this city, where
both are popular members of soc
iety. The bride Is a graduate of
the Sacred Heart hospital school
of nursing and Mr. Heath is a
member of the Associated Oil
company staff.
Miss Kelly Honored
At Informal Party
Complimenting Jliss Marjory
Kelly, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs.
K. 13. Kelly, who Is in this city
to spend the holidays. Mrs. Ed
ward Kelly entertained with two
tallies of hrldge at her home on
Tuesday evening. Miss Kelly is
supervisor of physical education
In the Albany schools.
t;iiet.N of Swlgim
Will l.cuve Today,
Miss Mary swigart nnd house
Rtleet,- Miss Hazel firulier, and
the Messrs. Klliott Ayres and I!oh
ert Scott of San Kranclsco. who
have also heen house guests at
the c. A. Switart home during
tho holidays will leave today by
motor. .Miss Klizaheth Sw'igart
will return to Oregon Stale Col
lege, t'orvallis to resume her
school work.
Exquisito diamonds securely let
in platinum or gold told to
you with Our guurontes and Ihe
"Symbol of Cer
tainty'' in Value,
Style, and Ctofts.
WOOD munihip.VVirked
in the Ring und on the Tay.
i Luncheon and Cards
Enjoyed By Members
Local Pan Hellenic
.,.,,,. u .
t A 1:00 o clock luncheon nt the
n()lC .Medford was enjoyed yester
l(ay uf'tPrnon ,,y members of Pon
Hellenic. Followin
bridge was played at the home of
Mr. Aletha Vawter, who was as
sisted as by Mrs. Stephen
Yuletide Party Is
Event at Bebb Home
On Saturday Evening
In celebration of tho Yuletide
season, Mr. and Mrs. Royal K.
Bebb entertained with a dinner
party at their home on Saturday
evening. Covers were laid for
twelve and the appointments were
beautifully selected, indicative of
the holiday season. The enter
talnment of the evening was di
vided between moving; pictures of
some of the party, shown by Hor
ace Bromley, "ping-pong" and
dancing. A Russian dance in cos
tume was presented by La Murle
Beck as a feature.
Dinner Party Kn joyed
At llanby Homo
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. llanby en
tertained at dinner Friday eve
ning nt their home on North Holi
ly. Covers were placed for. eight.
Clients we're Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
i ' ivws. M r. and M rs. C A . Meek
er, Mrs. Maud Chapman aud Mrs.
Laura West.
1931 Spring Prints assign
ing on the dotted line . , .
and the dots aren't all
round, either. Diamond
shaped dots are taking the
place of round dots . . . The
white dot on a dark back
ground is a new develop
ment of the season, one
which emphasizes the ling
erie touch of white collars
and cuffs.
'Dislinctive Individual
Apparel for Women"
$1895 C